#captain Levi Ackerman
aena1179 · 2 days
✎ ׂ╰┈➤
Levi x fem!reader
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(A/N): Apologies this isn’t the most romantic fic ever, this is my first time writing for levi/my first fic ever ^^ Sorry its a bit long!!!
But please enjoy!! ╰ (´꒳`) ╯💕
Summary:after a long day of training you can’t seem to fall asleep. Deciding to take a walk to fall asleep, you find levi in the library awake and decide to join in on his alone time. The strict Captain Levi, finds himself feeling unfamiliar feelings towards you.
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It’s been a couple months since you officially became a scout in the survey corps. Luckily for you, your hard work and efforts had reflected greatly. With that, you had been granted a position within the Levi squad. After demonstrating your skills in combat as well as cooperation with your colleagues, it didn’t take long for the captain to notice.
It was a busy day and you’d just returned back with the captain and his squad. After going outside the walls for a long excruciating day of training, the all you could think about was sleep.
Dragging your feet back to your own room, your muscles ached from the ODM gear. Reaching down, you massage your own sore calves with your hand before taking off your boots and the rest of your uniform; dressing in something more casual. You eye your bed practically collapsing in it, not even bothering to pull the covers up. You close your eyes hoping to get some sleep before you have to go through the same hell the next day.
A few minutes go by before turning into ten minutes. Then into twenty. Then to an hour…. The whole time, you toss and turn trying to get your restless body to sleep.
“Damn it…”
You toss and turn for a few more minutes deciding whatever is keeping you awake isn’t going to let up anytime soon.
Sitting up now, you turn to your door glancing at it. Maybe if you just walked around a bit, that could get you drowsy enough to finally want to rest. You sit up heading towards the door, putting on more comfortable shoes before heading out.
Opening the door, you walk out into the hallway. As expected, the dimly lit space is empty. What is usually bustling with other scouts and conversations is still at this hour. Not a single person in sight as most people had retired to their rooms at this hour.
Walking down the halls, the sounds of crickets chirp outside, the moonlight seeping in through the windows spaced out throughout the hallway. As you walked, throughout the halls, you see a dim light leak out from the library.
“Did someone seriously leave their lantern and forget about it?”
You walk closer to the library in a couple strides seeing the door slightly creaked open. Deciding to go in and shut the lantern off yourself, you open the door. Just as you open it, your eyes meet a small table where a teacup was placed a long with a chair accompanied by a body.
Your eyes catch his as he glances up from his book. The hues of his eyes illuminated by the lantern’s light, his expression unable to read.
“You’re up late.” you say surprised to see the captain up at such an hour. Isn’t he tired from training everyone today? Why is he in the library? *Does* this guy ever sleep?
Levi sighs, putting his book down before he glances back at you.
“I can say the same about you. Is there a reason you’re wondering the halls this late?” he questions you furrowing his brows.
“I couldn’t sleep.” you respond honestly.
“So you decide to bother me?” he says looking at you with a slight frown.
You clear your throat shaking your head.
“Well honestly, no. I just saw a light coming from here and I thought someone lousily left it on—went to go shut it off.” you motion to the lamp.
Levi sits silently for a moment, taking a sip of his tea before he responds. This time, more of a light response escapes his lips.
“Well, I guess everyone has their moments of restlessness.”
Levi’s mind conjures for a moment as he looks at you. “Would you like to sit down?” his offer seeming sudden.
“You want me to join you?” you’re surprised the captain offers you such; feeling a bit bad for protruding on his alone time.
“Well it’s better than you standing in the middle of the room” he says with a monotone voice.
I laugh slightly, more awkwardly than anything. Walking over to him, I take a seat in the other chair divided by the small table.
“What’s the book you’re reading?” you ask looking at novel by him. In which he picks back up, handing it to you in silence for you to read the back.
“Nothing really interesting then?” you say with a more amused tone.
“Nothing in here is honestly.” he says, tone slightly more relaxed. “Anything worth reading wouldn’t be in here. Tch. Guess the regiment has more important things to spend the shitty budget on.”
You laugh entertained by his remarks.
“It’s not that bad.”
Levi shoots you a look saying otherwise. His expression saying “Really?”
Theres a bit of an awkward silence after, levi takes another sip of his tea. You twiddle your thumbs looking around the room, setting the book he handed you from your lap back on the table.
During the silence you glance when he reaches for his teacup. His eyes look tired, yet he’s still up right now. The light contours his face, etching his features. His raven black hair absorbs the light, strands fallen in front of his face. A strong, yet soft look to his appearance.
“Why couldn’t you sleep?” his voice interrupts the silence as he sets his cup back down looking at you.
“I’m not sure, maybe it’s whats in the air tonight. My body is exhausted from the training, I don’t know why I can’t get myself to fall asleep.” you explain rubbing the back on your neck.
“Hm.” he responds. “You wouldn’t be as sore if you were landing right with your feet.” you feel his gaze drop to your legs, pointing to then same aching area where you massaged earlier. “You put some much pressure onto your feet when you land, too stiff. I know you know how to maneuver good in ODM gear. However, with too much tension..you’re eventually going to hurt yourself.”
He looks back up at you. He sees your expression after he explained to you your efforts. His eyes search yours before he speaks again.
“You’re sore aren’t you?” he says as if reading your mind.
Your shoulders slump as he looks right through you. And you nod reluctantly admitting it. Which in return, earns you a shake from levi’s head to your response and a sigh.
“Aside from that,” he pauses. “you did good today. You worked well with everyone and used your gas sparingly.” he says cutting you slack.
You smile. “Thank you captain.”
“Don’t let it get to your head.” he says quickly following.
Laughing, you look at him smiling before you open your mouth to speak again. “I think it got to my head.”
“Hmph.” he looks over at you and your overly confident face. Some brat.
He goes to take another sip from his cup, realizing it’s empty. He places it back down, where he glances a glimpse of your smile. Something about it flashes to him for a second that tugs his strings. Immediately disregarding it, he glances away calmly.
“So, whats your reason for not sleeping?” you ask making conversation.
“I never can sleep.” he replies shortly. “And when I can, it’s only a few hours.”
You frown again from hearing him explain his situation. His response drawing close to chalking it up to insomnia. “That sounds like hell, I’m sorry captain.”
He shrugs. “Nothing to do about it, it’s fine.”
“No it isn’t.” you object looking at him concerned.
Levi looks at your expression, seeing your brows contorted to worry makes him feel kind of guilty for sharing it. His mind is not sure why he would care so much.
Before you try and lecture him on sleep, you close your lips. You feel bad trying to fight him on something that isn’t your issue, adjusting in your seat. “I probably shouldn’t even be talking— you move to cross your leg over the other while adjusting in your seat accidentally bumping the table.
In a flash, your actions bump the empty cup off the table causing it to come crashing to the ground. Your eyes widening.
Standing up you apologize frantically to Levi as he look’s at his favorite teacup, now shattered on the ground. He himself getting up. His expression not amused.
“Im so sorry—sir I didn’t mean to do that! Shit-i’m so..so sorry.” you move to pick up the pieces hurriedly.
You pick them up one by one into your hand, looking around for somewhere to dump them before he places his hand on your shoulder. You look across to him. He’s crouching down to pick them up with you.
You hear him sigh before he says with a tone that doesn’t give away any anger or frustration. “It was an accident. Don’t just freak out and pick them up like that, idiot.”
He walks over to grab an old bucket across the library halfway full of old crumbled papers. Walking back over, he crouches down with the bucket. “In here.” his tone flat.
You mutter a quiet thank you, picking up a large shard. You think to yourself, “Of course, too tired to not bump your captain’s favorite cup off a table, but not tired enough to go to bed earlier. None of this would have happened.”
“What?” you say coming back from your thoughts. “
“It happened. It was just a cup. Don’t sit there sulking about it.” he says almost in a…comforting way?
I nod picking the last piece up.
They say lighting doesn’t strike twice yet, here you are on the world’s shittiest luck streak. Stupidly, picking it up the shard by the sharp end. It slices through tip of your finger open;the slit bleeds from flesh color to a red hue, as a bead of blood drips from the newly opened cut on your finger. Causing you to drop the shard back onto the wooden floor of the library.
Levi watches as you do so, his expression changes from unreadable to a flash of concern as he puts the bucket down.
“Okay, stop.” he says picking the shard into the bucket himself placing the bucket down behind him. “Now you *are* tired.”
“I was just not looking it’s fine.” you say backing yourself up but also feeling a tinge of embarrassment.
Your wrist is grabbed.
You watch as his hand reaches out for yours grasping your wrist, his other hand going for his cravat. He turns your hand over looking at the finger bleeding. The moment between the two of you silent.
“What are you-hey I can do that myself I don’t need your help-
“I don’t really care if you can do it on your own.” he says as he dabs at your finger wrapping the cloth around it.
You look at him tending to your cut, your cheeks dust a light pink as you look away. His hand gently is gripping yours still. Eventually pulling away as he stops the bleeding.
“Thank you… captain.” you say quietly.
“Levi.” he says softly. “Just, Levi.”
Your cheeks burn red, Levi noticing the change, lingers on your face with his eyes for a moment and then stands back up.
You stand up yourself, looking at the bucket and then back to him. “I should try and sleep again.”
Levi looks down at your hand still slightly bothered by the cut, confused in his mind as to why. Then, back at you. “That would be a good idea. I’ll probably do the same.”
You feel a bit awkward leaving, apologizing again for the cup and making your way to the door.
Before you leave, he looks at you and the words spill out of his mouth.
“Try and actually sleep this time.” he says quietly. “I expect you up early for tomorrow mornings training. And..”
He pauses.
“Don’t hurt yourself.” his tone soft.
I look at him smiling gently, waving. “You too. Try to sleep.”
He nods.
“Goodnight.” he says softly.
“Goodnight cap-goodnight, Levi.” you say, his name, thinking of how it slides off your tongue easily. You feel your stomach swirl a bit thinking it’s just because you’re tired.
“God, i’m not going to kill you for saying my name. You can relax saying it.” he says slightly fond of hearing you say his name. His face remaining straight.
You smile feeling a bit better leaving after he says that to you. Waving again, you walk off towards your room for the night leaving levi along again in the library.
Levi stands where he is for a moment before thinking. His eyes a bit softened along with his whole face. Was he too harsh? Why did it matter? Why is he still thinking about it, stop it.
He looks at the bucket seeing the shards, thinking about his cup. He knows he should be upset by his cup breaking still, and while he is a bit disappointed by the inconvenience. He can’t find any annoyance behind the thought.
The silence in the room pours back in reminding him, he’s free to his alone time again. Only now, the silence is what irritates him. Thoughts flood his mind thinking back to you breaking the cup and instead of any anger, he thinks about your face. Your features. Those features that claw into his consciousness making him feel a way he doesn’t like. The tugging feeling returns to him in his chest and he feels *his* very own face heating up, very slightly.
You had dug into the captain’s head. Planting the seed of alternate feelings towards you.
Looking one last time at the bucket and then to a small window in the library. He stares into the mixture of stars in the sky.
“For the first time, I wanted someone’s company outside of my own.”
“And I don’t hate that feeling.”
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rivangel · 13 days
Levi's hands
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ebechnasheim · 2 months
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Jaw could cut glass, man 😭
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caffeinateddino · 6 days
I dont really like sexual content about Levi, but this is an exception because I love him so much it physically hurts. soo.. minors DNI
Levi prefers dark when he's being intimate. you can see his flushed face from the dim light of the lamp as he thrusts into you, sweat trickling down his forehead as he tries to keep himself quiet
Levi is gentle, careful. even though he's going rough, you can feel how mindful he is with every movement. his hands are pressed to bed on the either side of your head, he's carefully watching every expression of yours
Levi's hand founds your back when you arch up to his chest as you climax. his head dipped on your shoulder. you'd feel his hot shuddering breath as he empty his balls deep into you
Levi is quiet during sex unless you ask him to speak up. when he does, all left from his lips are his gentle praises. "you feel so good", "you look beautiful", "look into my eyes, i wanna see how i make you feel."
Levi likes it when you're in half laying position as he eats you out. his mouth between your legs, his eyes up on your face, drinking in your expressions, getting his own pleasure from seeing your pleasure
Levi prefers the missionary position, so he can look at your face even though it's hard to see in dark
Levi loves getting blowjobs. it's almsot a religious experience for him. he'd dangle his fingers around your hair and would slowly guide you. his head would fall back, he'd be grunting quietly. where he actually moan is when he spills every drop of his cum into your mouth.
Levi loves it when you take the lead. he loves being praised by you, seeing you on top. he loves it when you're slow and gentle
Levi loves being held by you. he'd lay his face to your chest and let you wrap your legs and arms around him. if you press soft kisses to his hair while cuddling, he'd be the happiest man alive
Levi is amazing with aftercare. he brushes your sweaty hair off of your face, pressing his lips to your forehead, murmuring praises. he's holding a cup to your mouth to hydrate you, carrying you to bath to wash you up
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abiatackerman · 2 months
Y/N: Please, for me!
Levi: No.
Y/N: *puppy eyes* pleaseeeeee
Levi: Do you think I'll do whatever you want just because you're giving me those shitty eyes?
Y/N: Baby please, love please, darling ple...
Levi: Fine Fine! I'll do it. Just because you're a fucking damn brat!
Wanna laugh more? Checkout the masterlist of Funny Minishots. Hopefully they'll make you laugh too...
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whattheheckmidoriya · 11 months
A Million Tomorrows
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Description: Change was inevitable. Levi couldn't deny he felt it coming, nor could he deny the dread pooling his stomach at the thought of tomorrow. You seem to have a way of easing those fears off his shoulders.
Word Count: 2.7k
Pairing: Post-war Levi x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: AOT s4 spoilers, survivor's guilt. Let me know if I've missed something!♡
Author's Note: Hi, my loves!! It's been so long since I've had something to share with y'all, and I'd been working on this piece for a while, so I hope you all enjoy it!
Join the taglist here!
Something in the air told him change was coming.
It unsettled him, the idea of not knowing what was to come in this new chapter of his life. How could the tides shift and the seasons change so effortlessly while his tortured mind remained in the past? How could he be expected to turn the page when there was still so much he didn't understand?
Levi Ackerman didn't fear many things in life, but change terrified him. He wasn't ready for it, at least he didn't think so. The world's orbit seemed to speed up just enough to leave him behind, alone and abandoned. He couldn't keep up, couldn't keep a steady enough pace to remain one with the times.
He was falling behind and didn't know how to cope with the fact. Humanity's Strongest had withered away the second war was no more and Levi Ackerman didn't know how to pick up the pieces, didn't know how to move on now that he no longer bore a soldier's purpose over his shoulders.
He was nothing but a hopeless man, aimlessly stumbling through this life, yet something bloomed within him now that his nights were spent by your side. Indeed, he was hopeless— hopelessly in love and devastated by the fact. How terrifying, to get lost in the warmth of your touch and seek refuge under your sweet embrace— to slink away from the world to satisfy his greedy desires of basking in your love.
You'd created something in him, something so beautiful it chilled his blood in fear. How exciting; how terrifying.
Thunder rumbled in the distance, the warm painting of an afternoon sky slowly being consumed by the rolling of darkened clouds. Levi sighed, nursing a cup of tea in one hand while the other absent-mindedly traced patterns over the arm of his chair. His healing leg bounced over the wooden porch floors, almost impatiently.
Sitting idly always made him anxious. Though he always appreciated being able to savor his alone time, he often found himself seeking comfort in your presence. He'd picked up little habits that reassured him everything was okay— that you were okay. Holding your hand would subtly turn into his fingers sliding over your wrist, searching for your steady pulse. Caressing your cheeks allowed him to be close enough to feel your breath fanning over his skin, easing his nerves. He shyly started offering to bathe together, taking the opportunity to look over you, easing his mind with the knowledge that the scars on your skin were slowly fading with the passage of time.
The war hadn't taken you from him, yet he feared you'd vanish if he dared look away.
Music streamed from within the house, a melody you had claimed to be your favorite the moment you heard it on the radio. He had to admit, he liked it too, the familiarity of it enough to distract his racing mind. If he listened closely enough, he could make out the sound of your voice softly following the words to the song. The corners of his lips quirked into a tiny smile.
Love had made him soft.
Levi waited for you to join him on the porch, the tea in his hand now lukewarm. He cringed. He never liked the taste of cold tea.
A puff of air rushed past his lips as the sky opened up its gates, allowing for the land to be cleansed with a fresh wave of rain. He hummed nonchalantly. He never cared much for the rain, always despising how his shoes would sink into thick puddles of mud in the aftermath.
What a bother, he thought as a chilling breeze nipped at his skin and tousled his hair.
The former captain perked up at the sound of footsteps, relief pooling his chest. You'd finally decided to join him. As the door swung open, he turned in his chair to greet you but wouldn't get the chance to as you sped past him, leaping off the steps of the porch and into the rain.
A breathy laugh spilled out of your mouth, something beautiful and free."This is so nice!" You beamed, spreading your arms wide as the rain soaked your clothes. Wonder twinkled brilliantly in your eyes, your grin a wild thing that made your lover's chest ache.
He wondered, had your smile always been this big? No, he doesn't think so. Something was different— it felt new. A quick tug to his heartstrings had his mismatched eyes following you attentively. He could feel it in his bones, dripping down his stomach, pooling around his toes. Today's different.
Levi gaped at you, shaking his head. "Get out of the rain," he urged, wheeling his chair close to the porch railing. "You'll get sick."
He remembered having this conversation with you years before, both of you clad in torn uniforms, brandishing green cloaks, and worn-out boots. The scene was all too familiar, but your laughter was now wild, void of shame. Too many were the times he had to usher you back into the barracks, scolding you for being so careless. He could no longer count how many times he'd had to rush out of his office to drag you away from the ruthless downpour of a storm, nearly having to toss you over his shoulder to get you somewhere dry. You always said there was something about the rain that made you feel brand new. He always said you were crazy. But he couldn't say no to you now, not when something devilish and daring lingered in your gaze.
You merely turned to him, sticking out your tongue in retaliation. He scoffed.
Thunder roared a little closer now, and your smile only widened. You hollered in response, and your arms stretched up to the heavens. Oh, how sweet the taste of freedom, so fierce and lively.
"C'mon," Levi called after you, setting down his cup of tea. "It'll only get colder." He could already feel a chill crawling up his spine. Perhaps he should be seeking some towels to wrap you in— some warm blankets, too.
Instead of heeding his wishes, you ran further into the growing storm, your boots splashing into every puddle your feet stumbled upon. Mud splattered onto your ankles, tainting the dress that fell just past your knees. You jumped and twirled, laughter spilling past your lips with a joy so raw it seeped into your lover's ears like a sacred melody.
"Wait," He shouted as lightning struck, his heart pounding in his chest. Flashes of white and blue cut through the sky, their impact booming through the air. "Don't go too far!"
But you couldn't hear him anymore. You danced with the wildflowers, bending to the wind, each stomp and clap in rhythm with the crack of thunder. The drumming of rain kept the pace of your beating heart, so full of life and renewal. The heavens were the musicians and you, their valiant performer.
And Levi couldn't just sit by. No, because as lightning sparked through the heavens and the wind bit his nose with a chill, his heart only ached for you. Mismatched hues followed your every move, a pang of longing knocking on his chest.
Wherever you were, he was never too far behind.
"Damn it," he cursed. There was no time to go searching for his cane, the forsaken thing collecting dust in the back of his closet. With whatever strength he had within him, he latched onto the wooden railing before him and began pulling himself off his chair, his limbs protesting at the effort.
The former captain stumbled down the steps, his footing unsure, uneven. The aches in his leg scurried away as he stood a bit taller. Renewed confidence filled each stride once his feet landed on soppy mud. A new chill settled in his bones, something foreign and exciting.
"Come back!" He shouted, yet found himself going after you before he could think twice, his limp carrying him as best as it could. He felt like a madman chasing after falling stars. "Damn it, wait up!"
As if the wind had carried his voice to you like a sweet melody, you turned, a new giddy feeling tickling your heart as he slowly stumbled towards you. Something electric coursed through your veins, sweet and addicting. You laughed and cheered, kicking up more mud with every hop of excitement. Pride swelled in your chest at the sight of him, your heart threatening to chase after your lover.
A clap of thunder broke through the steady drumming of rain, almost as if urging Levi to keep going— he needed to reach you. His legs moved clumsily, the gap between you growing smaller. His hair stuck to his face in a sloppy mess, his clothes clinging to his healing body. Tints of pink dusted his scarred cheeks, nearly stinging his skin as the wind whispered sweet nothings into his ear. And though his bones whined and protested, the wages of war clear on his skin, he felt stronger than he had in a while.
"I'm coming!" Your voice rang through the air, almost as loudly as the chorus of booming thunder that followed.
And you ran to him.
A tug in his heart propelled him forward until he couldn't anymore. He tripped over his footing, his knee giving out and letting him meet the ground. And for once, he didn't care about the dirt under his nails or the horrendous state his clothing was in. Levi let himself get pulled to the dirt by the wind, his back to the ground. Facing up at the sky, he reveled in how the rain kissed his skin.
He's never felt more free.
How unusual, the feeling bubbling in his chest, a crazed little thing that pulled his lips into a smile. As a kid, he always dreamed of the sun, of feeling its warmth sink into his bones and fill his belly. He nearly laughed. How strange to find comfort in a raging storm.
You came like a dream. The dress hugging your body spread around your legs like a flower in bloom as you plopped down in the mud. Cold hands cupped the sides of his face tenderly, and he instinctively leaned into your touch. Cradling his head, setting it over your lap, you brushed his hair out of the way. Was he aware of how beautiful he was? A smile graced your lips, amusement clear in your eyes as he gaped at you, like a man drunk on stardust and hope.
The storm felt so far away now, though Levi was sure it had grown exponentially. But he couldn't focus on that. No, he was too enraptured by the sight of you to worry about such a thing. You, who kissed his scars each night, mapping them out like uncharted constellations. You, who thought his eyes were the most lovely combination of jewels. You, who now laughed so freely it made his heart stutter. He couldn't be any more in love.
"I love you," he breathed, unsure if you'd heard him. A trembling hand, gentle and cautious, reached up to you, wiping away the mud sprinkled on your cheek. His words came in a choked breath, scarred lips quivering under the weight of such sweet emotion, "I love you so damn much."
Something sweet bloomed in his chest, foreign yet familiar in a way he couldn't quite understand.
Even under the rain, Levi could see the tears swelling in the corners of your eyes, your smile so bright and warm. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach. How had he managed to find such love? By no means did the odds ever feel to be in his favor, but perhaps the moon and the stars had conspired on his behalf, shifting the tides so that, at the end of it all, it would be you and him.
It didn't make any sense; there was no way for him to understand it. The mystery of this love was too big, but he stopped questioning things long ago. He stopped believing in coincidences. Some things, no matter how impossible they seemed, were meant to be. Like the way your hand perfectly fits in his or how his name resembles the songs of angels when spoken by your lips.
He never thought this life would ever be kind to him. Levi had only known hardship for so long; he'd learned to wear his grief and anger like a second skin. But the way you smiled at him, the way you held him as if he would shatter under your touch— it all made him think that maybe life had some hidden jewels waiting for him to uncover.
"You make this life a whole lot less shitty," His voice came in a hush, raw and flooding with emotion. Stormy eyes fluttered as you caressed his cheeks so tenderly, so gently he felt his chest tighten in an achingly beautiful way. "Thank you."
You smiled, choking on a tearful laugh. Levi seemed lighter. The sharpness of his eyes had softened with time, his infamous scowl slowly replaced by a small smile. His shoulders sagged, no longer tight under a soldier's promise of bloodshed. His knuckles no longer strained around the hilt of a sword but caressed the apples of your cheeks with sweet reverence.
He wore freedom beautifully.
"My sweet love," you mused, your voice like honey to his wounds, balming over the ghosts of battles past. "Thank you for staying."
A breath, sharp and unsteady, rushed past his lips, his chest caving in under the weight of raw emotion. His eyes widened, something new glossing over them. The man cradled in your touch crumbled, his lips quivering as he surrendered himself to the vastness of your love. A broken cry tore through his chest, his breaths uneven as he hiccuped.
He didn't think himself worthy— never believed it should’ve been him who rose with the sun each morning, basking in the warmth of a life others never had a chance to experience. A man forged by the wages of war had no right to savor the sweetness of this life, to have his wounds cleansed by the downpour of the heavens. Sometimes, his mind would drift off, and he'd wonder what this newfound freedom would've been for you had you not been held back by the prospect of nurturing him back to health. Would you have left? If things were different, would you have parted ways? His stomach overflowed with dread at such thoughts. He sometimes wished he'd been pulled into the cold clutches of eternal slumber, to have been whisked away into an abyss he could never escape from. Maybe then you wouldn't be burdened with the cards he'd been dealt with. Yet through his doubt, through his fears, your voice echoed in his heart, offering tender reassurance.
Thank you for staying. His heart ached, overwhelming him with tears he couldn’t seem to restrain. His scarred hand clung to yours tightly, almost as if your touch alone tethered him to this life. What had you done to him? How could you devastate his heart with such sweet love?
Your eyes softened as he cried. Softly, your free hand worked to brush strands of ink away from his face. The man before you was no longer the deadly soldier many feared; he'd retired his blades long ago. The man before you had been in hiding for far too long, holding himself together for longer than should've been asked of him.
Your lover was gentle and kind, and he feared what the future held. He hated not knowing what the sun would bring with its rising and falling— hated feeling uncertain of what his days would look like. But it all seemed a bit clearer now, a bit less fearsome. Something new glimmered in his eyes as his cries boomed louder than the crack of thunder.
Change was in the air. He could feel it in his lungs, feel it in the soft breath that carried your words straight to his heart. It crackled all around him, loud, wild, and full of anticipation. It sent shivers down his spine.
Indeed, change was in the air, and, for once, Levi would beg the heavens for a million tomorrows if it meant he could live them all with you.
🏷 Levi Ackerman taglist
@leviackermanmyhero245 @violet-19999 @celestair @ms-sin-city @ghostly-haunted @andrastesbeard @ikisstoga @izukus-gf @Bluetima @lemonboi69 @aconstructofamind @imjustasimpxd @notgoodforlife @bubsonnobx @a10vely-yutazen   @Just-sana @Loca-raccoon @Hjnhuh @geese-goose18 @figlia-della-luna
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littlerequiem · 2 months
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Recently commissioned the lovely and talented @malotte00 to draw a piece for my fanfic, we all bleed red, featuring Vamp!Levi and his mare.
Go check out their art, I'm just enamored <3
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does it have to be angst? i was gonna ask for married levi/reader with kids post war but 🥺🙏🏻 for angst maybe it could be about his injuries, with reader giving comfort?
Providing Comfort {Levi Ackerman}
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A/n: thank you for requesting. Generally you can request whatever you want but I don't think I would actually write the request with him having kids. Anyways. I hope you like the comfort one.
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x gn!reader
Trigger warnings: mentions of injuries, self doubt, low confidence, mentions of not liking oneself, mentions of painkillers
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You knew the first months after the war were going to be the most difficult ones. It wasn't just because of the fact that everyone would have to get used to the new world but also because of the trauma everything had left behind.
"Just give me another... one of those little damn things." Levi groaned and despite your attempts to help him lie back down on the bed, he sat back up.
"Aspirins?" You let out a sigh and sat next to him.
The most difficult part in reality was trying to help the most stubborn man you knew with getting accustomed to his new daily life. For better or for worse, Levi refused to follow or at least understand the orders the doctor had given him. On one hand, it was understandable; he was used to constantly moving, training, going on expeditions and fighting, there was no way he could accept laying in bed all day in order to heal his injuries. On the other... it saddened you. He was colder than he had ever been, barely talking to anyone and when he did, his words cut deeper than any knife.
"Whatever that is. Just give it to me."
He had started making progress though, you had to admit at least that. In the beginning he wouldn't even tell you when or where he was in pain. It was like a guess game, you would squeeze his knee and pray the pain was too much for him to try and hold back any groans or expressions.
Most of the times it worked.
Then he figured out that he could take aspirins whenever he was in pain and ever since then he refused to let them go. But the doctor's visit yesterday had left him with zero options than to stop taking them.
"The doctor said no, Levi."
"Couldn't care less."
And you couldn't do much about it either. Even batting heads with him felt strange since having been under his command for so long usually meant him giving the orders and not vice versa.
"Maybe doing the exercises the doctor told you would help with the pain... just saying." A small awkward pause followed, small enough to feel as if centuries had passed until Levi shook his head. It didn't need a lot of thinking to figure out why he refused.
The following days after the war ended, Levi and who knows how many others were in the hospital. Unlike some people and like others, Levi didn't get out of there unscathed. The only injury he had partly accepted was his missing fingers which was both because it occured before the war started and also because he proved to himself that he can still do everything just perfect without having all five fingers.
Neither you nor him understood how you came to live with each other but unbeknownst to you, it was more of a comfort than a nuissance to him. However, he still had his... issues. The last thing he wanted was an old member of his team to see him at his worst. Not even Erwin had achieved something like that.
"I can help. I promise it will only help with the pain."
As much as he hated it, it wasn't as if he had much of a choice.
"All you had to do was ask."
Helping him with his exercises didn't take more than half an hour. Levi was a perfectionist and you knew it. He wasn't doing it to get the pain to go away but to prove to himself that he was in charge of his body. All of his life consisted of constantly proving something to himself.
"Are you planning on nagging me about it?" He reached out for the hot cup of tea you had prepared for him with a sigh.
"Maybe." You replied with a smile.
He had made much more of a progress than you had imagined. Not once had you imagined you'd see him finally relax his shoulders and lean back on the couch comfortably, holding his cup of tea in his peculiar way.
"Go on then."
It would take much more time to completely open up to you, let you provide him with proper comfort but for now and for the past few weeks, he was fine with you talking his ear out. It kept him mind off the pain and in one way or another it felt more comforting than the warm cup of tea he was holding.
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leviismybby · 1 year
Let's talk about Levi and how when you two are dating, his sex drive is crazy, he will have you anywhere. Literally anywhere. He doesn't care about how risky it is. You two have probably fucked in every room in the headquarters, even in the commander's office once. However never in the supply closet where you find yourself currently as Levi's lips suck at your neck while he thrusts into you. You're sitting on one of the wooden crates, Levi between your open thighs. You can hear the others outside.
"Levi someone will hear.." You whine but he only slaps a hand over your mouth, cock pounding into you faster, deeper. He holds your hands behind your back. "Do I look like I fucking care about the others?" He said slapping your ass with his free hand and making you moan against his hand. "Or are you embarrassed that you enjoy getting fucked by your captain?" He lets go of your mouth to wrap his fingers around your neck, his thumb sneaks past your lips and you suck on it. "Mhhh good girl." Your pussy clenches around his cock, Levi grunts at how good you feel. You wrap your legs around his hips and he plunges deeper into, that's all it takes for you both to cum.
(Special thanks to @luvjiro who helped me decide on what to publish hehe)
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rivangel · 3 months
“levi isn’t cute even a little” literally him:
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ebechnasheim · 3 months
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We can’t always carry our fallen comrades home, but we carry their memory.
🖌️ grandgth | X
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caffeinateddino · 7 days
I love how everyone headcanon Levi Ackerman as the acts of service type of man
Levi is the type of man who'd show his affection silently. you wouldn't hear it much from him, but you'd always be sure that he loves you without needing to question it further
Levi Ackerman is the type of man who'd make sure you take care off your hygiene. you'd take baths together, when you both were done, he'd dry you up himself. don't worry about him being harsh though, he'd be so gentle like he's dusting ceramic set
Levi Ackerman is the type of man who'd take care of your health as well. you're sick?? oh no! no worries, you got levi ackerman who'd make you a good bowl of soup. you don't like THAT soup? he'd find another recipe, no complaints. fever? bowl of vinegar water and his concerned face would be next to you, wiping your forehead with the damp cloth each five minutes
Levi Ackerman is the type of man who knows enough for each different situation. you're on your period and it hurts? this mf knows how to reduce the pain better than you. he's placing the heatingpad under your feet because placing it over your stomach might hurt 'your ovaries'. He's bringing you the painkiller, because he knows you're not taking them to "gain pain tolerance" lmao
Levi Ackerman is the type of man who'd change with his lover. he's sleeping next to you. he doesn't have insomnia anymore- somehow you took it all from him. no nightmares, no sleeping on chair, no waking up in the middle of night. he's getting deep, long rests when you're next to him
Levi Ackerman is the type of man who'd take you out for simple coffee (or rahther tea) dates, nice dinners, theater, bookstores. he's the type of man who'd drive for 7 hours to see you
Levi Ackerman is the type of man who'd know your tea/coffee order by heart. if he had his dream teashop, after a while, his first sentence to his beautiful customer, you, would be "good morning, the regular?"
Levi Ackerman is the type of man who's into serving even in bed. you wanna be the dom? he's the sub then. you want him to be the dom? he's the dom. whatever you're into, this man is into it as well
Levi Ackerman is the type of man murmuring empty threats when you complain about stuff. you know he wouldn't do what he says
Levi Ackerman is the type of man i wanna marry for sure
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abiatackerman · 1 month
Where he truly belongs
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Event: @levievent "Levi Month 24"
💕 Day 9: Soulmates 💕
Canon universe! Captain Levi Ackerman x Scout Reader! Soft love with slight comedy! Fluffy romance! Sweet confessions! 1.1K Words!
The moonlight pours through the clean office window of Levi as the candles sigh with tiredness. They've reached their limits too but it seems like the captain hasn't. He's been working continuously and hasn't stopped even it's 2am. He didn't sleep last night either proving that the paperwork is more important to him. His right hand keeps putting the elegant signature of his on the rough papers as his tired eyes roam over them. But all of it gets interrupted when your loud voice yells his name and you burst into his room furiously.
"Levi Ackerman!"
The sudden sound of your angry voice and the door banging open jolts Levi out of his work. He looks up from his desk, his eyes widening slightly as he sees your furious expression.
"What the hell? What's gotten into you?"
He asks with his usual calm-rough voice. He's not surprised to see you at this hour since he knows it's not rare for you to stay awake at night. He knows you love to "waste your time" by reading instead of sleeping.
"I'll pull you by your ear and drag your ass to bed. The fuck is wrong with you? You haven't slept for 32 Hours!"
You hiss and march towards him and pull his ear.
"Ow! Dammit, woman! Do you know whose ear you're pulling?"
He winces a little as you grab his ear suddenly. He is not used to being manhandled like this, especially by a woman, but he knows he deserves it. He knows that he has been neglecting his own health and he knows that you have rights to be angry with him.
"Yes, my boyfriend's!"
You reply in a pissed voice and pull both of his ears as if you're a kid and his ears are your favourite toy.
"Alright, alright! I'll go to bed, just let go of my ear!"
He says and grips your wrists. You sigh at his words and let go of his ears.
"You make me worried sick every night when you don't sleep!"
You hiss and pull him by his wrist and he allows you to lead him through the halls of the Survey Corps headquarters. Grumbling under his breath, he follows obediently behind you. Once you reach your room, he walks inside and slumps down onto the bed, letting out a tired sigh.
"I'm sorry for worrying you, doll. I just have a lot on my mind and work is the best distraction, that's all."
He looks at you apologetically and you smile cheekily, hopping into the bed with him.
"Better distraction than me?"
Levi gives you a "Don't fuck with me stare" you laugh. You lay down beside him and start to caress his dark silky locks.
Levi closes his eyes as your fingers run through his hair, massaging his scalp. Letting out a content sigh, he relaxes into your touch. He reaches out and takes your other hand, bringing it to his lips and kisses your knuckles.
"You're too good to me, doll. I don't deserve you."
Your face softens at his words and you shake your head.
"That's a mutual feeling. I mean, tell me. What did I do to deserve the strongest, kindest, hottest, sweetest man in the earth? I love you."
He opens his eyes at your words and looks up at you, a small rare smile creeps up on his face as you caress his hair. He reaches up and cups your face in his hand, gently stroking your cheek with his thumb.
"I'm far from being the sweetest man. I've done my fair share of terrible things, but... You somehow make me feel like I'm worthy of love, even after everything I've done."
You smile softly and lean into his touch.
"You didn't do any of them because you wanted to. You had to do all those horrible things because you had no other way, because you had to save yourself."
Your voice softens as you kiss his lips so softly as if his lips are the most fragile thing in this earth.
"I wish I could be there to help you. You had a terrible time."
You whisper against his lips and he closes his eyes. He really loves it when you kiss him so gently, like he is vulnerable. He's not used to being treated like this. He's used to people seeing him as the strong and aloof captain, the man who could never break. But it's refreshing to receive some soft love when he's tired. Sometimes this is all he wants. To people stop treating him like he's unbreakable, like he's the strongest the strongest of all, like "he can't be vulnerable".
"You help me more than you know. Just having you by my side helps me more than you can imagine. Knowing that you love me and care about me... It's more than I deserve."
He confesses softly and you smile proudly. You cheekily mess his hair.
"See? Bad time always ends. You have me and the whole survey corps as your family now. I don't know about others but I can guarantee, I'm not leaving you that easily, Ackerman! Behind every strong man, there's always a supportive woman! And I want to be the one for you. I want to be 'humanity's strongest soldier's supportive woman'! Your woman, who's gonna mentally support you no matter what."
You smile proudly and take a deep breath. You look into his eyes as you confess in an honest and straightforward tone.
"I love you so much, Levi. So much that I'll be destroyed if you leave me."
As Levi hears your words, he feels a lump form in his throat. He rarely shows his emotions, but at this moment, he feels tears prickling at the corners of his eyes.
"I love you too, Y/n. You are my anchor, my reason for fighting. My soulmate, my one and only love. I will never leave you, no matter what happens. I will always be by your side, protecting you and loving you. As long as I'm alive"
His words make you emotional immediately and you hug him tightly. This is not the right time for crying. He's tired and he needs sleep. So you press his head in your chest, blinking away the tears and whisper softly.
"I know, Levi. Enough confessing for today. You're tired. Just go to sleep."
Levi nods at your words and closes his eyes, feeling the comforting beat of your heart under his cheek. He lets out a deep sigh, feeling the exhaustion of the past few days start to catch up to him.
"Thanks for coming into my life"
Levi murmurs, his voice drowsy and soft.
"You're very welcome, darling."
You respond softly and start to caress his hair again, to lull him to sleep. Levi's mind and body finally surrenders to the exhaustion that has been building up and he lets out a soft sigh. Since he can't fight against the calm melody of your heartbeat and your soft caresses, he finally falls asleep, wrapped in the warmth of your embrace where he knows he's safe.
In your arms, in his soulmate's arms, where he truly belongs.......
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liz-ashi · 18 days
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m-jelly · 1 year
Hii There, I saw the requests list, and i wanted to ask if you could write a fic about Post- war Levi (if you confort with) and Fem!reader having a make out session? (Levi asked her for it because he was feeling needy) It was to be something casual and inocent (in some parts) but somehow they start with a hand here and there so ended up with both of them doing… YoU KnOw ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Comforting kisses
Pairing: Postwar Levi x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: Canon world, love, romance, established couple, foreplay, soft smut, fluffy.
Concept: Levi is needy for your attention, so you start cuddling and kissing each other. Your kisses turn to touching and finally into soft gentle sex. Levi asks you if he can be on top and promises his knee is well enough because he desperately wants to make love to you.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @li-anne @2moth-anon2 @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @cypidity @nyxiieluna @notgoodforlife @galactict3a @demonsimp6 @nbinairyn
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Levi limped through the house looking for you. He wanted your love and affection, he needed your attention and desired your lips on his. He smiled when he heard you softly singing under your breath. He hurried along to the bedroom to see you putting away freshly cleaned clothes.
He stood in the doorway and felt a bit nervous asking for your attention, but he really craved it. Levi was very serious about you and his feelings for you. He'd hired you to help him in his small teashop and he'd fallen hard for you. He loved you deeply and the two of you moved fast in your relationship. Now, you were a month away from getting married.
You lifted up the last few clothes off the bed and smiled at Levi. "Hello, sweetie. Is everything okay?"
He shuffled over to you. "No."
You put the clothes away and turned to Levi. "No?"
He pouted. "No."
You reached over and played with his soft hair. "No? What's wrong?"
He lowered his head. "I missed you."
You hummed a laugh. "Bless you." You hugged Levi against your body. "You can come to me whenever you want. I'm always here for you."
"I um...I would like kisses."
You pulled Levi to the bed. "Let's get you off your feet then." You helped Levi onto the bed and pulled his slippers off. "Get comfy."
He wiggled in place and hummed. "Yes."
You climbed up and sat on his right side. "I love you."
Levi blushed at your words. "I love you too."
You cuddled up to Levi and captured his lips in a loving kiss. You rubbed his chest and smiled against his scarred lips. You softly kissed him again before nipping his lip and pushing your tongue into his mouth. You smiled when Levi sighed happily as your tongues moved together. You thought Levi was perfection, he was so soft, gentle and loving with you.
Levi wrapped both his arms around you and dragged you close to him. He sighed through his nose as he felt happy at having all your attention again. He squeezed you in delight as your scent washed over him. He was deeply in love with you and happy beyond words at being able to kiss you like this and hold you.
You pulled back a little and sighed. "Better?"
He whined a bit. "More, please?" Levi reached over and massaged your thigh with his left hand. "Only if you want to."
You caressed his cheek. "You're so sweet." You kissed Levi again and felt so happy.
Levi was so kind and sweet with you. He would ask for consent on every little thing, including just touching you or hugging you. You knew that Levi grew up around sex workers and saw how men could be with women. Levi wanted to do everything possible to make you feel comfortable. He was a pure and wonderful gentleman.
Levi pulled from your lips and panted. "C-Can I touch you?"
You kissed under his eye making him hum. "Yes. Can I touch you?"
He nodded shyly. "Please."
You unbuckled his belt and undid his trousers. You pushed your hand into his boxers and smiled as Levi let out a little whimper as soon as you touched him. You pulled his erection out of his boxers and trousers. You moved your hand up and down his thick member and smiled at his pink tip.
You kissed Levi's neck and smiled. "You're perfect."
Levi slid his left hand under your dress and pushed down into your underwear. "You're more perfect. I'm covered in scars and I'm full of faults."
You panted against his skin as he caressed you and parted your folds and coated his fingers in your arousal. You shivered as his fingers dragged up and moved against your clit. "Levi, you are precious to me. You have a big heart and a pure soul. You are the sweetest man I've ever known. I love you."
Levi grunted as your hand moved on him. He welled up a little at your words, you were always so loving and kind to him. You always showered him with love. He nuzzled your neck and sighed. "I love you too. You give me strength. You make me feel like a better man."
You kissed Levi and smiled at him. "You're better than you think."
He purred at you. "So are you. You're a Goddess."
You shivered as your coil tightened up. "I adore you, Levi." You moaned against his lips. "I can't wait to be Mrs Ackerman. You'll be all mine."
Levi chuckled. "Actually, you'll be mine." He moved his fingers a little faster on your clit. "All mine, no one else's."
You squeezed your toes. "Mm. Yes, Levi, all yours."
He nibbled the crook of your neck as he bucked a little into your hand. Your hand felt so perfect on his cock. Your hand was so soft and warm. You caressed him so perfectly making him feel like he was in pure heaven. He loved every inch of you and felt bliss whenever you touched him.
You tangled your fingers in Levi's hair and tugged. "A-Ah, mmm."
Levi licked your neck. "Cum for me. You're so pretty when you do."
You gasped and hugged Levi as you came against his fingers. "Mm, Levi."
Levi caressed your back with his right hand. "Good girl."
You pulled back and blushed. "Want to keep going?"
Levi blushed. "Y-Yes."
You slipped off the bed and removed everything but your bra. You climbed back up and straddled Levi. "Do you want your trousers off?"
He massaged your buttcheek. "Please. Oh, but my knee looks bad."
You kissed Levi lightly on the lips. "You're beautiful." You shuffled down the bed as you slowly pulled his trousers off. You leaned down and kissed his knee and thigh that was dotted with scars. "Beautiful."
Levi blushed. "Th-Thank you."
You slid up the bed and unbuttoned his shirt. "I will keep telling you that you are wonderful." You pushed his shirt open and caressed his muscles. "I deeply love you just the way you are."
Levi held your hips. "Thank you for loving me."
You knelt up a bit. "Thank you for loving me."
Levi moaned as you sank down on him. He shivered in delight and hummed a moment. He ran his hands up your body to your waist. "How can I not love you? You are magnificent."
You rolled your hips against Levi and lightly kissed his lips. You pushed your tongue into his mouth and hummed in happiness. You wrapped your arms around Levi and moved against him. You sighed in contentment at feeling his thick cock pressing your pussy in all the right places. He caressed the deepest parts of you.
Levi gripped your thighs and started pumping his cock up into you. He moaned against your lips as your walls massaged him and squeezed. He grunted as you rode him a little faster. He moved one hand to your front and began rolling your clit against his fingers. He smiled when you clenched him tightly.
You tapped your forehead against Levi's and smiled at him as you felt your coil tighten. "I love you." You crashed your lips against his. "I love you so much."
Levi mewled at you. "I love you too. My love, my darling, my everything."
You whimpered a little. "Levi."
"Let go, my love." He smiled. "Cum for me."
You hugged Levi's face against your breasts as you moved a little faster. You cried out as you felt the snap of pleasure burn through you. You bucked roughly against Levi as your orgasm burned through you. You relaxed a little as the orgasm became a gentle trickle going through you.
You sat on Levi and hummed. "Levi. I want you to cum. I'll keep going."
Levi blushed. "I want to be on top."
You rubbed Levi's upper arms. "Is your knee okay enough?"
He nodded. "Yes. I want this."
You pulled off Levi and lay back on the bed. "Okay. I'm ready."
Levi rolled over onto you and leaned on his okay knee. He leaned on his forearms on either side of your head and smiled at you. "Could you help?"
You nodded and pressed him back into you. You both sighed happily as he stretched you again. "Mm."
Levi kissed you. "Thank you."
You rubbed his back. "Slowly, okay?"
He nodded and grinded into you making you moan. "I've done this a few times. I can do it again." He purred at you. "I want to make love to you." He moved a little faster. "I want to spoil you."
You clung to Levi's back as you arched your back off the bed and moaned. "Levi."
Levi pressed his lips against yours and slipped his tongue into your mouth. He lowered his body against yours allowing you to feel each other. He moved against you and mewled in delight at being one with you. He shifted his arms and tangled his fingers with yours and held tightly. He felt complete that he was able to make love to you and let you be worshipped.
You wrapped your legs around Levi and melted under him. You often worried when he took the lead because of his bad knee, but as soon as he did start taking the lead he was perfection. Levi was always so delicate with your body. Levi made love to you like your body was the most precious thing in the world. You felt so loved and wanted by him.
You both started smiling and giggling as your hearts filled with love. You kissed each other now and then and gazed longingly into each other's eyes. You teased Levi a little by clenching around him and biting his lip a little and tugging. You gasped as he responded by pumping his cock into you a lot harder.
You cried out as he pressed himself deep into you over and over. You whimpered and whined as you felt on the cusp of your orgasm. You leaned your head back and moaned to the room. You closed your eyes as you felt your coil tighten up. You shivered under Levi and mewled as you felt the delicious snap and your orgasm rush through you.
Levi grunted and moaned as your walls caressed his cock. He released your hands and wrapped his arms around your body and held on tightly. He bucked into you but his movements were sloppy. He moaned your name against your ear as he felt the urge to cum building up.
Levi whimpered your name and pressed deep into you as he came hard. He shivered and moaned as his cum spilt into your pussy and filled you. He panted and hummed before relaxing against you. He nuzzled the crook of your neck and felt happiness spread through him at being one with you.
You massaged your fingers in Levi's hair. "Levi? Are you okay? How is your knee?"
Levi lifted his head. "I'm wonderful. I want to go again."
You giggled at how sweet he was with a gentle blush on his cheeks. "Cute."
"Are you okay?"
You rubbed your hand against his cheek. "I'm amazing. You were perfect." You kissed him and sighed. "I would love to go again, but we need to clean and you need to rest your knee."
Levi pulled out of you and shuffled down a bit before lying his head on your chest. "Mm, not yet."
You played with his hair. "Levi Ackerman not wanting to clean?"
He laughed. "Yeah." He looked up at you. "I just want to be with you."
You shuffled down the bed and lay on your side and faced him. "I love being with you."
He smiled at you as he lightly touched your cheek. "I love you."
"I love you."
He smiled and nuzzled his nose against yours. "I love you."
You giggled. "I love you."
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leviismybby · 1 year
Don't mind me. Just horny for this mf as always...
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