#cause i can't see any other reason for her to get so unnecessarily upset
kkeke99 · 2 years
got voice to me that ****** from [redacted] dissed mama on mama's stage cause it didn't sit right with her that cranky ass cringe tomboy didn't win soty but love dive (an actual song) did instead, she called mama a rigged award show who gives off awards like gifts only for her to accept one of those gifts two seconds later all smiley. she's always been such an hypocrit so why are kpop stans noticing only now?
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The Last One
The Court - Throne of Glass x FRIENDS - Fic Series
S10, E17/18 : Rowan, after realizing he's still in love with Aelin, chases her down, refusing to let her go. Meanwhile, Elide and Lorcan welcome their baby...or babies, into the world.
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Episode chosen for Rowaelin Month 2021. Day 12: Delayed Love Confession
Fic Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Read on Ao3 | Rowaelin Month Masterlist
Warnings: Language, Mentions of Sex, Mentions of Birth
7860 words
Rowan woke up to the bed shifting. He cracked an eye open, still cloudy with sleep, and watched Aelin sit on the opposite edge while she pulled her shirt over her head, concealing the bare expanse of her back.
“Hey.” He croaked, voice still rough.
She turned and gave him a soft smile, whispering, “Go back to sleep, I have to go home.”
Rowan wanted nothing more than for Aelin to never leave his bed, but he knew she had things to do so instead he said, “Oh, okay.” He reached a hand across the sheets and grabbed hers, “Last night was amazing.”
She finished putting on one of her shoes and looked back at him with that same soft smile, “It really was.”
Rowan tried to read the emotions that flashed across her face but then she was standing and bending over to draw him into one last kiss. Her palm rested on his cheek while his gently cupped the back of her head before they pulled away. Rowan kept his eyes on Aelin as she left his room and he didn’t fall back onto his pillow until he heard the sound of his apartment door clicking shut behind her.
Elide was scared. Scratch that—terrified. Elide was terrified, but she kept her calm as best as she could while she held Asterin’s hand.
Elide had thanked all the gods she could name for Asterin coming into her and Lorcan’s lives. After getting married and enjoying the first few months of bliss, she and Lorcan decided to try having a baby, but after months of negative pregnancy tests and too many doctors visits, they were told it likely would never happen for them. Devastated, they thought through their options and settled on adoption. But even then, they knew it would take some time.
Elide remembered some afternoons spending hours sitting by the phone desperately hoping it would ring and be someone from the adoption agency to tell them they’d been picked. When they’d finally gotten the call and met Asterin, a young woman who was looking for the perfect parents for her baby, they knew it was meant to be.
Now, standing in the delivery room, Elide held Asterin’s hand as the woman powered through another contraction.
“Breathe, breathe, breathe,” Elide coached encouragingly, “good.”
“Are you fully taking over, or do I get to say breathe?” Lorcan asked as he walked to Elide’s side beside the bed.
She scoffed and tilted her head to meet his eyes. “No. Last time, you said it like a sociopath, and it creeped her out.” She turned back towards Asterin who looked tired, “Can I get you anything? Ice chips?”
“No,” Asterin shook her head, “I’m okay.”
Elide nodded and smiled, “Alright, I’ll be right back.”
As she started to walk out of the room, Lorcan’s hand shot out and gripped her elbow, stopping her.
“Where are you going?” He asked. She could almost detect a hint of nerves as he spoke.
Elide raised a brow, “To the bathroom.”
Lorcan lowered his voice so that only Elide could hear. “You can't leave me alone with her.”
“What?” She asked incredulously.
Lorcan ran a hand through his long hair, and now she could definitely see nervousness etched across his face. “This is exactly the kind of social situation that I am not comfortable with” he grumbled.
Elide snorted, “What kind of social situation are you comfortable with?”
He leveled a stare at her. “It's just that we've never spent any time, you know, alone together.”
Elide rolled her eyes at her husband, “You’ll be fine,” she took a step and turned back, giving him a small smirk, “No, you won't, but I'll be back in two minutes.”
Lorcan sighed but grumbled okay.
He walked back over to the woman lying in the hospital bed, trying his best to seem calm, but by the grimace she shot him, he wasn't doing a very good job.
“So, uh,” He grasped for something to say, “any plans for the summer?”
“I don't know, maybe travel? I wanna do some flying again.”
Lorcan hummed, still not sure what to say. If Elide had still been in the room, she’d have laughed at how ridiculous he looked. Standing well above six feet, with his hands fidgeting and swaying on his toes from being so uncomfortable in the moment.
“So, you ever wonder which is worse, you know; going through labor or getting kicked in the nuts?” Lorcan asked the first thing that came to mind and immediately regretted it. He should've just kept his mouth shut.
“What?” Asterin asked, her eyebrows scrunching in disbelief.
“I mean, uh,” He rubbed the back of his neck, “One of life's great, unanswerable questions. I mean, who knows? Maybe there's something even more painful than those things?” Lorcan cringed and suggested, “like this.”
Lysandra walked into Fenrys’ apartment to see him holding two small fuzzy animals.
“Good morning,” She said hesitantly.
“Hey!” Fenrys grinned, lifting up the creatures.
“What's that?” Aedion asked, following Lysandra into the room.
Fenrys grinned, “It's my house-warming present for Elide and Lorcan.”
Lysandra and Aedion shared a look.
“It's a baby chick and duck,” Lysandra said, unnecessarily. “You know they’re living in the suburbs right?”
“Uh-huh,” Fenrys nodded, “And I named them Chick Jr. and Duck Jr.”
Aedion snorted, “I didn’t see that coming.”
“Yeah, I figure they'll love it at the new house, you know?” Fenrys set the animals down, “It has that big backyard. And then, when they get old, they can go to that special farm that Lorcan took the other chick and duck to.”
Lysandra raised a brow at Fenrys and hummed, unable to say what she actually wanted to say.
Aedion barely held in a grin as he nodded sagely to Lysandra and mocked, “Yeah. It's a shame people can't visit there.”
Fenrys was cut off as Rowan showed up and joined them in the apartment,
“Guess what?” Lysandra whirled on Rowan, smiling, “we’re almost all aunties and uncles!”
“What?” Rowan asked, confused.
“Yeah,” Fenrys said, “Asterin went into labor last night. Elide and Lorcan are at the hospital right now!”
“Oh, my gods.” Rowan grinned at the thought of a massive Lorcan holding a tiny baby. He shook his head, glancing around, “Is Aelin here?”
Fenrys glanced towards Aelin’s room, “Uh, I think she's still asleep. Hey, how did it go with you guys last night? She seemed pretty pissed at you.”
Rowan couldn’t—wouldn’t—suppress his smile as he thought about the night before. Being with Aelin again was better than he remembered, and he cursed himself for all the time they’d missed out on.
“Yeah, we, uh, we worked things out.”
Lysandra’s eyes widened as she watched him, “What's that smile? Did something happen with you two?”
Rowan chuckled, “Hey, I'm not one to kiss and tell,” then he muttered, “but I'm also not one to have sex and shut up.”
Apparentally, his last words weren't as quiet as he thought.
Aedion groaned, wincing “Dude, that's my cousin.”
Rowan ignored Aedion as Fernys laughed, “Oh my gods, You and Aelin?”
“I know, it's great.” Rowan didn't think his grin could get any wider.
Lysandra hugged him, squealing, “So what does that mean? Are you guys getting back together?”
“I…” He trailed off, frowning. They hadn’t actually talked about it before Aelin had left earlier that morning. “I don't know. We didn't really get to talk about it.”
“But do you wanna get back together?” She pushed.
Rowan didn’t hesitate as he said with certainty, “Yeah, I do. it just felt so right. When I was holding her, I mean, I never wanted to let her go. I want to be together.”
Lysandra, Aedion, and Ferys all had matching smiles as they listened to Rowan.
Then Fenrys spoke up and Rowan felt himself deflate.
“So is she still going to Paris?” He asked, still holding the small animals.
Rowan had been so caught up in the happiness of last night and that morning that he’d completely forgot the reason why he and Aelin had been so emotionally worked up their argument caused the tension to finally snap, leading them to spend the night together.
Aelin had been offered an amazing job. A perfect job. Perfect, except for the fact that it was in Paris and not New York
She'd had said goodbye to each of their friends. Except him. She’d cried and laughed and reminisced with all of them. Except for Rowan.
He’d been so upset, so angry. How could Aelin not have anything to say to him, after all these years, after all they’d been through?
When he’d confronted her, she’d told him, devastated, “If you think I didn't say goodbye to you because you don't mean as much to me as everybody else, you're wrong. It's because you mean more to me.”
He’d stopped her, not needing to hear anymore as he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her in for a searing kiss. She’d been shocked, unprepared for Rowan’s actions. She’d stepped away, searching his face, before pulling him towards her and kissing him again.
Gods, how could he have forgotten that she was leaving?
“Wow, I hadn't thought of that. I hope not.” Rowan didn't know how he would deal with Aelin leaving now. He’d just realized that he still loved her, and now he might lose her. But how could he expect her, or ask her, to stay? What kind of person would that make him? A desperate one? A man in love? Or an overreaching, entitled one who thought he could step in the way of one of the best opportunities she'd ever been given?
He would have to talk to her before he spiraled any further.
“Oh, this is so great!” Lysandra exclaimed, unaware of Rowan’s churning thoughts, “You guys might get back together, Elide and Lorcan are getting their baby, and there are chicks and ducks in the world again!
They all looked towards the sound of a door opening to see Aelin emerge from her room.
“Good morning,” She smiled at them and ignored the pointed looks and wiggling eyebrows of her friends.
“Hey,” Rowan smiled at her.
She walked up to him and greeted him quietly, “Hey.”
“How’d you sleep?”
She smiled, “Good, you?”
He matched her grin, “Good.”
Fenrys snorted, “I bet you did!”
Aelin flipped him off, shooing him, Lysandra, and Aedion away. Once they’d left, Rowan cupped her face and swooped down to kiss her. It felt like coming home.
When they broke apart, they both wore soft smiles.
“Last night was wonderful,” Aelin told him, rubbing a hand down his arm.
“Yeah, it was.”
She kept her eyes on his as she told him, “I woke up today with the biggest smile on my face.”
He tried to keep the satisfaction off his face but failed and she huffed a laugh, rolling her eyes before softening her features again.
“I know, me too,” Rowan told her, moving one thumb to brush along her cheek. “It was...you know, it was like one of those things you think is never gonna happen, and then it does, and it's everything you want it to be.”
She nodded, “I know,” Aelin leaned up to press another soft kiss to his lips before pulling him into a hug to say into his ear, “it was just the perfect way to say goodbye.”
In that moment, at her words, Rowan felt like his heart shattered into a million little pieces.
The hospital room buzzed with excitement.
“It's just a little bit more, honey.” Elide held Asterin’s hand as the young woman pushed again.
She sobbed, more in frustration than anything else “Help me! This hurts!”
Lorcan stood a step back and asked, “Is it really that bad?”
Both women glared at him with a ferocity that made him want to be swallowed up by a hole in the ground.
“Yeah,” Asterin answered through gritted teeth, “I think it's time to kick you in the nuts and see which is worse!”
Elide sighed as she was reminded of the words Lorcan reluctantly relayed to her earlier. She looked back at him, “No tact.”
The doctor cleared his throat, drawing all their attention towards him, “The baby's head is crowning.”
“Oh my God!” Elide cried, walking around to see, “That is the most beautiful top of a head I have ever seen! Lorcan, you have to see this!”
Lorcan had never looked more uncomfortable. “I'm okay.”
Elide whirled on him, “Lorcan, you don't wanna miss this. This is the birth of your child!”
His child. The words rang through him and sparked some sense of resolve. He shook himself of his discomfort, outwardly at least, and stepped up behind Elide to see what she was seeing.
“Wow.” He murmured reverently, “Disgusting.”
Elide scoffed but Loracn gripped her shoulders and kissed her forehead.
“Here we go,” The doctor said, glancing back up at Asterin “Start pushing.”
A shill cry broke through the air and Elide and Lorcan watched as the doctor held up a beautiful little baby. When Elide ripped her eyes away from the infant as the nurses cleaned it, she looked up to find Lorcan already staring at her with tears in his eyes. They didn’t have to say anything, they both felt the same overwhelming sense of love.
“It’s a boy.” The doctor said, leaning back and adjusting his gloves.
“A...a boy!” Elide beamed at Lorcan as he stood open-mouthed before showing her the widest smile she’d ever seen on the man.
“A boy.” He breathed.
“Oh, you did it!” Elide went back to Asterin’s head and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She leaned closer to the girl and whispered, “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
Asterin smiled at them both, “I'm really happy for you guys.”
“How do you feel?” Lorcan asked.
She sighed, “So tired.”
The doctor sat back into position, saying, “Well, you don't have that much time to relax. The other one will be along in a minute.”
The hand Lorcan had been rubbing down Elide’s back froze, as did both of their breathing as they slowly turned to face the doctor with eyebrows up to their hairlines.
“I’m sorry,” Elide said slowly, aware that Lorcan hadn’t resumed breathing yet, “who should be along in a what now?”
The doctor gave them a weird look, “The next baby should be along in a minute.”
“One.” Lorcan finally regained his ability to speak. “One baby. We signed up for one baby.”
“You know it's twins, right?” The doctor asked slowly
Elide laughed hysterically, “Oh, yeah! These are the faces of two people in the know!”
“I…” The doctor trailed off, “I can't believe you didn't know it's twins! This has never happened before.”
“Oh wow,” Loracn snorted incredulously, “That makes me feel so much better.” He ran an agitated hand through his hair.
“Wait,” Elide faced the doctor, “did you know it was twins?”
He nodded slowly, “Yeah, it's here in the paperwork we got from the clinic.”
Elide then spun around to Asterin, “Anybody tell you?”
Asterin furrowed her brows, “I don't think so. Not explicitly.” she insisted. “they did mention something about two heartbeats. But I thought that was just mine and the baby's. They kept saying both heartbeats are really strong, and I thought well, that's good 'cause I'm having a baby.”
Elide let out a shaky breath trying to wrap her mind around what was happening. “This is unbelievable.”
Lorcan gripped Elide’s arm and tugged into the corner of the room. “Can I see you for a second?”
Elide had never in her life seen Lorcan look more unsure of what to do. His hands were shaky as he gripped hers. “What do we do?”
She took a deep breath and looked directly into his eyes. “What do you mean what do we do?”
“Twins.” He stated urgently, “Twins!”
Seeing Lorcan so frazzled oddly calmed Elide down. “Lorcan, you’re panicking.”
“I sure as fuck am, join me!”
She cracked a half-smile, “Lorcan, take a breath, it’s going to be okay.”
“Elide, we are not ready to have two babies!” his eyes were still wide in shock and fear.
“That doesn’t matter!” she hissed, grabbing his arms and making him focus on her. “We have waited so long for this. I don't care if it's two babies. I don't care if it's three babies! We are taking them home because they are our children!”
Lorcan’s face softened and she watched as a steady resolve found its way across his face and through his body. They took a breath together and he pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead gently. When he pulled away, he had a small smile reserved only for her. “Okay.”
“Okay,” she repeated, her arms still wrapped around him.
“Okay!” he laughed, and this time it wasn’t fear clouding the sound, but joy.
“It looks like we're about ready over here.” the doctor called, and Elide and Lorcan walked back towards Asterin.
When another cry sounded, the doctor lifted the second baby, declaring, “It’s a girl.”
“A girl?” Lorcan asked quietly, a smile growing.
“Indeed.” The doctor replied, passing her to be cleaned up.
Spinning towards Elide, Lorcan said excitedly, “Well now we have two different ones!” then he whirled back to the doctor and put on his stoniest glare, “And that's enough!”
Lysandra, Aedion, Fenrys, and Rowan sat in the coffee house, Cadre Coffee, as Rowan told them what Aelin had said earlier.
“And then she hugged me and said it was the perfect way to say goodbye.” Even repeating it now, felt like chewing on broken glass.
“What did you say?” Fenrys pried.
Rowan sputtered, “Nothing. What do you say to that?” What could he say to that?
“Rowan,” Lysandra pleaded, “you've got to tell her how you feel.”
“I can’t do that to her.” He sighed, defeated. “I can’t lay that on her right before she’s supposed to leave.”
“Rowan,” Aedion leaned forward, making sure he held the silver-haired man’s attention, “Aelin doesn't know that you wanna get back together. If she did, she might feel differently. She might not even go.”
“You really think so?” he asked, trying not to sound too hopeful.
Just then, Aelin breezed into the coffee shop.
“Hi, guys!” She waved before walking up the counter.
Rowan watched her a moment. “Alright, you know what? You're right. I should at least tell her how I feel.” He could do that. He had to do that.
"Rowan, wait!" Fenrys called from behind him.
Rowan spun around, "What?"
Fenrys grinned, "Can you get me a muffin?"
Rowan gave him a one-finger response and took a step towards Aelin.
“Aelin?” Nox, the barista who’d worked at the coffee house for as long as any of them could remember, got her attention.
“I know you’re leaving tonight, but I just have to tell you. I love you.”
Rowan stood frozen in place, mouth open, as he watched the scene unfold.
“I... I don't know if that changes your plans at all, but I thought you should know.” Nox nodded earnestly.
“Nox, Oh,” She placed a hand on his shoulder, “I love you too. Probably not in the same way, but I do. And, and when I'm in a café, having coffee, I'll think of you.” She kissed his cheek before waving towards the group and leaving the coffee house.
Rowan sat down, meeting the shocked gazes of his friends. “Oh, my gods!”
Lysandra snorted, “Unbelievable!”
"Hey," Fenrys leaned forward, "you know what might help?"
Rowan glared at him and scoffed, "I'm not getting you a muffin!"
“We're going to take Asterin to recovery now.” The nurse told Elide and Lorcan as they each held one of their babies.
“Oh wait,” Elide caught Asterin’s hand, “There's something that we want to tell you. We decided to name the girl-baby Asterin.”
She smiled, “Oh, that’s just like my name!”
Elide held in a laugh. It was clear Asterin was either still on some medications or just very, very tired.
“Okay,” the blonde woman said, “I'm gonna go and get some rest. I'm really glad I picked you guys. You're gonna make great parents. Even Lorcan.”
Despite his eye roll, Elide saw the pride and gratitude in Lorcan’s eyes.
“Bye, Asterin.” Elide called as she was pushed out of the delivery room.
Moving closer to Lorcan, Elide cooed, “Oh look at all their teeny fingers and toes.”
“I know,” he smiled widely, making him look younger, “You ready to trade?”
“Okay!” They tried maneuvering a few different ways but eventually gave up. Switching babies when you only have two hands is not an easy feat. “Alright, let’s see…”
“Maybe later?” he suggested.
At Elide and Lorcan’s apartment, Lysandra found Fenrys hunched over the coffee table.
“Hey, what are you working on?” She asked, walking into the living room.
He grinned, “It’s a ‘Welcome Home’ sign for the baby.” He held up the large sign which read Welcome Home Baby in red paint beside a funky-shaped red blob.
“Uh,” Lysandra squinted, “Is that supposed to be the baby?”
Fenrys rubbed the back of his neck, looking sheepish. “No, I sat in the paint.”
She snorted just as Rowan walked in.
“Hey,” He nodded at them.
“Hey, so did you talk to Aelin?” Lysandra asked.
Rowan ran his hand through his hair and sighed, “No, and I'm not going to.”
“What?” Lysandra asked incredulously at the same time Fenrys jumped up and asked, “Why not?”
Rowan dropped into a seat at the kitchen table. “Because she's just going to shoot me down. You guys saw what happened with Nox.”
Lysandra scoffed and lightly hit him upside the head. “How can you compare yourself to Nox? I mean, sure, he's sexy in a more obvious way.” She smirked as Rowan glared. “You have a relationship with her, you slept together last night. For gods’ sake, you’re Rowan and Aelin! You’re Rowaelin!”
Rowan huffed, standing up, and told her harshly, “Yeah, and she still wants to go! It's pretty clear where her head is at.” He sighed, shoulders slumping. “Look, even if I were going to tell her, I don't have to do it now. Okay? I'll be seeing her again. We've got time.”
“Gods, Rowan!” Lysandra tried to make him see reason. “No, you don't! She's going to Paris! She is going to meet somebody. Do you know how many hot guys there are in Paris?”
The door opened before Rowan could get another word in and Aedion strode in carrying a rolled-up paper.
“Hey,” He said as he walked over to Lysandra to kiss her before setting the paper on the table.
“Hey, babe,” Lysandra smiled. “Whatcha got?”
“Oh,” Aedion brightened and unrolled the piece of paper. “I made a little something. If I had more time to work on it, it'd be better, but.” He shrugged, revealing a precisely drawn sign reading Welcome to the World, Baby Lochan.
“Damn, Ashryver,” Rowan nodded appreciatively “that’s really good.”
Fenrys scoffed, still standing next to his sign, and rolled his eyes, grumbling, “You know, the baby can't read, Aedion.”
Lysandra laughed as Aelin opened the door and strode in.
“Hi. You guys, my car just got here,” she said dejectedly. “I can't believe they're not home yet! I have to catch my stupid plane. I wanna see the baby!”
Fenrys spoke up, “Elide called a few minutes ago from the car. She said they should be here any minute. And apparently, there's some big surprise?”
As if on cue, Elide carefully pushed the door open and stepped inside carrying a small baby.
Aelin couldn’t hold in her gasp and none of them tried to hide the misting in their eyes.
“Oh, my gods!” Aelin beamed as she walked to Elide, resting a hand on her shoulder.
“Oh, El!” Lysandra gushed, rushing forward.
“So tiny,” Rowan murmured, coming up next to Elide as Fernys and Aedion joined the small group, too.
They turned as they heard another set of footsteps enter, turning to see Lorcan walk in carrying his own small bundle.
“What the—”
“Oh, my gods!”
“Holy sh—”
Five different exclamations happened simultaneously as all their eyes darted between the two babies.
Rowan shook himself and clasped Lorcan on the shoulder, “Okay, awkward question. The hospital knows you took two, right?”
Lorcan glared at Rowan but neither man could keep the grins off their faces as they looked down at the infants.
“Yes, Whitethorn, it’s twins.”
“They’re precious,” Lysandra cooed, making funny faces at the one in Elide’s arms. Aelin, having said hello to that baby, stepped next to Rowan to gaze down at the one Lorcan held.
“This is a boy,” Elide told them, gesturing to the one she held. “And that’s a girl,” she nodded to Lorcan’s.
“Her name is Asterin,” Lorcan told them, not looking away from his daughter’s face.
“Oh, hey, that pregnant lady’s name was Asterin.” Fenrys nodded.
Aedion snorted, “It’s a shame you two didn’t spend more time together.”
Aelin aww’d and patted Lorcan’s arm, the two of them sharing a rare, warm smile.
“The boy we named Cal, after my dad.”
“Oh, you guys,” Aelin whined, “I can't believe this. But I have to leave now, or I'm gonna miss my plane."
“I’m just so glad you got to meet them,” Elide said, watery, pulling Aelin into a hug.
“Me, too,” Aelin told her. “I'm just sorry I'm not gonna be around to watch you two attempt to handle this! Alright, I can't say goodbye to you guys again. I love you all so much.”
I love yous were exchanged and Aelin walked to the door.
“Rowan?” She caught his eye, “come here.”
He nodded and followed her into the hall, shutting the apartment door behind him.
“Rowan, I,” She paused, grabbing his hands and looking into his face with such genuine sadness it made his heart crack and made him want to pull her into his arms and not let go. She took a breath and continued, “I just want you to know, last night...I'll never forget it.”
He cleared his throat, willing the lump in it to disappear. “Neither will I.”
He cupped her cheek and she leaned into the touch. Aelin pulled him in for a hug, holding on tight. When she pulled away, Rowan used every ounce of strength to unwrap his arms from her body, to step away as she walked down the hall and away from him.
When Rowan walked back into the apartment, Lysandra sat next to him and asked, “So, you just let her go?”
Rowan couldn’t reply, he just replayed the last two days over in his head.
“Maybe that's for the best.” Fenrys chimed in, taking up the empty chair. “You know? You just... Look, you gotta... You gotta think about last night the way she does, okay? Maybe sleeping together was the perfect way to say goodbye?"
Lysandra groaned, “But now she'll never know how he feels!”
Aedion walked over and said not unkindly, “Maybe that's okay. You know? Maybe, maybe it’s better this way? I mean, now you can move on. I mean, you've been trying to for so long, maybe now that you're on different continents…”
They kept talking but all Rowan could hear was a buzzing in his head.
“I don’t want to move on.”
He said it quietly but they all stopped talking and looked at him.
“What?” Aedion asked, unsure he heard Rowan correctly.
“I don’t.” Rowan shook his head and stood up. “I want to be with her.”
“Really?” Fenrys asked, excitedly
“Of course really!” Lysandra answered for him.
Rowan kept nodding. “Yeah, I’m gonna go after her. I have to.”
“Yeah, you are!” Lorcan cheered from the living room. Rowan didn’t even have time to find his friend’s enthusiasm funny.
“Finally!” Elide added her own cheer, smiling between Rowan and the babies.
“Come on,” Lysandra urged, standing up and following Rowan to the door. “My car’s downstairs, I’ll drive you to the airport.”
“Okay!” Rowan faced his friends again, “wish me luck!”
A chorus of Good Lucks followed him out the door.
“Hey,” Fenrys called excitedly to Lorcan and Eide once Rowan and Lysandra had left, “can I give you guys your house-warming present now?”
The couple shared an amused look before Elide told him, “Now, that you can do.”
“Great! Hang on a minute.” Fenrys left their apartment to walk across the hall to his.
“Okay, my little feather babies where are you?” he muttered as he caught sight of the empty box he’d put them in earlier. “Oh shit.”
He hastily looked in the kitchen, living room, and bedrooms. “Chick Jr? Duck Jr?” he called, running a hand through his hair anxiously. “Don’t hide from mama!”
“Lysandra, slow down!” Rowan urged as they almost took out a bicyclist.
She rolled her eyes, “Do you wanna get to Aelin in time?
“Of course I do, but I want to be alive to do it.”
Lysandra huffed at his dramatics but eased up on the gas. Slightly.
Finally arriving at the airport, Rowan and Lysandra rushed past the hoards of people, trying to maneuver their way towards Aelin.
“Rowan!” Lysandra called as he made to run down the hallway. “Where are you going?”
“To talk to Aelin.” Obviously.
“What?” She grabbed his arm, pulling him towards the ticket counter. “What, are you just gonna walk up to her at the gate? Have you never chased anyone through the airport before?”
“Not since the last time I chased the love of my life—no I haven’t Lys!”
She rolled her eyes as she kept dragging him away from the terminals. “You have to get a ticket to get past security, Idiot.”
Oh, right.
“Shit, we’re never gonna make it.” he hissed as they got caught behind the human embodiments of snails on their way to the counter.
“Miss, your boarding pass, please.” The gate attendant asked Aelin as she approached.
“Right, of course.” She dug through her purse then frowned, not seeing it. Flashing an apologetic smile to the people behind her, she took her purse off her shoulder and rummaged through it frantically. “Shit, shit, shit.”
The attendant cleared his throat. “Your boarding pass.”
Internally cringing, she put on her most charming smile. “You know, I had it,” she forced a chuckle, “Oh, you wouldn’t believe this—”
He looked unimpressed. “Miss, if you don't have your boarding pass—”
“I have it, I have it! Okay, I don’t have it, but I remember that I was in seat 32C,” she leaned in closer and winked, “because that’s my bra size.”
He sighed again. “Miss, you must have your boarding pass.”
Aelin huffed and stepped out of the line. “Okay, fine! But you know what? If I was in 36D, we would not be having this problem.”
Muttering to herself, Aelin scoured all her bags, finally brandishing the ticket and rushing back to the counter. “Here it is!”
Finally getting up to the ticket counter, Rowan slammed down his wallet, demanding, “I need a ticket.”
Lysandra pouted. “Just one? I drive you all the way down here, and I don't get to see how it works out?”
“Fine, fine,” he corrected irritatedly, “two tickets, I need two tickets.”
Lysandra sighed dramatically and leaned into Rowan, giving him her most overexaggerated doe-eyes. “We're on our honeymoon” she stage-whispered to the woman behind the computer.
The ticket agent merely raised a manicured brow and asked, “Destination?”
Rowan already had his credit card ready, “whatever’s cheapest.”
Lysandra sighed again, “I’m so lucky.”
Rowan leveled a glare at her and she tried not to laugh.
Once inside the terminal, Rowan sprinted toward the first departure timetable he could find. “Okay, flight 421 to Paris. I don't see it, do you see it?”
Lysandra stood next to him, eyes scanning the board. “No, did we miss it?”
“No, no, no. That's impossible,” Rowan told her. “It doesn't leave for another 20 minutes.”
“Maybe we have the flight number wrong? Hang on, let me call Elide.”
She stepped aside, impatiently waiting for Elide to pick up her phone.
“Hello?” the new mom answered.
“Hey! It’s me. Here’s Rowan.” Then she thrust the phone into Rowan’s hand.
“Elide, do you—”
“Oh, my gods, Rowan, wait until you hear the cute little noises the twins are making. Listen.”
“What? No, Elide.” Rowan cursed as he heard unintelligible baby sounds. “Elide, Elide, Elide, Elide—”
“Oh sorry,” she said, “They were doing it before.”
“Elide! Listen, please. I need Aelin’s flight information.”
“Oh, sure, hang on.” he could hear ruffling paper as he paced back and forth. “Here it is, it's flight 421. Leaves at 8:40.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought, its not on the board.
“Flight 421,” Elide repeated, “leaves at 8:40, Newark airport.”
Rowan froze, his heart sinking. “What?”
“Newark airport.” Elide gasped. “Where are you?”
But she already knew the answer.
“JFK.” he breathed, utterly defeated.
If Rowan wasn’t so upset, he would be fearing for his life as Lysandra sped through the streets at breakneck speed.
“Lysandra, forget it, okay? Newark is like an hour away. There's no way we're gonna make it in time.”
“She’s got her phone,” Lysandra braved a glance at him, narrowly avoiding another car, "you could call her.”
Rowan scoffed, “I am not doing this over the phone.”
“You don’t have any other choice!” She insisted before reaching for her own phone and calling Aelin.
It rang once. Twice.
“Hello? Lys?” Aelin’s voice rings out from the speaker and it was like a tether Rowan desperately wanted to hold onto.
“Aelin?” Lysandra answered, relieved. “oh, good. Hey, by the way, did you just get on the plane?”
“Yeah, I did.”
Leaning over, Lysandra hissed, “For what it's worth, we would have caught her if we were at the right airport.”
“Fan-fucking-tastic.” Rowan sniped.
“Uh, Ae, hang on,” she tried pushing the phone into Rowan’s hand but he adamantly refused to do this without being able to look Aelin in the eye.
“Lys? Is everything okay?” Aelin asked, worriedly.
Glaring at Rowan, Lysandra struggled to find a reason for calling. “Uhm, actually no. No, you've...you have to get off the plane.”
“What? Why?” Aelin sounded bewildered.
“I just,” Lysandra sighed, shooting another glare at Rowan, “I have this feeling that something's wrong with it. Something is wrong with the, uh,” she paused again before snapping her fingers and declaring, “with the left phalange.”
“Lys, babe, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the plane. Look, I have to go. I love you, and I will call you the minute I get to Paris.”
On the plane, Aelin hung up the phone only to feel the man beside her tap insistently on her shoulder.
“What was that?” he asked, looking anxious.
“Oh,” Aelin waved a hand dismissively, “that was just my friend. She told me I should get off the plane because she had a feeling that there was something wrong with the left phalange.” She chuckled, sure it was just Lysandra’s way of finding an excuse to talk to her again before the flight took off.
But the man started to fidget. “Okay, that doesn't sound good.”
“I wouldn't worry about it.” Aelin again waved him off, “She's always coming up with stuff like this, and you know what? She's almost never right.”
“But she is sometimes?”
“Well…” Aelin trailed off, thinking about all the things Lysandra has had an intuition about.
Her hesitation was apparently enough to send her seatmate into a tail-spin because he instantly got up and tried to grab his suitcase, only for the flight attendant to stop him.
“Excuse me, sir, where are you going?” The woman asked, curtly.
“I have to get off this plane, okay?” he insisted, then gestured towards a wide-eyed Aelin. “Her friend has a feeling something's wrong with the left phalange.”
He said it loud enough that other passengers began to panic, while Aelin sheepishly shrugged at the annoyed flight attendant.
“There is nothing wrong with the plane, sir.”
He finally got his bag down and cried, “The left phalange!”
The attendant looked incredulously between the man and Aelin, “There is no phalange.”
“Oh my God. This plane doesn't even have a phalange!”
Aelin watched, wincing, as more passengers overheard and insisted they, too, get off the plane. Person after person marched out the aisle and soon Aelin loosed a long breath, “This is ridiculous,” she watched another two people leave. “Yeah, okay.”
Grabbing her own bag, she followed the crowd off the plane.
Rowan doubted he’d ever felt as frantic or desperate as he did right now.
He and Lysandra finally made it to Newark, bought another ticket, and raced to Aelin’s gate.
“Where is she?” He muttered, almost pulling out his hair with how forcefully he raked his hands through it.
“I don't see her,” Lysandra answered.
“Aelin!” Rowan shouted, not caring about the stares he garnered. “Aelin Galthynius!”
“Oh!” Lysandra gasped, pointing towards a crowd, “There she is!”
“Aelin!” He yelled again, pushing past people as he tried to run onto the boarding gate.
“Woah,” the gate attendant stopped Rowan, “excuse me, sir, do you have a boarding pass?”
“I just need to talk to someone,” he pleaded.
“I’m sorry, you cannot go any further without a boarding pass.”
“Gods, please, I just need—”
“AELIN!” Lysandra shrieked, getting everyone’s attention including a specific blonde who rushed back out the gate and stood gaping at Lysandra and Rowan.
“Oh my gods,” she looked back and forth between the two before her gaze locked and held with Rowan’s as she breathed, “What—what are you guys doing here?”
“All you,” Lysandra nudged Rowan then made herself scarce
“What? What is it?” Aelin demanded, pulling Rowan aside, “Rowan, you're scaring me. What's going on?”
“Aelin,” Rowan didn’t know where to start. “Okay, the thing is,” he trailed off again. How could he tell that he loved her? How could he wrap up ten years—more than that—of falling in love with her, even at times when he didn’t know it. How could he explain that to her?
He took a deep breath. “Don’t go.”
“What?” Aelin asked, shocked.
“Aelin, please, don’t leave. I am so gods damn in love with you. Please, don’t go.”
Aelin stood open-mouthed, her eyes shimmering with an emotion he didn’t dare name. “Oh, my gods.”
He groaned, “I know, I know. I’m an idiot and a bastard, and any other name you want to call me. I shouldn't have waited until now to say it, Hellas, I shouldn’t have waited until now to realize it, but,” he shook his head, locking his gaze with hers. “That was stupid, okay? I'm sorry, I’m so sorry, but I'm telling you now. I love you. I’m in love with you. Please, do not get on this plane.”
“Miss?” a throat cleared behind them, making Aelin blink and drag her watery eyes away from his. “Are you boarding the plane?”
“Aelin,” Rowan took her hand, urging her to stay, “Aelin, please. I know you love me, too. I know you do. Don’t go. Stay.”
“I,” Aelin looked between Rowan and the gate attendant with shock and regret etched across her face. “I have to get the plane,” she whispered.
“No, you don’t.” Rowan held tightly to her hand.
“Yes, I do.” despite her protests, she didn’t pull her hand away.
“No,” Rowan stepped closer, cupping her cheek and reveling in the fact that she leaned into his touch. “You don’t.”
“Rowan,” her words barely louder than a breath, “They're waiting for me, I can't do this right now, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.”
He couldn’t understand what was happening. Rowan couldn’t accept that she was walking away.
“Aelin.” he pleaded, one final time.
She took a shuddering breath. “I’m so sorry.”
Rowan stood unmoving, felt his breathing freeze and his heart cease beating if just for a moment as he watched Aelin walk away from him and board the plane.
He wasn’t aware of people moving around him or of Lysandra coming to stand next to him before pulling him into a hug murmuring I’m sorry. He wasn’t aware of his surroundings as he walked towards Lysandra’s car or his walk back to his apartment. All he knew was that he’d just watched the love of his life walk away and there would soon be an ocean between them.
Lorcan sealed the last box of his and Elide’s things.
“Wow,” Elide sighed, looking around the bare apartment. “Everything’s packed.”
“It’s weird,” Lorcan replied, looking around the space he and their friends had occupied for so many years.
“I know.” She stood on her toes and he leaned down to meet her for a kiss.
“So, uh,” Fenrys spoke up from the kitchen, “does this mean there's nothing to eat?”
Elide snorted while Lorcam tried his best to reign in his smirk. Turning, Elide told him, “I put three lasagnas in your freezer.”
He beamed, “I love you!”
She chuckled as the door opened and Lysandra walked in.
“How’d it go?” Elide asked
“So did you guys make it in time?” Aedion spoke at the same time from his place against the fridge.
“Yeah,” Lysandra sighed, “Yeah, he talked to her, but she got on the plane anyway.”
“Where’s Rowan?” Lorcan asked her, knowing Rowan would be hiding away, brooding.
“He went home,” Lysandra frowned and leaned into Aedion’s embrace. “He didn't want to see anybody.”
Sitting on his couch, Rowan noticed his answering machine beeping. More out of muscle memory than an actual urge to listen, he pressed the button.
“Rowan, It’s me.”
Rowan jolted, a mess of emotion flying through him as he listened to Aelin's voice filter through his machine.
“I just got back on the plane. I feel awful. Gods, Rowan, that was so not how I wanted things to end with us.”
End. Rowan braced himself, he had to get through this message.
“It's just that I wasn't expecting to see you, and all of a sudden you're there and saying these things...and now I’m sitting here thinking of everything I should’ve said that I didn’t.”
Rowan heard her take a shuddering breath.
“I didn't even get to tell you that I love you too.”
His breath caught, and hope filled him for the first time since he’d been standing in front of her.
“Because of course, I do. I love you. I love you. Gods, Rowan, I love you.”
He held his breath, he almost couldn’t wrap his brain around what he was hearing, what he’d longed to hear.
“What am I doing? I love you! I need to get off this plane—”
“Oh my gods,” Rowan listened, wide-eyed as he heard Aelin argue with a flight attendant.
“Excuse me? I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, but I need to get off this plane, okay? I need to tell Rowan I love him.”
“Miss, can't let you off the plane.”
“Let her off the plane!” Rowan screamed at his machine.
“Oh, please, you don’t understand. Isn’t there any way you can just let me off—”
The message ended and Rowan was left sitting on the edge of his sofa staring disbelievingly at his answering machine.
“No!” He jumped up, carding a hand through his hair, “No! Aelin! Oh, my gods, did she get off the plane?”
“I got off the plane.”
Rowan whirled around so fast he thought his neck might snap. Aelin stood in his doorway, suitcase in hand, staring at him with a watery smile and eyes that blazed with surety.
“You got off the plane.” Rowan breathed and strode towards her, holding her face in his hands as she grabbed his arms, each clinging to the other, not able to let the other go.
Rowan wasn’t sure who moved first, but the next moment he was kissing Aelin, It was as if all the years of pining, love, heartbreak, and friendship, barreled through them and into a kiss full of promise. All the mistakes of the past, all the time wasted, was over. Now, they could finally be Rowan and Aelin. Finally.
When they pulled apart, still unable to let the other go, Aelin leaned her forehead against his and told him, “I do. I do love you.”
Rowan brushed a tear from her cheek and smiled down with all the warmth he could gather. “I love you too, Fireheart. And I’m never letting you go, again.”
“Good," She nodded, gripping him tighter, “because this is where I want to be, okay? With you. Always with you. No more messing around.”
“That’s right,” he agreed, “we’re done being stupid.”
Aelin kissed him again. “You and me, alright?” She looked him in the eye and saw everything she felt mirrored there. “To whatever end.”
“This is it. To whatever end” He echoed, pulling her in for another kiss.
The seven of them stood in the now-empty living room of Elide and Lorcan’s apartment. The new parents each held a baby, Fenrys sat with Lysandra and Aedion near the large window, and Aelin leaned into Rowan who had his arms wrapped around her as they stood to the side.
“Wow,” Aelin murmured, looking around the bare space.
“I know,” Rowan said into her hair, “It seems smaller somehow.”
Fenrys glanced at the walls a minute before asking, “Has it always been purple?” His answer consisted of several snorts.
Lorcan and Elide strapped Asterin and Cal into their stroller. Elide sniffed, facing everyone else, “Oh, uh, I promised the landlord we’d leave our keys.”
She said it to Lorcan, but each of them walked toward the counter to place their own keys. Elide laughed, looking at seven pairs of keys to a two-person apartment.
“I guess this is it,” Lysandra commented mournfully.
“Yeah,” Aedion wrapped an arm around her shoulders, “I guess so.”
At Elide’s sniffle, Lorcan pulled her into his arms. Through the fabric of his shirt, they could hear her say, “This is harder than I thought it would be.”
Gathering herself, Elide unwrapped her arms from Lorcan’s middle before turning to hug Aelin who’d come to stand next to her.
“Do you guys have to go to the new house right away?” Aelin asked, “Or do you have some time?”
“We have some time.”
“Okay,” Rowan grabbed Aelin’s hand, “should we get some coffee?”
“Sure,” Fenrys smirked. “Where?”
They all laughed as they walked out of the apartment that had become so important to each one of them. Aedion helped Lorcan carry the double stroller down the stairs, followed closely by Elide. Lysandra and Fenrys were bickering, but smiling as they walked. And Rowan and Aelin had their arms wrapped around each other, not daring or wanting to let the other one go. They shared a smile, and with one last glance at the closed apartment door, they left.
@acourtofsnakes @allthebooksunderthemoon @astra-ad-mare @becarefuloflove @bisexual-genderfluid-loki @booklover41802 @charlizeed @cookiemonsterwholovesbooks @danibutterr @doubt-less @emily-gsh @enormousbooklover @foughtconquered @fromthelibraryofemilyj @hakunamatatazz @i-have-but-one-brain-cell @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jorjy-jo @lemonade-coolattas @mariamuses @mayhemories @midsizewitch @miserablesmusings @morganofthewildfire @nehemikkele @rowaelinismyotp @rowansfirebringer @sayosdreams @sheharahu @sleeping-and-books @stardelia @story-scribbler @superspiritfestival @surielandiareendgame @swankii-art-teacher @tomtenadia @westofmoon @whimsicallyreading @moodymelanist @angelic-voice-1997 @realbookloverproblems @gracie-rosee @julemmaes @yesdreamblog @the-regal-warrior @rowanaelinn @thestoriesyoutell @autumnbabylon @sunflowermoonshinewrites @maastrash
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honeybeesugar · 2 years
Okay, I need to complain with everyone else about the mess that was st4 v2, and yeah I'm gonna petty about it:
The collar papa put on eleven had no consequences. I thought maybe it'd limit her powers like the pill thing in 001's neck or it'd activate a shock if she used them. Literally what did this device do other than unnecessarily prolong Papa's death scene.
The military didn't pursue the pizza van??
Stancy…is weird to me. Like it felt forced. Don't get me wrong, I loved these two together at first but this felt like backwards steps for their characters. I would've loved to see everyone pushing them together only for them to both realize, actually, they really are better as friends and get closure and move on. I want them both to stay single for a minute and figure their own shit out.
Where are the parents? From how the town gathering scene ended in v1, I expected them to say or do something… anything.
Like maybe they would be responsible for stopping the basketball team. Also where is the rest of the basketball team?
How that was handled with Erica and Lucas made me ill. Like I know cops aren't helpful to black teens but like where are the cops? Where are the parents? 
I thought Lucas was gonna sing :( that would've been the sweetest way to save max, especially since Caleb can and he'd be doing the thing he made fun of Dustin for. It would've saved us from this weird eleven restarting her heart thing and been extra emotional from the lyrics and just imagine how broken he'd sound after fighting with Jason. 
I kinda wish that instead of Dustin going back into the Upside Down (and hurting his leg which is like just not addressed? They make my boy give out water??) that he had instead ran to the Creel house and helped Erica beat the shit out of the highschooler tackling her and then how awesome would it be for him to see Lucas sing Max back to reality.
The whole Eddie not running from the Demobats thing. Is. Upsetting. There was no reason for it. The plan doesn't make sense to me. What was stopping the bats from flying through the gate in the first place, since we've seen the demogorgons can pass through? How was him sticking around going to help if the bats were distracted by attacking the trailer? Why wouldn't he keep running until he had to face the bats? Bro had a shitty little shield and a spear (why a spear?). Instead, I would've loved for him to outrun the bats to the Creel house and use his spear to cut the other teens loose. Running and becoming a hero.
Um, the other teens also did, like nothing. They choked out for like 15 minutes. You'd think someone would use a lighter or have a panicked heart to heart. It felt so boring and useless.
Also they take out Vecna way too easy. Like, guy still has powers and they were fighting him fully awake. I think it'd be cooler if they had attacked their way through the vines and weakened him. Or even just burned down the house.
Hated the use of Nancy's vecna-ing. I'll just leave that at that.
Other kids could've been at risk of getting vecna'd, like Lucas said, regardless of whether or not they used them as bait. Why wasn't that something they were worried about?
Hated Mike's speech to El. "I'm forcing myself to say I love you. And yeah it's cause you have powers." Like my god, the worst writing.
Will's painting - really bugged me that Lucas wasn't shown in it, I assume he's on the horse, but I thought it was weird that he's covered in every shot. I only noticed this because El isn't in the painting. I think Mike would question that after everything Will said.
Honestly. I can't even get into Will rn. Let the boy come out, let the boy be happy.
California team had so many important players and I feel like they did almost nothing this entire season. Have someone reach out to 008, as much as I hated that storyline. Have literally any emotional crux.
I also thought the Russian team would have more? Idk something? I was getting pretty sick of whatever they were doing with Yuri and the helicopter and it culminated to nothing. I thought maybe there would be something having to do with Dimitri and Mikhail. Uh, are they just chilling in Hawkins now? 
Where did the sword come from? They didn't follow up on the particles??
2 days later… I laughed. It wasn't funny. What the hell is this timeline for everyone to reunite?
Henry becoming vecna and meeting the mind flayer and building this new dimension was confusing. Was anything explained? Did I miss something? Which is in charge? I cannot be bothered to go back and rewatch until ST5 comes out.
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Bea & Ro
Bea: Have you made amends with everyone yet? Ro: Nobody is asking that of me and I don't think now is the time to seek penance unnecessarily Bea: Of course they're not Bea: but I am and you need to Bea: that's why I didn't say grovel, you SHOWING you're sorry should actually benefit then, not be a display of ineffectual remorse for God to watch Ro: this isn't about me and I'm not about to make it so in order to please you Bea: You made it about you when you were unable to show up Ro: It was a decision not a necessity brought on by whatever weakness or character flaw you're trying to imply that I possess Bea: You think that makes it better? Bea: I was giving you unwarranted benefit of the doubt Bea: at least if your anxieties kept you from the crowd, that wouldn't be so selfish Ro: you're well aware that was part of my basis for the decision Bea: I don't need to hear your reasoning, and likewise, neither do any of the others Bea: you weren't there, to be part of a massive family event, or to comfort or support anyone afterwards Bea: that's all there is to it, I'm not saying throw yourself at anyone's feet begging for forgiveness, I'm saying you better be making yourself a damn-sight more reachable and helpful now Ro: how was I to know that would be my only opportunity to be a part of it or that my comfort or support would be needed in that way? Ro: I'm both reachable and helpful at all times, you make it appear as though I went missing, everybody knew where I was Bea: Because you're, assumedly, not entirely braindead? Bea: As if Tess has never talked about the situation in which she had to give her up, as if it's not been three years since Joe met her and she had NO intention of meeting any of the rest of them? Bea: As if you don't understand the precarious nature of the situation of meeting a child you adopted out? Bea: You didn't want to be a part of it, so you weren't Bea: and that's low, so the absolute least you can do is be beyond angelic now in the aftermath Ro: and now you're acting as though I'm sitting here determined to make everything worse for everyone Bea: Your inaction is the issue Bea: this defensiveness is ridiculous, I'm holding you accountable for doing the bare minimum, that shouldn't be a problem Ro: I'm not inert and your hostility is ridiculous, honestly Ro: I understand that you're angry about this situation but I didn't cause it so I am not willing to be the scapegoat for her anger or yours Bea: No, you don't understand, Ro Bea: you don't understand because you refused to be there Bea: you know as little as everyone else in town who wasn't there but has heard the gossip Bea: acting like you get it, when if you understood the importance, you would have been there, is null and void Ro: my understanding has been afforded to me through your boyfriend's lens so if you are unhappy with it, address his ability to process events as somebody who was there Ro: I understand that you're coming into this conversation from a place of anger is all that I said and that has been clearly shown throughout so Bea: Secondhand accounts are not what you should be relying on Bea: because you should be angry too Ro: nevertheless they are all I have Ro: perhaps but it isn't your place to tell me how to react or indeed speculate on how I do feel Bea: It is my place when you don't act right Ro: you're not in any way responsible for me Ro: and there's plenty of actual responsibilities you do have to focus on Bea: You've made it clear countless times how you don't think Tess and Fearghal are responsible for you beyond the basic needs either Bea: so I'm the closest you've got Ro: well that isn't close enough for you to be speaking to me like this Bea: You don't get to decide that any more than I get to have you as a little sister Ro: you've decided not to have me as a little sister countless times, that's been made abundantly clear too Ro: I'm not here solely for you to berate when you're upset Bea: Oh please Bea: the closeness you aspire to with Ali and all other aspirational tales of sisterhood are just that, fictional Ro: as is this tirade you're currently on, there's no factual basis to the sins you're so eager for me to have committed Bea: You weren't there, do you not understand how that alone is enough Bea: that everyone is supremely pissed off with you, and that's not conjecture, because I was there and have talked to them all Ro: it's enough for you because you want it to be enough Bea: No, Ro Bea: Believe me, I would love it if you stepped up and did better Bea: and I do have enough going on in my life to not require any satisfaction from telling you so Ro: then for goodness sake, carry on living your life, I'm not an obstacle to that Bea: You seriously think you can shame me into leaving you alone? Ro: Shame doesn't come into it, you've aired your grievances, I just don't see the point of going over and over them Bea: Coming from you, that's rich Bea: you're quite content to talk and talk and do nothing, and therein lies my grievance, as you like it Bea: take action and I'll be happy Ro: I highly doubt that Bea: Whatever, I'll be checking in with Tess Ro: as you like it, Bea Bea: You're incredibly ungrateful, I don't know how you can sit there and feel nothing but ashamed with yourself Ro: as I said, you don't know that I don't Bea: You wish you were anything close to that level of unreadable Bea: your tone and manner says it all before you say anything of note Ro: to you because you're set on provoking it Bea: Don't kid yourself Bea: or attempt to fool me Ro: I have no desire to do either Bea: Okay, off you go then Ro: you can't just outright dismiss me, however much you wish you could Bea: You don't see the point in going over and over the point and I've said what needs to be said Ro: Okay
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valeriemperez · 6 years
As an objective reviewer, what did you really think of 5x6? I can't tell if I'm letting my disdain for Danielle cloud my judgment or if I should try to rewatch it. I have seen all of the bad reviews and even saw a youtuber who is firmly anti-Iris say its the worst episode of the series but sometimes those things can be the result of group think. Lol sorry for rambling, I'm just so flabbergasted and confused about this episode especially when the last five were so good :(
Personally, I was bored. I rewatched the episode in order to write my review, and objectively (as objective as I can be) I think the problem is that they: 
A) Focused too much on the “science” side of the experiments and why Caitlin and Thomas’ alter egos might be different.B) Placed the emotional emphasis on a relationship we’ve never seen before - Caitlin and Thomas - and that we had never even heard about before two episodes ago. It would have been stronger to have Carla there, and for her and Caitlin to make up after Caitlin realizes her mother was protecting her from Icicle, etc.
Are you going to update the women’s screentime for episode 6?
Just did!
Honestly GG doesn’t seem that close to any of the cast save TC. He mostly keeps to himself while they film and doesn’t seem to hang out with anyone unless it’s something TC arranged for GG to go to. I think left to his own devices GG would stay in his condo and do his own thing. I think that’s what throws people off cause as the lead you’d think GG would be the center of the cast social life like SA. For whatever reason that’s just not who GG is but I get it frustrates people.
Yeah, I definitely think Tom C. is his favorite person in the cast, but he’s generally not a social butterfly like you said.
I just knew the GG apologists were going to be in your inbox. I don’t doubt they are friends, but after watching that video CP tweeted today, he and the other white actors around her are apart of the problem. I will always be grateful to him for advocating WA, but why all of the silence now? Why all of the public weirdness? She is the only one he treats like that. He didn’t even show support for the rag doll actor, who btw, sang his praises more than once. Ellen Pompeo is the ally CP deserves.
I don’t think they’re being particularly weird in public, given that we haven’t really seen them out in public. They seemed fine in the one video we saw on them at the party, for example. But he has been quiet about the show for the most part, I just don’t think it’s specifically directed at or about Candice.
Agree about Ellen, though! Candice could have used way more supportive costars, but thankfully she’s out here succeeding anyway.
Tati, I’m a butthead so I’m on anon 😝 I wonder who that one cast mate could be? The wannabe female lead perhaps…? The fake feminist that has been trying to erase CP’s presence on the show since S1. The been in the game forever chick that still can’t act. I could go on, but I think we all know who the one person is.
LMAO, who ever could you mean????
People are upset because Grant isn’t as openly supportive of Candice as they feel he should be. Honestly, of late he hasn’t seemed to be supportive of much. The show, his friends/family, etc. I think something is going on with him (personally). However, as long as he make it do what it do when he’s on screen with my girl CP making those 😍🥰 and rubbing her unnecessarily so WA continues to be a healthy interracial RL I don’t care if her supports her on sm or not. That’s what we as fans do. #IWDS
This is my thought too. He hasn’t been supporting much other than his skateboards lol. I wish he was more openly supportive of her and that the cast as a whole made their interactions more available for public consumption, but it’s also not something I’m hung up on. They are the way they are, and I wouldn’t trade (almost) any of them.
To me it wasn’t obvious that CP wanted to stand on that side of the cake since she kept looking over to the other side, which was already crammed. I agree that sometimes people project their own feelings into a situation (I’ve read some pretty wild theories about GG snobbing CP bc she’s not in a RL and he dislikes single people) but what we’ve seen of GG and CP outside of SM is positive. We got ONE video from the party and it was good. He’s horrendous on SM though. Don’t care if CP agrees or not
You are 100% right that we’re all projecting, lol. We don’t know them and we only see a tiny sliver of their lives, which they have chosen to show us.
Couldn’t it just be that Candice was standing on the right side of the room to begin with so she just went to the right side of the cake where Danielle N and JPK went too. I don’t think she’s so bothered by DP that she wouldn’t stand next to Grant, Carlos, or Tom because DP was there. I mean we have to remember that Candice is in the same room with DP everyday at work. It’s not like they explode if they get close.
It totally could be that, lol. 
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