#callum wyland
saibug1022 · 6 months
hi o/
for Lance and Apollo (+ Atlas, if you want!) - failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
and for Mattheo and Magnus (+ Callum, if you want!) - desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
thank you! 🌺
Lance Hartley (The Elementalists)
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His biggest failure is probably nearly not getting into Penderghast. He became so disillusioned with his school work in high school that he slacked off a lot, to the point where he almost failed and couldn't graduate. He managed to scrape it all back together but originally his admission to Penderghast was denied and he had to fight tooth and nail to graduate, reapply, get accepted, and get a scholarship. As of bk3 no one knows this except his father and his sisters
Apollo Solaris (The Elementalists)
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I'd say Apollo's biggest failure is actually a failure of his morals. He killed Raife at the end of bk1 and he's been haunted by it ever since. He feels disgusted with himself even if he doesn't really regret it.
Atlas Ernhardt (The Elementalists)
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His biggest failure to him is between running and letting his foster parents die, not finding Apollo sooner, or getting trapped in the mirror dimension, all born from guilt of not being able to protect his family properly. As a result protecting his family is all he cares about, refusing to let them down again. It's why he gives the sun crystal to Kane to save Apollo
Mattheo Lazarin (Bloodbound)
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I think Mattheo's greatest desire is just stability. He just wants his life to settle and the vampire and humans to find a balance and for the clanless to be accepted. He wants everything to settle so his life can follow suit, and he's not afraid to admit that but he is careful with how he admits it. He feels bad, feeling like the desire makes him selfish. Instead he hides behind what he does to fulfill that dream, which is doing things like helping the clanless, fighting Gaius, resisting Rheya, etc etc.
Magnus Bishop (Windverse/Laws of Attraction)
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Magnus most wants to tear down most of the criminal justice system and he is NOT shy about it. This was the whole reason he became a laywer after all. But he knows he's not going to single-handedly reform the world so instead he uses the law that oppresses people as a weapon against the oppressors.
Callum Wyland (Hero)
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(I'm so excited, I never get to talk about him)
Callum is kind of hard to nail down but that's also the biggest indicator of what he wants. He wants to find himself. Of course in the obvious of finding out where he's from, why he has these powers, how he ended up on earth, etc etc. But it's also in the sense that he has no idea what he wants to do. He knows he loves Kenji, he knows he wants to keep being a Hero, and he knows he isn't unhappy with his job, and he also knows that he doesn't want his life to look like that forever. The problem is he doesn't know what that future looks like. He wants to figure out what his dreams are. I don't think anyone knows because I don't think he's even quite figured that out himself. For now he's jsut stumbling along as the world unfolds before him and hoping that answers or the opportunity to find them come with it.
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May Creator of the Month: Saibug1022
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Each month, CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers or artists, and this month’s creator of the month is @saibug1022! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page. Past COTM's can be found here.
Quick Links:
Tumblr Blog Masterlist
How do you want to be known on Tumblr? 
Salem, Sai, or saibug are all good! They/he pronouns
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played? 
I started playing Choices in 2017-ish, I don’t remember what my first book was for sure but I remember the first book I played that really drew me in and got me into the app was The Elementalists.
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I don’t think I really joined the fandom until…a few weeks after that mass cancellation announcement where they announced they’d cancelled It Lives 3, Elementalists 2, Nightbound 2, Hero 2, and RoD 2.
3- How did you pick your blog name? 
Originally it was a mashup of my dead name and a sweet nickname from my childhood, so when I came out I just changed it to incorporate my new name instead :)
4- Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!  
It was a repost of this screenshot and honestly I was right and should say it. Also this question taught me the archive feature existed so thank you that’ll come in handy lmao
5- Do you write fanfiction, create fan art, or are you one of those really gifted people who do both? 
I write fanfiction! I am trying to learn and practice art so who knows what could happen in the future. Oh and I also do lots of edits :)
6- How long have you been creating for Choices and for any other fandoms?
If we’re talking my true origins I actually started writing by writing Supernatural x reader fics in like 2017, but I didn’t start writing the fics I write now until Sanders Sides in 2019 and then I finally got around to Choices in about 2022 lmao. 7- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to create for?
My favorite book is probably ILITW which is probably obvious, but as for my favorite book to CREATE for that’s tied between It Lives Within and BOLAS.
8- Share your first Choices fanfic or fan art that you posted with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were creating it today?
My first fic was for Nightbound, called The Wrong Engagement. I still like it overall but I think I’d definitely change some things. When I first started writing for Choices I was so so focused on trying to keep MC as vague as possible while still giving them some character, so the stories often came across as bland or even boring.
9- What is your favorite piece of fiction or art that you created? 
My absolute favorite fic is actually something I don’t think I ever posted, but my favorite I’ve posted has probably gotta be a classic which is Val’s Resurrection. There are definitely some things I’d probably change now but it’s the longest fic I’ve written, still really holds up, and I’m really proud of the characterizations in it.
10- Do you have a fic/art that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to do well but found it could use a little more love?
Walls of Regret is probably my biggest fic ever and let me tell you when I posted and wrote it I did not expect it to do as well as it did but I’m so glad it did. I can definitely think of some fics I think people would really like that didn’t get much love, including pretty much everything from the Windverse, but I gotta say Let The Shadows Fall Behind You, which is a fic/scene from my personal ongoing project, a Hero and Endless Summer Crossover
11- If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
Angst, wholeheartedly, no hesitation. Angst is not only my talent but kind of what I’m known for. I actually kind of struggle to write fluff and ESPECIALLY smut. I’ve only done it a few times and it took days of me staring at the page for days and getting out maybe one sentence an hour.
12 - Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Oh all of them. Every single MC has a little piece of me, whether it’s my experiences or my personality or my style or my interests or even the way I talk. 
13 - What element of writing/art do you struggle with most?
With smut at least I get ideas. I struggle so much with even getting ideas for fluff. My favorite things is to dive into the emotions and pain and trauma PB dance around, and finding the beauty in the dark things. I defer to the other amazing writers on this app for the fluff and I consume their fluff fics like a drowning man
14 - Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
Two things off the top of my head. My concept for a Hero sequel which includes an Endless Summer crossover. I mentioned that earlier. The second is something fondly called Into the Rowan-verse which was where my two ILW MCs, Castor and Julian, get stuck hopping through the multiverse and meeting a bunch of other people’s MCs.
15 - If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to see your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you show them first? 
It highly depends on the person and then from there I think I’d just show them my edits or character profiles because my fics you tend to need either full contextual knowledge or at least basic knowledge of the book.
16 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing or art? Are there any artists that influence you?
Published writers definitely Rick Riordan, he’s seriously influenced how I use character voices. But from the fandom my biggest inspirations right now are usually @aces-and-angels and @oh-so-you’re-a-nerd 
17- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
If I saw Into the Windverse does that count as cheating? But otherwise I’d die for my version of the It Lives Anthology (including ILW and Into the Rowanverse) to be made into a tv show with my headcanons, changes, and MCs.
18- Do you write original fiction or create non-fandom art? 
I do! I have an entire book trilogy fully plotted out that I’m working on writing, plus just writing a bunch with my own OCs.
19 -  What other hobbies do you have?
Pretty much just OC related things tbh. I watch tv a lot and YouTube, I play video games sometimes, and I listen to music ALL the time
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saibug1022 · 7 months
Hi! Pretend all of your favorite characters & OCs are in high school together. Who would win each of the following categories? (And here's a hug... hope the sadness passes soon!)
Most Likely to Succeed
Class Clown
Best Dressed
Class Pals
Class Sweethearts
Teacher's Pet
Most Athletic
Class Flirt
So for convenience I'm going to narrow it down to only the characters in my mc list, let's go
Most Likely to Succeed: Magnus Bishop (LoA/Windverse)
Class Clown: Asterin Nightbloom (Blades of Light and Shadow)
Best Dressed: Castor Athantis (It Lives Within)
Class Pals: Callum Wyland (Hero) & Taylor McKenzie (Endless Summer)
Class Sweethearts: August Rose (Crimes of Passion) and Mattheo Lazarin (Bloodbound)
Teacher's Pet: Julian Athantis (ILW)
Most Athletic: Leon Vance (It Lives Beneath)
Class Flirt: Eros Blackwell (Immortal Deisres)
I can't believe I filled this whole thing without including Val, what's happened to me. Also I am not tagging all these books lmao
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saibug1022 · 1 year
Choices Masterlist
This is my masterlist for my choices fics. Also just to clarify, most of my ILITW fics also take place in the same universe as ILW because I've accepted it into my personal canon for my It Lives MCs. ALSO also, all of these are of my MCs, the character profiles for everyone are at the bottom
Blades of Light and Shadow
Walls of Regret
Tyril Starfury x MC, Mal Volari x MC, hints of Tyril x Mal
Hurt/No Comfort
Summary: During an encounter with Valax in the Shadow Realm, Asterin, Mal, and Tyril learn that Asterin's missing year was worse than any of them could have possibly imagined.
The Last Time
Aerin Valleros x MC
Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Summary: After getting injured by Valax in a fight Asterin awakens to find himself being cared for by Aerin and he can't help but think about the night they shared...and how Aerin left.
Funeral of Faith
Aerin Valleros x MC, referenced Tyril x MC and Mal x MC
Angst, Hurt/No Comfort, Evil MC
Summary: The Shadow Realm has a new Prince.
My Heart Won't Start Anymore
Tyril Starfury x MC x Mal Volari, references of Aerin x MC and Valax x MC
Summary: Finally, Asterin breaks. But this time he doesn't do it alone.
Love, I See You Now
Aerin Valleros x MC, reference Tyril x MC and Mal x MC
Summary: When Asterin gets hurt in the Battle for the Whitetower Rift, the Shadow Aerin thought he got rid of comes back in a burst of rage and fear. But it may not be enough.
It Lives In The Woods
Val's Resurrection Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Lucas Thomas x MC, hints of Noah Marshall x MC
Summary: After years, finally, finally, Valen Ebony is saved.
It Lives Within
The Morning After
Abel Flint x MC
Summary: A sweet little morning scene after the scene in Ch 14.
The Sun's Final Breath
Lincoln McQuoid and MC, Abel Flint x MC (background)
Summary: Castor Athantis is dead, and something is glowing in Lincoln's pocket.
Abel Flint x MC, General
Summary: "I'm not Castor Athantis...I'm not even human."
Two Birds on a Wire
Lincoln Aquino & ILITW MC, Lincoln Aquino x ILW MC (background), Lucas Thomas x ILITW MC (background)
Summary: After weeks of dancing around the reveal that Matthias is Val's real father, Lincoln and Val finally are forced to talk about it.
The Wrong Engagement
Nik Ryder x MC
Summary: Just one more morning. Alex just needed one more morning with the love of his life. One more morning before he married someone else.
Into the Wind-Verse
Link to full universe masterlist
A New Start
Magnus Bishop & Wind Velez
Summary: The story of Magnus getting recruited from unemployment in Ohio after being fired from his firm, to McGraw-Byrne.
Bad Liar
Magnus Bishop (MC) & Wind Velez
Summary: Magnus Bishop, just trying to do his work. Enter Wind Velez, here to remind Magnus he scared the shit out of his boyfriend, hadn't slept in three days, and needs some goddamn friends.
Come Morning Light
Magnus Bishop/Marcus Sharpe
Summary: Magnus is awoken when his boyfriend stirs in the night. He may not be the most adept at empathy or comforting people but for Marcus? He'll try.
Feeding Schedule
Wind Velez/Martin Vanderweil
Summary: Magnus is secretly a walking talking disaster. Wind knows this. Now he needs his boyfriend's help for a unique request.
The Breach
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Magnus Bishop/Marcus Sharpe
Summary: In an attempt to finally put his past to bed, Magnus returns to Westchester one last time to visit the strange forcing lurking in the woods he grew up in. But little does he know, nothing with the Power is ever that simple.
Choices Sequels We Deserved
Elementalists 3
Nightbound 2
My MCs
Blades of Light and Shadow - Asterin Nightbloom
Crimes of Passion - August Rose
Murder at Homecoming - Valentine Damian Stone
It Lives In The Woods - Valen Ebony/Aquino
It Lives Beneath - Leon Vance
It Lives Within - Castor Athantis
It Lives Within - Julian Athantis
Hero - Callum Wyland
Endless Summer - Taylor Vaanu/McKenzie
The Elementalists - Apollo Solaris
The Elementalists - Lance Hartley (OC)
Immortal Desires - Eros Blackwell
Bloodbound - Mattheo Lazarin
Laws of Attraction - Magnus Bishop
The Cursed Heart - Emrys
Desire & Decorum - Genevieve Aurelia/Sinclaire
High School Story - Asher Williams
High School Story - Ren Abello
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saibug1022 · 11 months
Let the Shadows Fall Behind You
Word Count: 1.1k
Taylor (ES MC) and Callum Wyland (Hero MC), Jake McKenzie x Taylor (ES MC)
A/N: Okay. There's gonna be a lot of things in here that don't make sense. That's because this scene takes place in a crossover/sequel I'm starting to plan. But even before I had any semblance of a plot for that I had this scene bouncing around in my head. So, I very much hope you like it
“Are you okay?”
“Hm?” Taylor hummed as he looked over to where Callum was sitting across the green fire. The taller man was watching him, almost studying him. At first, it was kind of unnerving, especially for such a kind guy, but over time Taylor had gotten used to it. The familiarity of it was even comforting sometimes. He supposed that was what happened when you spent weeks with a person day in and day out. At least, he assumed it was weeks. He wasn’t sure if time was passing the same way on Earth.
The green fire made from Taylor’s newfound powers with the light of the glowing prisms studding the cave walls around them made Callum look like some sort of otherworldly being. Which to be fair, he was. They both were. Yet despite that and despite the fact they were in another dimension, Callum was wearing a literal superhero suit, and Taylor’s eyes turned green when he got pissed off, the whole situation still felt so very human. And yet…
“You’ve barely said a thing for the last three days and you’ve been staring at the fire like it personally offended you,” Callum explained. “All we have left to make a portal home is the Realm Prism and we’re closing in on it. We’re so close but you don’t really seem excited.”
“It’s complicated,” Taylor sighed. Callum chuckled, turning his mask over in his fingers. Taylor’s mask, the one he got from the Vaanti, was sitting next to him on the ground. 
“I mean, I’m an alien superhero who got beat up by my boss, who was also my friend’s dad, after he got juiced up on prism energy,” Callum pointed out. “And then I got sent to another dimension, where I’m apparently from, because said boss blew up. And you’re a being of sentient magic energy that my people worship, but you crashed on earth and became an island only to also give yourself a mortal body which you now permanently inhabit. And that’s not even mentioning the time loop, the other version of yourself, the species that were living on your island, or that my boss’s rival was going to use your power to literally rewrite reality. Our whole lives are complicated.”
“You’re not wrong,” Taylor laughed. He sighed again. Truth be told, he was excited. Excited, relieved, happy, all the positive emotions. This was all he’d wanted since the rooftop when he fused with the rest of Vaanu to save his friends and the rest of the world. But now that they were possibly only days away from getting back…there was something eating at him. Something he’d never really thought about. “I don’t…I don’t know what to do.”
“What do you mean?” Callum prompted. “Like with the rest of the journey to the Prism?”
“No, I mean when we get back to Earth,” Taylor said. He looked away from Callum and instead studied his own hands like the answer would be written somewhere on his skin. “It’s like you said, before the time loop and before I gave myself form I was basically sentient energy. I didn’t even have a life here, and all the memories of life on Earth were completely fake. Even then, I only have a few of those, all from the year leading up to the trip, and all with Diego. I’m not a real person. I know things but I’ve never actually gone to school or gotten a job or been anywhere other than La Huerta.”
“Well, do you have anything you want to do?” Callum wondered. 
“I don’t know that either,” Taylor admitted. “Maybe actually going to college would be nice?”
“There ya go, that’s something,” Callum smiled. “The good thing about college is you go to school and such but you also learn how to be a person at the same time. And, everyone in college is weird and a disaster, so at least you won’t stick out.”
“You sound like you had a great college experience.” 
“I majored in Communications at Ohio University. I wasn’t exactly a party animal either. But I was around, and trust me I saw enough to know college students are just high schoolers with money and more access to alcohol.” 
“I only knew ten college students and honestly that sounds accurate.”
Taylor and Callum shared a laugh like they had many times before. Sometimes it felt like those laughs were the only things keeping them going. This journey they were on together was dark and hard, but even for a moment, it made the tension in their shoulders lighter. It made the shadows just a little bit brighter. 
But then the moment ended. The laughter faded out and the tension came back. The shadows got dark again. The memories and anxieties returned.
“All of that’s just a dream though,” Taylor sighed. Callum frowned and walked around the fire to sit next to Taylor instead. The flames made his eyes look like they were glowing. 
“Why would that just be a dream?” Callum questioned.
“Because I don’t exist,” Taylor said.
“Legally I mean,” Taylor elaborated. “Rourke couldn’t find a single thing on me except a birthday which I now know was made up. He even thought my birthplace was La Huerta. And like I said, all my memories are fake. I’m not a real person. I don’t have parents or a family or a birth certificate or a diploma or anything. I don’t even have a last name.”
“Then pick one,” Callum shrugged. 
“Just pick a last name,” Taylor repeated.
“Yeah,” Callum nodded. “I mean, you technically picked Taylor, right? I came through a dimensional portal so my mom just picked me a first name and gave me her last name. People change their names all the time whether it’s GNC people, people who need a fresh start, people getting married, whatever. Pick any last name you want and as soon as we get back and deal with all this stuff and we reunite with everyone I’ll help you figure out all the paperwork myself.”
“Just pick a last name…” Taylor hummed as he thought about it. 
He didn’t even know very many last names. Just the common ones and those of his friends. Maybe he could use Vaanu as a last name? That could work he supposed but it didn’t feel quite right. His eyes darted around aimlessly as his brain searched for inspiration but all he saw were crystals, the cave walls, their masks, and his spear. A smile found its way onto his face as he looked at the beautiful flower tied to the spear, the flower he kept preserved with his powers.
“McKenzie,” Taylor finally said. 
“Mckenzie?” Callum replied.
“That’s the name I pick.”
“Taylor McKenzie, huh? I like it.”
“Yeah…me too.”
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saibug1022 · 5 months
Super anonymous ask that definitely is not from Elliott and definitely has nothing to do with the May Monthly Challenge
Choose your 3 favorite blorbos, who would their patron Greek god be and why 👀
Well I'm definitely glad it's not Elliott, can't stand them, I wouldn't have answered /j
As expected with me I did in fact go overboard so here's all my MCs as gods
Asterin Nightbloom (BOLAS) - Atlas
August Rose (CoP) - Ares
Valentine "Damian" Stone (MaH) - Athena
Val Ebony (ILITW) - Hades
Leon Vance (ILB) - Poseidon
Castor Athantis (ILW) - Hecate
Julian Athantis (ILW) - Persephone
Callum Wyland (Hero) - Zeus
Taylor McKenzie (ES) - Cronus
Apollo Solaris (TE) - Apollo
Eros Blackwell (ID) - Eros
Mattheo Lazarin (BB) - Hestia
Magnus Bishop (LoA/ITWV) - Nemesis
Emrys (TCH) - Hera
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saibug1022 · 11 months
Callum Wyland (Hero)
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This right here is Callum Wyland, also known as Eclipse. His LI is Kenji Katsaros and he may or may not be getting his own little sequel concept soon, one that also may or may not be a crossover
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