#call me cassandra because i'm being misread as a prophet without profits AYYYYY-
nil-the-glitch ยท 1 year
people just do not leave you alone huh lmao
Yeah I was just gonna be done with it but since this is here I guess I'll give the people what they want since y'all seem to love me going feral for some reason. Like, in the original post I pointed out explicitly that I was not going to mention names, and that I was going to put it under a read-more so that people who don't want to see it... Don't have to see it. And that I was just dumping my brain. Then I get hit with "if you don't wanna be assumed an enemy then say you're an ally" gurl YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO READ IT. I EXPLICITLY MADE IT SO THAT IT CAN BE IGNORED. I set up the entire thing so that it can be scrolled past and you went snooping anyways. Like I'm sorry your feelings were hurt because... I said I was uncomfortable? On a post designed to be avoided? That doesn't even mention your name? Like that makes sense.
At most I would have hoped for like, some inward reflection of "oh yeah huh I guess me bringing up this thing right after they said they were playing this game to their finace THAT THEY LIVE WITH AND TALK TO REGULARLY would have been passed on and maybe was not the best timing" but in reality I didn't even think they'd see it. Mostly because I assumed they unfollowed me tbh since there's like, no notes from them anymore since the fallout. But apparently not. Like if it weren't for the main host being emotionally attached I would just block them after this but unfortunately that would likely cause more harm than she's ready to deal with. Sooo... My hands are tied for now. Which pisses me off a little bit, to be honest. Also the overall hypocrisy of "Hey we're cutting contact with you" but then not actually doing that by having stayed in several servers we were in including a private server between just the two systems, now followed by apparently keeping watch on our blog here for... the slightest excuse to be angry??? I guess??? I swear some people just see a fucked up girl and go "Anybody gonna villainize that?" and then not wait for an answer lmao
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