#can I mention my dwarf character from LOTRO? ๐Ÿ˜†
aimless-passerby ยท 2 years
Who's your favourite dwarf and why?
I didn't expect an ask ๐Ÿ‘€
I will be dull with an answer and say I can't choose only one dwarf out of them all.
I think it was Bofur at the very first time when me and my sibling saw the movie, because they chose Bombur as their favourite. So I chose the older brother accordingly. I love these two and headcanon them being the most friendliest and kindest towards Bilbo. And their cousin Bifur, I love his black and white braids so much. He is also very funny, kind of an enygmatic character, with "two wolves" inside of him xD Although actor gave him some sad backstory. His fate in Sansukh (I will mention a fanfic, because I really love it) is so upsetting, though I am not yet aware of his canon fate (need to reread many things on English).
Then I thought of Dori. He is described being the strongest among the dwarves of Thorin's Company in the book, and in the movie I think he is supposed to be not the most masculine (I may be wrong at viewing it like this) dwarf, and I love when a character knits mittens and then kicks enemies' asses. He is also a mother hen to his younger brothers, who are also very wonderful. What I love in the movies is how different dwarven characters are. Nori's star-shaped hairstyle though! And funny to think that even after Nori stealing something from Bilbo's house, Bilbo is still friendlier to him than to Lobelia xD And Ori is an adorable and shy young dwarf, watching him on background is a lot of fun (like any other dwarf really, but they all deserved a proper screening time, maybe some of their background stories being brought up...), but now I am thinking of the scene in Moria...
So it leads to Balin. I love his movie version so much, they made him older than Thorin and he probably was like an older brother to both him and Dwalin (to Dwalin a real one asdfghjk), and their handwrittings are so similar, is it easy to guess who was busy teaching Thorin to write xD (maybe?). I love how he interacts with Bilbo too ๐Ÿ˜ญ And Dwalin asdfghjk In the movie he is not the friendliest looking guy, but he is a good guy xD Man loved his cookies. Also for how long he lived asdfghjk My guy, your fam and friends are waiting for you in the Halls of Mahal, hurry up (I am joking of course). I also don't see a lot of people mentioning how he confronted dragonsick Thorin, which probably was so difficult to him, since he was extremelly loyal to his cousin and friend to step up against him.
Oin and Gloin are often forgotten and I am so glad to see bits of fanworks with them. You can see where Gimli got it xD Oin is a pharma guy, I guess it partially works for him to be a healer too (?). I don't mind him being an advanced healer as fandom often describes him. How else were they supposed to go on the quest without a healer? His movie design is wonderful, need to practice drawing him though. And I call Gloin a family guy xD He looks very fierce but in reality a very fond and loving father and husband. Love that. I am glad I can interact with him in LOTRO while he is in Misty Mountains, heh. He talks about his son and about Bilbo ๐Ÿค—
Kili and Fili, another set of brothers :') They are just silly guys, who sometimes try to copy their uncle (unsuccessfully, thanks Mahal). I guess it is a rule that every Tolkien (movieverse) group should have someone like Merry and Pippin xD How can you not be fond of the boys. Also how Fili is a protective older brother :( And I also like Kili with Tauriel, though I don't like how it was played out in the movie (how could they be so disrespectful towards Tauriel's actress?). Oh, and of course I like Fili and Kili confronting Thorin. As well as the fond scenes with them (dwarven familial head bumps!)
I like movie Thorin. Nice singing voice, bro ๐Ÿ‘ Although he is funnier in the book (as well as he is more of a prick), he has his silly moments in the movies too (thanks for them, he should be a silly guy too, not just a majestic and an epic hero) xD Topographagnosia and nearsightedness (probably common for dwarves unless they are in their mountains; also funny not the conditions itselves, of course, but how Thorin still stays overconfident); his exeggerated dislike of elves, although he uses an elven sword, which looks pretty cool actually; and then how he acts around Bilbo in last movies (I don't even know why actor decided to bring this, he is a Tolkien fan who read every bit of lore, but not that I mind, although it is still kinda strange). O, and I like his cartoon version, he is cool.
His papa and grandpa are also cool by the way. But movies (once again! ๐Ÿง) did disservice to Thrain! Such a disrespect, and this dwarf had such a bad fate..
Never can't stop being sad over Frerin and Dis ๐Ÿ˜ญ I love how fandom made Dis very similar to Thorin, though she might be much wiser xD But still sad(((
Dain Ironfoot, of course! And his obsession with pigs as pets and steads xD He has a gorgeous beard, sad it had to be cgi-ed because it was too heavy. And I am afraid to mention Sansukh too often ๐Ÿ˜… I think this story has a very awesome portrait of Dain. Also sad ๐Ÿ˜“
And Gimli! So sad they made him exclusively a comic relief in the movies. His eternal friendship (I am tend to broship them more, but I don't really mind the romance too!) with Legolas kind of brings some soft feelings. Also Lego LOTR Gimli is the cutest thing ever ๐Ÿ˜„
Narvi! Always appreciating Narvi, their (fandom sees this character very variously, which is awesome) bro Celebrimbor and the damn door they've made xD
I will also add Mim. Yes, he is a petty dwarf and kind of an antagonist, but I was rooting for him ๐Ÿ˜†
Honestly, I'd also name many dwarves from Sansukh, but it is a fanfic, and yeah, there are truly a lot lot of them to list asdfghjl
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