#captain 'I'm not trapped in here with you you're trapped in here with me'
bedlamsbard · 1 year
500 words written today -- I will fix this dialogue later. /she says through gritted teeth. (not the snippet dialogue, different dialogue) went down a research rabbit hole because did you know that you can just watch official OSS training videos on YouTube?
Snippet from Of Home Near chapter 11.
Steve stared back at him, unimpressed. “You’re not going to shoot me.” Ursus readjusted his aim from Steve’s head to his right knee. Steve let his lip curl.  “You sure you want to do that?” “I’m sure I want to.”  He turned his head as the door opened and Aleksey Lebedev came in, holding his own gun in his good hand. “It’s the SSR,” he said, ignoring Steve. “The others are holding them.  Get him up and don’t shoot him.” Steve gritted his teeth, watching Ursus and shifting his position until he had his elbows under him, forearms flat against the floor as he drew his knees up.  Ursus, who hadn’t been in the room the first time Steve had nailed Lebedev, must have thought that Steve was trying to pull away from him.  He leaned in close to grab him and Steve lashed out with both manacled feet, rocking up onto both shoulders as he did so to give the blow more force. Ursus went flying backwards, hitting the wall by the door and slumping to the floor, stunned. Lebedev looked at Steve with more irritation than anything else, then pointed his gun at him. “You’re not going to shoot me either,” Steve said.
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ddejavvu · 5 months
MEI i have severe top gun maverick brain rot and all i can think about is reader being the admirals daughter and everyone assumes rooster or hangman is gonna go after her but it turns out she’s been hooking up with bob for AGES and they’re all like ??? how did you do that???? bob gets kinda flustered but readers just like idk he was really nice and he’s really good in bed
"Check it out," Phoenix elbows Bob where the man is engrossed in reading the back of the bar napkins Penny had handed them so that they didn't stain her tables again, "There's Mav's daughter. 'Think she's got that Hawaiian shirt on to seduce Rooster?"
Bob's eyes dart to where you're chatting with Penny, his shoulders stiffening as his friends turn to watch you.
"Nah, Rooster doesn't like orange. But those cowboy boots she's got on are probably for Hangman- didn't he say he'd teach her how to square dance?"
Penny reaches over the bar to tug affectionately at one of your braids and Bob tries to no avail to break the conversation.
"Actually, she's-"
"I'd say she was here to meet Fanboy, but she doesn't date losers," Phoenix's eyes are narrowed dangerously, and she hides a smirk against the rim of her bottle.
"Hey! Hangman's a bigger loser than I am!" He protests, but before the taller man can trap him in a headlock, Penny points towards the dagger squad where they're lounged in a corner of the bar, and your eyes shine as you rush over.
"Bob!" You shriek, throwing your arms around his neck and letting your legs bend when he hoists you off of the ground for a hearty hug. His muscles are well hidden beneath his regulation khakis, but he's built for much heavier loads than you, and he lets you hover a few inches off of the ground while he hugs you.
Your face is buried in his neck but you press a kiss against his cheek, catching the bewildered blinking of the rest of his squadron over his shoulder.
"Oh. I forgot you didn't know." You supply, your feet back on the ground as Bob keeps one arm slung loosely around your waist, "Sorry, we- uh, we've been hooking up for a while, it's just... I haven't seen him since you guys got shipped out."
"You've been hooking up with her?" Coyote stares down his nose at Bob who shifts subtly closer to you, nodding once, stiffly in the face of his teammate's scrutiny.
"Damn. And he was good enough in bed to keep you waiting 'til he got back?"
Bob flushes - you feel his skin warm where it's pressed against your own, and you fill the awkward silence.
"Oh, please. I'm sure you've seen it in the locker room; I'd wait a lifetime."
Bob scoffs over your shoulder, now even more flustered, but Phoenix is happy to save the situation.
"Does your dad know?" She tilts her chin towards you, remembering how viscerally uncomfortable their Captain had been whenever someone had suggested you get together with one of his aviators.
"Of course he knows," You laugh, "He's the one that set us up! 'Said Bob had to get his hands on me before Texas over there tried to Hold 'Em."
Bob wraps an arm protectively over your chest, leaning over your shoulder from behind to return a kiss against your own cheek.
Hangman whistles lowly, shaking his head with a dazed look, "Well, shit. I didn't know the offer to hold 'em was on the table, but-shit!"
Bob's face darkens but Rooster levels the toe of his boot with Hangman's lower thigh, striking him at the back of the knee and subsequently spilling beer over his khakis. Hangman grunts as his knees knock against the beer-sticky floor, but he seems to know he deserved what he'd gotten because he doesn't retaliate.
"We'll wrangle him." Rooster promises, "You two go have fun, Bob you gotta quarter for the jukebox?"
"Yes'sir," Bob nods, tugging you towards a lesser populated area- perfect for slow dancing even if the bar isn't, "Let's make up for lost time, honey."
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killergee · 2 months
Perfect kind of Idol
Idol turned Defense force officer Reader x Cold Hoshina.
Summary: Reader is a shameless flirt, and Hoshina is struggling to resist his favourite idol subordinate. Or Hoshina gets teased relentlessly and he doesn't know how to react.
Note: I have no idea where this idea came from, but it's here. Enjoy this crack fic that I had to get out of my system.
"Vice Captain Hoshina~"
Oh, God, Hoshina thought to himself as his fingers momentarily stopped typing. What did you want this time.
Sitting in his office and working on his report for the latest mission, he looked up to see you leaning against the door frame.
"Awww, why the long face? If I didn't know any better, I'd think you weren't happy to see me." You continued, tilting your head to the side.
"Officer l/n, what can I do for ya?"
The smile that crept on to your face sent a small shiver down his spine. His eyes stayed on your form, watching you closely as you slowly made your way towards him. Completely captivated, his gaze was similar to that of a prey watching a predator stalk closer.
"My, what's with the cold attitude? Ah, I guess the rumours are true, you must be Captain Ashiro's lover! You're only ever kind to her," you pouted, acting hurt. Despite the innocent act, Hoshina could hear the amusement in your voice. He knew you were setting up a trap for him. He knew you were trying to ensare him so that he was charmed like the rest of the division.
"I'm not Ashiro's lover, " Hoshina deadpans, trying hard to keep his professionalism and nonchalance.
"Oh that's great to hear. I'd hate to share you."
"I'm not yours either."
"You could be."
Aaand there it was. Your shit eating grin was growing by the second, and he saw the satisfaction settle in your eyes. Feeling the blush burning his ears, Hoshina knew if he were to let you continue, it could only get worse from here.
"15 laps for talking casually about a superior officer. Another 5 for prying into the businesses of your superior officers." Hoshina ordered, turning back to look at his computer.
"If I throw in a photo card and an autograph, can I only do 10?"
"That's another 5."
"What about a kiss?"
"God, are you a masochist?" He retorted, snapping his head up to look at you.
Well, that was a mistake.
When you managed to lean over the desk and get so close to him, he didn't know. Your face was all he could see. Caught in your gaze, he couldn't tear his eyes away. The look in your eyes said all that he needed to know.
You were amused, curious, and most of all, expectant.
You were watching. You were waiting. What it was you were waiting for, he couldn't even begin to imagine.
He's sleep deprived. Yes, that was the excuse. No one could blame him for not moving away. Though, him unconsciously drawing closer? The blame is only his.
"Do you want me to be?" You whispered sultrily, your eyes practically glowing when you start to see him crack.
His throat felt dry, but he continued anyways. "Ya know what, keep running round the field 'til I tell ya to stop," Hoshina said with a tone of finality, putting the distance needed to remain professional.
You sighed exaggeratedly in defeat, placing a hand over your heart and another on your forehead as if you were a damsel in distress. So dramatic, he thinks, and he had to use all of his energy to stop the corners of his lips from lifting. Despite the punishment, Hoshina could tell you were deeply satisfied.
Trying to focus on something else other than the intoxicating perfume you've left in your place, he nearly missed the small "worth it," as you left the room.
Only nearly.
"Add in 20 push-ups before you start too, l/n."
Hoshina knows he’s not a teenager anymore. He’s a grown man. He’s the Vice Captain of the Third Division, for goodness sake. So why on Earth was he acting like one every time you talked to him? Was it just because you were a celebrity?
He couldn’t understand why he couldn’t act normally around you. He just seizes up, says something he doesn’t really mean, and leaves. It’s been months since you’ve joined the division and everyone else has gotten used to your presence but him. When the brass was talking about you being a distraction, they couldn’t have known that the only one going to be distracted was him.
"You know people pay good money just to see me, right?" You said, interrupting his thoughts.
He froze for a moment. How on Earth you always manage to sneak up on him is beyond his comprehension. With how you always demanded the attention of the room with just your mere presence, his only explanation must be that he was getting sloppier. Or perhaps it was due to his conscious efforts to stop throwing glances your way that he unknowingly developed a blindspot for you.
Hoshina raised his water bottle to his lips. "And what's that got to do with anything."
"Well, pay more attention to m- h...hey, shouldn't you be giving that to me?" You panted out, hands rested on your knees as he finally let you stop your laps (you felt like you ran at least 100—you actually ran 40). Collapsing beside Hoshina on the small hill overlooking the field, you waved your hand, beckoning for him to give you his water bottle.
Hoshina ignored your plea. "Go get your own."
"I'll send you my unreleased single if you give me the water," you offered.
Well...he couldn't lie, that was definitely a tempting offer. It was during this slight moment of hesitation that you managed to snag the water bottle out of his hand and glug half of it down.
Shocked by your actions, he blushed heavily and reached to take back his waterbottle. "HEY!"
You pulled your hand back just in time before he could take it from you. "Why're you so red? Never shared a water before? Are you red cuz we indirectly kissed?"
"Indirect wha- Don't be a child," he snapped back, trying to will back his embarrassment.
You offered the bottle to him. "Here, here, have it," you chuckled amused. "Now you can drink from it, and then you'd get to indirect kiss me!"
"That's not what I wan-"
"Oh? But you were fighting so hard to get it back."
He couldn't tell if the flush on his face was from frustration or embarrassment or a mix of both. "No, keep it, I don't care." He surrendered, somehow seeming more exhausted than you were.
"Say how 'bout you go straight to the source?" Titling your head to the side you cheekily pointed at your lips that were curled in a sly smile.
"Absolutely not."
You stay silent for a moment, and Hoshina lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He was glad to have a small break to calm his rapidly beating heart. However, that relief was very short-lived.
You spoke outloud contemplatively, "to reject my kiss? How strange..." After a moment, your eyes widened as if you had an epiphany. Hitting your first into your open palm, your lips curled into a dangerous smile, "it must be because you don't know how to kiss."
"I know how to kiss!" He shouted before he could control himself.
"Learning from books doesn't count."
"You're absolutely terrible." He groaned, completely defeated by your relentless teasing. You know what? He should've rejected your application like the brass told him to.
Before he could continue that train of thought, you pounced on him, pinning him beneath you. With your body flushed against his, he could feel every curve of your body and the warmth it emitted.
"Want me to show you how?" You say with a devilish grin, mirth lacing your voice.
Hoshina's mind and heart raced a mile a minute. His heart was in such a flurry that he had trouble thinking straight. So, while his mind was in disarray, his body unconsciously took control in analyzing the situation.
Now, Hoshina may not be a genius like his brother or gifted like his Captain, but the one thing Hoshina got going for him was his martial prowess—his unerring reading of the body.
Honed from a young age, he could always tell his chances of winning a fight based on the physicality of his opponent. The solidity of their stance, the precision of their attacks, the strength of their grip—Hoshina was able to tell the outcome of the battle before it even came to an end. For him, reading body language became second nature, a part of his subconscious. Thus, he always trusted whatever it was his body told him.
So, although his eyes and his brain were telling him you've got him trapped, his body was telling him otherwise.
The hand pinning his down was weak. There was no firmness or security. The way your legs entangled his left your opening too big for it to be unintentional. The slight tremble in your hand told him you were nervous and unsure. Your actions didn't match your look at all.
Ah, so your teasing has all been a front, he thinks to himself. You really did have him fooled. All that bravado and for what? He wondered if you were just as nervous every time you flirted with him before. If all those other times, he could've easily stopped you too. If you were actually a sheep in wolf's clothing. He couldn't help but laugh to himself, all the tension leaving his body. Yours, on the other hand, froze at hearing his chuckle.
In one solid motion, he flipped you onto your back, reversing the positions. When he pins you, it's with a strong and sure grip. No room for escape. No room for wiggling your way out.
"Wh-wha" you sputtered as you struggled to comprehend what was happening. So even you knew how to blush, he thought.
Not a bad look on you.
"Where's all that confidence gone? I'm just accepting what's being offered."
Seeing you like this did something to him. Blushing red just for him when you've worked so hard to keep up your perfect image. To see a side of you that no camera or person has had the privilege to see, Hoshina wanted more.
"Well I- uh, sure b- wait-"
Your words catch in your throat as Hoshina brought his face closer to yours. You were the seducer, not the seducee. This was not part of your training!
You didn't know what to do. You felt like your heart was going to leap out of your chest. All you wanted was to force him to admit that he liked you after Captain Ashiro let it slip that he had to hide all of his merch of you when you were accepted into the division. When you found out your cold Captain was actually a fan, you wanted to get back at him for acting like he was better than you. You didn't think it'd end up like this.
With only a couple centimeters apart, you squeezed your eyes shut. The only thing you could hear was the sound of your thundering heart...
...and the sound of laughter?
You snapped your eye open at the sound, completely confused to what was happening.
Unable to hold it in anymore, Hoshina collapsed onto you, his body firmly on top of yours. His head landed where your neck met your shoulder. He was laughing so hard tears were beginning to form, and you could feel his body shake.
"Y-y-you should've seen the look on your face, HAH," his boisterous laughter turned into uncontrollable giggles. You couldn't help but smile as you heard it, albeit flushed at hearing it so close. Finally using his arms to push his upper body slightly off you, he looks down at you again.
"C'mon, now. How was I supposed to kiss ya when you're making a face like that?" He smirked.
"You're absolutely terrible," you can't help but repeat his words. You place your hands on his chest and try to push him off, but before you could give a strong push, he drops himself back down.
You felt his lips graze your cheek before he leaned his head beside your ear, "I could be worse."
Will be, he thought to himself.
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lucretiaadventurezone · 10 months
TAZ Dashboard Simulator 2 (Part 1)
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🔥 lup-da-lup Follow
be back soon 💋 im gonna go fight this guy for my relic
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🔥 lup-da-lup Follow
#girl help #im trapped
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In your orbit!
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🪩 avi-the-ball-guy
↻ woe-is-johann
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🤼 best-fantasy-prowrestler-tournament Follow
Round 4: Semi-Finals
Jeff Angel Propaganda:
Jess the Beheader Propaganda:
from @.bagnus-murnsides: jess literally has a dope ass axe
#jess sweep
(379 notes)
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🚀 cap-n-port
↻ you-know-from-tv Follow
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😎 Anonymous asked:
Your captain looks gnc as fuck
👖 lactosewarrior5000
#Thank you very much!
(29,399 notes)
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🐱 Sponsored by Fantasy Costco
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You Don’t Need All of Your Blood; Here’s Why
The Director doesn’t want you to know this…
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↻ avi-the-ball-guy
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🪩 avi-the-ball-guy
cannonball system liveblog
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🪩 avi-the-ball-guy
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🪩 avi-the-ball-guy
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🪩 avi-the-ball-guy
other. ball
#babe we gotta get you a fidget toy or something #clearly you're getting bored at work
(23 notes)
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📔 sheesh-creesh
↻ lup-da-lup Follow
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💋 lesbian-orc-lover Follow
lucretia was 18 when the ipre mission left??!? she should've been at the club!!
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✨ you-know-from-tv Follow
oh trust me one of the planes we went to was a giant disco and lucy was freakin it sensitive style day and night
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🔥 lup-da-lup Follow
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real footage of lucretia at the club ↑↑
#I'm actually going to kill both of you #mutuals #queue never know what you'll find #reblogs
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❄️ neverwinter-heritage-posts
↻ magic-brian-with-an-i Follow
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🚂 jerreeeeee asked:
is magnus burnsides gay??
📖 dailycalebcleveland
why would you ask us, a caleb cleveland blog, this
#neverwinter heritage posts
(109,837,936 notes)
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🧣 weaver-of-fate
↻ raven-queen-official
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🐦‍⬛ raven-queen-official
i loev my beaugifyl wife so muchnohmygod
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🐦‍⬛ raven-queen-official
where is smy wife i wanst to see herh
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🐦‍⬛ raven-queen-official
hiiiiiiiidjiiii omg shge. is here :D
#apologies guys we hung out with pan and she got FUCKED up #you know how poker nights get #wife tag
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🐦 7-bird-watcher
↻ not-a-shitty-wizard Follow
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🪄 mage-guy-19274637 Follow
people who actually like bugs are absolute freaks
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🕷️ magic-brian-with-an-i Follow
wrong! spider attack
#sent to me
(6,074 notes)
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🌈 lucretiaadventurezone
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 4 months
30 / 1.1k / soap soulmate au, part 7
The minutes tick by. You're alone with your thoughts. It's worse than before. But what are you supposed to tell him? All but the smallest thing you could give him would lead his entire team to Captain Graves, and you... you can't do that. You owe him a debt.
The door slams open and Soap walks back in, looking tired and angry. Before you can speak, he grabs you by the arm, drags you out of your chair, and then he's kissing you, pressing you up against the wall. His hands are in your hair and on your hips, his hard body against yours, his teeth finding the place where your neck meets your shoulder.
Everything about it is possessive, angry, desperate. One hand slides around to your ass. The other weaves tighter into your hair, holding you tight between him and the wall, his hips grinding into yours.
"Thought I was gonna have to wait till you stopped being so damn stubborn. You were never going to tell me, were you?" His soft growl is low, heated, and hurt. "You’re always gonna keep this to yourself. Even if it means letting me go to my grave."
He pulls you away from the wall and pushes you into the metal interrogation table with enough force to put you on your back. He advances on you. Straddles you. His mouth is hot and he's not giving you time to think. He's taking what he needs because he wants it, he's tired of waiting for it, and he's finally got you where he wants you. His teeth on your throat have you arching your back. His grip is tight but you don't want to escape.
His fingers dig into you. "Will you even miss me?"
You open your eyes, jolting in place. A dream, it was a dream. You're still cuffed to this stupid chair. You're hot and wet and there's a horrible knot in your throat.
The door slides open. That's what woke you--activity outside. A few people filter into the weapons closet briefly to grab rifles and sidearms. They hardly spare you looks. They leave; the voices outside begin to fade and you hear an engine firing up. Muted panic rises in your gut. They're about to leave. Are they leaving you here? Is Johnny gone already?
Then the door rattles softly and Johnny's familiar shape slips in. He glances back out the door, watching for anyone who might’ve seen him slip in before he closes it. You release a breath through gritted teeth.
"Mornin’.” Soap is suited up, radioed, armed to the teeth. Looking every inch the soldier he is. Your heart sinks. You're in deep. No matter how this situation turns out, it's not good for you. Whoever wins, you lose.
Instead of taking the chair, he circles behind you. You rattle your cuffs as he leaves your line of sight.
"Change your mind?" he asks you.
He chuckles. "Thought not."
He bends closer. Your heart races. You half-expect to feel his hands--your dream flashes through your mind--but then, to your surprise, you hear the soft clink of metal on metal. He pulls on the cuffs. One falls away. Then the other.
You get to your feet, curling and uncurling your fingers. "Why are you letting me go?" you ask, voice still sharp. "I told you I'm not helping you."
Soap looks bemused. It's like you don't know how to stop being belligerent even when you're not a hostage anymore. "Don’t know what you’re talkin’ about. I’m under strict orders not to let you leave this room. But if you just so happen to vanish..." He holds up the key--the one he'd swiped from Ghost earlier. "That’d be fine with me.”
“What are you playing at?”
“There's a chance none of us will come back. Don't like the idea of you sittin' here like a rabbit in a trap for God knows how long." He holds out a neat little square of folded cash. When you don't take it, he reaches around and slips it into your back pocket. "There's a town four miles southwest of here. Set off in a half hour and you’ll get there before sundown. Take somethin' off the wall to protect yourself."
You stare at him, your frustration growing with every word he says. Why does he trust you enough to free you? Why? He knows very well you could pick up the first phone you see, call your Captain, and tell him everything. Hell, you could call Shepherd.
You tried your dead fucking best to show him who you are. Why doesn't he believe you? Does he think you're going to grab his hand and ask him to come with you--fuck the Shadows, fuck Las Almas, you know how to buy fake IDs and burner phones, you'll figure it out a day at a time?
Your throat tightens. You could obviously never say that. And if you did consider it, you'd bite your tongue because there's no way he'd accept. You have so much to gain from running away and he has too much to lose. He cares about his team too much.
He skims his gloved fingertips up your arm and goes to touch your cheek again, but then he hesitates and stops himself. You feel radioactive.
"How 'bout a kiss for the road?" he asks. He seems to decide on taking a strand of your hair and places it tentatively behind your ear. "Just in case."
Your hands tighten into fists. How dare he.
"Aw, c'mon. Don't make me walk away from you disappointed." He gives you a small, infuriating smile.
"If you want a kiss, then come back for it when you're done."
"Ah. Fair enough."
He brings his hands up to the sides of your face and presses his lips to your hairline anyway, leaning into you for a long, silent moment.
Then he's gone.
You sit cross-legged on that table for a long stretch of time, spinning in one hand the handcuffs that held you. You stare at that photograph and count the seconds. At thirty minutes, you set off, walking southwest.
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / [part 7] / part 8 / part 9 / part 10 / part 11 / part 12
more Soap / masterlist tag
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mschoiyuki · 5 months
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The Waltz
Trafalgar Law x F!reader
Law needs information from a nobleman, his crews disguising and sneak in to the ball to gather the information.
tw : fluff. suggestive. smut implied but not detailed. MDNI PLEASE
wc : 4.2k
a/n : established relationship. The dress for the ball is Bridgerton's dress, for your imagination.
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"You guys want to what??" You snort and cross your arms, can't believe with what you just heard from your Captain, your lover.
"You heard me, Y/N-ya." Law furrows his eyebrows.
Sachi, Penguin and Bepo just staring both of you back and forth. Crossing their fingers that there will be no clash from both of you or they will be in hell while being trapped in the sub.
"Do I have to repeat it again to make it clear, Y/N-ya?" Law stand more straightly this time and cross his arms too. Looking down on you from his damn height.
"Please, do enlighten me again, Captain." You mouthed the last word with the tone you use to call him when you are splayed beautifully underneath him.
Law can feels his vein on his forehead going to pops. Damn you, if only it's just both of you here. He swear he's going to-
"Captain?" You tilt your heard and smirk, you know what he's been thinking off right now.
Law clears his throat, "I said we have to sneak to the ball tomorrow. Some of the noblemen has information that I need to knows."
"Yeah, by WE you mean the five of us??" You turns your index finger to point at you guys.
"Yeah, of course. Who else." Law drums his finger on his forearm.
"Do you remember when YOU tried to cover yourself on Wano?" You sighs.
Law's mouth gape trying to says something but he then shut it. Sachi, Penguin and Bepo are hugging each other now, afraid to utter a single words.
"You practically announce yourself to whole Wano that you are Trafalgar Law." You drums your finger, feeling impatience now.
Law purse his lips, "But I hid my face with tengai. And-"
You cut him off, "Yeah, and you wore that yukata with TWO Jolly Roger on both chest." You says sarcastically now.
"And what's wrong with it? I feel proud with my Jolly Roger." Law murmur and you can see he's pouting now, the vulnerable side of him that only you can see.
You close your eyes to try to not yell at him, how can he be so dense? "That's the problem, Law. The Jolly Roger, even if you hid your face, people still recognize the Jolly Roger. Only dumbasses that don't recognize it."
The trio just nods in unison, agreeing with you. But still scare to say it. They also value their life rather than pissed their captain off.
"What's the point in disguising then?" You sighs and soften a bit because you just can't resist when Law pout.
"Then do you have another plan?" Law mutter under his breath.
"You do know that I'm good with disguise, right? The three of us will go, Bepo can hide somewhere to watch if there's any suspicious movement. As for you, Stay. At. The. Sub." You point the words to make it clear for him.
You can hear gasps from the side. Law's face is twisting now between anger and confusion with your plans. "And what does Penguin and Sachi can do with you that I don't, Y/N-ya?" Law clench his jaw.
"Well, Penguin can be my guard and Sachi can be charioteer maybe? Or he can sneaks in to the kitchen."
"I can be your guard." Law counters, still want to go the ball.
"No. You're to stand out, Law. Especially with your signature hat." You squint your eyes to him.
"She's right, Captain. You're to stand out with that hat." Sachi chime in and immediately shut his mouth when Law glare at him.
Law takes his hat off and ruffle his hair, letting out a defeated sighs. "Fine. We will go with your plan then."
You looks at him with wide eyes, can't believe he give up this easily. "BUT! No Jolly Roger on your clothes, or I'm going alone." You point to Sachi and Penguin.
They turn their heads to Law, asking for approval. Law let out a long sighs, "Fine. No Jolly Roger. You three can go now to prepare for tomorrow mission."
"Aye Aye, Captain!" The trio salute to Law and scurry off, leaving you and Law at his office.
You make your way to Law side and pull him to face you, "You sure about this? This is so not like you. You're not gonna change your mind later, right?"
Law picks you up and sits you down on his desk, he stands between your thighs and he bury his face on your neck, "Hmm. Yeah. I trust you. But please be careful, once you're done you have to return immediately." He raise his face and giving you a stern looks.
"Yes, Captain." You giggle and link your arms together to his neck.
Law let out a deep groans on your word, he leans in and graze his lips on yours until you can feel his breath, "You are so irresistible, Y/N."
He drops the -ya in your private times. He capture your lips and wrap his arm on your waist, bringing you more closer to him to deepen the kiss.
You indulge in his intimate act for a minutes and you push him lightly on his chest, pulls away your lips from him with craving looks, "All right, even though I'm really want to be in your bed right now, I need to discuss my outfit for tomorrow ball with Ikkaku."
You jumps off from the desk and tug Law's sleeve, pulling him down to pecks his lips once again before leaving. Dumbfounded you just leave him hanging like this, Law pinch the bridge of his nose, "You… Just wait for your punishment."
You giggle and walk to the door, "Looking forward to it, Captain." You tease him again before you close the door.
Ikkaku excitedly takes you to shopping after hearing the mission for tomorrow.
"So, captain really staying at the sub?" Ikkaku ask as she choosing the gown.
"Yep, he is." You take the corset and walks to the changing room.
"That's so rare of him." Ikkaku brings the gown to you.
"Yeah, I know right. Maybe he ate something wrong?" You starts to try the corset and gown. Ikkaku just laugh at it and she leave to buy another things.
After done with the shopping, you and Ikkaku goes back to the sub. You walks back to Law's bedroom, your shared bedroom.
"Wow. It's so rare of you to be here at this hour." You amaze when you find Law already on the bed reading books.
Law peer from his book, "I'm waiting for you."
You halt on your way to the bathroom, getting ready for bed, "For what? My punishment?" You wiggle your eyebrows.
Law slams his book shut and gaze at you, "You really want it, Y/N?" His voice deep and husk.
You hitch your breath and walk slowly to the bathroom, "Umm. Can we delay it until the mission is over? Please?" You bat your eyelashes, and pout a little. You know this trick always work on him.
"Deal. Just hurry and come to bed. I'm tired." Law open his book again and resume with his reading.
When you’re step out from bathroom wearing one of his shirt, you see Law laying and still focus on his book. You crawl to bed and slip under his hand that holding the book. Resting your head on his bare chest.
Law hum and moves his book to his other hand, so he can rubs your arm with his now free hand. You glance up and kiss the corner of his lips.
“What?” Law raise his eyebrows. And you can see his lips twitch, he try to hold the smile.
“Nothing. It’s just rare to have you at this hour. And I like it.” You idly trace his chest tattoo line.
Law close his book and flip you on your back. Your head still rest on his forearm, his other hand on your side of face. He moves his face closer to you, gazing your eyes and lips, “Y/N, promise me you will be careful tomorrow.”
You squeal from the sudden moves, you snake your arms to his neck, “Promise.” You peck his lips.
“Promise me you won’t do anything reckless, babe.” The tip of his ears turns red.
“Promise.” You capture his lips again, this time you prolong the kiss.
“By reckless I mean you lure the men to bed.” He scowl.
“I won’t, dummy. You're the only one. Even if I lure them I can knock them off, you know.” You nibs his bottom lips, tugging it slowly and caressing his nape gently.
Law face is burning red now and he groans, “Promise me-”
You cut him off with kissing him deeper now, sliding your tongue in. “I promise. I won't do anything to makes you worry.” You murmur as you pulls away with a string of saliva still connecting your lips together, “It’s not like a life threatening mission, Law. Stop worrying so much. You can get wrinkles if you frown too much, you know.” You touch his forehead and try to ease his frown.
Law lets out a defeated sighs, “It’s because I’m not with you that’s why I’m worried.” Law leans in and peppered your neck with wet kisses.
"Don't leave marks there, Law." You protest meekly and try to push him.
Law lift his face and furrow his eyebrows, "Why not? What kind of clothes you're wearing tomorrow?"
"Umm. A dress?? Anyway, just don't leave any marks there or you will ruin my plan." You push his chin with both hands.
Law groans and rolls his eyes, "Fine. I still have my fun tomorrow after the mission though." He smirks while looking down at you. He plant a kiss at your forehead and your lips, "Come on, let's just sleep." He turns off the light and slither his arm on your waist, bringing your back to his chest. He kiss your shoulder and nuzzle his head to the crook of your neck.
When you wake up first in the morning, you groan and lazily rubs your eyes, trying to collect your remaining soul before starting the day. You sits up slowly as you don't want to wakes Law. As he feels you waking up, he takes your wrist and pulling you back to his embrace, "Hmphh. Too early. Five more minutes..."
You chuckles and lays down again with him, "Fine... Five more minutes." Who would have known Trafalgar Law is a clingy person in bed.
And that five more minutes turns to one hour. As you shot your eyes open and looking at the clock, you groan and slowly waking up again. You gives Law his morning kiss on his lips and slowly pads to the bathroom preparing for the ball tonight.
After you're done with bath, you slowly walks out of the room and you goes to find Ikkaku to help you for your hair and do some simple make up.
"Phew. All done now. You only need to change now. Need some help?" Ikkaku wipes her forehead with her forearm.
"It's okay, I can manage it. Thank you so much for your help Ikkaku."
"Don't sweat it. I'm having my fun too." Ikkaku gives you thumbs up.
As you open your shared bedroom with Law, you see Law still sleeping. You tip toeing to get your corset and dress and head off to the bathroom to change. Law wakes up by the rustling sound from the bathroom. He stretch his limbs and sits up before he heads to the bathroom.
He leans at the bathroom door enjoying the view of your round ass and delicate back while watching you struggling with the corset, "Need some help, gorgeous?"
You jolt at his raspy and deep morning voice, "Morning handsome. Yes, please. Can you help me tying this? I can't reach it."
Law walks to you, he plant soft kisses along your back of neck and shoulder as he takes the corset strings. You whimper from his soft kisses, "Umm. You need to pull it hard before you tie it, babe."
"Like this?" Law deliberately pulls the string a little harder so you also get pulls and pressed against his chest. You gasps and try to balance yourself, "Law!" He just chuckles and tying the corset again.
Law spin you around to face him after he’s done tying it. He can't hide his flushed face when he see the corset pressing your breast together, makes the soft mound more stand out.
Law lick his lips and grips your waist, he lift you up and sits you down on the sink. You gasp at him and he smirk when he sees your breast jiggles in front of him, “What the hell, babe?” Unaware with what’s he’s gonna do, you pout and cross your arms unintentionally pressing up your breast more.
“You’re not wear anything underneath that?” He puts his hand on both of your side caging you, his gaze still linger at your breast.
Now you’re aware what’s going on on his mind, you cover your breast with your hands, “If I wear a bra I’m sure I’ll suffocate, plus this corset is pretty thick, so you can’t see it.”
Law pries your hands off from your chest, “Don’t hide it. It’s not like I never saw it before.” His smirk grow wider, full of mischief.
You swat his hands, “Now is not the time for this, Law. I’m still need to wear the dress.”
“Just a moment, please? We still have plenty of times.” He roams his hand alongside your body, admiring how beautiful your body is. Law face now inches away from you, he slowly slide his right hand up to your neck while his left hand on your waist pulling you close to him, you takes a sharp breath as you part your thighs and Law place himself between it leaving no gaps between both of you.
Law always has his way to you so that you can't say no to him, making you putty in his hands, melts against his touches. When Law see your eyes soften and your lips slightly apart, he leans in and smile against your lips, “You’re so beautiful, baby. I really can’t help myself when you’re looking this tempting.”
Law kiss you hungrily, stealing your breath away, Law slides his tongue in holding your neck firmly to keep you in place. You try to keep up with him until you slightly push him to catch your breathe. When Law sees a string of saliva still connecting both of your lips, he leans in again to capture your lips. His hands slowly slide down to your thighs, caressing it without letting your lips go. He slowly reaching up your panty waistband and hooking it, tugging it down slo-
Knock knock knock...
"Y/N, we are ready and good to go whenever you want." Penguin knocks the door interrupting Law ministrations.
You shot your eyes open when you heard the knocks, pushing Law and try to catch a breath. Law grunts with the interruptions but he smirks when he see your messy state, swollen lips and half lidded eyes.
“Y/N?? Captain??” Penguin knocks again when he doesn’t hear any response.
“Think they’re still sleeping?” Sachi rubs his chin.
“Ikkaku said she’s done helping Y/N though.” Penguin furrowed his eyebrows.
“See! This is your fault, Law." You whisper and slap his arm, Law just chuckles and kiss your cheek. You clear your throat, "Alright! I'm almost done!"
"Okay, let us know when you're ready."
You let out a relieve sighs when you heard Sachi and Penguin walks away. You jump down from the sink and glare at Law, you take the dress from behind the door and starts wearing it. Law helps you with the zipper and peppered your neck with kisses, “Laaaww. They’re waiting for me.” You whine trying to push Law and pout at him.
“My bad. Can’t help it though.” As Law spins you around and sees you on that beautiful soft yellow dress he really can’t help but admire how stunning you are, “This is really bad. Please Y/N, be careful.”
“What’s so bad? Don’t worry, Law. Nothing bad gonna happen, okay?” You reach his cheek and caressing it, Law leans into your touch, “Alright.”
Sachi, Penguin and Bepo already waiting for you at the deck and Law ready to teleport the four of you to the island. Law clench your hand and look at you one more time, “Room, Shambles.”
When Law sees all of you gone he let out a defeated sighs and pacing back and forth at the deck. It’s not like he doesn’t trust all of you to do the mission, he really worries about you especially how gorgeous you look in that dress.
Law turns around and find Ikkaku grinning, “What’s up, Ikkaku?”
“You want to go with them, right? I prepare something for you.”
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“So, you guys already know your role, now get ready to your position.”
Sachi, Penguin and Bepo nods then go to their position. Penguin follows you go inside to the building. You take off your cloak and hand in to the butler. You quickly scanning the room, searching for the target.
As soon as you find him, you lock your gaze with him and bat your eyelashes, giving him a seductive look. But you play hard to get. You stay at the sweets corner waiting for him to approach you.
“Good evening, Milady.” Your target stands besides you and offers his hand for you, you give your gloved hand to him and he kiss your hand. You try to hide your grimace with the contact.
“Evening, Milord.” Giving your sweetest smile to him.
“Are you perhaps alone, Milady?”
“I come with my guard, Milord.”
“Ah.. so you’re alone.” He smirks.
“Technically, yes you can say that.” You pout a little.
“I can be your companion tonight if you don’t mind.”
“Oh. That’s so kind of you, Milord.”
He gives his elbow, and you link your hand to his elbow. He takes you to greet his other friends. You listen to their conversation and sometime asking things that Law’s needs to know.
Good thing is this man can’t help to brag in front of you, so he spills everything you need to know easily.
When you gather enough information you try to make excuse to leave him, since your mission is done and you promised Law to return at once.
“I forget I still have things to do, if you may excuse me Milord.”
But the man catch your wrist, “But the fun just starts, you can’t leave now. I need a partner to dance.”
The musicians starts to play the waltz and the man swiftly takes your right hand and puts his other hand on your back. Your eyes scan around to find Penguin for help but you can’t find him anywhere at the room. For now you just dance with him and will try to slip away from him later. You try to be professional as the other couples also dancing around with the music. When the waltz change, all the couple turns around to change their partner to their closest one. And this is your chance to slip away.
As you try to slip away, a hand slither to your waist and spin you around, pressing your body to his hard chest. Taking your right hand to dance. Dumbfounded with the sudden movement, you still try to maintain your smile and look up to the man that catch you.
You stare him with wide eyes, can’t believe who this man is. A tall man with a sleek dark hair with side burns and a goatee, wearing a tuxedo. You bite your lips to hold your smile.
“Evening, Milady.” The man gives his cheeky smirks.
“Evening, Milord. I didn’t know there’s a handsome lord at this ball.”
“And I also didn’t know there’s a gorgeous lady at this ball.” He tighten his grips on your hand as he swings you around slowly.
“And I didn’t know this handsome lord can dance so elegantly.”
“I just learned it today, to impress a certain lady.” The man leans in and whisper on your ear.
“Oh my. What a lucky lady she is.”
“I’m the lucky one here, I get to dance with a gorgeous lady.”
You can’t help the blush forming up at your face, “What are you doing here, Law? I thought I said to wait for me.” You whisper to him as he sway you around.
“That if I can’t disguise myself. And apparently no one knows who I am.” Law smirk as he spins you around and brings you down, holding you on his left arm, face getting closer to you. Your breath hitch when he gets close, lips almost grazing each other. He then pulls you up again and swing you around until the music stops.
Both you give curtsy before goes separately, Law take your hand and kiss your knuckles making your heart flutter and he lead you off from the dance floor. The nobleman approaches you again, “Hey, she’s with me.”
Law turns around, “Too bad, she’s mine.” Law looks down and gives the nobleman a deathly glare, making the man squeak and scurry off.
“You’re done with the mission, right?” You nod and Law put his hand on your small lower back, lead you off from the hall and signaling Penguin to return, Penguin walks to the back to get Sachi.
When both you reach outside, Law told Bepo to return to the subs. He takes his hat and nodachi from Bepo.
You stop Law to teleport both of you, “Why don’t we walk a little to the sub? We rarely have the opportunity to walk on date.”
Law furrows his eyebrows and softens when he looks at you, “Fine. Just for a moment, okay?” He kisses your forehead and gives his elbow, you smile and link your hand to his elbow.
“So, how did you get the tuxedo, babe?” You look up and examine his handsome face, sharp jawline with that sleek hair.
“Turns out Ikkaku prepared it for me. Somehow she expected that I wanted to go to the ball.” Law ruffle his hair and put his hat back on. “And I think I’m glad that I went to the ball.” Law spots the sub and teleports both of you to the deck.
“And why are you so glad that you came to the ball?”
Law stares at you for a moment and he teleports both of you again to his room. As Law and you stands at the middle of the room, he slips his hand to your back again and takes your right hand and starts swinging you around slowly.
You giggles and place your left hand to his shoulder. Following his steps around the room, “What happens to you? Why are you so romantic tonight?”
“Am I? Just your imagination.” Law quirk his eyebrows.
“You’re not jealous, are you?”
Law spin you to the side and pulls you back to his arm, bending you down again just like at the ball, holding you still, “Do you know that bastard had been staring at your chest all night?”
“I don’t. Because I’m busy collecting the information that my lover needs.” You glance at Law’s eyes and down to his lips.
“That’s why I told you it’s bad. Good thing that I came to the ball, so I can get you off from there faster. But that aside, you did a great job tonight. And you looks so beautiful in that dress.” The tip of his ears are getting red when he praise you.
Law leans in and graze his lips to yours, then he pulls you up. He starts taking off your gloves slowly as he locks his eyes with you, tossing your gloves aside. He then reach your hair and ruffles its down, and Law starts to walk inching closer to you. Every time Law takes a step closer, you take a step back until your feet knock the bed.
Law slithers his hand to your back and find the zipper, tugging it down slowly while maintaining the eye contact with you, when the dress falls down and pool at your ankles, you steps out of the dress and Law kicks it to the side. The teasing is killing you.
Law then reach to your corset and tugging the string off slowly, “I will make sure you’re not gonna wear something revealing for a week.”
“Stop teasing me, Law.” Your breath becomes uneven, chest heaving up and down, only make Law’s smirk widen.
When the corset is loose enough, Law puts his hand on your back and pushes you softly to the bed making you yelp at the sudden fall. Law hovers over you, he puts his right hand on the side of your face, his left hand takes your strand hairs, twirling it and brings it to his lips, “I told you, I’m gonna have my fun tonight, baby.”
You know you’re in a really trouble now, “But the information-”
Law leans in kiss you slowly, bites your bottom lip and tug it, “It can wait tomorrow. I need to give you your punishment and reward. The night is still young, so we have all night long, baby.”
Law is a man true to his words. He really does make you can't wear something revealing for a week. He really does make sure you learn your lesson what happens if you tease him. But he also gives you rewards for being good at your jobs.
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dividers by : @saradika-graphics
322 notes · View notes
nytb · 10 months
If you were mine
Click here first <3
A dinner party leads to a hot encounter with what seems to be a master of all trades, Alexia now filled with lust and desire for more.
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“Want to explain why you left in a hurry last night?" Mapi questions her captain, leaving the woman no time to rest after practice ended.
"You know, I could have just wanted to leave"
"If that were the case, Y/N wouldn't have left running after you like there was something to fix" The defender's quick wit taking a hold on the situation "Want to tell me what actually happened?" she smirked.
It wouldn't be implausible that her childhood best friend had laid it on thick on Alexia and it might have somehow backfired. Unrealistic? Yes, but implausible? No.
The midfielder took a quick glance around her, making sure that nobody else would be able to hear her confession.
"God, what didn't happen - " flashbacks from the previous night in her head, smiling from ear to ear.
"Spill it"
"So..." Alexia started "Have you ever not have had to think? Like whatever was happening was meant to happen and it's not like you don't want it to happen so you're just there - happily participating?"
"Ale, I think that you lost me"
"How about you give me another excuse to be around her and I will give you all the details" she smirked, Mapi always loved to know all the gossip, especially when she wasn't involved in it.
"Wait - around wh- " she questioned, only to realize it before finishing her question "You and Y/N?"
"Mhmhm" Alexia nodded, clearly proud of herself.
"Wait so the whole 'you need to celebrate getting a new apartment' thing was a setup?"
"You catch on quick" The midfielder laughed "Sadly, I think that your girlfriend got there first"
Mapi's gossip game was lacking.
"Tell me everything" the defender ran behind Alexia as she made her way to the locker room. The latter turned on her hips, tapping at her friend's shoulder as she punctuated every word "One. More. Excuse." she reminded Mapi of the deal she had previously offered.
It didn't take long for the defender to concoct a plan to trap her childhood best friend in Alexia's reach.
A quick pop up, that her media team would gladly encourage, at a major concert in Barcelona.
"You do know that I hate these things right?" Y/N complained, getting dressed in Mapi's guest bedroom.
"Just think that right after we will go to your favorite sushi bar" the defender, who was sitting on Y/N's temporary bed, said "And if we get real crazy we pop by a tattoo parlor and get a new design on that arm" she smirked.
Clearly Mapi was the influence quiet homebodies begs for.
"I will even skip over the fact that you called Rosalia's concert a thing" she air-quoted the last word "And you should know that that's a serious offense in my book"
Y/N broke in laughter "Sure, because you now listen to the latest music and aren't still caught on the songs your parents still listen to" she mocked.
"Again, I will let that offense slide by" the defender stated "Aren't I an amazing friend" grinning from ear to ear, only to confess the real reason they were heading to a concert.
"Just be aware that this whole thing is a setup"
"Yeah I know, my agent has been grilling me to actually show up this time"
"Oh no cutie, she's not who I'm talking about"
Y/N turned on her feet "You're telling me that you got me to renounce training days just to hook up with one of your friends - again?" This time the boxer didn't sound as happy.
"Yeah because you had such a bad time with them" Mapi mocked "But don't worry, this time I'm not the one that planned who you're meeting"
"I'm not sleeping with your girlfriend's friends Mapi" Y/N crossed her arms, now staring at her childhood friend.
"Loosen up, this is all Alexia's doing."
Y/N's face turned blank, probably thinking about her previous encounter with the Barcelona midfielder.
"Stop daydreaming" the defender threw her friend a shirt "And cover up, you're making me feel frail."
"I have asked you if you wanted to come train with me in the past" she slipped into the tight fitted shirt.
"Yeah, you still need something over that" the defender groaned "Can't have you looking like that."
"Looking like what?" Y/N complained "I always wear this sort of stuff”
"That's the problem" the defender argued "You're always making the rest of us look like potatoes, even us athletes."
"Cheer up, in a couple of years, when all this fighting thing ends I will look just like you." Y/N joked.
"Maybe I should also teach you how to be funny" the defender threw her own dig "For when you can no longer rely on looks to get women"
"I have other traits" Y/N smirked.
"And somehow I think that that's why Alexia is so adamant on seeing you again" Ingrid joined, smiling as she greeted Y/N "What about we actually get going now? I have been keeping watch on that blonde all day - and it's tiring" she joked.
Damn - no wonder Y/N hates these things, people practically glued to one another, screams coming from every direction - this must be what introverts picture hell to be.
Getting greeting and her media press appearances over and done with, Y/N made her way to her VIP gifted tickets.
Being a star with a great agency backing her was a great asset, especially for Mapi as she managed to get a free concert and an easy setup with one single phone call.
"Remind me to thank your agent"
"So you're the one that made this happen" Y/N laughed "You had me thinking that my agent thought I liked this sort of music for a hot minute."
"And what's wrong with this sort of music?" Alexia questioned, shimmying past Ingrid, aiming her question at the boxer.
"Hi, I'm Y/N and I think that I messed up again" she extended her hand out, making a clear reference at their first encounter.
"Funny" Alexia said sarcastically "You should probably get more clothes" she stated "There is nothing wrong about having those peek through every shirt you wear" the midfielder pointed at Y/N's abs "But it's getting a bit repetitive"
"Weird, I was thinking the same thing" Y/N approached Alexia, bringing her into a hug and as she reached her ear she whispered "If you were mine you wouldn't be wearing that right now".
Alexia's excuse of a tank top that barely covered any of her skin wasn't to Y/N’s liking, let alone the short booty shorts she had on - if she was trying to cover the least amount of skin possible she successfully pulled it off.
"Maybe I'll invite you when I go shopping" Y/N disguised her previous statement, allowing herself a quick glance over Alexia's figure "Or send you along my assistant to pick outfits for me" she smirked.
"You have an assistant? Let me give you my assistant's number, maybe they want to be friends" she joked, taking the opportunity to place her hand on Y/N's shoulder.
"Maybe it's me who wants her number"
The midfielder's hand flew to her own abdomen, crossing her arms like a discontented child "I liked you more when you were more action and less maybes" Alexia stated, clearly annoyed at the boxer's previous statement.
Y/N snuck into the midfielder's personal space, slightly taking hold of her hips, moving past the group but not before taking the opportunity to whisper at Alexia's ear.
"Jealousy looks good on you"
And she was off, letting everyone knew that she was on the first drink run of the night.
"What was that?" Ingrid questioned, flustered at what just happened "What actually happened between you girls?"
"A lapse in judgement" the midfielder replied, seeing that Y/N was already being wrapped by someone else's body.
Mapi, followed her captain's line of sight, sympathizing with her situation "It's probably not what it looks like" she stuck up for her childhood best friend.
"Don't" Alexia's cold statement put the defender in her place "She's literally salivating at her for goodness sake"
Y/N's return to the group had the drinks she brought along with a couple of women overshadowed, especially by the Barcelona midfielder.
"Found these two in the pit" the boxer laughed, they were also Mapi's friends.
"OMG I haven't seen you girls in forever" pure enthusiasm in her voice, greeting them euphorically.
“See? Only friends" Ingrid spoke at a tune only Alexia would hear
That probably calmed the midfielder's jealousy for a minute, but she would be damned if it were only her that would be feeling that way tonight.
Dancing with strangers, her hands travelling through another person's body, her own fully leaned into it.
Y/N was fuming.
"You think that this is funny" the boxer approached, clearly pissed but hiding it underneath the coldness of her statement "Come with me" she grabbed Alexia's wrist, taking her away from the concert.
“What!?" the midfielder crossed her arms as soon as they got to a less crowded hallway, stopping Y/N dead in her tracks.
"Don't give me attitude" the boxer warned "I will teach you how to behave" and with that statement Alexia found herself up on Y/N's shoulder as she was carried out of there.
The midfielder fought it at first, but seeing Y/N's determination, and being highly attracted at the possibilities of whatever this was leading towards, she simply closed her grip around the boxer's abdomen. Grinning from ear to ear at her previous performance, clearly over the moon that it worked.
Setting Alexia back on her feet right next to Y/N's car, the midfielder made her way to her car's bonnet, leaning against it.
"No." Y/N groaned "I'm not rewarding whatever that was."
"Oh really?" Alexia leaned backwards, resting her weight on her arms firmly placed behind herself "So what will you do?" the midfielder continued, clearly provoking Y/N, being successful at every turn "Punish me?" she smirked.
The boxer's answer was simple. She made her way to Alexia, settling herself between her legs, she pulled the midfielder by her short's waistline, getting her to stand straight.
"I clearly have a lot of things to teach you"
"What if I don't want to be taught"
"Don't lie now" Y/N whispered at the midfielder's lips "There are better things we could be doing than having this" she pointed between the pair of them "conversation"
"This is a conversation to you?"
"I would rather it not be one"
Y/N placed space between them "Get in" she ordered opening the passenger door.
"And if I don't want to?" she argued.
"I would go over there and make you want to get in"
Alexia leaned back onto the bonnet, yet another provocation. Y/N groaned.
"Have it your way" the boxer closed the door roughly, a loud echo on the underground parking filled the air.
"Don't say that I didn't warn you" Y/N groaned at Alexia's ear "I will have you begging for me to let you enter my car"
A promise that would soon be fulfilled.
The boxer pulled Alexia into a rough kiss, exploring her mouth as the midfielder reached for Y/N's shirt, pulling her even closer.
"No." Y/N stated, grabbing the Catalonian's hands away from her shirt, placing them on the car's bonnet "They stay there" she ordered.
For a while they did but as Y/N nibbled at her ear, unbuttoning the midfielder's shorts, she had no other choice than to break the command given to her.
Alexia tried her best to grab onto Y/N's hair, she wished to pull the boxer’s lips back to her mouth, but Y/N reacted quicker.
Grabbing Alexia's neck, firmly choking her she whispered into the midfielder's mouth.
"So disobedient" she started, placing Alexia's hands back on the bonnet "Let's make it easier for you" she smirked
“You move, I stop."
"No" Alexia argued back.
"I told you not to give me attitude, it wasn't a suggestion."
"Or what?"
"You wouldn't want to find that out." she warned
"Actually, I do."
That ignited a flame in Y/N, Alexia was getting what she so eagerly requested.
The boxer rose her hand, placing two fingers on Alexia's lips "Suck" she ordered and the midfielder gladly obliged "So beautiful" Y/N whispered "What a shame that you're so disobedient" she took her fingers back, lowered them into the midfielder's pants "I will teach that out of you"
"It's more fun this way" she argued back
"I will show you how untrue that is"
Y/N roughly inserted both fingers at once, no warmup this time.
"You move, I stop" she reminded Alexia the simple command she had to follow.
As Y/N expertly curled her fingers inside Alexia, bringing the midfielder into a state of pure lust, the Catalonian learned that rolling her hips - as she looked for release - was getting her nowhere, so she fought against her body's urges, at times struggling with it.
The boxer made it her mission to edge Alexia for as long as possible, ignoring every request for release that slipped the midfielder's mouth.
"More" she begged as Y/N worked her clavicle, roughly sucking on it, leaving hickeys only a few people would see.
"Say you want to get into my car."
"I want to" she whispered as she arched her back, looking for release.
"Please" Alexia whispered into Y/N's mouth, making the boxer stop, placing space between the both of them she walked towards the car’s passenger door “Now wasn't that easy” she opened the passenger door again.
"You're just going to leave me here and stop cold turkey on me?" Alexia was raging.
"I don't reward disobedience" Y/N stated "Now, get in."
The midfielder did just that, buttoning her shorts as she gave Y/N a death stare.
"Did I allow you to do that?" the boxer pointed at the short's button.
Alexia's death stare remained, not granting Y/N an answer.
"So disobedient"
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zeezelweazel · 9 months
Alexia Putellas| Wrong place wrong time|
Tumblr decided to be a pain in the ass again and for some reason didn't let me edit my drafts so I'm creating new ones. Sorry to all the people that requested something and it got lost in my drafts, blame Tumblr.
Pt 2 here → With all the time in the world
TW: semi public sex, oral (Alexia receiving), dirty talk
Training was especially tiring today, given that you've just came back from national break. But you have a champion's league game in a few days. You feel Ingrid patting your shoulder as she gives you a smile that screams 'I know, me too'. You continue sipping on your water as you make small talk with the tall Norwegian.
After a few minutes training is pronounced over and you groan as you're finally able to take of your sweaty clothing. You throw your shirt somewhere in the training room, making a note to pick it up later, and you search through your bag for a clean shirt. When you find your favourite sweatshirt that you stole from Alexia's closet you move to throw your sweaty shirt in the training bag. Before you're able to put on the fresh garment a hand roughly pulls you back. You're met with Alexia's dark eyes but have no time to question anything before the captain pulls you away.
"Alexia, hey! I still don't even have my shirt on! Where are we even-"
Suddenly Alexia pushed you to the nearest wall and placed a hot needy kiss on your lips. You quickly recovered from your initial shock and kissed back gripping Alexia's hips and pulling her closer to you. The blonde whimpered against your lips and started grinding her hips up against you, without being able to find the much needed friction she was hoping for. Oh, so that's what this is about.
You push Alexia back and smirk when she whines at the loss. You normally love to tease her when she gets all needy like this but there's no time now. You're both still standing in the hallway, were anyone could walk by and see you still topples. You mirror her action from before and pull Alexia with you, opening a random door and closing it behind you. It was a storage room, probably. You didn't have any time to look around because the moment the door closed you pushed Alexia against it.
She whimpered against your lips when you pushed your tongue inside her mouth. She tried to keep up but you were practically devouring her. After a few seconds you got impatient and with a final bite to her lower lip you moved away and slightly lower to nip at her earlobe. Alexia gasped and slightly moved her head to the side. You smirked at her desperate reaction.
"Couldn't wait to go home and get fucked properly, huh? Is your pretty pussy dripping for me?"
Alexia bit her lip at your hushed whispers. She answered your question when her thighs clenched tightly and rubbed against eachother. She really didn't know how she got so wet. Watching you train, your muscles highlighted with sweat and then seeing your abs when you pulled your shirt off...
Alexia almost moans at the mere memories of you. You push your hand under her shirt to squeeze at her breasts and Alexia moans quietly, looking at you with wide pleading eyes.
"Want me to fuck you against the door?"
You asked when you pressed your body closer, effectively trapping her between you and the metal of the door. Your heads had found themselves under the fabric of her sports bra and you immediately took a nipple between your fingers and tugged.
"Yes! Please, fuck, I need you."
Alexia thought she was going to combust from the need to be touched. She looked at you desperately, tears welling up in her beautiful eyes and you couldn't resist anymore. Without a single warning you dropped down on your knees and pulled Alexia's sweatpants and panties down in one go. Alexia immediately spread her legs as far as they could go, with the fabric down her legs restricting her movements. You chucked at her eagerness and brought your hands up to caress her strong thighs. Not wanting to tease the blonde you immediately went into action.
When you leaned in and placed a short and light kiss on her clit Alexia moaned, loud enough so anyone walking outside could hear. You only smirked against her cunt and slowly dragged your tongue between her folds. Alexia moaned again, this time it was a high pitched sound, almost like a whine. You moved your mouth quickly this time going from her clenching hole up to her swollen clit. It was pulsing and begging for attention but you decided to go ignore it for now, opting to move down to her tight opening and tease. Alexia had moved one of her hands to tangle in your hair while the other tried, and failed, to muffle her moans.
You continued devouring her pussy like it was your last meal on earth and Alexia was getting more desperate for release. She started rolling her hips against your face in a pathetic attempt to get off. You growled in warning after a particularly hard thrust pushed her pelvis on your nose painfully. Alexia was so far gone she couldn't control her desperate movements so you moved your hands from her thighs to roughly grab her ass, squeezing the soft flesh and using it as leverage to keep her hips still. Alexia whimpered at your rough touches and her knees buckled.
Soon enough her thighs started closing down around your head, a clear sign that Alexia was close to coming. You suddenly paused when you heard something over Alexia's muffled moans. Alexia whined and looked down at you, eyes confused and pleading. She tried to push your head back to her cunt but the sound of cleats rapidly hitting the cemented floor broke the horny atmosphere.
"You think she lost us?" Aitana.
"I don't know but we're dead if she finds us." Ona.
You don't know what the two young friends did but sounds like their in trouble. You looked up at Alexia, who's eyes were filled with tears at the sudden interruption. You know how much Alexia hates being edged, especially when she's this needy.
"We have to hide somewhere, quickly. How about this room?"
Alexia's eyes widen in fear when she hears Aitana's words and shakes her head slightly as if the girls in the other side of the wall would somehow get the message. You hate how Alexia's attention has shifted to what's happening outside so you bite the inside of her thigh and the captain barely contains a loud moan by bitting her lip. She looks down at you with a shocked expression and just as you're about to dive in again you hear another booming voice in the hallway.
"There you are! No- don't run away from me, I'll get you!"
Thank god for Mapi.
You don't waste a second before you dive back in. Alexia was distracted from the interruption and the fear of getting caught so when you sucked her clit into your mouth she threw her head back so hard you were worried she got a mild concussion and moaned loudly.
"Fuck, just like that! Please, I need to come."
You continue licking her up, slurping all her juices as Alexia squirms under your strong hold, moaning uncontrollably. It only takes a few more moments before her thighs start squeezing your head once more. You brush your teeth against her clit and your nails wrack down her ass and Alexia's eyes roll back in her head and she comes with a silent scream.
Her cum spills down your face and you don't stop, your tongue working between her folds and dipping in her hole before coming back up at her clit. It's sensitive and pulsing so when your tongue touches it Alexia yelps and pushes your head away slightly. You take the hint and rise up to meet her lips in a heated kiss, your tongue pushing it's way into Alexia's mouth. You smirk against her lips when Alexia moans as she tastes herself in your tongue.
Alexia is left panting against the door barely able to stand. When she opens her eyes she grins at you with that just fucked look that you absolutely love and it takes everything you have in you not to jump on her again. Instead you caress her face and smile when she leans in your touch. You press a quick kiss on her forehead and move down to whisper in her ear.
"When we get home I'll make sure to fuck so good you won't be able to walk for days."
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turtletaubwrites · 7 months
A Good Catch ~ Part 1
✨600 Followers Fic Celebration!✨
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I am so grateful for all of you! This has been such a wonderful time, and having all of you around to nerd out with, and to share my writing with is the best! Shanks won the poll for the next x Reader fic, and I hope you enjoy it!
Pairings: Shanks x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4367
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (End)
Ao3 Link
Summary: You are an unlucky fisherwoman having a bad day, until a red haired pirate captain offers to help you out. You're pretty sure he only makes it worse.
Rating/Warnings: 18+ ONLY, MDNI, AFAB!Reader, She/Her Pronouns for Reader, Reader-Insert, Eventual Smut, Fluff, Angst, Teasing, Flirting, I feel like there's some romance tropes I could tag, but I usually just write smut, so please let me know what silly tropes I have in here 😅
A/N: I am having so much fun with this one! I'm doing my best to keep it to 3 parts, so wish me luck 😅 Please enjoy this fluffy first chapter!
| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 | ko-fi |
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“Now I’m gonna get murdered by pirates,” you grumbled to yourself as the ship crept ever closer. “Just fucking perfect.”
The windless sea was no challenge for the massive pirate ship. All you could do was sit with your pile of fish, jealous of the huge oars guiding the threat to you. 
Dread loomed as that jolly roger closed the distance, like an animal baring its fangs before it strikes. Crossed blades, and a sinister skull with red stripes over its left eye socket. 
You didn’t pay enough attention to the gossip and wanted posters to remember who was headed your way. 
Not that it matters. They’re pirates. 
It was too much to hope that they’d pass you by. 
A few voices carried over from the deck, until a tall man leaned over the side. His bright, red hair hung still against this stupidly windless sky. 
“Hey, friend,” he called, the sun at your back giving you a glimpse of his wide smile, even from so high above you. 
“We’re not friends,” you countered, crossing your arms to keep him from noticing your shaky hands. 
“I suppose not. You seem like you’re in a spot of trouble though, and we’re happy to help.”
His deep voice sounded so friendly. Genuine. Charming. 
He’s just trying to lure me into his trap. Who knows what they’d do to me on that ship…
“The sun’s getting pretty low for a small boat to be all the way out here,” he judged, trying to block the glare as he looked down at you. “I don’t think we’ll be getting much more wind today.”
“Thank you, I’ll be fine.”
His pause made your skin itch, wishing he would stop looking at you. 
“We can bring your boat with us. I’m assuming you’re from that village a ways to the west?”
It must have been a trick of your eyes, it couldn’t happen so quickly. But you swore the day inched closer to night faster with every second. You watched the light grow golden as it lit up the red haired man, and his pirate ship.
“I refuse to be rescued,” you choked out, nails digging into your arms. 
“Okay,” he said in an annoyingly teasing tone, “if you insi–”
“I’ll pay you for the service! I had a great haul before…”
“Sounds good to me,” he laughed, deep and hearty. As if he were truly happy. 
You had thought pirates would seem scarier. Maybe this is worse.
You barely heard his shouts  as men started to lower ropes down, prepping to save you. 
“You should know I’m armed,” you yelled up at the back of his head, continuing when he faced you again. “Anyone touches me, and they’ll lose a hand.”
“I’ll be on my guard then. I’ve been running out of those.”
You didn’t understand, or appreciate his teasing while you waited. 
“Welcome aboard!”
Pirates echoed the red haired man’s welcome, and you assumed he was the captain as the rest busied themselves about. He sat on deck, calm as if he hadn’t a care in the world. Now that you were so close, you couldn’t help but notice the rippled muscles of his chest and stomach between his mostly open shirt. 
Besides the cloak over his shoulders, he didn’t seem to wear anything that could mark him as captain. Unless his red hair, and three scars over his left eye… 
“Oh,” he asked, moving to stand beside you. 
“The jolly roger,” you pointed to the menacing skull. “You must be the captain.”
“Good eye,” he leaned in with a smile. 
His smile should have a completely different word. The sight from your boat was nothing compared to seeing the way this man's lips curled slowly, the left side starting first as it grew, as if he was enjoying the act of smiling itself. And his eyes…
His eyes were way too close to you. 
“Are you alright?”
Concern broke that smile, and he called for someone to bring water. 
Your face flushed, hot to the tips of your ears. You realized that you hadn’t heard what the pirate had said because you were too busy swooning over his pretty eyes. 
The water was welcome, and you gulped half of it down, suddenly embarrassed about how fucking fishy you must smell with your day’s catch beside you. 
“Is there anything else you need, miss…”
Trying to catch your eyes, the pirate leaned toward you. He reached for your shoulder, and you jumped back, spilling water down your chest.
“I’m so sorry, love. I forgot about your warning.”
His soothing voice felt real as he went to a knee in front of you. 
“I do hope you will spare me my fate, I swear that no one on this boat will forget it again.”
He’s really too charming. He’s either the sweetest person in the world, or some sort of demon with powers of seduction. 
You nodded. It wasn’t like you could truly defend yourself anyway. The fear of being at their mercy kept you hyper aware of all the moving bodies around you.
“How long until we’re at the village?”
The sun was almost gone from the sky now, and you just wanted to be home. To scrub this stupid day away, and pass out. 
“It should be about three days from now.”
“Three,” you choked out, dropping the now empty mug of water, which he caught without taking his eyes off of yours.
“We’ve got some business on the other side of the island. We'll be stopping by the village to restock supplies before we head out.”
“You didn’t tell me that,” you snapped, voice louder than you meant it.
He just smirked, tilting his head.
“Sorry, love. Would you like us to toss you overboard? I don’t think you had many rescuers lined up.”
For some reason, you couldn’t get your mouth to remember that these men could kill you as you growled back at him.
“You didn’t rescue me. I paid you for a trip back to the village.”
His lips quirked as if he was fighting not to smile again. He looked down at your haul, fish still flapping in the net. 
“That is a really nice haul, miss. Afraid it’s not enough for a direct trip, though.”
Pirates came to take your fish away, and it broke the spell his irritating eyes had on you.
“Please, save this one! You can have it, just… Make sure you cook it well.”
The two men with the net followed your gesture to that fish, assuring you they would obey before taking it away.
“Why’s that one special?”
The weight of this long ass day hit you, a heavy sigh leaving your lips before you looked back at that pretty captain. 
“It was a good catch.”
He huffed a laugh, the clear amusement he got from your words making you simultaneously annoyed, and pleased. You were mentally smacking yourself for that. 
Don’t be attracted to pirates, dumbass. 
“I’m Shanks. I don’t know if you heard me before, but…”
Your skin flushed again, and he seemed to notice, a warm, evil smile slowly forming on his lips.
“What’s your name?”
“You don’t need to know it.”
He gave a real laugh then, loud, and infectious. You had to remind yourself that he was laughing at you.
“What would you like us to call you then, huh? “Fish Girl?” Maybe “Fail Boat?” Or how about “Damsel in Distress?” I think I like that–”
You ripped your hand back as soon as you’d realized what you’d done.
But it was too late.
Your idiotic, suicidal hand had shot out and smacked him, hard, right in the center of that gorgeous chest of his.
The deck roared with laughter while you shook with horror. Shanks had looked down at his chest, and when he lifted his face to yours he looked stunned. If you hadn’t just signed your own death warrant, you might have thought his face comical, brows raised high, with his mouth and eyes wide. 
“Go easy on the girl, captain,” teased a tall man with gray hair, shaking his head at Shanks.
“Yeah, come on, captain! What kinda hospitality are you giving, insulting our guest like that?”
A whole group of pirates crowded around him, reprimanding him, and giving him a few gentle punches and shoves. 
Your mouth hung open. The sight of these pirates being so playfully disrespectful toward their captain didn’t fit in your brain. None of this made sense with what pirates were supposed to be like. 
“Fine. Fine! I’m sorry, miss…”
He’d broken away from his men, leaning toward you with that question. 
He hit you with a new grin to outshine all the others, making your breath hitch.
“What a beautiful name for a damsel in distress.”
You didn’t need to hit him this time, as pirates did the job for you, even throwing things at him from across the deck. 
Maybe it was the overwhelm, the fatigue. Maybe you’d gone insane.
But laughter built in your stomach, growing through your body, until you were shaking with it. You had your hands on your knees as it took you over, and the pirates around you joined in. 
How can pirates be laughing and smiling like this with me? How can it be genuine? 
Amidst the continued roars of his men, Shanks shook his head, gesturing for you to follow him. 
“Where are we going?”
“I’ll show you.”
Frowning at the back of his head, you followed through the wooden halls until he opened a large door, gesturing for you to go inside.
He rolled his eyes when you hesitated, before going in first. 
The large room was tiled, with lockers and showers, and there he stood in the center, grinning like a creep.
“I’ll pass,” you deadpanned, backing out the door.
“Come on, fish girl,” he taunted, “you stink, and I think you’ll be easier to clean than the blankets you’ll sleep in tonight.”
Blood rushing to your face again, your mouth opened and closed as anger and embarrassment fought to take over.
Shanks laughed again, but tried to stifle it. 
“Sorry, you’re just,” he motioned to his lips, mimicking your movements. “You’re a fish girl.”
“Shut up,” you seethed, leaning toward him. “I’m not taking a shower on a pirate ship when anyone can–”
“I’ll guard the door for you, okay,” he assured, finally seeming to take something seriously. “I’ll make sure no one comes in.”
Now his stupid smile was soft, small, and sweet. You hated it.
“Oh right,” you scoffed, “like I'd trust a pirate captain. Who’s gonna stop you from coming in?”
“What makes you think this pirate captain would even want to come in here, huh?”
“Fuck you,” you breathed, turning to leave.
He was so fast. You jumped back as he blocked the door. He saw your wide eyes, and moved out of the doorway so he wouldn’t block your exit, but he still leaned close.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. Really, okay? I promise I will sit right outside this door, and not let a single person come inside until you’re done. There’s fresh clothes for you over there too. Whatever you need.”
A very fine trembling worked its way around your body as you studied him. It seemed like such a bad idea to trust him. 
But you were exhausted. 
“You’ll sit in front of the door?”
He straightened up, a look of relief brightening that serious face.
“I will.”
“Will you wear a blindfold?”
“If that’s what it takes,” he agreed with a smirk.
“And let me tie your hands behind your back?”
Shanks sucked his teeth as he leaned back. You had a second of fear as he started taking his clothes off.
But all he removed was his heavy cloak, revealing that he was missing his left arm. 
Guilt hit you, apologies about to pour out, but he held his palm out. 
“Afraid I can’t do that, but I promise I’ll do the rest. Is that alright, Y/N?”
This is really nice soap.
Still on edge, your body started to relax a bit with the delicious smelling soap on your skin. 
But every time you felt a moment of relaxation, you’d remember the pirate on the other side of the door. 
“You’ve gotta make it tighter, sweetie. Otherwise it won’t work.”
That fucking sentence kept tearing through your brain. The way he’d run his fingers across yours while you adjusted the cloth to blindfold him. The way his hair and skin had felt and smelled as you moved it into place. The way he’d rasped those words while he grabbed your wrist to guide you, giving it a gentle squeeze before letting his fingers trail down your skin. 
The way you had let him touch you without arguing. His fingers had taken advantage of the moment, but it had felt almost electric to let him.
“Fuck,” you muttered to yourself.
“Y/N, is everything alright?”
“Uh, yeah. Thank you.”
How did he hear that over the shower?
“What the hell is this?”
“Sorry, love, I'm afraid I can't see what you– ow, hold on!”
You definitely had a few red hairs between your fingers after ripping his blindfold off. 
The pirate captain got to his feet to meet your eyes, and fucking snorted.
“What is wrong with you,” you fumed, tossing the blindfold at his face.
The fact that he caught it before it hit him only pissed you off more.
“There has to be something else I can wear,” you demanded, pulling at the frilly lavender dress he stuck you with. You looked like some creepy porcelain doll.
His face was going as red as his hair as he tried not to laugh.
“I’m sorry, no one’s– we don’t have anyone your size,” he choked out, clearing his throat before continuing. “We have a few more dresses like this, though. They were supposed to be a gift for a princess, so you should feel honored!”
“Fuck you.”
His lips were fucking quivering as he fought his laughter. His eyes flicked down to your clenched fists, and he relented.
“Right, sorry, okay! You can have some of my clothes, you’ll just have to roll them up, alright?”
Very judgmentally looking him up and down, you raised your brows at him.
“Do you have any shirts that actually button up all the way? Or do you expect me to let my tits hang out like yours.”
Shanks cackled then, catching himself on the wall, his eyes even tearing up a little. 
You kicked yourself for saying something so sexual in front of a fucking pirate.
“You’re a funny one, fish girl,” he teased between hiccupped laughs, “but you definitely look like a damsel in that dress.”
You kicked the pirate for being such a dick. 
“Fuck, sorry,” he huffed, wincing as he rubbed his shin where you’d kicked it. 
“Follow me. I definitely wanna get you outta that dress– I mean into different clothes,” he almost yelled, warding off a slap with his arm. “So you stop hurting me!”
Practically boiling with a mix of anger, embarrassment, and fear, you let yourself be guided along. The lantern lit halls were roomier than you would have expected, and you could hear the distant voices of the crew. 
“Here we go,” he said gently, opening another large door. He went in first again, and you entered what had to be his quarters.
Of course. We’re getting his clothes. 
It was full of rich, dark woods, red blankets, a desk that seemed to have more bottles of alcohol than anything work related on it, and a delightful, almost spicy scent filling the air. 
The room was a bit messy, and you felt out of place standing there in that frilly dress while he dug through his wardrobe, tossing clothes to the ground as he searched.
“Here, love, how about these?”
“Do you have a belt?”
Managing to roll, buckle, and tuck at his clothes, you were mostly satisfied as you checked the mirror.
Even with all the buttons done up, you still had to tie his shirt to keep your chest from popping out like his does. 
“You almost finished? The party’s star…”
Those pretty eyes brightened when you opened the door. His little smirk made you frown, and he held his hand up.
“You were right, Y/N. This definitely suits you better.”
He offered that hand to you, and even in the warm glow of the lanterns, you could see scars, callouses, and thick veins that made your breath hitch for a moment. 
Your hand had almost reached his when he pulled away.
“Almost forgot,” he teased, his voice somehow lower than normal as he stepped out of the doorway for you. “I’ll lose my only hand if I touch you, right?”
“Well, I definitely won’t risk that.”
He stepped further back, letting you follow him into the hallway. 
Your brain seemed to stutter, unable to join the moment as it flew through conflicting emotions. 
Like why it upset you that he wouldn’t risk it. 
Shanks moved in close, his spicy scent filling your lungs as you looked up at him. 
“Just let me know if that ever changes.”
He turned away after a subtle wink that made your brain short circuit. 
“You comin’? I’m hungry.”
Still barefoot without your fishy shoes, you chased that red hair down the hallway.
He really is some sort of seduction demon.
“Hey, girly. Is this jackass treating you alright?”
“This is how you talk about your captain?”
The older man with long, gray hair ignored Shanks’ protests as he looked you over.
“You should be more worried about him,” you grumbled, narrowing your eyes at the captain.
“Ha, I’m sure you’re right.”
He grinned down at you, before motioning toward the fire. 
“Come on, the food’s almost done.”
The crew had found a remote beach, and set up camp. Their camp supplies seemed to be mostly alcohol. 
Shanks had said they had business here, and that they’d go to the village in about three days.
What kind of business are pirates getting up to on my island?
The thought was pushed aside as Shanks called for you. Most of the pirates were holding their plates, or using boulders or crates while they ate. Captain Shanks had a dingy little table by the fire, and was waving you over. 
“Come on, love. Let’s eat, and find out why that fish of yours is so special.”
The day's events hit you again, but you joined him in a mismatched chair, and grabbed a fork. 
It smelled good.
“Here,” Shanks demanded, shoving a mug of some kind of alcohol into your hand, before standing and lifting his own to address the crew. “Here’s to our luck! We found an unlucky fisherwoman, and now we’ve got good eats. To Y/N!”
The sheer volume of their enthusiasm made your eyes go wide as you faked a sip.
“So tell me, fish girl,” he leaned toward you, the small table not leaving much space between you. “Why is this fish so special?”
Ignoring him, you focused on your plate. The way it looked and smelled was perfect, but you had to know.
He watched your movements, following along as you pierced into the flesh, bringing the first bite to your lips. 
It was perfect. Whoever had cooked it had treated it right. The tender meat and the subtle flavor were given just the amount of spice to balance it out.
It would have sold well. After all it took to get it, you were grateful that it didn’t go to waste, and tasting it yourself was wonderful.
Even if you were sharing it with a pirate.
“This is incredible, Y/N. You really are a fish girl.”
Letting out a sigh, you dug in, trying to enjoy the meal that had put you in this situation. The night was filled with the sounds of music, laughter, and endless calls for cheers, the clanging of metal mugs like the shifting heartbeat of this joyful crew.
“So, I had someone take a look at your boat, in case we could help fix it.”
“There’s nothing wrong with my boat,” you spat out, wishing you could have enjoyed your meal in peace. Without this too fucking handsome and annoying pirate captain.
Shanks tapped his fingers on the table, a smirk playing at his lips. 
“That was the report,” he said softly, the teasing tone building slowly in his voice. “They did say that one of the oars is missing.”
“Thanks for the report,” you grumbled, watching the fire now.
“Come on, just tell me what happened. How’d you get stranded out there?”
“It’s none of your business.”
Your face felt hot, the fire not close enough for the burning in your skin. 
“Consider it payment then. For my clothes, and for my company,” he taunted, his voice dipping low. 
“I could do without the latter.”
“You wound me, sweet damsel.”
He put his hand to his heart, chuckling at your frown before chugging whatever was in his mug.
“It was a really good catch,” you mumbled, giving in. He scooted even closer to you, excitement in those lovely eyes, mixing with the light of the fire.
Shanks kept that beautiful mouth shut, just tilting his head toward yours as he waited.
“My grandma used to talk about her best catch. That was it,” you said flatly, gesturing to your empty plate. “She made me promise that if I ever caught a fish like that, I had to eat it myself, eat it with friends.”
“Don’t waste a fish like that on berry, sugar. It’s a gift.”
He raised his mug as you mimicked your grandma’s voice, and you brought yours up with a sigh, still just pretending to drink.
“I’m honored, then. Your grandma was right, that fish was amazing.”
Memories of her seemed to join you at the table, bittersweet, and heavier than you’d like. 
“Sorry, Y/N. You, uh… You doing okay?”
“I’m fine,” you coughed, a hint of anger back in your voice as you fought against the prickling in your eyes.
“Well,” he drawled out, extending the word for way too long, “you still didn’t tell me how you got stranded out there with nothing but the perfect fish.”
Groaning, you put your forehead on the dingy table and blurted it out, as if you could make it not true if you said it fast enough. 
“I caught the fish. I saw what it was. It started to slip through my hands. I knew it’d sell well, so I didn’t want to lose it. I ended up tripping over one of the oars. I should have let it go, I could have grabbed the oar if I’d seen it slipping. But I was greedy. I wanted to sell that stupid fish instead of eating it, and now grandma’s probably cussing at me from the afterlife.”
Shanks at least had the decency to shove his knuckles between his teeth before he started laughing. 
“Oh, fuck you,” you huffed, standing to leave the captain’s dingy table.
“Wait, please,” he called, catching your fingers in his, and pulling you back toward him. Only to drop your hand as if he’d been burned when you met his eyes.
“Fuck, I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean–”
Whatever you might have said was lost in a wave of too many things at once. Humiliation over the whole thing, fear that these pirates could still hurt you, especially if you fell asleep, and the burning in your stupid cheeks because this gorgeous asshole held your hand. 
What the fuck is wrong with me today?
The moon was mostly full, so there was plenty of light on the sand as you walked away from the camp. They were so fucking noisy, but the ocean beckoned for you to sit, gentle waves like your grandmother’s sweet voice. 
When she wasn’t giving me shit, you thought with a laugh, digging your toes in the sand. 
“The ocean makes me feel better too.”
His deep voice annoyed you more than it startled you. 
Shanks sat beside you, but not too close.
Ignoring him did not make him go away. 
“What do you want?”
“I wanna make your shitty day better. How can I do that?”
“Take me home.”
“Three days on that one, love. Anything more immediate?”
Your plan to stay up all night was already failing, exhaustion dragging you down.
His eyes were so soft under the moon, the hint of a smile brightening his face.
“I don’t want to sleep out in the open with everyone. Is there somewhere… safe where I can sleep?”
Shanks nodded, looking down as he cleared his throat. 
“Of course, let me take you now.”
The ship itself seemed to be sleeping, so quiet with only a handful of crew watching it as the rest camped on the island. 
Red hair under lantern light guided you through those wood paneled halls again, until he led you to the guest quarters. 
“Here’s the key, and you’re welcome to shove this chair under the door knob as well. Breakfast will be at the beach in the morning,” he laughed, running his fingers through his hair. “It’ll probably be the afternoon depending on the hangovers, but you– Are you alright?”
He knelt at your feet, looking you over as you slumped onto the bed.
“How long were you out there today? Have you been drinking water? Are you…”
This charming pirate stopped himself from touching your forehead, and some insane, fatigued part of you reached out, grabbing his hand with both of yours. 
“I lied,” you confessed, voice quiet and close, his pretty eyes on your lips. “I can’t cut your hand off. I’m not armed.”
The slow smile he gave you now was your favorite, somehow making the light in his eyes shine brighter. Your hands reluctantly let go of him as he shifted, but instead of moving away, Shanks touched his calloused fingers to your cheek. 
“Your secret’s safe with me, sweetheart.”
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Likes and reblogs bring me much ✨dopamine✨ thank you so much!
a/n: I am obsessed with these two now. What the heck. I need Shanks to make fun of me like that 😅
Tag List: @shewrites02
Part 2
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| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 | ko-fi |
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Some Eula and Dehya angst to fluff where they’re trapped in a cave with their badly injured S/O who starts to break down and say they’re scared.
(Genshin Impact) Eula, and Dehya getting trapped with their injured S/O
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Eula's heart aches the moment she hears her S/O's voice shaking, alongside their injuries.
Part of her feels like this cave-in was her fault. If she was more observant, then they could've avoided this mess.
But she knows better than to self loathe. S/O needed her now, and that's what she was going to do.
(Eula) "Look at me, S/O. You will not die, not while I'm still here."
She gives their hand a reassuring squeeze before kissing their forehead, and nodding.
Honestly, with her vision and strength, she could pulverize any boulders blocking their path. But that could cause the cave-in to get worse, and she was going to get them out without any further harm.
What good is being a reconnaissance captain if she couldn't scout a safer way out?
(Eula) "Grab my hand, and don't let go. If you need to sit down to rest, let me know immediately, got it?"
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Dehya grabs a hold of S/O, firmly enough to get their attention, but not so hard that it'd make them get hurt or panic even more.
(Dehya) "Shhh! Hey, hey! Listen to me, you're going to be okay! We'll get out of this stupid cave, and then I'll make sure to treat you to something nice, alright?"
Truthfully, her heart was absolutely pounding, they didn't look great, and seeing them panic made Dehya want to comfort them more than anything.
Sand caves were common in the desert, and while she had her fair share of getting stuck in them before, it was something she'd still rather avoid.
After helping them up, she bridal carries them for the moment, making sure they wouldn't trip and fall.
(Dehya) "Stick close. I may need to sit you down a couple times as we go by, so save your strength."
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onim5 · 1 month
🔥How did it happen?!🔥
Portgas D. Ace x reader
Warning: Swearing.
🔥 How did it happen? Did you let this happen? What are you going to do now? So many questions and no answers.
🔥 You sighed as you looked at his handcuffed wrist. And then at you're handcuffed wrist.
🔥 Sea prism stone handcuffs, an unconscious person in your lap, and no key. Yup, the situation was stupid.
🔥 Your idiot captain had been causing trouble for the Whitebeard pirates so it shouldn't have come as such a surprise when one of them showed up on your ship.
🔥 What did come as an even bigger surprise was when you had managed to trap him in sea prism stone handcuffs and then have a crewmate knock him down, causing the other end of the cuffs to trap you.
🔥 Then the shittiest surprise of all, was when the captain ordered your crewmates to throw 'you' overboard with him. Ha ha great.
🔥 Yup if this small yellow nice boat hadn't come, you and this guy would have drowned. A one-man boat was it though.
🔥 Yup so here you were, an unconscious heavy pirate in your lap on a small one-man boat. What a great situation. Oh, and look, in the distance, your old ship is sailing away. At least they aren't firing cannonballs at you two.  
🔥 "I hated them all anyway." You muttered as you leaned your head on the dude's back. He sure was warm for a completely drenched guy, so you pressed yourself on him. Since you have gotten cold from the swim trip.
🔥After you got a little warmer you put up the sail, oh it sounds so easy (It fucking wasn't!)
🔥Now for everyone wondering. Why don't you just cut off his hand? He's cute.                                         "It's a real reason!!!"
🔥When Ace woke up he felt weak, oh and look someone was in his lap. HUH!!!!
🔥When you were done explaining to this weakened devil fruit user 'what happened' He told you to follow a vivre card that he tried to give you. "No fucking way I give you the advantage and put myself in front of a fucking yonko!"
🔥After a long trip you found an island. Ace let you drag him along. Just because he, one felt bad since you been ditched in such a cruel way. Two you could have cut off his wrist and left him to drown. 'Wait why didn't you?'
🔥When he asked you simply answered. "I'm not a fucking emotionless villain."
🔥 It was hard to move around with Ace around your wrist. 🥲 And he too got tired and began carrying you. 😳 "This is much faster, so what are we even gonna do here?"
🔥 You did not answer the question, so Ace began telling you about the amazing Whitebeard pirates.
🔥 Your mouth fell agape as you realized Ace had started flirting. But what was worse was that it worked. He said stuff like, "Is it just me or did we get trapped by the heart too?"
🔥Why did he flirt, well . . . . . He was carrying you around and he couldn't help it. And it was pretty fun to see you blush.
🔥 He's gonna get it now. "Deactivate you're devil fruit, you're gonna blind me." You said covering your eyes with the other hand. "But I can't even use my devil fruit abilities?" Ace stated confused. "Oh sorry, I mistook your handsome face for a gentle flame."
🔥 Look who's blushing now. (^3^)/
🔥 It was hard to stop after that, you both just loved compliments.
🔥 You and Ace maneged to get to a town. And after finding a hairpin from some random lady you manege to open the lock.
🔥 But then the awkward reality came. "Did you actually mean all you said?" You both asked at the same time. "Yes."
- And that's how you stop being single. Ace explained to the other pirates. 👍
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lilacmingi · 26 days
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works. And please don’t spam-like!
Pairing: Captain Hook!Yunho x fem!reader (ft Oneus + Dongmyeong from Onewe as The Lost Boys hehe)
Word count: 4,600
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You huffed, pushing past the thick plants in front of you, large leaves smacking against your arms and face as you trekked ahead.
You just escaped those rambunctious group of guys who call themselves The Lost Boys—they were horrid. No manners, no respect, and certainly no dignity. Their leader was just as awful and drove you mad with all of his whooping and hollering.
You thought maybe they'd help you out, seeing as they were the only people you'd seen on this dreaded island, but all they did was party and play pranks.
Quite frankly, you couldn't stand it. So, you left. You'd rather be alone and lost in this dense forest than be stuck with those hooligans.
Now, here you are, trying to find your way through the thick greenery that overtook the majority of this forest; it seemed never-ending, like you were going around in circles. Everywhere you turned looked exactly the same, until you came to a small clearing.
You let out a huff, taking in your surroundings.
"Now what?" You inquired aloud, exasperated from pushing all the plants away from you.
You stood for a while, wondering where to go next. You turned left, trees and a thick overgrowth of leaves. You turned right, same thing. No matter where you went, each direction was akin to the other. You couldn't tell a difference between left and right, forward and backward. Next thing you knew, you had forgotten which way you came from.
"Seems like you're lost."
The new voice that seemed to come out of nowhere was accompanied by the rustling of leaves.
You spun around to face the man, stopping when you realized it was someone new—a person you hadn't seen before.
So there are other people here. You thought to yourself.
His attire was much different than that of the Lost Boys. Their clothes were messy and unkempt; shirts covered in dirt and tucked haphazardly into their patched trousers.
This man before you was dressed in a copacetic ensemble.
He wore a white dress shirt with ruffles around the collar, a deep maroon colored leather coat that draped behind him, and pants that matched the coat. His boots looked rather shiny despite him obviously traipsing through the dense undergrowth. One peculiar thing you noticed was that he had a hook for a hand. You'd be lying if you said the menacing appendage didn't put you on edge.
"I'm not lost." You lied, keeping your guard up.
"You're lying."
"Listen, I don't know who you are, but I don't need help from you. I don't need help from anyone here." You spoke rather snappily, taking a step back.
Big mistake.
In an instant, a huge net emerged from the ground, yanking you upwards and trapping you inside.
The net swung back and forth due to the momentum of your whole body being snatched up into the air.
"This day can't possibly get any worse." You grumbled to yourself, wiggling around in the trap that was no doubt set up by the group of troublemakers—that's how you ended up with them in the first place, after all.
The man stood below, staring up at you with the most smug expression you had ever seen.
"What was it you said about not needing help from anyone here?" He smirked.
You scowled down at him.
"You know, I could be of service to you." He pulled the left side of his coat back, revealing a sword. "If you'll accept my help."
"I can get myself out, thank you very much."
"Okay, you have fun with that." He crossed his arms, staring up at you with an amused expression.
You wiggled around, hoisting yourself up by grabbing near the top of the net. You attempted to get into a standing position as you balanced on the netting below. This worked for a moment only to fail miserably when you lost your balance and your foot slipped through the netting.
"Need my help, now?" The man asked, quirking a brow.
"Fine." You huffed.
"Alright. I'll get you down... if you tell me your name."
"Why should I tell you that?"
"So you can get out of that awful trap you're in." He answered.
You opened your mouth to say something, but the man spoke again.
"Need I remind you, you just failed to get out on your own."
"Fine, I'll do it."
"Tell me your name first."
"Cut me down first."
The man made a tsk sound and shook his head. "No can do. I'm not cutting you down until you tell me your name."
"That's not happening."
"Alright then. I hope that net is comfortable, because you'll be stuck there all night."
"My name is Y/n." You told him, fed up with his stubbornness.
"What was that?"
"Y/n is my name."
He grinned proudly, pulling his sword from its sheath.
"Wait." You spoke up, clutching the net. "I'll fall if you cut it."
"It's just a five foot fall. It's not that bad."
You shook your head.
"I'll catch you."
Your eyes went to the hook on his left hand, staring warily at the sharp weapon.
"It's fake." He told you.
After you gave him a skeptical look, he pulled the hook off and tossed it aside, showing you his hand—his very pretty hand.
"See? I only wear it to intimidate people."
"Alright. Go ahead and cut me down."
He slung his sword towards the rope that was holding up the snare trap, which was cut in half immediately. He hastily stood underneath you, catching you just in time.
You let out a grunt as you landed roughly in his arms. When you looked up at him, you were breathless, and it wasn't from the fall. Sure, he was good-looking from afar, but even more so up close. His dark hair hung neatly around his features, the deep red highlights in his locks showing in the sunlight.
You quickly cleared your throat. "You can put me down now."
He then placed you on the ground and helped to remove the net.
"Those stupid boys set that up, I have no doubt." You huffed.
"You mean The Lost Boys?" The man asked.
"Yeah. Them." You grimaced.
"Troublemakers, aren't they?"
"Very much so." You sighed. "Anyway, thanks for getting me out of that. I should get going now."
"Wait." The man stopped you. "Where will you go?"
"I don't know. Somewhere."
"Why don't you come with me?" He asked, putting the fake hook back over his hand. "You know, I could use a woman on my crew."
"Your crew?"
"Of course. There's plenty of room on my ship."
"Your ship?"
"Ah. I haven't introduced myself. The name's Yunho. Captain Yunho."
"A pirate?" You questioned, quirking a brow.
"Of course." He grinned proudly. "Why do you sound so surprised?"
"I can't say I expected to see pirates here."
"Then you clearly don't know Neverland."
"Neverland? Is that what this place is called?"
"It is. You don't seem to know much about Neverland."
"Of course I don't. I'm not from here."
"That explains why you don't know your way around. Why don't you allow me to assist you? I could even give you a place to stay."
You narrowed your eyes at Yunho, still a bit suspicious of him.
"If you come with me you can stay on my ship with me and my crew."
You mulled the idea over in your head for a moment. This man did seem much more sensible than those scoundrels. Part of you would much rather go with this pirate as opposed to being out in the woods alone, falling into traps and running into animals.
"That's a yes, I presume?"
"It is."
"Very well then." He smiled. "Follow me."
The two of you trudged through the dense overgrowth of foliage and evergreens until the thick vegetation became more sparse. You emerged from the verdure and were met with the stunning view of a beach. The crystal clear turquoise waters beyond the shore were sparkling under the sunlight. Situated out in the water was a magnificent ship sitting proudly in the endless ocean.
"That's your ship?" You asked, your mouth hanging open in awe.
"That it is." He beamed, gazing out at the nautical vessel. "The Jolly Roger."
Yunho proceeded across the beach. You hurriedly followed behind, kicking up sand as you did so. The captain was tall and had long legs that carried him further than yours, so it was difficult to keep up, especially in the sand.
The Jolly Roger was even more impressive up close. The monstrous vessel towered over you and Yunho, bobbing ever so slightly with the waves.
"Come on." Yunho instructed, stepping down the dock.
You followed the pirate up the gangplank and onto the ship where one of his crew mates approached him, looking a bit frazzled.
"Captain, there you are." He seemed relieved.
"I told you I was going for a walk." Yunho told him.
"Yes, but you were gone longer than I expected." The man explained. He then glanced at you with a bewildered expression. "Who is this?"
"This is Y/n."
"A woman?"
"Yes. Do you have a problem with that, Smee?" Yunho asked, eyeing the man who you assumed was Smee.
"N-no, sir. Not at all." He shook his head frantically.
"Good." Smiled Yunho. "Let's set sail."
The wind pushed on the large sails, propelling the giant ship forward, away from the dock. You stood with your arms resting on the rustic wooden railing of the ship, watching as it departed. You could feel the crew's eyes on you letting you know that women on the ship was probably very uncommon, perhaps even taboo. You hoped that you made the right decision choosing to come onto this ship.
You heard the soft thumping of boots behind you, turning your attention to the sound. Yunho approached the railing, a soft smile on his face.
"Your crew is staring." You pointed out.
"Well, they're not exactly used to seeing women."
"Ever? At all?"
"There aren't many women here. Except mermaids, of course."
"Mermaids?" You asked, a hint of excitement in your tone.
"Yes." Yunho nodded. "They have their own lagoon where they hang around. I wouldn't get close if I were you, though."
"They'll drown you. They're rather jealous of women."
"Oh." You frowned.
You thought mermaids were supposed to be nice—apparently not.
"Would you like some fresh clothes?" Yunho offered. "Yours are a little dirty."
You glanced down at your current attire, seeing that it was indeed a mess. There were even some tears in your pants.
"Oh." You muttered. "I suppose I do need a fresh change of clothes."
"Follow me." He gestured, leading you across the deck and down into the sleeping quarters.
Yunho pushed open a door revealing what you assume to be his room. He began rummaging through a wardrobe, pulling out a shirt and pair of pants.
"I hope you don't mind wearing men's clothes."
"Not at all."
"I don't have any boots that would fit you, but I'm sure we can sort something out." He mentioned, handing the clothes to you.
"My shoes will be just fine for now." You assured him. "Thank you."
"You can change in here. I'll step outside."
You gave him a small nod as he left the room. As soon as you heard the door close, you began changing, tossing your soiled clothes onto the floor.
The garments Yunho gave to you were a bit big, but it was nothing you couldn't handle. Plus, you were grateful to have to have clean clothes that weren't stained with dirt and grass.
You gathered your old garments from the floor, wadding them up before opening the door.
Yunho pushed himself off the wall he was previously leaned against and turned to you, a soft blush blossoming on his cheeks.
He didn't realize how appealing you would look in his clothes. He was merely trying to assist you.
"Are they comfortable?" He managed to ask.
"They are."
"You might need a belt or something. That shirt is a little baggy. I have just the thing."
Yunho stepped into the room, momentarily removing his fake hook, and retrieved a scarf from his wardrobe. He held it up with a smile.
He approached you, his eyes meeting yours as he held the scarf out, as if you ask permission to proceed. You nodded and lifted your arms, allowing him to tie the thin scarf around your waist. You watched as his delicate and beautiful hands worked to tie the fabric, ensuring that your shirt fit better.
"There." He hummed to himself. "That should be much better now."
He turned around and retrieved his hook, slipping it back over his hand.
"Now, would you like a tour of the ship?"
"I would love that."
It had been four days since Yunho brought you into his ship and you couldn't be happier. You genuinely enjoyed your time with the captain and being at sea was more exciting than you thought it would be. Yunho and his crew often had celebrations on the deck, singing sea shanties and dancing like there was no tomorrow. The partying was often accompanied by some sort of alcohol.
During one of these celebrations, you and Captain Yunho shared a dance, which was so much fun and your favorite moment with him thus far.
"We're docking for a bit tomorrow to restock supplies." Yunho told you as you made your way to bed.
"Where do you get supplies?" You inquired.
"We scavenge the land for anything we can find and trade when we have to."
"Ah. How long will that take?"
"Not long. An hour, maybe two?"
"Okay." You nodded, letting out a yawn.
"You should get some rest." Yunho said.
You gave a sleepy nod.
"Goodnight." He whispered, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead.
The gesture made your heart jump, but you were too tired to think about it too much.
Once you docked on the beach, you decided to stretch your legs a bit. Yunho's crew got to work quickly, scouring the land for anything they could use. You felt bad just standing and watching, so you asked if you could assist anyone. Yunho politely declined, insisting that you just relax, so you did. Letting out a sigh, you made yourself comfortable on a rock that had been warmed by the sun.
Yunho and his crew went their separate ways, leaving the beach empty and vacant. You stretched your arms and legs, letting out a long sigh as your body relaxed, the heat radiating from the rock soothing your muscles.
Moments later, someone's hand clamp over your mouth, causing your eyes to snap open. Your first instinct was to try and escape, which is exactly what you did. You began to writhe and wiggle, trying to squirm out of your assailant's grip.
You somehow managed to catch a glimpse of the person who currently had their hand over your mouth. It was Hwanwoong, the rowdy leader of The Lost Boys. Seeing him prompted you to try even harder to get away. You even tried to scream, hoping to get someone's attention.
"Shh! Do you want them to hear you?" Hwanwoong hissed.
You struggled in his hold as he dragged you across the beach and through the sand. He was quick to pull you towards a small strip of land away from the main island. He then towed you to a nearby tree line where you saw the dreaded group of six boisterous boys you had escaped from days before.
Once shielded by the trees, Hwanwoong removed his hand from your mouth, but kept a tight hold on you.
"What are you doing?" You whispered harshly.
"What does it look like? We're rescuing you." Hwanwoong stated.
"I don't need to be rescued."
"Oh no. He's already gotten in her head." Keonhee voiced.
"She's been fooled. We need to get her back to the burrow as soon as possible." Seoho stated.
"We'll have to put her in containment for a while until she realizes that she's been brainwashed by pirates." Hwanwoong shook his head, a somber look on his face.
"What? I haven't been brainwashed. I want to stay with the pirates."
"It's worse than I thought." Dongju gasped, dramatically.
"She thinks she belongs with them." Dongmyeong added. "Look. She's even dressing like them."
"That's not—" Before you could finish your sentence, Geonhak came up and tied a piece of cloth around your mouth, the piece of fabric between your teeth, preventing you from speaking.
"Sorry, Y/n." Geonhak apologized quietly. "It's for your own good."
You tried to respond, but it was muffled.
Keonhee approached you with a serious expression as he tied your hands together tightly.
"Alright boys, let's go." Hwanwoong ordered.
You had no choice but to follow them. There were seven guys all around you, there was no way you'd be able to escape.
"Don't worry, Y/n." Dongmyeong spoke up, slinging his arm over your shoulder. "You'll be back to normal soon."The boys took you back to their burrow and put you inside a homemade cell with wooden bars. You wanted to escape, but your hands were tied up and they kept a close eye on you all the way back, so you had no choice but to comply. The only good thing is that Hwanwoong removed the cloth from your mouth, however, your hands were still tied.
"Fellas, this calls for a celebration. We have our dear Y/n back!" Hwanwoong announced.
It didn't take long for the burrow to erupt in chaos. Every single one of them were yelling and throwing stuff across the room. You dropped your head.
This is exactly the behavior that made me want to leave in the first place. You thought to yourself.
"Y/n, aren't you happy to be back?" Dongju asked, approaching your cell, dirt smeared on his face thanks to his twin brother.
"I was happy right where I was." You snapped.
He pressed his lips together, shaking his head in disapproval. Keonhee then showed up, giving Dongju a pat on his back.
"Don't worry. A few days in there and she'll be back to normal." He assured his friend.
"I am normal." You groaned. "What don't you understand?"
"That filthy captain has her mind all mixed up." Dongju grimaced.
"Don't worry yourself. We have her back and that's all that matters. Let's celebrate!" Keonhee dragged Dongju away and back to the "party" leaving you to yourself.
Your finger traced patterns into the dirt floor, a sigh leaving you as you did so. You wondered if Yunho knew you were gone. Would he come looking for you? You would have assumed if he were looking for you, he would be here.
What if he doesn't come back? What if he didn't even notice you were gone?
The two of you had so much fun together over the last few days, you thought maybe you both had a connection.
You shook away the thought, finding it ridiculous that you would even think he'd abandon you, especially after all the fun you had.
Keeping your hopes up was harder than you presumed. The more time passed, the more you thought Yunho may not care about you as much as you thought he did.
He'll never come back and get me. You thought. He was only helping me because I didn't know the area. He'll probably forget about me if he hasn't already.
Meanwhile, Yunho was beginning to worry. Him and his crew were back on the ship, but you had yet to return.
"Captain, what's wrong?" Smee asked.
"Y/n hasn't come back yet. It's time for dinner and she's not here."
"Weren't you keeping an eye on her, sir?"
"I couldn't. Some of the crew needed my help."
Yunho remembered telling you to relax after you offered to help. He saw you lounging on a rock near the water not long after. You looked beautiful with the sun shining down on you, making your skin glow. Next thing he knew, one of his crew mates approached him asking for his assistance. When he came back, you were gone. He assumed you had gone on a walk and decided to wait for you, but you never showed.
"She can't have gone far." Smee assured Yunho.
"I don't think she would have ran off."
"You don't suppose something bad happened to her, do you?"
"I don't know." Yunho murmured, panic slowly rising in him.
He knew you were unfamiliar with the land and worried that you had wandered off to a place you didn't know. He didn't know if the mermaids had gotten you or if a crocodile had eaten you.
"We have to go find her, now." Yunho stated firmly.
"It's too dark. The sun has set, we won't be able to do a proper search, even with lantern light." Smee tells the worried captain.
"Then we'll go first thing tomorrow." He turned towards his crew who seemed to have noticed his uneasy behavior.
"What are you all looking at?" He snapped.
Everyone immediately got back to work, turning their attention away from the stressed Captain.
The next morning, Yunho woke up bright an early, preparing for his search.
Yunho knew that you had previously stayed with The Lost Boys and ran away from them. Having met these boys before, Yunho knew exactly where their hideout was. He's had some disagreements with the boys before, so this wouldn't be his first time in their burrow.
He gathered some of his crew mates to assist him in case things got ugly.
"I know exactly where to search first." He told his crew. "Follow me."
The group trekked through the forest, headed straight towards The Lost Boys' burrow.
Yunho didn't know if you were there or not, but going to the burrow first seemed to be his best bet.
You opened your eyes and sat up, your muscles stiff from sleeping on a thin blanket laid over the dirt floor.
"Morning, sleepyhead." Hwanwoong greeted, floating around the room.
You grimaced at him and turned away.
"Giving me the silent treatment, huh?"
You didn't answer.
"Listen, Y/n, we're only trying to help you."
"You're not helping." You snapped. "I was happy with Yunho."
"Oh, so you're on a first-name basis with that pirate."
"You guys just jumped to conclusions and took me away." You continued, angrily.
"But you were with us first."
The sound of someone coming down the slide to the burrow caught your attention, but only for a moment. You assumed it was one of the boys coming back from setting traps in the woods or whatever it was they do. That's why you were surprised to see who emerged from the slide.
"Yunho?" You gasped.
He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw you.
"Y/n. Thank goodness."
"What's going on?" Seoho asked, hurrying into the room.
"We're under attack." Hwanwoong answered, pulling out a small knife.
"Give Y/n back and no one gets hurt." Yunho spoke.
"She belongs to us."
"No I don't." You spoke up. "Hwanwoong, let me go."
"No. You chose us."
"I didn't choose you. I thought you guys were the only people that lived on this island."
Hwanwoong paused.
"After finding out all you guys wanna do is play pranks and make messes, I decided to leave." You told him. "That's when I found Yunho. He offered me a place to stay and I've quite honestly enjoyed my time with him."
Hwanwoong's brows pulled together as he turned to Yunho.
"You heard the girl. Now let her go." The pirate ordered, his hand hovering over the handle of his sword.
The rest of The Lost Boys were watching cautiously, waiting to see what would happen.
"So you don't like us?" Dongmyeong asked you.
"No, that's not it. You're all just too rowdy for my liking. I wouldn't enjoy my time here."
"And you're not brainwashed?" Hwanwoong asked.
You sighed. "No."
"C'mon boys." Yunho urged. "What do you say? Will you listen to the girl and let her go with who she wants to be with?"
Hwanwoong glanced back at the boys who all gave him small nods.
"Fine." He sighed, walking over to open up the cell door.
He untied your wrists and allowed you to reunite with Yunho. You immediately ran up and enveloped him in a hug, taking in his natural scent that was accompanied by a hint of salt water.
"I'm never leaving you alone. I don't wanna lose you again." Yunho whispered.
"Alright. You have Y/n back." Hwanwoong stated.
"Yes. Thank you. We'll be on our way now."
The boys all gave a small nod as Yunho guided you to a ladder that led above ground.
"Y/n." Seoho called out.
"Will you come and visit every once in a while?"
You turned to Yunho who gave you a nod.
"Of course."
Yunho hadn't let go of your hand all the way back to the Jolly Roger, even now that you were safe and sound on the ship, he kept his hand clasped with yours. The vessel departed from the dock. You and Yunho stood and watched as you drifter further away from land.
"I'm so glad you're okay." Yunho spoke up, his hand squeezing yours. "I thought something bad happened to you."
"What do you mean?"
"I thought you had wandered off and that the mermaids got you, or even a crocodile."
"Nope." You chuckled. "Just kidnapped by heathens."
"I'm relieved. You getting kidnapped made me realize some things and l'd like to tell you them if you don't mind."
"Of course I don't mind. Go on."
"I've really enjoyed my time with you over the past few days. You've brought immense joy to not only this ship, but me as well. I know we've only known each other for less than a week, but I care deeply for you and, if I'm being honest, I've grown quite fond of you."
Yunho's confession made you feel warm inside. No one had ever said that to you before and it made you happy. The pirate was right, you had only known him for five days now, but you felt exactly the same as him.
He brought so much joy to you as well. You were more than grateful that he offered his assistance and gave you a place to stay. He stayed on top of his duties as captain, but also made time to check on you and show you around the ship
"I've grown fond of you as well." You admitted.
Yunho smiled hearing that as he turned to face you. He seemed to have a natural glow to him as he gazed into your eyes, his heart pounding. Slowly, he inched his face closer, letting you know what he wanted.
You leaned in, closing the space between you and Yunho, your lips colliding. The kiss was short, but lingered on your lips even after Yunho pulled away. You glanced down at your feet, feeling bashful after the brief kiss.
Yunho place his finger under your chin, tilting your face up to look at him.
"I have captain duties to tend to, but maybe later tonight you and I can have ourselves a little date." He quirked a brow, the corner of his mouth tilting upwards.
Your lips pulled into a smile. "I'd like that."
Hongjoong ⟡ Seonghwa ⟡ Yeosang: Evil Queen ⟡ San: Cruella de Vil ⟡ Mingi: Dr. Facilier ⟡ Wooyoung ⟡ Jongho
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Masterlist ᝰ — enjoyed this imagine? reblogs & comments are very much appreciated!
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🏷 @h3arteyes4mingi @weird-bookworm @poppy2007 @parkjennykim @evidive @mxlly143 @lizzymizzy-blogg @minhanbyeol @dinossaurz @laylasbunbunny @iammeandmeisiam @delulu18
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frommybookbook · 5 days
Earlier today, some friends and I were discussing one of those Star Trek captains memes. You know the ones I’m talking about, the ones that pit the captains against each other with pithy descriptions that glorify and champion the men and shit on Janeway. The ones where Picard is describe as the wise teacher and scholarly diplomat; Kirk is the brave trailblazer and lovable rogue; Sisko is the take-no-shit commander and more-than-human uniter; Archer is the quick thinking explorer and the avenging do-gooder; Pike is the empathetic Boy Scout and the quippy everyman…and Janeway is an irrational murderer and erratic loose canon. And, as usual, I went on a bit of a rant. They (looking at you @redsesame, @epersonae, and @emi--rose) told me to share it here so, if you trudge through this whole thing, blame them.
Does Janeway make some questionable decisions throughout VOY (Prodigy!Janeway is a different conversation for another time)? Yes, absolutely. But here’s the thing: every captain does. What I still love about her though and will champion until I'm blue in the face is that Janeway owns her decisions more than I think any other captain does.
Picard and Kirk hide behind the Prime Directive a lot. That's the reasoning Picard gives for not interfering in the drug running in “Symbiosis” and leaving the Ornarans trapped in dependence on the abusive Brekkans. His line, “Beverly, the Prime Directive is not just a set of rules. It is a philosophy, and a very correct one. History has proved again and again that whenever mankind interferes with a less developed civilization, no matter how well-intentioned that interference may be, the results are invariably disastrous." is a cop-out we hear from him time and time again, especially to Dr. Crusher, as she is the one who most often calls him on his bullshit.
Kirk does the same thing. We still this when he leaves Shanna and the other thralls behind in "The Gamesters of Triskelion" and when he forces Elaan of Troyius into a marriage she clearly doesn't want because it's "for a greater good." And all the while, he's got Spock at his side giving him confirmation bias that he's following regulations.
And Sisko, Sisko makes some of the most horrific and destructive decisions of any captain and uses not only the Prime Directive to fall back on, but he's got the Dominion War to blame. He poisons an entire planet to get back at one man he feels betrayed him in "For the Uniform" and don't even get me started on his actions in "In the Pale Moonlight".
Enterprise is so unjustly shat on by the fandom that I almost hate to bring some of Archer's questionable choices into this conversation but I'm going to do it anyway. Similar to Sisko and the Dominion War, Archer has the threat of the Xindi in his back pocket to excuse some of his worst behavior. If Tuvix is the worst thing people can point to for Janeway, then we have to talk about Archer and Sim, the simbiont created solely to be a living tissue donor for an injured Trip, a procedure that will kill the living, breathing, sentient Sim. Archer orders Sim created against the arguments made by Dr. Phlox. He rationalizes his decision with the same argument for the greater good that we see from all the others. He says to T'Pol before Sim is created "…we've got to complete this mission. Earth needs Enterprise. Enterprise needs Trip. It's as simple as that." And it doesn't end there. When Sim is grown enough for the procedure and has figured out what's going to happen to him, he challenges Archer himself, arguing for his own right to live, and Archer sticks to his guns. This exchange directly between Archer and Sim is haunting.
Archer: I must complete this mission; and to do that, I need Trip. Trip! I'll take whatever steps necessary to save him. Sim: Even if it means killing me? Archer: Even if it means killing you. Sim: You're not a murderer. Archer: Don't make me one.
Not only do all of these captains (except Archer, who arguably writes the damn thing himself at the end of the series) have the Prime Directive to fall back on, they also have Starfleet/the Federation/Vulcan High Council right there on speed dial to validate their choices and hear their excuses and give them another commendation. They all know that ultimately, they can turn to someone higher in command to turn to for help.
Janeway is alone. She is alone with her crew 70,000 lightyears from home with only her training and her own moral compass to guide her. Yes, she claims the Prime Directive a lot but she also goes with what she feels is right and she is clear about that with her crew. When she makes the decision to split Tuvix, despite what everyone else says, she sticks to it and more importantly, does the procedure herself. Picard would have forced Beverly to do it, saying Doctor I gave you an order, your conscience be damned, and Archer does the same to Phlox with Sim, but Janeway takes the tool out of the Doctor's hand and says it's my call, I'll do it. When everyone is angry and mad about her destroying the Caretaker's array, she stands up for her decision and says yes, I did it, because it's what my Starfleet training said to do AND because I think it was the right thing and it's on me to make the hard choices.
She also can admit when she made the wrong decision, which isn't something we see from the other captains. In the season 5 opener, "Night", we see her in a depressive state because she's questioning her decision to effectively strand her crew in the Delta quadrant but she comes out of it when she's reminded by her senior staff that the crew believes in her and trusts her, she should do the same for herself. When the Doctor has a mental crisis in "Latent Image" after questioning his own choice to save the life of Harry Kim over that of another crew member, Janeway admits she did the wrong thing by first deleting his memories of it so he could get back to work and then sits with him for days while he works through it because that's what captains do.
And she does all of this without the backup and support of Starfleet. She doesn't have anyone higher on the chain of command. She's 70,000 miles away from the admiralty and her support system. There's no one higher than her to give her a break from making every decision.
To quote my fellow Missourian Harry Truman, for Janeway the buck stops with her in a way it doesn't for any other captain and she is painfully aware of that and owns that and that is why I love her and she's my captain.
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siren-serenity · 1 year
my favorite shade of blue
characters: buggy the clown, gn!reader warnings: fluff, slight swearing a/n: - OMFG BUGGY??? BUGGY????? *sob, scream, drool* - babes let's admit it, buggy is so touch starved. he seems like the guy who would LOVE physical touch - feedback is appreciated!
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It was so blissfully silent until your captain's sharp, loud call of your name broke you out of your light slumber. Your (e/c) eyes snapped wide open, scanning the seas around you for danger before realizing it's just Buggy being Buggy again.
"Y/N, get your ass here now!"
Grumbling, you stood up, cracking your stiff back. The salty stench of the sea invaded your senses and you took in a deep, calming breath. Your hand grasped onto the rough texture of rope and you slowly made your way down from the crowbar. The make-shift ladder kept swaying with your movements but you were confident that you wouldn't fall.
"Captain's calling for ya again?" Cabaji cycled past you. His lime green and black hair stood out from the brown wood of the ship. He wiggled his eyebrows. "Ooh, I wonder what he wants!"
You scoff, pushing your friend aside playfully.
"At least he isn't up to his shenanigans again," You said, laughing. "Wanna juggling knives on fire, Cabaji?"
He shivered at the reminder.
"Hell no!"
You nod, as if to say 'exactly', before bidding him goodbye. Your boots thumped against the wooden floors as you made your way through the ship before finally coming across the door labeled crudely 'cApTaIn'.
"Buggy?" You knock gently and an excited call of your name responds in kind. The door is flung open, revealing the love of your life, Buggy. His orange captain hat is off and he's wearing his signature red-and-white striped bandana. Baby blue eyes glimmered with happiness as he glomped you.
"Love!" He buried himself in your shoulder. His cerulean tresses tickle you slightly and you're biting your lip to prevent giggles from bursting out of you. "Missed you...."
Your hands slipped under his thighs before you hoisted them up. Yelping, Buggy's legs were quick to trap you in a hug around your waist and his arms held onto your shoulders like a vice. You popped a quick kiss onto his scarlet-smeared lips, smiling because a bit of the lipstick had transferred onto your lips.
"Missed me, hmm?" You walked to your and his shared bed, laying him down gently. Buggy let go of you from his hands, spreading them wide on the bed while his legs remained wrapped around your waist, pulling you in. You leaned in even more, smiling.
"Yeah," He gave you a small smile. "We haven't been hanging out in a while..."
You laughed. Your hands tried to pull his legs off your waist but Buggy let out a small noise in alarm, ankles digging into your back.
Buggy whined.
"Noo...don't go!"
You booped his nose. His baby blue eyes widened.
"I'm just going to grab a brush," You looped a lock of cerulean hand around your finger, emphasizing the number of tangles and the messiness. "It's been a while since I brushed your hair, no?"
He hummed and slowly let you go. Reaching to the side, you grabbed the self-care bag. You tapped his butt to make him scooch slightly so you could sit on the bed.
"N-Not the butt!" Buggy yelped at the sudden touch and you laughed at the visible blush beneath his fading makeup. Your hands gently cradled his face and he froze.
You showed him the wet wipe in your hands.
"I'm just going to wipe the make up off, okay, Bugs?"
He nodded, looking into your eyes.
You pressed a kiss to his red nose before gently wiping off the white. Each of your every movement was gentle and kind, not as aggressive as Buggy would have done to himself.
Once the make-up was off, you reached up to pull off the bandana; Buggy leaned forward to make the process easier for you. The moment the red-and-white fabric was off, his cerulean tresses fell like mesmerizing ocean waves.
"I'll never get tired of your hair," You took a lock and pressed a kiss to the hair.
Buggy laughed.
"Only you would say that," He hummed, turning around so you could brush his hair easier.
You frowned.
"I'm serious, Buggy," You began combing his hair, apologizing when the brush would get caught in tangles. "Your hair brings out the blue in your irises and stands out against the white of your face make-up."
"You think so?"
Buggy's voice was quiet, a murmur only.
You tapped his shoulder and he spun around. His eyes widened as you captured his now-bare lips into a kiss and he visibly melted in your embrace.
You pulled away, giving him a loving grin.
"It's my favorite shade of blue."
Buggy buried his blushing face in his gloved hands but you could still see traces of bright red on his cheeks.
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krirebr · 1 month
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Updated 9/19/24
Tag lists are open
Here is a current list of all of the work I've posted here. I write mostly for Chris Evans characters and all of my stories are intended for an 18+ audience. Minors please DNI.
Requests are closed but my asks are always open! Come riff with me or send asks/what ifs about any of my works! But no NSFW GIFs, please and thank you! 💜
🖤 Dark 🩶 Soft!Dark 😥 Angst 🥵 Smut
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Trapped AU
Andy keeps telling you how lucky you are that he chose you to be his wife. 🖤 😥
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Head Over Heels
All Cole wants is someone to share eternity with. He won't stop looking until he finds them.
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I Know I Should Know Better series
Curtis has been working as your body guard for almost two years now. Standing by and watching you work and party your life away is becoming more and more difficult, but is there anything he can do about it? 😥🥵
Heads Will Roll series
Training to be a slayer becomes even more difficult when you must hit the road with two hunters for your own safety.
Luck Be a Lady
Desperate for money, you accept a job as a cocktail waitress at an underground casino. You think you know what you're doing, but when you meet Curtis, will you realize you're in over your head? 🩶🥵
Drabbles & Headcanons
Curtis + soft!dark + soothe 🖤
Curtis Takes the Snowpiercer 🖤🥵
Curtis + Possessive 🥵
Just Part of the Process - I Know I Should Know Better AU - Actor!Curtis Everett x PA!Reader 😥
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Heads Will Roll series
Training to be a slayer becomes even more difficult when you must hit the road with two hunters for your own safety.
Drabbles & Headcanons
A Merry Little Christmas
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Killing Moon
When you and your boyfriend steal something without fully realizing who you are stealing from, you're sent on a cross-country adventure by an ally you're pretty sure you shouldn't trust.
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Giving Me a Thrill
A few years after your divorce, a friend gives you a nudge to try something new.
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Psycho Killer AU
A drunken dare and chance encounter jump-starts a whole new life. 🖤🥵
Dance Hall Days - Steve Rogers x Ransom Drysdale
Ransom meets a man in a bar who seems like he'll be fun for a night or two 🖤🥵😥
More Than This series
Arranged marriages have always been used to solidify business deals among the ultra-wealthy. Your stepfather wants to be in business with Harlan Thrombey, so now it's your turn. 😥
I'm Feeling Like I Never Should
It's bad enough you've been forced to be at this charity gala, but now you have to deal with your ex, Ransom.
Drabbles & Headcanons
Jealous Ex Ransom
Sequel 🥵
No Way of Knowing - More Than This What If 😥
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What You Can Do For Your Country
Being Captain America is a lot harder than anyone realizes. Steve thinks you might be able to help. 🖤
Everybody Wants to Rule the World series
Your vacation comes to an end when a powerful and mysterious man gets his first taste. 🖤🥵
Dance Hall Days - Steve Rogers x Ransom Drysdale
Ransom meets a man in a bar who seems like he'll be fun for a night or two
Drabbles & Headcanons
Arranged Marriage Steve Headcanon
Tell Me One Thing - More Than This What If 😥
What if Reader was into it? - What You Can Do For Your Country What If 🖤
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We're All Monsters
Multi-character, multi-reader vampire AU 🖤😥🥵
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sky-is-the-limit · 1 year
(+18/MDNI/afab y/n)
(P.s I'm not a writer, just sharing my filthy thoughts about this man) Writers feel free to get inspired from the idea!
Okay, I get how most people say that Price would have a praise kink, I see the vision, I get it but I feel like that would be more outside the bedroom or in a more emotional/intimate situation. Generally? Corruption kink all the way, degradation and all. (I saw someone else talking about it and if you see this, I'm glad we share the same braincell)
It'd start with you accidentally calling him Captain or sir (especially if you have nothing to do with his line of work) while teasing him about something, rolling your eyes while stressing his title full of sarcasm. You know damn well, if there's a word that comes to mind every time this man steps into a room, it's authority.
So first time it happened, he'd demand you say it again so he can hear it from your lips, to make sure he heard that right while cornering you against the kitchen counter. If a look could make you foreseen how the rest of the night would unfold, it would be the one in his eyes while you repeat 'Captain' in a seductive tone, almost provocatice in a way when you realise how turned on he is by one single word.
Lips parted, pupils blown as if he had just calmed down from a third orgasm, all because you called him a word he hears a hundred times, every day, years now.
"I had an exhausting day at work and all I wanted was to come home and relax." He's used to commanding so many soldiers, receiving respect even from his superiors and yet here you are, with your pretty eyes, barely clothed and many years younger, teasing him with a smirk that's pressing all his buttons.
He thinks it's cute, really, how you act like you're gonna get away with it because he knows damn well a part of you is doing it on purpose. How you always stare at him like a starved woman when he's putting on his military uniform every morning before he gets to base, how you find every excuse to visit him in his office, just to watch him be that. Be the Captain who orders people around, the one who's in control.
"And you decided to be a disrespectful little brat, hm?" He leans in closer, barely an inch away from your face, his intense stare never breaking eye contact. The dominant tone in his voice sending a shiver down your spine whilst you unsuccessfully try your best to appear composed, a smirk forming on your lips before you turn your gaze out the window. Bad idea? Or the best one you had in a while?
"Answer me. Was that your intention?" Price demands, placing two fingers under your jaw, a thumb on your bottom lip as he lifts your head up so you can look into his eyes.
"Yes." You whisper sweetly, putting on an innocent facade that would fool no one, especially him. You know exactly what he wants from you, what he wants to hear. Every word coming out of your mouth calculated to get the exact reaction you've been craving. You're proven right as you watch his bottom lip twitch at your simple, incomplete answer.
He seems fed up, annoyed with your disrespect but before you get to hear his next 'command', he stops before it even begins. You thought you could outsmart him, get a reaction out of him, how cute.
The smirk you had on your face, slowly dropping from your lips as it forms onto his, tilting his head to the side as if he's accepting an unspoken challenge you bet with him the second you called him by his title. His strong, defined arms drop from the counter where he had you trapped, crossing them over his chest as he takes two steps back.
"Then you get nothing." He announces nonchalant, leaning back against the table comfortably as you try to process what he just said. The expression on his face showing how much he's enjoying the surprised look on your face, watching your plan backfire and him not reciprocating your little game. It's torture, really.
You can already feel your black, satin panties soaking up the reaction happening from just his voice, your heart beating so fast like it's the end of the night when it hasn't even started yet. And so your plan comes down crushing on you as your mouth runs faster than your brain can even try to catch up when a whiney, pathetic "Please, Captain" escapes your mouth.
Yeah, that's exactly what he wanted to hear. If you could capture the look on his face right now, you could use it as comfort between the sheets when he's away and you have to do all the work yourself.
"You have to make it up to me, don't you think?" Price mumbles quietly, like every filthy scenario he can think of, is playing right in front of him and takes two steps closer to you, your skin burning with anticipation. Gulping down all the saliva that gathered in your mouth, you nod shyly before taking a deep breath. The sight of you must be truly pathetic right now but you couldn't care less.
"Get down on your knees for me." His command sends your body into a spiral, your brain can't even bother with working on something to say as your knees weakly give in, like every nerve in you was waiting for this. You don't even process how fast you drop down in front of him, the only thing bringing you back to reality is his deep chuckle, tone clearly mocking your eagerness as you slide your hands up to his thighs. Oh the sight must be really-
"Pathetic." Your eyes mesmerised, following the motion of his right hand as it grabs the buckle of his belt, your mouth already parting like you're waiting desperately to be fed. The sound of it being undone like music to your ears. Timidly, you turn your gaze back to his face, the slight smirk never leaving his lips as he looks down at you, his index finger caressing your bottom lip, softly.
"Let's see if that pretty little mouth of yours can still be disrespectful after I fuck into it."
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