#can you believe this show isn't listed as a comedy bc i can't
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Hiya! š You're now a writer for the show. What three episode storylines are you gonna write? (In other words, what are you gonna make the boys do?)
ohm y god i literally have so many episode ideas but i'll try not to repeat any of the ones i've made posts about (except my first bullet bc im so passionate about it) so i'll give you my big list. most if not all will likely be something i DO end up writing about in my own story because ehehe i love making them do things
ones i think i've mentioned before:
a returning to minnesota chapter!! not for anything but nostalgia, getting to see the guy's favorite places, seeing their friends and families, bringing them back to realize how far they'd come. not so shy spon for my fic but i wrote a chapter like this last month and it's probably one of my favorite things i've written to date. it let me explore some of the boys' past, family dynamics, a little bit about Katie and agh i can't believe btr didn't capitalize on that at least once. ik its expensive to fund sets and hire new actors but idk i imagine it like an hour special where they could afford to shell out a bit more. idc when it happens, could be after they sign their record contract or the last episode or whatever :)
sketch comedy episode, something akin to saturday night live or so random
graduation! like you and i talked about lol i think it would be sweet
get me in the writers room stat:
originally i'd planned a "home alone lost in new york" like chapter for my story around thanksgiving where the boys are going to perform at the parade in town but they end up having their own adventure around the city beforehand. boyish antics, screaming gustavo, beautiful scenes, the works. i was just in too much of a slump to actually put it to paper :)
more tour-focused chapters (again, spon for my own fic lol) the episode in Canada was cute and the one on the bus was fun but idk there's just so many elements toward touring that i think they could've capitalized on; homesickness (for CA or MN), hardship of a go go go schedule, or fun things like being able to travel with your best friends and not ending up on the world's most wanted list lol. i know they tried really hard with this one so i don't blame them too much but my vision is just different and that's okay!
crossovers! while i'm so very happy dan schnider didn't have either of his disgusting hands in big time rush, i do remember watching the icarly/victorious crossover for the first time and wishing big time rush were there. it takes place in LA! the victorious kids are singers! carly, sam, and Freddie are pop culture experts! it would've worked really well :) so i'm writing that as a chapter for my fic LMAO
generally either an episode focusing in on or more scenes including james and lucy since the writers wanted them to be together so bad. inherently there's nothing wrong with them being together, but i do not think the relationship was given enough time to develop. give me lucy discovering her feelings for him, give me james not being creepy and obsessive about her; something more needed to be done on both of their parts to make me believe in it
additionally on that note more with jo/kendall and logan/camille; i love them both but they also had little development, just more than james/lucy. maybe they give carlos a gf (not alexa IMO, sorry. that got into weird territory for me idk why they made him be with a "real" person when he isn't other than they were already together irl) earlier and they can all have like conversations about their gfs and how much they love being together idk
and another generally, there were many songs btr put out that i love so much and feel like deserved their own episodes for hehe. i know not all of them have storylines easily transposed but i think they used confetti falling like four different times in the last season when any other love song from their third album could have been placed instead
and also another generally, and i know the early 2000s would've never allowed this for children's television but they should have and i'm the writer now!!!, but more representation all around. maybe some episodes about cultural heritage that didn't make stereotypes the main focus, canon LGBTQIA+ characters, holidays that aren't christmas, aspects like that where all kids can see themselves represented... LA is such a huge melting pot, it's not all white kids trying to make their dreams come true!
good god that was long SORRY AKJBSKJGBAB i have a lot to say and there's a lot im trying to incorporate into my story to add in what i think enhances the already present storyline. that's what's so beautiful about fandom, i love that we can have conversations like this :)
but what about you? anything you'd like to add in? i'd love to know <3 thank you for the question!
ask me a question! save my life!
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Share your headcanons about each of the Winx couples if you have some! One per couple, for example.
*vibrates out of my seat* Ok, soā
Helia will own a sweater for exactly two minutes before Flora decides it's hers now, she likes how cozy they are, Helia just accepts that all of his sweaters are now co-owned
Flora knew what kind of brush Helia was using because Flora is an artist too. Helia mostly does impressionistic art, but Flora being a biology and chemistry nerd only does hyper detailed technical drawings. Helia asks to see her sketch book and it's half chemical diagrams and half super intense botanical illustrations, he's super impressed
Flora definitely braids Helia's hair...it looks so silky...she's obessed
Both Helia and Flora are secretly not as non violent as they seem, Helia being ready and willing to attack when ever sufficiently motivated vs Flora being super passive agressive when ever she gets too annoyed... They think it's funny when people push them too far and they both utterly destroy the fool that stepped to them while still looking like the less violent/agressive party
Helia gets some super fancy glass flowers for Flora as a gift, partly because he was very scared of offending her with picked flowers, Flora loves them and has no clue about Helia's suffering
In season two/three when Tecna finally starts expressing her emotions instead of repressing them she becomes hyper verbal just talking about everything and anything she likes at Timmy, Timmy loves this
Tecna due to repressing her emotions her whole life tends to get overwhelmed by her feelings and be unable to place them (esp when she first started emoting again), Timmy researches the hell out of emotional stuff to put together a little check list for Tecna for her to figure out how she's feeling
They both use eachother as a rubber ducky, Timmy will ramble for several hours about his English essay to a utterly confused Tecna and vice versa
Tecna hates being cold after the Omega Dimension...Timmy always has something warm on hand when he's with her
Tecna is surprisingly jealous, Timmy thinks this is utterly fucking hilarious
Timmy around s3 gets a lot more confidence with the help of Tecna's encouragement, he's not the most confident guy in the world but he no longer feels ashamed for existing
Timmy will wake up to the fire alarm, grab the fire extinguisher, and put of Tecna's most recent creation in a matter of seconds
She is now banned form the kitchen, unless shes scrambling eggs
Tecna takes great offence because Timmy can't cook well either, he counters this with the fact he's never set the kitchen on fire
I literally refuse to believe that Domino would allow it's one princess to go and marry into another royal family, so Sky is marrying into Bloom's family
Sky is actually on pretty bad terms with his family bc hes always kinda found Disapo uncomfortable and kinda possessive, and he voiced this to his parents multiple times before she mind controlled himāso he straight up just follows Bloom to where ever she's going to avoid dealing with all that
Neither of them have any plans for the future and it shows, Bloom is bad at thinking in the future, and this is the first time Sky has ever had a choice in what he does and he has no clue what to do with it
Sky doesn't really have like?? Life goals or non pre approved hobbies so he's like completely lost in what to do in life..Bloom isn't much better, someone please help them
Both Bloom and Sky hate making decisions so they just kinda look at eachother everytime they need to do something, they play rock paper scissors to determine who has to make the dreaded decision
Both Bloom and Sky love romantic comedies and dramatic movies, they can and will spend a whole day just watching movies
If they bought a house together, Bloom would want to do all the home improvement stuff themselves. Que montage of them learning everything they need to know and doing it together dorkly. At least one paint fight happened
Both of them are utterly terrified that Kiko and Lady won't get along so they keep them separate
Both of them have chronic "I just got out of chollage and I have no fucking clue what I'm going to do with myself" syndrome
They don't actually do real dates, they just hang out and act likes dorks with eachother. They decide if it's a date or just hanging out afterwards
Sky tries really hard to teach Bloom manners for when ever she has to enter high society, unfortunately he also has not that great manners... Brandon got more manners training than him for when he had to pretend to be Sky at Red Fountain... Sky knows enough to teach Bloom the basics, but they end up learning the rest together after rigorous googling and excessive calls/text to Brandon Stella and Aisha
Mike and Vanessa are slowly absorbing Sky into the family, he has not realized yet... Vanessa very much approves of this dork
Sky's parents fucking hate Bloom and always will, Bloom does not mind because she also thinks they should kick rocks
Sky fucking hates glamours but also really wants to go to earth with Bloom and being obviously an alien doesn't help her.... Still complains about it constantly
Bloom some times swings between anger and fear due to her trauma and Sky has gotten really good at removing her from stressful situations
Aisha free climbed a rocky wall while her energy was being sapped in Darkar's lair, girl is muscular as hell. Nabu closest friends as a child was his security team, guy is muscular as hell. Aisha challenges Nabu to every strength and stamina competition under the sun... He's too chill to be super into competitions but he refuses to make winning easy
Aisha is anxious, agressive, impatient, and hyper emotional, Nabu on the opposite side is like the calmest guy ever. They balance each other out
Aisha has a hard time socializing due to her very isolated upbringing, Nabu is very charismatic and takes control of social interactions for her
Aisha has a hard time finding outfits that both let her move easily and are also super cute, Nabu goes with her to help her shop. He has a good fashion sense but really he's just there to constantly compliment her and make her blush
Nabu eventually gets her an outfit like his purple robe one and she loves it
Nabu is 90% of Aisha's impulse control and this shows when ever she's left alone with Riven for an amount of time
Aisha straight up ran away from her controlling parents, Nabu did the same thing when he found out his parents who barely pay any attention to him were putting him into an arranged marriage, but Nabu is still on speaking terms with his parents despite how they neglected him and tried to make him marry someone who definitely was not ok with it. Aisha is supportive of Nabu trying to repair his relationship with his parents
She secretly desperately wants to do the same but is utterly terrified of the idea that her parents will just not care... Nabu gives her as much support as he can
Aisha hates team sports but with Nabu she finds them tolerable, Nabu thinks this is funny as hell
Aisha has trust issues and co-dependacy issues, Nabu is super emotionally intelligent and can navigate these pretty well but very early on realizes that Ashia had it fucking ROUGH and is trying to get her to feel safe getting help (she's scared of being mocked when taking about her issues)
Nabu is utterly enchanted by Aisha's morphix and askes a million questions, Aisha is so happy to be with someone who wants to listen to her
Aisha doesn't get jealous if someone flirts with Nabu she gets scared, Nabu always turns these instances to talk up Aisha and how much he loves her until she stops getting worried that he'll abandon her
Funnily enough, Aisha does not register when people are flirting with her at all, like she'll think she's having a nice conversation and drop the fact that she has a boyfriend and get really confused when her new friend is all upset... Nabu knows he shouldn't find it that funny but it's so fucking funny to him
Ashia teaches Nabu how to dance, he takes to it like a fish to water. Aisha loves it when he dances with her
Nabu, as the only guy who can do magic, often spars with Aisha bc he's unlikely to be crushed like a bug like the other guys would be
They both are kinda annoyed they like eachother so much bc that means they're technically going though with the arranged marriageāthey spend hours trying to find a way to make it clear they're only together because they like each other... Can't stick it to your parents when you actually like the person your getting forcefully engaged to
They hold off any sort of engagement anything on principle
Brandon and Stella are the first to get engaged! They have a lot of talks about what they want in life, and their future
The most stable couple, half because Brandon is chill as fuck and half because Stella makes sure that they talk and spend time together (bc she doesn't wanna end up like her parents)
They constantly have date nights, most of which Stella plans out
I genuinely think that Brandon would of felt deeply uncomfortable dating Stella while lying about his identity, so he told her that he was being required to lie about something by the royal family, this made the reveal a lot less painful for them
Due to neglect, Stella will get genuinely depressed if people aren't paying attention to her (because positive attention from strangers is all she could get as a child) Brandon trys to help her with this by reminding her that she doesn't need to do anything special to deserve love. It's slow going but Brandon is one of the few people she doesn't worry about abandoning her if shes less than perfectly happy and the simple person people assume she is
Stella starts designing men's fashion and Brandon gets to model :)))
Brandon and Stella are a very public couple and Brandon accepts this as part of dating Stella, Stella just really wants the Solaria people to like Brandon so he doesn't have to deal with a near constant smear campaign against him. Stella's plan to make Brandon beloved by the public works like a charm btw
Stella doesn't get jealous. Like she doesn't get worried that Brandon is going to leave her bc she knows she's a catch, however deeply dislikes it when people seriously flirt with Brandon as a matter of disrespect towards herāhowever she doesn't mind when Brandon flirts with other because she knows it means nothing
Brandon doesn't get jealous, period
Stella thinks than most of the reason people are around her is because she's pretty, funny and simple to be around, so she spends a fuck ton of time being preoccupied with her image and how she presents to people. Brandon has started taking her on super private dates so she can chill for once in her life
Chimera is still around, free from her abusive mother, and the most annoyingly protective litte sister in the world. Brandon finds this highly amusing, but also wishes he didn't have to convince Chimera that he is worth being kept around
Stella is the only other member of the Winx Club that has a good singing voice, Flora has a decent one and Musa ya know, so some times Stella will put on a cheesey love song while they to chores together and sing it to Brandon as best she can
Brandon is one of the most well protected people in the universe. While the other girls tend to get sad when their boyfriend is hurt, Stella mostly gets pissed at who ever had the audacity (after making sure Brandon was ok first)
Both Brandon and Stella thrive in organized chaos, they both always know where everything is despite how everything is thrown every where
Brandon is Stella's impulse control except he never bothers to actually stop her most of the time
Brandon actually really likes fashion and tries to help Stella design clothes. He's not the best in the world at it but Stella is just ecstatic that he's taking interest in her passions
Stella and Brandon definitely have a couples Instagram
Stella asked Brandon out at a gala when Brandon was still pretending to be Sky, at this point Brandon was pretty used to Eraklyon nobles (who are generally kinda the worst) and was afraid of an incidentāStella was drunk when this happened and felt super embarrassed that she put Brandon on the spot like that. Brandon mostly agreed to keep dating her bc she admitted fault without promoting, and as the guy who was required to be around people like Diaspro constantly, he thought that was a very admirable trait
They probably spend the most time together out of all the other couples while everyone is still living separate of course
Stella is always a mile a minute and Brandon loves just kinda watching her do stuff... Local man is enamored
Brandon often drags Stella to comfortable places to chill the fuck out, she falls asleep on him constantly when he does this and he thinks it's adorable
When the lie is revealed, Stella cuts contact with Brandon for a while, then they had a honest conversationā¢ļø they're both very secure in eachother and their relationship after this
Stella often just watches Brandon exercise, one time she brought snacks and a drink like she was watching a movie, Brandon is torn between laughing and being flattered
Stella is actually surprisingly muscular. Half as weight management, half because shes near constantly training her fairy form. Brandon suddenly understands why she brought snacks to watch him train
Stella can pick Brandon up if she wanted to, Brandon doesn't know exactly what emotion this fact inspires in him but he's definitely feeling a lot of it
Stella probably helps Brandon train as it also helps her train her control, but she's always terrifying of accidentally hurting him bc she's VERY powerful
Stella loves being carried by Brandon, Brandon loves carrying Stella. This makes them both super happy and I love them your honor
Musa, seeing Riven sitting down with nothing in his lap: oh?? My seat, a seat for me????
These two are touching eachother constantly. Hands on shoulder, Musa sitting on him even though theirs open chairs, Riven resting his chin and arms on her despite the instant retribution. These two are very touchy
Musa teaches Riven how to play the guitar, this is very cute
Musa writes love songs about Riven, we all know this, but also after Musa teaches Riven how to play the guitar he writes one for her :) it's bad but Musa is so fucking touched by him going out of his way to do this that she loves it anyway
Musa is an easy crier and Riven has like the worst relationship anxiety, what I'm saying is that his song made Musa burst out into sobs (bc she was so happy) and he instantly panicked bc "SHIT THIS WAS NOT HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO GO"
During a private emotional vulnerability momentā¢ļø Riven called Musa "baby" in like this super soft gentle affectionate way, and then he just kinda...kept calling her that. It caught Musa utterly off guard the first time he says it in public. She's not sure why Riven settled on that perticualr nickname, but he says is with such pure affection that she melts every time
Both Riven and Musa react very badly to feelings of fear, embarrassment and other trauma things, but they both feel so safe around eachother at this point they don't have these reactions bc they know the other won't pounce on any visible weakness like people did to them in the past
Riven feels absolutely useless to Musa, which sometimes makes him panic and think that Musa is going to leave him for someone thats more useful. With promoting form his therapist, and a lot of effort to put aside his fear of embarrassment, he told Musa this and now anytime he feels like this they have a cuddle session
Musa doesn't have a lot of self confidence I think, she tries to project it but he's hypersensitive and hyper emotional. At first she delt with these feelings by attempting to push people away and seeing if anyone would stick by her, but now she just tells Riven and he tries his best to lavish her with compliments until she feels better
Riven is trying his absolute best to impress Musa's dad... Her dad finds the effort endearingly awkward
Musa asked Riven out very early into s2 and he straight up said "No, I'm a mess right now and don't have the emotional capacity for this." He offered to be friends and she accepted, but the idea of Riven recognizing he's not ready for another relationship in s2 fills me with joy
Musa's first album was written while she was at Alfea about all the earth shattering events going on around her, then she put together an album out of her older songs about her mom and newer more personal songs; her third album is co-written by Riven and it's just a bunch of sappy love songs about how they got to the point their at... It was partly inspired by Riven's attempt at writing a love song for Musa
I think Musa would be utterly obsessed with cute things despite her outwardly standoffishness, I also think that Riven would get/buy her a fuck ton of plushies... She loves them
Musa makes a comment about changing her style to be less tomboy egirl meets depression, and Riven jokingly tells her if she ever wants to grow out her hair that he needs a warning in advance so he gets time to mourn
On that note, Riven constantly plays with Musa's hair. He loves her hair so much
After the Winx Club gets famous, and by proxy their boyfriend, Riven gets a call from the parent that abandoned him. He gives the phone to Musa so she can listen to the voicemail instead of him, and much cuddles were had after wards
Riven likes to use Musa as a pillow, Musa does the exact same thing, this leads to them always ending tangled up when they sleep in the same bed
Musa is fiercely protective over Riven... Dude has gotten fucked up in every season finale (1-3) and Musa is sick of it. The next mother fucker to touch Riven is getting their hand chopped off
Both of them worry that their personalities aren't worth dealing with but they've had so many conversations about how much they care about eachother and wanna make this work that when these feeling do come up they know that they other doesn't feel that way
They're both able to ground the other super quickly when they start getting too emotional and falling into old habits
They both don't really want to make any big plans and are very happy going one step at a time with eachother, they plan for the future sure but they're not like setting anything in stone and this works for them
They both are always ready to go up to bat for another. They both tend to attract shitty people and they protect eachotherāpeople trying to pick fights with Riven triggering him to slide back into agressive ways, people mocking Musa for being over emotional?? No longer, these people are very agressively shut down
I can see them deciding to travel together. Not settling down in one place and just spending time with eachother
They spent a lot of time figuring out what scares the other and what makes them feel safe in s3 to the point where they just have like a list of phrases they constantly say to reaffirm the other
They tease and mock eachother constantly, they have a very cute dynamic going on where they always have to have the last word in their little joke argumentsāthese usually end in one kissing the other in a attempt to get them to (affectionately) shut up
If Musa things something is really funny she'll laugh super loudly with her whole body and Riven thinks this is the cutest thing in the world and tries to get her to do this constantly
Neither of them feel fear for the future anymore
They probably moved in with eachother the fastest
They're both huge on physical PDA but hate saying overly emotional things in public. It just makes them nervous
Neither of them are keen on getting married super quickly like Sky/Bloom and Stella/Brandon, they probably get married in their 30sāor when they get sick of being condescended for not being married by the media
Musa learned some healing magic just in case, she's not good at it but she's worried
Both of them have the Magix equivalent of Twitter bc after "were always on tv" Stella/Brandon they're the most public relationship of the Winx Club bc of Musa's music. It's mostly them tweeting random compliments at eachother and both of them needing to be reminded by their therapist not to fight with idiots on twitter
Musa is a bit of an adrenaline junkie, no where near as bad as Riven, but she thinks that riding with him on the back of his hover bike is fun as hell
We all know that Stella love Brandon's shoulders but Musa is the same way about Riven's arms. If she's sleeping next to him she WILL cuddle his arm, Riven thinks this is adorable
They both easily slide into being domestic with eachother. Waking up in tangled limbs, groggily making coffee and breakfast???? Yeah that's their dream and their living it
Riven for obvious reasons is pretty uncomfortable around powerful magic being close to him in any capacity, dragon fire empowered Darcy is a thing of his nightmares and being nearly killed by Darkar andā, but he also hates flinching away from Musa so their doing exposure therepy by just vibing with Musa in her Enchantix form. It still freaks Riven out but he's feeling calmer about it by the day
I think they're both super affectionate in private, like when their alone in the quiet moments in the early morning or late at night is when their relationship is at its peek
Riven is very high energy and extroverted when he is not dealing with a fuck ton of personal issues, which is balanced out by Musa's generally introverted tendencies
Riven has no impulse control and much to Nabu's eternal chagrin Musa is a enabler
They're intensely chill in their relationship, yeah they still have issues they need to talk though but they always do the work and the taking
#winx club#winx riven#winx musa#winx stella#winx bloom#winx tecna#winx aisha#winx flora#winx timmy#winx sky#winx helia#winx layla#winx brandon#winx nabu#winx headcanons#rivusa#riven x musa#skloom#bloom x sky#stella x brandon#tecna x timmy#aisha x nabu#flora x helia#long post#asks#rus rants#rus has ideas#rus chatters#winx season 3#winx season 4
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