#cause i deadass never thought of Eli's fav foods and drinks tbh tbh?
nwolf6 · 3 years
OC profile!!
i was tagged by @parviocula and @onlymeandlife thank you!!! so much!!! i only now got to sit down and write it oof
i'm tagging: @evilpol @vos-videmus @ghoulcouriersix @leather-nomad @pinkydude @visixv @ssevth and whoever wants to, but also no pressure!!
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:::General::: Name: Eleanor J[redacted] Alias(es): Eli, El, Crash Gender: female Age: unknown (probably around 31-34) Birthdate: unknown Place of birth: unknown (probably Night City) Hometown: unknown (probably Night City, nomad through late teenage years) Spoken languages: English, bits of Spanish Sexual preference: pansexual 💗💛💙 Occupation: street racer, assassin, depending on the price takes regular mercenary gigs too
:::Appearance::: Eye colour: artificial violet (the reminiscent of her natural, cold, violet colour) Hair colour: black Height: 175cm/5’8” Scars: A palette of multiple, quite awful looking scars over her whole back, hips, as well as sides and belly. The slices create odd shapes and patterns, giving impression as if cables once ran under her skin. Apart from those, there’s a few smaller ones - the most significant one being three vertical scratches over her right breast, souvenir from a car crash.
:::Favourite::: Colour: various shades of pink Hair colour: the natural black on her, no preferences towards other people - although she does enjoy naturally auburn hair Song: R E L, Artemis Delta - Night City Food: lasagna Drink: cherry soda
:::Have they…::: Passed university: never attended one Had sex: yes Had sex in public: yes Gotten pregnant: no and won’t (infertile) Kissed a boy: yes Kissed a girl: yes Gotten tattoo: not yet, gets one thanks to Johnny (the game canon one) Gotten piercings: basic earrings, also nose trill and brow piercings Been in love: she thought so, a few times Stayed up for more than 24 hours: god, constantly
:::Are they…::: A virgin: no A cuddler: depends on the person, but usually no A kisser: yes, she adores kisses in all forms!! Scared easily: no Jealous easily: no, but she w i l l act like a baby Dominant: no Submissive: big yes In love: wait for her to realise Single: pre-game canon yes, post-game canon no
:::Random questions (TW: self harm/suicide mention)::: Have they harmed themselves: yes Thought of suicide: yes Attempted suicide: not directly, but she has a tendency of picking out gigs with no thoughts on going back Wanted to kill someone: more times than she’d like to admit Have/had a job: yes Have any fears: quite a few, fears, fobias and anxieties, water being her greatest enemy
:::Family::: Sibling(s): unknown Parent(s): unknown Children: none Significant other: Robert J. Linder (post-game, in my headcanon) Pet(s): none
screenshot by wonderful syphon!!
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