#can't wait for people to mention 15 obvious pieces of media i forgot about yay
dyketennant · 2 months
i need some examples of visual media (specifically film, television, video games) that has immortal characters who have a fucky relationship with gender/sexuality. at the moment i'm specifically looking at characters that have always been immortal, such as doctor who (functionally immortal for the sake of this paper) and good omens/sandman (unsure how gaim-y i want this paper to be but this at least gives you an idea of the types of characters i'm interested in.) aliens, gods/fantastical or mythological beings, robots/androids (THIS ONE ESPECIALLY I'VE BEEN TRYING TO FIND MORE ON)
however, i am not opposed to hearing about media in which characters are made immortal somehow—thinkin bout the old guard especially here, and also interview with the vampire has been banging down my door recently, but there are so fucking many gay vampires and i don't need to make this capstone project any longer/more complicated, hence my apprehension to open that particular can of worms and have said worms consume my entire body. i'll even take stuff about time travelers tbh (trust me when i say that if i could talk about this is how you lose the time war for this paper i would have already done it 20 times over, but that book takes more time to take apart and analyze in the way it deserves, and also is not in the realm of film/media i'm focusing on.)
don't talk to me just about greek and norse mythology, etc. believe me, i know. again, a can of worms i can't dwell on for too long for the sake of me and my advisor's sanity.
thank you queers stay strong stay sexy o7
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