#can't believe i've beat my head up so much for not having a name for alexander and then in the end it didn't show up in the story
scoops-aboy86 · 2 months
Steve as a late night radio DJ, with Robin as his producer (because my partner has made me watch so much Frasier lol). He's got the sexy voice and Eddie, frontman of successful metal band Corroded Coffin, still remembers him from Hawkins and, ugh.
But, well, his manager set up the interview and it would cause more of a stir to no-show than it would to turn up and bicker with some washed up former high school bully. It's a different city, a different decade; maybe King Steve won't even remember him.
So Eddie turns up, and he actually beats Steve there. To the point of the show starting and it's just him in the booth, chatting awkwardly with Robin to fill the air. It gets less awkward the more they talk, idly catching up on old small town bullshit and what it's like to go from isolated baby queers ("I thought I was totally alone!" "Really? You didn't clock the black bandana hanging out of my pocket for five of my six years in high school?" "Sorry old timer, I was still in middle school for part of that." "Oh fuck off, Ms. 'I went to Sarah Lawrence and all I got was this awesome girlfriend.'" "Sorry Eddie, we can't all be super late bloomers like you.") to Actually Successful And Functioning Adults. (She's kind enough not to mention his single but unfortunately well known brush with rehab, other than to congratulate him on his seven year chip.)
And then Steve bursts in, huffing and puffing and diving for the headphones and mic to apologize to both them and the audience for being late. He doesn't even try to offer an excuse until Robin asks, "Uh, Steve? Want to share with us why your arm's in a sling and one of your eyebrows looks like it got flambéd right off your face?"
Which turns into a very put-upon but entertaining retelling of Dustin Henderson ("Oh damn, Henderson! I fell outta touch with him ages ago. How is that little shit?" "Married. He didn't end up converting to Mormonism, but they still have enough kids to make up half a basketball team." "Is that... a lot?" "Six, Munson. They have six kids." "Which is funny, because he made soooo much fun of Steve for wanting that many back in the day." "Yeah. Showed him." "Fuck, my condolences to his wife if they all inherited his big head. You gotta give me his number after this. Or—DUSTIN, if you're listening to your babysitter's show, come to my next concert and there'll be two backstage passes with your name on it! Or, well, that embarrassing nickname your radio girlfriend used to call you, since I think I've blurted out your full government name by now." "That girlfriend is actually his wife now." "No shit?! Wow, I can't believe one of my little lost sheepies has managed to keep the same girl for over a decade. Is she really hotter than Phoebe Cates?" "Oh, she is smokin." "Robin, don't make it weird." "Oh it's okay, she already knows. I told her.") ... A very put-upon but entertaining retelling of Dustin Henderson coming over to discuss plans for Ma Henderson's birthday, and bringing a cherries jubilee that Suzie had made so he could literally demonstrate the flambé presentation ("Listeners, I swear I did not know, when I asked Steve about his flambéd eyebrow, that it was a literal flambé accident. Eddie, can you confirm?" "I can confirm, Robin. We received no heads-up calls or messages from Steve before or during the show. It was serendipitous irony, 100% pure.") but poured waaaaay too much brandy on, and then Steve tripped in his mad dash for the fire extinguisher ("He was no help at all, just stopped dropped and rolled right there in the middle of the damn kitchen." "How are his eyebrows?" "Ugh, I have more of them than he does right now but at least his match. Don't worry everyone, he's fine. No nerds were injured in the course of this improv slapstick comedy routine that is my life. I swear to god, I need a girlfriend or a boyfriend or someone reasonable to hang out with besides all you weirdos." "Aw, you love us." "Yeah Stevie, what would you do without your loving nerd squad?" "Yeah, yeah... But don't try to leave yourself out of this Munson, as far as I'm concerned you're still the king of all nerds. And if you're reconnecting with Dustin, you're stuck with us too.") and had to stop by urgent care on the way to work.
Throughout all of this, Eddie is not twirling a lock of hair around one finger... but only because it's tied haphazardly back to keep it out of his face for the day. Steve is different from the guy he remembers strutting the halls of Hawkins High. Still all freckles and hair and charismatic grin, but he carries himself differently. More solidly built in his mid-thirties than his late teens, with a layer of softness that suits him. Calmer and settled, with the kind of confidence that comes with growing up. And the girlfriend or boyfriend thing? Holy shit. Holy shit. King Steve? Who knew? But, well, it explains why Steve and Robin are so close, Eddie guesses.
The Steve Harrington that Eddie had known back in the day hadn't exactly been the worst of the bullies, but he'd been friends with them, and they had spouted plenty of homophobic shit. And Steve had been looking right at him as he'd said it, like he's aware that Eddie is terminally single and maybe, just maybe, there was a flicker of a question in his eyes.
Eddie has been publicly out for a while now, and the thing is... Steve is definitely his type. So he leans into it a little, testing the waters. And Steve responds to it like a sunflower greeting the sunrise.
By the end of the show Robin is slapping post-its on the glass partition that read "Get his number dingus" and "Get a room" and Don't make that face at me, yes I do know that he can see these too and I don't care, GET IT or I will recruit Dusty-dun to my cause" and "To clarify, the cause is getting you laid. Eddie, take note, he's allergic to latex."
Permanent tag list (ask to be added, but since I have gotten an influx of new followers lately just know that I write a lot of weight gain kink so like... just be aware): @hotluncheddie @lawrencebshoggoth @sofadofax @tangerinesteve
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chaostudee · 1 month
you belong with me, lando norris.
summary : after another failed date you rely on lando to comfort you to which he confesses something to you. warnings : none a/n : literally all i've been doing is smau but written works will forever have my heart :)
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a sigh escaped you lips just as your eyes flicked to your phone to take a glimpse at the time. the past two hours had been torture, and although you hadn't had much faith that this one would get well you hadn't pictured it to be this grim. this man wouldn't shut up about himself, not once letting you get a word in edge ways.
a few minutes ago he said that he needed to pop to the bathroom just as you had both finished dessert. partially you were glad to be rid of him but were now suspicious that he had been gone for so long. in instinct your eyes flutter around the restaurant at the various couples and families dining. in doing so you spot your blind date darting hie eyes around the restuarant briefly before fleeing out the front door.
your eyes widen at the scene and you tutt to yourself. so typical. at that moment the waiter walks over to hand you the check.
"um can you give me a second?" you ask knwoing damn well your purse is full of nothing but makeup products.
"sure" the waiter replies with a nod before departing.
you quickly scour your purse for your phone and dial the one person you know that would be able to help you out.
"hey what's up??"
the sound of his voice makes you smile.
"well um i need your help...."
lando pauses. "that doesn't sound good...."
you laugh sarcastically. "yeah well it's not um so basically just before the check came the guy just upped and left and um since he said he was going to pay i left my purse at home. so i guess what i'm asking is for some money and i promise i'll pay you-"
"wait wait wait" lando cuts you off "he just left you?! what the actual fuck?!"
"i know i mean i should've known"
"what no no baby it's not your fault, here i'll send you the money real quick"
your stomach flips at the pet name, it always does but you would never admit that to him.
"thank you lando" you whisper.
"no problem angel, you know i'll always look out for you.
"okay um one last favour"
"hit me"
"can you pick me up it's kinda late and you know"
"ofc i will just send me your location"
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹ ᡣ𐭩
lando hands you a cup of tea just as he joins you on the couch.
"thanks" you look up at him as you speak and he replies with a nod before taking a sip of his coffee.
lando shakes his head. " i actually still can't believe that son of a bitch did that to you"
you look down into the cup, the steam rising and hitting your cheeks. "i mean i guess i always choose the wrong ones"
"don't you dare say that sweetheart it is not your fault at all".
"no i'm serious ever time you come back from a date you tell me another crazy story and sweetheart it's nothing got to do with you"
"but what if it is me"
lando looks at you smypathetically.
"trust me it's not you, anyone would be lucky to have you"
"thanks lando but we both know that's not true"
lando sets down his cup and runs his hands through his hair. before putting his head in his hands and letting out a groan.
"what's wrong?"
"you are so oblivious"
"what wdym?"
lando smiles and begins to move closer to you. you watch as his eyes latch onto yours and then down to your lips. your heart begins to beat rapidly.
"as i said anyone would be lucky to have you"
you gulp. lando takes his hand and uses it to rest under your chin so you are forced to look at him.
"you are the most important person in my life"
"lando don't"
"don't what?"
"you're just saying that to make me feel better"
lando chuckles. "trust me i'm not you are and will forever be the most important person in my life, you're my best friend."
you smile shyly at him, there was no one that made you feel as loved as him.
"there were times i wanted it to be more".
your eyes widen at his confession and you open your mouth but just as you were about to speak you were stopped.
lando pulled his you into him placing his lips on yours. you didn't pull back but instead sunk deep into the kiss and as his smiled into your lips you couldn't help the heat that rised to your cheeks.
after a few moments you pull back and smile at him as you run a hand through his hair.
"was that okay?" he asks unsure if he had made you uncomfortable.
"more than okay" you admit.
and with that he pulled you in to his lap making you squeal before pressing his lips against yours once again.
in that moment you had never been happier and annoyed with yourself that you hadn't noticed the good in front of you all this time.
taglist ⭑.ᐟ
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aphroditesmoon · 9 months
heyy for the clarisse head cannons, maybe a enemies to lovers w clarisse
enemies to lovers hcs with clarisse
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clarisse la rue x fem!reader
warnings: fighting, mild violence, kissing.
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- I feel like you would probably be in athena cabin or hermes, (or whichever ur prefer)
- clarisse has a lot of people who hate her, but no one brave enough to challenge he, until she met you.
- the two of you match eachother's skills, and it's frustrating for clarisse to admit that you're actually good.
- "you really think you're all that, don't you?"
- "of course not, we both know no ones better than you, clarisse."
- you probably meant it literally, but everyone watching laughs anyway.
- everytime you spar with her, its not because you want to humiliate her but simply because you're intrigued by clarisse.
she was an angry, violent girl, and you wondered deep down if that was the only side of her that existed.
- she doesn't know that ofc.
- she thinks everytime you try to be funny or nice to her, you're just being patronizing.
- for example, when you tell her she's not that bad or try to help her up after you win she's sure that you meant it in a mocking way.
- that was until she got beef with the new kid percy jackson and he broke her spear 💀
- when you found her alone in the ares cabin while everyone's eating dinner, you tried to comfort her. she doesn't appreciate the notion.
- "you shouldn't have went after him, clarisse." you told her.
- "how was I supposed to know he was a son of the big three?" she snapped back, refusing to look anywhere else but atnthe spear.
- the cabin was sileny for a moment before yoi spoke again, "maybe you could give it over to the haphaestus kids, they could fix it."
- "this is a magical spear, not a normal one." she answers back.
- she assumed you came to gloat, to tell her she deserved it, to call her a bully like everyone else did, but she was weirdly comforted by your presence instead. she didn't have to lie or pretend to be strong in front of you, something she learned of after a few months in of sparring with you is that you wouldn't hit someone during their weakest.
- "I remember the first gift my mom/dad gave me when I first got here. a knife, It meant so much to me, but I didn't know that it wasn't invincible, I broke it while trying to pull it out of a tree after I accidentally staked it into."
- clarisse was quiet for a moment before turning to you with a frown and said: "that's so stupid."
- you smiled at her and nodded your head. "yeah it was." she smiled back at you and shook her head. "I can't believe thats the same person who beat my ass last week."
- your eyes widened. "I can't believe you're actually admitting that I've beat your ass." she scoffed at that.
- "how did it end up in the tree anyways?" She asked. you blinked for a few times and reluctantly responded, "I tried to carve my name onto the tree." you could tell clarisse was so baffled by it that she wanted to laugh, but instead she just stared at you with her mouth wide open.
- "thats-" "stupid, yeah, you already said that."
- "carving your name on a tree? really? what, were you 10 years old or something?"
- you were 10. "I was 10 actually." "oh." her face relaxed, all of it finally making sense.
- "anyways, what I mean is, at least your spear went out in a fight. I'm sure your father must be really proud of you."
- clarisse looked away immediately, as if the idea of her father at all, hurted her.
- "you know nothing about my father."
- you shrugged and sat next to her on her bed. "I don't, but I know you. and I'd say you did pretty damn well.".
- you expected her to snap at you again, that was her thing, confronted by kindness or any kind of empathy, fight or flight. but instead she smiled sadly at you. "you think so?"
- you answered yes and inched closer to her. "everyone at camp is either scared of you, or they respect you. that respect didn't come out of nowhere."
- clarisse nodded her head, staring back down at the spear on her lap. "do you really think they can fix it?"
- "it's worth a try." you told her.
- the next time you see her was the following day after she and the other cabin leaders were gathered together for Percy to choose for his quest.
- you noticed she still tries ti act cold with you, but she was less meaner than before.
- "chiron gathered the best of the best to join the quest." she had told you when you asked her where she went.
- "and he asked you to be there?"
- "what, you don't think im good all of the sudden?" she asks, glaring at you.
- you rolled your eyes at her. "I know you're good, but I also know that you tried to kill Percy yesterday, not exactly team spirit is it?"
- she considered it for a moment and shrugged. "who cares, at least that punk will be gone for a while. everything can go back to normal." you follow her as she walked out of the cabin with a normal spear.
- "normal as in?"
- "normal as in, I'm going to kick your ass."
- the two of you sparred for an hour and a half, you wont say that you were holding back today, but you weren't exactly giving her your all. you liked to see the eay she smiled everytime she won, even if it was annoyingly smug.
- that same night, rumors were going around that clarisse was going soft. breaking her infamous spear, befriending her nemesis.
- "we're not friends," she told her cabin siblings. "It's not my fault she's obsessed with me."
- when word got out about what she said, you decided that maybe trying to get to know clarisse was a bad idea. not really being the confrontational kind of person, you just stopped talkiing to her.
- it was a few days later when she went out of her way to find you. all the cabins were in disarray. they were all choosing sides between zeus and poseidon after the news broke that the two powerful gods we're against eachother.
- uncharacteristically, clarisse aided with poseidon. she weighed her choices as cabin leader and daughter of ares and decided it was the best option
- (if you're a daughter of athena) then, you sided with zeus. athena is known to having feud with the god poseidon, and you would side your mother.
- (if you're in the other cabins), then you just use the feud as an excuse to not talk to her, claiming that all kinds of provocative interaction should be kept om a liminal time.
- clarisse found you in the bathroom and tried to get you to listen to her.
- "you're saying that this feud bothers you so much that you've just completely stopped talking to me?"
- "I think, that I'd like to stop being so obsessed with you, considering it was you who said that you wanted me out of your hair."
- she chased after you as you walked out of the bathroom and pulled you to the side.
- " I didn't mean it that way." she was lying and you both knew that.
- "you know what your problem is clarisse? you care so much of what other people think of you, what their perception of you is like. people who wouldn't blink twice if you were in danger. but what about the people who do care about you? the people who want to keep caring about you?"
- your words caught her off guard, she knew it was her fault but she didn't think as far as you had said.
- "I care about you too." she says honestly.
- "you don't hurt people you care about." and she knew that. she knew what it felt like to be scorned and hated by the person you love. and clarisse la rue, will not be like her father.
- "give me one chance to make it up to you, let us start over again." she pleaded.
- you might resent her for what she had done, but that doesn't mean you're immune to her wishes. "one chance."
- "one chance." she agreed.
- the next day, while everyone was out practising, she finda you helping a younger girl in your camp with her stance in fighting and called you to the side.
- "I got something for you." she said.
- the two of you walked a bit further away from other people but she stopped and pull out something from her pocket.
- "the haphaestus kids couldn't fix my spear, but I did get them to work out something new for you."
- it was a knife, similar to your old on2, but the engraved heart shape on the black holder was different. The holder was made if rubbee, easier to grip, and the tip was sharper than anything you've seen.
- "this is for me?" she nodded and placed it into your right palm.
- "it's not magical, but it'll be useful."
- you did not hesitate to pull her by the back of her head to lean down and meet your lips halfway.
- and she did not hesitate to wrap her own arms around your nwck and waist to kiss you back just as strongly.
- "I'm gonna get laughed at for this aren't I?" she muttered against your lips as she pulls away slightly.
- "not something you can't handle." you decided with a small smile on your lips.
- "right, definitely not something I can't handle." she agreed.
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marvelouslizzie · 1 year
You're Stuck with Me - Co-written with @notafunkiller
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Summary: When you find out your boyfriend's cheating on you with his best friend, you immediately tell Bucky Barnes about the affair and propose revenge sex.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Word Count: 6.9K
Warnings: 18+ smut, cheating, revenge fuck, language, oral sex (female receiving), protected and unprotected sex, praise and degradation mix, pet names, teasing, no mention of y/n
A/n: We are getting a little out of our comfort zone with this story. I hope you will enjoy it.
Please give my lovely co-writer @notafunkiller a follow. She's an amazing writer. You should definitely check her Bucky Barnes stories.
All work is ours, please do not repost or translate without our permission.
Every like, comment, and reblog is highly appreciated. Don’t hesitate to message us. Unless it’s hate. That’s never welcome.
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"Are you sure?" Bucky asks, finishing your bottle of sparkling water. "I don't want you to cry and regret it after."
“Don’t worry, I won’t.” You sound so confident that even you are surprised. “It’s just sex.”
"Just sex." He repeats with his eyebrows raised. "You never seemed to me like the type of girl who would go for just sex, doll."
“Maybe you should’ve paid a little more attention. You would’ve realized you might have the wrong kind of impression.”
"Oh, really?" He leans in amused. "Big words."
“They're not. You just aren’t used to talking to me.”
"You're telling me you're not a commitment girl?" He presses the matter, not believing you even a little. You two might not be friends, but he figured out what type of person you are.
“I’m just saying I won’t regret having sex with you. The rest is your assumption.”
His gaze immediately drops to your chest. "You trust my skills that much?"
You roll your eyes. “Do you have to be this arrogant all the time?”
"Do you have to be a brat all the time?" He doesn't wait for your response, though, as he continues. "Oh wait, you can't help it. Totally in your nature."
“So women who don't stroke your ego are brats? Maybe I just don’t care that much about you. Did you consider that?” There’s a hint of anger in your voice but nothing more. He always manages to challenge you and push your buttons. “Maybe you aren’t the only one who didn’t like those double dates. Get off your high horse.” You add without missing a beat. You realized how bored and uninterested he was then. No matter what topic you were bringing up, he wasn’t open. That’s one of the reasons why you believe he thinks he’s better than anyone.
"Fuck." He shakes his head. "You and that mouth of yours. Do you see me going around and calling women brats?” He doesn’t wait for you to answer. “Those dates were absolutely horrible. Your little boy toy is the biggest loser I've ever met."
“You seem like a guy who would do that. You are not? Ops, wrong assumption I guess.” You make a fake I am sorry face. “He’s not my boy toy but I agree, he’s a big loser.”
He smiles when you finish your sentence, so satisfied. "Why do you enjoy pushing me so much? Does it turn you on?"
“How am I pushing you? Do you think this is pushing?” You don’t budge.
"What is it then?"
“I know you don’t like me and I am just giving you back that same energy.” You tell him the truth. That’s what you always do: you give the same energy people give you. If they are kind, you are kinder. If they are assholes, you are a bigger asshole.
Bucky snorts, running a hand through his hair. "Where was this attitude hidden around him?"
You breathe out loudly, not hiding how bored you are. “Are we gonna talk all night or are we gonna do this?”
He smiles in a way you never saw him smile before he leans in even more, invading your space. "It's been that long, huh?"
You make a face. “You can’t tell me sex with her was great. I saw their little sex tapes.” You can’t deny what he’s just said, but you can deflect.
He gives you the most surprised face. "What?"
“You heard me. If it had been a while for me, then it must have been even longer for you.”
"Indeed." His voice doesn't betray any emotion.
“Then stop belittling me. We both have been having bad sex and we both got cheated on. You aren’t better than me.”
"When did I say that, woman?"
“You always act like you are better than everyone.”
"That's just your assumption." He paraphrases you with the biggest smile on his face
“Prove me wrong then.”
And he does, looking at you for a couple of seconds. When you don't move, he finally grabs you by your chin and kisses you. He's not hesitant or testing, he's literally trying to claim your mouth as he wants to deepen the kiss by licking your bottom lip. When you finally give him access, his hand goes to the back of your neck, the contrast between his soft touch and his passionate way of kissing making you moan.
"Your mouth…"
“What about it?” You ask while still looking at his lips.
He kisses you again, like he's starved, his hand pulling your hair a little more. He tastes like some fresh toothpaste and a little chocolate.
"So sweet, yet so bratty."
“Do you have a thing for brats for something?” You pull him by his collar and kiss him again. He might be an asshole, but he knows how to kiss.
"Maybe just for a special brat."
“What does that mean?” You stop and look into his eyes.
He lets go of your hair and lowers his hands to your waist. "Tell me to stop and I will. Tap me anywhere if you can't talk and I'll stop. Get it?"
“Yeah. Same goes for you. Any lines you don’t wanna cross?”
"Just don't call me by someone else's name." He sighs.
“Fine by me. Don’t use any pet names you used for your ex.”
"I wouldn’t dream of it. What else?" He smirks.
“No degrading.”
"So no my little whore?”
“That doesn’t sound like degrading to me but another rule: Don’t say things you don’t mean. I don’t like that heat-of-the-moment bullshit.”
He seems to like your rules. "God, how did you date that asshole for 5 months?"
“I was just giving that so-called nice guy a chance and it got me here. How did you date that bitch for 8 months?”
"Woah. Bitch? Never heard you referring to a woman like this."
“I never liked her.” You shrug. And she cheated on him. So why not?
“I don’t know. I always thought she was full of herself. Always looking down at people.”
"Like me." He stares at you. "I understand."
“Not like that. She always talks badly about people. Most of the time, behind their backs. She always looks for a way to steal the spotlight. I actually wondered what you saw in her.”
"I won't talk about a woman badly, especially my ex, but I guess we just want to give people a chance."
“That woman cheated on you. With someone she called her best friend after you two decided to move in together. Maybe longer. But sure, make me feel bad about calling her a bitch.”
Bucky seems to think about it for a few seconds. You appreciate his non-talking shit about my ex policy, but in this case? Not deserved. They cheated on you for months. They could have chosen to break up, but they didn't want that. They pretended they are just friends, proposed double dates, lied and hid, and made promises. Your relationships weren't working perfectly well, your sex lives seem very shitty and probably there were signs about this affair, but you cannot blame yourself or Bucky for not seeing them. You deserved the truth. You just can't believe you two are actually in this situation. Giving the wrong people a chance… never again for sure.
"You're right. This is such a fucking shitty thing. I mean, at least fucking break up with me. God, we kissed them, fucked them after they were with each other." He makes a disgusted face.
“So we practically fucked each other already, you know?” You make a joke, trying to change the mood a little. It really is fucked up.
"They didn't see us having sex though." He shakes his head. "They managed to make the lamest sex tapes in history."
“Yeah, I am still traumatized by her fake moans.”
"Fake?" He snorts.
“Yeah, I know how sex is with him. No way those moans are real.”
"Maybe they are. Maybe she enjoys it. She likes him so much they decided this fucking shitty sex is worth it." He leans in and kisses you again suddenly and you don't understand if he's angry because he regrets being with her and getting cheated on or he regrets being betrayed because he wants her so much. You know they fought a lot from your soon-to-be ex, but 8 months are something after all.
You kiss him back nonetheless, enjoying the way his lips and tongue feel. You don't remember the last time you've been kissed this good. If you've ever been with someone like this… he's basically eating you with his mouth.
“It won’t take long for her to regret it. Talking from experience,” you say while kissing him back. You wanna know if he wants her back or not. Not that it matters. You are just curious. Maybe he wants to make her jealous.
"What she wants doesn't matter anymore, doll." He strokes your hair when he stops kissing you so you can take a deep breath. "You called me arrogant, right?"
“Yeah?” You answer hesitantly.
"Do arrogant people ever let themselves be humiliated?" He pauses. "I don't want something like this. Someone like this. I have absolutely no desire to keep a person who does this. I am a patient person, I try to work things out, but this? Never in a fucking million years. Nothing about this relationship was right, I suppose. What about you?"
“I don’t care about him anymore.” Your response comes immediately. You were completely done with him the moment you found out about their affair. There’s no turning back. It was like a switch. That’s why you are here with Bucky. “I tried so hard to make it work, thinking relationships are hard and we gotta put some effort to make it work. All bullshit. I’m done with him. I’m done with lowering my standards. Done with 5-minute sex, and ‘you turn me on so much, I can’t help it’ excuses. There’s no going back for me.”
You see his little smirk and can't help but touch his face. He is really one of the most beautiful men you’ve ever seen.
"I never liked him, and you know it. That small dick energy is unbearable. I think he'd have a heart attack if he even heard us. Can you imagine?"
“I… actually can.” You can envision how that would hurt him and his insufferable ego. “God, she would hate me so much.” You smile.
"Oh, she would. She's always been jealous of you anyway."
“And he hates that you don’t even have to be nice to make people like you. Now he would have an extra reason.”
"Fuck, doll." You feel his thumb on your neck and you shiver. "I'm gonna sound crazy, but wouldn't make you feel satisfied if indeed they heard us?"
You blink, trying to understand his offer. That actually would actually give you pleasure… knowing that he suffers just like you did. You also notice the pet name he uses. You never heard him use it with his (ex) girlfriend, so he’s keeping his promise. “I’d… really like that.”
"Yeah?" He leaves a kiss on the corner of your mouth. "A voice message?"
“Sounds better than actually calling.” You turn your face a little and kiss him on the lips.
"Look at you, you ignored me for months." He bites your bottom lip lightly.
“It wasn’t like you were friendly.”
Does he even hear you?
He takes you in his arms. "Bedroom?"
“Bedroom.” You wrap your legs around his torso in agreement as he leads the way.
“Yeah, hurry up.”
He opens the door with his elbow, then doesn't bother to close it as he lets you down. His hands find your blouse and you hear the ripping sound before you can raise your arms.
You’re surprised but not bothered. Truth be told, you find that very hot. But you still unclip your bra.
“Fucking hell.” He manages to whisper before he leans in and grabs your breasts, his tongue licking all the way down from your neck to your nipple.
You tug on his T-shirt and try to take it off while he’s busy exploring your body.
"You hid these from me."
“Not specifically from you. Move your hands up so I can take this off.”
"From who then?" He frowns and lets go for a second so you can take it off.
“From everyone, of course.”
"God, I wanna come all over them. So pretty.”
“Maybe you should make a mental list. Come on her tits. Come inside her mouth. Come inside her pussy.”
His eyes glow, and you giggle. "Who said I didn't?"
“You did?” You sound impressed. “Wanna share?”
"Wanna share my come? Sure." His fingers find your zipper and you gasp when he takes your pants off from one try.
“Oh, you are filthier than I thought.” You say to cover your surprise.
"You thought about how filthy I am?"
“You think I didn’t consider how this would be before offering a revenge fuck?”
"When?" He takes ahold of your underwear, and you're unsure if he wants to rip it off or simply take it off.
“I just told you.”
"I thought…" He blushes, realizing he misunderstood. It's an asshole move to assume that while you were with that prick, the thought of him like this has even passed your mind. "Forget it."
“No, no, tell me.” You pull him closer by his belt. “Let’s get rid of these.”
"Did you ever think about me before today?" He helps you take off his pants while finally getting rid of your panties.
“What if I did? Does it make me a terrible person?”
"Terrible." He nods, letting the pieces of your underwear drop on the floor along with his boxers and pants before he steps out of them. "So terrible." He kisses you, his hands on your hips, bringing you closer to his cock. You didn't even have proper time to look at him. "The worst."
“I knew it.” You play along. “What about you?”
"I thought about this mouth a lot."
“Just my mouth?” You nudge him by moving your hips up.
"Thought about fucking you in the bathroom."
“When?” Did he really want to fuck you before? He never looked at you twice or at least that’s what you thought.
"A few weeks ago… we… the office. You were with your little group. They were smoking and you wore that fucking lipstick that just blew my mind away. I didn't intend to. You didn't even notice me." He kisses you again but doesn't deepen it.
Everything he said takes you by surprise. You didn’t think that he ever paid attention to you, let alone notice your lipstick and get turned on by it.
“I noticed you, but I thought you were bored. You had a grumpy look on your face most of the time. I liked your blue shirt, though. It makes your eyes pop.”
He moans. Is it so easy to make him moan? you wonder.
"I'm always grumpy and arrogant, of course."
“You don’t seem that grumpy and arrogant right now.” You gently bite his neck and then soothe the spot with your tongue.
"Fucking hell, woman." You feel him grabbing your ass. "Tell me you have a condom."
“In that drawer.” You point to it casually. “But just so you know, I’m on the pills.”
He nods, contemplating for a little while before helping you get on bed and taking a condom from your nightstand.
You don’t question why he chooses to reach for it, yet you can’t help but wonder how it would be like to feel him without any barrier. Your mouth waters at the sight of his naked body.
Maybe, maybe you should let him fuck your mouth, too. Why not?
He quickly puts the condom on and before he can climb on bed, he looks at you. "What you said earlier about the voice message, do you still stand by it?"
You realize you actually forgot about them or why you are doing this for a second. “Yeah. I want them to suffer.”
"Good." He takes his pants from the floor and finds his phone quickly. You didn't even realize he had it when you undressed him.
“So what are we doing exactly? Recording a small part and sending it?”
"Ihm." He nods. "Want that asshole to hear what your real moans sound like." He finally sits on the bed and you spread your legs further apart.
“Only my moans?” You ask while he positions himself.
"No video," he says immediately, and you giggle. That wasn’t your question, but it’s okay. You wonder if he’s being possessive with you already or it's something else.
“I meant what about your moans.”
He smiles. "Yeah, of course, but I'm not a loud person." He drops the phone close to your shoulder. "You, on the other hand… I bet you're a fucking screamer."
“I guess we'll find out. Is it recording already?”
"No, uhm, can you… The code is 0478."
“Let’s start and then we can record when it gets really loud.” You try to sound normal, but you are surprised he's just told you his passcode.
"You sure? We can trim it. I don't want to interrupt you."
"Don't worry. I'm good at multitasking." You give him a smile. "But if you wanna record the whole thing, so you can get off to it later, just say that." You can’t help but tease him a little.
"No, no, it's alright. I just want you to feel good, okay?" He smiles, his hands making their way to your thighs.
"Oh, I will. Don't worry about that." You pull him closer by wrapping your legs around his body. As he pushes inside, you start to forget what you were talking about before.
"Oh, fuck me." He groans when he sees the shape of your mouth. Such a perfect O. You feel so good and he's not even halfway inside you. "You're so wet."
"I can do that." You cheekily respond. "But we would need to change the position." You ignore his second comment.
He kisses you as if he needs to taste you again to be able to breathe, his tongue quickly finding yours once you open your mouth. Your hand gets into his hair at the same time he properly gets inside you.
You moan at the fullness. You haven't felt this stretched for so long, but it doesn't hurt. It just makes you crave more.
"Such a brat when you only needed a good cock." You know he's intentionally teasing you, so you try to find a good response.
"We'll see how good it is."
"Brat." He repeats again and moves his hands to your breast. His thrusts are not constant as he tries to test what you like.
"Put your mouth on them already." You know he wants to. He has been looking at them since he stepped inside your apartment. And you want him to do it, too. The thought itself makes you moan.
"Are you ordering me?"
"Depends. Yes, if you like that. No, if you don't."
He takes a handful of your breast in his mouth in response, not only your nipple, his thrusts getting slower, but a little deeper at the same time. The sound of his tongue licking on your skin makes you close your eyes.
The way he sucks your nipple makes you think he likes taking orders. What a great turn of events, you think.
He switches to the other one quickly, giving it the same treatment, while keeping the pace.
"Do you like it?"
“Yeah, yeah.” You quickly respond. “I love it.”
“Yep, faster.” You gently push his head onto your breast again, loving the double stimulation.
He moans excitedly as he resumes licking and playing with your breasts, carefully trying to leave a hickey around your nipple. "These are mine now."
He doesn’t mean that, does he? Must be the heat of the moment, but you agreed on not doing that. So you decide to remind him. “Don’t say things you don’t actually mean, remember?”
"I didn't forget, brat. Did you?"
He bites on your nipple, gently, but you still feel it.
“So you actually mean that?” You really want to know, so you ignore the fact that he called you a brat again.
"Mean what?" He leaves a kiss on your nipple to soothe any possible pain. "That these are mine?"
“Yeah.” You sound impatient. Why is he acting clueless now?
"They are, they belong to me. So does your bratty mouth." He kisses you shortly.
You can’t deny how his words turn you on even more.
"I imagined fucking you in a bathroom that day at the office." He groans. "So terrible of me, right? Imagining you with come dripping out of you, down to your thighs as you go back to work. Months of petty silence solved."
“If I'd known my silence bothered you that much, I would have been even more silent until it drove you crazy enough to do something about it.” You move your hips up to match his rhythm. “I just thought you just preferred not speaking to me because you didn’t like me.”
"I would have screwed everything up and fucked you, you understand?" He looks you in the eye, making it clear he is honest. "I would have become a horrible person, but not even that thought would have made me reconsider."
“Yet you didn’t do anything, did you? You never acted on it. You were just a grumpy man with terrible thoughts.” You just want him to know he’s not a horrible person, yet you can’t help but tease him a little at the same time.
"And you just needed the cock of that grumpy man with terrible thoughts, huh?" His thrusts are so much faster now. You wonder: how the fuck does he expect you to answer?
All you can do is whine and moan because somehow he manages to hit all the right places.
"My little cock whore." He groans. "Mine, okay? Just like I am yours."
“Jesus fucking Christ.” You can’t help but react. You find it so hot you can barely stay still. The way he talks during sex… They would really die if they heard you two. That makes you remember… You were supposed to hit the record button.
"Just Bucky. Or James."
“Where the fuck is your phone, Bucky?” You ask while trying to find it without actually looking.
He's confused for a split second, but then he remembers what you agreed on. "To your right."
You finally find the phone and unlock it quickly before dropping it without any care as soon as it starts to record.
"Oh, doll, you're too wet for me. So good." The sound of your skin slapping and the whimpers are so loud. You can’t contain yourself even if you try.
“Faster, please,” you say without thinking. It feels like you are already close. You don’t care if you have to beg for it.
"So greedy." He cries out when he feels your hands on his ass, pulling him deeper inside you.
“Fuckk. That feels good!” You moan loudly and arch your back.
"Holy shit."
He suddenly stops, making you open your eyes and giving him an accusatory look, but then you notice the phone in his hands. Oh, you forgot about it for a second and you have no idea why.
"Are you sending it?"
"Ihm." He doesn't just lock his phone after he is done. He freaking turns it off, surprising you. “I don’t want any interruptions. Want to fuck you in peace.”
You just pull him into another kiss, more passionate this time. You feel his right hand on your tummy, tickling you a little, before stopping down, above your clit.
“You close?” You ask him to make sure because you surely are.
"I'm trying not to come," he says honestly.
“Oh, you can. I’m close, too. I just need it a little faster.” His hand on your clit already makes you realize it won’t take much for you to fall apart.
He pulls back, taking his cock almost completely out, and the emptiness makes you whine. Then he thrusts with full force, making you moan so loudly that you can’t recognize your own voice.
"Fuck, look at you. And those sounds…" He brings his thumb to your lips. "Come on, be a good girl and show me how your pretty little mouth would take my cock. The one that's inside your pussy right now, ready to come for you."
“Such a filthy mouth.” You say while moaning. “Come with me so I can take that cock inside my mouth and show you what it can do.”
"God, come, baby. Please come." He is begging you at this point. His voice is so desperate and soft.
His neediness, the way he says those words finally pushes you off the edge.
“Oh god.” You try to breathe as the orgasm takes over your body, making you shake. Your mouth opens, letting out the most unfiltered moan you've ever heard from yourself. It is pure pleasure with no thoughts, no worries. Your heart and your head are on fire, begging for more. You want this feeling to last as long as possible.
He comes shortly after you, but you don't realize it until you hear his loud groan vibrating against your chest. His hips and ass cheeks are trembling under your touch as he seems lost in his world for a few seconds. You run your fingers through his hair, waiting for him to come down from his high.
“Oh god, baby." You feel his breath on your wet skin and you sigh. "Can I live here forever?"
“That good?” You can’t help but ask. He can feel your smile without looking at you.
He looks up. "Ihm. What about you?"
“Wanna get your ego stroked?” You ask genuinely. “Promise that you’re not gonna use it against me.”
He kisses your throat. "I don't make such promises, woman."
“Then you won’t get to hear it.” You expose your throat more while talking.
"What if I eat the truth out of you?"
“Eat the truth out of me?”
"Ihm. You know… when you're under sex spell, you become truthful."
“You are welcome to try.” There’s no way you are gonna turn down another orgasm like this one.
"Perfect." He leaves another kiss on the valley between your breasts and sighs. "Have to take this off first," he says, taking his cock out with a small hiss before standing up near the bed, watching you. "Where can I throw this away?"
“There’s a trashcan in the bathroom.” You point at it while getting more comfortable on the bed.
"Be right back."
You feel something cold on your back and realize it’s his phone. You put it on the nightstand, thinking about how he turned his phone off in the middle of the sex. You make a mental note to ask him to send you that voice message later, so you can remember how good the sex felt.
He comes back with your small semi-wet towel and watches you carefully. "Look, I meant what I said about eating the truth out of you, but only if you are okay with it. I won't ask again. I could always just leave, you know? No big deal." But you can see in his face it would be a big deal. Maybe he likes your company. The sex is amazing.
“Do you wanna leave, Bucky?” You already know his answer.
"No, I don't."
“Then come here and do whatever you wanna do.”
He doesn't need to be told twice. You watch him drop to his knees and, at the same time, drag you closer to the edge of the bed as quickly as he can. You let out a surprised gasp, but it turns into a whole moan when he lifts your legs on his shoulders and starts licking you from your entrance to your clit.
“Fuck, you weren’t joking.”
He acknowledges your words by playing with his tongue around your clit. You move your hips slowly, up and down, just to create a little more friction. Your greed grows while you watch him eagerly lick every bit of your pussy.
You don't expect to feel his fingers at your entrance all of the sudden as you're focused on his tongue. And you especially don't expect him to curl two of his fingers and get them inside you at once. No warnings.
“Oh fuck, yes!” You find yourself grabbing his hair, just needing something to hold on to.
And he moans, buckling his hips in the air at the slight pain. The pace of his fingers matches his tongue, but it's not enough.
“Add the third finger.” You sound desperately close.
He is surprised, you can sense it, but he quickly does what you say, his tongue eagerly toying with your clit faster than before.
“I’m so close!” You warn.
He stops licking for a little and you try to move your hips to meet his mouth. What the fuck is he doing? No time for edging.
"What were you gonna say, doll? What did you think it would stroke my ego?"
“What?” You raise on your elbows, looking like a mess. “Really?”
"If you want my tongue, you give me an answer."
“You are unbelievable!” You sound so betrayed.
"I warned you not to cry, doll."
You really want to keep that thought to yourself, but the ache between your legs doesn’t care about your pride. “I can’t believe you are doing this right now.”
He gives you a small smile, and you see him leaning in again. You think you won, getting more comfortable, ready to come soon, but he only licks you twice, teasingly, and lets your clit go.
"Do what?"
You whine loudly. The feeling of his tongue lingers on your clit. “You wanna play dirty?” Maybe you can’t win this fight, but it doesn’t mean you can’t win others. “Fine.” You sit up a little, looking into his eyes. “It was the best orgasm I’ve ever had. Happy now?”
"Delighted. Now was it so hard? You get a reward for being my good and honest girl."
“Yeah, whatever.” You roll your eyes.
"Fucking brat," you hear him whisper right before his tongue finds your clit again, finally licking it in circles properly. He starts to move his fingers, too, and even though they are obviously not even close to the thickness of his cock, they feel incredible.
But you are too annoyed now, at the same time. A part of you just wants to hold back and not give him the pleasure of hearing you come. So he tries harder. You hear him whimpering as he takes your clit into his mouth, sucking on it. And you swallow a moan while your legs are trembling.
"Come on, baby." His fingers move faster, too. "Let it go."
Your whole body starts to shake uncontrollably, but you keep your moans to yourself, pressing your lips together tightly just out of spite. You can see he hates it, but he doesn't stop until you finish coming. And it feels amazing, but you are sure it would have been even better if you had let yourself enjoy it freely.
He sighs into your clit and leaves a kiss there before he stands up. "You're mad."
“No shit, Sherlock.”
"Ah, doll. Nothing can tame that mouth."
“More like actions and consequences. I wasn’t ready to share that, but you forced me to say it for an orgasm, so that’s what you get. An orgasm. Nothing more, nothing less.”
"Forced?" His face shows concern as he sits next to you. "That wasn’t my intention. The last thing I want is to make you feel trapped.” He seems like he’s confused. He looks around and meets your gaze again. “Do you want me to leave?"
“If you wanna leave, just leave, but if that wasn’t really your intention, you can start with apologizing.”
"I am sorry," he immediately says, taking your hands into his. "I was just trying to… be silly I guess."
“You wanted your ego stroked, I get it. We both need it after what happened, but… I don’t know. I just felt exposed.”
"I'm sorry." He kisses your cheek. "I might be a grumpy arrogant son of a bitch, but forcing…"
You start to tear up, hearing him say sorry this quickly. Fucking relationship trauma.
"Oh god, baby, I am sorry, I didn't…" he tries to wipe your tears with his thumbs. "I'm a jackass, but I swear I wasn't trying to force you. I thought it was just a game. My bad."
“No, no. This is on me. Sorry.” You try to take a deep breath. “He just never said sorry no matter how hurt I was. He always had an excuse. This is just… trauma I guess.”
"What a fucking douchebag. I can fuck him up really good, you know?" He suggests. "Just say the words."
“He’s probably already fucked up by the fact that we are fucking.” That thought cheers you up a little.
"His face deserves it, too." Bucky puffs and kisses your wet cheeks. "To be honest, this whole should I leave question comes from my relationship trauma, too. So you’re not alone. She either wanted me to leave or she left every fucking time we disagreed on something. She once threw my shoes out of the window just so I'd go. I don't know why we kept trying…"
“Oh.” You finally understand why he keeps offering to leave. It isn't about you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know. I thought you were just trying to get out when things get hard.”
"Don't be sorry. I prefer to talk on the spot, to be honest. Letting everything out is healthier. Don't "
“Or take a break whenever it’s needed. Doesn’t mean you have to leave though.”
"Yeah! Exactly."
You laugh a little. You never realized how similar you two are. Today is changing your perspective completely. “Your apology is accepted by the way, but under one condition.”
"What is that?'
“Tell me something about yourself that you don’t want me to know.”
He thinks for a second. "My breath smells like death in the morning. I can make your plants die if you let me."
You shake your head, amused. “That’s not good enough. Everyone’s breath smells bad in the morning.”
"What do you wanna know then?"
“Something on the same level of having your best orgasm.”
"I think you broke me."
"You broke me." He repeats as if that is an explanation.
“In what way?”
He kisses you just as desperately as he did in the kitchen, as if this is the first time he kisses you and he can't ever get enough. "I want you for more than one time, do you understand?"
“Oh. Well… That can be arranged.”
"Yeah?" He drags you by your hips, placing you on top of his thighs.
“I would actually like that.”
He kisses you some more, letting his hands wander all over your body, stopping especially on your neck and breasts.
"You like it rough, don't you? Not complaining about me ripping your clothes off, loving the bites." He pulls your hair, just to prove his point in case you deny. You moan.
“Yeah, apparently you like it rough, too.” You don’t deny. Why would you?
"Of course I do, brat." He then turns you around suddenly. "All fours, please."
“Since you asked so nicely,” You stop for the dramatic effect and say as sarcastically as possible: “Boss.”
"Wanna make me your boss?"
“You are already acting like one.” You stand on all fours, pushing your ass back while lowering your head.
"Fuck! You're such a sight, you know?" Bucky's eyes don't leave your body.
“Am I?”
"I wanna look at you like this all day long."
You look at him amused. “I’m afraid I don’t have that much patience.”
You notice him shaking his head. "Of course."
“It’s rude to make me wait like this, you know?”
"Sorry, just wanted to remember this." Bucky feels a little bad for the thoughts he has. He mentally took a picture of you cause he can't ask this from you, right? You're not a couple, and even if you were, it doesn't mean exchanging or keeping photos like this would be okay.
His hips touch your ass as he positions himself at your entrance. "Any limits that come to your mind? I won't ask again."
“We already decided on the rules. I don’t think there’s anything besides them.”
"I'm not gonna hold back this time." Not completely… he grabs a handful of your hair as he thrusts inside you. "I'm gonna pound the fuck out of you and you're gonna take it like a good little girl, understand?"
“I understand. You won’t stop until I say stop.”
"Jesus Christ." He moans halfway inside you at the feel of your extra wet pussy. He feels out of breath just by standing still. "How…"
“Oh, fuck.” You nearly choke. It feels unbelievably good. This position is doing wonders.
"I didn't think-" he says, but at the same time doesn't move an inch. "Fuck, it feels too good, this pussy is driving me crazy. You are driving me crazy." He grips your hair harder without warning and starts to thrusts properly inside you, making sure to squeeze your left breast with his free. The sounds of your wet skin slapping make him curse under his breath.
“You didn’t think what?” You sound out of breath already.
"I cannot fuck you with condoms again." Technically he can, but he doesn’t want to.
You smile widely. “Why is that?”
"Because I am completely fucked."
“You like it that much?”
"Like it?" He puffs, unamused, and starts to finally pound you the way he imagined a few weeks ago. Maybe even harder.
“Oh, fuck!” Yep, he’s right. You are fucked, too.
"You might need to fix me very often, you know?" He drops his hand from your hair just to properly grab your hips. You can barely keep your position like this, his thrusts are so deep.
“Fix you?”
"Yeah. Fix my cock." Oh, that’s what he means.
“We can fix each other then.”
"Ihm." He doesn't say much after this, too focused on kissing your back and keeping the pace at the same time. He's ready to come any minute.
“Harder, Bucky. Please!” You need to come. Really desperately.
"How much harder?" He thrusts a little harder. "More or like this?"
“As hard as you can.”
He doesn't disagree with you, but you know he's holding back even when he pushes harder. And harder. And harder.
"I'm gonna come," he manages to moan. "Fuck I'm gonna come inside you, gonna make a mess. Tell me you… t-tell me you want my come."
“I want your come, Bucky, please. p Please, come with me!” You are already shaking uncontrollably.
"Fuck." That's all you get from him before he's coming, his fingers digging so hard into your skin that you moan again, dizzy from your orgasm.
He keeps moving, making a mess, indeed. It’s already dripping out, you can feel it.
"I came so much." You hear him say suddenly through fogginess.
You smile, resting your head on the bed still, feeling unable to move.
"Not gonna say anything?"
“I died and went to heaven.” You murmur. The orgasm is still running through your veins, making you twitch here and there.
"I've been in heaven for a while."
You finally turn around and look at him. “It was so fucking good.”
"No words." He slowly gets out of you and you notice how happy he is, not taking his eyes off your pussy. "It's gonna start dripping… all over your thighs and sheets. What a nice mark." He even brings a finger to your entrance and pushes back some come.
“Do you have a breeding kink or something?” You smile while asking.
"A breeding kink?"
“Yeah, do you know what it is?”
"Something to do with my come inside you?" He teases. His confusion seems to fade away.
“Yeah, and getting me pregnant.”
He groans, closing his eyes.
“They do that pushing the come back inside thing most of the time.”
"I guess I have a breeding kink." He smiles, accepting it instantly, and finally closes the gap to kiss you. "You might not get rid of me now."
“I knew it!” You point at him with your finger. “I wasn’t gonna get rid of you anyways.”
"Wanna keep me as your boy toy?"
“You wanna be my boy toy?” Your whole face lights up.
"You look quite excited."
“I never had a boy toy before.”
"No?" He shakes his head. "Time to change that. And as your boy toy, I should always make sure you're having a good time." He surprises you by spreading your legs again.
“No, no, no, no. It’s my turn.”
Bucky shakes his head. "Need to get you clean, and then we can do whatever you want, alright?"
“You are really something else.” You sound amazed.
He smirks. "And you're stuck with me. You're all mine now."
You don't get to say anything anymore as you feel his tongue at your entrance. So you just grab his hair, closing your eyes, your exes long forgotten.
“And you are all mine.”
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rosemaze-reveries · 6 months
During an interview, the manor guests suddenly get a question about you.
this is def an experimental format!! i got this idea while reading the character letters. in the POV of an unknown interviewer (not reader). reader uses they/them.
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Q. Could you describe your relationship with (Y/N)?
🔗 Ada - "Yes, that's my lover. I would say our relationship falls within the typical scope of that sort of thing. Of course, I believe we share something special, but everyone does when they're in love, don't they?" She covers all her bases in one decisive breath, leaving little room for me to comment.
⚰️ Aesop sits perfectly upright, fingers threaded at his knees. His eyes drift to the side and he seems to begin speaking mid-thought. "I had... cautioned myself not to upset their perception of me," he explains. "But they pried, and stayed, regardless of what they found... For that, I'm grateful."
📰 Alice has kept a sharp eye on me the entire time, but it's at this question that she drops the formalities. "I wasn't aware you would be prying into my personal affairs. Where did you learn that name?" Her frankness pins me in place. For some reason, I end up apologizing.
🔮 Eli can't help a sheepish smile from blooming across his face. "Well, truthfully... I don't use this term lightly, but they might be the love of my life." He has been consistently grounded with his responses, so I'm surprised to catch him flustered, however subtle it is. Personally, I'm touched.
❤️‍🩹 Emil considers for a moment. He doesn't meet me in the eye, instead pinning his gaze on nowhere in particular. A faint smile ghosts his lips. After a while, he answers, simply, "Safe."
💉 Emily's hands are folded neatly on her lap. At the mention of that name, her shoulders tense, but she otherwise maintains her composure. "Someone I trust." Her answer is vague and cautious, but acceptable. I'll try to uncover a deeper meaning behind that 'trust'.
🌪️ Ithaqua - "Mine." He is curt and to the point. Yours? I echo, hoping he'll elaborate. His head tilts to the side, and while I can't see the face behind his mask, a sense of dread suddenly overcomes me. I decide not to press further.
✂️ Jack stretches out his hand of blades, flexing each finger in front of him. I can't deny the cold sweat that drips down my spine just by being in his presence. "May I respond with a question of my own?" he says to me. "Suppose a butterfly loses its way, and winds up caught in a spider's web. Wouldn't you agree that the more it writhes and struggles, the more exhilarated the spider becomes?" I don't have the courage to hear out the rest of this analogy.
🍀 Lucky - "I've always been known as a pretty lucky guy, but the luckiest day of my life was when I met them! I remember it was the—" He drags me down a long-winded story about their life together. I get the idea. Eventually I'm forced to cut him off.
🩰 Margaretha twirls a curl of hair, a meek blush dusting her cheeks. "Have you ever been in love before? You're never prepared for the magic of it all. I feel a new rush with them everyday. I know, realistically, all good things come to an end, so I tried to remind myself to expect the worst, but they've proven over and over that... I'll never feel safer than in their arms." After rambling for some time, a look of surprise flashes across her face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to go off like that. Oh, but I've just never met someone who feels so much like true love before."
🔫 Martha doesn't miss a beat. "Sorry, I don't know anyone by that name." I look down to double-check the name written in her file. Her watchful gaze follows my line of sight. Are you sure? I try. "Must've been some confusion somewhere," she insists. The next day, I realize all my files on her and (Y/N) have gone missing.
🪡 Matthias - "Wh-What?" he starts, but keeps going before I can repeat the question. "Oh, uh, an ally, I guess." Well, I gathered that much. When I press for more details, his head sinks low, fingers grasping at the armrest. "I don't know what they saw in me. Was it out of pity?"
🤹 Mike's eyes light up and he blinds me with a contagious smile. "(Y/N)'s a sneaky one, and I mean it—they've got me under the trickiest spell of all. Guess what happens every time I think about them?" Egged on by his grin, I take the bait. You get lovesick? I guess. Suddenly, he tosses a handful of butterfly glitter in my face. "I get butterflies!" Very funny, I sigh, exasperated with these carnies. Why did he have that on hand in the first place?
🧲 Norton leans back in his chair, scowling. "What's that got to do with anything?" He snaps a couple times in my face, urging me to "stay on topic." It's hard to say if this question struck a nerve, as he's been uncooperative for most of this interview, but my suspicions point me to prod further. After all, it'd have been much easier if he just said he didn't know them.
🦋 Vera's face contorts into a leery, hostile glower. "Why do you ask that?" Before I can say anything to mitigate the rising tension, she catches herself, and her expression softens slightly. "I'm sorry. That's... someone quite dear to me, so your question took me by surprise."
🐍 Yidhra's follower goes pale, clearly unnerved. "She won't answer that," she tells me through shallow breaths. "Th-This isn't my place to say, but I'd advise you not to involve yourself with that person." As if on cue, I get a sensation I can only describe as a hand slowly wrapping around my neck. It disappears when I move to scratch it. Must've been my imagination.
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Part 2
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dira333 · 3 months
Good things come to those who wait - Kirishima x Reader
I don't know why but this was really hard for me to write. I hope you still enjoy it - @crimsonredlotus
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"You good?" Mina's waving a hand in front of his eyes, back and forth, back and forth. "Never saw you zone out like that before, not even when they announced Crimson Riot becoming a playable character in the Hero Nights Multiplayer Game."
"I just saw the most beautiful girl in the world," he stammers, eyes still locked on the door you disappeared through. "Like... Oh, no, that was superficial, wasn't it? Like, I swear she's probably super smart and incredibly talented, but I just- I noticed- I swear I don't care about looks that much!"
"Relax," Mina slings an arm around his shoulder, "You're still manly. Now, describe her to me. I need the deets."
"Did you see that?" Yukie asks, giggling. "The redhead couldn't believe his eyes when he saw you. I swear, there were hearts dancing around his head."
"You're exaggerating," you tell her off, though your heart still beats a little faster. He'd been cute, really cute, with his red hair and flushed face, wide grin, and open posture. Like sunshine poured into a human being, but that might just be your imagination. You didn't know him, after all.
"Okay, so she's one of the business class students," Mina recalls, "She's getting good grades, and the teachers like her a lot. I think I've heard Ectoplasm call her by her first name and he's really picky with that."
"Sounds kinda boring," Bakugo declares as Kirishima presses both hands to his mouth to hide his glee. "See!" He preens, "I knew she was special. I bet she has an awesome quirk too." He falters immediately. "Oh, but that means she won't be interested in me."
"No, no, we don't think like that here," Mina bonks him on the head with her fist. "You've got great qualities, not to mention a solid body to show off. And you're a nice person, unlike some other people here." She glares at Bakugo who only snorts.
"So now that we know her name and her class, how are you planning to go over it," Sero asks, leaning in, "Business Class isn't all that interested in Hero Class. They think we're stuck up."
"I can't just go over there and ask her out!" Kirishima wails, "That would be totally unmanly. What if she feels pressured to say yes? I could never live with that."
"I'm going to infiltrate their friend group and get the intel," Mina promises. "Jirou, you're with me."
You blink in surprise when two girls slide into the seats across from you and Yukie.
"Do we... know you?" You ask, a little concerned by the bright smile on the pink-skinned girl's face. The other one looks like she might not be here on her own accord.
"Oh, we're from the Hero Class. We just wanted to get to know you people a bit better. How are you? What are your names? What are you learning in Class?"
"Which Hero Class?" You ask.
"1A of course, the best one!"
"Ah, so you've got Aizawa-Sensei as homeroom teacher?"
"The man, the mystery, you name it. I'm Mina, by the way." She offers you her hand and you shake it, albeit a bit reluctantly.
"Say, do you have any cute boys in your Class?" Mina leans in, "Because we might have some cute boys in our Class but they're just not my style, if you know what I mean."
You share a look with Yukie. She smiles. "Oh, yes, we do have some hotties. Look," she pulls out her phone to showcase the class photo you had to take a week ago. "This one's already taken though," she points out. And he eats his snot as a way to power his quirk. I'm not one to Quirkshame, but that's kinda disgusting."
"Oh, talking about Quirks," Mina flashes yet another smile. "Mine is Acid and Jirou's here is Earphone Jack. What are yours?"
Your smile tightens. "I'm Quirkless," you point out, waiting for the usual reaction. Mina's smile falters for a millisecond.
"Oh, I'm... sorry, I guess? I don't know if you feel bad about it, but I don't really think you need a Quirk to succeed-"
"Unless you want to be a hero," you point out calmly, grabbing your plate. "I need to get back to Class."
"No, wait," Mina's standing now, "I need to know if you think Kirishima is cute."
"Mina!" Jirou hisses. "That's not subtle at all."
"Maybe, but I'm not going without an answer." Mina stomps her foot and you throw her a look.
"I don't know who this Kirishima is, but I don't care for boys who cannot ask me questions themselves. And if you feel threatened by my existence, don't bother. I don't care about the Hero Class anyway."
"You really are a good liar," Yukie exclaims once you're out of earshot of the girls, "I might have even believed that myself had I not known you're crushing a teensy bit for that redhead from the Hero Department."
"Let's just hope he's not in Mina's Class," you tell her, looking back. To your surprise, Jirou's looking directly at you.
"Dad?" You ask after Dinner, sliding into the small space between him and the front door, "Can I ask you a Question?"
"Sure can, Bean," he pats your head before taking a seat on the stairs. "What's the matter?"
"Mina Ashido came to see me at Lunch today."
"Mina?" He looks surprised. "What did she want?"
"I'm not sure, she was all over the place asking questions. But she mentioned someone from her Class... Kirishima, I think?"
"Ah yes, they're friends. What about him?"
"What does he look like?"
Your Stepdad blinks. "Why do you wanna know?"
"For reasons I cannot disclose."
He laughs softly. "Alright, alright. Red hair, shark teeth. Does that answer your question? You don't look too happy about that answer."
"Is he nice?"
He ponders that question for a moment. "He's not the smartest and his Quirk is better for Defense, which clearly troubles him, but he's pretty social and gets along with everyone in Class. Why do you ask?"
Now... how to answer that? If you say he has a crush on you, will that fall back on him? Your Dad is his teacher after all. And if you say you have a crush on him, won't your Dad just end up embarrassing you? You want to do nothing but forget it, but your Middle School Crush is still fresh in your mind, or rather, how your Father tried to threaten him into going on a Date with you.
"Never mind," you lie, "I was just curious. Have a safe Patrol, okay?"
"Okay," he leans down to press a kiss to your temple, "Don't stay up too late, okay?"
"Aye Aye, Eraserhead."
- - -
"Hey, ehm..." You turn at the call of your name, surprised to see Kirishima. You thought the Hero Classes would only come back to school next week.
"Hey," you give him a small smile. He deserves it, after all you've heard. "Glad to see you're alive and well."
"About that, yeah, I-" He stops, takes a deep breath, "I heard from Eri that you're... that you're Aizawa-Sensei's daughter."
You tense a little, but you nod. "Stepdaughter, to be exact. He does collect us like Pokemon, it seems."
Kirishima laughs softly at that. "How is he? Last I heard he got released from the Hospital."
"He's adapting," you shrug, unsure what to say. "Mom keeps making him a ton of food, so we're all gaining weight. He keeps forgetting to put his new foot on, so I often stumble over it. It's... eh..." you halt, take a breath, "It's good to have him back."
"I can imagine. I hope he... I don't wanna assume, but-"
"He's coming back as a teacher," you nod, "He'd never leave a class behind. Least of all you. He's very fond of you guys."
"Ah," Kirishima rubs the back of his head, "We're not that special. Annoying, yes. But not special."
You smile. It's easier now, talking to him, without the pretense and the Chaos of who likes who, of High School Rumours and all the Gossip.
"Kirishima? Would you... like to get something to drink?"
"What?" Midoriya blinks. "I missed all of that? I wasn't in the hospital for that long."
"Longer," Bakugo harrumphs before stuffing his face again. You'd been a little scared of him before, but Kirishima had vouched for him, calling him a softie with the prickliest attitude.
"Ah, Sorry, sorry." Midoriya grins, reddening. "So glad to be back though. How's Eri, by the way."
"Great," you smile, pressed into Kirishima's side. You haven't been official for long, but he's the touchiest person you know. "She's found a few friends in school that she keeps bringing home. One of them, Kota, is a huge fan of me for reasons I still haven't found out."
"Ah," Kirishima grins, "That's because you're Quirkless. He thinks you're like Midoriya."
"Like..." You blink at the green-haired boy who defeated All For One mere months ago. "Why?"
Midoriya laughs, cheeks now as red as Kirishima's hair. "Long Story."
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yxngbxkkie · 7 months
long-distance (b.c)
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i saw an edit of chan from channie's room, and i had come up with this idea for him. i want and need this man so much, he's so fucking PRECIOUS 🥹 anyway, i hope you guys like it 🩷🩷
feedback is greatly appreciated 🥰
Two minutes after you open your laptop, a video call from Chan appears. A smile graces your lips as you answer it with no hesitation. It gets bigger when his face appears on screen.
“Hi, baby,” he smiles at the camera, his dark eyes checking every inch of your face.
It's been almost a month since the two of you have video chatted. Especially with Chan being busy with schedules.
“Hi, my baby,” you greet him, leaning your chin on the palms of your hand. “How are you?”
Chan leans back in his chair, releasing a hefty sigh. “It was okay. It was kinda busy, but it wasn't unbearable,” he mentions to you.
You pout, wishing you could give him a tight hug. “I'm sorry, baby. The good news is that you have your vacation coming up!” You attempt to cheer him up, wanting to relieve his stress a little.
“I do, yes! I'm super excited about it,” he tells you, clasping his hands together. “Speaking of vacations, I have a surprise.”
“What is it?” You ask him with wide eyes, watching him get up from his desk. Chan walks off the screen, and you're curious as to what his surprise is.
You tap your fingers on your cheek, hearing your phone vibrate against the desk. Before you have the chance to look at it, your boyfriend comes back on screen.
“Okay! So, I just sent you something,” he giggles, shaking the phone in his hand.
“I'm nervous,” you chuckle while grabbing your phone. You open Chan's text to see a link. You furrow your brows, quickly glancing at him before clicking the link.
Your jaw drops when you see a boarding pass in your name. A boarding pass that leads to South Korea. Your heart beats wildly against your chest as the surprise sets in.
“Chan…” you trail off, tears coming to your eyes. “Are you serious?”
He nods his head, a fond smile on his plump lips. “Of course, baby. It's been two years since I've had you in my arms. I have a week of vacation coming up, and now so do you. Come spend it with me,” Chan explains, his thumbs stroking the back of his hands.
You cover your mouth, holding in your sobs. “Of course I'll come spend it with you,” you tell him, tears slipping down your cheeks. “Oh my god. I can't believe this.”
“I can't wait to see you,” he smiles, running a hand through his hair. “I can't wait to kiss you.”
You playfully roll your eyes, recalling all the times he's told you how much he's missed kissing you. “Are you buying me a plane ticket just so you can kiss me?” You ask jokingly.
“You know it's not like that!” Chan groans, tilting his head back. “That's just a perk to being your boyfriend.”
“To kiss my lips?” You ask, poking your lips with your finger.
He winks, nodding his head. “You have really pretty lips, baby,” Chan smugly says, biting his lip.
“You know who also has pretty lips,” you mention, smirking at your computer screen. Chan hums in response, tilting his head. “You, baby.”
“Me!? No way,” he scoffs, bringing a hand to his lips to feel him.
You swear the first thing that you do when you see him is slap him. “Yes, you! Your lips are thick, baby. Nice and plump for me to kiss,” you smooch the air, chuckling afterward.
“You're crazy,” he huffs, shaking his head with a smile.
You rest against your hands again, feeling your heart flutter at the sight of him. “Crazy for you,” you smoothly compliment him.
“God, I should've made your flight date earlier,” he mumbles, his hand rubbing his chin. His eyes meet yours, and both of you stare quietly for a few moments. “I need you with me right now.”
You pout again. “I wish I could be there now, but soon enough, I'll be there,” You do your best to reassure him, making a heart with my hands.
He returns the heart, pouting also. “I'm counting down the days,” Chan whispers loud enough for you to hear.
Your heart is racing in your chest as you step out of the terminal. Your eyes are quickly looking around to find Chan. You stand on your toes, releasing a quiet gasp when you spot him.
“Baby!” You call out, not wanting to gain attention for shouting his name.
Chan hears your voice, quickly turning his head in your direction. The two of you run to each other, avoiding the other travelers around you.
You crash into him, wrapping your arms around his neck. Chan slides his hands across your lower back, pressing you against him. You hide your face in his neck, trying your best not to cry.
“My baby,” he whispers into your ear, rubbing your back gently.
Your fingers run through his hair, pressing light kisses on his neck. “I've missed you so much,” you cry out, gripping onto the hoodie he's wearing.
He pulls back so he can look at you, placing both hands on your cheeks. A few tears run down your cheeks, feeling Chan's thumb wipe them away.
“I've missed you too, baby,” he kisses your forehead.
You leaned on your toes, smashing your lips with his. “I love you,” you mumble into the kiss, petting his fluffy hair.
“I love you,” Chan says, stroking your cheeks.
You hug him tightly again, and the two of you start to sway back and forth. It felt really good to be in his arms again, especially after not seeing each other for two years.
“C'mon, there's a car waiting for us,” he mentions while rubbing your back.
You pull away from each other, and he instantly grabs your hand before leading you towards baggage claim to receive your luggage.
There's a comfortable silence between you both as you walk through the airport. You look at everything around you, trying to spot if you see any words you might recognize from your Korean lessons.
You bite your lip in disappointment, not being able to recognize anything. You rest your head against Chan's arm, squeezing his hand as you take the escalator down to the first floor.
“My Korean lessons aren't helping me,” you pout at him, tilting your head back to look at him.
He giggles while stroking the back of your hand, meeting your gaze. “No? Why do you say that?” He asks, both of you stepping off the escalator. “Whenever we try to converse in Korean, it sounds good!”
“Yeah, but I can't read anything,” you huff out, releasing your own giggle.
Chan leans forward and presses a gentle kiss on the top of your head. “Don't worry, baby, I'll read it for you. You just stand here and look pretty,” he taps your nose before going to grab your suitcase.
“When did you get so smooth?” You ask him, biting your lip again as you go to follow him.
He comes back with your suitcase, a shit-eating grin on his face. “Ever since I laid my eyes on you. I'm just really excited that you're here,” Chan mentions, grabbing a hold of your hand again. “Now, let's go get you something to eat.”
tagging: @strawboorybunny @reddesert-healourblues @spacegirlstuff @moon0fthenight @foxinnie8 @like-a-diamondinthesky @prettymiye0n
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vivwritesfics · 7 months
Set The World On Fire
Chapter Five
Lando Norris had been incredibly angry when they met. Incredibly angry, but sweet enough to help her. Turns out he just needed somebody to talk to, somebody to be there for him.
He was easy to fall for, and that put her in a world of danger
Mafia AU
Series Masterlist
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"I still can't believe he's actually taking me on a date," she said as she searched through her wardrobe for something to wear, her phone pressed to her ear.
Although she couldn't see it, her friend rolled her eyes. "Are you sure he's not gonna murder you and ditch your body in a... ditch?" She asked.
Y/N laughed. "I do know the guy. But, if my body is found in a ditch somewhere, you get all of my stuff," she said and pulled a nice top out of the wardrobe. Paired with some nice jeans, she could look pretty good, she thought as she looked in the mirror, holding the top against her body.
"I've got to go," her friend said. "Keep me updated through the date, okay? If he is a murderer, let me know."
They said their goodbyes and Y/N threw her phone onto her bed. She looked at herself in the mirror again, looked at how the top looked against her. Pretty good, she thought. She made light work of getting changed and started on hair and makeup.
At seven o'clock, Lando arrived at her house. His car was incredibly fancy, maybe to the point of overkill. He pulled the classic Porsche up outside of her apartment and climbed out.
Immediately he regretted it. Her neighbourhood wasn't exactly the nicest, he was so sure that somebody would steal it if they came across it.
Pulling his business card from his pocket, he left it on the dash for everybody to see. Just his name alone would scare anybody out of trying to steal it. He straightened his jacket and started up to her apartment.
Lando had the address memorised. He'd been there more than he liked to admit, watching over her apartment. Surely, if she'd lived somewhere a little nicer, he wouldn't be by her apartment every night, watching over her.
Who was he kidding? Lando was enamoured with her. Plus, him watching over her kept his mind off of his sister and it kept him away the club, where he was drinking far too much and doing whatever was dusted over the table.
He sucked in a breath and knocked on her door.
"Coming!" She shouted. She ran through her apartment as she attempted to put her earrings in. With the back of the earring between her lips, she pulled open the door. "Hey," she grinned, placing the back of the earring where it was supposed to be.
"You ready to go?" Asked Lando as he offered her his arm. She grinned and took his arm. Pulling her apartment door shut, she locked it and followed Lando down to his car.
His incredibly expensive classic Porsche.
She let out a low whistle as she stepped out of the apartment building. "Is that yours?" She asked. She knew Lando had serious money. Like, he owned his own strip club! What kind of guy owned his own strip club? Of course he'd have some crazy car.
Lando just offered her a smile as he pulled the door open for her. The car smelt incredible. It was hard to describe, but there was nothing that could beat the smell of a classic car. That mixed with Lando was amazing.
The engine rumbled to life. It sounded like a dream. She let out a low whistle as Lando pulled away from her apartment building, heading further into the city. "Is she yours?" She asked, patting the dashboard.
"My dad's," Lando answered. "But she'll be mine soon, I guess," he muttered under his breath.
"Are you sure you wanna park her in the city?" Asked Y/N, raising her eyebrows at him. "Something might... happen to her."
Lando shook his head. He pulled into a car park and, once again, left his business card on the dashboard before climbing out. "I'm not worried about that," he said and pushed the door shut.
Walking around to the other side, he opened the door for Y/N, took her hand and helped out of the car. "You're a weird guy," she muttered, but she was still wearing a smile.
"Thanks." He linked his hand with hers and led her away from the car park, towards the restaurant. Lando could have booked it out. He had that level of power around here. But he didn't want to scare her off, especially not before she joined him in Spain.
The dinner was rather uneventful. They talked and laughed like this wasn't a date, like they were just in the back room of his club. Lando ordered for the both of them, which she thought was a little strange, but she didn't mind. He had good taste.
(Actually, no. Lando rarely had good taste. His pallet was that of a child. He was putting on a brave face for this date).
"How about we get out of here?" He asked after they had finished the main course. The dessert was incredibly fancy and Lando wanted something less.
She grabbed her bag and reached for her purse. Lando held up his hand, halting her. "It's already been taken care of," He said with a grin.
The look she gave him with sceptical. "You're not like... a mob boss or something, are you?" She asked quickly.
The way Lando's heart was beating, shit he thought he was going to die. But then she laughed and he visibly relaxed. "I paid on the way in," he confessed (it didn't matter that it wasn't true).
They strode out of the cafe, arm in arm. Lando led the way out of the restaurant, towards a dessert shop. It was just around the corner, one that Lando's family owned the building to. He got them two thick milkshakes, incredibly unhealthy and topped with cream.
They sat in the park, drinking their milkshakes. The stars appeared above them and the air turned cold. "Here," Lando said as he took off his jacket and handed it to her. She took it gratefully and pulled it onto her body.
With the sleeves pulled over her hand, she held her milkshake and leaned against Lando. "You paid for everything tonight and I feel shitty," she mumbled against him.
Lando laughed. "Trust me, it's fine," he said, wrapping his arms around her. "Just... thank you for agreeing to come to Spain with me next week."
Suddenly she pulled away from him, just enough that she could look at him. "Is this a thank you date, because I agreed to join you in Spain? Or is this a real date because you actually like me?" As nice of a gesture as it was, she didn't do thank you dates. Not when she had already caught feelings.
Lando shook his head. "It's not a thank you date, I swear," he said quickly. "I invited you to Spain because I actually like you. This date sounded like a good way to... start things off," he said.
She couldn't hide her grin. Leaning against him once again, she closed her eyes and let out a content sigh. "So, you could say that Spain will be our second date," she mumbled.
Lando kissed the top of her head.
Permanent Taglist: @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @minkyungseokie @formulaal @darleneslane @hiireadstuff @urfavnoirette @goldenharrysworld @andydrysdalerogers @hrts4scarr @llando4norris @evlkking @lilymurphy03
Series Taglist (CLOSED): @millinorrizz @cinnamongirlontv @sainzluvrr @aquangxl @hollie911 @drunkinthemiddleoftheday @queenofmanydreams @somepeoplemaybe @shobaes @thatsusbitch @ibanstro @sobersidedly @ririgy @barcelonaloverf1life @hotbuns13 @dinodumbass @bellezaycafe @maddie-naps @yl90 @itscrzy @dontleaveitsmyfault3 @jule239 @noneofyourfbusinessworld @annispamz @mxmtewnz @thehufflepuffavenger1 @eviethetheatrefreak @lovejunz @nervous-bee @lifelessfan @phantomxoxo @ln4norizz @ladymarvel27
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wolfiesmoon · 7 months
Deal or no deal
Azul x gn!reader
finally writing for my baby boy azul, i can't believe it took this long since i am an azul girlie myself
a very funny silly definitely innocent business man methinks
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"First, tell me what you desire. We can take it from there." Azul smiled slyly, interlocking his hands as he leaned on his elbows.
You were currently located in his private office, about to sign a contract with him. You had to think long and hard about coming to him, but you figured that if anyone can fulfill your wish, it would be Azul. You feel kind of guilty asking him for this in the first place.
You see, you've been in love with Azul for a good amount of time now, but are too afraid to make a move. You beat yourself up for being such a coward every day, and even moreso right now because you're about to ask him if he can make "someone you've had your eye on" fall in love with you. You're not sure what exactly he does to make it happen, but you hope it's doable without much instructions on your end. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Though you still feel like a bit of a villain for doing this at all.
Your guilt and nerves are probably showing in your body language, too. Which you suppose only makes Azul more interested in learning what you desire. You can practically feel the grins on the Leech twin's faces, too. It's like they genuinely like seeing you nervous and scared.
Why are they even here, anyways?
"I want... someone to fall in love with me. Someone who I've had my eye on for a while now." you fidget with your fingers, unable to look Azul in the eye when you say this.
"That's..." he tried his best to hold back from laughing but a snort escaped from his lips anyways. "Forgive the reaction, your wish was just... unexpected."
You suppose he thought your wish would be more sinister because of your body language. Or way more embarrasing. But still...
"Ehhhh, I didn't know Shrimpy was in love..." Floyd's eyes were slightly widened but his creepy grin was still as wide as ever. "It is quite surprising, indeed." Jade added on. By the suspicously calm way they're acting, you have no idea if the twins already know about your little crush and are just acting along or if they're actually surprised.
"Yeah, uhhh, I guess that's it?..." you had no idea what else to tell him. You just hope that this can be over as soon as possible since things are getting really awkward.
"I can certainly do something for you. Tell me, what is their name? They attend this school, I assume." Azul seemed delighted. Probably because that means he'll get free labour from you as a collateral. You don't have any magic to offer him, after all.
"T... their name? Is that required?" You froze up. There's no way you can say that. That would be the worst way for your feelings to get outed, ever. You suppose it makes sense, though. He can't do anything if he doesn't know who you're in love with.
"But of course it is. Don't worry, judgement has no place in business affairs." He smiled reassuringly at you. You felt your face heat up. No, no, nope. You can't do this. Not like this.
"You know what.... Never mind. I can't do it." You abruptly stood up from the cushy office chair, apologising curtly before practically bolting out of his office.
"Oh my god, that was so bad... oh my god..." you mumbled to yourself when you were out of Octavinelle. You just royally embarrased yourself in front of your crush.
Was it obvious?
"What was that about?" Floyd pouted at the direction of the door, which you left slightly ajar in your panic to escape the situation as soon as possible.
"Hmmm... how odd." Jade looked deep in thought about something.
"This is why I tell you to stop coming to my office when I'm trying to make a deal. You scared the poor thing off." Azul shook his head dissaprovingly.
"That wasn't our fault. Shrimpy was acting super weird the whole time anyways." Floyd defended himself and his brother.
"I suppose you're right..." Azul took a deep breath, seemingly... relieved? Not about the fact you ran away, but still relieved for some reason.
Jade made a realisation. "Oh. I see. I see."
He smiled knowingly at Azul, who raised a brow. "What is it? Is there something on my face?"
"No, it's nothing. Don't worry."
Azul gets the feeling that Jade knows something, but doesn't want to tell him.
"If you say so."
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hotch33tos22 · 2 months
Keigo Tamaki “Hawks” x “Villain accomplice” Reader
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You were apart of a villain group,pretty well known around Japan. You were raised as a child, refusing to help them or harm anyone but yet you were considered a villain for being an “accomplice”. It was a world where meeting your soulmate was pretty high. Hawks was undercover trying to find more about the dangerous group of villains posing as one.
His plans went downhill as soon as you and him talked as he posed accidentally revealing his identity, your name appeared on his wrist. He knows you have his on yours. Now, not only do you know his real name, but you know his location. He needed to get you to trust him. He prayed to whatever God that was laughing at him gave him a bit of luck in this. He wanted to save you.
"You have a minute to chat?"
"Um sure..." you told him a bit unease by his intentions,
"but we have to hurry..."
He looked relieved that you agreed to let him talk to you. He nods before opening his mouth to speak, but stopped himself. He glanced around, trying to find a good spot where they could talk privately.
"Follow me," he said and started walking to a different corridor, hoping you'd follow.
You followed in a hurry as you looked around for any suspicion. He walked a few hallways down before he found a secluded room.
"In here," he said as he stepped inside, holding the door open for you to go in as well.
You thanked him and headed in as you looked at him with a confused look,
"what is it you wished to speak about?.."
He quickly closes the door behind him, a bit of nervousness on his face. He sighed and leaned against the wall, crossing his arms across his chest.
"I want to know you more," he said bluntly, not beating around the bush.
You were shocked by his response you've been researching on your own about him, the number 2 hero wanted to know more of you...
"T-that's surprising..." you let out softly but furrowed your brows
"But we can't..."
He pushed himself off the wall, walking closer to you, taking long, purposeful strides. He stared down at you with his golden eyes, clearly interested. You were his soulmate, he wanted to get close to you despite his better judgment.
"Why can't we?" he asked, his voice quiet, almost a whisper.
"T-this isn't right... I've commuted my life here..."
He slowly reached a hand out, his fingers gently grasping your chin so he could tilt your face up. He stared down at you silently, as if studying and examining your facial expressions, hoping that he could find a hint about how you were really feeling.
"You're my soulmate," he said, the words falling from his lips like a statement of fact.
"I-I know but I researched about you and ... any time you could just ruined the life's of those whom are here..." you spoke softly, you also wanted to know more but this wasn't right.
He let out a scoff, his grip gently pulling at your chin as he pulled your face closer toward him. He stared at you, his intense stare searching your eyes for all the answers that you won't say out loud.
"Is that all you think of me?" he asked, a hint of anger in his voice. He couldn't believe that you thought he'd just upend your life for his own satisfaction.
"A-as much as I want to know about you I can't..." you looked at him with pleading eyes trying to make him understand you.
He stared down at you for a few moments, his eyes narrowing slightly as his grip on your chin tightened ever so slightly. He wanted to pull you even closer to him, to force you to give him a better answer, but he restrained himself.
"Then why did the universe pair you with me?" he asked, his voice now a bit more frustrated than before.
"I'm not sure..." you really weren't, this was the worst paring you've seen happen and what was worse was it happened to you.
He watched as your expression became more troubled, clearly conflicted as thoughts run through your mind. He let out another scoff, annoyed that you were being so difficult. His grip on your chin didn't loosen, his fingers still holding your face up towards him.
"Tell me the truth," he said firmly, his voice low and serious. He wanted, no needed, to know the real reason why you were rejecting him.
"I... I can't leave this place... I treasure it... with all my heart..." you sighed as you didn't feel any pain in his grip you knew he didn't have any harmful intentions.
His intense stare searched your face for a few more moments before he let out a sigh of his own. He released his grip on your chin, letting his hand fall to his side. He took a step back, putting a little bit of distance between you two, his eyes still locked on you.
"Then tell me, do you treasure me at all?" he asked, his voice quiet, almost vulnerable. He was trying to keep his cool, but it was clear how much his question was affecting him.
Your eyes widen in shock as you heard his words "do you treasure me at all?", those words remained on your mind entirely.
He watched as your eyes widened at the question, an almost hopeful expression etched across his face. He was desperately trying to read your facial expressions, waiting for the answer to his question. His heart was beating hard in his chest, the anticipation making him almost nervous.
"Yes or no," he prompted quietly, his eyes still locked on you, searching for any sign of how you truly felt about him.
"-I don't know" you eyes narrowed down,
His expression darkened slightly as soon as the words left your mouth. He took a step closer again, his hand reaching out to touch your chin again, tilting your face up to look at him. His eyes filled with a mixture of confusion and disappointment.
"You don't know?" he repeated, his voice a low, almost dangerous tone. "After everything, you still don't know if you treasure me or not?"
You clasped your hands around his softening his gaze
"I-I can't leave..., Do you understand me...?"
He looked down at your hands clasped around his, a soft sigh escaping his lips. He understood your position, hell, it was the same as his, yet he couldn't help but have a small feeling of disappointment. He wanted you to say that you treasured him, despite the circumstances. Despite his better judgment.
"I do," he said quietly, his voice soft and low. He looked at you intently, his eyes trying to convey how he was feeling without words.
"I treasure you... dearly..." you felt the warmth of his hands "b-but I don't know what to do..." you told him as your heart ached could you really leave?, would you feel guilty?..
His expression softened a little bit when you told him that you treasured him. A slight sigh escaped his lips, his eyes still locked on yours. He could see the conflict in your eyes, the internal struggle that you were going through, and he understood it all to well.
"I... I know," he replied quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. He could see how conflicted and distressed you were, and he wanted to do something, anything, to ease your mind.
His thumbs caress the back of your hands gently, his touch soft and warm. His eyes watched you closely, studying your facial expressions, trying to read you.
"Can I ask you a question?" he inquired, his voice low and soft. He wanted to ask you something that had been on his mind since meeting you, but he was a little hesitant to say it out loud.
"Y-yes..?" You responded softly as you felt his touch warm your heart.
He took a slight pause, still gently caressing the back of your hands with his thumbs. He looked down, suddenly seeming unsure and nervous about what he was going to ask you. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before looking back up at you, his eyes locking with yours. He took a deep breath before asking his question:
"If I asked you to run away with me, right now... would you do it?"
"W-what?!.." you screamed but whispered softly trying not to alert the others
"d-do you mean it?.."
He quickly looking around the room to make sure no one had heard it. Once he was sure the coast was clear, he looked back at you and nodded, a serious but gentle expression on his face.
"I mean it," he replied, his voice low and firm. He was dead serious. If you agreed, he would take you and run right then and there.
"I-..." you pause as memories of this place replace, the struggles, pain it cause you but you still couldn’t leave..
His eyes widened at your response, a look of surprise and relief washing over his face.You had said yes.
He hadn't expected you to agree so easily, but he thanked whatever God was in charge of fate for that. He squeezed your hands gently in reassurance as a gentle smile appeared on his lips.
He wanted to say something, to express his gratitude and happiness at your decision, but his words failed him. So instead he just pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around you in a tight embrace. He held you close, his chin resting gently on top of your head. As you welcomed his embrace you felt his heart beat rapidly, you snuggled against him as you felt his hug tighter.
He held you close against his chest, his arms wrapping around you like a protective barrier. He breathed in your scent, memorizing it as if it was the last time he'd get to be so close to you. He gently nuzzled his face against the top of your head, his chin lightly rubbing against your hair. He was trying to calm his rapidly beating heart, but it refused to slow. It was pounding loudly, like a loud drum in his chest, the sound in his ears almost deafening, his wings surrounded you and him.
He gently pulled away from the embrace just enough to look down at you, his arms still wrapped around you. His eyes roamed over your face, taking in every detail as if he was seeing you for the first time. He reached up and gently caressed your cheek, his touch tender and loving.
"I can't believe you're actually coming with me," he breathed out, his voice a mixture of disbelief and relief.
You looked up at you could tell he was happy, releaved...
"Yes..." you whispered softly, His smile grew wider at your response, a warm, gentle expression on his face. He gently cupped your face in his hands, his thumbs tracing over the contour of your cheekbones, almost as if to make sure this was real and not a dream.
He couldn't believe that you had agreed to leave with him, to start a new life together.
It was like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, and for the first time in a long time he felt... hopeful.
He gently pulled you closer to him again, enveloping you in his embrace once more.
He buried his face in your hair, his arms wrapping around you tightly as he held you close against him. He breathed deeply, savoring your scent and warmth as he took a moment to just be in this moment with you. Finally, he pulled away again, his hands still gently holding your face as he looked deeply into your eyes.
"We should probably get going. The longer we stay here, the higher the chance someone will find us," he said quietly, his voice a soft, low whisper.
You nodded in agreement,
He looked down at you as you spoke, a curious expression on his face. His hands were still resting gently on your cheeks, his touch warm and protective. He tilted his head slightly, silently asking you to continue. You leaned into his lips closely as you stopped your self hoping he's continue waiting for a response in his body to move along, He watched as you leaned closer to him, your face closing in on his own.
His heart skipped a beat as he realized what you were about to do, and for a moment he froze. But then, almost instinctively, he leaned in as well, his lips capturing yours in a soft, tender kiss. He pulled you closer to him, his arms wrapping around you like a vice, holding you tightly against him as he deepened the kiss passionately.
"M-mph!!." Your heart fluttered, you loved hawks... after everything he was still willing to be with you, to protect you, and to treasure you.
You deepened his kiss as you your tongue was eager for more, He felt your tongue seeking entrance, and he happily granted it. His own tongue met yours in a dance that was both familiar and thrilling at the same time. His arms tightened around you, pulling you flush against him as he deepened the kiss even more. He relished the feeling of your body pressed against his, the warmth and the intimacy of the moment filling him with a sense of happiness and contentment that he hadn't known in a long time.
You couldn't breath but it didn't matter to you because all you had was him, He was the first to pull away from the kiss, his heart racing and his breathing ragged. He leaned his head down, pressing his forehead against yours as he gasped for air. He was overwhelmed with emotions. Happiness, anticipation, relief, but most of all, love. He loved you more than anything in the world, and now he was finally getting the chance to be with you, without all the complications and obstacles in their way.
He pulled away just enough to look down at you, his eyes roaming over your face again, taking in every detail.
He smiled gently as he saw your tears of joy and the way your eyelashes fluttered and your tongue stuck out as you panted. He gently wiped away the tears from your cheeks, his hand moving to caress your hair as he spoke.
“f-fuck..” he let out a soft grow as his body betrayed to keep calm..
"You're beautiful," he whispered, his voice full of love and tenderness. He leaned down and planted a soft kiss on your forehead, his lips lingering against your skin for a moment before he pulled away again.
"H-hawks..." you panted as you slightly moaned out his name
He swallowed hard as he heard you moan out his name, the sound of it sending a shiver down his spine. He could feel the heat rising in his cheeks, his heart racing in his chest. His body ached to be closer to you, to feel your skin against his once again.
"Yes, my love?" he breathed out, his voice low and gravelly. His lips gently caressed your skin as he moved down to your neck, leaving tiny, soft kisses along the way.
You looked at him eagerly,
"I-just once more k-kiss..." your cheeks fluttered
He smiled at how eager and impatient you were for his touch. He gently took your face in his hands again and looked down at you for a moment, just taking in your flushed cheeks and eager expression. His eyes roamed over your face, savoring the way you looked in this moment.
"You know I can't say no to you," he murmured quietly before leaning in and capturing your lips in another passionate kiss. His lips moved against yours hungrily, his tongue immediately seeking access to your mouth.
As you felt his tongue ask for it to be let it you opened it in a hurry you wanted to feel his touch... as he pulled away he kissed your neck softly hearing your sweet moan as he left marks.
He could feel your eagerness in the way you opened your mouth for him, and it only fueled his own desire. He pulled away from your mouth and moved to your neck, his lips kissing and biting the tender flesh there. He left behind small markings as his mouth moved across your skin, wanting to leave evidence of his touch.
His body ached with need as he listened to the sweet moans and sounds you were making, the sounds music to his ears to hear how much you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
And with that you both made your plan to escape... and love eachother with all eternity.
Everything was set, they had a plan and the only thing left to do was execute it. But for now, they both still clung to each other, savoring the moment before they left.
Hawks held you tightly in his arms, his face buried in the crook of your neck as he breathed you in once more. He couldn't help himself, he never wanted to let go. But he knew that they couldn't stay here much longer, they had to leave.
"Are you sure you're ready?" he whispered into your ear, his voice soft and gentle.
"Yes..." you whispered in his ear softly
He nodded against your neck, his arms tightening around you protectively. He could feel your heart racing in your chest, your breathing still ragged from their passionate kisses earlier. He pulled away slightly, just enough so he could look down at you, a serious expression on his face.
"We'll be fine, I promise. I won't let anything happen to you," he said quietly kissing you once more.
He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. He took your hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"Let's go."
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judgementdaysunshine · 4 months
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Welcome to @romanthereigns and my prompt list! 💜💛
⚠️18+ for smut prompts!⚠️
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☼ "I've never felt this way with anyone before"
☼ “You’re so kinky” “thanks, it’s only when you’re around”
☼ "I got you"
☼ “I need you to be quiet for me, okay? I promise I’ll make you feel so good if you’re real quiet”
☼ "You are the only one that makes me feel these things"
☼ “You feel that? That’s what you’re doing to me”
☼ "Let me show just how much you mean to me"
☼ “If you don’t stop with your attitude, I’ll make you stop”
☼ "I just want to please you"
☼ “I don’t care how long it takes, you’re screaming my name tonight”
☼ "I want you, I need you"
☼ “God, if you keep doing that, I don’t know how much longer I’ll last”
☼ "We’re not just friends, you know that"
☼ “If you keep acting like that, I’ll show you why you shouldn’t”
☼ "Don't close your eyes, baby look at me"
☼ “Fuck sweets, you’re such a good girl/boy”
☼ "If we weren’t in public right now, I’d have my head between your legs"
☼ "Come and sit on my face and I’ll show you how much I missed you"
☼ “Sit back and enjoy the ride”
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❀ “I was never afraid of you, just falling in love”
❀ "I don’t think I can ever love again"
❀ “Did you mean anything you said?”
❀ "I don’t think I could love anyone the way I loved you"
❀ “You could never want me, just look at me”
❀ "Shit, no, that's not what I meant"
❀ “You said you loved me, was it all a lie?”
❀ "I’m tired of being broken"
❀ “I can’t forgive you for this, you do this time and time again and you’ve ran out of chances for redemption”
❀ "Was it something I said?"
❀ “You could walk away right now, you’re not the first and you’re certainly not the last”
❀ "Your opinion of me won't change, right?"
❀ “If she’s injured, I don’t know what to do with myself”
❀ "I know, I know I wasn't enough... I always did"
❀ “Please don’t cry, I didn’t mean what I said” “yes you did, otherwise you wouldn’t have said it”
❀ "If you want to leave, you can"
❀ “All I wanted for you was to not hate me”
❀ "I'm barely holding on"
❀ “You never cared for me”
❀ "I'll remember you though, I remember everyone that leaves"
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✧ "I think I’ve fallen more in love with you being pregnant"
✧ “Our baby has your nose…it’s one of my many favorite things about you”
✧ "You know I support you, whatever choice you end up making I will always be by your side okay?"
✧ “I often wondered who they would look like… they look so much like you. Perfect, not a flaw on them”
✧ "I am so grateful to you for loving me and allowing me to be a part of this family with you"
✧ “I love watching you be a dad, it looks good on you”
✧ "Saying hi to the world I see"
✧ “I can’t believe I passed out” “I told you not to look down”
✧ "We really made this baby together, huh?"
✧ “Wow” “wow what?” “I’m really having a baby with the love of my life”
✧ "I'm going to be a part of this child's life even though it's not mine"
✧ “Are you sure you want this?” “Absolutely, you and our baby are my everything”
✧ "Hi my baby, we love you no matter what and can't wait to meet you"
✧ “I know a baby throws a wrench in all your plans, but I hope this doesn’t change your mind about us” “Darling, nothing can change my mind about us, We’re adding another member to our family”
✧ "This wasn't planned but I wouldn't change it for anything in the world"
✧ “We can’t wait any longer, this baby’s coming now”
✧ "This baby isn't biologically mine but from this moment on, I'm always gonna be the dad they need"
✧ "Hi pretty girl, it's your daddy and I love you so much"
✧ “I’m a whale” “then you’re the most beautiful whale I’ve ever seen”
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♡ “I would love to fall asleep to the sound of your beating heart every night”
♡ "You brought me back to life"
♡ “I guess I’m in love” “I guess I’m in love too”
♡ "I never intend on leaving you, you hear me? never"
♡ “You have a laugh that makes it seem everything is okay”
♡ "Who needs to look at the stars when I can look at you?"
♡ “I can’t stop thinking of you, you’re the one thing that's always on my mind”
♡ "Your eyes are so pretty"
♡ “I love watching the sky, but you’re the prettiest star of them all”
♡ "It's scary how much I need you sometimes, if you're not around, I genuinely believe I start losing it"
♡ “Can I tell you something?” “Sure” *leans into kiss* “I really like you!”
♡ "Thank you for being here for me"
♡ “What’s the one thing you want?” “You”
♡ "You're so warm"
♡ “You’re so cute when you’re flustered”
♡ "I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified"
♡ “You’re my happy place”
♡ "I love having you in my arms"
♡ “You’re the sunshine on a dark day”
♡ "What?" "Nothing, just glad I met you"
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
For the ask game, I feel like #1 and #13 go really well together. Cuddle curse plus drugged/cuddle drunk confession. Maybe with just a dash of #3 Misunderstandings if the recipient thinks it's just the cuddle curse talking.
Perhaps in the flavor of platonic Dead Serious (Danny/Damian)?
Since you specifically said Platonic Dead Serious, I hope you're okay with a Twin AU. Because I've had one on the backburner for almost a year now that's never been written. This wouldn't technically fit that fic, but it's still a trope I adore that I haven't written.
This will be about a month or two after Danny ends up at the manor. No secrets have been revealed yet. The Waynes only know that Danny wasn't safe where he was and came to Bruce for shelter. Danny only knows that they know about the League of Assassins but nothing about their nightlife.
Okay, wow, this got long. It has no right to be as long as it is. Anyway, enjoy the 2.8k of shenanigans I wrote! (It's way less angsty than I expected, tbh.)
Danny walked into the library only to see Damian and freeze.
Damian stared back at him, neither moving a muscle.
Danny was the one to break the silence. "Damian."
"Danyal," was the curt reply.
Danny glared at his twin who ignored it and turned back to what he was working on.
"That's it!" shouted Dick.
Danny jumped. He hadn't seen the man standing off to the side; he'd been too focused on Damian.
"You two have been dancing around each other ever since Danny got here. Now, I don't know what history you have since neither of you will talk about it, but you have to at least be civil to each other. So you're going to have a bonding day tomorrow."
At the same time, Danny said, "No!"
Then the twins were back to glaring at each other.
"He won't even call me by my name," protested Danny. "I hate Daniel and Danyal. I'm Danny."
"You are a Wayne and grandson to the Demon Head. It is beneath you to go by such a ridiculous diminutive."
"Oh yeah, because I want to be reminded of Ra's every time someone talks to me."
Dick physically moved between them. "Enough. This is what I'm talking about. Come on, there has to be something you both enjoy and can do together."
Danny shrugged. "I enjoy lots of things. Just not weapons and fighting because I spent too much time doing that when I was little. Now I just want to be a regular American teen."
"And the interests of 'regular American teens' are banal and insipid. I will not waste my time partaking in them."
Dick looked between them with his eyes narrowed. "You know what, there's a carnival in town right now. You will both be going there tomorrow for the morning. You can compete at the games if you need to compare skills, Damian. And there's junk food and sweets for you, Danny. Then after, I'll take you to the animal shelter to do an extra volunteering shift. That way you spend some time alone together to figure out your differences, you'll be in public the entire time so I don't have to worry about anyone being stabbed, and it caters to both your interests."
"I do believe that is an excellent idea, Master Dick."
Danny jumped again at the unexpected voice of Alfred behind him.
"In fact, I will drive you to the carnival myself. I expect both of you to be downstairs and ready to leave by nine thirty tomorrow morning."
"Yes, Pennyworth," said Damian. But based on his frown, he was not happy with the discussion.
Danny looked between Alfred and Dick, but couldn't think of a way to back out. "Fine."
Not even half an hour after they'd arrived at the carnival, Danny was ready to tear his hair out. And had sent several messages to Dick stating as much.
Damian was sneering at the people, at the food, at the very mud on the ground.
"It's mud, Damian. It won't hurt you."
"It will require me to do more work to clean my shoes before we can enter our home. For no benefit, either. This place is horrendous."
Danny sighed. "Can't you just relax, Dami? You're safe. No one is going to beat you if you let go a little bit."
"No. I can't." Damian moved faster, forcing Danny to half-run to catch up.
"Look, the game booths are up ahead. Let's see if we can't win some prizes. I'm sure Dick would love it if you gave him something you won."
"Everything is cheap and ugly."
"Exactly the sort of things Dick likes!"
"Very well."
With Damian next to him, Danny didn't dare cheat. For his first prize, Damian selected a large, stuffed elephant. Though after he'd received it, he stared at it with no idea what to do next.
"You carry it around with you! We want to have so many prizes between us we can barely walk."
"That seems idiotic."
Danny nudged him. "Look, they're stuffed animals. I'm sure the shelter will take any you don't want to keep."
Damian hummed just like Bruce and made his way to the next booth. Danny won that round and the competition was on.
The next half hour passed much more pleasantly than the first. Until the ground started moving under them. Danny and Damian were two of the few who kept their feet as vines shot up from the soil and wrapped around the rides and huts and trailers.
Poison Ivy rose above them all and began screaming about how this meadow had been home to an endangered flower before the fair destroyed the habitat.
Danny and Damian both moved towards the woman rather than away like everyone else.
But Poison Ivy wasn't done with her monologue. Buds swelled on the vines. "Now, to distract you while I destroy this corporate evil."
"Come on, Damian!" called Danny. A bud burst open into a flower in front of him and Danny tried to duck, but it released a puff of pollen.
Both he and Damian got a face-full. Instantly, Danny could feel a tingling spreading out from his lungs and he reached back to grab Damian's hand.
"Any idea what that was?"
Damian gripped his hand just as tightly and the two continued to fight their way forward, now close enough to bump shoulders.
"Dr. Isley has many pollens with different effects. What symptoms are you experiencing?"
Danny shivered and pulled Damian closer. "Cold which is weird. Cold hasn't bothered me for years now. And I feel itchy. Are you feverish? Your hand feels warm."
Damian moved in closer until their arms were pressed together and Danny felt some of the cold recede. "No, but I know what we have been attacked with. It is a pollen to promote physical closeness."
"Cuddle pollen? Seriously? Sounds like something I would've had to deal with back... Just before. Isn't Gotham known for things like fear toxin or whatever? Cuddle pollen seems out of character."
"Dr. Isley is more concerned with her plants. If she can keep the humans preoccupied and stop them from interfering, she doesn't much care how it's done. And it is hard to fight her when you are desperate to hold onto each other."
Danny slipped on the moving ground and ended up pulling Damian down on top of him.
Oh. He understood now. With Damian pressed up against him more fully, the stuffed elephant squished between them, nothing could have enticed him to let go. He wrapped his arms more securely around Damian.
Danny sighed and dug his fingers into Damian's shirt. "We should call the others. Let them know to stay away for a bit." And then he remembered how much his brother hated him. "Or, I suppose, come sooner."
"What do you mean?"
"I know you don't like having me around. I can't imagine being forced to cuddle me is pleasant for you. If the others get here, you could go to Bruce or Dick."
"I do not like touch regardless of who it is. Dr. Isley's pollen is one of my least favorite toxins to be affected by, though it causes the least amount of damage. But you... are not the worst to be here with."
Danny watched as vines destroyed more and more of the carnival around them. After a while, he said, "High praise from the Demon Heir. Then why do you leave whenever I walk in a room?"
"I killed you. I did not think you would wish me around."
Danny's mouth fell open but it was only a moment before he was laughing so hard he had to stop breathing. He clutched Damian tighter and buried his face in his brother's neck as laughter shook his shoulders. His lungs would be screaming if he were still alive.
Damian tensed in his arms and pulled an arm away from Danny to fumble for something in his pocket. The cold rushed in which allowed Danny to finally draw in some air as he pushed closer to Damian.
"Richard! Yes, we're caught in the attack. Dr. Isley is using her ridiculous pollen. But, I think there might be something else in it, Danny is laughing as if he's been hit by Joker Venom. I feel no such affects as of now and we were dosed at the same time."
"No, no," Danny gasped out. "Not venom. You just— You think I'd be mad over a little murder?" Danny couldn't help but fall back into his laughter.
"You're... not?"
Danny shook his head into Damian's neck. "No, 'course not. What's a little murder between family? 'Sides, you didn't have a choice. I'm dating my second murderer, you know. She didn't have a choice either and the nightmares still keep her up some nights. And if you hadn't killed me that first time, resulting in Talia reviving me with the pits, I never would've survived my second and third deaths. Though... technically due to reasons, the second death never really happened which is why Sam had to kill me the third time. She knew I'd come back."
Dick's voice came through over the phone speaker, clear enough for Danny to hear it with how close he was. "What do you mean you've died three times!"
"I wish to know as well."
Danny shrugged. "Damian killed me when we were eight. I died in an accident at fourteen. That death was undone by a genie a few months later and my girlfriend had to recreate the accident to keep the town from being destroyed. It is what it is."
Dick's voice was horrified. "You can't just 'it is what it is' your own death!"
Danny chuckled. "I grew up in an assassin cult and now I have cool ghost powers. I think I'm more than justified in having a unique view on death. Mine just... doesn't bother me anymore. Though I don't really care for electricity. I can be around it, don't get me wrong, but I don't like it."
"Ghost powers?" asked Damian.
"Yeah. Wanna see? I can get us out of here. Where can you meet us, Dick?"
"Why have you not revealed these powers before now."
Danny shrugged again. "I had to keep them a secret from my adoptive parents because they were ghost hunters. Just got in the habit. Then you were acting so stand-offish I didn't know if you'd want me to open up. But if it was just misplaced guilt? Showing off might help you get over that."
"I have a secret I've been keeping from you as well. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to share it, but I shall once we get home, whatever Father thinks."
Dick broke in then, "Baby Bat, are you sure about this?"
"I am."
"Okay, well then, Alfred and I are about a half mile south of the south parking lot. Are you sure you can get here?"
Danny scoffed. "Easy." He reached over and hung up Damian's phone for him. "Ready for the ride of you life, Dami?"
"You do not know a fraction of what I have done over the last eight years. That is a high bar."
"And you don't know a fraction of what I've done, either. I bet I can cross that bar."
Damian hesitated. "What do you bet?"
That response brought Danny up short and then he was laughing again. "Okay, I like this version of you. I bet my share of dessert for the next three nights."
"I find those terms acceptable."
"Great." Danny moved his head from Damian's neck to look around. Poison Ivy was facing away from them and most of the people around them were similarly cuddled together and keeping their heads down. No one was around to see them.
Danny let invisibility wash over them both before raising into the air. He kept them tangible, however. He didn't think the pollen would've let him turn intangible if he'd tried.
"We are flying."
Danny grinned. "Yep. This is my favorite thing about being dead. Flight. Now, let's go find your other brother." From the air, he could see the batmobile pull up to the scene and Batman, Red Robin, and Signal rushed out. They were wearing modified costumes that covered all skin and came with respirators.
"Looks like the cavalry's here," Danny commented as he flew in the opposite direction.
"Indeed. Let us hurry to Richard and Pennyworth." After a moment, he added, "How does your flight work? It is like I cannot feel the pull of gravity at all."
"That's exactly it. I'm part ghost. That means that I'm part interdimensional being. Which means the physics to either dimension I belong to only affect me when I want them to. So for flight, I just decide that gravity doesn't affect me. I can go intangible and pass through objects as well because static and the repulsion of electrons doesn't have to affect me either, if I don't want it to." He couldn't help but show off with a few loops and barrel rolls.
"Hmm. Intriguing. May I request your assistance with some tasks I've been working on in the near future?"
"Course, brother-mine. Anything."
"How fast can you fly?"
"Fastest we've measured was over two hundred miles per hour, but it's been a while since we've checked. I only fly that fast when I'm intangible, though. Otherwise the air itself hurts. And don't get me started on what it's like to fly into a bug. Gross."
Below them, the jungle that had been the fairgrounds passed away, then the parking lot. Damian asked question after question about Danny's powers.
But Danny had barely started answering before he spotted Alfred and Dick and the car. He covered Damian's mouth with his hand, effectively silencing him.
"Wanna see if we can get one over on both of them?"
"Nothing phases Pennyworth."
"Which is why we have to try!"
"Very well, what do you have in mind?"
And so, Danny flew them down silently and invisibly until they were right in front of both Dick and Alfred.
Serendipitously, Dick was even asking, "How long do you think it'll take them to get here?"
So Danny dropped their invisibility. "About this long!"
Dick screamed and even Alfred's eyes widened slightly.
"I see, Master Danny," he said, "that does appear to be a useful skill."
"Holy sh—" Dick glanced over to Alfred and cut himself off. "How long have you been able to do that?"
"I told you," said Danny. "Since I died when I was fourteen. Been about two years now." He and Damian were still wrapped around each other with the stuffed elephant squished between them. "Damian has something for you, by the way. He won it and not even a rogue attack could make him drop it."
Damian reached between them and pulled out the elephant, shoving it in Dick's direction. "Here."
Dick was staring at them open mouthed but shook himself and took the toy. "Thanks, Baby Bat. I love it."
As soon as his hand was empty, Damian wrapped his arm back around Danny. "Now, let us get home. I despise dealing with this particular pollen of Dr. Isley's and wish to suffer the rest of the duration in private private."
"How long do the effects usually last anyway?" asked Danny.
"A few hours, I'm afraid," said Dick. "Why don't the two of you take the back seat. We'll get you both home as soon as possible."
"Great! Dami and I have a ton to catch up on now that he knows my secret."
"And I must inform you of my own secrets."
Dick opened the door to the back seat and Danny floated them both inside the car so they were lying down on the back seat.
Alfred eyed them, "Will the effects of the pollen allow you both to sit up and buckle in?"
"Nope!" Danny grinned at him. "But I should be able to keep us in place if needed."
"I see. Very well then, I shall trust you Master Danny. But if it turns out you've lied to me, I shall be most displeased."
Dick shook his head and sighed. "Lets just get you both home and wrapped up with something hot to drink and good snacks."
"Richard," said Damian before Dick could shut the door.
"Yeah, Damian?"
"I do believe... Danny and I shall have no trouble getting along going forward."
Dick gave them a blinding smile. "Glad to hear it, Baby Bat."
"If that is all, let us be on our way," said Alfred.
Danny smiled into his brother's neck. "Love you, Dami. I've missed you."
"I am also relieved at the lack of distance between us."
Something inside Danny relaxed at the open acceptance of his brother. Maybe he could build a new home here more long term. Gotham wasn't so bad at the end of the day.
Okay... So not quite drugged confessions, but kinda? They wouldn't have had these conversations if it weren't for the pollen! But I feel like it's more misunderstandings and secrets reveal than anything else. And got way longer than I planned on. Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!
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karamazovposting · 8 months
On Ivan and bipolar disorder (part one)
I've never seen anyone talk about this and it doesn't surprise me considering most people don't really know what bipolar disorder actually is (the stereotypes are all wrong and good representation in media is rare, sigh) and while I'm not saying my interpretation is the only correct one as I'm a firm believer that anyone can see whatever they want in art and that's a beautiful thing, in my opinion there are enough things about Ivan's behaviour and character that make my bipolar Ivan Karamazov agenda worthy of being pushed a little.
This first part will be more of an introduction where I'll just talk, in general, about what I picked up on in the first half of the novel and then in the next parts (I don't know how many there'll be yet, there's a lot of stuff to say) I'll get more specific by going over Ivan's inner world and the more significant events that made me think yeah this young man definitely needs some lithium.
Let's start with this: I know every Dostoevsky character is fucked up in their own way, that's pretty much his thing, but there is a difference between being a little fucked up and being actually mentally ill. There's just something about Ivan that made something in my brain click and go bipolar, which has never really happened before.
Do I think Dostoevsky deliberately chose to make Ivan so bipolar coded? Considering at the time there was barely a name for this disorder (which isn't even the same name we use today), let alone an actual diagnosis, no. But as someone who is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, I think his character makes a lot more sense if we see him as suffering from it. I even talked about this to my therapist who has read the book and he sees my vision too (lmao).
The thing that I'm sure jumps to someone's mind when it comes to Ivan and the topic of mental illness is the psychotic episode he goes through after Fyodor's murder, and while it kind of sustains my thesis on its own already, I thought he was bipolar coded way before that, because in my opinion there are a lot of subtle signs and behaviours that are kind of like little puzzle pieces that need to be put together to get to see the bigger picture, as bipolar disorder is not just the episodes someone goes through but also the impact those episodes have on them. It's a disorder that shapes the person, their brain chemistry and patterns and therefore their life in an irreversible way.
What initially struck me was how angry Ivan actually is. We don't really see it at first solely because we don't really see much of him in general, but I think that after he pushes Maksimov off the carriage without saying a word or explaining himself to his father we open some sort of Pandora's box. After that, almost every time he appears in the first half of the novel, he's angry. At the top of my head I can only think of two instances where he's not: when talking to Katerina before leaving for Moscow, which is also the first time we see him show an emotion other than anger (and it only took him, what? More than 300 pages? Yeah, relatable), and when he's at lunch with Alyosha shortly after. Other than that, he's always angry, and it's so visceral that I couldn't help but think that he feels that particular kind of deep rage only someone with bipolar disorder is capable of feeling (I personally nicknamed bipolar disorder the always fucking angry disorder). The way he's so deeply and irrationally angry that he feels himself shake and has to collect himself in order to not beat up Smerdyakov? The way he can't let it go and engages in conversation with him even though he himself doesn't even know why he's feeling or doing any of that? The way he treats his father? That's undiagnosed/untreated behaviour, I've been there. It may feel weird or even absurd if you're not familiar with this disorder, but there's a reason why the term bipolar rage is a thing: it is indeed on another level. It also seems like the only emotion he's comfortable with showing is anger and that's why it seems to be his only emotional outlet, as he didn't seem that eager to open up in front of Katerina and even when alone with his own brother you can feel some sort of awkwardness coming from him. I'll go into the specifics of that particular interaction with Alyosha in the future, but I think that after that Ivan's, very emotion-centered, character arc officially starts to develop as his relationship with his own feelings finally and slowly starts to change and becomes a tool to get him closer to the other characters. It's obviously not linear and I really like that, it feels very realistic.
Anyway, at first I thought I was just projecting, lots of people have anger issues and showing one symptom of something doesn't mean you have it, diagnostic criterias exist for a reason. The thing is, the more I read the more I noticed that not only Ivan happens to meet a lot of them, but he also shows some behaviors and has some personality traits that can easily be interpreted as bipolar coded (as I said a few paragraphs ago): his complex and peculiar type of loneliness, the emotional outbursts, his own perception of himself compared to how the other characters speak of him, his traumatic childhood, his attitude towards life (and death), the reasons behind his relationship with God and religion, his curated persona, the fact that no one seems to understand him. Not to mention he's described as having experienced depression and anguish multiple times in the past, and in a particular occasion in the novel not even knowing why (this one point in particular is very important as it connects to his attitude towards life and death, which is the most bipolar coded thing about him to me). All things I'll go over with more detail in the future when I'll get to his inner world.
For now I'll say that the main thing about bipolar disorder is that it fucks up one's emotions a lot, causing "inappropriate" or "abnormal" (for a lack of better terms) and exaggerated emotional responses and reactions in the people who have it (which usually manifest as the epic highs and lows the average person has at least heard of, but it can and does get more complicated than that) and I genuinely don't think Ivan reacts normally to anything, ever; the most noticeable thing to me is that his default reaction to anything, no matter what it is, is laughter. We also see him get extremely anxious to the point of being physically unwell and spiral a little after Smerdyakov and Fyodor tell him to go to Cermašnja due to what the former told him, which made me go damn, no one died yet and he's already paranoid?. His emotional regulation is a mess and he's so real (and bipolar) for that.
Another quite important thing about bipolar disorder is that it makes every emotion more intense to the point of confusion and being all over the place, which causes a person with bipolar disorder's emotional responses and reactions to be the way they are. Now, I'm not proclaiming myself as the one and only True Ivan Karamazov Understander, but I do think people tend to focus too much on his façade of coldness and on the darker side of his story, causing them to forget about how actually fun, passionate and almost childish he is at times. Ivan feels, and he feels deeply, and it isn't fair to overlook that just because he rarely shows it. Extreme rationality and collectedness can often also be a way to try to gain control over your symptoms (I'm guilty of that). We get to see some of his less collected emotionality in how dramatic he gets (like a true Karamazov) when reciting poetry in German to Katerina and in The brothers get acquainted, Rebellion and The Grand Inquisitor, as I already mentioned. At this point of the novel, something in particular happens and at this point in the novel I decide that yes, Ivan is bipolar coded.
I think I'll stop here at this sort of "cliffhanger" because this got quite long and I need one post only to elaborate that last paragraph. This isn't as coherent as I hoped it would be and, honestly, I kind of feel stupid, like I read too much into this and am seeing things that aren't there (how familiar, how fitting), but I wanted to share my perspective (and I'm also open to discussion!). Also, I won't lie, Ivan is my favorite character of The Brothers Karamazov and I don't think he's talked about enough, I've even seen people say he's the least interesting one out of the brothers which kind of broke my heart because I personally think he's the most interesting (no shade to the uninteresting Ivan gang of course). I don't know if I feel like that towards him because for the first time ever I got to see myself in a character and it was very important to me, but I don't think it really matters, "meeting" him made me happy and he will always be special to me, even if his story has its fair share of tragedy. Or maybe because of it. I'm planning on making a post about that and his ending in particular, but for now I'll focus on finishing this bipolar Ivan Karamazov essay.
No idea when I'll write the rest though, but I will.
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anna-neko · 3 months
hello and welcome to yet another DnDads live show notes, the Boston edition
Once again, shout-out to all you awesome nerds out there!!! Ms Mothman, at least 2 Trudy's, a delightful group in Teen High shirts... I've been given bracelets, a tiny crocheted heart, smol die (d12) as black as my soul~♡ and most absolutely freakin amazingly someone remembered me frm before!!
--- Glenn dad fact is instead of the "boston left" his beat up tour van does a "Glenn left" ...which is just turning left whenever the fuck u want, slowly edging into that space while just sheepishly gesturing (like sorry! dunno what happened! unidentifiable arm flailing) .. this maneuver works about 93% of the time
--- Darryl dad fact is he loves mowing lawns so much! ....that the only time he got arrested was....for hopping on thr Boston Common lawnmower when the Park Ranger was distracted.... and mowing some of that oldest grass in the country!
--- Henry dad fact was a Massachusetts fact about his favorite "Henry"
--- tonight's adventure involved time-travel
--- they go to Ancient Rome
--- Anthony kept trying to name places, failing (Acropolis?!?! no!) and getting audience yelling at him. Will knew the differnt types of classic columns and threw a quick pun in there
--- Glenn gets moar guns and nowhas a whole $18 in his wallet
--- as a vegan Henry believes the only ethical meat for him to eat...would have been...himself the dads proceed to eat their dead future selves (that appeared inna very beat up Honda Odyssey with Paeden at the wheel) Freddie is the only one failing his roll and getting no bonuses
--- it wasn't really relevant game-wise but the bonuses were: for eating "himself" all of Henry's spell slots are doubled for eating Glenn - Ron can do all of his spells now for eating himself Darryl can do FOUR attacks (aka his own attacks are doubled)
--- Abe Lincoln and JKF make out
--- columns everywhere.... So Many Columns
--- while doing a "macho" walk with a water bottle wagging about as his dick... the bottle cap POPPED OFF and water spilled everywhere yes there's already video online
--- in an unrelated scene, Anthony totalz broke Will... who didn't just facepalm and turn away in his chair... Will stood up and wandered off stage for a sec!!
--- Freddie forgot that there was still one more musical number to go and started doin the "end of East Coast tour" guitar giveaway waaay too early
--- Beth trying to describe the most perfect shoulder ((Freddie cuts in that his most perf shoulder is pork)) ...someone in audience yells an actor name, Anthony yells back for them to stop interrupting a woman being horny
--- Darryl can't chose between which president....someone yells he has two hands... queue Matt agreeing, leaning back confidently with his arms behind his head
-- they killed half of Caesar's crew, Statue of Liberty is now a giant statue of Darryl ((Anthony copies Matt's earlier lean pose to illustrate)), Mt Rushmore is just JFK & Abe making out, The Civil War never happened
--- Ron has a +1 in Religion ...where does it come from? Above, clearly
--- Ron trying (and failing) to get Dionysius to invest in his...Caesar Salad business opportunity (did Beth forget what even goes into a salad?)
but really, lets be honest. We all paid money just for this moment
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permanentswaps · 8 months
Golden Boy
Luca’s Perspective:
Stood outside the stadium in the blazing Marseille sun, Luca Rossi mindlessly scrolled through his phone. At 23, the Italian footballer was the golden boy of l’OM. He had worked since he was a little kid to get to where he was today. Constant practices, weightlifting sessions, and specialty diets, all designed to keep him in peak athletic shape.
All that work finally paid off four years ago when he got his lucky break at OM. Since then, he rose quickly to stardom and became a household name across all of Europe.
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Although the stardom was great, it came a few obligations that Luca wasn't particularly fond of. Recently, an auction offering a fan the chance to spend an afternoon with him had successfully raised 5 million euros for charity. While he wasn't sure about the idea of spending an entire day with a fan, Luca at least appreciated the fact that the proceeds were going to a meaningful cause.
“Salut Luca!” Marc's enthusiastic voice called, prompting Luca to look up.
“Hey … Marc is it? How are you?” Luca replied, still not fluent in French.
“Yup! So cool to meet you Luca, I can't believe I won,” Marc beamed.
Luca smiled back, “The pleasure's all mine. Ready for a tour of the stadium?"
The two strolled inside where Luca showed Marc the warm up facilities and the locker rooms. Marc, in awe, said, "Woauh, its so cool to see all this. I've been following l'OM since I was a little kid, but I've never actually gotten a chance to be back here before."
Exiting the locker rooms, they stepped onto the pitch. A cluster of soccer balls stood in a neat cluster. Marc walked over and tapped a ball with the outside of his foot into the middle of the pitch. Without missing a beat, he swiftly stepped to the ball and smashed it into the back of the net, much to Luca's surprise.
Marc turned back to Luca, "Oh yeah, I play with my mates for fun all the time," he said. "We're definitely not as good as you though, haha."
Eventually, Marc and Luca finished their tour of stadium and then ventured out into the city for the rest of the afternoon. Luca, ever cautious about his celebrity status, threw on sunglasses and a cap to make sure he went unnoticed. Before long, the pair found themselves at a charming little café tucked away from the bustling streets of Marseille.  
At the counter, Marc ordered a pastry and a latte before turning to Luca, "What about you, Luca? What are you in the mood for?" Luca lingered over the delectable pastries behind the glass case. "Anything catching your eye?" Marc prodded gently.
Luca shook his head with a faint smile, "No, I have a strict diet for most of the season," he said. "And even in the off-season, I don't really get to eat like that. I’ll just take an espresso."
Marc, sat down, sipping his latte. "There must be some perks to that, though. I mean, you're in great shape," he said, gesturing towards Luca.
Luca chuckled, "Oh, for sure. It's just that sometimes I wonder what it would be like to not have to worry about training, eat what I want, just hang out with friends."
"Oh, well, surely you get to hang out with friends, right?" March chirped
Luca's gaze shifted, "Well, yeah, but most of my friends are on the team. We never really get all that crazy, and we're always on the road. I feel like I've missed out on the normal experiences for guys our age."
A brief pause hung in the air before Marc, with a hint of hesitation, said, "Well, maybe I have a solution for you. Just promise not to laugh.”
Luca looked at him confused. “What if I told you we could swap lives for a bit?" Marc said.
Luca, eyebrows raised, chuckled incredulously, "Well I'd say you're crazy, Marc."
"Actually, I have a family recipe that we've passed down.” Marc explained “It lets people swap lives for a few months. I'd be happy to swap with you, Luca. It could be cool to play in the big leagues for a bit."
Luca, still skeptical, arched an eyebrow. "Swap lives? Come on, Marc, this isn't some movie plot."
But Marc persisted, and as they left the café and continued their stroll through the winding streets, Marc explained that his family had used the ritual for generations. Apparently it was meant to help the men is his family get to understand one another a bit better.
As the day unfolded, Luca found himself warming up to the crazy idea. Eventually, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Luca and Marc ambled back to Marc's apartment.
"Okay, Luca, the offer still stands." Marc said as he stood by the doorframe. "Its up to you if you want to swap."
Luca, yearning for a taste of ordinary life, agreed with a hesitant nod. The two made their way upstairs to Marc's studio apartment. It wasn't anything fancy, but he had a spectacular view right out onto the marina.
As Luca looked out the window, Marc stirred some herbs into a small glass of tonic. Handing the glass to Luca he explained, "This concoction has the right combination of herbs to facilitate the swap."
"The swap is temporary. You'll automatically switch back in two months …  unless we break the conditions of the ritual," he said.
“And how would we do that” Luca said, looking at him inquisitively.
Marc replied, “Not a chance that this will happen, but if either of us orgasms while having sex with the other one, the ritual will seal us in our new bodies forever.”
Luca hesitated for a moment before looking back at Marc and downing the tonic. Marc explained to him it would take overnight to go into effect. The two eventually bid each other goodnight as Luca ventured back to his apartment.
The next morning, Luca woke up to find a strand of dark hair in his eyes. "That's weird," he thought, "my hair isn't long enough for that."
As he stood up and surveyed his surroundings, the familiar setting of Marc's apartment dawned on him.Glancing at the mirror, he raised a hand to his cheek and muttered in a low voice, "Oh putain, c’est fou." The swap must have left Marc's language skills behind, he thought.
Luca hastily threw on some clothes and rushed downstairs to the neighborhood bakery. "Un pain au chocolat, s’il vous plait," he said to the woman behind the counter. He quickly took the pastry from the woman's hand. Biting into it, he savored the sweet taste of chocolate on his new tongue.
Suddenly, a series of messages from his mates interrupted Luca's chewing. "18h30?" the message read. They were inviting him to join a pick-up football match. Without hesitation, Luca messaged back, "Ça va pour moi." This could be fun, he mused. Just because he was taking a break from training in Marc's body didn't mean he didn't still want to play some football.
Later, on the pitch, Luca found himself amidst a flurry of activity as his mates showcased remarkable skills, racing around and executing swift passes. "Damn, these guys are fantastic," he thought. Marc definitely undersold them.
After the match, the group decided to continue the fun by heading to a local pub for a pint. Luca, still adjusting to Marc's friends, found himself immersed in lively banter and laughter. As the night dragged on, the pub scene transitioned into a bar crawl, with the group exploring different spots around town.
As the clock struck 3 am, the group's collective decision was unanimous – it was time for a late-night kebab. Standing on the street corner, munching on his greasy street food, Luca couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging with these newfound friends. He relished the ordinary yet extraordinary experiences that came with living in Marc's shoes.
As the weeks unfolded, Luca seamlessly embraced the rhythm of Marc's life. The initial hesitation and skepticism melted away, replaced by a genuine appreciation for the ordinary moments he had missed as a football star. Marc's friends, once strangers, evolved into his own circle, and the camaraderie deepened with each passing day.
During a spontaneous guys' trip to Amsterdam for the weekend, Luca found himself immersed in the city's eclectic atmosphere. The winding canals, vibrant street art, and charming cafes provided a stark contrast to the football stadiums and intense training sessions Luca was accustomed to. Encouraged by Marc's friends, he even tried his hand at flirting with some locals they met at a quaint café. The subsequent rejection, initially surprising, became a novel experience for Luca. He chuckled along with the group, realizing that charm didn't work the same way in his new body.
One night, a little over halfway through the swap, Luca found himself in a bustling bar with newfound friends. The ambiance was electric, with enthusiastic cheers and spirited discussions filling the air.
They gathered around a large screen to watch the OM match. Luca, fully integrated into Marc's life, felt a surge of excitement. The pulsating energy of the crowd in the bar mirrored the adrenaline rush he was accustomed to on the pitch.
As he watched, Luca's eyes were fixated on the familiar jersey he once wore. Marc, in Luca's body, showcased skillful dribbling down the pitch, culminating in a spectacular goal. The bar erupted into cheers, the fervor of the fans reverberating through the air.
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In that moment, a subtle pang of regret tugged at Luca's heart. Witnessing his own body, now controlled by Marc, achieving such a feat stirred a complex blend of emotions. However, he swiftly shook off the fleeting sense of longing, choosing to immerse himself in the camaraderie of the cheering crowd. "Allez Luca!!!" he shouted with genuine enthusiasm, seamlessly blending into the chorus of supporters.
Marc’s perspective:
In the weeks following the swap, Marc embraced the rigorous training regimen that kept Luca as OM’s golden boy. The daily workouts, intense training sessions, and carefully curated diet plan became not just a routine but a source of immense satisfaction for him. Each drop of sweat, each ache in his muscles felt like a tangible achievement.
There were moments, after grueling training sessions, when Marc would find himself in front of the mirror, flexing his muscles with pride. The sculpted physique, a testament to his hard work, brought him a unique sense of fulfillment. Unlike his usual routine, Marc relished the physicality of Luca's training, finding joy in the tangible results reflected in the mirror.
The attention that came with Luca's stardom was an entirely different experience for Marc. Autograph signings, fan interactions, and photo requests became a daily occurrence. Marc found a thrill in connecting with fans and relished the adoration he received. Unlike the real Luca, who sometimes felt burdened by the spotlight, Marc reveled in the attention and recognition that came with being a football sensation.
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As Luca lingered around the bar in Marseille watching the post-match recaps, Marc was striding off the pitch in Paris. Having secured the decisive goal, Marc found himself engulfed by the jubilation of teammates in the locker room. The atmosphere crackled with elation and camaraderie. Within the joyous celebration, Marc’s eyes locked onto his those of his teammate Andrei'.
"That goal was a game-changer, my friend," Andrei said walking up to him.
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Sly eye contact evolved into a silent understanding. Marc said leaning in, “Well you know, sometimes, the best moves happen off the pitch."
As the chaos continued around them, Marc and Andrei discreetly lingered, finding themselves drawn toward the privacy of the showers. Andrei, in a low voice said, "Ready for a different kind of victory celebration?"
The two men stood face to face, before quickly embracing into a deep and passionate, kiss. They hastily peeled off one another’s kits, before turning on the showers and tracing their hands across each other’s sweaty muscles.
Andrei slowly moved behind Marc, wrapping his hands around his waist and gently kissing his shoulder. Marc, lost in the euphoria of Andrei’s touch felt himself start to get hard. Andrei smirked, slowly getting onto his knees and taking Marc’s entire 14 cm member into his mouth without breaking his gaze. It wasn’t long before Marc shot his massive load, with Andrei greedily sipping every last drop.
“Keep playing like you played tonight,” he joked “and there’s more where that came from.”
Seven weeks had passed by since the swap, and the novelty of living each other's lives had settled into a comfortable routine for both Luca and Marc. One evening, amidst the bustling city of Marseille, Marc's suggestion popped up on Luca's phone screen.
"How about drinks this week before we swap back?" Marc's text read.
Luca, excited to see his former self, confrimed. They settled on a cozy bar nestled in the heart of Marseille—a dimly lit haven where the hum of conversation blended with the clinking of glasses.
As they sat across from each other, a subtle tension lingered in the air, a mix of familiarity and the impending return to their respective lives. Marc, sipping on his drink, couldn't help but express his excitement, "You know, Luca, playing in the big leagues—it's something else. The energy, the crowds—it's like living a dream every time you step onto that pitch."
Leaning back, Luca smiled, "It sure is. But I think that playing with your mates might be just as intense. I’m not kidding when I say some of them probably could have gone on to the pros too.” He continued, “But I have to admit, while I like playing with your friends, I actually miss the intensity of the training and the team.”
As the night progressed, Marc, effortlessly charming, steered the conversation away from football. In a subtle shift of energy, Marc's tone became more suggestive, his eyes locking onto Luca's.
"There's something I want to explore before we switch back,” he said, biting his lip as he looked his old body up and down.
Luca knew exactly what Marc wanted. And with Marc’s newfound charismatic finesse, Luca could not resist. Eventually, the night led them back to Marc's apartment, where the air was charged with a palpable tension.
Amidst the intimate setting, Marc whispered, "I still want to swap back, but I need to know what it's like to have sex with my body."
As Marc's old body gently pressed him onto the familiar bedframe. A series of kisses followed, creating a warm sensation throughout his borrowed skin.
Meanwhile, Marc looked down at his old body with a grin. He spit into his hand before slowly sticking his finger into his old hole. Once Luca was relaxed, Marc ever so gently lined himself up and began thrusting. The strokes started out long and gentle, his strong hand firmly massaging Luca’s torso.
Marc grunts softly, “Oh yeah, how does that feel baby.”
Luca looks back up at him, helpless. “Ohhh it feels good,” he grimaces. “Just be careful, let me know when you’re getting close.”
Marc flips Luca over, positioning himself underneath his former body. Luca, now riding on top, makes eye contact with Marc, who moves to slowly tease and stroke his cock. Luca then leans down to kiss his former body.
As they embrace, Marc feels a familiar pressure build in his groin. In a split second, he thinks back over the past few weeks, the training, the fame, … the night with Andrei in Paris. As he snaps back to reality and looks back down at his muscular body, he knows his decision is made. Marc moves his hand up from Luca’s cock and slowly wraps his arms around Luca’s back. He quickly picks up the pace and holds his body down lightly as he shoots loads of cum deep into his former hole. The sensation is too much for Luca, who quickly, cums all over his former chest.
As the two come down from the glow of their orgasm, Marc smirks and says to a stunned and sad Luca, “guess I’m the golden boy now.”
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 7 months
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Not proofread.
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(Why is he making that face?)
(Did I say something hurtful?)
Mitsuki: "I'm sorry. I spoke out of turn without knowing anything."
Maury: "It's fine."
He cut me off with those words and straightened my blouse.
Maury: "I've cleaned up the scrape on your arm. The bleeding stopped, but you have a bruise, so go to the hospital to make sure."
Mitsuki: "Thank you."
(What was that expression earlier?)
(I'm curious, but bringing it up again would be wrong.)
Unable to say anything more, I just bowed and raised my head.
At that moment, I saw several men clad in long cloaks, carrying swords at their waists.
(Are they soldiers?)
(But I feel like I've seen them somewhere.)
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Maury: "Those are..."
I looked to my side and noticed he was also gazing at them, surprised.
Sebastian: "Mitsuki! There you are."
I turned towards the voice and saw Sebastian coming from across the street.
Maury: "Well then, I'll take my leave."
Mitsuki: "Professor Maury, thank you very much for treating me!"
I thanked him again as he turned on his heel, but he didn't look back and just left with Sidereus at his side.
Sebastian: "I've been looking for you! You were taking so long to arrive at our meeting spot."
Mitsuki: "Sorry. I got injured, but don't worry, someone helped me."
I apologized to Sebastian, who had just arrived, and glanced in the direction Professor Maury had left.
Although his figure was no longer visible一
Maury: "Humans are truly foolish."
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
Maury: "They harm and persecute the weak, and that foolishness remains unchanged throughout time."
---------Flashback Ends--------
(He's a bit intimidating, but maybe he's not a bad person after all.)
I gazed at the scenery without him, and the handkerchief wrapped around my leg fluttered in the wind.
That night, the news came suddenly.
Mitsuki: "Vampire hunters?"
Vlad: "Yes. They appeared in Paris."
Vlad's voice was unusually stern as he announced this in a room where all the mansion's residents and even Shakespeare had been gathered together.
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Charles: "Did anybody see those guys in cloaks with swords roaming the streets recently?"
Jean: "I did, but aren't they just mercenaries?"
Faust: "At first glance, you might think so. But according to Lord Vlad, those men are vampire hunters."
In the midst of everyone getting confused, I suddenly realized something.
(Right. Those people I saw today were dressed like the hunters in my dreams.)
(Can such a coincidence really happen?)
“Some say that when coincidences pile up, they become inevitable, even turning into destiny.”
I remember the words Maury told me some time ago.
As I pondered this familiar feeling and the connection between dreams and reality, Vlad continued speaking.
Vlad: "They are, as their name suggests, hunters of vampires. They are our enemies."
Vlad: "Although they don't appear on the stage of history, they have existed since ancient times."
Vlad: "Their purpose is to hunt vampires, much like how my entire family was massacred."
Vlad: "For them, vampires are inherently evil beings that must be eradicated."
(I can't believe those guys are in this town now.)
Comte: "But despite being hunters, they are ordinary humans."
Comte: "Unlike purebloods, they cannot sense the presence of vampires."
Shakespeare: "So, unless they witness us drinking blood, the likelihood of us being caught is low."
Vlad: "It's not that simple."
Vlad interrupted Shakespeare's unsettling words.
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Leonardo: "Dhampirs, huh?"
Leonardo's murmuring made my heart skip a beat.
Mitsuki: "Hold on. What does a Dhampir have to do with this?"
Leonardo: "Dhampirs are half-bloods. They can sense the presence of vampires."
Leonardo: "Some are said to use that power to become vampire hunters, but dhampirs are rare and have shorter lifespans."
(He's right. The "me" in the dream as a Dhampir often had a frail body.)
Mitsuki: "If Dhampirs have vampire blood, then they can be targeted as well."
Mitsuki: "So, why would they choose to become hunters?"
Vlad: "Mitsuki. Humans hunt Dhampirs because they are half-vampires."
Vlad: "And because they are half-human, they are also despised by some purebloods."
Vlad: "They are often persecuted by both sides."
Comte: "Perhaps their ability to sense vampires was exploited by humans, or they became hunters themselves to take revenge against persecution."
Comte: "It wouldn't be surprising if such individuals existed."
Leonardo: "Our identities will be exposed if there's even one Dhampir among the hunters."
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Leonardo: "We can only hope they're not among them."
Listening to their conversation, I felt a wrenching sensation in my chest.
(In my dreams, "I" was always being chased. I wonder if something like that could have really happened.)
I don't know if the dreams were real or not, but the fact that I was persecuted by both humans and vampires suggests that I was in the same situation.
Comte: "But why are the vampire hunters in Paris?"
Arthur: "I heard a little something at the tavern."
As Comte frowned, Arthur, who had been silent, spoke up.
Arthur: "Recently, some of the deceased residents in the slums had small wounds on their necks."
Arthur: "These wounds were peculiar. They were like bite marks."
(Bite marks?)
Arthur: "Rumors are spreading in the slums that vampires have drained their blood."
Theo: "That's just a rumor, though."
Theo: "But if that's true, it's possible that the hunters have come to pursue the vampire responsible for the incidents."
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Arthur: "The timing couldn't be more perfect."
Comte: "I see. But even if their target isn't us, it's still dangerous."
Comte: "I don't want to lose any of you, so please, everyone, be careful."
Comte: "I never wanted to be involved in a conflict with humans, after all."
Comte's words carry a heartfelt desire for coexistence with humans, something he has longed for throughout eternity.
(I don't want anyone to be in danger.)
Recalling the stories I've heard and the mistreatment suffered by "me" as a dhampir in the dream, I suddenly felt dizzy.
Charles: "Mitsuki, you look pale. Are you okay?"
Mitsuki: "Yeah. I'm just tired from all the stories I've heard."
Faust: "If you're feeling unwell, you should lie down."
Expressing gratitude to everyone for their concern, I leaned back against the sofa, feeling somewhat relieved as my breathing eased.
Then, Charles noticed the bandage wrapped around my leg and tilted his head.
Charles: "Huh? Mitsuki, did you hurt your leg?"
Mitsuki: "Yeah. Actually, today..."
When I told him that a puppy was being bullied in town and that I had unintentionally intervened and hurt myself, Charles's eyes shook with sadness.
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Charles: "Bullying the weak is truly saddening."
Faust: "The weak are often the first to be preyed upon. It's the injustice of this world."
Vlad: "It's not just the weak. Humans fear what's different from them."
Vlad: "I wonder why persecution and strife never go away."
When our eyes met, Vlad smiled slightly.
The Draculesti clan, Vlad's family, was believed to be special. Despite promoting coexistence with humans, fear persisted, resulting in the massacre of the family by vampire hunters, leaving young Vlad as the lone survivor.
(Despite this past, Vlad remained fond of humans and this world.)
Because of that love, he harbored ambitions of "managing human thoughts and protecting the world."
(I don't think controlling was the right way to go about it, but...)
(Vlad genuinely wanted to create a world where humans didn't make mistakes.)
The mistakes people commit, the persecution, discrimination, and conflicts—through them, hatred and sorrow continue to chain the world. Breaking the chain is incredibly difficult, perhaps impossible for anyone, but...
(I want to believe everyone has a heart capable of loving and cherishing others.)
(So I will keep hoping that one day there will be no more persecuted people like the Dhampirs, and professions like vampire hunters will cease to exist.)
Thinking about this world and the dangers that loom close at hand, I suddenly realized something.
(Huh? Come to think of it, when I saw the hunters in the city, Professor Maury also seemed surprised.)
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At that time, in a certain place on the outskirts of the city, two men were talking.
Galileo: "I saw some vampire hunters in the city."
Drake: "Yeah, I saw them too."
Drake: "The hunter and its prey, huh? Their appearance might be a sign that something's about to happen."
Smiling, Drake casually ran his fingers over the handle of the knife at his waist.
Galileo: "As long as different species exist in this world, there will be conflict."
Galileo: "Coexistence is not possible. Either one disappears, or both disappear. Otherwise, the chain of hatred will never stop."
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Drake: "Yeah, that's true."
Drake: "So, Galileo, are you close to finding the 'treasure' you're looking for?"
When Drake asked, Galileo stood up from the sofa.
Galileo: "It will take more time, but I will find it."
Galileo: "To end everything."
With a quiet determination lingering in the air, he disappeared into the depths of the room.
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The next day, Comte asked me to organize the old letters and books in his room.
As he wrote a reply to a newly arrived letter, he turned to face me.
Comte: "Sorry for asking you to clean up, Mitsuki."
Comte: "You're still injured, so don't push yourself too hard."
Mitsuki: "Thank you, but I really don't mind doing some chores."
Mitsuki: "Besides, doing this kind of thing makes me feel at ease."
Comte: "I see."
(Maybe it's because I heard about the vampire hunters last night, but every moment of my life seems even more precious to me now.)
As I was thinking about this, I accidentally knocked over a pile of books.
Comte: "Mitsuki, are you hurt?"
Mitsuki: "I'm fine. I'm sorry; some of the books might have gotten damaged."
As I bent down to pick up the fallen books, my eyes happened to land on an open page.
Mitsuki: "This flower..."
There, depicted on the page, was the white flower I had seen in Professor Maury's garden.
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Comte: "Hm? Are you interested in this?"
Comte: "Come to think of it, I haven't told you about it. This flower is used to make Blanc."
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