#but yeh. they're more into artsy things or more personal things like hunting
skitskatdacat63 · 26 days
Its me with another lore a day request and I was wondering what jousting would look like in the boy king AU? Vettonso both like horses but have they participated im any tournaments, do they watch them frequently? I’m inching towards Fernando jousting as a prince but I’m interested in hearing your thoughts
— Penalanon
misc lore drop day 40/?
Sorry to burst your bubble, penalanon, but as far as I’m aware, they probably wouldn’t have jousted at this point in history :( They would do some other equestrian sports like carousels and running at the ring, but the kind of jousting you’re thinking of mostly died out around the middle of the 17th century. I also haven’t read anything that suggests that the royals at this time, particularly the ones the AU is based on in Spain and Austria, would have watched those kinds of sports. They would have been more into things like musical events, plays, hunting, and balls. But they definitely would ride horses in some capacity!! Most likely during hunting, and also probably leisurely riding(and war of course!) As far as watching, I’m pretty unsure. Vienna is very famous for their Spanish Riding School, which the emperor who Seb is based on commissioned the main building for. However, that was commissioned later on in his rule, so not exactly the era Boy King AU tends to take place. It’s so difficult to find any information on whether he would have watched them train or anything like that before that point, because it was in fact a school. Irl, his portrait hangs above the royal box still, and the riders bow to him before performances. So I think that does say a lot about his interest and commitment to it, so Seb would have similar commitments/interests too of course! But, I mean, they are his horses after all. 
Whoops sorry this is ending up being more of a history lesson since I researched way too much today into my guy because I wanted to see if there were any references with him to horse related things. I like how I started stressing out about whether he would have ridden horses as if the very thing that inspired me to make this AU in the first place wasn’t the statuette of his brother on a horse. But yeah, they would have watched/rode horses in several different capacities, but not jousting(AS FAR AS I KNOW.) I just found out too that one of the emperors a bit before his time had a “horse ballet” performed for his wedding, so yeah, definitely making that canon for vettonso’s marriage in the AU. 
They both definitely have a passion for horse riding and horses in general. Part of their wedding gifts to each other were the most beautiful and talented horses. I imagine they like to ride together in any way they can, whether it be hunting, training, for leisure, etc. Imagine they have covert meetings while they watch their horses training!! The trainers and riders get a bit stressed with the two monarchs there, but then calm down when they realize they actually only have eyes for each other rather than focusing intently on the training, like they intended. If you remember, Jenson is the one in charge of the stables, riding school, transportation, etc. He’s very aware of their bonding during horses and horse activities, so he knows the relationship is evolving, even though others doubt him haha. Maybe for the next one of these, I should talk about his duties and the kinds of things he witnesses in his role as an mportant, but laid back and often in the shadows, figure. One fun fact though. He is also in charge of watching out for the emperor while he’s riding horses. Making sure to help him up and down from the horses, ensuring his safety. You KNOW Fernando is so peeved when Jense just ignores him and leaves him on top of his horse. And you also know Fernando probably has a huge stallion too, not compensating for anything, sure, sure. 
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