#can't wait to see her when she get back from the war (rerun jail) T-T
yandere-daydreams · 3 months
tw - none. live dove: tender and sweet.
thinking about furina with a costume-designer!reader today.
it's a shame, really - you're the only person in her current production with anything close to talent, and you're not even going to be on stage. she finds herself in your workshop more often than not, lamenting the flaws she's still attempting to beat out of the script and the fact that none of her actors seem to be able to remember more than a page's worth of dialogue at a time as you hum and nod and ask her if she thinks the sleeves on the leading lady's coat are short enough, or if you should take them up another inch.
you've got the patience of a saint (you must, in a line of work that calls for constant adjustments and countless late-nights) and without the dampening cloth that was her presumed godhood, she finds herself exasperated by the second time a scene snags on the same line. when she's not perched on the edge of your worktable, talking through the sequence her stage manager has in mind for the finale as you stitch your nth row of beading into play, she's having her assistant run notes to you, or prying information out of yours concerning your favorite desserts, your pastimes, your preferences in terms of romantic partners. she considers, briefly, asking neuvillette to search the many files of the palais mermonia for information concerning you, but ultimately decides against it. she'd hate to waste her favors, should a more dire occasion arise.
it isn't until opening night that she meets you not in your workshop, but backstage properly - tucked into the wings, just out of the audience's sight. the bouquet cradled in your arms is only outweighed by the bundle of roses she's brought in for you, which you accept with a slight smile and a peck to her cheek. it's only as the theater lights begin to dim that she gains the courage to ask if you'd like to attend another, slightly less burdensome show with her another night, one neither of you had to lose sleep over.
and, seconds later, as the stage lights bring of the first of your dazzling costumes to life, you tell her that you'd love to.
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