#cassian u better run bitch
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drethanramslay · 5 years ago
Chapter 3
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Pairing: Cassian x MC (for this chapter)
Warning: Violence, slight description of blood and swearing
Word count: 3.3 K
Chapter 1 2
Taglist: @choices-love-affair @miyakokurono @openheart12 @trappedinfandoms @noboundariesplease @nooruleman @madampugzalot @sekizincimektup @dailydoseofchoices @choicesfanaf @kaavyaethanramsey @junggoku @flyawayboo @whatchique @vampiregirlsblog @squishywizardhq @lilyvalentine @agent-breakdance (let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist â˜ș)
Song: Lover of mine by 5 seconds of summer
Forgive me if there are any mistakes 😬
Being a US Marshal, doesn't purely mean fireballs and explosion. It doesn't mean strong, burly men entering empty warehouses guns blazing.
It means practice, precision and patience.
It means to learn from your mistakes but not dwell in them. We must learn from failure and try better next time. But to indulge in the sorrow or regret brings about unsustainable misery, which doesn't help the cause.
It means providing protection to the people in need when the environment is threatening to their life.
It means being selfless and not hesitating to lay your life for the country. It doesn't mean being suicidal, but it's actually gives meaning and purpose to life.
It means being patient with fugitives and keeping a cool, calm and collected mind at times of crisis.
Assess the situation and defuse it. That's what my supervisor used to say. And it's stuck with me all through my life.
My eyes scanned the room, gauged the situation we were in. Adira was wimpering which gave the intruder a sadistic pleasure. He was running the gun along her jaw.
"Not so feisty are we now?" He said smiling sinisterly.
We could use the false sense of security to our advantage.
The room was a mess. Upturned tables and broken lamps. I was standing at the entrance of the room and they were right across me, around 20 metres away. I know that if I were to do anything, he would straight up blow her brains out. But one thing caught my eye.
They were standing in front of an open widow. That window was pretty big and it opened up on to the rose bushes. A fall from this height might just result in broken bones but, the element of surprise can help us escape.
"Adira." I said calmly, trying to calm her down with my eyes. Her eyes met and I tried to show her that we are going to be okay. That I always have a back up plan.
"Cassian..." She whimpered again.
"Hands like Houdini." I said my eyes not leaving her cerulean ones.
"Huh?" Her eyes focusing, like the lens of a camera.
"Hands like Houdini." I said, without giving much away.
"Stop with this lovey dovey eyes. Shut the FUCK U-"
And at that moment, she threw her hands down and pushed him back with her hips. He stumbled and lost balance resulting him to fall down the window. We heard a yell but it was caught off short. I ran to her and gathered her in my arms.
"It's okay. You are safe. You are alive." I said as I ran my hand through her head. As she seeked comfort in my arms I glanced at the man who fell of the window. A pool of blood was slowly increasing around his head.
He had hit his head to the brick fence. He was dead.
"We need to go. We are compromised." I said as I grabbed her hand and picked up the gun which the intruder had dropped. I checked the number of bullets and Adira picked up the crowbar.
I stared at her and she just shrugged.
Okay then.
We immediately left the house not caring about our clothes or anything. Tomas will hook us up. It was still dusk as we ran down the beach, never once slowing down. I had kept a jet ski under the tarps nearby which could help us in a quick getaway to the sea.
My iPhone had somehow survived the entire ordeal as I reached for it in my pocket. I sped dialed Tomas's number.
"Tell me Keane." Tomas's cool voice spoke through the phone.
"Tomas we have been compromised. I just now fought of three intruders who were wearing a pin with the logo of the Great Irish mob. Tomas... They sent in assassins."
"How is the witness?"
"She is shooken up but okay. We are getting on to the-" a bullet ricocheted through the air and it grazed my shoulder.
"FUCK." I hissed as the pain stung me.
Adira screamed and I immediately spoke into the phone. "Alert the backup. They have cleaning up to do. But DO NOT make a huge show."
Hanging up I turned and I assessed the people shooting us.
"Adira, get the jet ski started. Do you remember how I taught you?" As I loaded the gun and switched off the safety.
Resolution and determination sparked in her eyes. "Yes. Just knock those assholes down while I ride."
She got the jet ski into the sea and put the key into the ignition and roared it to life. I sat facing the shooters lining up the gun and breathing out as my eyes focused on them, letting my instincts flow through me.
Three people.
Three bullets.
Three headshots.
Three dead.
I sighed with relief as the threat had been neutralized. From my point of view this was an absolute win but Tomas would look at it as a failure. But that's okay. Adira was smirking as I leaned against her back, a small smile playing at my lips.
I live to see another day. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Well... We have a goddamn mess on our hand." Nwosu's voice boomed through the laptop. Adira was sleeping in the bedroom while Tomas and me were in the lounge on the house boat. It was around eleven in the night and the stars shone bright above the ocean.
I was sitting shirtless, drinking a cool beer so that I could have enough fuel to deal with Nwosu's cranky ass. My collarbone tattoo was on full display and my shoulder was bandaged.
Luckily it was just a scratch but it still stung.
Tomas was standing, with a hand dragging down his face. Sleep deprivation was written all over his face as he took another sip of his third coffee that evening.
"You can say that again." Tomas said as he grumbled into the mug.
"How did it happen though?"
"Adira mentioned her finance background at the shack today, accidentally. I think they have been tailing us for a long damn time. They just were waiting for our cover to blow." I said as I looked into the video camera.
"Fuck. You had one job. So you know what this means?" Nwosu said as he rubbed his hand on his balding head. Anger seeped into my veins and I narrowed my eyes.
"It mean they are onto us. Nwosu, we need to relocate them as soon as possible. Which safe houses are ready to go?" Tomas asked, smoothly cutting the tension. I let out a sigh completely exhausted.
Luckily I don't have a concussion from hitting my head to the counter but there was a dull throb in my temple. I pressed the icepack ti the sore spot again, getting temporary relief.
"If they caught them in a matter of week in Nantucket, then what is the possibility of them finding them anywhere else in the States?" Tomas continued as he scratched his chin.
"Well we-" I began but Nwosu interrupted me like the colossal jackass he is.
"Shit you are right..." I rolled my eyes as he leaned back into his chair.
What a dramatic asshole.
"We are looking at international relocation Nwosu." I said as I crushed and threw the empty beer can into the trash can. "Move the witness into a better location which has good connection with the American embassy and is willing to co-operate to catch these buggers when we need back up." I said as I stretched my hands behind my head.
Tomas and Nwosu were in a long and tense silence. "Which countries will work with us?" Tomas asked.
"We have good relationship with Ireland, Canada and Australia." Nwosu said as he looked up.
"You can remove Canada from the list. Did you see how Trump threw a bitch fit after he found Trudeau and Boris talking behind his back in that conference?" I scoffed. I maybe in law enforcement but I hated the president.
I mean how would he, an owner of a multi-million company know the struggles of the poor. And he is greedy and racist as hell. I have seen how much Nwosu and Tomas had to struggle because of their colour. I'm telling you, one of these days, America is gonna fall into ruin because of this retard.
"Yeah.. you are right. We can even remove Australia because transport is time taking and the mob issues there aren't as grave as it is over here."
"So that leaves Ireland. We did contact them regarding the Great Irish Mob a couple of months back and apparently the HQ is over there in... Kenmare." Tomas said as he opened the other laptop to search for the exchange of messages between them.
My heart started beating fast.
No.. Not Kenmare please.. I started praying. I worked all my life to get out of that hell hole and if I have to go there for an assignment it will be total clownery.
"Kenmare? Haven't heard of that.." Nwosu said.
"It's a small town south to the county if Kerry. It has its peek tourist season and there is considerable nightlife there but, it's pretty quiet out there. It's an ideal place to have HQ. People are busy in their own lives and nobody will question anything." I said as I gave a dry chuckle.
And that's true. They might appear to be friendly and nice but, nobody gives a damn and they turn the other way when a fourteen year old would ask for help.
"Seems like we just got you a new holiday location, Keane. Kenmare it is."  Nwosu said as he shut the case file. "I'll be sending you the details ASAP. Good night boys." With that he disconnected the call. I sighed, tension seeping into the muscles of my shoulder, making me stiff.
"How does it feel like to go back home, Keane?" Tomas asked with a grin.
"Can't wait." I said dryly, worry and panic slowly stirring in my stomach.
Tomas, Adira and me stepped out of Kerry airport. The sun was shining but the wind blowing was cold. Adira was shivering in the shorts and top she had worn. I had specifically told her that the summer over here is chilly and short but, will she ever listen?
"Hello Mr. Tomas. Welcome to Ireland. I'm Matthew." A Irish ambassador who was wearing the disguise of a taxi driver spoke as he shook my hand.
"Dia dhuit." I greeted him, my Irish accent becoming more pronounced.
"Irish?" Matthew asked as he gave me a curious eye. I just stiffly nodded, and stuffed my hands in the pocket and eyes him, challenging him to ask me anything more about my personal life.
He got the hint to shut up and turned towards Tomas. Adira just gave me a quizzical look because of my moodiness but I just ignored her. "I shall take you to the house. This way please."
We all piled into one of the yellow cabs with Tomas riding shotgun while Adira and me sat in the back. We were cozied up due to the luggages but I couldn't't help but notice the distance between us.
"So, debrief me." Tomas said, straight getting down to business.
"Well... Killian and wife aren't here but the mob is in control of a certain person who goes by the alias 'Killer'."
How original. I scoffed mentally at the cliche name.
"This 'killer' person is the right hand of Killian and this mob believes in family and hierarchy. Initially they were all over here but, Killian took maximum amount of the mob members to the States. 'The killer' is just a temporary head."
"Do you have any mugshots of him? Tomas asked as he scanned the manilla file.
"The guy is literally like a ghost. He is damn good at what he does and he covers up his tracks so well that there is any clues. He just kills and vanishes. He has no weaknesses whatsoever."
Tomas looked at me and we had a moment of understanding. This 'killer' dude is too good and would be too hard to take down.
"Let's talk about safety of the witness." I said as I leaned my elbows on my knees.
"She will be perfectly fine because the mob hasn't been very active as of now. I have selected a safe house and working place where the activities are minimal and our agents are present." Matthew spoke as he pulled on to the N22 road.
"Good. And how about backup in case things go to shit?" I asked as I side eyed Adira. She just huffed and crossed her hands, glaring out of the window. She knows, if she would have been a little more careful, things wouldn't have gone the way they did in Nantucket.
But there's no point bringing that up, is there?
"They will be ready the moment you give us the signal. Agents will be in disguise." He said dutifully.
"Good." Tomas said before they dipped into the boring conversation about paperwork and the different tourist attractions in Kenmare.
I just turned towards the window and looked out at the scenic beauty of the place. Adira was in awe and she was clicking photos but I just couldn't help but detest the place.
All beautiful things have something to hide.
I had wanted to get out of this place so badly but seeing the familiar bridge across the river and the Sheen valley, made it unbearable to watch. I just shut my eyes and tried to push it all out.
If only I could do the same with my past.
If only it could stay where it's supposed to be.
If only I didn't have to go back to the place which took my parents away from me.
We were going through the town and I noticed how much it had changed. The buildings had been repaired and repainted in vibrant colours and many more shops had opened up. I could see No. 35, a famous cafe open still and I couldn't help but smile.
My mom and dad used to take me there for pancakes on Sunday mornings. I would hold their hands and we would walk around and then stop by the waterfalls, where we would play tag and bask in the sun.
It was beautiful. My family was beautiful. And seeing the different places I had spent time with them gave me joy as well as it tormented me. It was a flux of emotions which I couldn't comprehend.
I mean, men are not emotionally evolved.
"Cassian... Are you okay?" Adira asked lowly as she saw me clench my jaw and she proceeded put a hand on my clenched fist.
"Yeah I'm fine."
Fine. That's all I am ever going to be. I can't break down. I can't show weakness.
"If you say so..." She said as she shrugged and gave me a last look before looking out of the window.
The car turned and started going down a familiar route. My eyes widened.
"Wait a minute... Where is the safe house?"
"Henry Street."
"Why does that mean anything to you?" Matthew asked as he looked into the rearview mirror, his blue eyes meeting mine.
"Uh, yeah.. I used to live there with my family before I shifted to the States."
"Cassian will we be meeting your parents?" Adira asked excitedly and I couldn't help but wince. Tomas gave me a sympathetic look and I sighed.
"No. They... are dead."
"Oh I'm so sorry." Pain flickered in her eyes and I gave a small smile.
"Me too."
I could see it from my room.
I could see it mocking me.
I could see it taunting me.
I could see it calling out to me.
The familiar red brick house which was once my home, stood there, looming at the corner of the street. The trees had grown and the weeds were all around the place. But the house was surprisingly well kept. When I left the place because the authorities had thrown me into an orphanage, I had locked up everything. The doors, the windows  and the gate. I keep that key with me.
Think of it as a symbolism. This key opens the room in my heart, where all the happy and good memories are. Whenever things would get hard, I would hold the key and reminisce. I don't expect anyone to understand me or anyone to get what I'm saying and honestly, I don't care.
I stood there looking at my old house, clenching the key in my hand. As if it was supposed to give me strength.
I know I need to go there and clear out my family's belonging.
But it's terrifying.
"Cassian! Let's go and check out where I will be working. I also heard that there's a farmer's market." Adira spoke as she knocked on the door.
I let go of the curtain and turned around to grin at her. Her hair was chestnut colour now and she was wearing specs. She had also worn green coloured lenses so that we could sell the disguise a little bit more.
A distraction is what I need.
"Sure. Also we need to discuss your disguise, Anastasia Roy."
"Yes Cassian, I know. Let's go now!"
Throwing one last look at the ghost of my past, I picked up my leather jacket and walked out.
It was around 6pm and all the stores were slowly shutting down. Adira and me were walking down the streets with an ice cream and groceries in the other hand.
"God I always loved European ice creams." Adira moaned and I shook my head.
"Well you can't say that if you are a barista." I pointed out.
She momentarily got angry but then she just sighed. "Yeah.. I am sorry for ignoring your advice in Nantucket. I will follow the rules to the T. Also I can smoothly transition into a barista because I worked in a cafe when I was in college."
"I can't believe you worked in a cafe."
"I was bored so I just joined a cafe so that I could learn latte art and all. I got fired though when I threw cold coffee on Tiffany. God that BITCH." She waved her hand.
Such a drama queen.
"I hope you don't do that in yoir new job. Also, you will be working there, at George's cafe in the morning shift. I would prolly be in the opposite park during your shift so that I can keep an eye on you."
"I don't need babys-" Adira stopped herself before she shook her head, as if she was clearing her head. "Okay Cassian. I appreciate it."
What has come over her?
I wanted to ask her and know what was going on in her mind but we were interrupted.
A young boy came running up to us and greeted us. He handed a beautiful blue lily flower in our direction. I just chuckled and looked the other way, assuming that it was for Adira.
"Awww aren't you a sweetie. Thank y-" Adira was saying but the boy interrupted her.
"This flower is not for you. Its for him." My eyes shit towards him as he handed me the flower.
"Who gave it?" I asked my eyes narrowing, instantly not trusting this.
The boy pointed across the road. "Him."
My eyes followed the direction he was pointing in and my eyes met one of the most gorgeous eyes I had ever seen.
Green ones met hazel eyes and I was in a trance.
He was standing across the street wearing a full sleeve shirt, with a jacket thrown on top and black jeans. He had twinkling hazel eyes, which gleamed in the rays of the dying sun. A smile was playing on his lips and he had pronounced dimples. He had a sharp jawline and tousled long brown hai, which could not decide which direction they wanted to stay in.
Let me tell you, I'm straight but I have never seen such a handsome and beautiful man in my life before.
He had a tall and lean frame with both his hands in his pockets. When our eyes met he lifted a hand and gave me a small wave. I couldn't help but grin and wave him back, the joy in his eyes was contagious. With that he turned and strolled down the street, disappearing into the crowd of people.
"Cassian... Who is he?" Adira asked, breaking my reverie as she eyes him.
I looked down at the lily he gave me and shrugged.
"I don't know..."
But I am intrigued...
honestly I was so demotivated that I almost didn't post this chapter
the tags are not working as you have seen me whine about it lmao but meh
I hope you guys liked this chapter!! 
like comment reblog and let me know what do you think?
and like please, don't let this flop otherwise I swear I will feel like the biggest clown hahahha
god I should sleep
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cassian-trash · 5 years ago
What are you doing to me? (Cassian/ OC) pt. 2
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“So if you’re a pilot how come you’re in this and not just a normal X-Wing or something similar? Do you do cargo runs or transports or something?” She had been under the control panel for about two hours and he hasn’t said a single word. If she hadn’t been periodically checking to see if she could still see his feet she would have thought that he had left. It was quite eerie. “Another thing, this repair is probably going to take a few days, the whole wiring system needs to be replaced and the hyperdrive is shot. I’m amazed this sucker turns on as much as it does and hasn’t gone up like a bonfire yet.” Scooting out from the control panel, she looked at him. He wasn’t happy, “I’d say about three to five days at least.”
“What happened to you’ll get me out of here as soon as you could?” That was the first thing he had said since her temper tantrum. “I need my ship working by Wednesday. It doesn’t need to be perfect, she just needs to be able to fly. Thats when my next fly out day is, so you have until then.” Zena could tell he was pissed. He was good at hiding his emotions but she could tell this was gonna put him over the edge.
“Three days is, at least, the quickest I can have her done by. I’m sure there’s another ship somewhere on base that you can use this time.” She wiped her hands off on the rag in her pocket and started picking up her tools. “Listen Cassian, I’ll work day and night to get her in perfect condition but I can’t guarantee that she’ll be done.” And with that Zena started walking off the ship.
“Let me go get my toolbox and I’ll be back tonight. You don’t have to stay, in fact its probably better that you don’t. It’s going to look worse before it looks better and I don’t need you in here yelling at me cause you think I’ve broken something.” With that said she looked at Geo. “I need you, sir, to go get my comlink and radio from my desk. And be fast.”
“Just get it done.” Cassian snapped and walked out with the Imp droid right behind him.
“Sir yes sir,” Zena whispered under her breath. And with that she started the walk to her office where she kept her good toolbox.
“It’s Monday and he wants her done by Wednesday morning? Goodness Geo, I know I told him that I would try but that’s almost impossible. I’ve never done this amount of work in such a little time frame
” She could tell she had a defeated look on her face, because that’s exactly how she was feeling. But damn if she wasn’t gonna try. It had been three hours and the easy part, stripping all the wires out, had been done. Now she can see the full extent of the damage. And boy was there damage.
“Okay Geo, let’s get started untangling and seeing what can be salvaged.” And that’s how it went for the next four hours, hooking wires up to Geo to see if they could still be used, and surprisingly more of the wires worked then she thought would. Then came the hard part, rewiring this bitch. There were so many different parts to this ship and she had never worked on a U-Wing so it was taking her longer than usual. It took her around eight straight hours to get everything in its place and another two to fix any mistakes. Then when Zena had Geo power her up the hyperdrive still wasn’t working and that took another two hours to figure it out.
Finally after 19 consecutive hours of nothing but working on the inside of the ship she didn’t one more sweep of the outside and noticed that one of the blasters on the front was out of commission and looked like it had been that way for a bit so she decided that a few more hours of work wouldn’t kill her and went to work on that. Good thing was all that all that was wrong was a few crossed and singed wires, and that was a quick fix. So 20 hours later she was completely done.
“Well Geo, new best time. Now let’s go take a nap.” As she was picking up her tools Cassian walked back into the hanger.
“So did you lie when you said three days? Or did you lie about how much work it was so you could take your sweet time, as if we don’t all have jobs to do?”
“What are you talking about? I just did three days worth of work in less than one. Three days was with breaks counted in, but I just worked 20 hours in a row without so much as a snack break so that you could get out of here. I even fixed the blaster on the front because I was feeling generous. But if you want I can go in a gut her again and really take my ‘sweet time’ as you put it. Don’t you ever question my work ethic again because I will knock you off what ever pedestal you think you’re sitting on. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m hungry and tired.” Zena had never been more pissed in her whole life. She was so mad that she had left her toolbox vowing to go back for it later.
She was so mad that she just went straight to her room, Geo in tow. She had some protein bars in her desk. “How dare he has the audacity to question my work ethic? I put blood, sweat and tears into fixing that ship and his ungrateful ass didn’t even say ‘Thank you.’ If I never see him again it’ll be too soon.” The rest of the walk went much like that, her just complaining to Geo.
When she got back to her room her holopad lit up with a message that said, “I’m sorry - Unknown Sender.”
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macguires · 8 years ago
I'm so late but I sure hope you're still doing that ask meme because if you are I'm giving you Hannibal and Star Wars. Because I know you too well and I know you'd be waiting ;D - tattlecrimc
YESSSSSSS EDEN BLESS U (i’m assuming you mean this one bc that’s the only one i’ve reblogged recently)
i will ramble horribly on the hannibal one and i’m very sorry about it so i’ll leave that for last so i can put it under a read more
i should probably warn u that the only movie fresh in my memory is the force awakens so all of this is gonna be answered through a v tfa-heavy lens but ok
star wars
three favourite male characters: poe dameron, kylo ren & general hux (DON’T KILL ME i know kylo & hux are awful, the fandom paired w/ my pre-existing love for domhnall gleeson did this to me and i am v ashamed). finn, han solo, bodhi rook, cassian andor, chirrut imwe & luke skywalker are also v dear to me. listen i just have a lot of love to givethree favourite female characters: jessika pava (i’d better see So Much of her in ep8), phasma & padme amidala. & also rey! ‘Needs More Girls’ is my opinion on most franchises but especially star warsfavourite pairing(s): finn/poe, kylo/hux, rey/jessika & han/luke! i also like obi-wan/anakin in the sense that i don’t actively go looking for stuff abt it but when i do see it on my dash my heart does a lil “!!”notp(s): r*ylo is like one of the only ships on my blacklist so that probably tells u something. i’m also p Ew about rey with any of the villains, so that also rules out rey/hux & rey/kylo/hux which i see way too often all over the place. also you wouldn’t think snoke/kylo would be a thing but i’ve seen fics & i’ve seen art and i’ve like cried every single time, experiencing that was my tragic backstory and now i’m a jaded & cynical anti-hero who’s seen Too Muchℱleast favourite character: snoke who’s like me: i’ll hesitantly say padme amidala? i saw the prequels when i was too young to be properly interested in them and i haven’t rewatched them yet so 99% of my knowledge is secondhand, but from what i’ve seen she’s the most relatable most attractive: jessika pava tbh, yet another reason behind me hoping she’s around a lot in the next movie, i am Absolutely in love alreadyfavourite moment/scene: THAT’S MY JACKET(also lowkey the whole starkiller/hosnian system scene, that was shot so impressively w/ the whole ~greatcoat blowing dramatically in wind~ and the brief reaction shot of the people on hosnian prime and the lights shooting across the sky and damn)favourite quote(s): LOTS
“so this is how liberty dies. with thunderous applause.” - padme
“if you live long enough, you see the same eyes in different people.” - maz
“mm. lost a planet, master obi-wan has. how embarrassing.” - yoda
“are you kidding me? i’m blind!” - chirrut 
“there’s a problem on the horizon. 
there is no horizon.” - k2-so
“so you’re with the resistance?”“obviously. yes, i am. i am with the resistance, yeah. i’m with the resistance.”“i’ve never met a resistance fighter before.”“well, this is what we look like. some of us. others look different.” - rey & finn
“lieutenant, get back to your station!”“just look! we won’t survive. even hux is gone!” - rodinon
“through the ages, i’ve seen evil take many forms: the sith. the empire. today, it is the first order.” - maz
“where is my boyfriend? [
] i like that wookiee.” - maz
ok right. now for my favourite thing in the world. the show i don’t shut up about. the universe to which my heart belongs
three favourite male characters: will graham, hannibal lecter & anthony dimmondthree favourite female characters: chiyoh, molly graham & reba mcclane (also beverly katz. and freddie lounds. and abigail hobbs. and literally every other girl)favourite pairing(s): hannibal/will, margot/alana, reba/molly, abigail/marissa & jimmy/brian are the ones i pay most attention to, but i’m honestly also down for literally any other f/f ship u can imagine from this shownotp(s): there isn’t anything i would specifically call a notp, but i’m not a huge fan of will/alana or hannibal/alana i guess? just bc as much as i love will & hannibal, alana deserves 1000x better and i lovelovelove her with margot. i also dislike mason with literally anyone for what i would hope are obvious reasons. i also tend to be kinda cringey about abigail with will or hannibal in a romantic/sexual sense bc it’s made very clear that their relationship with her is parent/child and that she’s a teenager so it feels v creepy to meleast favourite character: i like them enough as characters but i’ll say francis dolarhyde & mason verger. bc everything mason does ever makes me feel vaguely ill and my first impression of francis dolarhyde was him stretching and grunting @ his mirror in briefs w/ Glistening Muscles and i was done with That and ready to move on in under 0.00002 seconds but it just
.. kept happeningwho’s most like me: peter bernardone, abigail hobbs & s1!will graham most attractive: chiyoh! i was literally Gone from the second we saw her through will’s goddamn binoculars favourite moment/scene: literally every second of dark!will i am so here for that. every moment from when he attacked freddie in the barn and then. u know. ate randall tier with hannibal, the whole ~i’ve given up good & evil for behaviourism~ conversation and the knife exchange in the kitchen. also him bringing randall’s body to hannibal in the middle of the night like some dog looking for approval wtf. and obviously him & hannibal double-teaming & killing francis in the season finale and running the fuck away together and then coming back to eat bedelia like I JUST REALLY LOVE DARK!WILLfavourite quote(s): i have SO MANY. some of them i just think are gorgeous and thought-provoking, some i like for shippy reasons or bc they were super chilling or Ominous on a rewatch/paired with later context, and some i just find straight-up hilarious
hannibal: “i’ve always found the idea of death comforting. the thought that my life could end at any moment frees me to fully appreciate the beauty and art and horror of everything this world has to offer.”
hannibal: “the essence of the worst in the human spirit is not found in the crazy sons-of-bitches. ugliness is found in the faces of the crowd.”  
jack: “you remember when you decided to call hannibal?”will: “i wasn’t decided when i called him. i just called him. i deliberated while the phone rang
 i decided when i heard his voice.”jack: “you told him we knew.” will: “i told him to leave, because i wanted him to run.”jack: “why?”will: “because
 because he was my friend. and because i wanted to run away with him.” 
hannibal: “you cannot control with respect to whom you fall in love.” 
will: “i’ve never known myself as well as i know myself
 when i’m with him.” 
hannibal: “when the fox hears the rabbit scream, he comes a-running. but not to help. when you hear jack scream, why will you come running?”
chiyoh: “you have a taste for it now.”will: “for what?”chiyoh: “harm.”will: “do you?”chiyoh: “i was violent when it was the right thing to do. but i think you like it. [
] if you don’t kill him, you’re afraid you’re going to become him.”will: “yes.”
freddie: “i’ve interviewed enough serial killers to know one when i see one. [
] a very specific brand of hostility. i see it every time i look at will graham.” 
gray: “there is no god.”hannibal: “well, not with that attitude.” 
hannibal: “hello! i love your work.” (YOU NEED CONTEXT FOR THIS ONE BUT I LOVE IT)
guest: “it smells divine!”hannibal: “it is! i say that without ego. i don’t require conventional reinforcement.” 
hannibal: “that may have been impulsive.”
hannibal: “a paradox.”alana: “freddie lounds thinks the two of you are a paradox. she sees something no one else sees.”will: “and what’s that?”alana: “that neither of you is the killer she’s writing about
 but together you might be.” 
will: “i’d pack my bags if i were you, bedelia. meat’s back on the menu. [
] ready or not, here he comes.” 
freddie: “what will understands is that if you can’t beat hannibal lecter
 join him.” 
hannibal: “what’s the meat? veal? pork?”will: “she was a slim and delicate pig.”hannibal: “i’ll make you lomo soltado. we’ll make it together. 
you slice the ginger.” [
]hannibal: “this meat is not pork.”will: “it’s long pig.” (RIDICULOUS. now they’re both making puns while eating people)
will: “is hannibal in love with me?”bedelia: “could he daily feel a stab of hunger for you and find nourishment at the very sight of you? yes. but do you ache for him?”  
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