#cause i'm a train nerd and its one of my fave movies
Dev post on the elderly man that took in Sage when they first started living in Red Grave City:
The older man who took Sage in was named Frank, and he was an old widow who had only recently lost his wife. Him and his wife never had kids and so when he took Sage in he had hoped to fill some kind of gap - as his wife always did want to have children. 
They never quite got to that level of a relationship, but Frank did appreciate the company and the help around the house and at work. He liked being able to teach his skills to someone who would actively listen, instead of the punks at the railyard who were just there for an ‘easy job’. He appreciated Sage’s medical knowledge and was able to put the stop to some health problems because Sage was attentive and able to tell when something was wrong. They were friends, at the very least.
When the demon tree showed up in Red Grave City, Frank was terrified. On one hand he had a split thought of joining his wife in death, on the other hand he wanted to protect Sage and the others at the railyard. However learning of Sage’s demonic nature, and being outwardly threatened by Sage made Frank fearful. While Sage did not threaten Frank on purpose, they had only just lost control of themselves for a moment because of the parasite, they were thankful for this happening for multiple reasons. One, Frank would not have left if not for it - Frank was stubborn and determined, and Sage knew that. Two, They had always wondered if Frank would accept them or not, and while it wasn’t the answer they were hoping for at least it was an answer. Three, Sage didn't want to kill another human but especially one they knew - with Frank far away from them at least they didn’t have to worry about that.
Sage started sleeping at the railyard again post DMC5 so that Frank could have his apartment back - though what Sage didn’t know was that the building was destroyed and Frank had to find a new place to live. Sage hears the older people at the railyard talk about Frank, and ask Sage if they would like to pass any message onto him - they always say no.
Frank has had time to think over what happened but he’s still not sure how to feel about Sage considering a demonic force did destroy the city. But he has occasionally left things for Sage to find at the rail yard. This is the only form of communication they’ve had since Frank left the city. 
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