#but yeah the Fuyuhi stuff I've got going on in my head for this fic has me so ill
aberooski · 2 years
The semi parallel with Alexis and Fuyuhi in the GX x Fatal Frame 5 crossover has me in a fucking choke hold and I haven't even written enough of the fic to really even get into it.
In the game, Fuyuhi comes to the shop looking for Hisoka for help finding her friend, she can't get Hisoka's help since she's already gone missing herself so Yuri's left to help her. Fuyuhi goes off to the mountain by herself to look for Haruka, and even though Yuri goes after her and catches up with her, they get separated and Fuyuhi is ultimately killed. Yuri couldn't save her.
But Alexis comes to the shop looking for Hisoka for help looking for Atticus, but Hisoka wants to help but is hesitant to get involved after the events of the game. So Alexis is ready to just go up onto the mountain to look for him herself, but Yuri doesn't let her go alone and goes up there with her. She doesn't want the same thing that happened with Fuyuhi to happen with Alexis.
All the way back to when Alexis first shows up at the shop asking for Hisoka, having been pointed to do so by some locals, Yuri is reminded of and haunted by the memory of Fuyuhi, she's afraid Alexis and Atticus will end up like Fuyuhi and Haruka and both end up dead. And when Alexis and Yuri eventually run into Fuyuhi's ghost up on the mountain, having been one of the ghosts that's been pulled back from the afterlife by the mountain to defend against what's being done and going on up there by the baddies, Yuri freezes for a second. Alexis notices this and after the ghostie fight, Alexis asks her what her hesitence was about and why she was so affected by this ghost.
"Did you know her...?"
Yuri only nods, though she didn't really know Fuyuhi that well at all outside of the very short time she spent with her that fateful night.
"Fuyuhi Himino. She was you."
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