#can't get our own university? We take over the Danish one 😎
ifindus · 2 years
Loved your post on universities! It reminded me of something I once read in a history book where the author cited a Danish student’s recollection of his time at Copenhagen University sometime in the late 1700s–early 1800s, and it was just this poor dude complaining about getting bullied by a group of overachieving Norwegian students who only socialised among themselves, always hogged the best seats in the auditorium and called the Danes “jyder” (derogatory). If I remember correctly there was also some throwing of paper wads involved. Just wanted to share cuz the original text was so funny, I’ve been trying to find it again but no luck yet 😭
Thank you!!
Norwegian students in Copenhagen were definitely something else 😅 I think that culture that grew around those students def helped in promoting a Norwegian identity as something to be proud of in Denmark-Norway. And we still have some of the traditions they made up in use in Norwegian universities today! Like bullying Danes
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