#but...i need surgery on at least one ankle and i won't be able to keep up with them if things haven't sorted themselves out by then
naamahdarling · 1 day
#fancy is really struggling#and the babies are lovely and just FASCINATING in how they developed around but not shaped by humans and i so very deeply enjoy them#but they are also a little ungovernable due to their age and general lack of caring about rules and they are bothersome and rowdy#and it is obviously so so hard on her and my heart is breaking because im afraid we wont be able to get her through this#and i will have to give the babies up#and...not have another cat#just one#i would be crushed#and added to all of that is that the babies are taking their time learning to be pets and that is fine and wonderful actually#but...i need surgery on at least one ankle and i won't be able to keep up with them if things haven't sorted themselves out by then#and they haven't become more manageable and fancy hasn't adjusted#so we are asking about meds for poor fancy and hoping that works#but she's really having a hard time guys and i am fighting so hard to cope in a household where i spend most of my time alone#with two animals who don't love me yet or interact with me like pets (i'm a source of three things: food and snuggles on demand and NO STOP#and one who is sad and not herself#and frankly it's terrible that i can't fix this#and i am trying not to lose my shit but this wasn't supposed to be so hard#and im afraid i may lose five cats and not three#and im already barely holding on#i don't know what to do and neither does my boyfriend#i don't want to turn around and have to tell you guys we can't keep the babies#i feel like i am failing at something i am supposed to be GOOD AT#i don't want to be in a house so empty#i can't live like that#having the babies is lovely#they're so alive and the boys were so sick by the end and the stress of the constant anxiety and grief as they faded away was crushing#even before they died#it's been so good to have them running about#i don't want to LOSE that#im so tired of LOSING things
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romanestuffsposts · 1 year
Hi! If you have the time, could write one where Stuckys little has to have her wisdom teeth removed. I just went in to have mine done now everything hurts. Thank you for how consistently you post, it helps a lot.
Hi there love!
I hope you're fine after that experience, I'm so scared to have them removed- like really scared. I hope I won't have to 🤞
I really try to post whenever I can do it, I hate making you wait! I’m so glad it help you, love. That’s why I started this blog ❤️
Warnings : angst little reader, caring daddies, dentists, teeth removed, cries, cuddles, fluff
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : you were scared to have your wisdom teeth removed and your daddies reassure you before and take care of you afterwards ❤️
‘’It’s okay, princess’’ your Papa says as he slides his fingers down your hair ‘’it’s scary, we know that. But it’s really important. You know we won’t make you go through that if it wasn’t important, sweetie’’ he tries to reassure you as the tears keep falling down your cheeks.
You whine and you shake your head ‘´no papa pwease’’ you cry ‘’It hut, I don wanna’’ you hold tighter your Daddy, hoping to disappear in his body so you’ll miss your appointment.
You hear your Papa sighs and feel your Daddy's hands slowly caressing your back up and down as you cry in his neck. It really scares you, you hate hospitals and you hate doctors, except Bruce. But of course he isn't here when you need him so your Daddies are taking you in another dentist center
And you're scared because you don't know anyone there and you're scared to be in pain. You know it'll hurt, and you don't want it
"baby" you hear your Daddy saying. You sniff and slowly pull your head away from his neck. You look up at him and see his soft eyes looking down at you. He strokes your cheeks, trying to comfort you and drying them at the same time.
"You're right," he says "it's really scary, I would be scared too if I was in your situation" he says causing Steve to glare at him "but, you have two Daddies here," he points at Steve and himself "who will be holding your hands the whole time and who'll comfort you for at least two years after you make it through the little surgery"
You sniff and look at your Papa "it true ?" you ask him and he nods "of course it's the truth, honey. We'll take care of you the whole time during and after, you'll be perfectly fine, we'll make sure of that"
"and after, when you'll feel better and when you'll be able too, we'll take you out, we'll go eating ice creams and we'll go to the parc, we'll do everything you want" your Daddy says, sliding his hands down your back again
You sniff and even though you don't want, you still nod. Maybe it'll worth it. If you do it and if you have what your Daddies had promised you, then maybe it worth it.
Your Daddy smiles down at you and kisses your forehead "thank you, beautiful" he says against it "you're so strong"
He turns you around and presses your back against his chest "now let your Papa puts your shoes on for you, little one" he whispers in your ears. You let yourself falling against him and he lifts your shirt and starts to stroke it to help you calm down.
He can feel your left over of sobs
Your Papa checks one last time on you before taking your sockets and shoes in his hands. He grabs one of your foot and slides the socket on it, until it reaches your ankle. He then slides your shoe on your foot and gently puts it back down
He does the same with your other foot and when he's done, he taps his hands on the top of your shoes "all done" he winks and you let a tiny smile growing under your still sad face.
You watch your Papa standing up and then feel your Daddy standing up with you too. He rests you on your feet and grabs a hold of your hand before starting to make your way to the car.
The more you walk, the more you feel less relax and more scared. You're really scared to go at this appointement and even if the words of your Daddies felt good earlier, it doesn't feel real as you reach the car.
He opens the door and helps you climbing in it. As he reaches for the belt, he sees your chest moving weirdly so he looks up and sees you silently cry on your seat.
His eyes soften in one moment and he's quick to climb on the seat beside you. He wraps his arms around you and shushes you "you'll be okay, baby." he quietly says
Steve peers through the mirror, he understands that Bucky got you and if he doesn't drive now, you'll be late. Bucky feels Steve's eyes on you so he locks eyes with him through the mirror and nods, giving him a reassuring look.
You feel the car moving and you instantly panic more. Your Daddy's arms tighten around you so you'll only feel him and not other things "breath, baby" he whispers "we're here and we'll never carry you to a place were you'll be in danger" he reassures you
You nod and take a few breath at the same time as him and slowly relax against his chest. Even if you still feel the pain in your body from the fear, you feel safe in your Daddy's arms, in your Daddies's car. For now.
When you feel the car stop, you pull away from your Daddy and look through the window. Your eyes widen in amaze as you gaze the giant tooth who's above the door. It had a huge smile and the most white teeth you've ever seen. The toothbrush against his teeth is your favorite colour which make you relax a bit more.
You feel your Daddy close behind you "it doesn't seem bad, does it ?" he asks drawing patterns on your back. You shake your head and your Papa leaves the car to open your door. He takes your hand in his and starts walking toward the door as you still gaze the tooth.
You pulled his hand, calling him "is my teeth has little teeth like him ?" you ask pointing at the giant tooth. Your Papa follows your gaze and chuckles
"Yes, little one" he kneels before you "each one of your tooth has little teeth in their mouth. That's why you have to be careful with them. If you eat too much sugar then it stay trap in, not only yours but their teeth too. And at that point it's really hard to clean everything"
Your eyes widen more and a shock look is showing on your face "no more sugar then" you say and he shakes your head "no" you drop your gaze at him "you can have sugar, and you will. What Papa can I be if I don't let my baby eating sugar ? Every little baby needs sugar and when they're good, they have sugar. But under our watch and without excess"
You smile and nod "okay! Lots of sugar under Daddies watch" you say and he drops his head chuckling. Your Daddy starts to laugh behind your Papa which make you giggle. You don't know why they're laughing but you want to laugh with them. Maybe you were funny so why not ?
Your Daddy walks toward you and takes you in his arms "really good, baby" he says as he rests you on his hip "you understood perfectly well what Papa tried to taugh you" he smirks looking down at Steve who glares up at him.
"If she has a tummyache because she ate too much sugar, because of you" he points at Bucky "it'll be your fault and you'll clean up if she gets sick" he warns as they start to walk toward the door again.
"Oh but my little baby is a good girl" he peers down at you, causing you to look up at him "she knows better" he winks at you and you giggle again while Steve rolls his eyes with a grin
It's been thirty minutes now that you wait in the room. At first you stayed close to your Daddies but you eventually got bored so you played a little with the toys before you. Then you missed your Daddies so you came back to them. You stay a little on your Papa's laps as he rocks you from side to side and caresses your arms and legs. Then you would go to your Daddy who whispers sweet nothings in your ears to relax you and draws paterns on your back as he asks you what he drawed.
You felt good, that until the door open and you feel your Daddies standing up. You were back on Steve's laps when that happen so you quickly wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. You hid your face in his neck and shake your head "don wanna" you whine "pwease, i wanna go home"
He caresses your back as he walks "I know, princess" he whispers painfully. He hates seeing you like this and that he isn't able to do anything to help you get better "it'll be quick, I promise"
And with that, they walk inside the room and sat on chairs who are around a desk. "What can I do for you today ?" the dentist asks as she sats on her seat
"Our girl here need to have her wisdom teeth removed" Your Papa says pointing down at you. You gaze up at him unsure.
"Perfect" she smiles "you can come with me and sit here while I get everything ready"
"How are you doing, babygirl ?" your Daddy asks as he kisses your temple. You whine and try to talk but it's really hard because it hurts.
"it's okay, little one" he shushes you "don't try to talk, i'm sorry Daddy asked you something" he whispers against your head. "do you want ice on your cheeks ?"
You nod and your Daddy slowly pulls himself away from you and walk toward the kitchen. You look at your Papa who was already looking at you, his eyes soften when he sees your swollen face and he opens his arms "come to me, sweetie"
You crawl toward him and curl your little body in his laps, between his arms "you'll feel better in a couple days, baby" he reassures you "we'll make sure you're better the faster"
You nod and feel the couch moving so you look toward you "here, baby" your Daddy says, he rests the ice who's wrap around a towel against your cheek and do the same against the other
You wince a little in pain from the sudden contact but you can already feel your pain getting better. "what our precious princess want to do to be better ?" your Papa asks as he strokes your back
You look up at him and hope that he understands by your eyes what you want "she can't talk, Steve. It hurts too much" your Daddy reminds your Papa as he strokes your feet and legs.
"Right, do you want to watch tv ?" he asks and you shake your head
"do you want to spend time with your dolls ?"
You shake your head
"do you want us to read you a story ?" Your eyes sparkle and you nod. He smiles down at you and removes your hair from your face "do you want to stay here or go in our bed ?"
You nod your head when he asks if you want to go upstairs. "We'll go upstairs then, sweetness. And we'll cuddle as we read you a story. Would you like that ?" he asks and you nod again
Your Daddy stands up and goes upstairs to chose a book you love while your Papa is walking to the bedroom to get you all comfy in the king size bed. He gently lies you down and kisses your forehead "are you comfy, baby ?" you nod your head and feel the bed moving as your Papa is coming inside, beside you.
He wraps the blanket around you and wraps his arms around your body and starts to stroke your bare belly, knowing how much you love it and how much it calms you down.
Your Daddy comes back in the room with three of your favorites books. He rests two of them on the nightstand and comes inside the blanket on the other side of you. You immediatly feel warm, even with the ices against your cheeks.
He takes the book "are you ready, beautiful ?"
During the next days, you spend all your times with your Daddies. After three days you were able to eat easier than before. You had to eat liquid things before that. And your Daddies couldn't stop telling you how proud they were of you.
They cuddled you as much as you wanted, which means all the times. They kissed you, they caressed you each time you asked them. You had your ice cream and you went to the parc like you wanted, a few weeks after the appointement.
Now you feel better and it's because of you Daddies <3
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angelkiller666 · 8 months
Where i had been. (APOLOGY and UPDATE)
ok....so, imma just get straight to it and say that i am VERY sorry for my long unannounced Hiatus, a LOT of personal stuff has happened within my family, and i ain't gonna get too personal or else this will be too long to type. just know that i am DEEPLY sorry for my absence, i'm alive, i'm ok, nothing SUPER horrible happened, but do understand that i may STILL be in Hiatus after this, so please bare that, but do understand that i'm not going anywhere, and just took a mental break that ended up becoming more than just for mental reasons. also MASSIVE BROKEN BONE/SURGERY TRIGGER WARNING!!!! if you are sensitive to broken bones, surgery, stitches and blood, idk what to tell you but to just skip the pics that will be presented here on this journal, and i'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, but please bare with me and take my advice, if you can't handle it, i understand if you don't read this update, it's fine. but please don't come after me for it. alright, onto the first part: depression's a bitch! and so it art block and burn out, especially when your family's struggling with a lot of stuff and you gotta be there to help them out. which is exactly in my case. my mother (gonna keep it vague and quick) was getting sick multiple times and she was on high risk of possibly not living another year after her diagnosis. (spoilers: SHE SURVIVED and is not very sick anymore! she's alive and well!) so during the time she was sick, i had to do many house chores, dinner and sanitizing in the house because my mom obviously really needed it. but it's hard to do that when you have a schizophrenic and NARSSISISTIC sibling who REFUSES to help out and make you do all the work while lazing on their ass all day.....which was also my case. (also spoilers: my brother has gotten better now and has sought treatment from the mental hospital and isn't as bad as he was anymore. i'm not dunking or hating on him, just understand that there are issues that went too far, but were thankfully handled well by the professionals.) so through out most of the time, i was just struggling to keep everything together and has at least succeeded in such.....until one day, about....3-4 or maybe 5 weeks ago, i broke my ankle while i was in the middle of exercising. (idk how long, this is just a guess on my part) (DOUBLE WARNING AND TRIGGER WARNING REMINDER!: if you are easily triggered or uncomfortable at the topics of broken bones, stitches, surgery, blood or any of that, SKIP THE PHOTOS or STOP READING if you are not able to handle it. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!)
i won't get into too much details, but just know that i went through hell for a bit. here's where i first broke my ankle:
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in total, i broke my ankle in 8 PLACES! i know, i have no idea how either, i guess i just had shitty luck i guess: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/901237515577618506/1205540327855882300/SPOILER_IMG_6101.jpg?ex=65d8bdec&is=65c648ec&hm=85c626e0d90ae067952a9653ac37767253156fe55905de373ba51f5d05cb4cd5& i had to wait a whole day to be admitted to surgery, which sucked as hell because i couldn't sleep thanks to the pain. but hey, at least i get to finally get some rest with the pain killers after surgery. (i think it was 7 or 9 screws welded into my bones at the moment) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/901237515577618506/1205540514678571069/SPOILER_IMG_6098.jpg?ex=65d8be18&is=65c64918&hm=6befdf49153a8bd4895d43baf9613f211b600bfa60b8a98587b5c3d775a9dfd3& i spent the next 2 or 3 weeks in a cast (and still am, just a brand new one, it feels more comfy than the last) but i finally get to stay in bed without feeling like utter shit and got to sleep a lot to gain back my energy: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/901237515577618506/1205539682251706518/f1028ba1-e18d-4edc-b1a9-289b3ad7e588.jpg?ex=65d8bd52&is=65c64852&hm=28bf9a0626cea54467a02863815c5a528d60e24fb54a799b3d27ae38b38bf3b7&
last week, when i got to get a new cast and see how my leg was doing, i had a BUNCH of stitches, and even though it barely hurt when they took off my old cast....it was a sight to see:
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i don't have a pic of the new cast, but i'm doing well, thank god. this week is when i get my stitches removed and maybe after another few weeks or so, i'll get the metal and screws out soon, but i just know i'll be in a cast for a LONG while. ok! so that's what was going on during my unannounced Hiatus. a lot of things happened, but i had been doing rehab in walking in my walker and scooter to get around the house, i don't feel pain as much as i do anymore, mom is doing a lot better and so is my brother. i am planning on returning soon, it just may take awhile. thank you to those for reading and understanding my situation, i promise, i got new art in the works and soon, hopefully, i'll finally be able to celebrate my 500 follower milestone! (in Deviant Art) i hope you all have been doing well, and can't wait to start posting again!
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fiftyshadesgrl · 3 years
Part 6 here
My masterlist here
Tag list is open
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Part 7
Jason's pov
I look at the clock on the waiting room wall, it's been three hours since I brought y/n's lifeless body into the emergency entrance. Three hours filled with worry, pacing, anger, sadness, you name it. Chuck still hadn't showed up and I tried calling him several times but it went straight to his voice mail. He must still be at the police station. I paced around the waiting room several more times until I heard "family for y/n y/n?"
I turned and saw a doctor in scrubs holding a clip board, I rushed towards him. "How is she? Is she okay?"
"Come, let's talk in a more private area." He motioned behind him, I followed him into a small area with two chairs. My heart was beating out of my chest, thoughts of the worst thing possible going through my mind. He sat down in front of me, set his clipboard down and sighed. "Ms. Y/n sustained alot of damage to her liver and spleen. There were several lacerations that needed surgery to repair. She has four broken ribs, her ankle will also need surgery to repair but that will have to happen after she's more stable. The one thing that concerns me is the swelling in her brain."
I balled my fists up and held them against my eyes fighting back the tears. "What does that mean?"
"Well, the swelling can cause a number of things. Seizures, brain damage, and in the worst case death. We have given her medicine to stop the swelling and she has to have a couple of units of blood. She is on a ventilator to keep her body from working so hard to breathe for her."
"Is she going to die?" I didnt want to ask but I had to know. I had to at least try to prepare for it.
He sighed and shook his head, "right now, If the swelling goes down in her brain then I think she will be okay. It's waiting game right now to see if her body responds to the medication."
I nod at him, my mouth so dry that I hardly could form words. "Can I see her?"
He nodded, "of course but just know she may or may not be able to hear you. She's in ICU, so only one visitor at a time just in case she has other family coming."
"It's just me." My voice was unrecognizable to myself.
My body was on robot mode as I stood and followed the doctor to the ICU, he stopped in front of a sliding glass door that was open but a curtain was halfway pulled. "A nurse will come by shortly to check on her."
I nodded but hesitated on walking past the curtain. When I finally did I wasn't prepared for the sight in front of me. I slowly made my way to her bedside, "Jesus y/n." A large tube protruded from her mouth that was attached to the breathing machine, a small one ran from her nose I don't know what for. She had multiple IV lines in both arms. Her eyes were swelled shut, her lip had stitches in it dried blood was also on the side of her mouth. Every exposed inch of her skin that I could see was bruised and had cuts or scrapes on it.
I pulled a chair right up beside her bed, I interlocked my fingers with hers and her hand was cold. The moment I touched her the dam inside me burst. Resting my forehead on her bed beside her arm I cried, hard. For the first time maybe in my whole life I sobbed, my entire body shaking as the wails spewed from my lips. If I had never broke her heart so many years ago, if I hadn't have lied, if I hadn't have been afraid of the future, this wouldn't have happened.
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After what ever time had passed because I had no idea, I lifted my head to look at her lifeless body. "I'm, so fuckin sorry. This...this is all m-my fault." She never moved, never flinched at my words. "God damn it, if I wasn't such a coward you would've been safe. We would've been married, maybe have even had children by now. But I lied to you, and I'm so fuckin sorry. I don't know if you can hear me so I won't explain everything now but when you wake up, and you will wake up. I'll tell you everything. I will make this right." I kissed the back of her hand letting my lips linger for several seconds before whispering, "I love you, I never stopped and I'm not leaving your side ever again."
The slow hum and beeping of the machines kept me sane, I knew she was alive as long as they were still beeping and humming. A nurse walked in and began to check the tubes and lines connected to y/n, "There's a gentleman here to see her."
I was on high alert now, "who is it?"
"I don't know, I was just informed before I came in here that she had a visitor." She walked to the curtain, "ill send him in, then you'll have to leave."
I wasn't about to leave her side, if that son of a bitch had the nerve to show up here it would be a huge mistake. The curtain pulled back and I relaxed when Chuck came through. His face went pale and tears stood in his eyes. "My god." He whispered as he made his way slowly to stand beside me.
"I know. It's so hard to see her like this." I whispered back.
"I didn't know it was this bad." His eyes never left her face. I offered for him to sit but he refused. "I'm not staying long. The cops are gonna be watching the garage and their house in the city. They wanna talk to y/n to, if she wakes up."
"When." I corrected through gritted teeth, "when she wakes up."
"Son, we have to prepare...."
I shook his hand from my shoulder, "no, no we don't. Shes gonna wake up, she will. I gave up on her once, I'm not gonna make that mistake again." Chuck sighed beside me but said nothing, "it's my fault you know. All this is my fault."
"How in the hell is this your fault jason?" Chuck never used my real name unless he was serious. He always called me boy or son, my words hit a nerve I guess.
"I should've seen this coming. When we were talking in the office today, that bastard walked in and...the look on her face. Even when she was cleaning up her arm in the bathroom, I saw it in her eyes but I didn't put two and two together until they drove off."
Chuck shook his head, "you can't blame yourself for that. You didn't know."
"But that's the thing, I knew something wasn't right but I let her go anyways. I know her, better than anyone and I let her down again. It was right there in front of my face and I ignored it."
"Look son, just because you saw the signs but didn't put the pieces together, doesn't mean its your fault. Hell, if anyone is to blame its me. I knew he used to do this to her and I didn't say anything or put it together either."
His words sent fire through my veins, "he's done this to her before?"
He nodded, "I don't know to what extent but her dad used to say he hit her when he was drinking."
"Why am I just hearing about this now?"
He shrugged, "I made a promise to not mention it."
The nurse walked back in, "I'm sorry only one at a time is allowed back here."
Chuck smiled warmly at the young woman, "it's alright darlin, I'm leaving." He looked me in the eyes, "call me if anything changes."
I nodded, "same to you."
He walked to y/n's bedside and placed and gentle kiss on her forehead, "see ya kiddo." Then with that he left, leaving me to my thoughts and rage. The same nurse came back in a few minutes later, "visiting hours are over."
"I'm not.leaving her." I state matter of factly.
"Sir, it's protocol that visiting hours end at..."
"I don't care what the protocols are, I'm not leaving." I glare at the nurse.
She breathes deep, "I will have no choice but to call security."
I don't need this shit, "please, I let her down once. I promised her I wouldnt leave her. Don't make me break that promise again."
She seemed like a nice girl, she thought about my words for a couple of seconds and made her way into the room to check the monitors. "My shift ends at eight in the morning, I can't promise you the next nurse will be generous."
"Thank you." I breathed a sigh of relief knowing I would at least be able to stay until eight. After that I would have to come up with a new plan to convince the next nurse to let me stay.
@missamberv @an-unhealthy-obsession1993 @vicmc624 @tftumblin @justanotherwinchester @jesseswartzwelder @holylulusworld @fangirl199812 @emerloveskate
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Dancing lessons
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Hi!! I'm sorry, this one took forever, I had a Dengue Virus outbreak to deal with for the last three weeks and I even had the damn thing myself, not funny, wouldn't recommend it, it felt like shit and I had to skip work two days, thankfully no mortal victims, at least not on my watch, but the town is still recovering, anyway work is crazy and that's why I haven't update anything, I'm really sorry
Summary: Barry is finally cast in a feature, the problem? He said he could dance and now he can either disappoint Sally or found a way to learn some steps.
Part 1 ● Part 2 ● Part 3 ● Part 4 ● Part 5 ● Part 6 ● Part 7 ● Part 8 ● Epilogue
Warnings: Swearing, blood, violence, guns, cheating maybe.
Part 4
The lights on your studio were still on when you entered, and the dry blood on the floor made a horrible sight that almost made you faint again, thankfully a strong arm was holding you since you get out of the car, and he was looking at the floor too.
"I can clean that if you want" He said helping you sit down on a chair. "I'm not sure if you should climb your stairs yet"
"Thanks, that would be great. I would say leave it but I have class early tomorrow and is not a nice view for a bunch of 4 year olds" you said thinking about the wooden floor and how much damage the blood would cause, and Barry walk inside the storage closet looking for a mop.
"Then I will leave it there, you are insane if you think you are going to give any class tomorrow" He came back with the cleaning supplies and gave you a judging look, lacking any authority since he was holding a bottle of detergent in on hand and a bucket in the other.
"Fine mom, I'll cancel" you held your hands high in surrender "Actually I can use a day off, I have this terrible student in the afternoon, he is a pain in the ass" You said and he rolled his eyes at you while rolling up his sleeves and starting to clean the floor.
An hour later the floor was spotless, he had an odd talent cleaning up blood, and made a funny shocked face when you pointed it out, the clock announce it was merely 8:00 pm and you had to remain awake until 6:00 am at least.
"I feel well enough to go upstairs, you can leave now" you told him hoping he would listen since his presence made you feel uneasy at times.
"No way, the doctor gave me a list of things to check up every couple hours, and if I leave you would fall asleep, but let's go get you upstairs, you will be more comfortable on your couch" He said approaching with the clear intention of carrying you on his arms.
"I can walk, that won't be necessary" You said quickly, ignoring the idea of how wonderful would it be to be held in those arms.
Maybe that was the reason you had end up screaming in the first place, an elaborate defense mechanism your brain set up in motion to ignore the growing feelings you had every time he enter the studio, every time you held his hand and forced down your waist while you were dancing, and the longing in your skin asking for more.
Of course there was handsome men in your class every now and then, grooms, fathers of the bride, actors, etc. and you had always conduct yourself professionally regardless the clear intentions some of them may have. And you have always respected your marriage with Alan even in the worst of times. But Barry was different, there was just something about the way he looked at you that make you want to scream and run away because it terrifies you how easily you could fall for him.
"Are you feeling nauseous?" He asked once you were sitting on the couch, and you nodded no "Tired? Clouded vision? Having incoherent thoughts?" He continued reading the list the doctor gave him.
"I believe I'm a big green marshmallow queen of the north pole, but that's normal right?" You say dead serious and he hide a grin behind the white sheet of paper.
"Very funny, we should call the doctor and share the joke with her" he said seriously.
"Fine, I'm sorry. I have a minor pain in my head, but I can see and hear perfectly clear, I remember everything that had happened clearly and I don't feel like vomiting" you said and he put the list away satisfied with your answers. "I'm sorry I'm being an imposition to you, I'm sure you had plans" You continued and he opened his mouth to reply he was staying once again so you keep talking before he did "And since you are staying here at least let me fix you something to eat, is late and I don't think you have eaten". You stood up and he followed you to the kitchen.
"You really don't have to, I can make a sandwich if you tell me where things are, or we could order something, I don't think you should be near sharp objects" He plead alarmed when you took out a large knife from a drawer.
"Fine, but I'm paying, and once again I can assure you this is nothing I have had worst" you said putting down the cutting board and opening the fridge to offer him a beer "once I broke my leg in 3 pieces" you said confidently showing him a long thin scar on the side of your leg and suddenly feeling exposed since you haven't change from your dancing clothes, and you didn't feel the same confidence wearing them outside the studio.
"I've been shoot, a lot" he said lifting part of his shirt showing you a couple scars, not helping the situation in your mind.
"Ok war hero, you win, can you please order the food, I am going to change, feel yourself at home" You said patting his hand urging him to cover and hurrying to your room away from him.
Y/N took forever to come out and when she finally did she was wearing a comfortable pajama, and was drying her hair with a towel.
"You took a shower?" Barry asked upset "You could have fallen"
"But thankfully I didn't, I have to I was covered in blood and I need to find a way to cover this" She pointed at the place the doctor have shaved her hair and she tried to hide it with a lock of hair.
"I'm sure the parents would understand you had an accident" he said confused by her despair.
"Yeah, they will mostly, but Alan would make a big deal out of it and I'm sure he will use it as an excuse to keep pushing me into selling the studio" She said letting her hair alone and crawling onto the couch.
"Why would he do that?" He asked trying to be interested and ignoring the pinch of jealousy he felt once again when she mentioned his name "I mean you do charge a lot but you have many clients"
"Is not about the business, he just thinks I should sale the studio to Macy since she knows how to run it, and move with him to Dallas or Colorado or whenever his company wants him, that way he would be home every night to see our children" She said exasperated at the idea.
"Children?" He asked a bit shocked since she never had mentioned any children before.
"The hypothetical children we will have in case I actually leave this place behind" She said with a sad look on her face.
"So you don't want to have children?" He asked now genuinely interested. "I mean it's okay if you don't" he said quickly.
"Honestly?" She asked and he nodded "I really don't know, I mean when I was 22 and dancing in Moscow I have this crazy fantasy that I would retire in glory from ballet at 32 and meet a wonderful man and have a girl and she would be a great dancer by the age of 4." She had a sad smile on her face as if she could see herself in the moment she was describing.
"Moscow? As in Russia?" He asked.
"Yep, I was about to become a Prima Ballerina, then I broke my leg and every money I had went to surgery and recovery and suddenly I was no longer fitting to play Odette, or any major role and eventually like three years after I have to come back, I worked in Broadway for a while, that's when I met Alan"
"Sounds romantic" he said sarcastically making her laugh
"It was, at least at first, but then I had another lesion in my ankle so I was no longer able to work there either, and he was nice and sweet and he was with me, so we got married and end up here, five years later dealing with moms that feel their children would be next Maria Kowroski"
Barry's phone start ringing and he went downstairs to pick up the food, when he came back she was holding a big photo album in her lap.
"I haven't seen one of those in forever" He said entering the apartment holding the bag with Chinese food. "I thought everyone had digital albums these days"
"They do, but you can't do this to digital pictures" She said showing him burned hole in one of the photos. "Kids these days, what would they burn when they break up with a boyfriend? Anyway I'm starving" she pointed to the kitchen so they could eat.
They share an animated meal talking about how life and technology was passing by them, maybe a little lost resentful than usually since they both have the same opinions on the matter.
"Did you told him?" He asked after a while, he was leaning back in his chair looking at her finishing some noodles. "About not wanting kids I mean"
"Of course I did, since we were dating,but he had this idea that he would make me change my mind, and I was sure I would make him change his. Now we have civil dinners when he is home and pretend we are not angry at the way this marriage turned out, just waiting for one of us to give up and accept the other terms" She said and her bluntness took him by surprise again.
"I'm sorry" he said with a sad frown on his face "Earlier when I said this was your dream job and that your situation is perfect, I have no idea and I'm sorry"
"Don't be, I shouldn't have to try and prove you wrong forcing myself to do the Odile's Coda, since I'm clearly not in shape to do it" She smile at him and pointed the injury in her head.
"Well that only make it worse, why would you need to prove anything to me? I'm really sorry"
"Relax, you already making up for it being here, and is only 10:00 pm, do you want to play a board game? I would say we watch a movie but I would fall asleep quicker that way" She said and he agreed.
They played scrabble, bringing out some dark competitive instincts on both of them, only interrupted when Barry took a couple trips to the bathroom to call Sally who was not upset at all that he had canceled their dinner since she had this amazing party to go to.
By 3:00 am and feeling extremely tired and looking at her about to give up he call the hospital, the doctor kindly told him she was clear to sleep, news he took gratefully, but before he could tell her she was already curled in the couch, he sit next to her and let her rest her head on his chest, maybe when they woke up he could feel guilt and remorse about it, maybe he would have to stay away from her since he was obviously interested in her but at that moment he was very comfortable and lost in the smell of her hair to care about anything else.
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