#can't get to river in the wheelchair anyway
finneroo · 5 months
Oh the grackles are real tonight
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freaktorium · 2 months
So like I said, the band name is Mother Nightshade. The group contains a fish demon (Piper), imp demon (Jazzy), succubus (Wendell), sinner (Lucyle {yes she has debuted on this acct before, and yes I deleted all previous posts of her bc I repurposed her}), and a hellhound (Arlo)
{Picture featured below is the crew in a Vivziepop esc style}
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Now here they are in my style, plus their human versions!
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I even made a fake pin for each of them, including their LGBTQIA identities and pronouns
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I feel like it'd be worth it to go through each character individually, ya know? Get to know them! Let's start with Piper!
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Piper Eela plays lead guitar in the band. She's often known as the "Big Sister" and musical prodigy. She comes from the Envy Ring, and she found her love for music when she was in her early teens. She listened to everything from pop to goth, and loved it all! Piper can also play acoustic guitar, and it was actually the first instrument she learned how to play. She is also one of the first members, as the band started off with herself and her close friend, Arlo. They even made matching jackets that they wear every day.
{VC - Scarlett Johansson}
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Jazzy Rivers is the imp of the band. She's a pack of dynamite in quite the small package. She can play any form of bowed string (violin, viola, cello, etc) and even some woodwinds. She grew up around music, and often played instruments at different festivals for public entertainment. Arlo attended one of these festivals that Jazzy was playing at, and noticed her talent. After talking with Piper, they agreed to give Jazzy an opportunity to play with the band. Up to that point, Jazzy had only played country music, and quickly learned to expand her playable genres. She's feisty, she might bite you, but you can't deny she has talent!
{VC - Andrea Libman}
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Wendell Starlight is the drummer, a succubus from the Lust Ring. He grew up listening to rock and heavy metal, and learned how to drum thanks to his dad. Wendell finds the rhythm of a song to be one of the most important aspects; without it, the song sounds empty and off-putting. Wendell would do gigs at Ozzie's and would also often fill in during performances, being the backtrack to whoever soloed that night. It was at one of these gigs that Piper went to where she noticed him. Having guitar, strings, and bass was nice, but they were missing something. A solid beat! It didn't take long before Wendell accepted being a permanent drummer for Mother Nightshade, expanding their music even more.
{VC - Jack Black}
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Lucyle Thorn is the odd one out when it comes to the band. She's a sinner (and autistic). They can't go to other rings like the rest of the band can, which makes tours rather difficult. Mother Nightshade was doing really well when it came to performance, but they still felt like they needed more. In response, they hosted an audition in the Pride Ring. Many other demons and sinners came, and many left. Lucyle had been raised around piano, she loved it with her soul. In her audition, she played bluesy pieces, something slow and jazz-like, overall expressive. This caught the band's attention, and quickly offered Lucyle entrance, which they accepted. Now when it comes to yours, often Lucyle would record her parts in advance and send them with the rest of the group. They'd rather not do the tours anyways, as she finds them overstimulating.
{VC - Alecia Beth Moore / P!nk}
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Arlo Hayes is the hellhound of the band, originating from the Gluttony Ring. He's a disabled ambulatory wheelchair user, so he can be seen on wheels, in crutches, or even sometimes without any mobility aids at all! Arlo and Piper grew up together after he was adopted by her family, and have been joined at the hip ever since. As to why he wears bright ass orange pants, it's, in his words, "So people won't make me a trip hazard when I don't have to be." While Piper learned guitar, Alro learned bass. He liked how he could feel it when he played, and how full a song felt with it. When Piper and Alro got older, they did online videos together, covering popular songs with their instruments. One thing led to another, and they started a band, Mother Nightshade. The goal overall was to be non-conforming. Why play only one genre when you can play them all? The band was a success, with their first few albums focusing on pop, goth, and punk music. As they gained performers, they gained genres. After Jazzy joined, they did a country album, a heavy metal one with Wendell, and a jazz album with Lucyle. Nowadays they alternate between what the consensus is; what do they want to play?
{VC - Ian Cardoni}
Aaaannnnd that's all, folks! Thank you for getting this far! Please consider interacting with this post. It took weeks to get all of these pieces out, and getting the start of a story out there. Of course, if there are any questions, my ask box is always open!
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Weight Loss WHY
People always say that while you are losing weight, when it gets hard, you should hold onto your "why". Why are you doing this? What is your motivation? For many, you see them say they are doing it so that they can be the best mom they can be, so they can see their kids grow up, etc....and that's great. That is definitely one of my "why's". (Side note: ever write a word and all of a sudden it just makes no sense that it exists? That's what my brain is doing with the word, "why" right now. Neurodivergence FTW. Anyway....)
My biggest "why's" revolve around embarrassment. Have you ever had to ask for a seatbelt extender on an airplane? Or see the face of the person who has just realized that you are sitting next to them on a plane? I have. I've actually stopped flying because I just couldn't handle the embarrassment. Of course, no longer flying means that where I can enjoy travel has been much more limited, and I love to travel and see new places, so...that's ONE why.
Have you ever wanted to go on a ride and had them tell you that you couldn't because you're too big and the can't get the safety rail or belt on you? I have. The last time, I was on a raging river ride with my oldest son, Monkey. They didn't get it buckled in time before the boat went over a certain line and the ENTIRE RIDE shut down. I had to get out and do the walk of shame to the side while they reset everything. Then they let me get on and I managed to super suck it in to get the belt, cutting my circulation off, to close so I could go on the ride. I pretty much stopped going on rides after that. My face shows ALL of my emotions and I KNOW my face was BEAT RED. So that's why #2.
Why #3 has to do with medical care. It is SO HARD to get decent medical care when you are overweight. You could lose a literal limb and doctors will immediately say, "But have you tried to lose weight?" Also, the last time I had a hospital stay I needed an MRI and the hospital had one of the older MRI's. A person literally walked into my room, took a tape measure across my body without telling me what they were doing, and walked out saying, VERY LOUDLY, "Nope. She's too big. There's no way we can get her in the machine." I had to do an open MRI that came onsite once a week. I felt incredibly ashamed and embarrassed.
There are other "why's" also....I want to horseback ride again. Maneuvering my wheelchair would be easier if I weighed less. The COST of a new wheelchair is almost $1500 less if I'm under a certain weight. I'd love to be able to wear clothes that I'm actually drawn to instead of settling for what I can find. I'd love to exist without people looking me up and down and judging all the time.
That's all for now. Have a wonderful day and stay blessed.
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papipopsicle · 3 years
Pairing: Archie Andrews X Reader
Summary: In which two best friends since childhood test whether sex and friendship can co-exist without causing conflict. Including OC's Flick and Cherry, a bisexual and lesbian in a sapphic relationship who are best friends of Y/N.
Song: Dream Boy by Waterparks
Warnings: swearing
Words: 2.1K
feedback is always appreciated
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Y/F and Y/M Robins were far from perfect parents. Y/F had the mental age of a toddler at times, and being an estate agent who always has to go the extra mile- he often wasn't home when his wife needed him the most. Y/M, on the other end of things, had been a stay at home mum until Y/N turned 16 last summer, and now she helped with all the administrative work for Mayor McCoy. She was a maternal creature which, coupled with her brilliant sarcasm, made for some explosive conversations. The two met on the first day of university and got married a week after the last.
When Y/M first found out she was pregnant with little Y/S Robins, the two realised they wanted a quiet bubble of a town to raise their children and grow up with them. But it wasn't until their second daughter was about to turn seven until they found their forever home in the quaint town of Riverdale. Ten years passing before their eyes, and the picturesque place didn't seen all that anymore.
Jason Blossom's death had nothing to do with the short gunshot sounding over the waves of Sweetwater River, the noise which woke Y/N from her sweet unmemorable dreams every few nights. The summer days rolled into early August without anyone caring, Y/N spending most of them at Cheryl's side listening intently to her past adventures with her brother. Betty threw herself into an internship at a publication house; Flick and Cherry had volunteered at a summer camp, and Archie was helping his dad out more and more with constructions job.
Although it hadn't been the start to the relationship Y/N had hoped for- the nervous giggles and hand holding, short and sweet kisses on late night walks followed by poetry worthy cuddling. There was a magnificent silver lining as Archie's muscles gained definition, and he suited the sweaty builder look far too well.
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y/n Humph!
129 Comments | Tagged: cherylbombshell
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Cheryl busy being my own icon
98 Comments | Tagged: y/i/n
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"Earth to my gorgeous queen? Y/N/N?" Cheryl quizzed her friend, who currently resided at the poolside of Thornehill Manor. Her mind was off on a glorious tangent about her rendezvous in the kitchen at two in the morning. Fixing herself a glass of water, when Archie slips his hand into her pyjama shorts, his other around her mouth muffling her needy moans.
The red headed beauty shoved her y/h/c friend playfully, warm skin sweaty under her pale touch. Y/N blinked innocently and sent her an apologetic smile, "What?"
"I asked if you've thought about dating anyone else since Clayton?" The fiery ginger girl enquired with her usual upbeat tone.
Cheryl knew she had a unique quality about her which made it almost impossible for Y/N to lie to her face. The y/h/c girl scrunched up her nose, hiding the smile the idea of Archie Andrews brought to her face. 'Yes. We started off as fuck buddies but never actually fucked. Then I drunkenly asked him to be my boyfriend, now a month later I think we may genuinely work out.'
"Maybe." Y/N bit her bottom lip, listening to her friend's squeal as she squeezed her sun tanned arm.
"I knew it! You have this euphoric glow you only get when someone else makes you climax." The redhead affirmed confidently, watching the Robins girl's eyes bug out before hitting her arm, "Y/N/N, you know your secret's safe with me."
"Fine." She sighed and took a sip of her fruity cocktail, "It started off as just fooling around, honestly I just needed to let off some steam after everything. I knew he was into the kinds of things I was, I mean he used to tease me about it non stop. And it was good, so good I stopped being a pussy and asked him to be my boyfriend."
"Holy freaking hell!" The Blossom girl grinned with excitement, "Dare I ask, who is it?"
Y/N deadpanned at her friend, "Guess."
"Please don't tell me it's that muscular oaf Reggie, he's pretty but there's not exactly much going on upstairs." Cheryl tapped her temples and rolled her eyes at the thought.
The ginger thought for a moment, consulting her liquid courage and splashing her feet around the waters edge, "It's Archie."
All it took was a side-eyed glance at the y/h/c girl's blooming rosy cheeks to know she definitely wasn't wrong. Y/N severely lacked the ability to lie, even if her tone held conviction, her features were far too expressive and told the truth all on their own. It's not like they were hiding it from anyone, but the past four weeks had gone far too quickly without any moments to spare for the world around them. They slept together each night, the majority of that time not actually spent sleeping, but they hadn't been given the chance yet to explore more romantic avenues.
"It's fucking Archie Andrews- you're fucking Archie Andrews and don't you dare deny it." Cheryl gawked in her gorgeous white and nude bikini, watching as her friend lay back against the hot marble slabs which encased the large pool with the largest grin adorning her plump lips.
"We haven't had sex yet, so technically you aren't completely correct." Y/N winked but carried on before the girl exploded with a hundred questions and could never be turned off, "Trust me, I want to, and I'm sure he does too. But you know, it's his first time, I want it to be perfect for him."
"Y/N/N, you really love him, don't you?" Cheryl gagged to begin with, but she found it sweet in truth. She wanted someone to hold, who would hold her right back just as tight for no other reason than needing to.
Y/N sat back up and paddled her feet, "You have no idea, Cher."
Arch 🧡
That new post should be illegal
Tiger 💛
I like this reaction
Maybe I should post more
Like this one
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Cheryl pushed me in the pool
And I may have had a drink
Or three
Arch 🧡
Well that's sexy
I swear nobody looks good like that how on earth
You're a goddess
But also
How's she holding up?
Tiger 💛
But she's strong yk
You coming over for dinner?
Arch 🧡
Yeah Y/D invited my dad too
Need me to pick you up from Cheryl's?
Tiger 💛
Awe cute we love a bromance, and it's all good my mommas coming now anyways :))
Hours had elapsed far too fast and soon the summer heat simmered into cool waves of wind brushing over sun kissed skin. Cheryl's arms were clasped around the blonde's shoulders in a tight embrace.
"Thank you so much, Y/N/N, I don't know what I'd do without you!" The Blossom girl professed with sparkling eyes and a brilliant smile.
Y/N beamed up at her, fingers carding through her damp y/h/c hair as she looked over her shoulder to see her mum pulling into the driveway, "You don't need to thank me, Cher, friends look after each other. Message me if you need me, okay?"
Cheryl promised she would and the two teen girls hugged goodbye, with Y/N soon heading home- listening to her mother gossip about Hal and Alice's screaming match last night, Y/N loved her inability to keep her mouth shut sometimes.
"Mom," The y/h/c stopped her mid sentence and received a side eyed glance in response, "I need to tell you something and you're totally not allowed to freak out while you're driving."
Y/M's eyes widened and her grip tightened around the steering wheel, her daughters very rarely confided in her. While she knew her youngest was safe in her promiscuity, neither of Y/M Robins' girls ever shared their secrets so for the most part she took finding out into her own hands.
"Honey," The forty four year old's calm tone was hardly comforting to the teenager, "if this is about you and Archie fooling around, your father and I figured that out a long time ago, like so long ago. Who do you think does your laundry? When your underwear starting looking like dental floss, we caught on pretty quickly."
Y/N felt like a deer in headlights, "Mum, what the hell?" Her cheeks heated to an inhuman temperature.
"It's nothing to be embarrassed about, as long as you're being safe and he's-"
"For the second time today, and I can't believe I'm saying this to you, but I am not having sex with Archie Andrews!" Y/N's high pitched voice sounded through the car. It truly was a blessing and a curse to have such open minded parents in situations like this. She thought about telling her mother the truth, but Y/M was a blabber mouth as well as a gossip, so Y/N chose to withhold certain pieces of information.
The Robins matriarch dropped the subject but didn't forget about her daughter's tone, and continued to ramble on about how odd she found Penelope Blossom and the whole Blossom family in general. "Like why on Earth is Rose in a wooden wheelchair? They know it's the twenty first century, right?"
As expected, the Robins household was once again filled with warm laughter and copious amounts of food. The topic of Jason was skimmed over, and Y/S found herself away from the dinner table. The eldest Robins sibling was currently pleading with Alice as she began shoving all of Polly's belongings in the boot of Hal's car. She couldn't comprehend life without her best friend, not after losing Jason. They were meant to be going travelling together for a year- working the worst jobs and staying up all night to watch the sun rise in different countries. But instead, Y/S's eyes were blinded by tears as she screamed down the street at the speeding car, with Polly Cooper taken out of her life indefinitely.
Y/N was oblivious to the dark inner workings of the Cooper clan, Betty's knowledge about her and Archie unbeknownst to the loved up teens. She'd spent every second not occupied by her internship trying to justify the romantic act as a fleeting moment of loneliness fuelled by alcohol. She wrote in her diary ideas on how she could win Archie back over, not knowing it was in fact, too late. Betty found herself hopelessly in love with the boy next door, unfortunately for her, the girl across the road was the only one his mind found.
Archie and Y/N washed up while their parents resided to the living room with three glasses and a bottle of white wine. The short girl turned the tap off after placing the last utensil on the draining board, flicking her sudsy hands at the boy's face. "What the-"
She didn't give him a chance to finish that thought, jumping up and wrapping her legs around his torso- planting a kiss onto his lips, then cheeks, then forehead. The two fell entranced by each other, planting pecks across nape of her neck and top of his head.
"Son," Fred's voice called out from the next room and the two immediately pulled apart, hearts beating in their ears, "we're going in a minute."
"Alright." He replied, placing his girlfriend on the floor once more.
"I wish you'd stay." Y/N pouted childishly, she meant the words entirely but hated feeling overbearing. Her life had been turned upside down this summer, it started off with her unable to fall asleep with another person next to her- now Archie's chest was her most comfortable pillow and is arms were the warmest blanket.
"Tomorrow night instead, Princess? I promised my dad I'd spend more time with him before senior year." The boy reasoned, holding her close and unknowingly feeling the exact same way, he adored holding her by her waist and pulling her close under the duvet.
"Monopoly night at yours?" She grinned and he nodded back in reply, the two sharing a final kiss in the kitchen before walking into the hallway.
Y/N felt at ease as she wished the two a goodnight and headed up to bed. She took off her tea dress and replaced it with Archie's bulldog t-shirt, managing to reach the same length on her thighs as her dress did.
Arch 🧡
I can still smell your perfume on my sheets
Tiger 💛
Marking my territory obviously x
Arch 🧡
I love it
Hope you sleep well baby x
Tiger 💛
Call me that tomorrow and we won't be sleeping so you better rest up tonight x
Arch 🧡
Whatever you say, baby x
Tiger 💛
Goodnight x
Arch 🧡
Night princess x
part eight?
wanna be tagged? just send in an ask x
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xengsu-the-devil · 4 years
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Someone you loved
Pairing: Hosea and Bessie (Past) - Dutch Van Der Linde and Hosea Matthews (Maybe)
Tags: Heartbroke, sadness, Loneliness, grief/mourning
Rating: General audience
The whole work: Hosea_Matthews_Hoe_2 Archive of our own
Hosea is sitting crying on his cot. Even now after many years, he can't forget Bessie. He still love her deep inside him. And the loneliness only make him think of her way to much again. He need somebody too heal and somebody to love. Even though he can and will never forget his beautiful wife. But Dutch isn't himself anymore. He don't care about him anymore. They don't cuddle, kiss or sit with each other anymore to simplyy talk. He remember's the countless times Dutch came into his tent, to simply get his face cupped by Hosea's hands, and lean his head against his boney chest. He can really say that he love Dutch. Even though he still love Bessie verry much deep inside him.
But everybody knows that he never really let her go, and that he don't want to let her fully go. But that's fine. They were marryed for a really long time. He wish that the rat die and that he get the old Dutch back. He misses his kisses, to smiply cup his cheeks and feel his head against his chest, and his raven hair underneath his chin. He feels lonely. His and Dutch's family falling appart because of Dutch and Micah. He should kill that betraying rat. Another sob leave his mouth. He can't stand it. He don't want his family to die. Specialy not Arthur and Dutch. But he can't do anything about it. Dutch don't listen to him anymore. Right now the rat is in jail. They will hang him in three days. Hosea hopes that Arthur don't get out to get him. But he's sure Dutch order him to get him out. If he won't do it, he's sure Dutch find another one to send out. Another sob leave his mouth. Tears runing freely over his cheeks like a river.
He wish the old days back. Just Dutch, Arthur , John and him. But that days are longe gone. He look down to his hands. There he hold the picture of Bessie and him. He miss her so much. She was such a nice, pretty and smart lady. She didn't deserve to die to such an agressive and incurable illness. Well at least she didn't got shot. But still, Bessie deserved and deserves better. That poor woman was way to kind to let her pay with her life. A tear of him falls onto the glass of the picture. He carefully wipe it away with his shirt sleeve.
,,No matter what and who you are, I will always love you and stand behind you." Bessie said to him once.
She did though. Until the sickness killed her. The illness was without symptoms. Until three days before her death. She got really pale and weak. A Doctor came and told them she was ill since three years. He also told them that she had a fifty fifty chance of healing when you find it earlie enough. But sadly they didn't. Hosea still blame himself a bit, that he didn't send her to a doctor for a health checkup. But the Doc also said that healed patients who had that illnes often had to deal with a heavy aftermath. Some of them ended in a wheelchair others lost a part of their body. Others did get sick every two days. So it was probably better for her. Because he's sure she went to heaven and life there without any pain and illnes. But sometimes he wonders what would be today, if she would still be alive. Would he still be in the gang? Would they run away and start a new life? Would he bring her to join the gang? Would he be a while by her and then by the gang? He don't know. And he will never know. Until his time is come and he meet her in heaven. I he ever goes to heaven. He doubt it.
But he hasn't much time left anyway. So he find it out soon enough. Maybe sooner than he want. He carefuly place the picture back on it's place on the wooden box. Then he get up, and walk to Silver Dollar. He tack him. Then he mount him and dissapear. He needs a bit time for his own. He needs to free his mind. He ride towards the heartlands. Silver Dollar's hooves thundering on the ground. The wind blow trough his mane annd tail and trough Hosea's silver hair. He don't know where he's going. He let Silver Dollar the lead mostly. And then his faithful horse get into a trott and stop. Hosea blincks confused. Until he see what's in front of him. The big meadow with the old hut Bessie and he lived in. Ansd as he look to the right, he see Bessies grave. He wasn't here since she died. Mostly because he forgot where this place is after that one year of constant drinking and near death because of it. He searched often, But never found it.
,,My god. Boy you remeberd this place. Thank you." He says amazed to his old boy after he dismounted.
He pet his head and give him a carrot. After that Silver Dollar neigh in agrement. He walk to the grave after he picked a beautiful flower carefully from the ground. He kneel down in front of it. And carefully place the flower on top of it. New tears leave his eyes immideatly.Silver Dollar turn arround to him.
,,Hey dearest. I miss you so much. I hope you are fine uo there and happy. I hope we see each other in the after life." He sob.
He dosen't really believe in god and that stuff. But he really hopes ther is an after life. And he really hope it is in heaven with Bessie for him. Yes he's an Outlaw and he done and do bad things. But he can't stand the thought that he die and find himself in hell. Unable to see Bess ever again. A sob leave his mouth. His heart is aching. He slowly get up, and walk towars the hut. It looks exactly like when he left. He slowly opens the door and enter it. Silver Dollar watching him with hawk eyes. He feels that his owner dosen't feel well. And that trigger the need in him to protect Hosea. No matter how. Even if he may have to die for it. As long as Hosea's save he can leave this world without feeling bad.
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