lavenderlyncis · 2 years
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Had to copy the image so I’d remember.
White, teal (for funsies. I’m kidding but also like your fics are a bit on the wild side for me but I love you for them), red (oh wait we already are!!!), yellow (so many good vibes!!), pink but in a platonic way??? Grey omg a million times, and yeah probably black but only if you’re weird about it.
Teal is so justified LMAOO
And yes, I would bite you and be super weird about it any day🧛‍♂️🐈‍⬛🦇
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Shigraki with a crazy scientist S/O
I got inspired to write this after listening to this song on Spotify. In my mind I was like, how cute would it be if Shiggy had a S/O that was in the LoV but was just this completely insane scientist. So here goes my first time writing for Shigadusty-
Reader's Gender: Gender-neautral
Warnings: Mentions of dead animals and humans, sadism, blood, murder, drugging, and slight Masochism (it's only there if you squint)
Song that inspired this:
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When you first joined the Leauge Shigraki wanted nothing to do with you.
Saw you as a more annoying version of Toga due to your hyperactive personality and they way that you always mumbled things under your breath whenever you weren't engaging in a full on conversation.
You took a liking to Tomura for whatever reason and would follow him around whenever you weren't experimenting.
He did not like this what so ever and would always threaten to decay you.
Would get flustered when you'd just smirk and go "Do it~".
After a while he just got used to you following him around like a puppy dog.
It is what it is man.
He fell in love with you when he saw you repeatedly stab a man in the chest with a scalpel after you overheard him say 'science is nothing but fiction and all scientist are frauds' then drag him to an alley way, cut off the pieces of skin you touched so your finger prints wouldn't be traced and dump him in the trash.
His heart sure went 'Doki Doki'.
He looked at you, looked at the dumpster and then looked back at you before flatly saying.
"That was insanely hot, and you're mine now"
Not the best way to ask someone out but baby boy didn't know, he's new to this.
Good thing you took the hint, and boy were you thrilled!
First time you two tried sleeping in the same bed together you were covered in blood from one of the experiments you conducted and attempted to get into Shigaraki's bed but he stopped you.
"You're showering before you even think about getting into my bed. I don't want blood all over my sheets" "Nooo, I don't waaaaaannnnnaaaa"
After several times of you refusing and him almost getting stabbed when he tried to force you into the shower, he just put you back in your room and went back to his. He was disappointed though, he kinda wanted to sleep with you. (Not in that way you perverted fecks)
Second time you two actually got to sleep in the same bed. You walked in completely blood free and threw yourself onto your dusty boyfriend's bed.
He scolded you for your actions but shut up when you started cuddling him.
Is this love and affection?
Fell asleep but would wake you every time you moved, after you attempted to stab him when he tried to make you take a shower he's been paranoid that'll you'll try when he's sleeping.
Poor baby didn't get any sleep.
After you two started sleeping together more often his paranoia started fading and he began to feel safe in your hold, yearning for it whenever you would leave early in the morning to go find a new victim test subject while the cops and pros were still waking up and a lot of them weren't on duty yet and the ones that are were already heading home.
He'll be right there as soon as you come back to the hideout with two bodies slung over both shoulders.
Shiggy will sit there and watch you go through with your sadistic experiments on either a human or an animal.
Acts like your psychotic experiments don't freak him the fuck out.
They do.
Low-key likes helping you do experiments though, makes him feel smart and important.
Gets a bit uneasy when you start cackling out of nowhere as you tear through your 'test subject'
How can someone who looks so pure and geeky be so sadistic and crazy?
Asked you one day why you do what you do. Is it for some person, sadistic gain? Or were you actually trying to figure something scientific out?
Surprised when you tell him that you're actually trying to figure where and how quirks manifest, how they work and what things certain quirks can handle.
"Ok, but why do you kill them after you do your notes and shit?" "They know too much by then, plus, I can take their blood and give it to Toga so she has more people to turn into and the organs may help the Leauge in the future"
You may be crazy but, fuck were you smart.
Asked why you experimented on animals if they didn't have quirks, you said "For fun and stress relief of course"
Yeah, he may be evil but he ain't about to let you literally murder an innocent animal just for shits and giggles.
Makes sure you're far away from animals as possible.
Told Toga to hide her vampire bat whenever you went into her room.
Sometimes you'll start having what Spinner dubbed 'Crazy fits' where you just cackle at random ass times, ramble on and on about jack shit, and try attacking someone from the Leauge with a knife.
Mainly Dabi.
And for that reason, it turns Tomura on.
He doesn't know why, but seeing you completely lose your shit gets him going and makes him love you even more, cause even the craziest crazies have an even crazier side and that makes him feel more... normal, if that makes sense.
You honestly give Toga and Twice a run for their money with how crazy you are during that period of time.
When you two are out in public, Shigraki makes sure you don't stray to far from him unless you see someone who would be a good test subject. Even then, he still follows you to make sure everything goes smoothly.
Any guy looks at you and Shigraki will make them a pile of ash, your his crazy scientist, no body elses.
Same goes for you, be it guy or girl, if anyone looks at your Shiggy they'll end up being a volunteer for your experiments.
When Tomura throws a temper tantrum you're right there to calm him down...with a syringe.
Wakes up in his bed with you snuggled up next to him but has no recollection of how he got there.
Loves you with all his dusty heart but at the same time fears you may snap one day and try to murder him.
If he says that out loud while talking with you, your face will darken and you'll lean forward, lips grazing his ear before whispering.
"The more you fear me, the more reasons I'll give you to fear me"
Whoop, now he's turned on.
You are the Bonnie and Clyde of Japan and damn does it feel good.
At the end of the day, even if you two are both insane villains, you both have a heart that beats for the other. Shigaraki truly does love you and sees you as the only person he can trust besides AOF. And you? Well, you see this dusty boy as someone who actually accepts your crazy and psychotic ways, and you love him dearly for that. Even if you do want to murder him sometimes and take out his organs, but hey, that's just how you are.
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