#can anyone figure out what he's saying puhlease
Wow status really gives you nice accommodation. Wait they're together? Interesting.
Miles focusing on the bed, to step away from his fucking emotions again.
Miles is bloodbonded to his sire, right?
Wynn is really doing her best to get through to Miles. I think she really got the only angle that might work. Speaking to his protective side, but at the same time it could trigger his oh yes wanna bet?
Oh Wynn, sweet baby. They're doing a good job sussing things out though.
Wait what??? Is Miles suggesting Wynn gets bloodbonded to him??
Miles being a shit to Wynn is kind of comforting.
For fuck sake, fucking Jan Pieterszoon. I dislike him he just feels like such a wimpy guy. He looks ashamed??? What is happening??? Is this real???
Pieterszoon didn't know Miles wasnt given his own room???
Pieterszoon, you're so behind the times. You're telling them stuff they have been knowing for a long time.
I think it's very naive to think you can just de-escalate the sabat thing.
Omg omg his sire is actually telling him they're going to destroy him!!
"I can't let them all die." 😭😭😭 He cares!!!! See Wynn!!!
Wait he is just doing smth useful for the first time, and now he's going to flee?!?!
A new sword? 👀 "hopefully it's deserving of its prince." that is very sweet!
Johnny, you're encouraging Neil a little too much? He's going to lose his mind.
Neil confessing his greatest fear is facing the end of the world all alone. 🥺
William Biltmore?? Isn't he the one that Neil stole a book for?? Johnny is quite famed?? And neat? Lmao I don't think anyone has described Johnny as neat before.
Lmao just all kinds of malkavians in this room with Neil and Johnny just being so confused. 😂
Astral projections too???? Lmaooooo
Noooooo not Quinten😂
Johnny just sitting there like what the fuck?!?!
Neil is doing a good job though talking about gehenna.
Johnny just having no idea what is really going on.
Wait what? Pieterszoon and Vicose? I'm as confused or more as Johnny.
What is Miles planning?? 👀
Consequences? When has Miles ever considered those? He is above them.
Wow, he's going to pass on this? For now? Damn that's impressive. Wynn, good job! You got through to him.
Wait what??? Oh this is good? A bloodbound sword?
So does Neil get the vision of the dragon to prevent it from escaping or to fight it?
Neil loves Wynn so much. 🥺
I'm glad they're figuring it out with Wynn and Miles.
Conversation???? That's what we're calling it now??
Maria is such a bitch omg. Such strong you might be his latest fleeting fancy, but he comes home to me and I take care of him energy.
Oops Maria, seems you're wrong again! Baaaaiiiii bitch!!!
Okay but we have now see 2 ghouls that have hated Britta for what she meant to their idk what you call it dominor? Is that what Lex said?
Of course Britta has sympathy for Maria, she is so sweet.
What????. Oh my God. Pendragon!!!! Showing your cards about Britta to the fucking justicar, because you want her safe?! That is... Wild? Unhinged? Insane?
You're asking her to move in with you?!?!
Okay I'm sorry, you you talked to this woman 5 times? Threatened her life 4 times, got rejected by he once and made out with her for a bit. You're just ready to put your whole life and all on the line? What the fuck. I mean not that Britta is not worth it but this doesn't make any sense? Is this me being ace-adjacent(acejacent if you will)
Show me you're a fucking elder vampire who hasn't had to feel human connection in probably hundreds of years who doesn't seem to have any empathy and isn't used to anyone disagreeing with him and saying it out loud without telling me. "I will send 10 kindred, more experienced than you, in your place, if you're simply worried about them getting the help that they need." No bitch, she wants to be with her fucking family!!!
Please PUHLEASE don't act like you're doing this selflessly for Britta, a gift to her! You're doing this for yourself because you want to keep her!!!
He's gonna make Miles make Britta stay behind. Damn that would be cold and fucked up.
He killed someone for the Ventrue for Britta? Why is that kind of hot???. I hate this. I do not want to think of this fuck like that. 😂 Fuck you Pendragon.
Lmao "Neil never mattered at all." 😂 Okay he earns some points there, that's funny.
Lmao Pendragon is not used to not getting his way, but lbr that is also why he likes Britta.
"you will not have this opportunity again" LIE like you're just gonna let her go. No one believes that.
Britta is just the sweetest most loyal lil bean there is. 🥺
'everyone who cares for you' including you 😏
He said please?!?! Damn. This is serious.
WHAT?!?! Britta you're gonna let this insane man just put his hand on your neck while you basically spit in his face again and reject him?!?! Okay not rejecting because she wants to spend time with him. Yes disobedience Lex that's a good word.
He almost straight up choked her yo. I mean she wouldn't have diednor well he squeezes her head off I guess?? That's messed up. But he did stop himself that has for to mean something.
Wow. Damn, who thought he could say actually say something romantic. Like not scary romantic, or creepy, or manipulative, but just normal romantic. "On every occasion that our paths have crossed, politics, war and secrets have interrupted us. What if just this once we don't let them."
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quinnhayden · 7 years
#9 and #24 pretty puhlease!!!!
9. “You’re in love with her.”
It occurs to Steve that he’s lived with Bucky and he’s lived with Quinn, but he’s never lived with them both at the same time and Quinn and Bucky have certainly never lived with each other, either. Nowhere to run to except Wakanda now, all three of them have no choice but to settle down. T’Challa, one of the kindest people Steve has ever known, provides them sanctuary and their own personal suite.
Steve remembers how once, seventy years before, he ached for this very day to come but he didn’t think it would be so awkward. He thinks that maybe Bucky and Quinn think of themselves as intruders—Bucky because he knows Quinn and Steve are married and Quinn because…the battle with Tony took a toll on her and she’s always been under the assumption that Steve and Bucky are better off without her. Also, they literally have no idea how to live with each other. Sure, they picked up some quirks and habits back in the war, but that was when only Steve had a serum and—God, he can’t believe he’s about to say this because they were in the middle of actual an actual war zone—it was simpler then. Steve’s had the chance to live with them both, but Quinn and Bucky awkwardly skirt around one another. Well, that’s when Quinn actually comes out of the bedroom.
The first few days, Steve and Quinn scrambled—first, to make sure Bucky was okay because he lost a damn arm and, second, to break the team out of prison. Now, everyone on the team is moved in and it seems like all Quinn does these days is sleep. Bucky doesn’t sleep with them yet—the first time they tried, it was an absolute disaster. Quinn, since they’ve been here, hardly sleeps at night anymore and when she does, she has the real bad nightmares. She eats so much less, too. It isn’t even like she refuses to eat because when he shoves food in her hands, she takes it. The problem is that she just…eats less than she should. He knows that it’s bad for her health if she doesn’t consume the calories she should.
The dust has started to settle and Steve’s scared shitless that this is what’s broken Quinn.
“Hey,” Bucky murmurs as he walks into the kitchen. “You’re up early,” he remarks quietly and fixes himself a cup of coffee from the pot Steve made earlier. The truth is that Steve hasn’t been able to sleep much lately, either. He doesn’t sleep as well when he’s alone and Quinn hasn’t even tried to sleep the past few nights. “Is Quinn—”
“Went out on a hike,” Steve answers before Bucky can even finish the question. Bucky’s eyes quickly dart to the window where the sun’s barely started to peek over the horizon and then looks back at Steve with a raised brow. “Yeah, I know,” he breathes out in frustration. “Gave me some bullshit about how she’s meant to do this since we came here and how it’s cooler this early and…” He scrubs a hand across his face and huffs. “Sorry,” he says to Bucky.
“Quinn’s always been a doer,” Bucky offers. “Gal couldn’t sit still to save her life.”
“I really wish she’d learn how to,” Steve whispers miserably. “She’s burnt the fuck out—”
“You think so?” Bucky questions casually as he takes a seat across from Steve at the table. “All she’s done lately is sleep. I wouldn’t think she’s burnt out.”
“That’s not what I mean and you know it,” Steve can’t help but snap. “Jesus Christ, Bucky, I’m so fuckin’ worried about her, but she won’t talk to me. She won’t talk to anyone—you’ve seen that, haven’t you? And she doesn’t eat the way she should with her serum and she can’t sleep a wink at night. That’s the reason she went so early. She couldn’t sleep and was too bored or just didn’t want to stick around in bed with me, so she went out to be by herself. She doesn’t want to be with anybody. She doesn’t even want to be with us.” He snaps his mouth shut and realizes that the last person who should be needlessly stressed out is Bucky. “Shit. Fuck. I’m sorry. You don’t need this put on you.”
Bucky doesn’t immediately reply. His eyes move back to the window over Steve’s shoulder and he chews on his bottom lip. With the only hand he has, he fiddles with his cup. “Don’t be sorry,” he finally replies. “Any moron that’s spent a minute around her would know she’s been…sad.” He pauses. “I’m worried about her, too.” He cuts his gaze back to Steve. “Is this because of me? Do you think—would it be easier on her if I wasn’t around?”
“No. Bucky, no.” Steve immediately tries to shut down that line of thought. “If you want to be honest, I think that’d only make things worse,” he decides to admit and Bucky’s brows knit in confusion. “If you left, even if you lied about why, she’d still find a way to blame herself for it. And you know that she has that problem where she beats herself up, but it’s only been worse since—” he doesn’t say Hydra, but the way Bucky smiles bitterly makes Steve think he heard it anyway. “After what happened with Tony, I can’t even think about how bad she blames herself. He was family and it’s not like she can see any of her other family to make up for the loss. God, and we lost Peggy, too.”
“I heard,” Bucky grunts. “So, what happened?” Steve notices how Bucky is careful to be neutral. He’s been on the other side of that tone, he thinks, but when…? It was Brooklyn. No, he heard it a few more times in the war. When they only barely knew Quinn…and then when they did know Quinn and she would talk about Peggy…hold on. Bucky’s wasn’t—he’s not…? “Did Quinn finally figure out that Carter had been in love with her since France?” Holy shit. Bucky is jealous. That’s what it’d been. He was jealous when Quinn took Steve’s attention and then he was jealous when Peggy took Quinn’s attention. “I forgot that you’re almost as oblivious as Quinn is,” Bucky says under his breath as he mistakes Steve’s surprise for being over the revelation. “I never could see how you two didn’t see it. Carter made it pretty damn clear about how she felt. For fuck’s sake, she donated her blood to Quinn in France, don’t you remember?” His jaw clenches. “I finally pinned Carter down and told her to back off.”
Steve’s mouth drops. “You did what?”
“Don’t look at me like that.” Bucky actually turns his head away, but Steve can see Bucky’s cheeks start to turn red. “I’m sorry, okay? I know you two were sweet on Carter, but I couldn’t take it anymore. She was so…so—” he works his jaw for a few seconds. “I said, you’re in love with her, aren’t you? I said, she’s my soulmate, Carter, not yours. I said, if you ever try to take her away from me, I’ll never let you rest. You could kill me and I’d claw my way out of the grave to hunt you down.”
Jesus Christ, who knew that Bucky had such a jealous streak? Well, Steve kind of knew a little because Bucky always bristled when someone actually showed a little interest in skinny Steve, but still. “Bucky, why would you do that? You know Quinn would never run behind our backs.”
“Of course I know that,” he snarls. “Give me a break, Steve. I was dramatic back then, you know that. I was a dumb kid who was scared because he almost lost his soulmate. I took it out on her, I don’t know.” His lips thin. “Look, I eventually did say sorry about the way I acted. After she pummeled Moore within an inch of his life, I knew she only wanted what was best for Quinn.” He rubs the back of his neck and sighs. “Guess Carter took care of her when me ‘n you were both dead, huh?”
“Yeah, they, uh—it’s complicated? They were complicated, but who isn’t? Eventually, they did have their chance. They were in love and they actually lived with each other, too. Problem was that Peggy was only getting older and she finally decided she wanted to cut it off before it was too late. When I was out of the ice and before Peggy got too bad, when I talked to her, she told me she just wanted to save Quinn some pain in the long run. She would’ve rather Quinn hate her for breaking her heart than having Quinn watch her fade the way that ended up happening.”
“I’m sorry about Carter,” Bucky finally decides to say. “You both cared about her a lot.” He takes a sip of his coffee. “I realized that there’s so much about you two I don’t know. The past two years, I tried to read whatever I could find in libraries and on the internet. It helped with memories and…helped me understand what you’ve been up to. I wasn’t happy that you were in ice,” he remarks with a frown that makes Steve look away. “There’s only so much in books about Quinn and that’s not the half of it. They aren’t from her side and—”
“Yeah,” Steve agrees. He understands because the same happened with him when he came out of the ice. “Yeah, it’s a lot, I know. There’s seventy years’ worth.” He smiles a little. “You should get started on that. Go talk to her. Get her out of her damn head for a little bit. She won’t fuss nearly as much if it’s you that checks on her.“
24. "You’re trembling.”
About a month now that they’ve been settled down in Wakanda and Quinn has come to learn, above all else, that it absolutely sucks ass to have two soulmates that spent time in—and out of, in one’s case—ice. Steve and Buck would both die the happiest men in the world to never be cold another day in their lives and Quinn loves the heat, of course she does, but it…doesn’t work as well with her body anymore. The brand of serum she has ramps up her core body temperature to a ridiculously high number and she’s actually had more than one heat stroke in the past because she overdid it on a mission located in a hot climate zone. Quinn’s also come to learn and accept that she’d die to keep her soulmates happy…which is probably what’ll happen soon as they move into the dead heat of summer.
Quinn, at least, has a little reprieve at this exact second because Steve went to spend some time with Sam and Bucky went to see the doctors and scientists about his arm. Finally, she was able to crank up the air conditioner. She knows she’ll have to turn it back down when one of them comes back, but that makes her relish this time all the more. Sprawled out on the couch, she’s happy as a clam that she doesn’t stick to the leather because of sweat.
Then, the door to the suite opens, and she hears a pained hiss. So, Bucky’s back. She sits up andwatches him walk into view. He stops when he spots her on the couch and his eyes roam up and down her body. “Are you—” he squints at her. “How the hell areyou able to walk around in your panties when it’s cold as shit in here?” He rubs his arm and shudders. “Jesus, Quinn, put some clothes on. You’ll end up with hypothermia.”
“Sorry,” she mutters as her cheeks flush with embarrassment. “I’ll turn the air conditioner down.” Her head tilts to the side as she stares back at him. “Hey, you’re trembling,” she points out worriedly and he shifts uncomfortably. “Nothing happened while you saw the doctors, did it?”
“No,” he answers. She raises a brow, unimpressed with that weak answer. “I’m serious. It went as okay as it could have. No, that’s not the problem. Uh—” he shivers and wraps his arms around himself. “I have problems with—how’d the doctors say it? I have issues with regulating my body temperature? Being in and out of the ice really fucked with my body. I’m cold all the goddamn time.”
“Bucky,” she squawks, horrified. “Bucky, why didn’t you tell us?” Jesus fuck, if she knew that then she never would’ve bothered the thermostat in the firstplace. It’ll take forever for the whole suite to warm up.
“I didn’t want to put you two out any more than I already have,” he confesses. She quickly hops to her feet and he rolls his eyes. “Quinn, God, I’m not a baby. I’ve dealt with worse. You don’t have to—will you listen to me? Quinn? Quinn,” she decidedly ignores him. With a frustrated groan, he catches her arm as she moves past him, and every inch of his body locks up. She freezes in place. “Oh,” he whispers. “Oh.”
She watches as Bucky’s eyes widen with shock and then he stares at her with what she can only describe as wonder. Completely baffled by the shift in mood, she’s the one to shift uncomfortably now. “What?”
“You’re so…” He sprawls his fingers out for a second and then starts to move his hand up and down her arm. She doesn’t try to make a peep but, Lord, it feels good to have him touch her again. “God, you’re so hot,” he whispers in awe. “Why are you so hot?”
“The, uh, well…see, my version of the serum—” her brows knit together. “Did Steve really not tell you about this?” He shakes his head. “I’ll spare you the science because no one’s still totally sure, but basically all you need to know is that I burn really hot. Really, really, really hot,” she fumbles to explain. “I’m not even sure I’m able to get hypothermia anymore. Maybe if I was stuck in the middle of the arctic tundra and there was a blizzard?”
“Christ, you’re lucky,” he blurts.
“Not so much on scorchers like today,” she bitterly remarks.
“You mean the heat…?” He grimaces. “Yeah, I see where that’d be a problem.” He runs a hand throughhis hair and sighs. “Look at us. We’re a pair, aren’t we? An icicle and a…really hot gal,” he lamely finishes and she laughs a little. Somehow, over the past seventy years, Steve’s become the more suave one between him and Bucky whereas Bucky’s turned more awkward. She’s a little in love with him right now.
Suddenly, a light bulb flicks on over her head. Quinn is hot. Bucky is cold. Quinn would like the air conditioner to stay on, but Bucky needs heat. “Can I hug you?” she asks excitedly but doesn’t wait for an answer. She wraps her arms around Bucky, gives him some all-encompassing heat, and it doesn’t even take thirty seconds before his trembling starts to slow.
“Oh, God,” he moans filthily and his arms latch around her. “Oh, fuck. Yes, I see where you’re going with this. You’re so smart. I knew you had the most brains of the bunch. Yes. Please keep doing this. No. Wait. Can we actually move this someplace more comfortable?”
And that’s how they end up cuddling in the bed. It isn’t so hot that Quinn’s unbearable to be underneath the blankets. Bucky’s plastered against the front of her, his arms around her, his cold nose pressed into the crook of her neck. All his appendages were like fucking ice against her skin when they first crawled in bed, but he’s warmer now, she can tell. Actually, this is so fucking comfortable that she could fall asleep right now.
“Next time you get to be too cold, let me know,” she murmurs.
“Next time you’re burning up too much, let me know,” he shoots back. “You’re a fucking furnace. I love you so much.”
Quinn laughs. “You only love my body, but I love you, too.”
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