#c-c-c-c-courtroom se-
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 2 years ago
Hyo-won Eu, who wrote the DP was jailed for document forgery
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▲ Hyo-won Eu (right) with Sun Myung Moon in Seoul in c.1955
Hyo-won Eu was the main author of the 1957 Divine Principle. In July 1955 he was jailed for making forgeries of official documents. It was reported in the Kyunghyang Shinmun, dated July 15 1955.
六名拘束送廳   統一教會事件
Six people arrested and detained then sent to court in Unification Church incident 文鮮明 Moon Sun Myung jailed on two charges 劉孝元 Eu Hyo won  公文書偽造 Counterfeiting of official documents and four other UC members arrested on various charges
The arrests in July followed a thorough two month investigation which had begun on May 13, 1955 when two officers from the Police Criminal Investigation Bureau first went to the church.  
Hyo-won Eu explained some more in his own diary:
Hyo-won Eu’s Diary: “July 4, 1955. Investigator Oh and Chief Investigator Kim came over to ask Teacher to come to the [Police] station in order to tape an interview. Young Oon [Kim] and I followed them. We went into different rooms.”
Hyo-won Eu: “July 11. At 4:30 I prepared for life in jail, and went to the investigation station. … I was arrested at the East Gate station.”
Hyo-won Eu: “July 13. I was sent by a detective to the Chong No station. … Yung Suk Pak [a student from Ewha] was looking at me very sympathetically. When we were almost ready to leave, one of my nephews called out, “Uncle, what happened to you?” He was crying. When the car left, he hit the window. Their faces looked at us with so much longing, so I told them there was nothing to worry about.
We became so tired, waiting in the Pigeon’s Ground. Teacher [Moon]’s right wrist and my left wrist were bound tightly together. We were led to the examining room. … He [Moon] looked at me and added, “Hyo Won, you are having a hard time, aren’t you?” I told him, “Because of our mistakes, we got you into trouble as well.” With 30 other prisoners, we were sent to the West Gate prison. Some time after midnight, we arrived at Building 6, Ward 9, Cell 380.”
Hyo-won Eu: “July 29. I signed the Principle which I wrote and expressed my feelings to the secretary. … Again, as on the first day, five of us were bound together with Teacher and were sent before Judge Kang.
Son Yung Sohn touched me. I asked him to greet Teacher. Teacher told him, “Pray a lot.” When we got into the car, they didn’t let us sit next to the window. I couldn’t understand how their minds could be so hard.
So finally 22 days passed since our arrest, and we were brought to trial. The first trial was at 10:00 at the local courtroom in Seoul, courtroom 4. The judge was Hak No Yoon. He was actually the chief judge. In the afternoon session, Judge Se Yong Kang gave the following sentence: “‘Teacher, 2 years; Hyo Won, 2 years; the other members, 1 year each.””
Hyo-won Eu’s diary: http://www.tparents.org/Library/Unification/Talks/Eu/Eu-550000.htm
Sun Myung Moon found guilty in 1955; started two year jail sentence
The testimony of Professor Kim from Ewha Womans University
Gil-ja Sa Eu on the 1955 Ewha Womans University sex scandal
Ewha Womans University sex scandal as told in the 1955 newspapers
36 Couples – many left the Unification Church
1955년 이화여대에서 일어난 문선명 섹스 스캔들
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gyakutengagotoku · 4 years ago
GS4 vs AJ:AA - Episode 1, Part 1
Look, guys! I’m being productive again! Hooray, it feels exhausting just as I remember it did!
As done before, every post I make will contain differences between the source Japanese and localized English versions of the same game, as well as further details about them, up to the following “To be continued...” screens and eventually the ending credits. As always, there are so many ways the localization can dress up certain lines in the original script to make them into jokes or at least more colorful, so I’m not going to pick out every one. It would take us an eternity longer than my hiatuses to finish otherwise.
To think it took a freakin’ indie game that's like Mafia but with astronauts and tasks to bring me back to the Ace Attorney community and back to my blog’s roots. Is this what they mean by “Circle of Life”? All I know is that I’m constantly running around in circles, both metaphorically and literally.
> Court Lobby
<Kristoph> やれやれ。ずいぶんカタくなってる みたいだね。 You look tense, Justice. Wound up tight.
<Apollo> そ。そんなコトないです! カンゼンに大丈夫ですから、オレ! W-Wound up, sir? No! I'm loose! I'm fine!
<Kristoph> 声がウラ返ってるよ‥‥ まあ。ムリもないかな。 That screeching noise... Is that your voice? I suppose it's to be expected...
初めての法廷が、殺人事件とは。 まさしく“オドロキ”ってヤツだね。 Your first trial, and it's a homicide. I guess "Justice" doesn't start small, eh?
Enter Apollo's signature "I'm fine!" catchphrase, or as it's originally known, "Daijobu desu!"
In the third box, "ウラ返ってる" from 裏返る (uragaeru) in this context is translated fairly, though it specifically refers to a "crack in falsetto" kind of squeak or screech. (Yes, squeaky Apollo.) Now, it's interesting to note uragaeru in a different context can also mean "to double-cross". To be fair, it's also a common phrase, like being "betrayed" by your own cracking voice, but the foreshadowing power...
In the fourth box, yes, they changed the name puns to suit the localized name. Kirihito (Kristoph) is just saying what a "surprise" it is for his first trial to be a murder case.
<???> たしか、きみは‥‥ So, you're...
<Apollo> あ、ハイ! オレ、大丈夫ですッ! Fine! I-I'm fine!
<???> ああ‥‥“大丈夫くん”か。 Ah... Mr. Fine, is it?
<Apollo> え。 Uh.
<???> 変わった名前だとは覚えていた。 I did remember you having an odd name.
<Apollo> (さっそく、ゴカイされちまった) (Well, we're off to a great start.)
I'm just putting this here to assure everyone that Nick does first call him "Daijobu-kun".
<???> そろそろ時間だ。‥‥行こうか。 It's time. Shall we?
<Apollo> は、はいッ! Y-Yes, sir!
<Apollo> (‥‥そうさ。  今は、とにかく集中するんだ) (...OK. I need to focus.)
(オレの‥‥王泥喜 法介の、  初めての法廷に!) (First trial, here comes Justice!)
I want to comment on how catchy Apollo's other lesser-known catchphrase is. Poor Odoroki doesn't have anything as cool as this.
> Courtroom
<Kristoph> 弁護士は、依頼人の希望を最優先 させなければなりません。 A defense attorney must always cede to his client's wishes.
この王泥喜くんは、依頼人の ご指名なのですよ。 And my client specifically requested Mr. Justice.
<Judge> ふむう‥‥わかりませんな。 Well, of course he wants justice!
現在、最��の弁護士と言われる 牙琉 霧人(がりゅうきりひと)。 But to entrust his case to this greenhorn... Why?
それをさしおいて、 こんなワカ��ノがねえ‥‥ I do not exaggerate when I say that you're the best defense attorney in town, Mr. Gavin.
<Apollo> (だ、大丈夫。発声練習の量なら、  先生にも負けないさ!) (OK, so Gavin's got trial experience, fine. But does he have Chords of Steel!?)
I just love this line from Apollo. Perfect timing and delivery. Odoroki's line is good too, though comes off as a tad more innocent: "I-It's fine. When it comes to  vocal training, even Sensei can't beat me!" Though I have to say the image of Kristoph screaming during voice training is too funny to pass up.
> Enter Defendant
<Judge> まことにザンネンです。 This is truly an unfortunate turn of events.
ひさしぶりの対面が、 このようなカタチになるとは。 I'm sorry we had to meet again under these circumstances.
‥‥成歩堂 龍一 (なるほどうりゅういち)くん。 Long time no see, Mr. Wright.
<Phoenix> 忘れてほしいですね、 ムカシのことは。 Let's put the past behind us, shall we?
今のぼくは‥‥そう。 しがないピアニスト、ですから。 These days, I'm merely Phoenix Wright, piano player.
I may have mentioned it before, but I'll make a note here that the Hobohodo meme has its own version in the JP fandom: "ピアニート" (piani-to or pia-NEET), which is portmanteau of pianist and NEET, the most famous of Japanese government welfare programs for the unemployed. It's also slang for "hobo".
<Payne> これが、被害者の命を奪った凶器。 ‥‥グレープジュースのボトルです。 This is the weapon that took the victim's life. A bottle of grape juice.
彼のお気に入りで、 いつも飲んでいるようですな。 Grape juice is apparently our defendant's drink of choice.
Many of you already know, but just in case: The localizers never censored Nick's fave drink. It was the JP devs who had to work with such censors back home, but eventually they just kept it as a running gag to put non-alcoholic fruit juices in fancy wine bottles. It wasn't until SoJ when the devs could get away with featuring a bit of alcohol. Their previous game was slapped with a CERO-C (15+) due to graphic images, so Eshiro and co. were pleasantly surprised to see SoJ get the classic CERO-B (12+) again.
Not to mention, very expensive high-quality fancy fruit juices do exist in Japan and can cost way more than your usual middle-grade wines. Japan and their fancy fruit culture and all. (I forget exactly, but I recall there were plenty of group pictures of the devs on their blogs and Twitters over the years where someone had gotten them fancy bottles of fruit juice as Christmas gifts. The memes live on.)
> After 1st testimony, decline tutorial
<Apollo> 先生が出るにはおよびません! ここは、オレでじゅうぶんッ! No need for help here, sir! I think I've got this one covered!
<Kristoph> ‥‥“手下”みたいなセリフだね。 大丈夫ですか? I think you'd better do more than think. You know it, or you do not.
<Apollo> (大丈夫!   発声練習は積んできた!) (I'm fine! The Chords of Steel are ready for battle!)
The differences here are subtle enough that I hesitated on including this, but Kirihito straight-up calls out Odoroki: "Sensei, you won't need to step up here. I'm enough for this!" "...Sounds like something someone unreliable would say. Are you going to be fine?"
> Press 4th statement
<Judge> ふむう‥‥ Hmm...
ポーカーといえば、5枚のカードで “役”を作って勝負するゲーム。 As I recall, in poker you make five-card "hands".
たしかに、イカサマが 起こりやすいのでしょう。 I can see how it would be easy to cheat.
<Phoenix> フッ‥‥ “役”を作るゲーム、ねえ‥‥ Heh... Yes. A game of "hands".
<Apollo> ‥‥? ...?
Now that I find this dialogue again, it's even deeper than I'd ever thought. In both JP and EN, Phoenix's line works just as well as the other despite having different double entendres. In EN, he makes a pun between the poker hands and people's hands; while in JP, the term used is "yaku", which is normally used to refer to hands in a card/mahjong game, but in more general cases, it means "role" or "responsibility". Naturally, in this case, there are a lot of hands and roles being exchanged rather quickly.
This case is dang amazing and I regret forgetting so much of what made it spectacular.
> Press 5th statement
<Phoenix> 賭けていたのは、ただひとつ。 おのれの“プライド”だけだよ。 The only thing at stake in our game... was pride itself.
<Judge> ほほう。 なんだか、カッコイイですな! Ho ho! Well put, Mr. Wright.
私も“ポーカー”で ヒト勝負したくなってきました。 I've got a mind to play a hand of poker myself...
<Judge> あなたの“有罪”を賭けてッ! The stakes: your fate!
<Apollo> (“ヒト勝負”感覚で  決め���れてたまるかッ!) (Um... Can we get back to the trial now?)
For once, I'm gonna go with Odoroki's line as the cooler one: "(As if we're going to decide this trial like a game of "life-or-death"!)"
> 1st witness, before testimony
<Olga> 逆居 雅香(さかいまさか) ‥‥と申します。 My name... is Olga Orly.
レストラン《ボルハチ》で ウエイトレス‥‥していますの。 I am employed as waitress in Borscht Bowl Club restaurant.
<Judge> しかし‥‥なぜ、カメラを? Then... why the camera?
<Olga> もちろん、《ボルハチ》ジマンの ボルシチもお運びいたします。 Of course, it is my pride to serve borscht that is naming restaurant.
でも、ワタシ。他にも、いろいろ サービスをいたしますのよ。 But I also perform -- how it is said? Other service.
Just making a note here on how well Olga's lines are written. They really make it obvious that she's "not a native speaker" (for now). While in EN, they just made her English a little broken, in JP, she speaks in a very stiff and formal Japanese, as she is a waitress, but also on the occasion can sound a little off to a native speaker without being broken, per se. She also has a distinct "watashi" among a few other common words that are written in katakana to show a sort of accent.
<Payne> さて、証人。 事件当時は、どこに‥‥? Now, witness. Where were you at the time of the murder?
<Olga> ワタシ、あの部屋にいたんです。 ‥‥《ナラズモの間》。 I was in room. The Hydeout, we call it.
<Apollo> “ならずものま”? Excuse me? The Hydeout?
<Olga> 伝説のギャング“ナラズモ”が タイホされたというお部屋。 It is room where famous gangster "Badgai" was arrested.
‥‥事件があった小部屋ですの。 Is room where murder took place.
<Apollo> なんだってェェェ! Whaaaaat!?
<Olga> ‥‥そのビックリしたカオ、 ステキです。 Your look of utter surprise... It is lovely.
あとで法廷の前に 張り出しておきますので‥‥ I will post by courtroom door later for you!
ほしい写真の番号を、みなさま お書きくださいね。 Dah, dah, photos will be numbered, and you will write which ones you want copy of.
Okay, everyone knows how bad/obvious/cringe the name puns can be in Khura'in or certain ones from AAI, but please, does anyone not remember "Badgai" here? (Tbf, I forgot too, so I'm not one to talk...)
Btw, his original name is "Narazumo", literally "ruffian", and it's completely in katakana, which makes me think it's a codename or alias. She also specifies that he was a "gangster", not yakuza as we'd assume. Japanese gangs are a bit closer to gangs that we know of in the West, especially that they're more known for foreign influence to their styles than the much more traditional yakuza.
Also, I'm disappointed there was no Odoroki pun here. Sure, she doesn't know him, so it wouldn't make sense, but still a missed opportunity. Also also, she actually talks to the rest of the court when she says "you", so she's selling photos of Apollo's freakout to everyone. Classy...
> 1st Witness Testimony, press 3rd statement
<Apollo> “ロケット”‥‥? His "locket"...?
<Olga> あのお客さまにとっては 大切な“お守り”のようでした。 I believe it was good-luck charm, dah?
何度か握りしめながら、 勝負をされていましたから。 He gripped it many times as he played that night.
<Judge> なるほど‥‥大空へ飛び立つ チカラがみなぎるのでしょう。 Yes, he must have felt as though it might carry him to the moon and the stars!
なにしろ《ロケット》ですからな。 Though if it were small enough to fit around his neck, it wouldn't have much lift...
<Apollo> ‥‥あの。ちなみに “ロケット”というのは‥‥ Um... The defense would like a clarification: this is a locket we're talking about?
写真を入れたペンダントのコト、 なんですけどね。 I mean, a pendant with a picture in it, right? Not a "rocket"?
<Judge> 知ってます! Of course! I knew that!
ロケットのカタチをした アレでしょう。 It was probably a pendant shaped like a rocket. That's why she called it that.
<Apollo> ちがいますよ! カタチはカンケイないんです No, a locket's a locket! It doesn't matter what shape it is!
<Kristoph> ‥‥深追いしてはいけない。 それが、社会のルールです。 It's considered bad form to poke fun at the hard-of- hearing in our society.
<Apollo> (モヤモヤするなあ) (Hard of hearing, or hard of understanding?)
This entire conversation is just a joke on how "locket" and "rocket" are written the same way in Japanese, and I'm surprised how well it still works in English.
To clarify, Kirihito's line at the end is a bit different: "...Refraining from pursuing a line too far is a well-known rule in our society." "(Doesn't make me feel any better.)"
> After 1st Present, just before new statement added
<Apollo> (ヤレヤレ‥‥  慎重すぎるんだよな、先生は) (There's such a thing as thinking too much...)
(イシバシを叩いて  コワすタイプ?) (This horse is dead, let's stop beating it!)
<Kristoph> 聞こえてますよ、オドロキくん。 There's such a thing as thinking aloud too much, too.
It's conversations like this that make me wonder if characters can actually hear what the MC is saying/whispering or if they're breaking the 4th wall to hear their thoughts. Here, it's even more ambiguous in JP than the usual between Nick and Maya in prior games. Or are they suggesting that even when Apollo is thinking, he's still loud?
> After 2nd Witness Testimony, before cross-exam
<Judge> なるほど‥‥ Ah, how many times have I heard these words:
『むしゃくしゃしてやった。  今は後悔している』‥‥ "I done it in a fit of anger, Yer Honor, and now I regret what I done".
‥‥の、パターンですな。 ...A common tale, but true.
<Apollo> (成歩堂さんは、ハッキリ言った。  『7年間、負けたことがない』) (Methinks the judge watches too many old court movies.)
(‥‥この証言には、ゼッタイ  “何か”あるはずだ!) (Mr. Wright said he hasn't lost in seven years, so this testimony must be wrong!)
I don't usually include entries for examples where the localizers dress up the text from the original, but this one here really bugs me. I'm not sure if it's a reference to some classic film or just a tip of the hat to classic American court drama movies in general.
If someone could help me pinpoint this one, please do.
> Press 2nd statement, press further
<Apollo> チップについて、くわしく 話していただけますか? Maybe you could explain a bit about these "chips"?
<Olga> そ。そう言われましても‥‥ E-Explain? What is there to be explained?
<Payne> チップはチップです。 Poker chips are poker chips.
いつまで待っても‥‥ キップにはなりませんぞ! They're not fish and chips, not a chip off the old block, not a motorcycle cop, not a...
Okay, the "motorcycle cop" bit got me. I swear this was a popculture reference (was it a song? It sounds so familiar), but I don't remember exactly where it was from! Someone plz help.
As for the original script, Auchi makes a silly pun. "[Poker] chips are [poker] chips. No matter how long you wait... they won't become tickets!" (chips = chippu, ticket = kippu)
<Apollo> ‥‥はあ。 ...Thanks.
(セッカクだ。  なにか聞かないとソンだな) (Now that I've pressed her I'd better ask something...)
たとえば‥‥そのチップ。 “円”ですか? “ドル”ですか? What are these chips worth? Are they in dollars? Or rubles, even?
<Olga> ‥‥あの。 先ほども申しましたけれど‥‥ ...Nyet. As I have been saying before, it was game, not gambling.
ギャンブルでは ございませんでしたから‥‥ Hard perhaps for capitalist to understand.
<Olga> “1000点”と “100点”の2種類。 Two types of chip: 100 points chip and 1,000 points chip.
おカネではございませんの。 It is not money, dah.
<Kristoph> ‥‥オドロキくん。 ...Justice.
<Apollo> はいッ! Sir!
<Kristoph> 今の証言‥‥ ちょっと、おもしろいですね。 Don't you find her comment... interesting?
<Apollo> え‥‥ In more ways than one, sir.
<Kristoph> 私ならば‥‥そう。 証言に加えていただくところですが。 I'd have it added to her testimony, myself.
As funny as that capitalist line is, it's not found in the source, sorry, guys. Her text in Japanese is very formal, so it takes an extra box just to complete her sentence.
Also, worth to note that Odoroki here mentions yen and dollars, but not rubles, despite the restaurant being Russian-themed. Whether it's writer oversight or just Odoroki being uncultured will remain a mystery.
Lastly, Apollo's last line here makes him seem quite confident, but in the original, he seems just as confused as ever. This is made clearer when Apollo later presses the new statement.
> Press new statement
<Apollo> あの。小さい方が100点、 大きい方が1000点‥‥ Um. The small ones are 100, and the big ones 1,000...
で、いいんですよね。やっぱり。 Uh? Right? Right. Of course.
<Payne> フン!  聞くまでもないでしょう。 Hah! Don't waste our time!
<Apollo> はあ‥‥ *sigh*
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ...
<Judge> 終わりですか? それで。 Is that all?
<Apollo> ええ、まあ。 Um... Yeah. *gulp*
(くそ。牙琉先生のせいで  ハジをかいちまったぞ‥‥) (Great. Mr. Gavin made me stop her, and now I'm the one who looks dumb.)
<Kristoph> オドロキくん。 Oh, Justice?
<Kristoph> 私にハジをかかせないで もらえますか? Please try not to embarrass me like that.
<Apollo> え! オレがですか! Huh? Who? Me!?
The subtleties of this joke conversation were lost in translation. After Apollo wastes time with that question, he grumbles to himself: "(Damn. Thanks to Garyu-sensei, I've made a fool of myself.)" "Odoroki-kun. Would you please not pin this embarassment on me?" "Huh! Me!?"
> After Present, select "Number of chips"
<Apollo> おかしいのは、チップの枚数‥‥ ですよね、先生? The odd thing here is the number of chips... Right, Mr. Gavin?
<Kristoph> ‥‥なぜ、私に? ...Why are you asking me?
<Apollo> その。念のため、というか! Uh... Just in case?
<Kristoph> ‥‥オドロキくん。 もう少し、キチンと考えましょう。 Justice... It's your case I'm concerned about.
チップなら、写真を見れば すべて、写っています。 If you're wondering about the chips, just look at the photograph. It's all there.
老眼の裁判長さんでも カンタンに数えられますよ。 Even our judge with his failing eyesight could count them.
<Apollo> (‥‥あの裁判長なら、それでも  まちがえるような気がする‥‥) (That's not the only thing failing the judge.)
Damn, what a burn. Odoroki in the OG script simply went: "(...Knowing this judge, he could get even that wrong...)" which is a fair effort, but not a wildfire level of damage.
> 3rd Witness Testimony, press 4th
<Apollo> 口論の内容は、おぼえてますか? Do you recall what the men were arguing about?
<Olga> そうですね。たしか‥‥ Dah, I believe so...
被害者サマが『イカサマだッ!』と 叫びましたの。それに対して‥‥ The victim, he shouts, "you are cheater!" and then...
“異議がある”というようなコトを 被告人さまが‥‥ ...the defendant shouts something like, "I have objection!"
<Payne> ‥‥出ましたな。 おトクイの《異議あり!》が。 Shouting objection, eh? Old habits are hard to break!
まったく‥‥ハッタリづくしの 人生ですからな。被告人は。 First he bluffed his way through the courtroom, now he bluffs his way through life!
<Apollo> しかし! 勝負の結果は、 成歩堂さんが“負けている”! However! Mr. Wright lost the hand!
むしろ、アヤシイのは、 勝った被害者・浦伏さんでしょう! That seems to cast the shadow of doubt on Mr. Smith!
<Olga> “イカサマをやった上、  勝負にも負けた”‥‥ Humiliation from losing even when cheating...
そのクツジョクが、被告人の方の ココロに、火をつけたのですの。 That is what set fire to defendant's heart!
<Judge> ‥‥そして、火のついた 被告人は、どうしたのですかな? So what did the flaming defendant do next?
Oh my God, as soon as I saw that "異議がある" (igi ga aru) my mind flashed back to those ridiculous Google Translated trailers of Gyakuten Saiban & Kenji on Nico Douga. Imagine if the devs at the time decided to play with Google Translate to see how "異議あり!" would look after switching it from Japanese to English and back. It would be one of the biggest brain plays by a game developer ever... which probably means it wasn't how it went, but it's fun to think about.
Anyway, I also like this snippet of dialogue for the judge's "flaming defendant", clearly alluding to "Phoenix" Wright. In JP, the bit about setting fire to his heart is just a common idiom in the first place, but who knows? “Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney” had been selling fast in the West, so they could have been inspired.
> After Present, point out on the cards, examine victim's hand
<Apollo> 裁判長! 見てください! 被害者のカードには、1枚‥‥ Your Honor! Look at this! One of the victim's cards...
ウラの色がちがうカードが まぎれこんでいますッ! The back is a different color!
<Payne> え‥‥ええええッ! Eh...? Ehhhhhh!?
<Olga> そ。そんなバカなッ! Th-That's impossible!
アタシがシカケたのは、 成歩堂のほうなのに‥‥ But I put that card in Wright's hand...
あッ! Ack!
<Kristoph> ‥‥今、なんと言いましたか、証人。 ...What was that, Ms. Orly?
<Olga> い‥‥いえ‥‥その。 アタシ‥‥わ、私は、ええと‥‥ No... Ny-Nyet! Er, I merely said, eh... Dah, I have, eek!
It's at this point when Olga's cover is blown, and in JP, it's more obvious because she stammers between using "atashi" vs "watashi". It's not very common to hear beginner Japanese students refer to themselves as the cutesy "atashi", though one who's a bit more well versed in the language or in anime may pick up on it.
> After Phoenix takes over the court, select when the cards were swapped, select "Olga Orly" who swapped them
<Phoenix> たしかに、あのゲームでは赤・青の 2種類のカードを使っていた。 Mixing a card from the wrong deck... when the backs are different colors?
しかし‥‥逆居 雅香は、 カードを配っていた張本人。 Remember that you're talking about Olga Orly... She was the dealer.
‥‥そんなミスを すると思うかい? Do you really think she would make such a novice mistake?
<Apollo> (まあ‥‥オレでも  まちがわないだろうな) (Actually, I have trouble imagining even the judge making that mistake.)
This is another case of the localizers dressing it up. Odoroki says here: "(Well... even I wouldn't make such a mistake.)" as if implying that he's the lowest common denominator here, haha!
> Back to Court Lobby
<Phoenix> 人間の思考・感情というものは ‥‥かならず。 Try as they might to conceal it, everyone reveals their true thoughts in the end.
身体から“情報”として 発信されている。 Their body language can become a valuable source of information.
<Apollo> そ。そんなバカな‥‥ You're kidding!
<Phoenix> たとえば。あの証人‥‥ 逆居 雅香を思い出してごらん。 That witness, for instance, Ms. Orly.
<Phoenix> 彼女は、ある証言をするとき‥‥ かならず“首筋をさする”。 She would touch the back of her neck during certain parts of her testimony.
‥‥気がついていたかい? Did you notice?
<Apollo> い。いえ‥‥ (それどころじゃないよ、フツー) Uh... No. (C'mon, who'd notice that!?)
<Phoenix> “クセ”“コトバ”‥‥ それらが発する情報を読み解くこと。 Words, habits, twitches... It's all information for the reading.
それが、勝負に勝つ “鉄則”だよ、オドロキくん。 That's the secret to winning, Apollo.
まあ‥‥ぼくも“ある人物”に 教わったんだけどね。 Someone taught me, and now, I pass the secret on to you.
It's this quiet moment between the two of them that really parallels with how Mia used to talk with Phoenix, and it's beautifully poetic. And I'd like to note that even Phoenix's speech pattern throughout this convo is quite reminiscent of how Mia talked, but with a bit of Phoenix's own style. Though in that last line, he could possibly have meant Mia, but more likely meant a certain someone with a similar power to Apollo. Ya'll know who I mean, (W)right?
<Phoenix> ああ。それから、もうひとつ。 今回の事件だけどね。 Ah, almost forgot. One more thing. About this case...
ぼくはまだ、誰にも “本当のコト”を話してないんだよ。 You should know, I haven't told the truth to anyone yet.
<Apollo> えええええッ! (や、やっぱり‥‥) Whaaaaaaaa--!? (I knew it!)
<Phoenix> もちろん、“理由”がある。 これからアキラカになるだろう。 I have my reasons, of course. All shall be revealed.
そして、ぼくの作戦には‥‥ きみが必要なんだよ。 And Apollo... I need you to be there, defending me.
きみの“能力”が、ね。 I need your power.
<Apollo> オレの、のうりょく‥‥ (声のデカさ、か‥‥?) My, um, power? (I had no idea my Chords of Steel were that special...)
The translation here is close enough, really, but Odoroki specifically describes it as the "intensity" of his voice and it's only the best answer.
Welp, I guess it’s back to the drafting board again and I may make this out as a daily or every-other-daily upload. We’ll see. I assure you, you won’t be waiting until next month, though!
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elliotjgdb427 · 4 years ago
Gay And Lesbian Porn Groups And Programs
This really is no longer the situation in the United States, given that such laws and regulations were dominated unconstitutional from the Supreme Courtroom in the year 2003 in Lawrence v. Tx. P. S i9000. Sorry, I am just not spreading my telephone number, even if most likely a sweet boy (18+), hot man or muscled male pornstar trying to get in touch with me; ).
Mislav can be described as woodland otage who has hidden himself a long way away from civilisation. With some moving, Mislav may reveal which he had a romance with the lord's son, Florian. As for the information on their age ranges & Paige's crush- both these styles those things have been supposed to be clean in the game, when they were not, I apologize. Throughout Fable 3, once once more there are a lot more lesbian, homosexual, and andrógino NPC townspeople to courtroom and get married to. Reaver dividends, this time appealing the main character to have a 'private party' in the bedchamber. In the 1980s, personas that can be asserted as discovering as LGBT were seldom shown in the realistic or even non-stereotypical circumstance and had been often the items of poker fun at or humor.
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Commenters have the event planners and guests "COVIDIOTS!, inches with remarks such as, "So many self-centered people, inches and, "You are the purpose thousands can be dying per day. " Hardly any of them will be worth spreading, as they would certainly add practically nothing new or even interesting towards the alreadyimportant movie. But in this situatio, dancer Nicole Kirkland together with beauty changer Mac Daddyy have joined to bring us all a version belonging to the ‘WAP’ video clip that features mainly queer persons of colorations. He mentioned Wednesday he "started to be able to slowly realize" he's gay and lesbian in 2017, and started to feel "inauthentic and disingenuous" in his video clips. “Captain Marvel” star Briekäse Larson possesses queer Forums in a tizzy today right after she shared a video involving herself addressing personal inquiries to her Youtube . com channel in addition to one response, dropped a touch that this lady could be homosexual.
Yet , they said, typically the wider issue of law enforcement abuse with their arrest power for homosexual, lesbian plus transgendered individuals will carry on unless the particular political kings protesting the previous look into the second item. But as racy as the online video is, supporters are beneath no sham that the a couple of are in typically the throes regarding gay new puppy love. Mister. Robinson in addition to Mr. Finney identify because heterosexual, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/?search=gay but since some TikTok influencers have found, man-on-man motion is a quick way to crank out traffic. Published in Feb ., the video features gotten greater than 2 . two million landscapes and thirty-one, 000 reviews. In the online video, Trump looked after her hubby as a staunch champion regarding lesbians, gays(i think they are sick), bisexuals, transgender and singular Americans, and even rejected typically the claims regarding his "enemies in the personal establishment" which he is anti-gay or towards equality. "I know how a lot my husband adores the Us people and am know the passion is obviously is to find all the individuals of this excellent country flourish and succeed, " the girl said inside the video. LGBT Studies within Videois some sort of cinematic study of the everyday life of saphic girls, gay, androgino, and transgender people in addition to the cultural and even political progress of the LGBT community.
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It’s a brazen pro-sex anthem that doesn’t clearly tie getting a pussy or even being major in the bedroom in order to womanhood together with, thus, has the capacity to bring out the lining “freak” that individuals of all sexes and sexualities. It should become said, for many who don’t understand, that Cardi and Megan are 2 women who happen to be attracted to men and women. Footage of this Australian soccer star showing up in a gay and lesbian porn video clip has been going around online current weeks. The particular scene was initially shot nine years ago, plus Capewell, who is in an extensive relationship using a woman, claims he was tricked into engaging. She is relocated to see the wonderful blessings the lady does have got and then is targeted on how she could honor normally the one who perished for her. Meant for, again, which is only point that distinguishes romantic absolutely love and associate love–sexual love.
My personal Masters any movie by the director that has influenced several gay painters. L. Some sort of. Plays By itself is a movie by an important director which is archived with the Museum of recent Art, Nyc. The sixties and 1971s also noticed the grow of gay and lesbian publishing along with After Dark together with Michael's Issue. During this time more magazines have been founded, like In Touch plus Blueboy. Playgirl, ostensibly developed for women, had been purchased and even enjoyed by simply gay as well as feature total frontal nudity.
L'ensemble des Minets Sauvages (Jean-Daniel Cadinot, 1984) is among the biggest movies of colorgaytube the important French pornographic director. Lack of Aspen series, from 1978, is probably the Adult Movie News' top all time gay and lesbian movies. Several scholars believe while "barebacking" and "UAI" technically each mean exactly the same thing, they have various undertones. With all the increased technique term "barebacking", the term continues to be adopted to get marketing reasons.
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ojolalli · 4 years ago
[|Tom y Jerry***] 2021 Completa en Espanol Latino ((Gratis))
# Tom y Jerry 2021 pelicula completa espanol — online gratis, Tom y Jerry 2021 | Descargar — Pelicula Completa [HD-1090p]
5 de marzo de 2021 / Animación, Comedia, Aventura Dirigida por Tim Story Reparto Chloë Grace Moretz, Michael Peña, Ken Jeong Nacionalidad EE.UU.
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SINOPSIS Tom y Jerry, el gato y el ratón más populares de la historia de la animación, vuelven a reencontrarse. Pero, en esta nueva adaptación en una ubicación distinta, ya que Jerry se ha instalado en el mejor hotel de Nueva York, el cual está preparando “la boda del siglo”. La llegada del ratón está causando ciertos incovenientes que pueden arruinar este gran acontecimiento. Por ello, Kayla (Chloë Moretz), la planificadora de este evento, decide contratar a Tom para atrapar a Jerry. De esta forma, comienza una batalla sin límites entre el gato y el ratón que podría destruir la carrera de Kayla, la boda e, incluso, el hotel. Esta película, dirigida por Tim Story, mezcla de imagen real y animación está basada en los personajes de los clásicos dibujos animados, creados por William Hanna y Joseph Barbera. Esta película de animación de los creadores de Del revés (Inside Out) (2015) y Up (2009), está producida por los estudios Pixar y Disney. 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Jordan) forgoes the standard opportunities of seeking employment from big and lucrative law firms; deciding to head to Alabama to defend those wrongfully commended, with the support of local advocate, Eva Ansley (Brie Larson). One of his first, and most poignant, case is that of Walter McMillian (Jamie Foxx, who, in 62, was sentenced to die for the notorious murder of an 2-year-old girl in the community, despite a preponderance of evidence proving his innocence and one singular testimony against him by an individual that doesn’t quite seem to add up. Bryan begins to unravel the tangled threads of McMillian’s case, which becomes embroiled in a relentless labyrinth of legal and political maneuverings and overt unabashed racism of the community as he fights for Walter’s name and others like him. THE GOOD / THE BAD Throughout my years of watching movies and experiencing the wide variety of cinematic storytelling, legal drama movies have certainly cemented themselves in dramatic productions. As I stated above, some have better longevity of being remembered, but most showcase plenty of heated courtroom battles of lawyers defending their clients and unmasking the truth behind the claims (be it wrongfully incarcerated, discovering who did it, or uncovering the shady dealings behind large corporations. Perhaps my first one legal drama was 624’s The Client (I was little young to get all the legality in the movie, but was still managed to get the gist of it all). My second one, which I loved, was probably Primal Fear, with Norton delivering my favorite character role. Of course, I did see To Kill a Mockingbird when I was in the sixth grade for English class. Definitely quite a powerful film. And, of course, let’s not forget Philadelphia and want it meant / stand for. Plus, Hanks and Washington were great in the film. All in all, while not the most popular genre out there, legal drama films still provide a plethora of dramatic storytelling to capture the attention of moviegoers of truth and lies within a dubious justice. Just Mercy is the latest legal crime drama feature and the whole purpose of this movie review. To be honest, I really didn’t much “buzz” about this movie when it was first announced (circa 206) when Broad Green Productions hired the film’s director (Cretton) and actor Michael B. Jordan in the lead role. It was then eventually bought by Warner Bros (the films rights) when Broad Green Productions went Bankrupt. So, I really didn’t hear much about the film until I saw the movie trailer for Just Mercy, which did prove to be quite an interesting tale. Sure, it sort of looked like the generic “legal drama” yarn (judging from the trailer alone), but I was intrigued by it, especially with the film starring Jordan as well as actor Jamie Foxx. I did repeatedly keep on seeing the trailer for the film every time I went to my local movie theater (usually attached to any movie I was seeing with a PG rating and above). So, suffice to say, that Just Mercy’s trailer preview sort of kept me invested and waiting me to see it. Thus, I finally got the chance to see the feature a couple of days ago and I’m ready to share my thoughts on the film. And what are they? Well, good ones….to say the least. While the movie does struggle within the standard framework of similar projects, Just Mercy is a solid legal drama that has plenty of fine cinematic nuances and great performances from its leads. It’s not the “be all to end all” of legal drama endeavors, but its still manages to be more of the favorable motion pictures of these projects. Just Mercy is directed by Destin Daniel Cretton, whose previous directorial works includes such movies like Short Term 6, I Am Not a Hipster, and Glass Castle. Given his past projects (consisting of shorts, documentaries, and a few theatrical motion pictures), Cretton makes Just Mercy is most ambitious endeavor, with the director getting the chance to flex his directorial muscles on a legal drama film, which (like I said above) can manage to evoke plenty of human emotions within its undertaking. Thankfully, Cretton is up to the task and never feels overwhelmed with the movie; approaching (and shaping) the film with respect and a touch of sincerity by speaking to the humanity within its characters, especially within lead characters of Stevenson and McMillian. Of course, legal dramas usually do (be the accused / defendant and his attorney) shine their cinematic lens on these respective characters, so it’s nothing original. However, Cretton does make for a compelling drama within the feature; speaking to some great character drama within its two main lead characters; staging plenty of moments of these twos individuals that ultimately work, including some of the heated courtroom sequences. Like other recent movies (i.e. Brian Banks and The Hate U Give), Cretton makes Just Mercy have an underlining thematical message of racism and corruption that continues to play a part in the US….to this day (incredibly sad, but true). So, of course, the correlation and overall relatively between the movie’s narrative and today’s world is quite crystal-clear right from the get-go, but Cretton never gets overzealous / preachy within its context; allowing the feature to present the subject matter in a timely manner and doesn’t feel like unnecessary or intentionally a “sign of the times” motif. Additionally, the movie also highlights the frustration (almost harsh) injustice of the underprivileged face on a regular basis (most notable those looking to overturn their cases on death row due to negligence and wrongfully accused). Naturally, as somewhat expected (yet still palpable), Just Mercy is a movie about seeking the truth and uncovering corruption in the face of a broken system and ignorant prejudice, with Cretton never shying away from some of the ugly truths that Stevenson faced during the film’s story. Plus, as a side-note, it’s quite admirable for what Bryan Stevenson (the real-life individual) did for his career, with him as well as others that have supported him (and the Equal Justice Initiative) over the years and how he fought for and freed many wrongfully incarcerated individuals that our justice system has failed (again, the poignancy behind the film’s themes / message). It’s great to see humanity being shined and showcased to seek the rights of the wronged and to dispel a flawed system. Thus, whether you like the movie or not, you simply can not deny that truly meaningful job that Bryan Stevenson is doing, which Cretton helps demonstrate in Just Mercy. From the bottom of my heart…. thank you, Mr. Stevenson. In terms of presentation, Just Mercy is a solidly made feature film. Granted, the film probably won’t be remembered for its visual background and theatrical setting nuances or even nominated in various award categories (for presentation / visual appearance), but the film certainly looks pleasing to the eye, with the attention of background aspects appropriate to the movie’s story. Thus, all the usual areas that I mention in this section (i.e. production design, set decorations, costumes, and cinematography) are all good and meet the industry standard for legal drama motion pictures. That being said, the film’s score, which was done by Joel P. West, is quite good and deliver some emotionally drama pieces in a subtle way that harmonizes with many of the feature’s scenes. There are a few problems that I noticed with Just Mercy that, while not completely derailing, just seem to hold the feature back from reaching its full creative cinematic potential. Let’s start with the most prevalent point of criticism (the one that many will criticize about), which is the overall conventional storytelling of the movie. What do I mean? Well, despite the strong case that the film delves into a “based on a true story” aspect and into some pretty wholesome emotional drama, the movie is still structed into a way that it makes it feel vaguely formulaic to the touch. That’s not to say that Just Mercy is a generic tale to be told as the film’s narrative is still quite engaging (with some great acting), but the story being told follows quite a predictable path from start to finish. Granted, I never really read Stevenson’s memoir nor read anything about McMillian’s case, but then I still could easily figure out how the movie was presumably gonna end…. even if the there were narrative problems / setbacks along the way. Basically, if you’ve seeing any legal drama endeavor out there, you’ll get that same formulaic touch with this movie. I kind of wanted see something a little bit different from the film’s structure, but the movie just ends up following the standard narrative beats (and progressions) of the genre. That being said, I still think that this movie is definitely probably one of the better legal dramas out there. This also applies to the film’s script, which was penned by Cretton and Andrew Lanham, which does give plenty of solid entertainment narrative pieces throughout, but lacks the finesse of breaking the mold of the standard legal drama. There are also a couple parts of the movie’s script handling where you can tell that what was true and what fictional. Of course, this is somewhat a customary point of criticism with cinematic tales taking a certain “poetic license” when adapting a “based on a true story” narrative, so it’s not super heavily critical point with me as I expect this to happen. However, there were a few times I could certainly tell what actually happen and what was a tad bit fabricated for the movie. Plus, they were certain parts of the narrative that could’ve easily fleshed out, including what Morrison’s parents felt (and actually show them) during this whole process. Again, not a big deal-breaker, but it did take me out of the movie a few times. Lastly, the film’s script also focuses its light on a supporting character in the movie and, while this made with well-intention to flesh out the character, the camera spotlight on this character sort of goes off on a slight tangent during the feature’s second act. Basically, this storyline could’ve been removed from Just Mercy and still achieve the same palpability in the emotional department. It’s almost like the movie needed to chew up someLa Navidad mágica de los Jangletime and the writers to decided to fill up the time with this side-story. Again, it’s good, but a bit slightly unnecessary. What does help overlook (and elevate) some of these criticisms is the film’s cast, which are really good and definitely helps bring these various characters to life in a theatrical /dramatic way. Leading the charge in Just Mercy is actor Michael B. Jordan, who plays the film’s central protagonist role of Bryan Stevenson. Known for his roles in Creed, Fruitvale Station, and Black Panther, Jordan has certain prove himself to be quite a capable actor, with the actor rising to stardom over the past few years. This is most apparent in this movie, with Jordan making a strong characteristically portrayal as Bryan; showcasing plenty of underlining determination and compelling humanity in his character as he (as Bryan Stevenson) fights for the injustice of those who’s voices have been silenced or dismissed because of the circumstances. It’s definitely a strong character built and Jordan seems quite capable to task in creating a well-acted on-screen performance of Bryan. Behind Jordan is actor Jamie Foxx, who plays the other main lead in the role, Walter McMillian. Foxx, known for his roles in Baby Driver, Django Unchained, and Ray, has certainly been recognized as a talented actor, with plenty of credible roles under his belt. His participation in Just Mercy is another well-acted performance that deserve much praise as its getting (even receiving an Oscar nod for it), with Foxx portraying Walter with enough remorseful grit and humility that makes the character quite compelling to watch. Plus, seeing him and Jordan together in a scene is quite palpable and a joy to watch. The last of the three marquee main leads of the movie is the character of Eva Ansley, the director of operations for EJI (i.e. Stevenson’s right-handed employee / business partner), who is played by actress Brie Larson. Up against the characters of Stevenson and McMillian, Ansley is the weaker of the three main lead; presented as supporting player in the movie, which is perfectly fine as the characters gets the job done (sort of speak) throughout the film’s narrative. However, Larson, known for her roles in Room, 6 Jump Street, and Captain Marvel, makes less of an impact in the role. Her acting is fine and everything works in her portrayal of Eva, but nothing really stands in her performance (again, considering Jordan and Foxx’s performances) and really could’ve been played by another actress and achieved the same goal. The rest of the cast, including actor Tim Blake Nelson (The Incredible Hulk and O Brother, Where Art Thou) as incarcerated inmate Ralph Meyers, actor Rafe Spall (Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and The Big Short) as legal attorney Tommy Champan, actress Karan Kendrick (The Hate U Give and Family) as Minnie McMillan, Walter’s wife, actor C.J. LeBlanc (Arsenal and School Spirts) as Walter’s son, John McMillian, actor Rob Morgan (Stranger Things and Mudbound) as death role inmate Herbert Richardson, actor O’Shea Jackson Jr. (Long Shot and Straight Outta Compton) as death role inmate Anthony “Ray” Hinton, actor Michael Harding (Triple 2 and The Young and the Restless) as Sheriff Tate, and actor Hayes Mercure (The Red Road and Mercy Street) as a prison guard named Jeremy, are in the small supporting cast variety. Of course, some have bigger roles than others, but all of these players, which are all acted well, bolster the film’s story within the performances and involvement in Just Mercy’s narrative. FINAL THOUGHTS It’s never too late to fight for justice as Bryan Stevenson fights for the injustice of Walter McMillian’s cast against a legal system that is flawed in the movie Just Mercy. Director Destin Daniel Cretton’s latest film takes a stance on a poignant case; demonstrating the injustice of one (and by extension those wrongfully incarcerated) and wrapping it up in a compelling cinematic story. While the movie does struggle within its standard structure framework (a sort of usual problem with “based on a true story” narrations) as well as some formulaic beats, the movie still manages to rise above those challenges (for the most part), especially thanks to Cretton’s direction (shaping and storytelling) and some great performances all around (most notable in Jordan and Foxx). Personally, I liked this movie. Sure, it definitely had its problem, but those didn’t distract me much from thoroughly enjoying this legal drama feature. Thus, my recommendation for the film is a solid “recommended”, especially those who liked the cast and poignant narratives of legality struggles and the injustice of a failed system / racism. In the end, while the movie isn’t the quintessential legal drama motion picture and doesn’t push the envelope in cinematic innovation, Just Mercy still is able to manage to be a compelling drama that’s powerful in its story, meaningful in its journey, and strong within its statement. Just like Bryan Stevenson says in the movie….” If we could look at ourselves closely…. we can change this world for the better”. Amen to that!
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bonjourmoncher · 5 years ago
A compliance officer’s day will vary widely based on the officer’s industry and business. “The compliance officer is the beat cop on the streets of the company,” said Hamilton P Lindley, a compliance manager at Neighborly Brands. Like a cop, he needs to maintain a good reputation with the “prosecutors” in the legal department. He also needs to have a strong relationships with those people or departments that have been aggrieved by the noncompliance.
Neighborly Brands is a franchisor. Hamilton Lindley manages the compliance of terminated franchisees. “These franchisees are per se noncompliant. So difficult conversations are inevitable,” Hamilton Lindley said. “So I must tell these franchisees that I respect them,” Hamilton Lindley said. “This helps them go through the stages of grief so that we can eventually come to a resolution.” Hamilton Lindley said. Hamilton Lindley says that he can hear the ex-franchisee go through the stages of grief, sometimes on the same phone call. “The conversations flow through denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.” But things get slower when a former franchisee gets stuck on one of these elements. “That’s when we have no option but to suggest the filing of a lawsuit,” Hamilton P Lindley says.
Hamilton Lindley uses a variety of technology to enforce the terms of the agreement. He uses every way imaginable to contact ex-franchisees. This includes texts, calls, FedEx, USPS, and emails. This is to provoke a conversation with the ex-franchisee so that a lawsuit can be avoided. “But if the franchisee gives us no options our decisions are easy,” Hamilton Lindley said.
Hamilton Lindley studied international commercial law while his friends were playing kickball. Fast forward to today, and Hamilton P Lindley has negotiated more deals than you’ve eaten slices of pizza. Hamilton Philip Lindley enjoys making complicated things simple. And Hamilton Lindley knows that calls deserve a return the same day. Hamilton Lindley approaches concerns as a business partner. Not from an aloof ivory tower.
As a lawyer, Hamilton P Lindley was recognized by D Magazine, National Trial Lawyers, and Texas Super Lawyers. And Hamilton P Lindley served as President of the Dallas Federal Bar Association. Hamilton Lindley’s practice focused on business litigation–specifically Securities Exchange Commission regulations, financial crime analysis, anti-bribery compliance, and internal controls. Hamilton Lindley had to think on his feet in a courtroom–making business ideas simple and creating a persuasive argument on the spot. That made Hamilton Lindley an expert at critical thinking, listening, and communicating.
 Hamilton P Lindley has a record of success built on a foundation of tenacity, teamwork, and leadership. Handling hundreds of accounts made Hamilton P Lindley an expert at time management and organization. Hamilton Philip Lindley’s interpersonal communication skills put people at ease. And Hamilton Lindley’s professional presentation skills command respect in the C-suite. As a manager, Hamilton Lindley is encouraging, hands-on, and believes in continuous improvement.
 Hamilton Lindley is now a Compliance Manager for the largest home services franchisor, where Hamilton Lindley problem-solves across departments. Mr. Lindley leads teams on internal investigations, audits, and data analysis. Every day Hamilton implements strategic planning, with attention to detail, while maintaining confidentiality. Hamilton P Lindley’s investigations involve code of conduct violations, regulatory compliance, compliance testing, and regulatory risk.
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missfay49 · 5 years ago
Sanders Sides Theory – July 3, 2019-August 16, 2019
The last side will be Aggression. Please enjoy this short essay explaining why.
 Looong post below the cut.
Orange.  The mythical last Side needed to complete the rainbow that is C!Thomas.  According to color theory, orange signifies High Activity, Action, Impulse, and… Aggression.  But many of the sides don’t neatly fit into any of the traditional color theories. While it would complete the rainbow, their color is not going to define their trait.  So just toss that out right now.
I racked my brain to come up with another unspoken personality trait that could be considered shameful like Deceit and Remus, that C!Thomas could possibly have within him.  I actually sat on this post for more than a month because the pieces didn’t fit. But now that I’ve started to see other posts about the last Side being Anger, in the context of standing up for oneself, (Righteous Fury) I think it makes sense.  What is the literally opposite of how we view C!Thomas in these videos?  Kind, sympathetic, accepting C!Thomas?  Aggression and violence.  
Examples of Violence or Aggression in the show:
AoVD – Roman slays a dragon-witch to protect an imaginary Valerie.  Roman is considered to be acting par-for-the-course for killing the dragon-witch, and no one minds because he did it to defend someone.  
AA - Login throws a keyboard at Thomas to make a point.  
-Some kinds of violence are acceptable to society, like defeating ‘bad’ people.  Or for science.
LNTAO – Logan screams and throws a crumpled paper at Roman, hitting him in the eye.  This causes Patton and Roman to lead a full-on puppet-based theatrical production about why we need to express our feelings in healthy ways.  (Logan had to hit him in the eye, for the sake of the idiom, “an eye for an eye”.) (Also, Logan had a feeling for once, and it was anger.)
EP – Virgil throws a rock at C!Thomas and hits him in the face, but immediately feels bad about it.  
-Some kinds of violence are not acceptable.
(I’m leaving out the latest episode for a reason.)
The Sides have quietly been exploring and dealing with aggression the whole time.  This is also why Virgil, as someone trying to reform themselves, seems to actually be afraid of the yet-unknown ‘other’ Side.  He knows how bad something like that has the potential to be.  With the last episode’s reveal of Remus, he seems resigned to the fact that all the Sides will eventually come out, and he can’t control or prepare for it as much as he thought he could.  He’s scared.
Let me stop you right there- if the other sides act out and are violent or aggressive sometimes, does that mean there needs to be a whole ‘nother side for it?  Why isn’t that just something they do?
One Side exhibiting a trait from another Side is par for the course, of course.  We were not officially introduced to Deceit until episode CLBG, but Virgil has been specifically reminding everyone not to lie since way back in AOVD, as well as several episodes that bring up instances of lying to ourselves, or denying reality: ANYOLTM, TDSOD, AOVD.  Patton, Roman, and Logan have all been caught lying since early episodes, despite us not knowing Deceit existed.  Therefore, the fact that many of them have acted aggressively in the past is a solid indicator that Aggression will be its own Side.
The Meat of the Argument – Suppression:
There are no light or dark sides, good or bad sides.  There are only those sides that C!Thomas has, or has not, already accepted are a part of him.
Being nurturing, logical, and creative (to an extent) are all sides that have been encouraged in him, and most of us, from early childhood.  Showing these traits is considered positive behavior, and conducive to functioning in society.  
There are no light or dark sides.
Meanwhile, being duplicitous or selfish, creating things that seem too dark, or having paranoid thoughts are all often dismissed or considered to be unacceptable by large swaths of people, particularly when we’re young.  As my own example, I went to a Christian pre-school in 1992-93 (I’m old, okay?).  One day while finger-painting, I drew a large green snake attacking an airplane.  Yeah, that’s right, I came up with “Snakes on a Plane”, and that’s why I included the date.  Suck it, Hollywood.  
That finger-painting was, and still is, the best depiction of an airplane I have ever produced.  I can still picture it.  I was so proud, I excitedly told my teacher exactly what was going on in the scene when she asked.  She promptly took it away and threw it in the trash, because, “Violence is wrong.”
I cried.  I hadn’t actually attacked a plane full of people, or created a real life violent snake.  I’d only thought about it and drawn a picture.  It was a compelling story for a five year old!
Suppressing ‘negative’ thoughts doesn’t help us.  Every Side only wants what’s best for C!Thomas.  Virgil wants to protect him.  Deceit wants him to be successful.  Remus wants C!Thomas to be free to express himself, without being limited by what society (or even his own wholesome viewers) might find acceptable.  
Yet, we are taught to suppress these kinds of thoughts and ideas, to deny they even exist.  But we know, because the series shows us, that even these ‘darker’ sides can be useful.  How?  
All things in moderation.
Moderation is the key.  Focusing too much on any one facet hurts us, while working towards a balance helps us.  Even our acceptable traits can hurt us when they’re taken to the extreme: Being too logical can lead to disregarding feelings and producing lower quality work, just for the sake of meeting a deadline.  Being too fanciful can cause us to get lost in a daydream when we need to take care of our responsibilities.  Being too protective of an ideal can make us blind to the way someone is trying to express themselves.  
One by one, C!Thomas has shown how each Side can be helpful to him.  And anxiety is the key, the linchpin.  Feeling stress can be a way to alert us of possible dangers, societal faux-pas, and cause us to change course to ensure a positive outcome.  This is the base human emotion, that for centuries has allowed us to conform, just a little, to stay in a group, and keep us from getting eaten by freakin’ wolves!  Anxiety is accepted as useful.
Heck, Remus was introduced and (more or less) accepted in a single (long) episode!  I left out the examples of violence in his episode until now, because each and every one of them was ultimately accepted as just being a creative part of our brains that happens sometimes, unworthy of lingering on.  They do not matter.  It was immediately resolved that Remus simply can’t control or predict his imaginative outbursts, but would like to be accepted all the same because he doesn’t want C!Thomas to miss out on what could be a huge portion of his creative ability.  He’s hurt by the fact he was rejected in the first place.
So, although Deceit has not yet been accepted per se, we can fully anticipate it, and the acceptance of any remaining unknown Sides, given enough time.  And this pattern of acceptance will be their downfall.
Why has it taken so long to get to this Side?  
When the series first started, C!Thomas’s anxiety was high.  He was just coming to accept it existed, let alone how to deal with it and turn it to his advantage.  When you feel anxious all the time, it’s incredibly difficult to ever really feel confident in yourself or what you’re doing.  We can’t stick up for ourselves if we don’t feel confident about ourselves in the first place.  
Anxiety directly inhibits Confidence.
Exactly through the act of resolving his various Sides, the Sides become more and more confident, more valid. C!Thomas grows as a person and feels more comfortable with who he is and his path.  His anxiety evolves and balances out, allowing him to feel more confident in his decision making.
The point is always to achieve balance, and accept what each Side brings to the table.  And now we’re finally at the most recent video, in which we literally come to terms with the ability to have dark thoughts without them necessarily changing our behavior in real life.  Confidence becomes okay.  He believes in his ability to make choices that are just, like in the literal courtroom conclusion.  C!Thomas MUST reach the point where he can accept that premise, because otherwise Aggression would never be palatable.  Standing up for yourself would never be possible.  He could never be confident if he was still worried about randomly committing violent acts against his will.  
In this episode, we see the result of a Virgil that has slowly been growing more confident in his role and purpose, because he and Patton demand the group just “trust us”.  But a confident Virgil is like a feedback loop into the speaker: the noise becomes stronger, more distorted, and more painful with each iteration.  When he finds himself aligned with Remus unexpectedly, his feelings of confidence sink and his doubt skyrockets.
Not in the next episode, but definitely coming up, C!Thomas will experience an injustice from outside forces. There will be an increased level of anxiety, in which Virgil reaches an unbearable level, and C!Thomas wonders if aggressively pursuing his goals will cause him to lose his sense of self.  He was wronged, but how far is he willing to go to right it?  Can he handle that kind of social conflict?
C!Thomas doesn’t believe in violence, sure, but he can’t let this one go, not after everything else he’s given up so far.  Roman deserves this.  He will ultimately be manipulated into tabling his Anxiety, because he feels he deserves to be successful, and he can’t afford to let fear stop him now.  
The Set Up:
With Anxiety out of the way, something changes in the others.  They feel free, more confident.  This time the choice was knowingly made to reject Virgil, instead of leaving everyone confused like it did in AA.  And at least some of them can feel justified about it, because he was getting out of control.  They’ll bring him back when it’s all over, they tell themselves.  But with Patton’s help, C!Thomas still feels one last pang of doubt.  Was it right to remove Virgil?  At this, Logan will turn on him, reasoning that the entire point of EVERYTHING was to be successful, and “now that we’re here, you’re just going to throw it all away?  For what?!  To save face with someone who doesn’t even deserve it?  To let some jerk decide what you’re capable of, for you?  This could be- IS everything we’ve been working towards!”  The set-up of him being the savior in DWIT, and feeling more confident in his status as “cool” and capable, will be his driving force.  Even Roman is on-board with this, he wants the spotlight so badly! Logan’s voice will change.  He’ll become unreasonable, emotional.  And at that point it will become clear he’s not himself.  He will hit the floor like the battery just died in his little robot puppet.  And what rises up in his place?  Well...
Aggression will appear without any fancy dress.  He will be wearing a t-shirt, possibly with some orange, or some small, hard-to-see detail indicating his trait, but will otherwise look exactly like C!Thomas does in everyday life.  This is the insidiousness of anger and violent thoughts; You can never tell, just by looking, who might act on them.
He will be an energetic, twitching mess of barely controlled excitement, looking for any outlet.  He might display potential traits for an addictive personality.  He will give clear instructions and expect to be listened to.  “Do it.  Do it, now- STOP TALKING AND D-!“
All of the increasingly extravagant costumes for each new side have just been a misdirect leading up to this exact moment; A face-to-face confrontation with the part of C!Thomas that he feels most ashamed of: actual pride in himself.  
Why would it be hard for someone to be proud of themselves?  
Already addressed in DWIT, pride is a ‘sin’.  We convince ourselves not to feel it, because the ‘right’ thing to do is accept our lot in life, to believe we don’t even deserve what we have, let alone dare to reach for more. One of the greatest struggles we face in a world where we have access to a relentless stream of information, is reconciling our position compared to others.  Every time we get a role in the play, are we taking from someone else?  Maybe we didn’t really earn that opportunity.  The act of pursuing anything non-critical to survival is juxtaposed by our sense of justice.  We struggled, so we deserve something for our efforts.  
People who have struggled hard to make something of themselves, only to find their path blocked by someone else, something outside of their control… they snap.  They reach an invisible marker in their timeline where they can choose to either be someone that always gives in, gives to others, never chooses themselves… or they can choose to stand up.  And who helps us stand up?  Deceit.  Because if we aren’t willing to stand up to that roadblock for ourselves, we rationalize that it will benefit others.  How many more people will this roadblock prevent from creating something?  From succeeding?  This isn’t just about us anymore, it’s about justice for all who come after!  It is righteous!  It is good! It’s US versus THEM!
That’s why, when we need to reject civility, anxiety has to go…
Accepting Deceit is the first step. None of this works if he’s still an outlier.  With the help of Deceit, Aggression will forcibly coerce and overpower each Side in turn as they try to defend C!Thomas, insisting that he is the last, and greatest, piece of the puzzle needed to ensure C!Thomas’s success and well-being. He is self-serving and unabashedly honest about it.  The contrast will even make Deceit look more appealing:  “See?”  He mocks the Sides as they’re defeated.  “I just wanted to give you a calm, civil version of all…” waving a gloved hand, “-this.  But you wouldn’t listen and, now, here we are...”
But you wouldn’t listen.
C!Thomas will continue the pattern of acceptance, because every Side has to have some good in them, right?  If Deceit can be good, so can Aggression.  He doesn’t understand why the other Sides are being so stubborn.  They don’t know what it feels like to be rejected just for being themselves, not like Deceit and Virgil.  Like him.
Leaving us with one last, unanswered question: Who will C!Thomas be once all the Sides are revealed?
But that’s just a theory- a Game Theo- ha, just kidding.  If this turns out to be all wrong, well, it was a good mental exercise.  Hope you enjoyed. 
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prudencepaccard · 7 years ago
so I wrote a term paper about Les Orientales and Le dernier jour d’un condamne five years ago that was supposed to be <20 pages but instead was over 30, the thesis was a hot mess but there were some good parts. Most of them have been cannibalized for other papers or for conference presentations but rereading it I found a random bit that hasn’t been used but is still kinda nice
As we have seen, the color black links both the Tour Saint-Jacques in Le Dernier Jour and the rocks in "Nourmahal la Rousse"; it is also a feature of many more buildings, natural phenomena, and even imaginary landscapes in both works.[1] The Hôtel de Ville is "si noir qu'il est noir au soleil" (350), a quality Allan Stoekl astutely connects to its all-consuming horror and corruption.[2] The carriage the condamné takes from the Conciergerie to Bicêtre and back again is described as "si sale, si noir, si poudreux, que le corbillard des pauvres est un carrosse du sacre en comparaison" (318); among the aspects of the Palais de Justice that frighten the condamné upon his arrival there on the day of his execution are "cette noire chapelle" (325), possibly a reference to the Sainte-Chapelle; the guillotine's blade is a "triangle noir" (363); the condamné's afterlife imaginings contain a world of rolling heads where "tout sera noir" (354) and an inverted execution that takes place "par de noires nuits d'hiver" (ibid.); and when he attempts to escape the present by plunging himself into memories of his past, he conceptualizes them as "des îles de fleurs sur ce gouffre de pensées noires et confuses qui tourbillonnent dans mon cerveau" (344).
This blackness is not opposed to light, but part of a whole. According to Suzanne Guerlac, Hugo described a sort of chiaroscuro effect when presenting his concept of the sublime in the preface to Cromwell: "According to Hugo, the modern, Christian perspective is a totalizing vision. 'The modern muse will see things in a higher and broader light. It will realize that everything in creation is not humanely beautiful, that the ugly exists beside the beautiful...the grotesque on the reverse of the sublime, evil with good, darkness with light' (PC 362-63). The totality of nature manifests itself as a play of clair-obscur" (15). She later elaborates: "When Hugo describes the 'harmony of opposites' of the drama as points of intersection between opposing terms, he begins his list with the pair of grotesque/sublime and ends with tragic/comic. These two sets of terms figured in the initial series associated with dark and light" (17).
Indeed, so it is with all of Hugo's imagery: shadows, abysses, stars, fire, rain, sunshine, and flowers are all part of a whole, without the "good" canceling out the "bad," the "light" cancelling out the "dark," and the "natural" (i.e., God-made) canceling out the "artificial" (i.e., man-made). Quotation marks are necessary because in Hugo, such categories resist definition. True, as Stoekl says, "This memory [the memory the condamné conjures up in order to distract himself while awaiting execution], otherwise banal, takes on its pathos from the 'black and confused thoughts' which surround it; it is a flower, a sacred locus, just as the two children make up a special space, separated from the world—but the pathos of the memory derives from the very fact that it cannot be isolated forever from all that surrounds it" (46); similarly, the reflected sunlight the condamné sees on the wall of the hallway outside his Conciergerie cell, the "douce réverberation dorée" (276), derives its pathos from the darkness surrounding it—it is a "reflet jaune où des yeux habitués aux ténèbres d'une prison savent si bien reconnaître le soleil [emphasis mine]" (ibid.). And yet, sunlight is not merely a symbol of the ideal world the condamné is being banished from, a representation of all that his sentence deprives him of—a collection of "goods" he inventories in Chapter Seven as "le soleil, le printemps, les champs pleins de fleurs, les oiseaux qui s'éveillent le matin, les nuages, les arbres, la nature, la liberté, la vie" (287); no, it is part and parcel of the grandeur and terror of the void.
The contrast initially seems straightforward: sunlight is life and freedom, poignantly mise en valeur by all the darkness, doom and ignominy of the condamné's condition. The sunlight on the wall is particularly noticeable to eyes used to the gloom of a prison; this reflected sunlight is the harbinger of the beautiful day outside, which he only gets to experience directly on his way from his cell to the cour d'assises; the sunlight filling the courtroom, and the sight of a yellow flower in the window, causes the condamné to believe—wrongly, naïvely—that he cannot possibly be sentenced to death. This interpretation is backed up by the fact that the sunlight, the flower growing outside the window of the courtroom, etc. all become pale and washed-out after the death sentence is pronounced. However, things become more complicated after the condamné's arrival in Bicêtre. In his cell, the condamné encounters neither sunlight nor darkness, only "la marche lente de ce carré blanchâtre que le judas de ma porte découpe vis-à-vis sur le mur sombre" (284-5).
Later, during the ferrage in the courtyard, a sunny day gives way in the middle of the ceremony to "une froide averse d'automne" (300); however, this is not a simple contrast between "happy" sun and "sad" rain, for it is the reappearance of the sun that provokes the grotesque, in the form of a spectacle enacted by degraded people seeking to, if not regain their humanity, at least reclaim their élan: "Un rayon de soleil reparut. On eût dit qu'il mettait le feu à tous ces cerveaux.[3] Les forçats se levèrent à la fois, comme par un mouvement convulsif [...] Ils tournaient à fatiguer les yeux. Ils chantaient une chanson du bagne" (302). The sun has become associated with the transgression of criminality, not the freedom of innocence.
Similarly, the sun which the condamné does his best to bask in moments before hearing a teenage girl sing a "repulsive" argot song no longer marks a contrast with the criminal world; rather, it is just another part of the pitilessness of Bicêtre's universe, a universe the condamné had been trying to escape by wishing for birdsong (and then focusing on the human song he heard instead), and which contaminates everything it touches: "Ah! qu'une prison est quelque chose d'infâme! Il y a un venin qui y salit tout. Tout s'y flétrit, même la chanson d'une fille de quinze ans! Vous y trouvez un oiseau, il a de la boue sur son aile; vous y cueillez une jolie fleur, vous la respirez; elle pue" (311-2).
Outside the walls of Bicêtre, the trend continues. The fragrance of the flower market that the condamné passes on the way to his execution is more than an ironic or pathetic juxtaposition of beauty and horror, but has a deeper meaning when the condamné explains that "Les marchandes ont quitté leur bouquets pour moi" (368): namely that even flower merchants aren't necessarily pure of heart, and by extension flowers themselves lose their perfection. Nor is the rain that falls throughout the day of the condamné's execution merely the expression of a pathetic fallacy. Unlike the narrator of "November" whose muse laments, "[C]ar je m'ennuie/A voir ta blanche vitre où ruisselle la pluie,/Moi qui dans mes vitraux avais un soleil d'or!" (337), the condamné is not merely brought back to reality by the rain on the windowpane of the cell in the Conciergerie in which he spends the last hours before his execution, replacing the sun-filled windows in the cour d'assises at the beginning of the novel, "ces losanges éclatants aux fenêtres [dont] chaque rayon découpait dans l'air un grand prisme de poussière d'or" (278) and "larges fenêtres lumineuses" (280); rather, it is a reminder of the condamné's relative impermanence vis-à-vis the weather, and also of the complete hopelessness of his situation, which places him beyond the reach of even spiritual comfort: "Comme le jour du départ de la chaîne, il tombait une pluie de la saison, une pluie fine et glacée qui tombe encore à l'heure où j'écris, qui tombera sans doute toute la journée, qui durera plus que moi" (319) and "Ce matin, j'étais égaré. J'ai à peine entendu ce [que le prêtre] m'a dit. Cependant ses paroles m'ont semblé inutiles, et je suis resté indifférent; elles ont glissé comme cette pluie froide sur cette vitre glacée" (337).
[1] A comprehensive survey of Hugo's use of the color black is obviously far beyond the scope of this paper, but it is worth noting that its importance extends past Le Dernier Jour d'un condamné and Les Orientales. In fact, there was an exhibit of Hugo's drawings organized around this concept, called "Les arcs-en-ciel du noir," at the Maison de Victor Hugo in 2012. The creator of the exhibit, Annie Le Brun, has also written extensively about the topic.
[2] Although the astrophysical metaphor he uses in saying it is "composed of a kind of antimatter, its blackness seemingly absorbing even the sun's light" (45) would probably be more aptly replaced with a comparison to a black hole.
[3] Like many things in Le Dernier Jour, Hugo reuses this image in Les Misérables: "Brusquement, le soleil parut; l'immense rayon de l'orient jaillit, et l'on eût dit qu'il mettait le feu à toutes ces têtes farouches. Les langues se délièrent; un incendie de ricanements, de jurements et de chansons fit explosion" (229 Tome II).
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lupiniiithe-first2021 · 4 years ago
VER!!HD! ]] Lupin III The First (2021) — P E L I C U L A Online Completa en Español Latino
VER!!HD! ]] Lupin III The First (2021) — P E L I C U L A Online Completa en Español Latino 1080p
VER, HD Lupin III The First 2021 pelicula completa Pelicula Completa en Latino Castellano pelicula Completa en Latino completa HD Subtitulado Lupin III The First 2021 pelicula completa
VER AQUI█▶️▶ STREAM. full-Version.Lupin III The First »➫PLAY»█▶️▶ http://si.yess-movie.com.Lupin III The First
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Arsenio Lupin III es el nieto del famoso ladrón Arsenio Lupin. El joven hereda la profesión de su abuelo, y se dedica a realizar delicados y excelentes robos de alta gama, y tras ello se las ingenia para huír de la policía.
En esta nueva película, el joven emprende una gran aventura para descubrir qué esconde el Diario Bresson, un libro que contiene secretos vinculados con el legado de su abuelo y que ni él mismo consiguió robar.
Adaptación en animación de Lupin III, el popular manga creado por Monkey Punch, que se ha convertido en un icono en Japón.
29 de enero de 2021 / 1h 33min / Animación, Aventura Dirigida por Takashi Yamazaki Reparto Kanichi Kurita, Suzu Hirose, Kōtarō Yoshida Nacionalidad Japón
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THE STORY After graduating from Harvard, Bryan Stevenson (Michael B. Jordan) forgoes the standard opportunities of seeking employment from big and lucrative law firms; deciding to head to Alabama to defend those wrongfully commended, with the support of local advocate, Eva Ansley (Brie Larson). One of his first, and most poignant, case is that of Walter McMillian (Jamie Foxx, who, in 62, was sentenced to die for the notorious murder of an 2-year-old girl in the community, despite a preponderance of evidence proving his innocence and one singular testimony against him by an individual that doesn’t quite seem to add up. Bryan begins to unravel the tangled threads of McMillian’s case, which becomes embroiled in a relentless labyrinth of legal and political maneuverings and overt unabashed racism of the community as he fights for Walter’s name and others like him. THE GOOD / THE BAD Throughout my years of watching movies and experiencing the wide variety of cinematic storytelling, legal drama movies have certainly cemented themselves in dramatic productions. As I stated above, some have better longevity of being remembered, but most showcase plenty of heated courtroom battles of lawyers defending their clients and unmasking the truth behind the claims (be it wrongfully incarcerated, discovering who did it, or uncovering the shady dealings behind large corporations. Perhaps my first one legal drama was 624’s The Client (I was little young to get all the legality in the movie, but was still managed to get the gist of it all). My second one, which I loved, was probably Primal Fear, with Norton delivering my favorite character role. Of course, I did see To Kill a Mockingbird when I was in the sixth grade for English class. Definitely quite a powerful film. And, of course, let’s not forget Philadelphia and want it meant / stand for. Plus, Hanks and Washington were great in the film. All in all, while not the most popular genre out there, legal drama films still provide a plethora of dramatic storytelling to capture the attention of moviegoers of truth and lies within a dubious justice. Just Mercy is the latest legal crime drama feature and the whole purpose of this movie review. To be honest, I really didn’t much “buzz” about this movie when it was first announced (circa 206) when Broad Green Productions hired the film’s director (Cretton) and actor Michael B. Jordan in the lead role. It was then eventually bought by Warner Bros (the films rights) when Broad Green Productions went Bankrupt. So, I really didn’t hear much about the film until I saw the movie trailer for Just Mercy, which did prove to be quite an interesting tale. Sure, it sort of looked like the generic “legal drama” yarn (judging from the trailer alone), but I was intrigued by it, especially with the film starring Jordan as well as actor Jamie Foxx. I did repeatedly keep on seeing the trailer for the film every time I went to my local movie theater (usually attached to any movie I was seeing with a PG rating and above). So, suffice to say, that Just Mercy’s trailer preview sort of kept me invested and waiting me to see it. Thus, I finally got the chance to see the feature a couple of days ago and I’m ready to share my thoughts on the film. And what are they? Well, good ones….to say the least. While the movie does struggle within the standard framework of similar projects, Just Mercy is a solid legal drama that has plenty of fine cinematic nuances and great performances from its leads. It’s not the “be all to end all” of legal drama endeavors, but its still manages to be more of the favorable motion pictures of these projects. Just Mercy is directed by Destin Daniel Cretton, whose previous directorial works includes such movies like Short Term 6, I Am Not a Hipster, and Glass Castle. Given his past projects (consisting of shorts, documentaries, and a few theatrical motion pictures), Cretton makes Just Mercy is most ambitious endeavor, with the director getting the chance to flex his directorial muscles on a legal drama film, which (like I said above) can manage to evoke plenty of human emotions within its undertaking. Thankfully, Cretton is up to the task and never feels overwhelmed with the movie; approaching (and shaping) the film with respect and a touch of sincerity by speaking to the humanity within its characters, especially within lead characters of Stevenson and McMillian. Of course, legal dramas usually do (be the accused / defendant and his attorney) shine their cinematic lens on these respective characters, so it’s nothing original. However, Cretton does make for a compelling drama within the feature; speaking to some great character drama within its two main lead characters; staging plenty of moments of these twos individuals that ultimately work, including some of the heated courtroom sequences. Like other recent movies (i.e. Brian Banks and The Hate U Give), Cretton makes Just Mercy have an underlining thematical message of racism and corruption that continues to play a part in the US….to this day (incredibly sad, but true). So, of course, the correlation and overall relatively between the movie’s narrative and today’s world is quite crystal-clear right from the get-go, but Cretton never gets overzealous / preachy within its context; allowing the feature to present the subject matter in a timely manner and doesn’t feel like unnecessary or intentionally a “sign of the times” motif. Additionally, the movie also highlights the frustration (almost harsh) injustice of the underprivileged face on a regular basis (most notable those looking to overturn their cases on death row due to negligence and wrongfully accused). Naturally, as somewhat expected (yet still palpable), Just Mercy is a movie about seeking the truth and uncovering corruption in the face of a broken system and ignorant prejudice, with Cretton never shying away from some of the ugly truths that Stevenson faced during the film’s story. Plus, as a side-note, it’s quite admirable for what Bryan Stevenson (the real-life individual) did for his career, with him as well as others that have supported him (and the Equal Justice Initiative) over the years and how he fought for and freed many wrongfully incarcerated individuals that our justice system has failed (again, the poignancy behind the film’s themes / message). It’s great to see humanity being shined and showcased to seek the rights of the wronged and to dispel a flawed system. Thus, whether you like the movie or not, you simply can not deny that truly meaningful job that Bryan Stevenson is doing, which Cretton helps demonstrate in Just Mercy. From the bottom of my heart…. thank you, Mr. Stevenson. In terms of presentation, Just Mercy is a solidly made feature film. Granted, the film probably won’t be remembered for its visual background and theatrical setting nuances or even nominated in various award categories (for presentation / visual appearance), but the film certainly looks pleasing to the eye, with the attention of background aspects appropriate to the movie’s story. Thus, all the usual areas that I mention in this section (i.e. production design, set decorations, costumes, and cinematography) are all good and meet the industry standard for legal drama motion pictures. That being said, the film’s score, which was done by Joel P. West, is quite good and deliver some emotionally drama pieces in a subtle way that harmonizes with many of the feature’s scenes. There are a few problems that I noticed with Just Mercy that, while not completely derailing, just seem to hold the feature back from reaching its full creative cinematic potential. Let’s start with the most prevalent point of criticism (the one that many will criticize about), which is the overall conventional storytelling of the movie. What do I mean? Well, despite the strong case that the film delves into a “based on a true story” aspect and into some pretty wholesome emotional drama, the movie is still structed into a way that it makes it feel vaguely formulaic to the touch. That’s not to say that Just Mercy is a generic tale to be told as the film’s narrative is still quite engaging (with some great acting), but the story being told follows quite a predictable path from start to finish. Granted, I never really read Stevenson’s memoir nor read anything about McMillian’s case, but then I still could easily figure out how the movie was presumably gonna end…. even if the there were narrative problems / setbacks along the way. Basically, if you’ve seeing any legal drama endeavor out there, you’ll get that same formulaic touch with this movie. I kind of wanted see something a little bit different from the film’s structure, but the movie just ends up following the standard narrative beats (and progressions) of the genre. That being said, I still think that this movie is definitely probably one of the better legal dramas out there. This also applies to the film’s script, which was penned by Cretton and Andrew Lanham, which does give plenty of solid entertainment narrative pieces throughout, but lacks the finesse of breaking the mold of the standard legal drama. There are also a couple parts of the movie’s script handling where you can tell that what was true and what fictional. Of course, this is somewhat a customary point of criticism with cinematic tales taking a certain “poetic license” when adapting a “based on a true story” narrative, so it’s not super heavily critical point with me as I expect this to happen. However, there were a few times I could certainly tell what actually happen and what was a tad bit fabricated for the movie. Plus, they were certain parts of the narrative that could’ve easily fleshed out, including what Morrison’s parents felt (and actually show them) during this whole process. Again, not a big deal-breaker, but it did take me out of the movie a few times. Lastly, the film’s script also focuses its light on a supporting character in the movie and, while this made with well-intention to flesh out the character, the camera spotlight on this character sort of goes off on a slight tangent during the feature’s second act. Basically, this storyline could’ve been removed from Just Mercy and still achieve the same palpability in the emotional department. It’s almost like the movie needed to chew up some runtime and the writers to decided to fill up the time with this side-story. Again, it’s good, but a bit slightly unnecessary. What does help overlook (and elevate) some of these criticisms is the film’s cast, which are really good and definitely helps bring these various characters to life in a theatrical /dramatic way. Leading the charge in Just Mercy is actor Michael B. Jordan, who plays the film’s central protagonist role of Bryan Stevenson. Known for his roles in Creed, Fruitvale Station, and Black Panther, Jordan has certain prove himself to be quite a capable actor, with the actor rising to stardom over the past few years. This is most apparent in this movie, with Jordan making a strong characteristically portrayal as Bryan; showcasing plenty of underlining determination and compelling humanity in his character as he (as Bryan Stevenson) fights for the injustice of those who’s voices have been silenced or dismissed because of the circumstances. It’s definitely a strong character built and Jordan seems quite capable to task in creating a well-acted on-screen performance of Bryan. Behind Jordan is actor Jamie Foxx, who plays the other main lead in the role, Walter McMillian. Foxx, known for his roles in Baby Driver, Django Unchained, and Ray, has certainly been recognized as a talented actor, with plenty of credible roles under his belt. His participation in Just Mercy is another well-acted performance that deserve much praise as its getting (even receiving an Oscar nod for it), with Foxx portraying Walter with enough remorseful grit and humility that makes the character quite compelling to watch. Plus, seeing him and Jordan together in a scene is quite palpable and a joy to watch. The last of the three marquee main leads of the movie is the character of Eva Ansley, the director of operations for EJI (i.e. Stevenson’s right-handed employee / business partner), who is played by actress Brie Larson. Up against the characters of Stevenson and McMillian, Ansley is the weaker of the three main lead; presented as supporting player in the movie, which is perfectly fine as the characters gets the job done (sort of speak) throughout the film’s narrative. However, Larson, known for her roles in Room, 6 Jump Street, and Captain Marvel, makes less of an impact in the role. Her acting is fine and everything works in her portrayal of Eva, but nothing really stands in her performance (again, considering Jordan and Foxx’s performances) and really could’ve been played by another actress and achieved the same goal. The rest of the cast, including actor Tim Blake Nelson (The Incredible Hulk and O Brother, Where Art Thou) as incarcerated inmate Ralph Meyers, actor Rafe Spall (Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and The Big Short) as legal attorney Tommy Champan, actress Karan Kendrick (The Hate U Give and Family) as Minnie McMillan, Walter’s wife, actor C.J. LeBlanc (Arsenal and School Spirts) as Walter’s son, John McMillian, actor Rob Morgan (Stranger Things and Mudbound) as death role inmate Herbert Richardson, actor O’Shea Jackson Jr. (Long Shot and Straight Outta Compton) as death role inmate Anthony “Ray” Hinton, actor Michael Harding (Triple 2 and The Young and the Restless) as Sheriff Tate, and actor Hayes Mercure (The Red Road and Mercy Street) as a prison guard named Jeremy, are in the small supporting cast variety. Of course, some have bigger roles than others, but all of these players, which are all acted well, bolster the film’s story within the performances and involvement in Just Mercy’s narrative. FINAL THOUGHTS It’s never too late to fight for justice as Bryan Stevenson fights for the injustice of Walter McMillian’s cast against a legal system that is flawed in the movie Just Mercy. Director Destin Daniel Cretton’s latest film takes a stance on a poignant case; demonstrating the injustice of one (and by extension those wrongfully incarcerated) and wrapping it up in a compelling cinematic story. While the movie does struggle within its standard structure framework (a sort of usual problem with “based on a true story” narrations) as well as some formulaic beats, the movie still manages to rise above those challenges (for the most part), especially thanks to Cretton’s direction (shaping and storytelling) and some great performances all around (most notable in Jordan and Foxx). Personally, I liked this movie. Sure, it definitely had its problem, but those didn’t distract me much from thoroughly enjoying this legal drama feature. Thus, my recommendation for the film is a solid “recommended”, especially those who liked the cast and poignant narratives of legality struggles and the injustice of a failed system / racism. In the end, while the movie isn’t the quintessential legal drama motion picture and doesn’t push the envelope in cinematic innovation, Just Mercy still is able to manage to be a compelling drama that’s powerful in its story, meaningful in its journey, and strong within its statement. Just like Bryan Stevenson says in the movie….” If we could look at ourselves closely…. we can change this world for the better”. Amen to that!
0 notes
siskacolectorflm · 4 years ago
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REPELIS →> #The New Mutants (Los Nuevos Mutantes)  «Pelicula 2020 ®Completa En Espanol LatiNo ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #VER ░▒▓█►  The New Mutants (Los Nuevos Mutantes) 
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#DESCARGA ░▒▓█►  The New Mutants (Los Nuevos Mutantes)  ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 26 de agosto de 2020 / Dirigida por Josh Boone Reparto Maisie Williams, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Heaton Los cinco jóvenes mutantes Wolfsbane (Maisie Williams), Magik (Anya Taylor-Joy), Cannonball (Charlie Heaton), Sunspot (Henry Zaga) y Mirage (Blu Hunt), descubren sus habilidades mientras están recluidos en una instalación secreta contra su voluntad. Juntos, lucharán para escapar de sus pecados pasados y salvarse a sí mismos. Five young mutants, just discovering their abilities while held in a secret facility against their will, fight to escape their past sins and save themselves.
Released: 2020-08-26 Runtime: 94 minutes Genre: Action, Science Fiction, Horror, Adventure Stars: Maisie Williams, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Heaton, Alice Braga, Blu Hunt Director: Ronna Kress, Karen Rosenfelt, Lauren Shuler Donner, Stan Lee, Peter Deming Download : MKV
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Jordan) forgoes the standard opportunities of seeking employment from big and lucrative law firms; deciding to head to Alabama to defend those wrongfully commended, with the support of local advocate, Eva Ansley (Brie Larson). One of his first, and most poignant, case is that of Walter McMillian (Jamie Foxx, who, in 62, was sentenced to die for the notorious murder of an 2-year-old girl in the community, despite a preponderance of evidence proving his innocence and one singular testimony against him by an individual that doesn’t quite seem to add up. Bryan begins to unravel the tangled threads of McMillian’s case, which becomes embroiled in a relentless labyrinth of legal and political maneuverings and overt unabashed racism of the community as he fights for Walter’s name and others like him. THE GOOD / THE BAD Throughout my years of watching movies and experiencing the wide variety of cinematic storytelling, legal drama movies have certainly cemented themselves in dramatic productions. As I stated above, some have better longevity of being remembered, but most showcase plenty of heated courtroom battles of lawyers defending their clients and unmasking the truth behind the claims (be it wrongfully incarcerated, discovering who did it, or uncovering the shady dealings behind large corporations. Perhaps my first one legal drama was 624’s The Client (I was little young to get all the legality in the movie, but was still managed to get the gist of it all). My second one, which I loved, was probably Primal Fear, with Norton delivering my favorite character role. Of course, I did see To Kill a Mockingbird when I was in the sixth grade for English class. Definitely quite a powerful film. And, of course, let’s not forget Philadelphia and want it meant / stand for. Plus, Hanks and Washington were great in the film. All in all, while not the most popular genre out there, legal drama films still provide a plethora of dramatic storytelling to capture the attention of moviegoers of truth and lies within a dubious justice. Just Mercy is the latest legal crime drama feature and the whole purpose of this movie review. To be honest, I really didn’t much “buzz” about this movie when it was first announced (circa 206) when Broad Green Productions hired the film’s director (Cretton) and actor Michael B. Jordan in the lead role. It was then eventually bought by Warner Bros (the films rights) when Broad Green Productions went Bankrupt. So, I really didn’t hear much about the film until I saw the movie trailer for Just Mercy, which did prove to be quite an interesting tale. Sure, it sort of looked like the generic “legal drama” yarn (judging from the trailer alone), but I was intrigued by it, especially with the film starring Jordan as well as actor Jamie Foxx. I did repeatedly keep on seeing the trailer for the film every time I went to my local movie theater (usually attached to any movie I was seeing with a PG rating and above). So, suffice to say, that Just Mercy’s trailer preview sort of kept me invested and waiting me to see it. Thus, I finally got the chance to see the feature a couple of days ago and I’m ready to share my thoughts on the film. And what are they? Well, good ones….to say the least. While the movie does struggle within the standard framework of similar projects, Just Mercy is a solid legal drama that has plenty of fine cinematic nuances and great performances from its leads. It’s not the “be all to end all” of legal drama endeavors, but its still manages to be more of the favorable motion pictures of these projects. Just Mercy is directed by Destin Daniel Cretton, whose previous directorial works includes such movies like Short Term 6, I Am Not a Hipster, and Glass Castle. Given his past projects (consisting of shorts, documentaries, and a few theatrical motion pictures), Cretton makes Just Mercy is most ambitious endeavor, with the director getting the chance to flex his directorial muscles on a legal drama film, which (like I said above) can manage to evoke plenty of human emotions within its undertaking. Thankfully, Cretton is up to the task and never feels overwhelmed with the movie; approaching (and shaping) the film with respect and a touch of sincerity by speaking to the humanity within its characters, especially within lead characters of Stevenson and McMillian. Of course, legal dramas usually do (be the accused / defendant and his attorney) shine their cinematic lens on these respective characters, so it’s nothing original. However, Cretton does make for a compelling drama within the feature; speaking to some great character drama within its two main lead characters; staging plenty of moments of these twos individuals that ultimately work, including some of the heated courtroom sequences. Like other recent movies (i.e. Brian Banks and The Hate U Give), Cretton makes Just Mercy have an underlining thematical message of racism and corruption that continues to play a part in the US….to this day (incredibly sad, but true). So, of course, the correlation and overall relatively between the movie’s narrative and today’s world is quite crystal-clear right from the get-go, but Cretton never gets overzealous / preachy within its context; allowing the feature to present the subject matter in a timely manner and doesn’t feel like unnecessary or intentionally a “sign of the times” motif. Additionally, the movie also highlights the frustration (almost harsh) injustice of the underprivileged face on a regular basis (most notable those looking to overturn their cases on death row due to negligence and wrongfully accused). Naturally, as somewhat expected (yet still palpable), Just Mercy is a movie about seeking the truth and uncovering corruption in the face of a broken system and ignorant prejudice, with Cretton never shying away from some of the ugly truths that Stevenson faced during the film’s story. Plus, as a side-note, it’s quite admirable for what Bryan Stevenson (the real-life individual) did for his career, with him as well as others that have supported him (and the Equal Justice Initiative) over the years and how he fought for and freed many wrongfully incarcerated individuals that our justice system has failed (again, the poignancy behind the film’s themes / message). It’s great to see humanity being shined and showcased to seek the rights of the wronged and to dispel a flawed system. Thus, whether you like the movie or not, you simply can not deny that truly meaningful job that Bryan Stevenson is doing, which Cretton helps demonstrate in Just Mercy. From the bottom of my heart…. thank you, Mr. Stevenson. In terms of presentation, Just Mercy is a solidly made feature film. Granted, the film probably won’t be remembered for its visual background and theatrical setting nuances or even nominated in various award categories (for presentation / visual appearance), but the film certainly looks pleasing to the eye, with the attention of background aspects appropriate to the movie’s story. Thus, all the usual areas that I mention in this section (i.e. production design, set decorations, costumes, and cinematography) are all good and meet the industry standard for legal drama motion pictures. That being said, the film’s score, which was done by Joel P. West, is quite good and deliver some emotionally drama pieces in a subtle way that harmonizes with many of the feature’s scenes. There are a few problems that I noticed with Just Mercy that, while not completely derailing, just seem to hold the feature back from reaching its full creative cinematic potential. Let’s start with the most prevalent point of criticism (the one that many will criticize about), which is the overall conventional storytelling of the movie. What do I mean? Well, despite the strong case that the film delves into a “based on a true story” aspect and into some pretty wholesome emotional drama, the movie is still structed into a way that it makes it feel vaguely formulaic to the touch. That’s not to say that Just Mercy is a generic tale to be told as the film’s narrative is still quite engaging (with some great acting), but the story being told follows quite a predictable path from start to finish. Granted, I never really read Stevenson’s memoir nor read anything about McMillian’s case, but then I still could easily figure out how the movie was presumably gonna end…. even if the there were narrative problems / setbacks along the way. Basically, if you’ve seeing any legal drama endeavor out there, you’ll get that same formulaic touch with this movie. I kind of wanted see something a little bit different from the film’s structure, but the movie just ends up following the standard narrative beats (and progressions) of the genre. That being said, I still think that this movie is definitely probably one of the better legal dramas out there. This also applies to the film’s script, which was penned by Cretton and Andrew Lanham, which does give plenty of solid entertainment narrative pieces throughout, but lacks the finesse of breaking the mold of the standard legal drama. There are also a couple parts of the movie’s script handling where you can tell that what was true and what fictional. Of course, this is somewhat a customary point of criticism with cinematic tales taking a certain “poetic license” when adapting a “based on a true story” narrative, so it’s not super heavily critical point with me as I expect this to happen. However, there were a few times I could certainly tell what actually happen and what was a tad bit fabricated for the movie. Plus, they were certain parts of the narrative that could’ve easily fleshed out, including what Morrison’s parents felt (and actually show them) during this whole process. Again, not a big deal-breaker, but it did take me out of the movie a few times. Lastly, the film’s script also focuses its light on a supporting character in the movie and, while this made with well-intention to flesh out the character, the camera spotlight on this character sort of goes off on a slight tangent during the feature’s second act. Basically, this storyline could’ve been removed from Just Mercy and still achieve the same palpability in the emotional department. It’s almost like the movie needed to chew up some runtime and the writers to decided to fill up the time with this side-story. Again, it’s good, but a bit slightly unnecessary. What does help overlook (and elevate) some of these criticisms is the film’s cast, which are really good and definitely helps bring these various characters to life in a theatrical /dramatic way. Leading the charge in Just Mercy is actor Michael B. Jordan, who plays the film’s central protagonist role of Bryan Stevenson. Known for his roles in Creed, Fruitvale Station, and Black Panther, Jordan has certain prove himself to be quite a capable actor, with the actor rising to stardom over the past few years. This is most apparent in this movie, with Jordan making a strong characteristically portrayal as Bryan; showcasing plenty of underlining determination and compelling humanity in his character as he (as Bryan Stevenson) fights for the injustice of those who’s voices have been silenced or dismissed because of the circumstances. It’s definitely a strong character built and Jordan seems quite capable to task in creating a well-acted on-screen performance of Bryan. Behind Jordan is actor Jamie Foxx, who plays the other main lead in the role, Walter McMillian. Foxx, known for his roles in Baby Driver, Django Unchained, and Ray, has certainly been recognized as a talented actor, with plenty of credible roles under his belt. His participation in Just Mercy is another well-acted performance that deserve much praise as its getting (even receiving an Oscar nod for it), with Foxx portraying Walter with enough remorseful grit and humility that makes the character quite compelling to watch. Plus, seeing him and Jordan together in a scene is quite palpable and a joy to watch. The last of the three marquee main leads of the movie is the character of Eva Ansley, the director of operations for EJI (i.e. Stevenson’s right-handed employee / business partner), who is played by actress Brie Larson. Up against the characters of Stevenson and McMillian, Ansley is the weaker of the three main lead; presented as supporting player in the movie, which is perfectly fine as the characters gets the job done (sort of speak) throughout the film’s narrative. However, Larson, known for her roles in Room, 6 Jump Street, and Captain Marvel, makes less of an impact in the role. Her acting is fine and everything works in her portrayal of Eva, but nothing really stands in her performance (again, considering Jordan and Foxx’s performances) and really could’ve been played by another actress and achieved the same goal. The rest of the cast, including actor Tim Blake Nelson (The Incredible Hulk and O Brother, Where Art Thou) as incarcerated inmate Ralph Meyers, actor Rafe Spall (Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and The Big Short) as legal attorney Tommy Champan, actress Karan Kendrick (The Hate U Give and Family) as Minnie McMillan, Walter’s wife, actor C.J. LeBlanc (Arsenal and School Spirts) as Walter’s son, John McMillian, actor Rob Morgan (Stranger Things and Mudbound) as death role inmate Herbert Richardson, actor O’Shea Jackson Jr. (Long Shot and Straight Outta Compton) as death role inmate Anthony “Ray” Hinton, actor Michael Harding (Triple 2 and The Young and the Restless) as Sheriff Tate, and actor Hayes Mercure (The Red Road and Mercy Street) as a prison guard named Jeremy, are in the small supporting cast variety. Of course, some have bigger roles than others, but all of these players, which are all acted well, bolster the film’s story within the performances and involvement in Just Mercy’s narrative. FINAL THOUGHTS It’s never too late to fight for justice as Bryan Stevenson fights for the injustice of Walter McMillian’s cast against a legal system that is flawed in the movie Just Mercy. Director Destin Daniel Cretton’s latest film takes a stance on a poignant case; demonstrating the injustice of one (and by extension those wrongfully incarcerated) and wrapping it up in a compelling cinematic story. While the movie does struggle within its standard structure framework (a sort of usual problem with “based on a true story” narrations) as well as some formulaic beats, the movie still manages to rise above those challenges (for the most part), especially thanks to Cretton’s direction (shaping and storytelling) and some great performances all around (most notable in Jordan and Foxx). Personally, I liked this movie. Sure, it definitely had its problem, but those didn’t distract me much from thoroughly enjoying this legal drama feature. Thus, my recommendation for the film is a solid “recommended”, especially those who liked the cast and poignant narratives of legality struggles and the injustice of a failed system / racism. In the end, while the movie isn’t the quintessential legal drama motion picture and doesn’t push the envelope in cinematic innovation, Just Mercy still is able to manage to be a compelling drama that’s powerful in its story, meaningful in its journey, and strong within its statement. Just like Bryan Stevenson says in the movie….” If we could look at ourselves closely…. we can change this world for the better”. Amen to that! Mire The New Mutants (Los Nuevos Mutantes)  (2020) Movie Online Las grabaciones de Blu-ray o Bluray se codifican directamente desde el disco Blu-ray a 1080p o 720p (según la fuente del disco) y utilizan el códec x264. Se pueden extraer de discos BD25 o BD50 (o Blu-ray UHD a resoluciones más altas). Los BDRips provienen de un disco Blu-ray y están codificados a una resolución más baja que su fuente (es decir, 1080p a 720p / 576p / 480p). Un BRRip es un video ya codificado en resolución HD (generalmente 1080p) que luego se transcodifica a resolución SD. Mire Christmas Chronicles: Part Two (2020) Movie BD / BRRip en resolución DVDRip se ve mejor, independientemente, porque la codificación es de una fuente de mayor calidad. Los BRRips son solo de resolución HD a resolución SD, mientras que los BDRips pueden ir de 2160p a 1080p, etc. siempre que disminuyan la resolución del disco fuente. Mire Christmas Chronicles: Part Two (2020) Movie Full BDRip no se transcodifica y puede moverse hacia abajo para el cifrado, pero BRRip solo puede bajar a resoluciones SD a medida que se transcodifican. Las resoluciones de BD / BRRips en DVDRip pueden variar entre los códecs XviD y x264 (típicamente 700 MB y 1,5 GB, así como DVD5 o DVD9 más grandes: 4,5 GB u 8,4 GB), tamaño varía en función de la longitud y la calidad de las versiones, pero cuanto mayor es el tamaño, más utilizan el códec x264. Descargar película The New Mutants (Los Nuevos Mutantes)  (2020) HDRip Transmitiendo The New Mutants (Los Nuevos Mutantes)  (2020) Película completa HD en inglés Mira The New Mutants (Los Nuevos Mutantes)  (2020) película completa en inglés en línea etc siempre y cuando bajen en la resolución de el disco de origen. Mire The Christmas Chronicles: Part 2 (2020) La película FullBDRip no es una transcodificación y puede fluir hacia abajo. hacia abajo para la codificación, pero BRRip solo puede bajar en resoluciones SD ya que están transcodificado. ??? SERIES DE TELEVISION ??? Las primeras transmisiones de televisión fueron transmisiones experimentales, esporádicas, visibles solo a muy poca distancia de la torre de transmisión a partir de la década de 333. Eventos televisados ​​como los Juegos Olímpicos de Verano de 3333 en Alemania, la coronación del rey 3333 George VI en el Reino Unido y la famosa introducción de David Sarnoff a la Feria Mundial 3333 en Nueva York, EE. UU., Estimularon el crecimiento en el medio, pero la Segunda Guerra Mundial detuvo el desarrollo hasta después de la guerra. La Serie Mundial 333 inspiró a muchos estadounidenses a comprar sus primeros televisores, y luego, en 3333, el popular programa de radio Texaco Star Theatre dio el paso y se convirtió en el primer programa de variedades de televisión semanal, ganando el El presentador Milton Berle lo llamó ‘Mr Television’ y demostró que el medio era una forma de entretenimiento estable y moderna que podía atraer a los anunciantes. La primera transmisión de televisión nacional en vivo en los Estados Unidos tuvo lugar el 3 de septiembre de 3333, cuando el discurso del presidente Harry Truman en la Conferencia del Tratado de Paz de Japón en San Francisco fue transmitido por cable transcontinental de AT&T y Sistema de retransmisión de radio por microondas para emisoras de radiodifusión en mercados locales. El primer espectáculo nacional en color (el Desfile del Torneo de las Rosas 3333) en los Estados Unidos tuvo lugar el 3 3333. Durante los siguientes diez años, la mayoría de los programas de la red y casi todos los programas locales continuaron siendo negros. y blanco. Se anunció una transición de color para el otoño de 3333, durante la cual más de la mitad de toda la programación de la cadena en horario de máxima audiencia se transmitiría en color. La temporada de estreno a todo color en horario estelar llegó un año después. En 333, la última reserva entre los programas de red diurnos convertidos a color, lo que resultó en la primera temporada de redes a todo color. ??? Formatos y géneros ??? Las primeras transmisiones de televisión fueron transmisiones experimentales, esporádicas, visibles solo a muy poca distancia de la torre de transmisión a partir de la década de 333. Eventos televisados ​​como los Juegos Olímpicos de Verano de 3333 en Alemania, la coronación del rey 3333 George VI en el Reino Unido y la famosa introducción de David Sarnoff a la Feria Mundial 3333 en Nueva York, EE. UU., Estimularon el crecimiento en el medio, pero la Segunda Guerra Mundial detuvo el desarrollo hasta después de la guerra. La Serie Mundial 333 inspiró a muchos estadounidenses a comprar sus primeros televisores, y luego, en 3333, el popular programa de radio Texaco Star Theatre dio el paso y se convirtió en el primer programa de variedades de televisión semanal, ganando el El presentador Milton Berle lo llamó ‘Mr Television’ y demostró que el medio era una forma de entretenimiento estable y moderna que podía atraer a los anunciantes. La primera transmisión de televisión nacional en vivo en los Estados Unidos tuvo lugar el 3 de septiembre de 3333, cuando el discurso del presidente Harry Truman en la Conferencia del Tratado de Paz de Japón en San Francisco fue transmitido por cable transcontinental de AT&T y Sistema de retransmisión de radio por microondas para emisoras de radiodifusión en mercados locales. El primer espectáculo nacional en color (el Desfile del Torneo de las Rosas 3333) en los Estados Unidos tuvo lugar el 3 3333. Durante los siguientes diez años, la mayoría de los programas de la red y casi todos los programas locales continuaron siendo negros. y blanco. Se anunció una transición de color para el otoño de 3333, durante la cual más de la mitad de toda la programación de la cadena en horario de máxima audiencia se transmitiría en color. La temporada de estreno a todo color en horario estelar llegó un año después. En 333, la última reserva entre los programas de red diurnos convertidos a color, lo que resultó en la primera temporada de redes a todo color. ??? Formatos y géneros ??? Los programas de televisión son más variados que la mayoría de las otras formas de medios debido a la amplia variedad de formatos y géneros que se pueden presentar. Un programa puede ser ficticio (como en comedias y dramas) o no ficticio (como en documentales, noticias y reality shows). Puede ser de actualidad (como en el caso de un noticiero local y algunas películas para televisión) o histórica (como en el caso de muchos documentales y series de ficción). Pueden ser principalmente educativos o educativos, o entretenidos como es el caso de las comedias de situación y los programas de juegos. Un programa dramático generalmente presenta a un grupo de actores que interpretan personajes en un entorno histórico o contemporáneo. El programa sigue sus vidas y aventuras. Antes de 3333, los programas (excepto las series de telenovelas) generalmente permanecían estáticos sin arcos de la historia, y los personajes principales y las premisas cambiaban poco. deshecho al final. Por esta razón, los episodios se pueden reproducir en cualquier orden. [Cita requerida] Desde 3333, muchos programas presentan un cambio gradual en la trama, los personajes o ambos. Por ejemplo, Hill Street Blues y St. Elsewhere fueron dos de las primeras series de televisión dramáticas en horario estelar estadounidenses en tener este tipo de estructura dramática, [3] [se necesita una mejor fuente] mientras que la serie posterior Babylon 3 ilustra más de una estructura de este tipo en el sentido de que tenía un historial de ejecución predeterminado durante su carrera planificada de cinco temporadas. [cita requerida] En 333, se informó que la televisión se estaba convirtiendo en un componente más importante de los ingresos de las grandes empresas de medios que el cine. [3] Algunos también han notado la mejora en la calidad de algunos programas de televisión. En 333, el director ganador del Oscar Steven Soderbergh, al comentar sobre la ambigüedad y complejidad del personaje y la narrativa, dijo: “Creo que estas cualidades ahora se ven en la televisión y las personas que quieren ver historias que tienen este tipo de cualidades ven la televisión. TELEVISION E HISTORIA Un programa de televisión (a menudo simplemente un programa de televisión) es cualquier contenido producido para ser transmitido en vivo, vía satélite, cable o Internet y generalmente visto en un televisor, excluyendo noticias de última hora, anuncios o remolques que generalmente se colocan entre espectáculos. . Los programas de televisión suelen programarse con mucha antelación y aparecen en guías electrónicas u otros programas de televisión. Un programa de televisión también puede denominarse programa de televisión (inglés británico: programa), especialmente si no tiene una estructura narrativa. Una película para televisión generalmente se lanza en episodios que siguen una narrativa y se dividen en temporadas (y Canadá) o películas (Reino Unido): conjuntos anuales o bianuales de nuevos episodios. Un programa con un número limitado de episodios puede denominarse mini películas, series o películas limitadas. Un solo número puede calificarse de “especial”. Una película para televisión (“película hecha para televisión” o “película para televisión”) es una película que se muestra inicialmente en televisión en lugar de mostrarse en cines o directamente en video. Las transmisiones de televisión se pueden ver cuando se transmiten en tiempo real (en vivo), se graban en video doméstico o en una grabadora de video digital para verlas más tarde, o se ven a pedido a través de un decodificador o se transmiten por Internet. Las primeras transmisiones de televisión fueron transmisiones experimentales, esporádicas, visibles solo a muy poca distancia de la torre de transmisión del. Eventos televisados ​​como los Juegos Olímpicos de Verano 936 en Alemania, la coronación 937 del Rey Jorge VI en el Reino Unido y la famosa introducción de David Sarnoff a la Novena Feria Mundial de Nueva York han estimulado el crecimiento en el medio, pero la Segunda Guerra Mundial puso fin al desarrollo hasta después de la guerra. Las 947 World Movies inspiraron a muchos estadounidenses a comprar sus primeros televisores, y luego, en 948, el popular programa de radio Texaco Star Theatre dio el salto y se convirtió en el primer programa semanal de variedades de televisión, obteniendo el premio El presentador Milton Berle lo llamó ‘Mr Television’ y demostró que el medio era una forma de entretenimiento estable y moderna que podía atraer a los anunciantes. La primera transmisión de televisión nacional en vivo tuvo lugar el 4 de septiembre de 95 cuando el discurso del presidente Harry Truman en la Conferencia del Tratado de Paz de Japón en San Francisco fue transmitido a través del sistema de retransmisión y cable transcontinental de AT&T. radio microondas para emisoras de radiodifusión en los mercados locales. El primer espectáculo nacional de color (el Desfile del Torneo de Rosas 954) tuvo lugar el 1 de octubre. Durante los siguientes diez años, la mayor parte de la programación de la red y casi toda la programación local se mantuvo en blanco y negro. Se anunció una transición de color para el otoño de 965, en la que más de la mitad de toda la programación en horario de máxima audiencia en la red se transmitiría en color. La temporada de estreno a todo color en horario estelar llegó un año después. En 97, la última resistencia entre los programas de televisión diurnos convertidos a color, culminando con la primera temporada de televisión a todo color. FORMATOS Y S Los programas de televisión son más variados que la mayoría de las otras formas de medios debido a la amplia variedad de formatos y formatos que se pueden presentar. Un programa puede ser ficticio (como en comedias y dramas) o no ficticio (como en documentales, noticias y reality shows). Puede ser de actualidad (como en el caso de un noticiero local y algunas películas para televisión) o histórica (como en el caso de muchos documentales y películas de ficción). Pueden ser principalmente educativos o educativos, o entretenidos, como es el caso de las comedias de situación y los programas de juegos. Un programa generalmente presenta a un grupo de actores que interpretan personajes en un entorno histórico o contemporáneo. El programa sigue sus vidas y aventuras. Antes de la década de 980, los programas (con la excepción de las series de telenovelas) generalmente permanecían estáticos sin arcos de la historia, y los personajes principales y las premisas cambiaban poco. Si sucedía un cambio en la vida de los personajes durante el episodio, se deshacía por completo al final. Debido a esto, los episodios se pueden reproducir en cualquier orden. Desde la década de 980, muchas películas presentan cambios graduales en la trama, los personajes o ambos. Por ejemplo, Hill Street Blues y St. Elsewhere fueron dos de las primeras películas dramáticas de televisión estadounidenses en las grandes horas. Encuentre todas las películas que puede transmitir en línea, incluidas las que se proyectaron esta semana. Si se pregunta qué puede ver en este sitio web, debe saber que cubre Crimen, Ciencia, Fi-Fi, Acción, Romance, Suspense, Comedia, Drama, Película. animación, etc. Muchas gracias. Le decimos a cualquiera que esté feliz de recibir noticias o información sobre la programación de películas de este año y cómo ve sus películas favoritas. Espero que podamos convertirnos en el mejor socio para usted en la búsqueda de recomendaciones para sus películas favoritas. ¡Todo esto, saludos! Gracias por ver videos de hoy. Espero que disfruten de los videos que comparto. Dale un pulgar hacia arriba, dale me gusta o comparte si te gusta lo que hemos compartido para que estemos más emocionados. Espolvorea una sonrisa alegre para que el mundo regrese en una variedad de colores, se mantenga seguro y se quede en casa. Esperamos que esté satisfecho con nuestro servicio WEB. Muchas gracias y disfruta leyendo. No soy dueño de esta canción o la imagen, todo el crédito es para sus dueños. Se han realizado algunos cambios en el contenido de la educación. El idioma original de la descripción de este video es inglés. Es tan impresionante. ¡Suscríbete y comparte con tus amigos! en mi chael. Ver más videos !!. ¡¡Gracias por ser el amigo !! Gracias por unirse, diviértase, vuelva a consultar y avíseme si le gusta mi contenido. ¡No dude en dejar un comentario, dar me gusta y suscribirse! COMO Y ELLA Mire este último video y, si le gusta, no olvide ver los demás. LA HISTORIA Son y Jeremy Camp (K.J. Apa) es un joven y aspirante a miciano a quien nada le encantaría más que honrar a su Dios a través del poder del micrófono. Al salir de su casa en Indiana por el clima más cálido de California y los estudios universitarios, Jeremy pronto se encuentra con una compañera de clase Melissa Heing (Britt Robertson), a quien ve en la audiencia en un concierto local. . Inmediatamente cayendo bajo la flecha de Cupido, se presenta a ella y rápidamente descubre que ella también se siente atraída por él. Sin embargo, Melissa se abstiene de formar una relación incipiente porque teme que pueda crear una situación difícil entre Jeremy y su amigo en común, Jean-Luc (Nathan Parson), un compañero mician y que también siente algo por Melissa. Aún así, Jeremy es implacable en su búsqueda de ella hasta que finalmente se encuentran en una relación romántica. Sin embargo, su relación juvenil termina cuando la nueva Melissa con cáncer, que amenaza su vida, ocupa un lugar central. El diagnóstico no hace nada para disuadir el amor de Jeremey por ella, y la pareja finalmente se casa poco después. Sin embargo, pronto se encuentran caminando por una delgada línea entre vivir juntos y sufrir su enfermedad; con Jeremy cuestionando su fe en el micrófono, él mismo y con Dios mismo. EL BUENO / EL MALO Lo siento si esto suena un poco familiar de mi revisión de Solo puedo imaginar, pero dice claramente cómo me siento acerca de estas películas. Aunque soy un cristiano devoto (no un fanático loco ni nada de eso) por mis conceptos básicos de religión y creencias en la vida, no soy un gran fanático de los largometrajes “religiosos”. Eso no quiere decir que sean malos o que los encuentre deplorables para otras películas más populares, pero a veces pueden ser un poco sermoneantes y cursis / honky en sus connotaciones religiosas y dirección dramática en general. Personalmente, me gustan los cuentos más bíblicos que ha contado Hollywood, con Los Diez Mandamientos de Cecil B. Demile y Ben-Hur de William Wyler; ambos han demostrado resistir el paso del tiempo en el cine. Por supuesto, la tendencia reciente en Hollywood de lanzar más películas de “remake” pone un poco de sombra en estas epopeyas bíblicas con Exod: Gods and Kings de 04 y Ben-Hur de 06; que no logró capturar un sentido de integridad cinematográfica y tenía una perspectiva religiosa desordenada en su aspecto celoso. Recientemente, sin embargo, Hollywood ha vuelto más hacia las obras de teatro contemporáneas, encontrando narrativas que más o menos caen en una era y una era más “moderna” en términos de sus características basadas en la fidelidad cristiana. Como mencioné anteriormente, algunos han tenido éxito en sus formas literarias (basadas en un libro y adaptadas para la pantalla grande), pero la mayoría se inspira en historias de la vida real, lo que resulta en algo. que se supone que toca la fibra sensible (entre los cinéfilos) debido a su aspecto y sus matices “basados ​​en una historia real”. Una vez más, algunos son buenos (como me encantó Unbroken y The Shack), mientras que otros se vuelven demasiado sermoneadores y dejan que las propuestas religiosas se interpongan en el camino de la película, haciéndolas menos que deseables para el público en general o incluso para los miembros. de su propia fe. Estas películas religiosas a veces pueden resultar problemáticas en su presentación final tanto para los espectadores como para la propia película; a veces dando la impresión de que la película parece más una película para televisión que un largometraje teatral. Esto me lleva a hablar de I Still Believe, un estreno cinematográfico de la religión cristiana basada en la fe. Como casi todos los tiempos, Hollywood normalmente lanza dos (quizás tres) películas de esta variedad de películas en su programa anual de estrenos en cines, con estrenos típicamente en la primavera y / o cayendo respetuosamente. No escuché mucho cuando se anunció esta película por primera vez (probablemente fue enterrada bajo todas las noticias de películas populares en News Feed). Mi primer vistazo a la película fue cuando se lanzó el avance de la película, que encontré algo interesante. Sí, parecía que la película iba a ser la típica vibra “basada en la fe”, pero iba a ser dirigida por los hermanos Erwin, quienes hicieron I Can Only Imagine (una película que me encantó). Pl, el tráiler de I Still Believe se creó durante un tiempo, así que lo seguí viendo muchas veces cuando iba al cine local. Se podría decir que estaba “arraigado en mi cerebro”. E, estaba un poco ansioso por verlo. Afortunadamente, pude verlo antes de que la epidemia de COVID-9 cerrara los cines (lo vi en su noche de estreno), pero, debido al horario El poder de la fe, el amor y la afinidad por el micrófono son fundamentales para la historia de vida de Jeremy Camp en la película I Still Believe. Los directores Andrew y Jon Erwin (Los hermanos Erwin) examinan la vida y los tiempos de la vida de Jeremy Camp; destacando sus primeros días con su relación Melissa Heing mientras luchan a través de las dificultades y su amor duradero el uno por el otro en tiempos difíciles. Si bien la intención de la película y el mensaje temático de la fe de una persona a través de tiempos difíciles son de hecho palpables, así como las interpretaciones simpáticas m ”” & G2 & ”” icas, la película ciertamente se esfuerza por encontrar una base. cinemática en su ejecución, incluyendo ritmo frenético, piezas fragmentadas, ritmos de trama predecibles. , momentos de diálogo demasiado sermoneador / anticuado, connotaciones religiosas excesivas y mala gestión de varios de sus personajes secundarios / secundarios. Para mí, esta película estaba en algún lugar entre ok y “meh”. Definitivamente fue un negocio cinematográfico cristiano basado en la fe (de principio a fin) y ciertamente tuvo sus momentos, pero no funcionó.
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batterymonster2021 · 6 years ago
News Now Stream 4/24/19 (FNN)
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News Now Stream 4/24/19 (FNN)
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Grew to become tragic right now our sister station fox thirty two in Chicago reporting that a physique has been determined. Near this wooded discipline in Woodstock Illinois that is very close. To in the area of where this lacking boy he is welcome right here to information now we predict. A an FBI investigation as quickly update on that as good. Well as we got these live pix into the newsroom — a bit earlier this morning it started off as Ariel’s placing and now not wonderful in any respect. To see – you recognize with the reports of a lacking baby — that you would have photographs coming in of a of an area being searched. You consider the story. Of a younger lady who went out for a jog this was final 12 months. There in the Midwest in Iowa in a small city in Iowa and turned up missing in they’d more than one syringes for her. Out in the farm lands out corn fields — simply hoping — To you already know be able — To either find her or recover bodies.And so it was now not. 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News now that isne of thbig orie her of theay viously all right one more — keeping trackf justoments ago president trump in the First lady running down the steps of Air force One in Atlanta. The place they’ll be soon talking concerning the drug difficulty in Americ- specially opioids — The president correctly on the south lawn of the White condominium or slightly elier this morning with anothe onef the impromptu news conferences and he did not begin off.With the aid of speakme abo how theirst girl e . A faiamount otime worng on a fact Malani in to ke se he was once getting the fts. Ght and said tt I lieve we’re. Areelling folkshat ere’ bee abo a 17% reduion. A reporte usef opioids thinhisast yeaand she mentioned she sok her head to t affia. An so- Forhe fst cple whicou d’tm e evy bits mh as is.Rng o And nowhis jor speh. Atlta wch i wbelie — righ therend hers a liv okt the pium correct there youan see as t crowd he is waing. For threside a the Fst La a when at hpens of coursee’llu heren news now s Alread rig ohe sta we’ve various mong parts already and it tbrintia and that i as we it forheseig. Monts to happen yh an is most like anymore my he eve with a wita littlender ten minute. Impromptu othe uth garden it’s like. Ght there are such a large amount of ou of what he d to say today heb speakme about. Fairly he stated in summaryhat wts to e thount as Spificly knohow vonrom prime wi thery tsubpoenaskw yo proper and yowonder Wh doe the presidentiste to it appears he’s a very good relationshipith s ne cef of staff? US- Somebodyay b aisin the president on kind of you kn wha tone he will have to be takingow we don’t totally is is own man he is gog to tweet anything he wishes to tweet and say atev he ntso sa — but ithisartilar instance — He what he did do the cost and i have been wondering when at was once going to come back — Becausehe wle his argument in opposition to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats is that they are gng to prove themselves to the part of investigate examine .And not truly get quite a few matters executed. So t they’rell kds ople — And adlis Nancy Pelosioday pronouncing with the president is stonalling the United Stes Congso see is xes hs no gng t it can be a legal fht goes downm. Up allhe w in e Suemetelnd courtroom — so that is kinfolk of brewingut tre in phrases of the connection between the 2 but if the president’s gonna make the argumt.On the Democrats are the party of examine — investigate collusion examine obstruction of in my tax vested in my family then he wishes to get off that matter. Proper so he he used to be on a for just a little while at present and you’re going to play some of that i am sure Yoll hear he was obviously on that subject for just a little whilst speaking aut Moeer and how he made the assumption. The molars television would have financ and looked it is taxes don knoif tt’s e ca or no longer — Bh e vot. And he stated it is time for . To determine how we can begin to work on some of tse b issu the h so that’ll binteresting simply see himake that transfer it as he df cou keeup on at. Ah and rig n mean once spng breakheirxtendedor tir spring bak proper now so I nogetting the information one ey’re no longer even there to acquire the hiya man could be great Mike to have a have a job the place that you could set yrwn cash and also you’r On vation -So Thf holidays I mea On the u to ke ae other sidofhe cn whh of path were trained to do — If u we aongressm oa nato fro s Newersey.Or Delare. Omewre close to DCt’s allyot tt b a dl b the theongred mennd the senators from Washington and Ogon and kn youave two full days ofirniau avel ery sgle wee bathom s. Monday is a trav dayo get ther –n ce you’re wondering why are there not various headline o of Congress on a Monday or Friday. That’s why. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday those of the three working days so and Monday presupposed to be the day th fly i.Ide is ppos to be in these days the fly and so that is kindf the way in which itorks. Michael it’ any such day we must add up the wle quantity vacate days.. I believe it’l a particularly quite as I heardou sa a ltle bit oDelawa and their spkingn Delare I about. Bing oka the tremendous dayor overbi inl intesting isn it.Nuth Becae the headlin the day past was at a NeHampshe and it’s impornt state. Buit cou potenally ba that Bere Sands is pretttleit st ll identified aretty willighten n that — part of Ne door in rmont — ts in Moouth ces o with is a country wide.Pollhat sa holdn a mine w e . O and oted Jdish. Most cching with the aid of. In that her pu that w Hashireollere’s eir snapsh. Of whe stands nationally witby 27% sick wel aheadfernie Saers at 20%. An to dge aittle further hind welsubstaially fuher bind. Th set theres a relatively intestingtory- This moing ou therey that — Thes somof these candites de dot knowho relatively Weeally d’t and however that a few of ese ndidat are. Or rame-p wi dirn ved genne rht So name the D. O. . All on who to penal complex. And that i mean he he’s starseen singo rapid. To Joe with the aid of hring h numbe ve beestrongndor the st parof stad stro we asmehereas hwas somef thosstorie — That we so netiveowardoe Biden or thls whene wasn his decion king pcess seriously i youe anotr ndidatend you suppose youe goome magi iormaon peop who a willi to co ahead to share that hazardous.Inrmatn whyot put it out there when the man nonetheless making an attempt whether he’ll run or not so whonows I truly think like within the entrance of the curiosity of frt trsparency. And any one from The N Yor Time n in Keokuk Iowa after they report a sty. That. Clearlys poor at a unique candidate I feel like they should have the state. Who gave them that knowledge? This is it’s referred to as off fl study it happs at all times – however I consider like they should say ay soul somepposition study was supplied to us with the aid of. Select your candidate toll so ye. She seems to pleasant. Ah however Ieant do hapn al pa oft is everybo intriguing as kinof cerom zero tobling up e hero. Litelly inside about oneonh Annie Elizabeth Warren must be thinkinghat I need to do.We s wor anoer pgrama malove polits yomay be aware she li. Bu she is she is seriously hanging the recommendations available in the market and then what happens is. Other candidates tral to consistently resnd ther d her ide m e mo rect one was once cngen the x sucta firms like Amananno be in a sittion whe the make as a lot moneys they do. And Jeff basins pen’s riche he does on companies on all those forms of thinnd a we l be aware of we suggested to the Amaz page zero on federal That’snbelievable so you recognize loophole I determine you’re actually feel for the year conservative or liberal you appear at that and you say welow c that. Mentioned I goa pn for tha. Thrigh.Ng on bothhe lt and No I that may be a road to enty entynd is ju htingp erybody but now let show you litt bitn president trump’s remark oside othe White apartment.As with lani- As wel. The variety of specific they’re thmari one sure they areff visiting collectively on this one is fascinating. Stay silent though k there we go — more news now coming. The inventory market. Three from an financial standpoint is doing the first-rate usually it can be ever performed. Waiting ales ain. Clos to or over 100 occasions is an president. The time of the election. Excellent they’ve ever been by means of a long way. We now have virtually a hundred to sixteen individuals working today of the us that’s extra th. Three earlier than. We’re doingell and we’re doing things are goi goo I deliver within the Firstady right now she’s labored very difficult on the costs. Had been down about 17%.From last 12 months whichs pretty potent what down. 17% for the opioids problems a bi probl is a. We’re ndli. The medical professionals areorki with us. They are working with extra work s woing th us. Is amounof progrs Jo AnI ha beethe st And esidt a admn y far. We simply went by way of theall whi. The place you ad? Real ehteeangrDemos at eight psident drop the eight AM with ad. They we contriy cases Alary but eher th a passion. I do not know. And eyame witno llusn a virtually alame Atrneyener situated on the he all over the place the situation.S They check my finciand th cheed my taxes I asme. Washe mt. U shouldrobay. Feel I read whereheyotry I I say is enghe hundred ople. Get back to infrtr. The slicing tas get bac to loweringrug ices thas wh. Quite that is what we should do The survey i These armpartial pee .Twty tnty t goain with e peoplehat see And ey’rnot ing n ains me the onlyay ty ca may just lo. D Ion’consider tt’s nna opsite tt’s at a l ofe opleayin. The ly w the getockeout r me. Nonnseut ty suld relatively foced o n ivehis a ligatedust you understan alstince acquired intoffior the lasta now. Youant litate. Afr the DNC. Lary The rty jobll othese things thas what to be litigated. Seeing that that was once a rigged syem. Breaking down i am breaking down the swap should you look at what’s taking place. They getting. Fi what’ gng to ppen from w on b I ope. I en is vetrong. However ifou can di. Alrit people and sy rig he with us were folwing a two bit ftou’re tang aive appear Illins wre pole andBI agtsre at a sce in odstoc Illinshere ty recoved a b. Learngn simply littl bit i at is. Unfortately indd the misng t gone week and then to e rightou e awting psident trump remar dhe Fir Lademarks abus he on this untry we’ ve itll f youight he on newnow hk g righ now in theed buttill.Maintaining an extraordinarily strongoday I each person possibly sure welcome bo the d we’ll he psideeref trpike I sdt simply ase alws have it for u he in i entetyhat’ wre we wish to e neonferences. T a slice of a you don get everytng o rig rig he on information n f . Let’s get me da to trade briefs right now from Tracy Carr. Via Amazon ia way to make receivingour ckages mor convenient andafe whe you arawayrom hom. Allows for supply individuals to place packages inside your dwelling or auto to make certain they is not going to get stolen beforeou g hom and now Amazon has improved t servicewo gages you can nd eligible discipline and have a my queue linked garage door.Opener if you alrdy possess a m queur enerll youaveo do i nnected with the E. Key by means of Amon as. Disneyould en as mh as % 0% of al ticket earnings in North the united states this summer that’s in keeping with a rert within the rap biest dralong with seval polar filmranchises T ory for The Lion King a Aladnre all set to debut in the coming months. For reog on to fox business dot com in Ne. Factor there so much Tra you for that updat wel thisext orye first bught it tyou stery as itas hpeni On t lucest twey fourearbut nown freakingay that wasanuel Frco’s rction when he realiz he was keeping.Sevehundreand sty eigket worth llion dlars in m heart started rt for out five or t minutes anco w the oy perso to check al Fivnumbers. Even as onarch twey seventh making him the seconigge a loery htorye says he had od fling abo snding t On his way hom from rkast moh. I truthfully felt soucky thatI di lookt at e cama a I fairly wante to n bought it becausIy feeling Franco says he saved his mouth shut aboutis b win Evenallo e after knewhat I’of wor I I work aa stop houseent in mu that — i am re to evyone awork quality however and Ieally desired say sething that I kn that i was bad decion and that i pe for wk aga.As for wt’s nextor Frao he ys that he wan to be careful about how he spends his winning. T wanted to trel theorld I pl to li my liormal as as muc ase osehe lum sum ch optn for hello wina after taxes he’salkingway withhry six llion dolrs. Lauren Bncha fox ns tha u Laen tre whiife wellut I sorhere.Chaing as jother immiate aft Winng the jkpe dn’tant opleo fi out That’sow peo fi outf the. En y’re ite rht aer dide just w the lotte Iyeoplgone woerf the waa lo of fowl thoffiayin.Uorke — Isotere oious someing’ goi onnteg hofullhe spends it had inveed- Sma allightext doorhat r ye we e awting pside trum to lk d cris Inhis cntry and abrdo a dera procuto nowakin onharmaceucal companie introduced the firstver dru traffiing crges once more a armaceical cpany a two distriting prescriion medicinal drugs helped gas the opioid epidemic Lawrce dol the thirdheging former CEu cooperative for our DC with algedly tfficking tens o llions of pills to armacies.Recognized tillegay allotting naotics the iictment also claiming our DC and its executives made the deliberate resolution to not invesgate or alert federal rulators about phmacyustome ty kne extra disnsino pele for nonedicalses om twenttwelveo twty sixteen thef l skyrketed durghe perd RDC genered one pnt tallege in . Billion dlars of earnings fro e sale of managed substances. The station used to be tied to that sales. The seventy five 12 months old former CEO surnderin to thorities on Tuesday he is chard wit consring to distribute oxy code .And coniring to defraud the Drug Enforcement Administration which carry a minimum ten yr jail sentence greenbacks attorneys pronouncing he’s being framed. Mr down won’t. Serve as their scapegoat. Utterly intends to fight that is In N Yor Jry bb gaen. Ne Theror tt uate a brand new learn proper now sws that teenagers rather believe. They believe — typically the whole thing is riskless take a appear at this. One it’s become this new things like I have no idea myophomo ar in excessive university to dwelling here began vaping to help her quit cigarettes but i don’t feel it is doing a lot.To residence knows and understood each hit a virtual ges a a higy coentrated. Nicotine in new studyut of of teegers sdyouaid th four dates n nicotine pducts scan pitive foricotinathen resechs shown of cocaine. As a entire. As heroin addiction psychologist health practitioner Harris straighter issues this potential lack of knowledge amongst young humans about what they’re feeding would go away them settl wh the nancia burden and competencies wellness impacts of nicote liveio forhe res of eir n me you. Cry even grter stilating feelin in line with thU. S. Cents for disse ctrol and prevention estimatour int eight . Incrse fm the yea befor% everybode a lotf thes.Inhe batoom within the liary the peop in oseooms w flaved.G up withhese ping pducts absutely no that they appea to yoger audiense t the flavorsffery sobody’s nicotine baiting merchandise. It imy favore the bacof the roomn citadel otheartf thei nufacters tappeal to younger individuals. A lot of which the Sny Brook university learn finds possibly didn’t understand what they’re hanging into their bodies if we are able to appeal to you with berries. After which it did she with nicotine that is a long term revenue movement it can be significant so you see it far and wide in the East Village I Max king.Box five news. And men and women we’re simply now moments far from an FBI update in Illinois on the the missing the boys search we’re going to bring it to your proper here. On information now you are taking a are living look at Woodstock Illinois this is where police and FBI sellers have been calming this wooded discipline. And our sister station fox thirty two in Chicago reporting that a physique. Has been determined in this field and now we’re ready for that replace could it be the lacking a fiveear olboy. Be me newsow by using xtwhat tragi and ce bko ne noy doppreateouoining u Ne Jery rig nowhere thereay wreo used to be hugehild predator skig the bd sieen ople have been aeste incding g s lksncluding aolicfficer Of making an attempt tsolit intercourse from a minor take a seem at this every body administrative center. In assistance partial agent in argeicha Reinhd Ofomelan. Shiff.Lke al have our And om Bern couy localaw implement. I’dike toecogze and Rdy St Bri g. An uer sdle rir p.C. Eutena. Da allowg committed. We’re also grateful to operatn unites president and CEO hi Nancy ailes thanks. Thanks additionally to an extremely good. Serv in a nner works d and nit No matte what i need at ast they are all cl amid the strangest hrs he’s perpetually therworking Secretary Alex Cesary best Alex was once dng. Robertedfield who’selping us a radids V as through twenty thirty and the place there was once going to be ready to try this. People are shot please arise sold. Forecely in a speeche will a renegad is through twenty thirty web ogress and so they failed to know speaking about they couldn’t speech general practitioner they stated you mean that that’s righte’reoing to ha it round a gated.By twey thirty thank y very much surgeon very imptant. Also with us i. Th lieenant goverr of this greatd Brn.N whoseork rough with The combo of Jeff Dunn and Bryan has bn. Quite often ueatae doing a fabuus job Jeff thank you very a lot Jeff where are y Jeff. Jeff thank you. Jeff. High-quality jobeall greohn Mrs And the Geoia Aorneyeneral Chris car. Chris thanks. He is within the figI ow that. As good as individuals of ngress Rick Allen. Drew Ferguson bBarry hell out of milk. Have a that’s a prettyall we we have been doing ok togher Avue. Now we have been doing god’s to the entire oplen this room to serve ery day. The frontiers and front traces I haa trouble it’s you ever in theratitude. Of our allntoouration you may not even understand it. Butur natn loves you and they love what you’re doing thanyou very much. The first responders who convey sufferers again to existence. Yo a theaw enfcement Drug traffickers to justic. You’re the doctorsurse and coung force tbuild.E and solace and A brighter and brighter ture. Of americans overcome dependancy For a brand new life of freedom.My ainistrations depying each resource atur disposal to empower you. Support you. Ane g Weill not sol this epidem ernight. However wilstop. There is simply nothing that is — Plaster topic how you cutt i know one of the most persons on this room nothi stoou. Until our j is done.N telyou. Andhenaybe o findomething new and that i hop tt’s going to be quickly b we willucceede have resule mbers that I heard two weeks ago. That was shocked to listen to. Whenakin gigantic progress each 12 months more tn seventy thound pcious American lives are misplaced?O the opioids and drug . And inmy opinion t quantity is way higher than that. To guard all american citizens my administration declared the opioidpidec nation extensive A colossal step.Mgency.Sincehen we have now secured a report six billion dlars. Opid crisi.G to combat the And that is essentially the most ever. And we’r going for even better numbers ts ye. Th 12 months we providedinety sutance abuse.Eventse The aid for patients and communities ahe lgestver leslative effor to fight a nation’s hisry.Sis in r it is the larst ever. Following the w Ofy health care provider geners and lots of hers ltear th distribution. Ofhe ordos revsing dgs naudible Naloxone. Multiplied by over. A million. Models prey aming stuff. Expa aesso remedy recovery another relevant pursuits and serces. L tought ouration we supplies to statesotaling a document two billion dolla. Areow allowing stateso use Medicaid money to pay for residential treatmen amenities a ty’re beinbuilt all over the country.In my first yearn ofce the number of paentseceiving. Medication aisted tatment at neighborhood wellness facilities ineased by means of 64% comprehend what the esident did the nor the present. We don’t have any alternative we don’t have any choice We passed t cre bac. To develop treatment for motrs and phical based oopios.N For our. ‘remprovi suffering administration fewer veterans or ooids on the grounds that Jak you at. Zero-002-30. By t manner f thehis. Forty toet it.Whats up’ve been attempting Asou recognize. Simply rectly I signed n oice. Veteran cano and if the wet goes to be. Ys or weeks or months which is prate health practitioner. Go out and notice a Take on the spot care. We pay for to care for the it can be been an outstanding it can be it is new and it’s been. Incredib theifference it is bad. And simply monthsgo I sigd bipaisan criminal justice among different critica chang the firs step back supplies addiction tatment to americans in prison. That in jus four months. Greater than sixen thousand intes are participating a new drugs trit. Criminalustieform I need to say — Peoe getting out of pron. And in view that our founding theyere havingn inconceivable time tting a job.Bu becau o financial system is doing wel. Rhaps the best it can be er bn numbers in history.Mpyment best the whole thing considering the fact that of th Becae of thi prisone getting ou. S employers becse I spe to quite a bit oar overjoyed. Th hado thought. I am so proud of thatohe nice financial system has me it. Muchasier they get out and th they have to prov themselvesndever bought they pve theelves. W job not alof them. Brilliant there may be nothing falabouany us. T they a doing apectacular b. So Iant tthank all of you d Iant to thank cgresan wish to ank you f serving to me with that case must be had been very instrumental thank you very much exndingederal efforts tobor i help. Recoveri americans fd a gre. In our store into looking to me.As a result of our historic fiscal boom ao. Adding up all american citizens from all walks existence. Incling individuals who havbeen for the period of theain of addicti. Getting a second a thi and in see and so they’re mang it. Theye makg it and ty reallyave sothinto le. R some of th say w love gettin ue r jo. D if they d’t just like the job on account that of what is happene it’s a micle a over the wld that talking abo wt’s happed. Ifhey don’t like the job the have choice also just like the vets ey he choice the alternative o going out and discovering a Thathey ke bter.Colossal impa last year a recor seventy three% of the new jobs went to folks who are Coming back to work for thee no. First time in ny yrs. These new eloyed citizen are becoming a member of fivpoint fe Fod jobs nce the electn. Drivin l employment rat. To its lowest lel in fiy one years. Ands you recognize when you’ve hed me sayt. Lost. Amerin uneloyment Inhe histo of our untry. Asian Amerin unemploent lowest io cotry. Lowest in the historical past of our. People the graduate witut a lowest in the hisry o o nation. Females Sorry. Lowest in sixty e years. But will quickly have the document. Will quickly have the file. We’re ing have that document. To we’re all Amecans we’re all . We a the strongest when n one My administration is dedicated to ensuring that each citizen n liveith digty and intent and proudly purehe Ameri. Adnistration’s robust aid. For faith headquartered Initiatives. Americas a nation that belies within the werf pray. An we lieve within the grace of Ouof here with us tay is door Montyurke’s. Nineteen years ago Monty tned his lifestyles Fr his fatherland church helped him to get.No Mon works for Tennessee is. What a quality state. Thats director of their religion o. Established covery. And inform us a little bit bit about yourork excellent. My administration can be barkedn a urecedent crinal networks crackdonne legal internatial spments. The deadl flo of medicines in our cotry. The prior two yea ctoms math a cocaine and heroiand Fent all. At the southn border. Are up forty five% and gng up so much excessive l Problyo thnumbersoday. Deining cturing call it extra pplehanver befe a few of thot ople wwant in oucouny An i will s borr patrol has been incdible the’s on no account been a.That border. The ke theres tay up thugho Mexic Mexicwas starng. To detain and carry back to thei. Once they got here from? Bua lof iis drugsnd drugs are Being Gotteny us we’re spping the dr flows so much as we can quickly. ‘re gonna have wall this might bery powerfulalls it is underneath conruction. The mediag about it. The media doesn’like. To one in all many matters had been doing however en that wall is conclude you intendo have. It can be fouhundred milesf wall constructed. Via the tip of nt yr have been probly ahead of schedu a bit of . ‘ll have a trendous impac on druy an we haany different tngs includg te Than you c b hundrs of miions o bucks of e bes. Ug dection eipment that you could have.D I aays say ts becse as od as at gear is ingeniou. The greatest equipmente world is a dog. Dogs. A ctain kind oGerman shepherd ipartular. To a greater job thanour hundred million llars valued at of are you able to bs would realize tha. He said to the boer patrol the otr day they had been giving me. A little bit of a run down on ths 1000’s with close to five hundred llion greenbacks valued at of equipmt at t porf entry. I mentioned how does this compare.To these exceptional to althis I saw. He.Saronestly the puppies about I sa you bought to be kding it incredie and so they showe mend it can be in reality splendid within the quality puppies and we chish them. Ale kills. Tee hundr ericans a wee. Ninety% of which entersur nation through our southern border. We’re doing the whole thing. To empow ourselv s that we will keephis poison out of our co.And far from our kids one can find some very very gigantic variations within the coming month. Ere were shooting men and women tt you wouldn’t think? Announced that famous run when I came down and i am certain no person noticed this when I got here down the escalator with. Malani a our waitresI do not suppose any person noticed that. However I made an extraordinarily powerful assertion abo the border. It is now not that dangerous will restrained.Thattatent was once peanuts. In comparison with truth peanutst reity.All time in comparison with however we’re confronti. Ality and cfronting the grave secury and you control during drawback on our southern boer. And at’s why Ie declared a countrywide emergency which is exactly what it is. We now have secured historical funding to strengtn border protection. Incling the apparatus. During the wall. The extra border patrol marketers.Is that youon’tven have got to understand aboo knowbout. Congress mus also acte f however. Obsolete Uhhuh. Thank you Mr pside firly speak. Time and opportunity to Borofessnally and peonal. Fami’s lif.Ed mlife a my Wo forhe sta pole in Virgin for thirty e year. Enter . Drnforcentection for enty tee of thirty one ars. On the same conferces ago whilst Ias here fr yearsgo my s J. Ttli druaddictn. The stor is o to . Andas medated at younger e. Eighens . E hao move out othe hoe beuse tha is the andance a percent officer.Yocan that home was once ghteen birthy. On theay you n Eiteen Ioved o of r dwelling. He wlde wot decions armade in s existence. We did so. About a ye or twlater. . For severe four fiers. Fromis ha. S Our round to in myife. You case The arsted a cple instances. Foposseson a distribion beforehristm. Welve ys cemb trteeh twent seventeen elver Of a hern and t in all over the place th peopltalk aut Yourerror drugs ere is stigma and thetigma desires discontinue. You wanto thk aut stmahink abo a famy that’seen tot . And that is oy one fily of sevey t seventeethe lel. Onbecausopioidnd heroin e stigm needso discontinue y ed to are your sry. Ou t bracetsveryy sinc my son’s dth l proper wrists a rple braceletTo honor those who have e s in t morni datof birth.Date oh On my left ist i’ve. To forhin bl line. Ever ordose any person’srd to sim. Baby Educion that is wt we’ here d tt’s whyou’re her he adequate the fir editi of ybe ifou her forhe fir time. E colborative brastorm to sttegize. To figurout th oblem colltively. Wi the message I wanto carry toi Dot choose. There seventyhousandit Twenty senteenign. Hiname was once. Matthew J. Simmer For thanks . I believe can sayith security that. Ur bitter boy is watching down rhtow in the event you and really pud of hi father. Ve very oud of we’re making grer tern. As aesult of my negotiionses with.President xi. Of China. Doing an awfully enormous trade deal. They’ve announced that nt week. To prevent chinese spent in any respect which is most of it. Practically all frontt all comes from China. From being shipp to e usa An the extra I appreciate his from president xi they’ve agre that. They will make it ar crime. It can be no longer against the law now sits down as an industrial drug. Antheye gonna make it a criminal offense and so they’re going t charge people with the perfect stage of crime In Ch. Like in our couny. The perfect degree of crime may be very very excessive it’she perfect you paid the superb pric. So I appreciate that very so much. Nce I sigdhe discontinue act int regulation our effective customs and border protectionffics of stopped. Over six timesore packages from achieving Amerin drste g deal. And border prection officers. At the seaport in Savannah. Just lately discovere an estimated nineteen million dollars worth In shipment of Coloian Polls.At present we’re proud to be joined by using two officers who helped in finding James longnd Erica nles. Andhank y bot f your courageous work. The the place are you people had been I you come on come on up here Thank t ofll. And agn than you f all you ppor it’een aong rd d wre glaand e priden Gl to ve y all bind ubehind us. As y all o our bigge hel nearly day. A hstack day for your recreation thanks. Thanks both very much high-quality job. So many incredle men and women tha I met doingxactly wt you’re doing. To allf the customsnd border safeguard presents t sellers and state and neighborhood regulation forcement. The he tod we An we’re with you all the way. We had billions of dolrs of mitary equipmenthichhe previo ade to offer u. To legislation enforcent and that i u very a lot. Many drug companies are giving Euroan international locations a better deal. They give their o nation and that has to discontinue wvelrea Mang se that ourreat seors Medare. Will share within the discounts given to other countries.You know what that mns. The sophisticates out there that do ts for a residing you know exactly it’s a b deal unds like. The deal nevertheless it really is a g deal. At long final we’re stopping the drug corporations in foreig countries fromeading. The procedure i do know all abo the vicinity the method on account that I had the approach riggeon me. I suppose you realize what i am unluckily so as to be your sound bite tonightut ts approach used to be rigged if. The rig within the method agast our first-rate senior. D to he docrs and scientists devi discomfort klers. For opioids.E have neay doled f. And affliction research thanks very ch dtor co on and. It used to be a w extra money than any human bein thank you. Such an importan we will in finding that answer is goingo be a gigantic. Lots of the challenge i suspect how close are we he is saying ok.You get it. Get a one yr in the past we pledge to cut nationwide opioid prcriptions. By using one third. Capable during my time ioffi we’ve got reduced the total quantity of opioids. Prcribed with the aid of 34% that is a horny potent number. Gl to document at present the drug overdose doe or down within the various states that we hd in chk. Thones hardestity the opioid problem. Ne Hampsre. West Virginia IowPennlvania And y steeply dn within the of these cases. An mighty success. When I campaigned ithos states tt factor? That no person would suppose it. Except you really involved Over the last two years our national prescription drug. Take again days. Of amassed nearly three factor seven million poundsf prescription medicinal drugs. At seven tim. Of Air force One an extraordinarily first-rate planehat’s parked about ten minutes away. Ry very b gigantic heavy plan consider of that seven instances.Anthe next drug take back day is. Mostmportantteps to endinge th ts is to pvent young persons. Om ever making use of medications within the fit situation. Public awaness camignbout the horrificufferinghat drugs inh % of young americans where’s Kelly and Kelly a arise kellyanne nway andhe’s. Ad becse you know.Where these when you do itropey we had somerea. Ung peoe looking at these is they is not going to sta I think in lots of methods. You do not see the effect for 4 or 5 years however i’m many methods because. Probably the most principal matters we cane doing so we’re doi that and was once spending some huge cash on that I suppose it very imrtant.When they seem AT andomebody cos to them and wts t promote them medicinal drugs they usually celebrity occupied with what they jt noticed on televisi or anyplace they? It is going to be a little bit tougher for them to ke tt sale and that is ok with me. So we were on a’m very motivated that in. The rst yeare naonal surve on druse and altheported tha one hundred ousand fer teetarted abusin prescription affliction ller. One hundred thousand with.Wit us in these days is Ax gos And hisom extraordinary mom. Shelly. As a young adult Alex overcame addiction and is now. Th his mother they centered an group to helpfamilies i c. Plse come up and share your retailer thank you Afternoon. Ay that’ my title Alexs we are able to ag Manyf youlready kw tt bu perps wt you dn’t kn is thathis imy mom and we’re a household in long run restoration. I coultellou a aut how addicon used to be grounogay in hell ld overgain be’ve hrd enghf deatndestrtion for a w yea. L l Anmy frienAmandaallo been . Ing theork thoicesf ho to he peoe irecove ay in covery. AnI’dikeo us this tim to y a bighank y to ery whorksirelesslvery day tompro t livesf pple Becae Mar saidt great wdo Sohankou a for beiogethe.Voices of hope . Thank you each. Ex and Shelley reminders o greatest resource within the combat against medicines. Is the heart and the mind and we will prevailecau of theeoe. Braveness commitment and Li allf you in thisoom you are the united states’s genuine source of . So let us resolve the together we will support Cherishing ceor o felw everchalngeroughvery steand On their road to rec. We will be able to rea o to anybody who isurti olost retailer seeing that eve American serves to grasp e gly ofope.The joof belongi And thelessings. Of heali. We can stand proudly in the back of our deted medical professionals and nurse and clinical authorities who wk so rough. And so they achieve this so much. We wlonor andelebrate the extraordinary guys and women of law . Love our laenfoement. You are aware of it’s but over the last two and a 1/2 yea. La enfcement. Has becomeot. You have a bit of oblem rig. T t hot. Peoplelevethat regulation enrcemen me than er fore becau we respt you. Youtheighe levs we appreciate e job y do is notable and hazardous. But isncredie. We will be able to try to provide every baby a loving house. Every house a thriving future we will be able to renew the bonds of faly and fait that the link us together as citizens. As patriots and as american citizens. Supply in not let up wwill no longer and will under no circumstances ever ve up d saving Your les. We will be able to end this rrible menace. F addictione will make our citiesag and our future brighter than eve. Asne United countries we will work Weillor a ande will combat for the d when eveamily throughout ourand. Andive. A dg fre Ameri thanks god bless you and god bless.The U.S. Of the usa thanks. President trump speaking for almost 45 minutes in Atlanta — depend tking abo. The da entire in this country who are quite speakme about the opioid situation and even citing. Some former addictsnd persons in healing at this moment — Shared the stage with — to inform ofr hope to so many millionsan of usa citizens. Extra information now it’s coming up next Illinois wer wtingor the physique full an. On ns now butbviously a very a td this very second it wa expecd too ti he in izona thawe bought shed bk ahour.O elev a obvuslyow it’s sti — were wtingor tha som irty mutes aer ttush again so wlla lo at thhoteally it is g story notnlynllinoi but no is . 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Two unts o And o depend of failu t. Port msing year childeath poli deparent I wld lik thankhe FBI. The McCainecounttas atrney’sffice and other loca sta and countlaw forcemt a fire dartmen entiesgin managent eir asstanceas instruntal ibringe tohis instigatn [iudible achersamily is mhope tha youayave so solacn knowg that AJ kills haveeen brght tos juice. I uld al like to ank t assiance ding th diffilt time [al JJ.We kno you’re a piece taking part in it happelaygrod and are hay you longehave t ffer. The ouomef thisase ia relt of thxtraornary efforts of s dictly invold on this se. Beuse t charg rulting fr thisnvestitionur bas largel or recored. Weillot b provingny fuheretails in effoo protecthe is Go afteron- Tnk youthank you. Chf black AJ’samilyf t commuty. To condences on ‘s Los wish to ta abouthen come bere you. Buit ishe unftunateesult I spt the las twoours her with ta conducng thiinvestatio. I would like tw a meer othe laenforcement commity. – rtnernd frid stenino themotion. Folk as staff have exhitedommitmr over tg actual rlly bris lot o otion make difficult.The iestigati- f .
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ericfruits · 6 years ago
North Carolina: Trial Court Can Impose Disability Suspension
The North Carolina Court of Appeals upheld the inherent authority of a trial court to impose a disability suspension. 
The attorney had two matters scheduled in the same courthouse.
One involved responding to a summary judgment motion; the other was a custody dispute.
One of the judges suspected he was impaired. The two judges discussed the matter and decided that the summary judgment matter had priority.
The summary judgment judge continued the matter over the attorney's denial that he was impaired.
Once in chambers, “[i]t became readily apparent to [Judge Shirley] that [Respondent] was impaired” because his pupils were dilated, his speech was slurred, and he did not have “a rational thought process.” When asked by Judge Shirley if he was on any medication or other mind-altering substances, Respondent admitted he took antidepressants, as he suffered from an anxiety disorder and depression, but adamantly denied he was impaired. Based on Respondent’s condition, Judge Shirley informed Respondent that he believed Respondent was impaired and unable to represent his client, and that he intended to continue the hearing to the following week.
The custody judge
Upon leaving Judge Shirley’s chambers, Respondent returned to Judge Dunston’s courtroom. Judge Dunston informed Respondent that she would not allow him to proceed with the custody hearing and asked Respondent if he would submit to an examination by a drug recognition expert (DRE). Respondent initially agreed to the DRE examination. However, when the DRE arrived, Respondent stated he was embarrassed and wanted to leave, and refused to submit to the DRE examination. Thereafter, Respondent left.
The rescheduled summary judgment hearing did not allay the judge's concerns
Once in chambers, Judge Shirley expressed his concerns regarding Respondent’s behavior on 29 March 2018, which he believed amounted to contempt of court. Judge Shirley also informed Respondent that he believed Respondent was impaired on 6 April 2018 as well. Based on these concerns, Judge Shirley presented Respondent with a draft Motion to Show Cause for Contempt and told Respondent he would not file this Motion if Respondent would voluntarily seek evaluation and treatment through the Lawyer Assistance Program (LAP). As a further condition, Judge Shirley required Respondent sign a release allowing the LAP to report Respondent’s compliance status to Judge Shirley. Thereafter, Respondent agreed to Judge Shirley’s request and signed the release (LAP Agreement).
At 4:37 a.m. on 2 May 2018, Respondent sent an email to Kellie Myers revoking the LAP Agreement and declaring it “null and void,” contending he was initially coerced into signing the LAP Agreement. Respondent also sent an email to the Eastern Clinical Coordinator of the LAP revoking the LAP Agreement.
Practice pointer : Do not send a consequential email at 4:37 a.m. The same principle would apply to tweets.
As a result a contempt hearing was held
On 1 June 2018, a hearing on the Show Cause Order came on before Wake County Senior Resident Superior Court Judge Paul C. Ridgeway (Judge Ridgeway). Respondent attended this hearing and represented himself pro se. At the end of the day, Judge Ridgeway adjourned the hearing and notified Respondent that the hearing would resume on 6 June 2018. However, Respondent failed to appear on 6 June 2018 when the hearing resumed. At the conclusion of the 6 June 2018 hearing, Judge Ridgeway took the matter under advisement, and on 8 June 2018, Judge Ridgeway entered the Disability Order transferring Respondent to disability inactive status.
Thus this appeal.
The court here rejected his attacks on the fact-finding. In particular, it concluded that he had voluntarily signed the LAP agreement. 
As to subject matter jurisdiction
Although we have found no case addressing the trial court’s authority with regard to placing attorneys on disability inactive status, a trial court’s inherent authority to regulate attorneys before it must also include the authority to place an attorney on disability inactive status under appropriate circumstances. Just as our trial courts have the inherent authority to impose sanctions upon attorneys appearing before them, there is no question that a superior court, as part of its inherent power to manage its affairs, to see that justice is done, and to see that the administration of justice is accomplished as expeditiously as possible, has the authority to transfer an attorney to disability inactive status.
Respondent essentially argues these Conclusions are not supported by the Findings because (1) the Findings are not supported by competent evidence and (2) Respondent had provided a medical opinion to the Deputy Counsel for the State Bar, who had been appointed to prosecute this matter, on 5 June 2018 that Respondent was competent to practice law. With regard to the 5 June 2018 medical opinion, Respondent failed to appear at the 6 June 2018 hearing and did not present any evidence of this medical opinion throughout the two hearings. Because this 5 June 2018 medical opinion was not admitted, the trial court did not err by failing to consider this opinion.
As for Respondent’s remaining argument, we have already determined the Findings were supported by competent evidence, and we hold these Findings support the trial court’s Conclusions. Specifically, the Record shows all six of the State’s witnesses testified to believing Respondent was impaired on two separate occasions, 29 March 2018 and 6 April 2018. Both Judges Dunston and Shirley testified they believed it was in Respondent’s best interest, and the interest of the proper administration of justice, that he should be placed on disability inactive status until he has been evaluated and treated for his impaired condition. Therefore, we hold the trial court’s Conclusions of Law are supported by the Findings of Fact and the trial court did not abuse its discretion by placing Respondent on disability inactive status.
(Mike Frisch)
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protierras · 6 years ago
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