#can't believe he has to leave his Norwegian boyfriend again :(
ironwingedhawk · 1 year
Goodbye Jobbe.
At least it's not fucking Leipzig.
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Blood & Roses or Strawberry Milk
Quick Tag List: @kuruumiya @spacelizardtrashboys @enigmaticandunstable @nattinngrst @amyofaquitaine
This passage contains potentially: swearing, blood, whump and fluff content and violence.
Summary: A continuation of the previous chapter but more specifically, within this chapter Kirby and Roddy get to know each other better before splitting up for a while.
Kirby's POV:
Roddy stopped, realising what he had just said, "Sorry, I got overexcited."
"It's okay, just don't get a stiffie, alright?"
Roddy laughed, "Alright. I should get going, … unless you want to get breakfast together."
"Sure, you need a new shirt, unless you're planning on spending today in just the kilt."
"Maybe I will."
"Roddy, don't."
He shoots me a reassuring glance, "I think, my hotel room is the floor above."
"You're telling me this now?"
"let me check if I still have the key," He opened the pouch of the sporran and got the key out, "Room, one-hundred and fifteen."
"I believe that's actually down the hall."
Roddy left for a couple minutes, coming back wearing a black t-shirt covered by a blue plaid shirt and a pair of jeans.
"Oh wow, I almost forgot you were Scottish for a second, Piper."
"Ha, so very, very funny, Kirby. That reminds me of something."
"Where does your name come from?"
"Old Norse, originally it meant 'Church Settlement'. However, my parents named me after the artist Jack Kirby, I think."
"Norse, as in, Vikings?"
"Norse as in I'm a quarter Norwegian."
"So, you're Scottish, Norwegian, anything else I should know about you?"
"I'm also Welsh and Irish. I grew up in Cardiff and my mother grew up on the Isle of Skye."
"Where exactly on the Isle of Skye?"
"Uig, I believe, near Kilt Rock."
"Wait, Kilt Rock?"
"Yes Roddy, There is a place called Kilt Rock."
"Well then," He adjusted his collar slightly, "Shall we." He tries to sound as suave as possible.
"Nice try, Romeo, it's not going to make me like you any more."
I grabbed my old leather jacket from within my suitcase and we started walking and, eventually, reached a small diner, we settled into a corner booth and I started scanning the menu for something to please my appetite, my wallet secure in my jacket pocket, I slid my mask into the opposite pocket, it stuck out slightly but wasn't noticeable.
"Good morning. My name is Debbie, I'll be your server today. What can I get for you two lovebirds?"
"I'll have," Roddy began, clearly either avoiding correcting the young waitress or not caring to correct her, "the 'Power Breakfast' with toast and a regular latte."
"And the lady?" she looked over from Piper to myself, before doing a double and take fully taking me in.
"I will have, the 'Tropical Waffle' with a side of 'Canadian Bacon' and a strawberry milkshake, please Debbie."
"Y-yes, Miss. So, that's the Power Breakfast and toast with a latte for the gentleman and the Tropical Waffle with a side of Canadian Bacon and a strawberry milkshake for the lady?"
"Yes." We said in unison, watching the waitress walk away.
"What?" He scoffed
"Oh I don't know, perhaps you should have clarified that we," I gestured to him and then myself, "Are not 'lovebirds'?"
"Oh come on, you know if I let her know that she would've pried into our lives, y'know."
"Really now, Piper?"
"Yes, and stop calling me Piper, it's too formal, we know each other better than that, it's Roddy, or Rod, not Piper from now on, alright?"
"Alright. Roddy."
When the food arrived the waitress seemed to want to get the food to us and get out quickly.
"How's the leg?" I inquired before shoving a forkful of strawberry and waffle into my mouth.
"It hurts a little, but I've been through worse."
"Like bottling yourself." I mumbled through the mouthful of sugary bliss.
"Exactly." Roddy said through a mouthful of toast and turkey breast.
"You really should stop doing that." I warned him.
"Why, you care about me getting brain damage or somethin'?"
"No, I just, I can't stand the idea of you getting hurt, not after last night." I tried to keep my concerned tone to a minimum.
Roddy reached out to grab my hand and ran his thumb over my knuckles, "I'm okay. you made sure of that."
I know I should listen to him but I shrugged him off and went back to my meal, finishing it all as Roddy was around 3/4 done with his meal. Sipping my drink and gazing at Rod's beaten up face, focusing on his hairline still tinted a dark red with blood.
"You alright Kirby?"
I looked away quickly, "You're hair, it's …"
"Brown, I know. It's boring, why?" Sarcasm rang clear in his tone.
"No, Roddy, you're hair is tinted red, from the blood."
"Still, I thought I washed all the blood out." He was clearly joking but it stung me slightly and I don't know why.
"Y'know Kirby, Schultz was right about you."
"Really, how?"
"You're a fighter, a real tough guy, uh, gal, but you're nice, sweet even. You care about people, regardless of who they are."
"You were bleeding to death in a hotel corridor, right outside my room. I heard you get thrown against a wall. Would you rather I let you die?"
"I'd rather you'd left me and ran after the asshole who hurt me."
"It would have resulted in your death, Roddy. I couldn't let you die."
"Why not?"
"Because … because. I don't know okay. I chose to save you and that's that, alright."
"Alright, we should pay and get outta here."
"Already ahead of you." I pulled out my wallet and placed $35 on the table, calling the waitress over with my hand.
We paid and left, with me swiftly placing my mask back over my face. I caught Roddy staring at my face out of the corner of my eye.
I hummed in response.
"Why do you wear a mask, you're not hideous."
"I think every wrestling commentator I've ever met would disagree with you."
"what d'ya mean?"
"They call me 'The Ogress', Roddy. They call me a female Ogre."
"Then, they're wrong, you're not a hideous beast."
"Just because I saved you, doesn't mean I'm like that to everyone."
"How bad could you be? Sure you've made some dumb decisions in the past but the past's the past."
"Yeah, last night is also 'the past' Roddy."
"Look, all I'm trying to say, is, well, thank you and, don't listen to people, half the time they don't know what their words mean to the people they're saying them to."
"So, we are we headed, Roddy?"
"I don't know, maybe back to the hotel."
The rest of the walk back to my hotel room was silent, until we were inside the hotel room.
"So, who's better at conversation, me or André?"
"Well, Drey's got a natural charm to him, he's kind and knows the troubles that someone with gigantism goes through."
"Wait a second, 'Drey'?"
"Yeah, Drey, Why?"
"That's a pretty unique pet name. What is he, your boyfriend?"
"No, no, just an extremely close friend."
"Close, as in?"
"Close as in, we are just pals, you sound awfully jealous Roddy."
"Me, jealous. Ha! never."
"Never, really?"
I was trying to rile him up, and by the way he shifted his weight from one leg to the other before quickly shifting back, I could tell it was working.
"I'm not jealous, alright. It's just been a really long time since I've had a female friend as, nice, as you."
"Rod, come here a second," I got closer to him, to check the graze on his forehead, gently moving his hair away from his temple to get a better look, "Hold on, don't … don't move."
He held still and let me check the wound, it was healing, slowly but definitely healing. I changed my focus to the cut on his eyebrow on the other side of his face, gently placing my thumb next to the cut to hold his head still.
"Hey what are ya- Ah!" Roddy pulled away.
"Come back here."
"At least buy me dinner first." His tone once again became jovial.
"Roddy." I glared into his eyes.
He glared right back, as if to show how quickly he could switch his moods and making my breathing catch in my throat for a second.
"I think I need a moment" I whispered, turning to head to the bathroom before Rod grabbed me by the arm.
"I'm sorry," His voice soft and caring, "I didn't mean to scare ya."
This was new, a much softer and mellow version of Roddy.
"You didn't scare me that much, Roddy."
I continued to the bathroom and closed the door, undressing and getting ready to shower. I had been in the shower for only a few minutes when I heard the door to the room open and close suddenly, stepping out of the bathroom I realised that Roddy had left, leaving a note on the same page of the sketchbook that I had left a prior note to him.
"Thought I should get some rest in my own room. Thanks again. Roddy." I murmured as I read.
I hope he gets some proper rest, and heals quickly but I can't help but feel lonely without him here. God what am I saying, I don't like Roddy that much. Almost as if I love him, I don't for the record, I'm still not fully over Erik. God, I miss Erik. His kind smile, his flaming ginger hair, his goatee and the way any shirt would hug his muscles if he worked up a sweat. An extremely handsome man with the balls, or guts, to wear a kilt and not care what people thought about him because of it. There's no way I could give him up if the opportunity were to present itself ever again. I looked at the digital clock next to the phone and, realising how late it was decided to strip down to my underwear and get some rest.
I woke up to rapid knocking on my door and the door handle being jostled around from the outside. I hurried to get dressed and opened the door, my hair flowing over my right shoulder in loose waves. I swung the door open to Roddy, with a worried look on his face.
"God, what time do you call this?"
"I don't care what you're gonna say next, listen to me."
"Roddy," I looked over at the clock, "It's four in the morning."
"I know, but I could nae get ya off my mind." He stepped in, obviously stressed and closed the door behind him, "Listen ta me, just listen ta me."
"I'm listening Roddy" I huffed as I sat on the edge of the bed.
"How about you and me go out on a date, no one needs to know. Just you, me, perhaps a diner like yesterday, or a coffee shop?"
"Roddy, I fly back to Cardiff tomorrow, I haven't got time to have both a social life and a career involving another Scotsman, alright. I," I paused, "I'm still not over the last time I had my heart broken."
Rod dropped to his healthy knee, placing a hand on my cheek and looking me in the eyes, "I won't break you're heart, I promise, even if it takes a while for us to be near each other every single day. I won't give up on you. I swear on God above."
"Roddy, I … I guess it's worth a shot, I still have to fly back to-"
Rod cut me off by pressing his lips to mine, my eyes widened before I relaxed into the kiss, slipping one hand under his chin and the other around his back as he slipped his arms around my waist to lift me up to my feet, Rod having to lean up slightly as I leaned down into the kiss.
For the first time, in a long time, I felt at peace with the universe, the same feeling I had felt whilst visiting my aunt on the Isle of Skye.
Rod pulled away, breathing heavily, "I've wanted to do that ever since our first sparring session," He breathed a deep sigh, "Ever since I saw your face without that mask on," he took another breath, "It's funny what almost dying will do to you."
"Shut up, Roddy, just shut up." I pressed my forehead against his.
Then I woke up.
I woke up on the morning of January the eleventh, to silence, I looked at the clock, 5: 50, no signs of Roddy, I felt sick, like I had pushed my own boundaries too far. I rushed to get into the shower and clean myself of that dream, fantasy, whatever you want to call it.
I cleaned up the hotel room, got dressed and got to packing my things into my suitcase and duffel bag, before walking to the hotel lobby, leaving this hotel for hopefully the last time and heading to my truck. My dad had bought me a 1974 Dodge D200 when I was twenty.
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A trustworthy vehicle and and a truck I could, albeit with a slight amount of discomfort. I packed the truck and planned on heading out to the next place, Queens, New York.
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