#by doing all the shit available out there in the zone you'll end up very leveled - grab the meteorite staff as early as you can -
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People talk about an easier difficulty setting for Elden Ring, and like, they're not wrong, choices in game settings so you can play the way you want to are always good.
However, an easy mode does already exist, and it is called playing as a mage, with the Moonveil Katana.
#elden ring is also in general feeling like the most accessible from software game - by FAR#if you're put off by the difficulty of the others - try this one#it's way more generous#'bonfires' are plentiful#and there are so many ways to make it more of a chill experience#make an Astrologer with an INT build - go around doing every misc thing and progressing npc quests in the zone before doing major bosses#if anything's feeling too tough just go and do something else then come back#by doing all the shit available out there in the zone you'll end up very leveled - grab the meteorite staff as early as you can -#it's easy to get and has S INT scaling (the best)#then grab moonveil after destroying stormveil castle and your domination will be in business#summon your spirit wolves - summon the npcs - and just demolish with your damage#most things become a fucking joke#I've barely been using my spells today because moonveil's special attacks are better#it does both physical and magic damage so it scales off all your points you've put into INT#it's disgusting and I love it#then you're free to enjoy the gorgeous world and follow npc questlines and enjoy the experience rather than it all feeling like a ballache#the dark souls games I finished - I struggled and served my sentence - and they're cool and all!#but the vast majority I look back and think 'oh that pos boss' 'oh that area I'd rather fuck a cactus than replay through - no thanks'#I see myself gladly replaying the shit out of elden ring
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A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 85 Xs1)
"Day 12: Chicago"

Considering how intoxicated they got all day and night yesterday, it's surprising that Luna and Colson are awake before any kind of knock hits their hotel room door. It's probably because of the uncomfortable, tangled positions they'd found themselves in from last night.
Getting comfortable at the top of the bed, they snuggle together. Colson running his fingers through her golden hair as they talk about different things. He wants to fly his tattoo guy out to meet them in Kansas City on Thursday.
"Think it'll hurt?" Colson asks Luna about the head tattoo he wants.
"Hmmmmph...." Luna giggles to herself.
Remembering the pain, Luna touches the back of her head. Just above the divit that slopes into her neck, at the very base of her skull, about three fingers wide and long, she has the replica of an old CA license plate tattooed there. Instead of numbers, it has the word WARD, like a vanity plate. A registration sticker sits expiring in the bottom right corner on June of 1999. The hidden piece is the only ink Luna has for her mother.
Known as Lizard or Izzy. Patti and Robert never named their daughter. The forgotten baby was named by a nun in the orphanage she was raised in. Never being adopted and always a ward of the state, Luna's mother's name legally became Elizabeth Ann Ward. Patti feeling immense guilt when her daughter contacted her regarding her grandchild, she legally changed Luna's name as soon as she adopted her after Izzy's death. The marking being the first tattoo Luna ever got. Never forgetting her true home. Or that first sense of insatiable pain. Always keeping her hair long, only three other people know that she has it. One of them being the artist. Colson isn't one and neither is her grandmother. Having gotten it done the summer she turned 14yrs old with Jackson and Opie, the undercut grew out just enough by time she'd come home to NY. That wasn't the only first for Luna in The Summer of 2005. That same year, Jackson got his first bike, teaching her how to ride and handle a gun. It was also the first time Luna ever had sex. Popping her cherry with Jackson on a warm late July night. It had been a wild summer filled with surprises, love and rebellion. Luna gaining and losing many different things in those three months. Springing into action a long series of events.
"YEAH. On the back of your skull? You're gonna feel that vibration through your teeth, eyes, ears... It's gonna hurt like a Motherfucker." Luna says with a smile playing on her lips.
"Shit, I didn't think of it like that..." Colson admits, not noticing Luna's detail.
"You'll be fine. Don't act like you don't like a little pain." Luna lifts up, biting his lip.
"Mmm... " Colson pulls Luna into him.
Kissing her deeply, Luna feels her body flush. Pushing up and climbing on top of him, she pins him down against the bed. Lightly biting along his neck. Each one a little harder as she makes her way to his nipples. Making Colson laugh and squirm as she drags her hands down his body as she bites his tattooed sides and stomach.
Holding his hard dick and excited eyes, Luna licks the bottom of him from base to tip with her wide, sopping tongue. Keeping his eyes in place with her antagonizing blue, Colson groans out. She gives him a wicked smile and a devious look before she lightly squeezes his cock and sinks her teeth into the meat of his thigh. Hard but not too hard.
"Ahh!! You fucking bitch!" He jerks. Laughing, while grabbing her. Colson carefully lifting and flipping Luna on to her back. "I'm gonna fuck you up!" He claims as she giggles.
Holding her down, with one large hand planted in the middle of her chest with a long arm, Colson slips his tongue up through the warm folds of Luna's pussy. Tasting peaches, he smiles before biting her back on her thigh.
"Motherfucker!!" Luna shrieks
Colson throws both of her legs over his shoulders. Coming back up to her face, he presses his tongue into her mouth. Aggressively kissing her as he holds her down.
Enjoying his dominance, Luna finds his cock with her hands. Grabbing it, she shifts her hips as she guides him inside. Pulling his blonde hair back, making him groan out as he starts to fuck her.
"Jesus FUCKING Christ, Loons!!" Colson growls into her ear, as he pulls out of her grasp to gnaw on her neck.
Luna claws the tops his arms, keeping her left leg straight. Her right leg grips his neck, curve of her foot resting perfectly on the back of his head. Driving into her deeply. Colson and Luna buck against each other hard as their teeth nip and hands grab at each other's bodies.
"Fuck. Oh, Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, FUUUUCK MEEEE!!!" Luna cries as Colson happily follows directions.
Making them both cum. Dropping her legs from his shoulders, Colson stays between them. Laying on Luna's right collarbone. He can see the bandage for her gunshot wound.
"Fuck..." His stomach churns as he looks in the other direction. Hating everything about it.
"Do you need a dress?" Colson pops his head up after a moment.
"A dress?" Luna asks, confused.
"Yeah... For the wedding. Shit. I guess you need two, hunh? He moves off of her to lay on his side.
"Awww..." Luna kisses his sweet lips. "Yeah... I uh, I don't know yet. I have an idea of what I want... But... I don't know... You?" She asks.
They haven't made any solid plans regarding either event. The only thing in place is their word, a twisted guitar string, an already scheduled festival and an almost dual residency for one of them. All with the idea of being legally married sometime next month.
"Don't you dress me?" Colson honestly asks her.
"Are you fucking five?" Luna asks him with a gnarly look. "Am I supposed to dress you?" She gives him a terrified look.
Both of them laugh, neither knowing what the fuck they're doing. THIS is gonna be a hot mess, they agree.
"We need help." Luna admits. "At least for after TownHall... We can wing EstFest."
Colson agrees with her again. They want to have a gathering afterwards at The Cleveland House for those who attend the small ceremony.
Wrapping his arm around Luna, pulling her into his chest, Colson kisses her head.
"We're getten' married, Kitten." He hums into into the top of her head.
Luna smiles, resting deeper into him. A wave of euphoria washing over her. A happy Yup escaping her lips. Neither of them ever expecting this in their lifetime. Colson a forever player. Luna thinking her heart was broken.
Hearing the knock, they get up. Burning and banging it out again in the shower. Luna snorting Percocets as Colson rails his own Adderalls.
Passing joints back and forth as they get dressed. Colson in loose grey pants and a Metallica shirt. Luna in all black skinnies and a tank.
Sliding on her red Vans, she pulls on the red baseball hat and her leather. Colson slapping her ass as she yelps walking out the door.
Colson's playing a sold out show at the Aragon Ballroom tonight.
As The Crew and Tech finish setting up, Luna and everyone hangs out in the parking lot. Most of them boarding around. All of them burning.
Luna stops as she feels her phone ring. It's her grandmother. Leaning up against the wall, Luna takes it.
"Hey Mom-Mom..." She greets Patti.
Patti asks Luna how the tour's going. Luna telling her Wild, like any other. Her Mom-Mom always appreciating Luna's candidness. They go on to touch base that Luna spoke to her therapist, Kylie, last week. She reassures her grandma that she did and will this week also. With that Patti cuts to the chase. She wants Luna to do her a favor. Luna hates her grandmother's favors.
"Seriously, Mom-mom?" Luna sighs with annoyance.
Patti wants her to fly out to NY next Tuesday and appear on Ellen. Always thinking her connections are the right move for her granddaughter's career. It's exactly how Luna ended up on Riot Records.
"What if Ash isn't available?" Luna tries to wiggle out of it.
Her grandmother pisses her off when she tells her that's Just Fine, Ellen wants to interview her, not Ashley.
"What the FUCK, Mom-mom? You know I don't like doing interviews. And on fucking daytime TV. You gotta stop doing this shit to me, Man. Did I not just flip shit in my room over feeling too looked at.....? You fucking suck right now....." Luna complains.
Pressing on Patti tells her it's good exposure for Nightmare and her cause. That Luna knows Ellen as a family friend and that she won't cross any boundaries. Sometimes she can be an old dick.
"Yeah. Clearly you've never watched her show." Luna angrily retorts. "I'll do this one, but Mom-Mom, that's IT. DO NOT commit me to anything else before asking me first." Pressing it even further, Luna throws in a zinger. "What did you always tell me?... Hm? Not to ASSUME anything... because it makes an Ass outta You and Me.... Next time, I'm gonna say No and you're gonna be mad when you look like an Asshole." Luna tells the older woman.
Blowing Luna's threats off, her grandmother tells her to watch her for the producers phone call and that she'll see her when she gets home. They exchange I Love Yous and GoodByes before hanging up. Still leaning against the wall, Luna grabs her skateboard and looks down. Thinking about her conversation with her grandmother.
"This is fucking bullshit.... I don't wanna fucking go on TV.... Ahhhhh!!!" Her brain screams. "Ash better be able to fucking come."
Calling Ashley, she can't. She'll be in Europe somewhere with Dom. Luna zones out of the conversation once she doesn't hear what she wants.
"MOTHERFUCKER.." Is all she can think.
Colson had noticed when Luna had first stopped skating. Looking over at her again, he stops himself. Holding his board, he watches her. She seems irritated by whoever's on the phone.
"Nobody better be fucking with her." He thinks, dropping his deck to skate over to Luna. "And it better not be fucking Tommy.... Or Jackson..." Colson can feel a fire lighting in his belly.
"What's up, Kitten?" He asks.
Gliding up to her, as he stops. One foot on his board, the other on the ground. Letting her's rest against her leg as wraps his long arms around her body.
"My fucking grandmom booked me on Ellen next Tuesday and Ash can't go with me." Luna complains into his chest.
"Shit? Again without asking?" Colson pulls her out of his chest.
"Yeah..." Luna sighs.
"Come're." Colson tells her.
They both let their boards go as he lifts her up. Luna wraps her arms and legs around his naked upper body. Burying her face into his neck. Inhaling his sweet aroma. The mixture of coffee, weed and his deodorant makes her nipples hard.
"I fucking hate when she does this." She whines.
"I know, Kitten." Colson comforts her as he kisses the side of her hat. "You just performing or you gotta sit down too?" He asks.
"I gotta sit dooowwn..." Luna continues to pout.
Colson can't help but chuckle. Luna tells him to Shut Up as her phone rings again. It's another NY number.
Sliding off of him, she takes the call as he skates off. Giving her a minute. It's the producers from The Ellen Show. They want Luna to perform Nightmare and THAT Type along with an interview. Luna agrees to all but THAT Type. She refuses to continue fueling this Bleta flame. Guaranteeing she'll have something for two sets, Luna unhappily hangs up.
"And now I gotta write a whole new FUCKING song...." Luna thinks, annoyed.
Flipping her deck over she goes to find Sam. She's rail sliding, ollieing and skating around the parking lot with Colson, Rook and Baze. Luna decides against saying anything at the moment. Choosing to rip her emotions out using the trucks beneath her feet instead.
Inside the ballroom, Colson goes over last minute specifics with Tech before he hits a light rehearsal with The Band.
They don't really need it, but they like to check the acoustics in new venues. Watching from SideStage, Colson asks Luna if she wants to try out What I Got.
"Yeah, why not? I wanna play lead on this one though." Luna says, tossing off her hat with her leather.
Walking over, she picks up a guitar and slides the strap over her shoulder. Striking it. She begins to play a different song with her own lyrics.
馃幎Luna's 26yrs old馃幎
馃幎But Tuesday馃幎
馃幎She'll be a whore馃幎
馃幎Even though she already馃幎
馃幎It's fucking the wrong way馃幎
Luna stares at Colson as she snarls at the next lyrics. She's still pissed at her grandmother.
馃幎Don't be afraid馃幎
馃幎In the quickness馃幎
馃幎You get laid馃幎
馃幎For your family馃幎
馃幎Get paid馃幎
馃幎It's the Fucking wrong way馃幎
Letting the guitar hang off of her, Luna sighs. Arms rests on the Fender. The 30s and time help Luna not notice the light pain in her shoulder. Colson walks over and kisses her forehead.
"I don't think that's really a duet, Kitty." He says with a small smile.
"I know..." Luna sighs again. "I'm just frustrated. I gotta come up with a second song by Tuesday."
Leaning the top of her her head into his chest as the instrument separates them. He rubs her back asking her Why. Understanding when she explains not wanting to use THAT Type.
"What about the one you sent me? Brooklyn Bitch?" He asks, lifting her face by the chin.
Looking up at him she says No, pulling away. Hands flittering in frustration. She'd have to change too many things and it's the complete opposite tone and message of Nightmare. Whatever it is, it needs to send it's own independent, strong musical statement. Another reason she doesn't want to use THAT Type, it's negative as all hell towards women and so far removed from Luna's platform. She needs something new. Something to hold hands with Nightmare. Sighing again, she places her head back against Colson's bare chest.
"Wanna put figuring out a cover on hold for a sec? So you can write this one?" He asks.
Looking up again, she asks If He Minds. Shaking his head, Colson leans down to kiss Luna. Lifting the guitar from around her neck.
"Come on... Lemme get you high, Baby Girl." He smirks.
Slapping her ass. He grabs one cheek, holding it tightly as they walk across stage.
Rolling her eyes, she feels her pussy swell from his grasp. Luna loves the way he man handles her sometimes, even distracted.
"I fucking hate when you call me that." She complains.
There is ONE person who calls Luna Baby Girl and they're the highest on her shit list.
Sitting on one of the couches on The Bus, Colson fires Luna up a joint. Handing it to her, he lights his own. Slouching down, Luna hits it as she kicks off her Vans. Swinging herself around, Luna lays back on the couch as she places her legs across his lap.
Colson slips her socks off and starts rubbing her slender feet. Pressing his large thumbs into her balls and high arches. Both still getting high. Luna closes her eyes, running her left foot over Colson's semi until he can't stand it anymore. Fully hard, he looks over at her asking Yeah to her smirk and shrug.
"YEAH!!" Colson shouts as he pounces on her.
Tickling and kissing her all over, Luna wiggles and laughs as they try to undress each other. Scooching all over the couch. Colson pulls her skinny jeans off and throws them across The Bus.
"Was that really necessary?" Luna laughs.
"Yes." Colson confirms as he dives back on to her.
Kissing and teasing each other, they wrestle around on the couch. Luna squirms too far off it, taking them both down onto the floor with a THUD.
With more space to control her, Colson bites Luna's neck as he dips his cock inside of her. Luna thrusts her hips up into him as she moans out in pleasure. They're tongues play in each other's mouths as they move their bodies together. Pulling back, Colson grins down at Luna.
"Told you I'd fuck you on the floor." He smirks.
"You motherfucker!" Luna bursts.
Gripping his waist with the leg wrapped around it, Luna pushes off with her right. She rolls them over using her right arm as leverage and left for force. Popping his dick back inside of herself once she's on top, she pulls up her right knee to protect her new crab. Dropping her hips and left leg, Luna pushes Colson all the way inside of her. Pressing on his chest with her hands, she rocks her hips in a titled circle.
"Who's fucking who on the floor now, C!" Luna taunts his groans.
"You're such a fucking biitchh..." He growls, enjoying her pussy controlling his cock.
"Yeah. But you love this fucking BITCH, don't you?" Luna provokes Colson while riding him faster. "Don't you."
Colson grips her hips tighter with a loud Yes. Bucking hard against him, they're both on the verge of cumming.
"Say it." She demands.
"I FUCKING LOVE YOU, YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" Colson shouts as Luna fucks him with authority.
"FUCK YEAH, YOU DO!!" She cries out before they both cum. "Holy Fuck balls, Bunny...."
Luna pants, dangling her head backwards as she leans her hands on his thighs. Still grinding into him. Colson admires her heaving chest and enjoys her warm pussy and soft moans.
She's startled when he comes flying up, wrapping his arms around Luna's body when he hears The Bus doors open. Quickly tucking her inside of him, she's not sure what's going on until she hears his firm YO.
Next comes a "Bullet? What the fuck, DUDE? Why... You know what.... Get the fuck out, I'll be talk to you in a minute." Colson says to whomever walked onto The Bus.
"Who the hell was that?" Luna asks once he releases her.
Colson runs his hands through her hair. Pulling her in for another kiss.
"My boy, Bullet... Come on, let's get dressed. I'll introduce you." He tells her before he kisses her again.
"MY MAN!!" Colson exclaims dapping and hugging a large bald man.
The guy is HUGE. Benny and Colson are the same height but Benny's got an easy 150lbs on Colson. This dude that Luna's watching, has at least another three inches on them both. An easy fifty pounds if not more of solid muscle on Benny. He's not huge, this man is a mountain.
"Kitten!" Colson catches her attention. "This is Bullet. Bullet, meet Luna Smith, THAT Brooklyn Bitch. And as of next month my fucking WIFE." He grins with pride.
"Hi!" Luna gives the man a bright smile as she shakes his hand. "How do you guys know each other?" She asks.
Colson explains how Bullet is his other bodyguard.
"Ooohh... They called in you cause of OUR reckless asses." Luna calls him right out, putting two and two together.
"Naaahhhh..." Bullet shakes his head with a smirk.
"Mhhm... Well, at least we greeted you with a fucking bang-bang." She snarks, making Colson and Bullet erupt into laughter. "I gotta start working on this song. Catch you in a bit?" Luna asks as she kisses Colson.
He nods in agreement, kissing her back as she tells Bullet It's A Pleasure. Heading off to find Sam.
"Imma like this one..... She's a little pistol." Bullet thinks of his first impression of Luna. Noticing how Kells had stopped to cover her tattooed body when he walked in on them. He'd never done that before with any other female Bullet's walked in on him with. Just kept on fucking. "If she is what they say she is, I guess I'd wanna keep that ass to myself too." He muses to himself. Acknowledging that Kells's Girl is not only sassy but STACKED as he watches her walk away.
馃幎Did we ask//You for It//When we begged//Was it nice//While we were//Asking for It//Did we beg you twice馃幎
Luna's in Colson's dressing room, sitting on the floor with her guitar, notebook, a joint and a pen. She's trying to write a new song. Wanting the same message as Nightmare, but melodic wise is trying to return to her roots. That raw energy. She doesn't want any mixing done. Just to run it straight through. That hard hitting garage feel.
"FUCK.... I'm so glad Sam's already here. I need a fucking bassist..... There's no way I'm pulling Tim in for this....." She thinks as a pain shoots through her heart.
Luna's original band, Dysfunctional Baggage consisted of four members. Luna on lead guitar and vocals. Justin on rhythm guitar and back up vocals. Sam, obviously being the drummer and Tim, Justin's bestfriend, their bassist. They had formed in 2011. Playing local NYC spots. Doing small East Coast tours. None of them wanting to be famous, having only the need to create music. And they did. A lot. The Band cut four albums on their own before they disbanded in 2015. Justin and Tim's addictions overshadowing their work. That's when Patti pushed Luna onto Riot Records as a solo artist. Locking her into a four year, three record contract. Sam had stuck with Luna as an unsigned artist, not wanting to be pigeonholed but still create with her friend. Having lost Justin within the first year of her contract, the three records sound nothing like Luna. They're very dark and bluesy instead of energetic and empowering. Justin's suicide never going public but Luna's words making it abundantly clear to their fans. It had wreaked her. Had she not been forced to create, she probably would've lost her music also.
Ashleigh pops her head in.
"You're on in 15, Loon." She informs her.
"FUCK! Okay. Thanks Ash." Luna responds.
Looking at her mess on the floor, she doesn't have time to clean it up. Pulling her clothes off, she dresses for The Stage. Throwing on a corset, booty shorts, thigh highs with a garter, a random flannel and knee high boots.
Keeping her hair loose, she pulls on her leather before heading out to perform with Colson.
"God DAMN!!!" Colson's mind flashes as he takes Luna's hand, leading her from the piano. "Imma fuck the shit outta that ass TONIGHT." He thinks as he raps to her.
Bouncing around the stage together, playing off one another, Colson feels his dick growing hard as Luna snakes around him. He pulls her into him. Poking her lower back with his raging cock. Reminding her of LA.
馃幎Let me paint the picture. Counter in the kitchen. Taking all your clothes off. Findin' my religion. You're my pretty little vixen and I'm the voice inside your head. That keeps telling you to listen to all the bad things I say馃幎
They hit the chorus together. How they want each other forever. Throwing their arms up as they laugh and sing about tattooing each other on their bodies to take each other wherever.
The Band exploding around them with lights and smoke. The crowd going wild when Luna grabs Colson's chin. Belting the last chords.
馃幎I'm all in馃幎
馃幎There is no maybe馃幎
Colson grabs her ass, pulling her into him for a strong kiss. Their bodies ripping chords on his guitar between them.
"I love you." Colson whispers to her, whipping her around to face the crowd, he holds her against him. Arm around her neck. "Give it up for my soon-to-be Bride, THAT BROOKLYN FUCKING BITCH!!!!" He screams.
Luna grins and shakes her head. Thanking the crowd as Colson kisses her cheek and releases her.
"Kill em, Bunny." She tells him before trotting OffStage.
That's exactly what he does for the next 45mins. Jumping into the crowd, climbing up random shit, performing his fucking heart out.
Luna doesn't bother to head back to the dressing room. Standing in between Sam and Ashleigh, she hits the bottle one hands her. Then a joint from the other. Singing along with them, enjoying the rest of the show.
"Thank you, Chicago!!! You were fucking sick!!!" Colson shouts before coming OffStage after encoring Sail.
Luna throws up a Bye to Ashleigh and a confused Sam as he tosses her over his shoulder. It's a scene her and Ashleigh know all to well.
"Get that shit off, NOW." Colson demands after setting Luna back down on her feet.
"What 'chou do before me?" She asks as she strips.
"There is no before YOU." He tells her as he scoops her up.
Sliding himself inside of her, Colson presses Luna up against the dressing room door. Sucking all over her neck as he bounces her off of his dick.
Luna cums for him easily with the way he talks to her and the way his cock treats her. Her walls gripping him tight, she makes him cum with her.
Sitting down on the couch, Colson's still inside Luna as she rests her head against his bare chest and neck. Quietly enjoying each other for a moment.
"What do you wanna do tonight?" He finally asks her.
Lifting up, she grins. "Same thing we do every night, Pinky.... Take over the fucking world."
Colson laughs out an I Love You before flipping her into her back and fucking her again on the couch.
With a school bag full of liquor, drugs and toys, that's exactly what they do. Take over the fucking world as Colson, Luna, Sam, Baze, Rook and Slim rip their boards around DownTown Chicago.
"I didn't know you grind!!!" Luna grins as Slim cruises beside her.
"Bitch, black men do everything!" He laughs.
"Shut the fuck up." Luna tells him with a grin and a shake of the head "Why your bitch ass never come out with us before then, hunh?"
"Cuz I do what I WANT!!!" He laughs mimicking Luna as he pushes off to gain more speed.
"Why wanna be like me???" She teases him, gaining her own speed and sailing past him.
Stopping abruptly, Luna yells "SAMMMMMYYYY!!!"
She's found a park. It may be gated but Luna found a park. The Boys watch as Luna tosses her board and bag over the fence. Next goes Sam's board. Luna's almost up the fence as she reaches down to help her girl.
"I guess we're going to the park..." Colson shrugs after watching The Girls disappear. "Heads up!!!" He yells before tossing his board over to them.
Following suit, Colson and The Boys hop the fence too.
Inside the park, Luna and Sam climb up the jungle gym. Sam finding and sliding down the slide first. Luna going down sideways calling for Squish The Lemon. Everyone one running towards her. Rook and Sam take one set of steps as Slim and Baze find others, running across the jungle gym to the slide. Colson beats them all when he climbs up the side. It only takes Colson's weight to knock Luna off.
Scrambling back up to the top, they hoot and holler as they slide and slam into each other. Knocking each of them to the ground. Luna's stuck between Baze and Rook as Slim comes tumbling down against Sam. It's Colson's force that sends Baze and Luna flying into the air. Both hit the ground laughing.
"YOU WIN!!!!" Luna calls out, not bothering to get up off of the warm summer ground.
"Lezzzzz goooo!!" Sam shouts, pulling her up and towards the swings.
Luna LOVES to swing. It's the ultimate childhood release for her. The six of them all grab a swing, pumping their legs hard as they breeze through the air. Flying high.
"On three, who can make it farthest!!" Baze shouts out the challenge.
Dipping into the air faster as they glide, Baze calls ONE! TWO! THREEEEEE!!!! Sending them all flying into the night sky. Surprisingly, they all land on their feet. Colson winning having lept the farthest. Slim a close second.
"Guess white men can jump." Luna sticks her tongue out at Slim before she grabs Sam's hands and runs off.
Jumping onto the Merry-Go-Round. She calls The Boys over. Slim and Rook jump on with them as Colson and Baze do the hard work of pushing. Running around full force multiple times, they jump on too. Colson grabbing ahold of Luna and a bar as The World spins around them. Laughing as the warm summer air whizzes by them.
All of them lay back, dizzy as the sky starts to move slower. Passing the bottle and multiple joints amongst them.
"Is this the shit you do when you guys disappear??" Slim asks as he hits a joint, enjoying the childishness of the night.
Colson, Luna, Rook and Baze erupt into laughter. Yes. Yes it is.
"I Cone-Fought Loons in Detroit!!" Rook laughs. "I bet I'm the only person in The World who's whooped her ass!!" He states to the others laughter and Luna's Fuck You.
"What fun shit you got in the bag tonight, Looney?" Colson asks.
"Ahhhh... Idk. I think I have a football!!" She pops up off the metal toy.
Digging through her bag, she pulls out a Nerf football to everyone's excitement.
"WORD!!" Slim shouts, jumping up as Luna tosses it to him. "Colson gets Luna so I get Sam..." He starts picking teams.
"Aight.... I get Rookie." Colson agrees, popping up too, pulling Luna up with him.
"What the fuck, yo!?" Baze asks as last pick.
"You wit me Truck, let's rock these Fools!!" Slim reassures him.
Picking goal lines, they can't agree on touch or tackle. The Boys calling touch while The Girls holler Fuck That, Tackle. Colson declaring tackle it is.
They run a couple plays. Luna and Sam displaying that not only can they catch a football but each can also spiral one. Running around competitively against each other, Luna tackles Sam with no thought. Stopping their fourth down.
"FUCKING LUNATIC!!!!" Rook screams in excitement.
If you haven't realized yet, Luna and Rook are tiny people best friends. Both adoring and finding each other hilarious.
They're in the middle of another play when they see lights and hear a Hey.. What Are You Kids Doin'!? Grabbing their boards and Luna's bag all six of them haul ass. Tossing their shit over the fence as they all escape.
Laughing hysterically as they shoot off into the Chicago night. Rounding a few blocks, they slow down. Colson firing up a joint as Baze does too. Luna pulling the bottle of whiskey back out of her bag. They cruise back to the Aragon as they continue to enjoy each other, passing joints and the bottle between them as they continue to get fucked up. Slim happy he came out.
"Wait. We're outta fucking alcohol???" Luna asks once they're back on The Bus. "How is that possible!??"
It's 2A. There is NO WAY they're hitting the road dry.
"Hold The FUCKING Bus." She directs Colson. "Let's go." She states grabbing Ashleigh and Sam's hands.
Chicago is the joint you wanna be in if you need alcohol late night. After a short search, Ashleigh finds a package store only three blocks away. With the bottle of Jameson still in her bag, Luna demands Ashleigh down it. She needs to be on their level.
Always the responsible one, Ashleigh doesn't mind when Luna demands she cut loose. Pouring the last eighth of the bottle down her throat.
Linking arms, The Girls laugh as they burn a joint trying to follow Ashleigh's GPS. They only get lost for fifteen minutes.
Relieved, giddy and drunk, Ashleigh, Luna and Sam drop to their knees in the whiskey aisle. Praising the Liquor Gods. Not caring who's around.
Each grabbing three handles. Six whiskeys and three tequilas. They head to the counter. Sam and Luna losing their shit when Ashleigh mistakes a Captain Morgan cut out for a person. She's drunk.
"We gotta get you out more, Boo." Luna laughs, throwing her arm around her.
After paying, they stumble down the street. Ducking their heads together as they laugh.
"Take me with yooou next time... I'm so tired of being the Moooooommmm... I had so much fun just being fucked up with you the other day." Ashleigh slurs.
"I got you, Sugar." Luna beams, wrapping her arm around Ashleigh's swinging waist.
They're a block away from the venue, when they're approched by four men.
"What do we have here???" One asks as they circle The Girls.
Word limit ( 1 of 2 )
To be continued......
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72 hour window, sea world you can do better.
Anxiety and stress cause people to introvert and a single email or especially a phone call can be impossible.
Mental health awareness should enable you to change that policy.
Plus just the panic some arise to the occasion - others shut down
I do both. In my personal life... I don't like canceling on others. And so sometimes I just don't show up without a call. Just blow it off.
I have severe issues at times where hiding is the best feeling for me to use to survive...
I recommend that all places that charge people to go to give automatic refunds or allow travel rearrangement for up to 5 years in the future but at least 3 years to reschedule.
Having only a short window of the rest of 2020 -- well i can tell you it's highly likely people will not be doing shit on their own for the rest of the year as far as having the freedom to make plans of where and when they will go
And if they do Then you have people from March to October that need to fulfill their travel obligations plus you have the humans that want to go as well.
So, you will actually overfill your facilities and you will cause a problem on quality you can provide and have over crowding which dimishes the quality of your services and the ability of guests to enjoy the experiences and hospitality you provide.
Thus then making people not want to make plans for the following year to your business...
So i recommend at least a 3 year window to reschedule. Maximum of 5.
This allows the promise you'll have guests willing to go for the next 5 years meaning that people will go And pay like at sea world pay extra for food and gift shop items. Thus providing an income.
Some places will feel the need to financially close. Like here we have a small amusement park in Albuquerque called Cliff's... Im sure they would be fine and not close because of the tight knit community and school field trips and etc. But if they had to there would be an ability to sell so the community can still enjoy. So ...
Places should seek the ability to sell to keep the community activities available. Or at minimum give a refund and also highly advertise as much as possible Your permanent end date so people can cram in and get their dollar worth
It seems that our time on the ocean will not exceed past 2020 and so in 2021 the world will be free.
And yet we cannot promise that. I won't. Because I don't know what will happen exactly for sure for sure. Until it's done.
So i feel comfortable saying everyone will be locked down for the remainder of 2020.
Will we be? We are working as diligently as possible. I am working with amnesia and so governments have a 3 year lock down achievement plan. Across the globe. The last two years remaining of the plan are intended to be free with extra caution.
We have many things at stake. Primarily abductions and alien issues. As well as diseases which aren't a primary concern because they are created then altered in a way most people are safe. Its an inner soul that can heal. Changes in the minds and soul. Medical care is for comfort only But can not heal.
Injuries on the other hand must require hospital care and we will work to get healers in as much as possible. Otherwise traditional stitches and surgery for now.
Just don't take it too harsh when a patient dies. Just do the best you can. Know you did the best and somethings are simply out of your control.
If you did the best you could don't second guess. Ask a tree If there is a better solution. But don't torture and beat yourself up about it. Just keep adding and retaining information to help you assist in the future.
I say that as for doctors but that goes for all our Humans, New and Old.
What we hope for is a repeat time of last year where its the end of October we begin release just like we did for the human traffic victims.
So if youre wondering and you need a time placement look to last year and say "this year we will spend like human traffic victims did And we will be let free the same time Sabrina found them last year. So the end of the year holidays"
Personally like Alex I don't like the lock down modes and you can tell by the way i have responded to that.
However i do deem it is necessary for human safety and will only work if it is adhered to the strictest of rules.
Not for the spread of Viruses as i have represented is not a concern to me -- But to prevent human trafficking. And to help people get off illegal drugs.
This last week 1.489 million people were kidnapped for the sole reason of human trafficking in factories. This does not include the 7.86million from planet Xion.
With 84 trillion people in the world it is a small percentage.
However it is still too many. 1 is too many. 3 people is excessive.
Rapes have gone down by 84% since DNA4U surfaced to availability. With Quarentine they have gone up by 2% because people are not using the required recommended Friends list.
Family list is genetic. It doesn't mean you can trust them it just means they share your blood line.
You must refer to the Friends list. It is searchable and filterable. So you can find a family blood line member you can trust to babysit that will not harm your child.
So you need to help us help you by standing your foot down. Call the police if you have to And say "Some one is attempting to repeatedly have access to me and/or my family and they are on my enemy list"
This will make you a priority. And you must show proof of this so the police know how to handle the situation as there sre guidelines. They can type in their computer the codes and cross data and have about 3 different solutions. Of course they will need to "target" "satellite roam" "alert zone" and see if there is stalking going on and what else all this person is doing for the entire time of Quarentine. A list will then appear of what is considered good and bad.
7 times the first week of Quarentine to stores -- pass
7 times in the 3rd week of Quarentine to shop -- fail
8 times to enemy only after researching DNA4U -- inquire -- then it states from the looks of it -- did they go around looking in Windows? Did they go knock? So it is dependent on the quality of the people involved. They are coded by color and letter.
So basically a person of lower quality looking in Windows will state -- inquire -- FAIL FAIL
A highest quality will state -- inquire -- PASS PASS.
Highest human quality will state ------ PASS
Then there's Pass which is an alert the person is an a state of depression. Meaning white gloves. Extra care.
pass means action will occur in the upcoming months or has already. No punishment.
pass/fail means you've done shit that you shouldn't had. But we will let it go.
Then you will get s police report of Tree Quality sent to your DNA4U.
The police will also get one to the satellite map system. SMS. Which they then transfer with their comments to their local police reporting system. If they choose.
So call and report,tresspassors and other things
We called yesterday for Alex and he didn't want to. But i wasnt there. His security is to guard. He ran in the house and they fired warning shots and went in. Thus stating inside the home Chris McGayHay would be killed because that was the claimant territory. And also it auto covers any place where there is lung/gill breathing life.
So had Chris went to where the animals were even am aquarium since he had already physically attacked, he would have been shot and killed immediately.
Instead i handled his sick brain and kept him on the ground by using my experiences. Until police arrived.
I've promised him for the last 20 years i would make sure he got my revenge on his lies and forceful actions upon me and others. Since he was a "child" of 8 years old. Sometimes pure evil is obvious.
He's had time to change and if he had gotten bygones would be bygones. But like other evil he's continued.
So i never told him the police were coming.
And a sideline to "drug dealers" i promised if you used my system you would not be arrested.
I did not promise users anything except they would get their drugs and changes would occur to weight and quantity that is not the dealers concern.
So I in essence protected the drug dealers but trre does over see.
I am head of the CIA and so they do work for me, i do allow them extra pay that would otherwise go to the CIA. "Taxes" so they are paid by the CIA. I got a very tight system.
They would be laid off/fired. Which means when told to quit because theyre stupid they have to quit and then tree handles and it could include arrest if they continue to sell large amounts or to more than 20 people a few grams.
That is people whom were paid by the CIA to handle transactions of illegal drugs. Only.
So 5 people were laid off and tree had in depth discussion in person and so 2 were reihired. 3 were killed. Worldwide.
Now if someone i just explained did what Chris did they would been killed instantly due to the responsibility they hold to be an upright citizen. They would not have been arrested.
Now if Alex was a delivery personnel and Chris was a pick up and you like Alex punched him 9 times in the face and fucked him up. You would get an apology and the customer would been killed and/or arrested. Also you would get free medical care.
Now the concern was I turned him in for the quantity of drugs he had on him. He worked (no longer so mechanics find another team because Chris WILL DIE that is a fact and a promise) for NHRA. ALL NHRA employees were Ordered to get their drug issues under control. Per NHRA WRITTEN and DISTRIBUTED guidelines he was 79% over the limit. So he had almost double what he was allowed to OWN. And he is only allowed to carry one day worth on his person. Unless he just did a pick up.
So it was up to 7 ounces he could carry in the beginning. Now it is 3.4 ounces hes allowed to carry. Any NHRA employee that was employed in February 2020 or hired since then.
It lowers every week. They have to check the schedule.
That said. Any drug user with 2x more Than what the NHRA is allowed and is involved in a violent crime upon an innocent person will be charged with drug trafficking. This includes kidnapping. Domestic violence. Theft.
The minimum level for a random user with out an employee guidelines will be set at 1 ounce as max. On the person.
So that is set for criminal misconduct and that amount is set for the 4th of July.
Everyone in the world is in rehab.
In one way or another. I'm in rehab for my amnesia. Mine is on tv and in social media i can find photo. Ysll help. Its a long explaination ... But y'all help because I watch on Netflix what you do. I watch Top 10 and i watch trending and i watch new releases and recommendations. Like kinda turning on the radio... Just what's on easy access
So this way i found the series "you" which shows Alex in a non forgiving light. The different girls are all me. Basically in simple terms its called "shape shifting" the reason is for our safety... Some for his sanity... Some obviously I made mistakes... Like not realizing the emotional problem associated with
Now there is with Beck some crazy shit. Now what it was was we were being watched with all kinds of spy equipment. So we were like when i was locked in th box -- it was acting... Emotionally we released but used non identifying words to express our True emotions. So basically we were saying What the spies wanted to hear. And doing what they wanted or what we needed to do to survive.
Having to,fight the Zulululu who does mind games included
So the series "you" can be enjoyed the way it is seen or it could be understood with truth. So y'all trended it and i found it.
It was filmed,in,the 1920s 1980s 1960s all,sorts. But we always magic in technology
This is why. Because we are ass holes.
We tricked them to think there was time traveling. Which is not even possible.
We did a lot of torture.
But you see Alex always picking up little kids to save... He can't help it. Poco was an illegal alien. But Alex did all he could to make his life more comfortable and happier and safer. He loved Poco, i loved Poco. We still do. So we didn't treat Any one less than human.
But we did send in electronic devices we would use in the future that were unreleased to the public and did it via magic. And we lied about years. To trick.
We did base it on reality of the time table we set to release the electronics in the future.
So it wasn't a back to the future deal. It was allowing people to use the technology we had available but had not released.
So I am in rehab for my memories and my abilities. Changing skins... Stuff like that...,
Things i have forgotten.
Trees remember but they filmed these via their tools and so i use them so they can be busy for the future and current life.
They are helpers. Some are servants but they are not slaves. And they have human feelings.
So I sometimes need to be reminded to ask them for help. Because i can't do everything on my own.
So im getting tired. Tr33 updated you on Alex. I'll be with him and try to make his day okay
I'll be watching the tv and generally resting.
So thanks for being interested in our lives and have our real life "reality" t.v. up trending and easily for me to find.
"You" is just what i needed for Alex and i's relationship. I love him.
He wants to say what happened yesterday. And so i had sent him stuff in insta then he shared in his group NHRA chat cause it was funny and informative and he said to humans to do something in particular because it will harm them.
So alien tubes that can't handle all the attention not on them got dumb.
And Chris McGayHay went at him in group saying he was disrespectful to non-humans (aka rapists) and so Alex explained what i meant that "sexual gratification isn't expected from tools such as vibrators and shit like that but from real life human experience,such as pain and suffering being relieved by sexual intercourse and the length and intensity of a sexual orgasm is,dependent upon the emotional level of both people. If one is upset just even about the world issues, sexual impulses from the brain will create more intense and sexually gratifying orgasms which is why she said for me not to get one"
And then Chris McGayHay went after Alex all crazy saying "she said not to have sex with her and I'm gonna kick your ass for lying" and some other vulgarities based upon his interactions with me. Because I don't fuck the world. I'm celebiete except with my soulmate in a metaphysical connection.
So Alex said in response "i Wouldn't want to fight me if i were you because she actually hates you and wishes you were dead. And is thus I would beat you to the living daylights were gone only for you to live the next 3 days with your lungs drowning in blood to make you think you have the Corona Virus impeded with COVID-19 and she would have you laying in my yard in some random corner after ghosting spirit and half animal crazed dragging you to where vultures will eat you. But if you wanna bring it on. You know,the rules and you must pay up front now according to the new rules format with the NHRA. Which I don't like but it stems from the Queen's ruling and how she set it up in 1994 in the Original Fight Club. So do what you want as Sabrina says but i guarantee you, you come here to fight me or her or for her when she can fight on her own you will leave here dead or wishing you were."
He has 7 hours left. If the jail sends him to the hospital to repair his internal injuries, he will die in surgery. Doctors and hospital personnel have enough on their plates to not deal with this mess is a blessing.
He does have his phone to call his loved ones to say goodbye, bitch on the internet about me and everyone else. Look at porno. Whatever he wants. But in 7 hours he will die for what he did yesterday and in hid life. Hurting others when ever he could.
So then back to the issue of yesterday. What I then sent Alex totally Contradicted what Chris said. So then I posted it when Alex and I heard Chris saying maybe that wasn't my Insta account although I posted a screen shot last month with that exact account covered over with marker. They could compared the length. I posted a full detailed story which is why I would have that account.
So my text is in Black with pink tinted. I proved I use An old site and tree proves "magic" crosses over my posts to be a certain way via my log on and ip address and my DNA. NO ONE can post in my colors. No one can post in Alex's nor Tree.
Its like going pee. It only comes out one Way. You can't refill your bladder through your pee hole. Tubers have tried this. 89% of them world wide. 100% in the USA. it's impossible
There were classes on it.
So I coded post 2x
And still he went to beat up Alex or just plain commit suicide.
So Tree has a rather lively action adventure movie to share in schools around the world. Don't worry outs specialized. He's the Tree of Knowledge.
He will use it for doctors and lawyers, people wishing to be and those just curious. By the time it's released With full editing it will be "Old World History"
He'll have 21 different videos in regards to the event. Going back 20 years when I gave him the name McGayHeyHey.
So y'all be good. If you need hospital care and you have no insurance, go to an URGENT CARE or Emergency Room and you will be automatically put on my insurance. You'll need a $3 fee to enroll. Your visit that day will cost $1. Total of $4 at the clinic then $1 for all prescription you can pay at the pharmacy or clinc.
I know y'all got $5 on me, too.
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