#but yeah im still a no go on the obi-wan/anyone that isn't anakin
tennessoui · 3 years
what's something you would never write? (can be kink/trope/pairing, etc) i'm just curious bc i don't ever want to ask something you wouldn't be comfy with!
ahh thank you for this ask!! its very sweet of you to check
i do currently have a ton of asks i need to answer and want to answer but i haven't yet because a. i don't want to flood people's dashes by answering like fifteen in a row and b. spend too much of my allotted writing time answering asks because it's so fun and i have no self control so i'd just talk to yall instead and never get any story-writing down on google docs (why i've been working on the last chapter of the firefighter story for like. weeks now rip)
which is all just to say if you've sent one to me recently and then haven't seen it answered, i promise i never delete asks!!! but im really bad at answering them in order because i get a moment of inspo for something I think I can get out really quickly and want to share immediately vs a longer prompt i either don't know what to do with yet or want to spend more time writing/developing a response
that being said, when it comes to stuff i don't write i don't do underage content on this blog, or rape/non-con between the main pairing (though, let's be real i've done quite a few dubious consent ficlets); i try not to character bash (except palpatine he's like the fandom piñata as far as i can tell); i don't write things where they don't end up together because i find that tragically sad tbh; oh and definitely no major character death; i've been toeing the hard porn/nsfw line on this blog but i'm much more comfortable with that stuff on ao3 because i trust their tagging system better (that stuff would be like a bdsm AU or an extension on the first time obi-wan gets his pretty bird to call him daddy in bed) (which is why a lot of the ficlet/prompt fills are much dirtier when i transfer them over)
i'm slowly working myself up to writing actual a/b/o, which i never thought i would tbh so i'm trying to err on the side of caution and give more hard limits here (like the non-con, or the major character death) rather than stuff i haven't tried before because maybe i'd do it in the end y'know?
ah this has gotten so long but ok so lastly i will say when it comes to prompts I think I'm pretty good at adapting a prompt to fit what i like writing/how I view the characters/what strikes my fancy (hopefully in a way that still makes the prompt giver happy) so even if you're a little bit sure i promise I'm never mad or disgusted by any sort of prompt! you just might not end up getting exactly what you expected sometimes 🙈
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