gothushi · 3 months
stress reliever
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pairing: rob x f!reader
warnings: daddy kink, mild breathplay, creampie, implied strength kink
note: inspired from the newest rob bot hehe
word count: 5.3k
“Did I forget the damn pans?”
“Rob, I will pick you up some aluminum ones, okay?”
Your boyfriend huffs another sigh, closing the cabinet above the stove. You’re busy lounging on the bed in the back of the trailer, tired from the trip up here, whilst Rob grumbles and groans over the list he should have checked before you guys left.
“I didn’t even pack tongs!”
“Rob!” You groan. You only just got here to the booked campsite and he’s already losing his mind.
You roll over, sitting up to face down the length of the camper and you get a good look at him running a hand down his face. “Would you prefer to go with me to make sure I get everything?”
Rob turns with a sigh, eyeing you, his frowny expression softening. He walks over, crawling into bed and overtop of you, leaning over so you lay back into the mattress. With the weight of him on you, he buries his face into the crook of your neck and leaves a kiss there.
“Don’t want you goin’ alone,” he complains.
You give a content sigh and bring your hands up to rub his arms, giving those muscles a squeeze. “If you just text me a list, I’ll get everything and you can sit by the water and relax. I mean- you’re stressing me out, hun.”
Rob presses a few more kisses underneath your jawline, his large frame practically hiding you from the rest of the camper. He huffs a sound of reluctant approval into your neck, his arms bracketing your head and his hips slotted between your thighs.
“I’m not stressed, I just like to be prepared.”
He gives a little roll of his hips to press his length into you, his weight keeping you pinned.
“Yeah well- ah, you’re driving me insane. I forgot how jazzed camping makes you.” You shift underneath him, feeling a flush to your cheeks as your fingers toy with the sleeves of his t-shirt.
A low, sultry chuckle escapes his mouth, his warm breath against your skin. A little puff of air as he sighs, grinding against you again, his hips pushing into you.
“Only jazzed when you’re here, princess.”
He lifts up a little, nosing your chin before looking at you, “You’re makin’ me hard, y’know.”
Your eyes flutter and you swallow, throat dry and thighs parting a bit more as you give a strained noise. “I think- Jesus, I think you’re doin’ that yourself.”
You’d only been there half an hour, most of that time spent arguing over his parking job, now he’s acting like this?
He gives another little roll of his hips, his cock hardening in his cargos. His lips find your neck again, leaving hot, open mouthed kisses along the flesh.
“Nah..” He sucks a mark into your skin, hips rolling again, knowing what it does to the both of you. “Pretty sure.. It’s y’r fault,” he mutters, his one hand slipping up your shirt to feel the soft skin of your stomach.
Your neck cranes back so his lips have more ground to cover, feeling hot arousal flood your veins at his actions. The skin of his hands are rough, well calloused from years of hands on work.
“You’ve-” You whine softly, thighs squeezing on his hips as you draw your knees up a little, “you’re a piece of work, Rob.”
The way you sigh and whine goes right to his cock, the deep thrum of his moan vibrating against your neck. He grinds down again, harder, his fingers of his other hand curling against your shoulder.
“And you like it.” He murmurs into your ear, punctuating himself with another grind.
The action pulls another wanton sound from you, back arching to press yourself into the sensations more. Your hands slide up his shoulders, fingertips pressing into the muscles there as you sigh out a noise, “The damn door’s still open.”
Granted, no one can actually see inside unless they come up and inside themselves, which won’t happen.
“Don’t care,” he mutters, a slight hitch in his voice as you arch into him. You can feel the effect you’re having on him, his cock straining in his pants as he ruts down into you. His hand under your shirt moves over your ribs, flattening whilst his thumb brushes the underside of your tit, wrist pushing your shirt up more.
Just the mere idea of getting caught, the fantasy of it, has you clenching around nothing. Swallowing, you bring your hands to the ham of your shirt to pull it off, leaving your upper half bare, tossing the garment somewhere behind Rob.
He lets out a quiet curse, greedy eyes drinking in the sight of you, his hand moving up to grope at your left tit, thumbing over the peak of your nipple. “Fffuck, princess,” he sighs, “so God damn pretty..”
Just the tone of his voice has slick leaking into your panties, skin burning up. It’s decently warm in the trailer since the AC had not been on, flesh tacky with sweat and flushed down your neck from his actions.
He drags his hand down your body again, feeling your plush skin, taking in every inch of you. “So pretty,” he repeats, “all for me, huh?” His hips rut down again.
“Ah- Rob, don’t make me ruin my jeans.” You grumble in whiny complaint, whimpering quietly after your words as you squirm under him. Nails press into his forearms, holding on for purchase as he rolls his body down.
He lets out a huff of laughter against your neck, pressing a kiss there, the sound morphing into a groan. He loves it when you dig your nails into him, scratch, play, it drives him crazy.
“Maybe I want you to ruin them.” He murmurs, nipping your skin.
His hand leaves your side and moves down to the button on your jeans, undoing them skillfully so he can twist his wrist and slide his hand in overtop your panties.
Oh, that makes all complaints go out the window as the pad of his middle finger finds your clit, rubbing slow motions over the fabric of your underwear. Your back arches, whining a noise as your turn your head into his and hook an arm over his shoulder, “Jesus- fuck.”
“Yeah? Like that?” He grins, thick finger drawing circles on your clit.
You whimper and press your knees into his hips, trying to roll up into the feeling. It’s a bit unsatisfactory since you’re still half dressed, but you’ll take what you can get because any touch from him, even after all these years, has you drooling.
God, his cock fucking hurts. He was already a bit worked up when you were yelling at him earlier, but managed to hide it. But now? With you writhing under him, whining his name?
“Whatcha want, princess?”
His hand shifts to rub with his thumb instead, working easier circles on your clothed clit that has slick pooling from you, tossing your head back with a gasp and a little whimpered cry. “You- ass, is this you makin’ up for earlier?”
It was like arguing with a brick wall, him being so stubborn as usual. It didn’t help that you were both tired from the drive up, bitching about his parking job and telling you to do it better than him.
But now, he can barely think rationally, brain fuzzy with the want to fuck you, have you underneath him, making sweet noises, arching into his touch.
Rob huffs a small laugh, nodding against your jaw, “This is me making it up to you.” He affirms.
Your eyes roll back as he keeps rubbing your clit, wider circles as you straighten your legs a little, “Fuck, take my jeans off.” It’s grumbled out, a mix of a plea and a command.
He loves when you get bossy, giving a low rumble. He shifts up onto his knees, hooking his fingers into the waistband of your jeans, pulling the article down your legs and tossing them behind him. He takes a second to just admire you, running his hands along your thighs with a pleased hum. Then, he detaches and works on his pants.
You pant softly, running your own hands over your breasts, groping your own flesh and pinching your nipples to taunt him on purpose. The sight of him undoing his cargos has you nearly drooling, eyes taking in that bit of hair that disappears into his boxers.
He swears as he looks at you, just watching until he gets his pants off, cock straining against the gray fabric of his boxers.
“You lil tease,” he grumbles, licking his lips as he crawls back over you. Your hands find his sides, humming and giggling at his words whilst flipping a hand around to palm over his length.
“Only when it’s you, mm?”
Rob hisses at the touch, hips eagerly fucking into your hand. He leans down and buries his head back into your neck, leaving more soft kisses there and licking over the marks he’s already left.
“You drive me crazy.”
Your hand squeezes over his shaft, thumbing over the head where a small wet spot has formed.
“I think your attitude today is testament to that.” Your free hand roams his bicep again, fingers slipping under the sleeve of his shirt.
He lets out a breathless sound when you rub your hand over his bulge, shuddering, His breath is hot against your neck, lips sucking another little hickey as he tries to form a response. “Can’t help it,” his voice is a bit shaky, “you were bossin’ me around in the car.”
You giggle again, tilting your head to press your lips to his temple, gasping as he grinds down into your palm, which makes you push on him harder.
“Aw, though y’liked it?” It’s a tease of course. You’re flushed from cheeks to neck, heart beating hard from the arousal you feel.
“Yeah.. yeah- I like it, baby.”
He huffs a low moan, arching his hips as his knees spread your legs further. “‘m so fucking hard.” He almost whines, pressing more eager kisses to your jaw.
You give his length another squeeze and then slide your hand to his hip, thumbing the elastic of his boxers. “Mm, then why don’t y’do somethin’ about it? You started it afterall.”
Rob groans low in his chest, lifting his head from the crook of your neck, “You’re being a little brat, y’know that?”
“Mmm,” you giggle, looking up at him, “and what’re you g’na do about it?” One of your nails trails along the skin of his navel, just above his waistband. Then, you drag it down over his cock.
His hips buck forward again, stomach clenching as he gives a little growl. The hand he isn’t using to hold himself up above you pets over your side, to your hip. “Think I need to remind you who’s in charge, baby.”
You flatten your hand on his stomach as he grinds into you, only the fabric of your underwear separating you two. Your back arches and you hook your thighs onto his hips again, whining.
“Nnnh- are you gonna fuck me or not?” Brat.
He gives another growled noise, letting out a breath of air against you as he sucks a bruise into the flesh at the base of your neck. He’s always love when you get all demanding, even if you get a little too lippy.
“Gonna shut that pretty mouth of yours,” he rumbles, hand moving up to your jaw and gripping it, tilting your head where he wants so you’re looking at him, “y’keep runnin’ it, princess.”
Oh, there it is. That makes your cheeks run hot, whimpering as you feel a gush of arousal between your thighs. Sure, you like riling him up and aggravating him, teasing and seeing how much you can get away with at times. That’s fun. But it’s more fun getting to deal with the consequences.
He grins, loving the reaction he gets out of you, the way you get all hot and embarrassed.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” He drawls out, thumb rubbing the one side of your jaw before moving down to settle on your neck, “Not so mouthy now, huh baby?”
Rob gets the pleasure of watching your eyes roll, lids fluttering as your part your lips in a silent gasp. You shake your head in response to his question, a whiny little noise escaping your throat just from the weight of his hand there, heart pounding.
He tightens his grip, just barely squeezing on the sides of your throat. The press of his clothed cock onto your clit is enough to make you whimper again, the slow roll of his hips absolutely torturous.
“You gonna keep runnin’ that mouth of yours?”
You whimper pathetically, quickly shaking your head. Your hands paw on his arms whilst he grinds down, cheeks flaming with heat, caused by arousal, embarrassment and the slight strain of his hand on your neck.
A low chuckle escapes him, satisfied. You’re so good for him like this, listen so well when you need to. He gives a slight squeeze, making your head feel light, “No? No more lil comments?”
A choked out moan sounds from you, your panties fucking soaked by now. You shake your head again, barely able to.
He hisses at the noise you make, feeling his cock throb in his boxers. He lets his grip on your neck loosen just a little, before sliding his hand back to your jaw. This time, he slips his thumb into your mouth. “Gonna be good?”
You only get a half assed gasp for air before he invades your mouth, but you’re used to it and instinctively suckle on the digit, moaning a confirming noise to his question. You breathe heavier through your nose, tongue laving at the rough skin on his thumb.
Just the sight is enough to make him moan in satisfaction, his brain going fuzzy. He rocks his hips down again, brows moving up a bit, a little smile on his lips, “There you go.. that’s a good girl.”
Another whimper is drawn from you, breath stuttering as your eyes close for a moment. When they flutter open again, you take your hands down between the two of you and hook them into your panties, trying to get the ruined pair off.
He watches with a dark look, before he reaches down and nudges your hands out of the way, tsking. “Greedy, huh?”
You already miss the feeling of his finger in your mouth, whining softly as he roughly tugs your underwear down your thighs. “‘m sorry,” you whimper, eyes a bit hazy.
Good God, he tugs the thin fabric off your legs, eyes catching the sight of your cunt, soaking wet. Poor things even dripping down to your ass.
He’s gonna lose his damn mind. His hands smack on your hips, groping your skin as he guides your legs further apart, “Look at you, honey. All messy just for me.”
Your knees part instantly, drawing them up a bit with the help of his hands. You keep your eyes on him though, looking down as his own blues soak up the sight of you, like some new species he just found.
He just admires you, flushed and pink and needy. He gives both your thighs a squeeze, keeping them apart and he kneels down, pressing kisses to your navel. “Can’t wait to taste you,” he settles between your thighs.
That’s the last thing you expected, figuring he wouldn’t really draw this out. So hearing those words has your breath hitching and a little whine sounding out at the thought. He presses your knees almost to the bed, feeling the stretch of your hips.
One hand slides to your cunt, fingers trailing through your slick folds, thumbing over your hole with a happy groan. He’s gotta be a little mean though, so he keeps his touch light.
“So wet already, huh?”
The touch is electric, makes you jolt against his hold with a whimper, whining, “Yeah..”
Rob drags his thumb up over your clit, spreading that slick arousal all over as his feels his mouth water. He rubs little circles, “And why are you so wet?”
Another whimper, ashamed to feel slick dripping down over your hole. You look down at him with lidded eyes, “You- your fault..”
“Yeah? My fault?” He presses a kiss to the apex of your thigh and hip.
“Ahhnn- uh huh-” You’re gasping, nodding quickly. One of your hands comes down and lays overtop his on your thigh, wishing you could lace your fingers together.
He coos a little, before leaning down further and dragging his tongue though your folds, groaning at the taste of you. His hands go back to keeping you spread open, eyes watching as you smack a hand over your mouth to muffle the moan that escapes you, back arching.
He tastes you, lapping up the slick you’re leaking, his own moan rumbling in his chest. He licks up the mess only for it to be replaced in seconds, especially with the way he pulls back to spit on your cunt and dive right back in. His lips latch onto your clit and suckle gently, his hand coming back down to toy a finger at your entrance, just barely pushing in.
“Greedy little thing, aren’t you?”
When he does push his middle finger in, your pussy sucks it in greedily, desperate for it. You choke on a gasp, hand moving from his to the bed, gripping at it whilst pressing your other one onto your mouth harder. You pant through your nose, nodding quickly and pulling your fingers away only to whimper, “Yeah- Rob, oh my God.”
He grins into your cunt, practically making out with the slick skin. He presses his finger in deep, the backs of his other knuckles bumping into you with a slick noise. He sucks at your clit, tongue licking over it and making it swell with arousal before he lifts up.
“You like that, baby?”
Whimpering down at him, it takes a second to register his question, “Uh huh..”
Rob shakes his head, a little tsk sounding from him as he watches you try to squirm down onto his finger. “No, use your words,” he twists his hand so his palm faces up, curling his finger.
Your eyes are fuzzy, zeroed in on his hand. Your brows furrow and lips part with a soft gasp, heat blooming over your face.
Fuck. His eyes flutter with a moan, loving to hear you whimper out that name in that desperate little tone.
He can’t help but grin, “Yeah, that’s my girl..” he murmurs, barely thrusting his finger into you, “Wanna take another one?”
The pad of his digit presses into that spot that makes your clit ache from the inside, chest heaving with breaths. You nod quickly, “Uh huh- please..”
He gives a little chuckle, pulling his finger out to let his ring finger join the middle one, pushing them till his other knuckles are flush to your lips. He teases that sensitive spot inside, curling them up just barely before pulling back some, practically drooling at the sight.
“There we go..” he hums, watching the way your tits heave with breaths, how flustered you are, “my princess learnin’ to use her words, huh?”
The stretch has you squealing in delight, head falling back with a gasped whine, covering your mouth with both hands now because you’ll be way too loud if you don’t. You whimper, the condescending tone he uses making a shock run up your spine, blushing in embarrassment.
He watches as you silently beg with your eyes, watching you squirm down onto his fingers, feeling you clench down like you’re trying to keep him from pulling his fingers back.
He keeps those fingers there, deep, now unmoving except for the slightest curl, sighing, “Greedy little pussy. Think you need somethin’ bigger than my fingers, hm?”
You move your hands to give a pathetic cry, nodding eagerly as your toes curl. “Nngghh- Daddy-”
He’s torturing you, taking his sweet time, not touching you properly.
In reality, he’s literally just prepping you, but your mushy brain doesn’t understand that.
Another low rumble comes from deep in his chest, “I know, honey, I know..” he coos sympathetically, even though he’s the one doing this to you in the first place. “I’ll give you what you want, sweet thing.”
You sniff as he pulls his fingers out, barely registering the sight of him sucking the mess off before he gets to his feet. He admires the cute sight of you laid there, keeping your thighs open, hands curled against your chest as he sheds his shirt and then his boxers. God, he’s so fucking hard, precum beaded and smeared on the head of his cock, hung heavy in front of him.
Rob crawls back onto the bed, laying alongside you and tugging you close so your back is to his chest, “Hold your leg up for me,” he orders softly, one arm slipping under your head so his hand can grope at your tits and act as a little pillow for you.
You haaate this position, always makes your leg and hip sore afterwards when you have to do it yourself. Damned him, and damned you that you listen to him. Three fingers rub over your cunt once you’ve got your leg up, fingers digging into your thigh as you jerk back, whining.
He nuzzles into your neck, nosing your hair out of the way before pressing a kiss under your ear. He massages over your slit, spreading your slick, not that you need it. “There we go.. atta girl.”
You struggle to keep your leg up, eyes fluttering as you give a weak little moan. The embarrassing smack of your slick sounds in your ears, making your cheeks hotter with anticipation of getting fucked.
His fingers disappear and, Jesus Christ, you must black out because you blink and suddenly he’s balls deep, hips pressed to your ass. You squeal, free hand pawing at his arm around you as he squeezes your hip.
That same hand moves up to cover your mouth, groaning himself from the noise you made. “Shh shh, not so loud.” He doesn’t need you screaming and disturbing the other campsites.
His hand drifts under your breasts, flattening slightly on your stomach to hold you close, nuzzling your neck. He stays still to let you adjust, feeling your hole stretched out around him. The sensation makes your toes curl, held up leg resting your foot on his thigh for support, whining again into his palm. It feels like your lungs have been shrunken up, like you can barely breathe because your entire body is surrounded by him.
“Daddy-!” It’s muffled into the skin of his palm, his fingertips pressing into your cheek.
He gives a satisfied growl, licking at the side of your neck, suckling a mark he knows you’ll complain about later. “Jesus, so fuckin’ tight.”
He finally rolls his hips, dragging his cock out and then rutting back in, letting you feel how deep he reaches. “That’s it, sweet thing.”
A litany of whimpers and squealed noises are muffled by his hand, your free hand gripping his arm whilst the other struggles to keep your leg up, hooked under your knee.
He adores the noises you’re making, the control of keeping you still. He knows you’re desperate for it, but he wants to keep it dragged out just a bit longer. He fucks into you slow, a hard pace that has you clenching down on his dick with each thrust in.
“Taking my cock so good, honey.” He praises, moaning a sweet sound into your ear.
You can’t even think, ears ringing as he grinds in, a torturous back and forth and it feels like he’s in your guts in the most pleasurable way. He can’t help but laugh against your neck, amused by your whiny whimpers, like a wounded puppy dog. He keeps his hand over your mouth to muffle those desperate sounds, not wanting you to be too loud as he starts to pick up the pace.
And thank God he does so, because you’re squealing, a sharp cry cut off by his hand. You have to drop your thigh to hold onto his arm with both hands, feeling his larger one massage over your tit for purchase. He faintly hears a muffled ‘daddy!’ against his palm.
“Oh, fuck, that what you wanted?”
He’s laughing at you whilst fucking you, rude. You whine into his skin, and retaliate by nipping at his hand as your body jolts from the force of his thrusts, knee dropping fully onto the bed.
Rob only laughs harder though, grunting with the effort of fucking you. His hand moves off your mouth for half a second, long enough to smack at your cheek, drawing a yelp from you before covering your lips again. His cock nudges so deep it almost hurts, but he knows your body inside and out, like the back of his hand, so it borders just on painful pleasure.
He shifts his hand, pressing his fingers into your cheek, “Careful baby, don’t make me hold you down.”
The threatening tone he uses, and the mere idea of it has your cunt clenching on him, sucking him in needily, which just causes him to groan. He leans in more, crowding you, nuzzling your cheek, “Is that what you want? Daddy to hold you down so you can’t move?”
Your answer is reluctant for only a few moments, before you’re nodding against him, whimpering as your eyes try to look at him.
Rob gives a hum of approval with your answer, shifting on his knees to push your body into the bed, leaning onto you and spreading your thighs with his own, not once pulling out. The hand on your mouth stays, tight grip as you’re forced into the bed. A little scream is forced out of you with the change of position, his cock pressing into your g-spot with every thrust down now, making your eyes roll back. Your hands claw at the bed, desperate for something to hold onto.
Your back is forced into an arch, pushing up into him as he lays his weight on you, grunting into your ear.
“Taking Daddy so good, baby..”
Your eyes flutter shut, physically unable to do anything but take his cock, only able to wiggle your feet and hands as he cages you in. He’s fucking you into the mattress with a strong force, skin slapping against skin. Small, unintelligible pleas of yes, Daddy, please, all muffled into his hand.
He can’t help but laugh again, groaning into your hair, gasping himself with how you grip his cock like a vice, like you were made for it. “That good, princess?”
The slick noises of his balls smacking your clit has your head spinning, his taunting little words making it worse, obviously knowing you can’t talk. Still, you nod the best you can.
Rob coos, “You love this, being all helpless under Daddy?”
Your feet kick against the bed a little, feeling like your entire body is on fire. The coil in your belly is tightening, up and up..
You give a flurry of whimpered noises, nodding again as you drag a hand down the bed to rub at your clit.
Except he gives a growl, hand leaving your mouth to grab your wrist, holding it down in its previous position against the bed. “Ah ah, no touching. You’re gonna cum like this.”
The second his hand is off your mouth, you’re wailing into the bed, “Please-!” Your hand flexes in his grasp, wiggling, but it’s no use.
“You wanna cum, baby?”
Nodding eagerly, panting for air to fill your lungs. “Yes! Yes- fuck, yes Daddy-” Your toes curl in anticipation, because that climax is building, and building, and building..
Then he slows his hips down, grinding in slow, relishing in the whimpered sob you give as your orgasm fades away from view. His cock throbs in you, listening to those sweet noises as you whimper a little ‘no’. “Beg for it, princess. Beg me for it.”
You groan, sniffling, babbling with a slight slur to your tone, “Daddy- wanna- ah! Wanna cum.. please, please let me.”
Rob always loves hearing you beg, makes his cock leak in you, that cute whiny tone you know makes him give in. He’s sure if you were facing him that you’d be batting your eyelashes.
“Who’s a good girl?”
You moan pitifully, whining into the bed, smearing drool on your chin, “Me-“ Your cunt clenches on his cock, liking the way he talks to you like a dog. “I am..”
His other hand moves up, tangling into your hair and yanking your head up a bit, your neck craning with the movement. “Whose girl are you, baby?”
“Ahh-“ A strained whine escapes from the position, “Daddy’s- ‘m Daddy’s..”
He groans into your neck, rutting in slow and hard, “Fuck. That’s right, you’re Daddy’s girl, aren’t you?”
You try to nod but it’s difficult with how tightly he holds your hair. The slight pain brings tears to your eyes, whining, “Please, wan’- want Daddy t’make me cum.. please.”
You plead so sweetly, so cute, how can he say no?
Rob can’t help the way his breath hitches, cock throbbing in your heat as he thrusts in again, grunting. He picks up the pace just a little, nosing your ear, “I guess you’ve earned it, hm?”
His hips start smacking into your ass again before you can response, little ‘uh, uh, uh’s being fucked out of you as he returns to that hard, quick pace, panting in your ear.
Having it ripped away from you once makes the impending orgasm come that much quicker, “Da- ah! Please, please can I cum?”
Rob grins, panting hoarsely with a little smack of his tongue, “Go on baby, be a good girl for me ‘nd cum, okay? Cum on my cock.”
A pitiful little ‘thank you’ escapes you as your body tenses up and then trembles, orgasm crashing over you. Your cunt clenches down on him, dripping onto the blanket in a thin string as his balls smack into your clit.
You must leave your body for a second, because next time you breathe in, all you feel is him grinding in slow and hard, filling you with his cum, groaning some mumbled praise against your neck with your face pushed into the bed.
An entire twenty seconds are spent rutting into you, slow, working both of your bodies through cumming, hearts pounding as one. His hand pets your hair away, pressing little kisses to your cheek and temple, “Feel good, baby?”
You mumble a barely coherent noise in response, thighs shaking. The aftershocks have you shuddering, pussy weakly clenching on him. Whining, you pant hard, needing air in your heated lungs.
He finally lets go of your wrist, leaning up on his knees a bit more and slipping his cock from you. It pulls a weak whine from your throat, feeling the mess of cum and slick drip out of you, something he watches greedily whilst spreading your ass to enjoy the view. He leans down and presses a kiss to one cheek, smacking the other before he flops down onto the bed next to you. Hands curl on your skin, pulling you onto his chest as you both catch your breath.
You’re quiet even after a minute or so, and he chuckles breathlessly, “Daddy worked you out good, huh, princess?”
You nuzzle further into his neck, skin slick with sweat and a bit of drool smeared on your chin. You mumble something he doesn’t quite catch, but one word sounds an awful lot like ‘daddy’.
Rob smiles, heart calming down now as his one hand ghosts up and down your back in idle patterns. He tilts his head to your temple, kissing the skin there, “Speak up, couldn’t hear you.”
You grumble another noise, snuggling into him despite how hot you both are, hand curling against his chest. He tsks, patting your upper arm before sliding his hand to hold your own, “Come on, use your words.”
Another whiny breath, sighing out, “Love you.. Daddy..”
Oh, so cute, his heart aches. He coos and kisses your temple again, “I love you, baby. Daddy loves you.”
Wore out, sweaty and in desperate need of a nap, you’re already falling asleep.
So much for going to the store.
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why is every RV the same? it’s like “here is the master bedroom with seventeen closets, a full bathroom, floor to ceiling windows, a washer and dryer, more storage under the bed, three dressers, a sauna, and a couch. oh and here’s where you can store the army cots for your kids.” like ??? why is there always one real bedroom with a door and closet storage, and then the smallest and least private setup for everyone else? either it’s bunk beds that are 2 ft wide or a thin strip of foam they call a “mattress” on the floor of a loft or whatever. it’s especially noticeable with the really huge and fancy RVs and trailers that have a literal king sized bed in the master bedroom and then a couple of twin mattresses, no frames, scattered randomly throughout.
i know this isn’t really a pressing issue, because i mean if you’re getting a camper or RV or trailer then you probably have the money to get a setup you like, but it just irks me that children are expected to be fine being shoved away in near-literal closets and crawl spaces.
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captainlunaxmen · 9 months
The Lady and the Lord
Chapter 9
Eddie munson x fem!reader
This is a repost since the old blog doesn't work anymore. 🥰
Chapter summary: time to kill the bastard.
Chapter warnings: spoiler season 4, blood, violence, trauma.
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Our first stop is Creel's house.
Erica, Lucas and Max goes to get out of the camper.
"Be careful, okay?" Steve tells them, then turn to Lucas. "I'm counting on you Sinclair. Anything happens, you put those headphones on her head, immediately"
"I will" Lucas replies with determination.
"We got it" Max remarks.
"We know you do" I give her an encouraging smile.
They all nod and go out... to the Creel's house.
"They're gonna be fine" Eddie whispers at me.
"Yeah... yeah, I know" I nod.
Then it's time to drive off to the trailer park.
We manage to find a good spot to leave the camper so...Time to go over the plan one last time.
"Okay. I wanna run through it one more time" Nancy starts "phase one"
"We meet Erica at the playground" Robin says while Nancy nods. "She'll signal Max and Lucas when we're ready."
"Phase two" Nancy asks.
"Max baits Vecna. He'll go after her, which'll put him in his trance." Steve answers.
"Phase three?"
"Me and Eddie draw the bat's away." Dustin answers.
"We head into Vecna's lair, and... we kill him" I say.
"Nobody moves on to the next phase until we've all copied. Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?" Nancy firmly instructs.
"Got it" we all say and get up, heading to Eddie's trailer.
We walk, literally, in the dark once again sneaking around the trailer park, careful not to make noise and catch everyone's attention. Finally we arrive at his trailer.
Obviously, Steve's the one to go first and set another mattress under the portal.
"Be careful" Dustin tells him.
"Thanks, buddy" Steve replies before grabbing the rope and climbs up and then down into the Upside Down with, what he thinks, is a cool flip, he even looks up to us with a proud grin.
"Wow.. what does he wants us to do, applaud?" Robin asks sarcastically.
"Yap. I think he misses the attention" I mutter, earning an amused cough from Nancy.
In the meantime Steve brought the mattress.
"Let's go" he tells us.
Nancy goes frist, with Robin's help she climbs to the Upside Down.
After her we throw the weapons through the gate and then we climb up too.
After retrieving weapons, bombs and shields we walk out.
"Hey, guys. Listen" Steve turns to Dusntin and Eddie. "If things here start to go south, I mean, at all, you abort. Okay? Draw the attention of the bats. Keep 'em busy for a minute or two. We'll take care of Vecna. Don't try to be cute or be a hero or something. Okay? You guys are just--"
"Decoys" Dustin says for him. "Don't worry. You can be the hero, Steve"
I let out a small laugh.
"Absolutely. I mean, look at us. We're not heroes." Eddie agrees, showing a nervous smile.
So Steve starts to walk off, but Eddie stops him.
"Hey, Steve?" Steve turns to him and after a small pause Eddie speaks again "make him pay"
Steve nods and walks off, I send both him and Dustin a smile before following the other.
I turn around seeing Eddie walking towards me.
"I'll be right behind you guys, give me a minute" I tell them.
They a nod and walk away.
"Yes?" I ask Eddie, who looks back to check Dustin walking back in the trailer
"Uh... listen... since we don't know how this is gonna end... uh... can I kiss you?" He blurts out in a whisper.
That took me completely by surprise.
"I... sorry. I don't want our first kiss to be because something bad might happen. I want you to kiss me properly, when all this is over." I tell him.
"What you mean by 'properly', uh?" He asks.
"Push me against the wall, kinda thing, grab my hips... you know" I say with and embarrassed chuckle.
"Is that so?" He softly laughs.
"Thought you wanted something sweet and soft" he teases.
"Oh, my lord, you'd be surprised" I wink.
"Is that a promise then? We get out of here and I finally get to kiss you?" He ask with a grin.
"And anything else you want" I smirk.
"Anything? I like the sound of that"
"Better stay alive then, uh?" I hug him and walk backwards before following Robin, Steve and Nancy.
We've been walking for, what feels like, forever. The Creel's house surely is far.
"Uh.. I don't mean to freak anyone out" Robin speaks up, breaking the silence "but I swear we've seen this tree before"
"That's impossible" Nancy immediately says.
"That would suck, right? If Vecna destroyed the world because... 'Cause we got lost on the woods?" Robin replies, rambling nervously.
"We're not lost, don't worry, okay? We'll get there soon enough" I try to reassure her.
She just chuckles and starts to walk faster ahead of us.
"Robin, hey. Watch out for the vines! Hive mind. Remember?" Nancy warns her.
"Ugh... I better catch up with her... before she falls" I say rushing to catch up with her.
"Thank you!" Steve says loudly.
With Robin sometimes it's like... co-parenting... she's cute, but...challenging.
"Robin, wait!" I say.
Once I finally do catch up with her, she grabs my hand and pulls me close to her as we walk.
"You good?" I ask with a chuckle.
"Just... freaked out" she admits.
"Hey.. you know we're gonna make it.. as always" I try once again to assure her.
"Nor even you fully believe that. You really can't sugar-coat things. Like... What if we don't make it? What if we fucked up and everything goes to shit?"
"You're right... I really can't sugar-coat anything...and well... if everything does go to shit. We tried. At least we tried." I squeeze her hand "I don't see anyone else here, do you?"
"See? We're trying to do something, we might fail... that possibility has always been there, yet here we are, all of us."
"You're right" she simply says.
"I'm always right" I proudly say.
"Being friends with Steve made you a little too cocky, uh?" She teases.
"Oh.. God yes... please make it stop" I joke making her laugh.
"I will, I promise" she laughs.
Her gaze catch onto something in front of us.
The Creel's house.
"Shit! Told you we weren't lost!" I tell her, who immediately rush back to Steve and Nancy leaving me there.
"Be right back!" She tells me.
She comes back soon after with Nancy and Steve with her.
"There it is" I say pointing at the house "and... there they fucking are" I point at the bats flying over the house. "I think the guys are ready" I nod to the playground in front of the house where a small ball of energy sparks.
"Erica" Steve says and I nod.
So we head to her.
So far, so good.
We warn her we ready.
"Okay, the lovebirds have copied. Max is moving into phase two: distracting Vecna." She informs us.
"So far, so smooth" Robin comments.
"Yeah, we're not even at the hard part yet" Steve replies.
"Take the bait, you son of a bitch" I hear Nancy saying looking straight to the house.
Please Max be careful, I think.
"Hey.. it's okay." Steve whispers to me.
"I know... I know.. I'm just worried. I'm fine, Steve, I promise" I assure him.
"Tell me, though. Please"
"I will" I give him a smile before kneeling down to try and calm my nerves.
We wait and wait and wait.
Finally Erica speaks again.
"Okay, she's in. Initiate phase three"
Robin immediately grabs the walkie and inform Dustin and Eddie.
"She's in. Move on to phase three"
"Copy that. Initiating phase three" Dustin replies.
"Time for the concert of your life, Eddie" I mutter.
After a moment we faintly hear the unmistakable sound of an electric guitar.
Oh my god... that's of the new Metallica songs... fuck! how is it called? Master of Puppets, yes!
"Oh he's good" I comment.
The bats hear it too, they're quickly flying towards the "noise".
"Okay. It's working. Let's go" Nancy says.
We all stand walking to the house.
We enter the house, careful not to step on the vines. It's kind of difficult when the whole place is literally covered in them. Steve goes first, then Nancy, Robin and then me.
They start to walking up the stairs when I hear a noise. I stop for a moment to check if it's another creature or not.
"Guys" I whisper-shouts.
They turn to look at me from upstairs, but before I can tell them a big earthquake interrupts me.
"You guys okay?" I ask once the earthquake stops.
They don't have time to answer because a vine tied itself to Robin's ankle, next thing I know she's being held to the wall screaming for help.
I try to get upstairs while Steve and Nancy try to cut the vines and free her, but they're stopped by more tentacles slithering grabbing them, choking them against the wall.
I'm almost on top, almost to them, when I feel something wet crawling my leg. I try to wriggle free from it, but its hold is too tight, wrapped firmly on my leg, pulling.
I fell on the ground, hitting my arm hard, but I don't have enough time to react because I'm being dragged back downstairs and literally thrown back outside.
When I hit the ground I feel my sight darkening until I see nothing at all.
I finally open my eyes again.
It's difficult to breath, I feel vines still crawling over my body and I struggle to get free.
I manage to grab the shotgun and start to shoot at the roots, finally freeing myself.
I immediately stand up and run back to the house, but the door is closed shut.
"Hey! Can you hear me?" I try "Steve! Nancy! Robin!"
Fuck... I hope they're not answering because they can't hear me and not because they're still trapped.
"Nancy! I can't get back in!"
"Go back to the trailer then!" She tells me. "We can't open it either. We'll go upstairs and kill Vecna, you go back and find something to open this"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes! We got it."
"Be careful, please!"
And then no answer again.
I take a very deep breath as soon as I feel myself shaking.
I'll go back to Dustin and Eddie and with them I can find a way. Yeah.
Another deep breath.
I start to run back to the trailer park.
I run as fast as I can.
All sorts of thought invade my mind.
What if they can't kill him?
What if he kills them first?
I couldn't stand losing any of them.. let alone all of them... I couldn't stand it again
I looked for Hopper when I saw Joyce back at Starcourt.
No signs of him.
Maybe he's talking to someone about this whole situation, I thought.
But then... I saw Joyce's face looking at El.
She wasn't happy, like "we won" kind of happy. No... she was devastated.
That's not possible, I said to myself. It can't be.
I kept looking at Joyce and El talking and then hugging. Joyce trying to comfort her.
When her eyes locked into mine... I fall.
Hopper was gone and I couldn't do anything about it.
I cried, my chest hurt... I couldn't breath.
But then, a hand touched my shoulder.
"Y/n..." Dustin's voice calmed me a little.
"Sweetheart..." Joyce. "I'm so sorry"
She kneeled with me holding me as I sobbed against her.
"I know.. I know."
I've never felt that pain before... not like that...
How can anyone survive that?
"Ma'am?" Someone calls.
"I'll be right back, okay?" Joyce whispered at me.
"I'll stay here" Dustin offered then proceeded to kneel beside me and put his head on my shoulder reassuringly. "You know... uh, my mom always asks about you. Insists you're always too thin, well.. ever if you weighted more than a whale, you'd still be too thin for her..." he let out a small laugh "what I mean is, uh.. you're always welcome, you know"
"Thank you Dustin" I managed to say.
"You're always welcome at my house too" I turned around to see Mike standing up, holding El's hand. "I mean.. my whole family love you more than they love me so.. might as well" he added, with a chuckle.
I hold my hand out for El, who gently accepted it to sit with me as we hugged each other.
"At my house too" Lucas joined.
"Same" Max with him.
"And obviously.. same at mine" Will.
"Thank you guys"
As I approach the trailer park I see something moving... running.
I stop for a moment, trying to understand what's happening there.
Oh my god.
It's Eddie. He's running from the bats.. but why?
I scream as I see the bats knock Eddie over, off of the bike, but he stands up quickly, thankfully.
I get back to running, eyes fixed on him, I don't think he can see me, yet.
He's running away, but stops, turns around and grabs the shield and the spear.
No. No. No.
He manages to fight off a lots of them, but they're still too many and they manage to attack themselves at Eddie's sides.
I stop. Grab the shotgun... and aim.
I'm able to hit a few of them, before Eddie turns around and sees me.
I keep getting closer and closer as I shoot the creatures, until I'm basically by Eddie's side.
"What part of 'don't be heroes' you didn't understand, uh?" I scold him.
"Can't run forever" he simply answers.
I take care of those bats above us while Eddie the ones getting too close.
After what feels like eternity, the demobats, suddenly, fell.
"Maybe they did it..." I breath out.
"You think?" Eddie asks me.
"I hope... fuck..."
I feel Eddie's hand on my shoulder, to keep himself up, but he falls on the ground.
"Eddie?" I kneel down beside him, noticing just now the huge wounds on his body.
"Oh shit.. okay.. " I shakily say.
"That bad, uh?" He asks.
"No. Hey, look at me okay? It's okay. They're... not exactly good, but they're not that bad" I insist.
"Has anyone told you you can't sugar-coat anything?" He asks. Voice tired and weak.
I feel my eyes watering, there's so much blood... too much blood.
I have nothing to help him, except maybe...
I immediately take off the shirt he gave me and start to rip it.
"I'm gonna buy you a new one, I promise" I tell him.
"Hey... hey..." he weakly calls "I know we said after all this, but...seeing the situation..do you think I could get that kiss now?"
He laughs it off, but I can tell he's scared.
"I'm sorry, love" I force myself to smile as I put pressure on his wounds with some ripped tissues "We're gonna get you to the hospital. You're gonna be fine and then... you'll kiss me properly."
"Hey... uh... I didn't run away this time, right?" He asks and I let the tears freely fell.
"You didn't. You're so brave" I caress his cheek with one hand. "And you played amazingly too"
"Yeah?" He asks. "Did you hear it?"
"Definitely. Gotta have to play for me, one of these days" I wink at him.
"I'll play whatever you want, m'lady" he says in a pained whisper.
I keep putting pressure and clean his wounds, trying my best to take deep breaths and keep my hands steady.
"I liked that, you know" he speaks again in a whisper.
"You calling me 'love'... I liked it" he admits almost shyly.
"You're getting shy on me now, Munson?" I try to joke, even if my tears disagree.
"With you? Always"
"Eddie!" I look up and see Dustin running to us. He's.. limping towards us.
"Dustin.. what the hell happened?"
"Hey buddy" Eddie says.
"He.. he said he wanted to buy more time and.. and cut the rope and took the mattress off so I had to climb up.." he cries.
"Okay.. Dustin listen. Keep pressure here, I'll run get the others"
"Are they okay? Why are you here?" He asks me.
"They're at the house, but the door closed and we couldn't open it. Now, please, keep pressing there okay?" I tell him, standing up and grabbing a spear, I don't know how helpful it would be but there's nothing much here.
"Hey.. don't leave me." Eddie's weak voice breaks my heart.
"I'll be right back. Okay? I promise" I tell him.
I turn back ready to run back to the Creel's house when I spot Nancy, Steve and Robin in the distance.
I rush to them, they do the same.
We meet halfway.
Steve's quickly to wrap his arms tightly around me, as Nancy and Robin catch up with him.
"Thank god you're okay, honey" he whispers.
"I was so scared" I say back, letting him go and immediately hugging Robin and Nancy.
"You did it?" I ask.
"Perfect flambé" Robin winks.
I let out a sigh of relief.
"Eddie... You.. you guys need to help us"
I run with them back to Eddie and Dustin.
"Hey" I say kneeling back down with Dustin "told you I'd be back"
"Hey, m'lady" he weakly smile at me as I grab his hand, feeling more tears coming out.
"Help.. please" I look up to Steve who looks more scared than ever, not sure on what to do "please" I whisper.
Robin gently grabs me to make me stand up as Steve kneels down and with Dustin's help they manage to make Eddie stand.
That's a good sign.. right?
"It's gonna be okay, Y/n" Nancy tells me.
I just nod, eyes focused on Eddie's back as they walk to the trailer.
It's gonna be okay. I keep repeating in my head.
It has to...
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theoriginalmarke · 1 year
All of that driving this month was a PITA but I do miss traveling. Exploring new places, meeting new people, trying new foods. 
The best part was the camping. Each place I stopped was quiet and peaceful and I slept well. The only exception was St. George, UT when it was near 100 degrees. 
It helps that I’ve got my camping gear dialed in. When using the tent we have nice cots and and great air mattresses with memory foam inside. If you only inflate them halfway they are incredibly comfortable. 
I took the Amok Draumr hammock, which has its own air mattress. It’s a trick to get just enough air into it for structure but not too much so its too firm to be comfortable. The traditional hammock is comfortable on its own, too. 
I’d love for us to be able to travel while we’re still young enough to enjoy it. My current dream is to get a cargo trailer and convert it into a camper. RV quality sucks the last few years. With a trailer you can build it the way you want. 
Travel, explore, eat, sleep, relax. That would be the life. Someday...
In the meantime, I have the real world to deal with and it’s waiting for me to jump back into it. Sigh.
I love you, baby. No matter where we are. MWAH!
Y’all have a great day.
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mister-mattress · 7 months
Custom Caravan Mattresses
Whether your adventure is on land or sea, road or bush, a weekend jaunt or a that round the country trip you’ve always dreamed of, the most important thing is getting a good night’s sleep. That’s where Mr Mattress comes in. We have a full range of mattresses to suit all recreation vehicles. From, low profile mattresses designed for camper trailers to our top of the range pillow top mattresses built for caravans, RVs, and boats, we have the perfect mattress to ensure you make the most of your next great adventure! Here at Mr Mattress, we know that everyone sleeps a little bit different.
Visit us: https://mister-mattress.com/custom-caravan-mattress/
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mattresscomfortguide · 11 months
RV Mattress Sizes - All You Need to Know
Simple Guide - Everything You Need to Know  About Mattress Sizes RV 
#RVMattress #MattressRV #RVMattressSizes #MattressSizesRV #VanLiving
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luxoglamping · 1 year
A Beginner's Guide to Introducing Your Partner to Glamping: From Camping to Glamping
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Introducing Your Partner to Glamping
Camping can be a thrilling and fulfilling outdoor adventure for many, but not everyone shares the same enthusiasm for roughing it in the wilderness. If you're an avid camper hoping to introduce your partner to the joys of camping, you might encounter some resistance.
Understanding Your Partner's Concerns
Before planning your glamping trip, it's crucial to understand what reservations your partner has about traditional camping. It’s good recommendation engaging in an open conversation to pinpoint specific concerns, such as discomfort, fear of bugs, or the absence of basic amenities.
Addressing Common Concerns
Here, we'll explore practical solutions to common camping apprehensions raised by Reddit users:
Comfortable Accommodations: To ease your partner into camping, consider investing in a spacious tent, an air mattress with real sheets, and comfortable chairs.
Battling the Elements: Prepare for various weather conditions. Bring fans for hot weather, warm bedding for cold nights, and a canopy or umbrella to protect against rain or sun.
Bugs and Insects: Combat bugs by using thermacells or citronella candles to create a bug-free zone around your campsite.
Entertainment: Keep your partner engaged with games, music, or portable projectors for movie nights.
Preparing for Your Glamping Trip
This section offers a checklist of essential items to pack for a successful glamping experience:
Accommodations: Ensure you have a comfortable and roomy tent, air mattress, and all necessary bedding.
Campsite Setup: Bring outdoor rugs, string lights, and decorations to make your campsite feel like home.
Cooking Equipment: Don't forget your camping stove, cookware, and a cooler for storing food and drinks.
Creature Comforts: Pack comfortable chairs, a table, and a power station for charging devices.
Personal Items: Include personal hygiene products, clothing for different weather conditions, and essential medications.
Choosing the Right Location
The success of your glamping trip also depends on selecting an appropriate location:
Yurts and Cabins: Consider renting a yurt, cabin, or pop-up trailer in a state park or nature reserve to combine comfort and nature.
Campground Amenities: Opt for campgrounds with amenities like flushing toilets, showers, and electricity to ease your partner into the camping experience.
The Importance of Good Sleep
A comfortable night's sleep can make or break your glamping trip. Ensure your partner gets quality rest by providing a comfortable cot or mattress, cozy bedding, and a good pillow.
Food and Dining
Elevate your glamping experience with delicious meals:
Gourmet Meals: Plan meals that take advantage of your camping equipment, like grilling steaks or cooking one-pot wonders.
Snacks: Bring a variety of snacks to keep energy levels up throughout the day.
Coffee and Tea: Don't forget to cater to your partner's caffeine preferences.
Engage in Outdoor Activities
To maximize your partner's enjoyment, plan outdoor activities that align with their interests, such as hiking, stargazing, or wildlife watching.
My Personal Experience
I introduced my partner to glamping, and it was a success! We enjoyed comfort in the great outdoors, and it brought us closer. Remember to focus on creating a comfortable and enjoyable experience, and don't forget the essentials for a great glamping trip.
Embrace the Glamping Lifestyle
Ultimately, the goal is to strike a balance between the great outdoors and creature comforts. Embrace the glamping lifestyle, and your partner might just discover a newfound love for camping.
Introducing a reluctant partner to glamping doesn't have to be a daunting task. By understanding their concerns, addressing their needs, and planning a glamping trip with all the right ingredients, you can create a memorable and enjoyable outdoor experience that both of you will cherish.
Happy glamping!
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Experience Ultimate Comfort with Inflatable Mattresses from Camp and Climb
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South Africa, a land of diverse landscapes and breathtaking vistas, has always been a haven for adventurers. From its rugged coastlines to the serene bushveld, it promises experiences that remain etched in memory. And for those who wish to immerse themselves in its beauty, camping is the way to go. But, as every seasoned camper knows, the quality of your camping gear can make or break your outdoor experience. That's where Camp and Climb steps in, ensuring every adventurer's comfort with their premium range of inflatable mattresses.
Having carved a niche in the South African outdoor community, Camp and Climb has been the cornerstone for camping and climbing enthusiasts for years. Their vast inventory, which boasts of quality products from leading brands like Tentco, Stanley, Oztrail, Petzl, and Coleman, is a testament to their commitment to quality. But what truly sets them apart is their unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction, evident in their impeccable service and expert advice.
The Unparalleled Benefits of Inflatable Mattresses
Sleep is a non-negotiable, especially after a day of hiking, exploring, or simply soaking in the beauty of nature. Inflatable mattresses, with their portability and comfort, have revolutionized outdoor sleeping experiences. Here's why Camp and Climb's range stands out:
Durability: Crafted with high-quality materials, these mattresses are built to endure the challenges of outdoor terrains, ensuring longevity.
Comfort: With adjustable firmness, they promise a restful sleep, ensuring you wake up refreshed and ready for another day of adventure.
Space-saving: Easy to deflate and pack, they don't take up much space, making them perfect for backpacking trips.
Versatility: Whether you're camping in the woods, by the beach, or in the mountains, these mattresses are suitable for all environments.
While Camp and Climb's reputation in camping gear is unparalleled, their offerings don't end there. Reflecting the 'Climb' in their name, they are also a premier destination for climbing enthusiasts. From gear for bouldering and rock climbing to equipment for mountaineering, they cater to climbers of all levels.
More Than Just a Store: A Community for Outdoor Enthusiasts
Beyond their extensive product range, what truly makes Camp and Climb a gem in the outdoor community is their ethos. They don't just sell products; they foster a community. Their stores in Randburg, Centurion, Cape Town, and Bellville are more than just retail spaces. They are hubs where like-minded individuals can connect, share stories, and seek advice. The staff, passionate about the outdoors themselves, bring a personal touch, guiding customers based on their own experiences.
Whether you're a novice looking to embark on your first camping trip or a seasoned adventurer seeking to upgrade your gear, Camp and Climb offers a holistic shopping experience, online and instore. Their comprehensive range includes everything from tents, trailer tents, camping furniture, and outdoor cooking equipment to survival and navigation tools. And for those who prefer shopping from the comfort of their homes, their user-friendly online store is a boon.
In conclusion, as the allure of the great outdoors beckons you, ensure you're equipped with the best. With Camp and Climb's inflatable mattresses, not only will you experience the wonders of nature, but you'll also enjoy restful nights, waking up rejuvenated for new adventures. So, gear up, head out, and let South Africa's beauty enchant you. And remember, with Camp and Climb by your side, every journey becomes a memorable adventure.
Dear visitors if you want to more information about Inflatable Mattresses and our all services please visit our website. We have a website. We welcome you. CLICK HERE
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awanderingcanadian · 1 year
The Changing Face of Camping
I started writing this post back in mid June when we were just back from a short 2 night camping trip and again I was struck by how much camping has changed, in both our personal style of camping, and the ethnic and gender make up of today’s campers. I grew up camping, mainly in rented small trailers then in our own Apache hard shelled tent trailer style. As an adult I spent years, (with friends, then with my husband), tenting, moving from a cheap foamie, to coveted thermarests, and finally graduating to an inflatable queen size mattress that had to be largely inflated inside of our four season North Face tent as once inflated, it wouldn’t fit inside the door. We felt like we were camping in luxury.
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Then in the autumn of 2013 the unthinkable happened: we bought a new-to-us travel trailer, and the camping world changed. Suddenly we had a fridge, a freezer, a Queen size bed, a bathroom, and a forced air heater. We poo-pooed weather as we were warm and dry! In the first few years we took some epic trips: Yellowstone/Grand Teton, down to Yosemite, over to the Calgary Stampede returning via Prince George, as well as weekend and multi-day trips locally around Vancouver Island. The trailer has saved our bacon as well, as we lived a month in it before moving to Scotland in 2017, then we lived in it for 3 months when we had to return to Canada unexpectedly. We stayed in it for a couple of months again before heading our travelling in 2019, and then COVID hit! Our house was on year 3 of a 3 year unbreakable lease to the Crown, and the good old trailer came to the rescue…for 5.5 months we resided in it. Although we’re actively now looking for a newer trailer, this grand old lady will forever have a special place in our hearts.
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However, it was during the times we lived in our trailer, that we gained a new perspective. We had no idea that so many people, (employed people), were living full time in travel trailers, or motor homes. Not just retired folks who decided to sell everything and embrace the open road, but people trying to save money for a few years while they saved for a down payment. This was back in 2019, and yet today we saw some of those same people still in their RV. With property values soaring during COVID combined with interest rate hikes, those same people are even further away from their goal. It was depressing to see. Here are a few photos of our trailer as our home back in 2020…
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However, we’re back on the road now, and again we’re seeing new to camping campers. During the worst of the pandemic, when travel was verboten, people who had never camped before gave it a go. We saw mainly people from Asian countries, and China, out camping for the first time. It was evident as everything was brand new, and there was a lot of discussion, (not in English), about which pole went where in an out of the box tent, as well as how to attach a propane bottle to a brand new stove. It was inspiring to see people embracing something obviously so foreign, (but if you’ve already embraced a new country so foreign to your own, then what’s a little camping challenge, right?) This current trip we’re also seeing a lot of women camping: single women, women with friends/sisters/partners. As a women who camped for many years with my girlfriends, it’s reignited memories of those fabulous trips, as well as giving me a sense of happiness watching women assert their independence at a time when so much of it is under attack in various places in the world.
Anyway, I’m happy to be back camping, (even though yesterday I towed for 10 hours due to a big accident on the I-5), and I’m happy to see new faces embracing camping, (even though it means I’m having a more difficult time getting camping spots). I think getting outdoors is good for all of us.
I would sign off “until next time”, but I know there are a few older drafts backed up here, and while I have internet, and have a day of laundry, I’ll be trying to catch up…
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eazy-group · 1 year
No need for an RV with these great camping cars
New Post has been published on https://eazycamping.net/no-need-for-an-rv-with-these-great-camping-cars/
No need for an RV with these great camping cars
Consider this the summer in limbo, and not just because we have to bend over backwards to make any plans at all. With summer plans scrambled due to the coronavirus pandemic and more Americans wary of airline travel and hotel stays, it’s time to restore that timeless American adventure and hit the road.
It won’t take an RV or a vacation rental to explore America’s national treasures while still maintaining distance from other Americans. Camping requires some gear—glamping requires an excess—but our list of camper-ready vehicles come from the factory ready for adventure.   
2021 Chrysler Pacifica
2021 Chrysler Pacifica, 2020 Chicago Auto Show
2021 Chrysler Pacifica, 2020 Chicago Auto Show
2021 Chrysler Pacifica, 2020 Chicago Auto Show
The versatile family hauler can become a cabin on wheels if the weather becomes unbearable. Available now in all-wheel drive, the 2021 Pacifica comes with second- and third-row seats that fold into the floor (the hybrid model does not come with second-row Stow ‘N Go seats). Other vans have heavy, removable seats that become a pain in a pinch, such as during that surprise hail storm or when that shrill animal cry gets closer. And closer. With 140.5 cubic feet of space behind the front seats and room enough to fit four-by-eight sheets of plywood, the Pacifica could fit a full-sized inflatable mattress with just a little squeezing on the side. If that’s not enough space, it can tow up to 3,600 pounds (when a $995 towing package is equipped), good enough to tow everything from recreational toys to small travel trailers. 
2020 Subaru Outback
2020 Subaru Outback
2020 Subaru Outback
2020 Subaru Outback
The poster child for the outdoorsman, the predecessor to the do-it-all SUV, the Swiss army knife of cars, the Sultan of Swat, the King of Crash, the Colossus of Clout—you get it, even if you’ve never seen “The Sandlot” or visited Colorado. The Outback is all grown up, and handles suburban outings with the same capability as back-country romps. The low, wide, flat floor, and wide door openings make loading and unloading gear a cinch, and dogs love jumping in and out. Collapsible roof racks with tie downs come standard, as does all-wheel drive and a slew of safety features. Available water-repellent interiors, skid plates, a trailer hitch with 3,500-pound towing capacity and so many aftermarket roof-top tent options make this classic as modern as ever. And it’s the only vehicle on our list that can answer the call of the wild with efficient urban driving.
2020 Honda Ridgeline
2017 Honda Ridgeline Black Edition
2018 Honda Ridgeline
2018 Honda Ridgeline
Any pickup truck could make our list, but since the Ridgeline shares a platform with the Honda Pilot crossover SUV, it’s the smoothest-riding pickup and our pick for an impromptu camper. The truck bed extends from 64 inches to 83 inches with the tailgate down, which is long enough to be a makeshift bed in a pinch. With 50 inches across, a twin mattress could fit, or a full-size could get squeezed by the wheel wells. If not being used as a pillow, the dual-action tailgate swings out to the left for easier bed access and a clever floor locker can double as a cooler. A truck-bed audio system on the RTL-E trim sweetens the deal, and an available bed extender or roof-mounted bike carrier means you can bring along the toys. There are some pretty sweet aftermarket tents that extend over the bed, as well. 
2020 Jeep Gladiator
2020 Jeep Gladiator with Mopar accessories
2020 Jeep Gladiator
2020 Jeep Gladiator
Jeep’s mid-size pickup truck, or the Wrangler with a bed, offers all the capability of a Wrangler with the added versatility of a pickup that can tow up to 7,650 pounds. And you can take off the roof and doors for a night under the stars. For off-roaders, the long wheelbase limits its breakover angle compared to the Wrangler, though there are few places that would worry the Gladiator. The 5-foot steel cargo bed might not be the best for sleeping, but the available Trail Rail system with a 115-volt AC outlet and all the Mopar parts means you can equip the Gladiator in a way that tells others: “I’ll sleep when I die.”
2020 Dodge Durango SRT
2018 Dodge Durango SRT first drive
2018 Dodge Durango SRT first drive
2020 Dodge Durango SRT
As much as we love the performance from the 475-hp 6.4-liter Hemi V-8 in the Durango SRT, we prize the three-row SUV here for its towing capacity of up to 8,700 pounds ($1,195 package required), which is the most for any SUV not based on a truck. That’s good enough to tow some 30-foot travel trailers, and when you unhitch it at the campsite you can cruise around the local sights with gusto. Or find a straight to hit 60 mph in 4.4 seconds. Careful on arriving at the campground late or leaving early; the unabashed V-8 rumble might cause your neighbors to enact social distancing in a much more hostile way. It seats six, too, with comfy buckets in the first two rows, so if you had to sleep in the car, you could recline and cocoon yourself in blankets or catch a flick on the rear entertainment center ($1,995). That’s not really camping but at least you’re out of the house.   
2020 Toyota Land Cruiser
2020 Toyota Land Cruiser
2020 Toyota Land Cruiser
2020 Toyota Land Cruiser
It doesn’t matter that this three-row SUV is nearly old enough to get its own driver’s license, the Land Cruiser is beloved the world over for its rugged capability and SUV versatility. The 381-hp V-8 and truck frame give this heavy 4×4 the kind of off-road confidence expected in a truck but with a boxy body. It seats eight but no one will be happy about that. The third row can never get out of its own way, however, even if it’s split and swung out to rest against the wall. The off-road ready Heritage Edition deletes the third row to seat five, and comes with a mega roof rack coveted by posers and brozers alike. Options are limited but tow hooks, skid plates, mud-and-snow tires, a split liftgate/tailgate, and an integrated hitch capable of towing 8,100 pounds come standard. What it lacks in interior refinement and features, the Land Cruiser makes up for in bona fide go-anywhere capability. It’s not the roomiest if you need to crash in it overnight, but there are so many aftermarket accessories and roof-top tents you may never need to.
2020 Land Rover Defender
2020 Land Rover Defender
2020 Land Rover Defender, 2019 LA Auto Show
2020 Land Rover Defender, 2019 LA Auto Show
Land Rover might be the only brand with an off-road reputation on par with the Land Cruiser, and the return of the boxy Defender two- or four-door SUV puts the British brand firmly back in the bush. Thick bumpers, big wheels, heavy cladding, and a tailgate-mounted spare belie the blend of luxury and rugged finishes found inside, such as a touchscreen, alpine lights, and exposed rivets. The Defender X off-road model has locking center and rear differentials, and all Defenders come with four-wheel drive and 11.5-inches of ground clearance, which is nearly an inch more than a Wrangler. An available jump seat could let you sit three up front to get the best shots on safari, and other options such as a 1.7-gallon water reservoir for cleaning off muddy pets or shoes, an electric winch, or roof and side carriers let you customize your outback adventure. The various “packs” are almost as cool as the Defender itself; the Adventure Pack comes with a seat backpack and integrated air compressor. 
2022 Volkswagen Microbus
Volkswagen ID Buzz electric bus concept with 1964 VW Microbus
Like the Defender, the Bus is back. Almost. And when it arrives for 2022 as the ID Buzz or the Electric Bus or whatever it’s going to be called, it will be an all-electric van. Little is known about the reboot of the 60s counterculture icon except that it will be a key part of Volkswagen Group’s plans to build 27 different electric vehicles across all brands. Since most established campgrounds have electricity, finding one with EV chargers is getting easier. Ride on, plug in, drop out.
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foodeals · 1 year
Zinus 8 Inch Foam and Spring RV Mattress / Short Queen Size for RVs, Campers & Trailers / Mattress-in-a-Box for $194.45 (reg $350)
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bigmacbushcraft · 2 years
Beginner Camping Tips
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Even the most seasoned of campers was once a beginner. Face it, we all have to learn sometime. So, we have put together these useful tips so that a beginner camper can come up the learning curve a little faster. Maybe this information will help you to avoid some painful experiences, and better enjoy your first few camping trips to the great outdoors.
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Make, Use, and Maintain a Camping Checklist (see example above but create your own list) By making and using a camping checklist you have at least given some thought to your trip and done a little bit of upfront planning. By using the list you will be much less apt to forget something critical to your trip. Take the list along with you and add to it as you think of things that you wished you had brought. This way your list gets better with each trip, and it makes it that much easier to plan the next one. Be Familiar With Your Camping Gear If you have bought a new tent, lantern, cook stove, or some other gear its a good idea to try these out prior to your camping trip. There is nothing worse than trying to set up a new tent for the first time when its starting to get dark. This is also true for trailers or tent trailers. Become familiar with their set up prior to your trip, and get some experience backing them up, so that you do not have a tough time when you get to the camp ground. Set Up Camp Before Dark Arrive at your campsite early enough the first day so that you have plenty of daylight to get your tent and other equipment set up. This will get you off to a good start so that you can relax and enjoy the outdoors. Be aware that it gets dark much earlier when you are deep in the forest. Plan Your Meals Before the Trip Plan your meals before you leave on the trip. This way you will know what food to buy, and what you will need in order to prepare it. Try to avoid getting stuck stopping at a convenience store, far from the city, where items are limited and often very expensive. Bring the Right Clothing When packing your clothes make sure that you have enough clothing in case someone falls into the lake and gets all wet or something else unexpected happens. Be sure and bring a swimsuit and towels if swimming is in your plans. Make sure to have some sweatshirts, light coats, and rain gear in case it gets cold and wet. Pack enough, but do not overdo it. Remember you are probably space limited on what you can fit in your car, and to some extent you are roughing it so you really do not need near as much stuff as normal.
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Is Your Tent Big Enough? There is nothing worse than having your family all packed into your tent like a can of sardines. Even though you are roughing it, you can still enjoy a little bit of comfort. If your tent is large enough and you even splurge for some air mattresses you can be sleeping nice and comfortable. We have a 9 ft x 15 ft dome tent that fits our family of four very comfortably. What I like best about having a bigger tent is that it gives us room to walk around the beds, and still have space to stack clothes or luggage. Even though this is a pretty large tent it folds down to a small size and hardly takes up any space, so unless you are backpacking, I would recommend going with a larger tent just to be on the safe side. Make Your First Trip Close to Home I would recommend going to a campsite pretty close to home (within 1-2 hours) for your first trip. That way if anything too terribly wrong happens, then you can just drive home. Its always good to get some recommendations on places to go from some of your friends that are experienced campers. They will probably know some good places to go for your first camping trip. Be Sure and Take Flashlights Make sure and take flashlights and check their batteries prior to the trip to make sure that they are good and strong. Flashlights will be helpful if you are changing in a dark tent or if you have to get up in the middle of the night and go to the bathroom. We do not want you stumbling around the woods in the dark do we? Lanterns are also very handy, especially if you want to light up your campsite and play some games around the picnic table. These now come with small screw-on propane tanks that are inexpensive and very easy to use.
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Check on Fire Restrictions or Burn Bans Check ahead of time and make sure that there are not any fire restrictions or burn bans at your camp ground. If you are looking forward to a good old campfire (and what camper is not?) than you could be greatly disappointed if a burn ban is in effect. However, if a campfire is a go, then make sure that you bring some firewood, and some kindling or newspaper to get your fire going, along with some type of lighter. Some parks have firewood available for sale, but not all do, and most parks will not allow you to pick up twigs and branches off the ground to burn.
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Check Weather Conditions Prior to Your Trip If severe weather is predicted for your camping area, and you can schedule your trip another time, then do it. There is nothing worse than being confined to your tent or slopping around in the mud for a few days. Obey All Park Rules Remember to obey all park rules and be courteous to other campers. Sound carries much further in the forest, so keep your voice down, especially at night. At the end of your stay, leave your campsite clean and ready for the next camper. Note Your Favourite Campsites at the Camp ground Once you have been to a camp ground that you like and scouted around some, make note of the campsites that you like the best. This way you will remember them for future trips, and if you can reserve a particular site, you will know which ones you are most interested in. We love to camp, and we hope that your family will also find it fun. Hopefully, some of the tips that we have shared will make your trips more enjoyable. Have a safe trip! Article by Rich Herman, Rich loves the outdoors and travels extensively with his family. He specializes in family-friendly websites. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/286277 Read the full article
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theoriginalmarke · 2 years
Petrichor [pet-ri-kawr] noun: a distinctive scent, usually described as earthy, pleasant, or sweet, produced by rainfall on very dry ground.
A morning dose of petrichor is a wonderful thing, especially if you’re camping in the woods. First you get that pitter patter of raindrops on your tent or hammock tarp, and soon the lovely aroma permeates your senses. 
As long as the rain doesn’t last all day. That can ruin a camping trip. Give me a few sprinkles just before dawn, then I can wake up with my morning coffee in front of a campfire and watch the world come alive. 
Speaking of camping trips, I haven’t taken nearly enough of them this year. The weather is perfect right now, too. Between the bike’s unreliability and my schedule I just haven’t gotten enough sleeping in the woods. Maybe I can slip one more quick trip in before the year ends.
Kitten’s schedule has been even worse. Maybe we can get a few family days over Christmas break. If she gets one this year.
I’ve figured out that even with our cots and self-inflating mats I still need some memory foam to soften my sleep. Getting old ain’t easy. I’m watching Amazon for a bargain mattress or cot topper. 
Meanwhile, the current hammock setup is pretty much dialed in. It’s incredible how comfortable it is. Kitten agrees on the comfort level, but she isn’t ready to give up her tent yet. She’s a glamper. Roughing it involves a Motel 6 with poor wifi. 
I’m still researching the homemade cargo camper and mulling different designs. The Time Out pop up camper trailer is still an option, too. It’s small enough to pull with the motorcycle and our Murano.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to daydream about petrichor. 
I love you baby. Hopefully we can get some time in the tent soon. MWAH!
Y’all have a great day.
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tuliptiger · 2 years
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My little trailer layout I'm planning on making into a camper of sorts. The tables fold down and the bed folds up so I can have a desk area or a bed. The shelf on the swing out door also folds down and is the kitchen area.
Idk about the tv on the wall yet though, it doesn't have like any shocks so everything that isn't bolted down is going to absolutely shake. The brown block behind the bed is going to be shelves and the bed is actually a full size mattress which is nice.
Not pictured are the shelves that are going to be under the bed that it rests on when it's down but is available storage when it's up.
My biggest hurdle right now is actually taking the stock wooden walls off the trailer and I'm like 1/4 of the way done. I'm going to shove insulation boards between them, spray foam insulate cracks, and foil tape all the seams so it's you know, insulated.
I'm excited about it very much but I actually hate taking the walls off the way they were put in. I'm hoping it's my biggest hurdle actually 😬
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A camper van is a useful asset, particularly for an individual who travels a lot. The mobile accommodation you get with a camper means that you can go just nearly anywhere and not worry regarding where to stay, just where to park. Motorhome licenses can, however, be too costly for many people, which is why they choose to hire.
A more suitable choice is to transform an ordinary commercial van into a camper. Rare refurbishments can give you your dream motorhome that is ideal for amusement and other requirements.
Here Are Some Basics for Building a Camper Van
Assess Your Needs
Everybody includes variable requirements when it reaches camper vans. Maybe you enjoy a van that can accommodate two or three people or you require special amenities like customized cooling.
Evaluate your needs carefully before you make your camper van. Do you need a lot of storage space? Will you have to load stuff into the van regularly? Is the van for daily use? Such reviews are required.
Consider your Budget
The area of refurbishments that you can do when making a camper van will rely on your spending capacity. Every alteration from the insulation to the ventilation costs money. Set aside funding so that you can create the camper van affordably. 
Slide-on camper manufacturers have camper van tools that make it painless to set up your motorhome. Readymade tools offer price savings because the refurbishments apply less work compared to handling everything from scratch. Remember to follow costs during the project.
Camper Kitchen
For a vehicle that is used regularly for travel, a camper trailer kitchen is required. It will permit you to camp in class wherever you are. Be careful when putting up a DIY kitchen in a motorhome.
Firstly, create a kitchen that fits the available space. Decide the right type and length of stove. Don’t fit a stove that will carry up a lot of area in the van. Select the fuel that suits your budget, needs, and environment.
Make sure the fuel you select can affect sufficient heat to satisfy your cooking demands. Note that the fuel you use for your kitchen can also be used for the water and heating/cooling system.
Remember Safety
You must confirm that your DIY camper van is secure. The more installations in your van, the more increased security risks. Consider the plumbing, electrical wiring, and other methods that you will include in the camper van.
Unless you are a seasoned DIYer, hire experts to handle some of the tasks. If the van needs a heating and cooling system, for example, ask a professional to fit the most suitable unit that won’t interrupt the functioning of the vehicle.
The Necessities
Except for the kitchen, your camper will need a bed, storage, and other requirements like camping blankets, resting pads, etc. Measure the dimensions of the vehicle so that you can understand what mattress size is best.
Folding beds are the most useful because they provide space when not in use. You will require bathroom solutions, which you can go to an experienced plumber to establish.
The plumbing can include a sink if the space in the van permits it. Paneling will deliver storage space and allow you to fit things in such as TV screens. Insulation and soundproofing are must-haves as well.
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Camp and Climb Outdoor - Online Camping Shop in South Africa
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For those who love the outdoors, there is nothing better than camping in nature. But for some, the idea of going camping can seem daunting; what do you need to bring? Where will you sleep? What if it rains? To help answer these questions and make your camping trip a total success, we are pleased to introduce Camp and Climb Outdoor - an online camping shop. Here you’ll find all the supplies you need for your next adventure, including tents, sleeping bags, backpacks and more. So pack your bags and get ready to explore nature like never before with Camp and Climb Outdoor!
What We Offer
At Camp and Climb Outdoor, we offer a wide variety of camping gear and equipment for all your needs. Whether you're an experienced camper or just getting started, we have everything you need to make your next camping trip a success.
Our range of camping equipment includes the following:
Camping tents
Camp Furniture
Camping Gear
Camping Chairs
Roof Top and Trailer Tents
Braai Equipment
Gas and Outdoor Cooking Equipment
Sleeping Gear
Camping mattresses and camp stretchers
Camping Stoves
Camping Storage
Outdoor Lightning
Camping Tools
Camping Electronics and Gadgets
Climbing Equipment
Hiking shoes and outdoor clothing
And so much more.
We also offer a wide range of outdoor clothing and footwear to keep you comfortable in any environment. From hiking boots to rain jackets, we have everything you need to stay dry, warm, and comfortable no matter what the weather throws at you. And for those unexpected emergencies, we even offer a selection of survival gear to help you get through anything.
Camping Brands We Stock
We stock a wide selection of camping equipment from top camping brands. Some of these brands include the following:
1st. Aid
Black Diamond
First Ascent
These are just some of the camping brands we stock online and in-store.So whether you're looking for the perfect camping gear or just some advice on where to go camping, Camp and Climb Outdoor is your one-stop shop for all your needs. Come see us today and let us help you make your next camping trip a success!
Our Stores & Branches
We have a large online store where all our camping items are available for order and delivery in South Africa. We also have physical stores located  throughout South Africa.
Our Branches include:
Gauteng Centurion - Shop 9, Byls Bridge Promenade, Koaline Drive, Highveld Centurion, Pretoria Gauteng, 0157
Gauteng Randburg - C2, Strijdom Commercial Park, Cor. Malibongwe & Tungsten St. Strijdompark, Randburg, Johannesburg, Gauteng, 2169
Western Cape Bellville - New Address! 22 Northumblerland Rd, Oakdale, Bellville, Cape Town, 7530
Western Cape Paarden Eiland - 58 Section Street, Paarden Eiland, Cape Town, 7405
Our Promise
At Camp and Climb Outdoor, we promise to provide our customers with high quality camping gear at the most competitive prices. We source our products from the best manufacturers in the industry and test them rigorously to ensure that they meet our high standards. We also offer a price match guarantee to make sure that you are getting the best deal possible.
Dear visitors if you want to more information about Camping Store South Africa and our all services please visit our website. We have a website. We welcome you. CLICK HERE
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