#but yeah if no one's made this a font yet i know what i'm doing after dinner
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so, this letter in agito... has anyone turned the writing on it into a font yet? i mean, it's pretty clear (at least to my weird little gremlin brain) that it's just heavily stylized english, and if no one's turned it into a font yet... 👀
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kanmom51 · 3 months
PJM2 is coming
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I literally cannot contain my excitiement.
Sitting her, at work may I say, putting these words on paper, so to speak, because f***ing hell, wtf JM?
Where to start?
The colour concepts? The choice of name? Choice of font (That JM popping to eye)? The flower? The links to TTU (notes sheet and flower)? The whole play with Closer than this? The dropped lyrics?
This man is a friggin genius (not that we didn't know this already)...
There is so much to talk about, and he hasn't even started with the promotions, and we haven't even seen the concept photos or the album and the songs. Name, colours, 2 lines of lyrics and we have our hands full already. They certainly know what they are doing.
Before I jump in, I want to, once again, state very loudly and clearly that everything written here are my opinions, which are based on what we've been handed so far, and could change the more we are shown.
So, let's get it...
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JM fetching this from the purple locker (which we don't see are purple off the bat and only when the lights turn on). Notes for The Truth Untold.
His wittle thumb with his crescent moon.
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The notes title : La lettra - The letter. Hmm... interesting.
And then this:
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We have the flower:
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and this that makes me believe that yes indeed, it is the silhouette of a Smeralso.
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Some of this I am yet to see where is going. like the referencing of "the letter", The truth untold, the flower... (she says, all while thinking of the choice this Festa to stream LY Seoul final with said song and the changes that JM and JK chose to make to it)...
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All that and more in one little short clip.
And then we have that little 'chat' opened up by BH, and those lyrics. Oh, those lyrics.
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All references that indeed can be connected with army. I mean, that's what JM is king of.
All also a clear reference to a one Jeon Jungkook, if you are only willing to look and see.
We have this:
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Which they have BOTH chose to bring up once again in 2023, JK happening to do so during JM's Face promos, not to mention the rain reference in SNTY (and of course, goes without saying Still with you, but that's back in 2020, while they have both managed to bring it up and reference it once again in 2023).
Remember this?
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Oh, and what about this?
And then we have these:
Remember JM tearing up after winning MMA for BS&T ?
JM getting emotional and crying only followed by JK tearing up.
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*If you haven't seen this one yet, go watch the full live.
And who can forget JK during MOTS ONE as well, seeing JM crying, distress clearly showing on his face, just waiting for the moment he can go and comfort JM.
If these are actual lyrics for a song to come or lyrics that were dropped, one thing we know, and that these words, these lines, they were written by JM, and he made a clear choice to share them with us.
And in doing so, sorry, I'm still not believing this all while sitting here gushing and knowing this was coming (no, I didn't know this specifically was coming, but the feeling that they were going big or going home, that I've had ever since July 2023... took some time and many tribulations, but we are getting there folks). Sidetracked as I always am, lol.
Back on track.... in doing so, JM is basically standing on a rooftop screaming at the top of his lungs:
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Not 1, not 2, but 3 JK references in that little shared piece of lyrics clearly written by JM, for an album we are yet to see and hear.
Anyone, and I mean anyone that is a BTS army, that has seen original content, that has followed their Twitter account or seen older tweets, that are open and willing to see it, will KNOW that these lyrics are JAYKAY!!!!!
And let me backtrack a second here...
Cause I did mention that these references could be understood as if they are made for army, right?
So yeah. Army references or JK references? I am going to say both, leaning very much to the JK side of it. Cause that's how they do it. Time after time after time.
Let's mention the colour choices as well.
We have the background colours.
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We have the yellow.
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And then we have the album concepts.
2 concepts.
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and Serenade.
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Which happens to be Yellow, same colour threaded through Serendipity.
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And we even have purple thrown in there too.
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Notice how all the lockers are painted purple. The colour of army you may say, but also JK's colour (so again, army and JK?).
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And he's pulling out the music sheet from this purple locker.
Those lockers representing his inspiration for his music perhaps?
Giving us these lyrics, then telling us the album is called Muse (or telling us the name of the album and it's meaning and then dropping those lyrics, take your pick regarding the timing, cause basically, same same), showing us the music being extracted from those purple lockers... ya think his muse is that entity he's talking about in those lyrics perhaps (even more so if we see the references as both for army and JK)?
Rhetorical question, btw.
And then we have the mint green.
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Perhaps this is what JM was talking about when he told us in his birthday live, if memory serves me right, about going to the starting point, or more so starting from the beginning trying to figure out himself as an artist?
Also, cannot help but think of this image here:
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I cannot wait to see his concept photos, and where this is all going.
We talked about JK being so loud during 2023 (well, he's had his super loud moments before that, but 2023 and his lives were smoking). And JM, well it felt (and I say felt, cause it's not really true, and I'll explain why) was quieter, more subdued, especially during JK's Golden promotions.
But here's the thing.
JM and JK have their own special oh so different ways of being loud and showing us themselves (and it shows even more so seeing that JK, for whatever reasons he had for it, did not write his songs for Golden - not saying he did not have influence on the lyrics or choice of songs with lyrics he wanted). JK did it through his choices in his photo shoots and styling for his songs and album. He did it with his lives and his total fanboying over JM. And JM, he does it through his art, which includes also but not only his lyrics.
Those two are both loud as fuck. And JM, well if these sneak lyrics are a promo of more to come (which, they probably are seeing that we have Face to fall back on as an example), then he's as loud as a frigging foghorn.
And last but not least, before I go:
Lookie here...
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suengmi · 2 years
can you do where boyfriend! skz are teasing w reader but say a joke that hurts their feelings and they realize and immediately apologize and make it up to you (fluff)
hi anon!! ty for being my first ask, im excited to write! not sure if you wanted full stories/drabbles but i hope you like what i did! <3 also i'm a bit unwell and drained from work so pls be kind. took so long because i ended up writing a lot for some.... like a lot OOPS i trailed off a bit to make it more realistic but asjsdkkjasd anyways im sorry if it's not exactly what u wanted ;_; i did my best, plus i didn't want to make it all the same i guess? but yeah about .6k for each member!
warnings will be written below member names!! all under the cut~
warnings for all: not completely proof read but wanted to answer this prompt asap!! i'm half asleep it's 3am pls also all gender neutral!
┋bang chan ┋
context: grocery store is never fun, especially when your boyfriend doesn't know how hard it can be for you. new!relationship, domestic bliss grocery shopping for a night in
warnings: slight ableism??? before he knows??? idk, chan a bit spicy with his words so not complete fluff my b, some cussing, not the fluffiest pls im sorry idk what HAPPENED
word count: .6k
chan grunts at you, eyes rolling, "i told you it's the wrong one you dumb dumb. "
you look down at the japanese curry powder, trying to make sense of the words written before you. you haven't been with chan for long, but he's treated you better than anyone you've ever met. he's kind, giving and always knows how to make you feel better. he knows that you're happier when it rains, he knows that you get angry whenever you lose a game, he loves that you always defeat him at uno and enjoys how you make a week long parade about it. he already loves you but definitely doesn't know it yet.
there is one thing you're still trying to gauge about chan is how sometimes he can shoot first and ask questions later, and this is one of those moments.
chan frowns, pointing at the curry packet in your hand. "this is the spicy one."
"i'm sorry." you say in a low tone, still trying to read the packet but the font is harder to read, "they look the same."
chan snatches the packet from your hand, placing it back next to the seemingly same ones. "well maybe if you read it you properly for once. i had the runs for like 2 days last time. you know me and spicy no agree."
"i can't.... sometimes."
chan turns to you. "huh?"
you take in a deep breath and speak fast, "i have dyslexia."
"what?" he questions confused.
it's then when the penny drops after a moment of silence. realization a wave over him, all the times he told you to read properly, how many times he made tut noises at your replies not having complete context and how he would grunt when you didn't comprehend something.
"why didn't you tell me? there's nothing wrong with that...?" he prods, gaze gentle towards you.
you fumble with your hands, picking at the skin at the sides of your thumb, your mind trying to find what to say. "i dunno."
he sounds so apologetic when he eventually speaks, he wonders how he could have been stupid. it makes sense. all the times you've told him about your ex and how he called you stupid and dumb for not reading well, making fun of you and saying you just don't pay attention. "i made fun of you so much... wow i'm a dick-
"no it's okay" you interrupt him, a small smile on your lips not wanting him to be hurt.
chan purses his lips while taking your hands in his. he looks at your eyes, his own intense and apologetic. "no- it's not okay, i make fun of you so much for thinking you just didn't pay attention, shit, i'm sorry. i joke all the time about how your brain is always else where."
and with that chan knows that he definitely could have picked up the pieces earlier, that you said it to him, without words. "i'm just... fuck i'm sorry."
"i just you know with my ex they-"
chan pulls you in for a tight hug, as if hushing the words you were about to spill, your glasses pushed against your eyes but you don't mind. he smells like fresh baby powder, his own scent you love mixing in with the clothes he's wearing. you know chan's going to make up for it and that he'll do everything to make you feel better. because you love him too, you just don't know it yet either.
┋changbin ┋
context: changbin loves working out and you love watching him, even if you don't think he doesn't know. freshly known feelings, uni!au, living together in dorm (i know you said !boyfriend but this was too good not to write hehe)
warnings: CHANGBIN SHAMELESSLY FLIRTING ACK, implications of taking a relationship further (physically), voyeur reader lmao
word count: .5k
you turn your gaze over to your friend, housemate or whatever you two had going on was called. you'd never really thought of changbin as someone you'd like, his gentle an soft nature was a contrast to the man currently a few metres away from you. weights in hand and grunts slipping from his mouth. you lean your head back to get a better angle, the veins on his arm revealing themselves. you knew he liked you and you liked him, but neither of you would dare to open that pandoras box. well, not until tonight.
it's a moment later that changbin stops his routine, almost meeting your stare. you raise your brows, attention turning back to the laptop in front of you. what on earth was i doing? you think, pretending to type something into the computer.
"thirsty?" he asks you, pretending he didn't noticed your eyes on him every now and then for the last half hour.
you turn your attention to him "wha?"
he laughs into his chest, stretching out his arms, "you have drool on the side of your mouth."
"i do- i do not!" you say slamming the laptop down, folding your arms on your chest knowing you've been caught.
changbin laughs, sitting down on the couch next to you, "didn't know i owned a dog."
you had no idea he could be this cheeky, making fun of you for simply watching him. after all, you were perving in a sense.
"don't make fun of me! i know i was... watching."
a smile dances on his lips, knowing that you can be sensitive to these things. "i'm sorry." he almost sounds apologetic... almost. "but... it's just too good to catch you out." he says in a slow almost seemingly mocking way.
"stop it." you mumble, facing the other way. "you know i have issues with... bringing this stuff up."
changbin tugs on your ear to gain your attention, feeling bad for making you feel slightly uncomfortable. but hey, you were the one watching. he smiles and says, "i know i know, i'm just teasing. i'm really sorry."
"i know but... please don't, this is hard for me."
"okay okay," he whines, gently lacing his fingers in yours, testing the waters to see if you'd be okay with this affection. "i promise i won't make fun of you, but if you wanna watch feel free to, don't have to be shy about it."
a blush dances across your cheeks and ears, your tummy suddenly feeling a knot of embarrassment grow. "changbiiiin." you groan, planting your face into the couch cushion.
"okay maybe i lied, i'll definitely enjoy making fun of you."
┋hyunjin ┋
context: you hate feet. hyunjin thinks it's funny. established!relationship, living together
warnings: obvi mentions of feet?? mentions of vomit
word count: .6k
hyunjin knew you hated feet, just how they looked, how they acted and gripped on the damn floor whenever someone would walk bare foot. hyunjin loved walking around the house barefoot, and it sometimes made you feel woozy, just the image of your own feet touching the floor... imagine. you shivered at the thought, sitting down on the couch next to your boyfriend, his feet dangling off the edge of the couch.
you pat your legs, instructing him wordlessly to lay on your lap. he complies without a thought, scooching back and nestling his head into your soft legs. he let's out a gentle "mm" as he settles in. "soft" he coos, rubbing his head a few times before turning his attention back to his switch.
after another episode of your favourite show, hyunjin suddenly brings his feet up, inspecting one of them. "i think i have glass in this one."
"do you need to do that here?" you say in a tone, eyes avoiding the grippers in sight.
"nah can you just check this one?" he says with difficulty, throwing his foot back towards your face. if you weren't so grossed out you'd probably be impressed by his flexibility.
"hyunjin please--" you swat away his foot with your phone, pushing yourself back into the couch.
"nah see in the big toe right here."
"hyunjin! you know i hate feet stop!"
he struggles, folding his body further to get his left foot near you, "babe just look here near the nail."
and that's when you feel a lump in your throat, nearly retching at the sight. the rice dish you had earlier suddenly feeling not so settled.
"oh shit." hyunjin says in a shock turning his attention to you, hearing your strangled noise. "are you okay?"
"no i'm not okay, go away." you say behind your hand.
shit, he knows he did wrong. his seemingly funny joke was definitely taken too far. he feels bad, real bad. he knew you didn't like feet but not this much. it'd never really come into question the time you'd been together, but god he had no idea.
"jeez i'm sorry." he's unsure where to place his hands and fumbles, words not forming correctly.
you sit in silence for a moment before regaining your thoughts. "don't. fucking. do. that."
hyunjin's eyes are pleading, the guilt in his face almost makes you not want to get him back but then realise you can use this to your advantage. you look over at the massage oils on the table and back at him. "i have an idea."
and you know he'll do whatever it takes. he still had glass in his foot, but that wasn't important right now.
┋felix ┋
context: felix thinks your tummy is cute, but you're just not used to it.
warnings: mentions of weight, body issues, tight clothing, BUT ITS FLUFF I PROMISEEEE, felix just a silly soft goose
word count: .6k
"come out please." felix begs, head leaning against the door.
you're sitting in the bathroom on the floor, dressed in nothing but your boxer underwear and a tight bed shirt, felix's bed shirt. you can feel the anxiety seeping into your chest, the weight of reality hitting you. you and your boyfriend had been together for only a month, but this was the first night you were staying at his house. it was on a whim, since most of the trains and buses had stopped running. and of course, you had nothing to wear. so there you were, tight shirt and all. you've never been uncomfortable with your body, if anything you love your body. but for some reason the way that felix talked about your stomach irked you. maybe he meant it as a joke? what did he mean? either way you were upset and needed space for a moment.
"please, i didn't mean it like that." felix sighs against the door, "it's soft and i love it."
you cast a sad expression towards the door. still unwavering from your position. why do you have anxiety now about this? all he did was grab your tummy and tell you it's soft like a kitten belly, or how it reminds him of those marshmallows that fold and how much he loves it because it's you, and he loves you.
you hear nothing but the cracking of a knee, felix bending down to put his fingers through the gap of the door underneath. he splays his fingers like a cat trying to get in the bathroom, darting against the tiles.
"lemme in!" he chimes, grunting to get his fingers further in. "i'll get in either way!" he jokes, using both of his hands under door to attack. it makes you laugh. it reminds me of those videos of cats wanting to get into the bathroom, or videos of racoons grabbing food.
"am i close?" he jokes, moving his hands back and forth.
you groan, stifling a laugh as you get up to open the door. "not even." you say, being met with pleading eyes. you look down at him, his hands still pretending to search where the door once was.
but he suddenly swoops you into a hug, hands around your waist, his head pressed into your soft chest, enjoying the smell of his shirt mixing in with your scent.
you relinquish any negative thoughts you have, melting into the hug. "i know you didn't mean it like that but, i think i'm just nervous... because it's you."
he pulls back, arms still wrapped round your waist, probably a bit too tight. "it wasn't a joke, i do love it." his eye are filled with nothing but love and adoration for you, your body an your mind.
"just... choose different words, please... i'm not a roll of marshmallows."
felix pulls back suddenly before gently pressing a swift kiss to your lips. "tastes sweet." he retorts about your statement, ignoring your words before kissing you again.
"i'm-seri-ous." you say between kisses, you feel his his hands digging into your hips.
instead of stopping, he grins, love apparent in his eyes. "my marshmallow."
you roll your eyes, a bit of anxiety still in your throat but knowing he adores marshmallows, you figure it's okay for now.
┋jisung ┋
context: a park date is cute until you get attacked my a crow, jisung think's it's funny. established!relatonship
warnings: jisung being a weenie, swearing
word count: .5k
the ground collides with your chest, the mud clouding your vision and your new shirt you brought for the date probably ruined. yep, i definitely tripped and yes it was embarrassing. you think, shame in your chest. of all the days, why your one year anniversary?
all you hear is the cackle behind you getting louder, sharp inhales of breath echoing in your ears. jisung has no shame, actively laughing at you stacking it to the ground.
"ahaha! the crow!!" he gurgles still, bending forwards over the picnic blanket, almost choking on his spit.
"jisung!" you yell, getting to your feet, seeing the mess on the front of you. that fucking crow, why did it choose me?
"jisung!" you yell louder, stomping over to the blanket, definitely covered in mud, dripping behind you as you walk.
"i'm sorry babe i'm-" he says between breathes.
you grunt before wiping the mud from your chest, still feeling it covering half of your face. "it's not funny."
"it fucking is."
jisung's laughs come to a halt as he realised you're upset upset, not just whining like you usually do. he notices how your eyes are suddenly pooling with wells. he stands to his feet and gently holds out his hands, "baby-"
"no!" you grumble, pulling your arms away, tears rolling down your cheek. "i just bought this top. now it's ruined." your dejected tone unsettles jisung, instantly feeling bad for making fun of you.
he says nothing, confused on how to react. but he waits patiently, allowing you to let out your feelings. he's always been good at this, always been patient with you.
after a breath you look back at him, red rings dancing around your eyes.
he smirks as he walks over to the mud and plainly sits down in it as if it what he was meant to do all along. you let out a small laugh, your hands wiping the rest of the mud from your face.
"what?" he asks plainly, as if nothing is weird. he grabs a handful of the mud before pressing it to his shirt, and then another handful to his hair, rubbing it in. "what's funny?"
you laugh behind your mud covered hand walking over to him. he smiles up at you like a puppy, knowing that he's succeeded in making you feel better.
and there he is, completely covered in mud, way more than you are and in that moment you fall just a little bit more in love with him. you lean down and press a gentle but muddy kiss onto his lips.
he stares up at you with nothing else to say, just sitting in the mud. you decide to join him, plopping down next to him, hand in hand as you both just sit in silence and completely covered in mud.
with jisung you didn't always needs words, sometimes the things he did for you were enough.
┋lee know ┋
context: you're getting ready to go out with friends, but your hair has other ideas, established!relationship, living together.
warnings/other: kisses??? idk, cuss words
word count: .5k
"it's not working!" you huff, re-straightening the side of your bangs for the 6th time. minho was confused at first, wondering why you're so upset over something trivial and small from his point of view. but when he looks up from his phone to see you struggling, his left hand still lazily patting one of his cats. he speaks without thinking,
"it's definitely like a pigs tail." he chuckles, looking back at his phone. in his mind, he assumes that he was just making a light hearted joke, thinking it was cute the way you got so upset over something he coined as small. plus, pig tails are very cute if you think about it.
it wasn't until you made a little sob that he noticed how you were actually feeling. you stare in the mirror, realizing it in fact does look like a pigs tail.
"baby-" he let's out a small but gentle sigh, "i was joking,"
"no you weren't. it... does look like a pig tail." you say between a small dejected sob, lips curled down and hands at your side as you avoid the mirror.
"let me help?" he says so gently as he approaches the bathroom door. instead of letting him help, you just melt into his chest immediately, your sobs muffled by his shirt. "i look like shit." you say defeated.
he lets out a light laugh, kissing the top of your head a few times, "you never look like shit, you know... even with your pig tail."
you step back, immediately hitting the tight muscles of his chest with both of your fists, "fuck off i swear." you talk through your teeth, still frustrated but feeling the urge to laugh in your throat.
"there you are," he says pleased at your spice, fighting with you to place a kiss on your temple, your hand starts pushing on his jaw, his lips puckered and ready. "c'mere." he says through your fingers, still pushing his head towards you, his hands gripping at your neck. "let me-- love you."
after a few minutes of roughhouse struggle, you push him back, feeing slightly better. it's in this moment you realize that you in fact do not enjoy asking anyone for help. but you speak, dejected tone apparent. "yeah... please help."
and nothing else is said while he fixes your hair, gently pressing small kisses on your cheeks as he does so. he knows he can sometimes say things without thinking, but he also knows that you sometimes enjoy just as much as he does. it's why you love him and why you two work so well together. after a few minutes he steps back to admire his masterpiece, a triumphant smile on his lips. "hmm," he ponders, "i liked the pig tail better."
"oi, don't start again you little shit" you say as you begin chasing after him, giggles dancing in with his own as he runs down the hall, nearly slipping on the rug. "get back here! you're in for it!"
context: seungmin needs to shut his mouth sometimes, even if he doesn't know it. established!relationship, living together
warnings: seungmin being a spicy bitch, some playful physical aggression, kissing
word count: .5k
seungmin has you completely pinned under him on the couch as he covers you with kisses, not relinquishing his hold. "how many times do i have to say it?"
you grunt at the fact that he's weirdly strong in these situations, and as much as you struggle against his hold he's just completely powering over you. just the other day you were the one that had to help him open a jar. but thats besides the point. here seungmin is, currently trying to wiggle his way out of the fact that he took a joke too far. you're determined not to let him get away that easy.
you struggle once more against his hold, your legs flailing underneath him but he's just too damn strong.
he lets out a struggled breath, still above you. his hair falling gently from his face, "isn't sorry enough?"
you turn your head to the side, bottom lip pouting. "no."
you tut at him, tone almost darted, "don't baby me! you've lost your rights."
a gentle grin finds itself to dance over seungmin's face, he likes it when you fight back. he likes it when you put him in his place but still give him enough wiggle room to feel in charge.
"okay," he says with raised brows, "you win. i apologise."
you realise this is the perfect opportunity to get him back, for him making that stupid joke about something he knew you were insecure about.
"oh, whats this? kim seungmin, apologising, what was that?" you speak sarcastically. you're still under his hold, but you'll let it slide for now. "sorry i didn't quite catch that after you made me feel like shit for an entire hour. repeat?"
"i... apologise. i took it too far and i'm sorry."
you feel your chest rise, suddenly enjoying the power that seungmin has given to you. it takes a lot for him to admit he's wrong or that he's done wrong, this is just so damn satisfying.
"actually..." he trails off, letting your hands free a second before quickly grabbing the back of your neck. the kiss he planted on you was fast, and before you knew it you were laying back down on the couch, head dizzy from the sudden kiss, "you can't just make me forgive you with kisses." you speak in a semi-daze.
seungmin presses a kiss to your cheek and then a few more to your lips, the taste sweeter everytime. "i can, actually."
yeah, he's absolutely right. wait, what were we arguing about?
context: jeongin fucked up, and he wants to make it better. fresh!relationship
warnings: none? kissing maybes, TOO MUCH CUTE
word count: .5k
it only took jeongin about half an hour to attempt to make it up to you.
sometimes being with jeongin was hard, as you both communicated in very different ways, it definitely was something you needed to work on. though, the one thing you loved about him is the absolute time and effort he put into making everything just perfect for you. when it came to you, everything he did for you was worth it.
after taking a walk to calm your thoughts, you realized you were still frazzled from the way jeongin teased you and how you ended up crying, resulting in him just left behind in a confused state. sometimes it took a while for the penny to drop with him, but once he got it, he really got it.
you step through the front door of his house, gently removing your sandals to be met with the sound of jeongin jumping up from the couch, hands out in a display. "ta-da!" he yells, it startles you.
you turn to meet eyes with your boyfriend, his face with a stupid grin slapped across it.
"what is-" and that's when you notice the many items splayed across the ground. there's a few towels on the lounge table, a tub of what seems to be hot soapy water, a box of facemasks and some nail polish next to it. the lighting is low and your favourite soundtrack is playing. you notice the scent in the room, jasmine tea, your favourite.
jeongin takes a deep breath in before showcasing his wares. "salon de jeongin"
"babe i-"
he steps forward, taking your hands in his before guiding you to sit down. "cmon" he coaxes gently, his beautiful dark eyes watching your every step. you say nothing as you follow him, unsure of what's happening.
as if he knows you're going to speak, he places a gentle kiss on your forehead. "i'm sorry."
you marvel at the sight in front of you once more. the fact that he built you a whole salon in his living room within thirty minutes is mind blowing. he knows your favourite scent, your favourite songs and all the products you use. you didn't even realize he had those.
you're still at a loss for words, unsure of where to put your hands or body. jeongin just points to the chair, silly grin still plastered on his face and eyes wide.
you sit down in the chair, eyes darting to jeongin. "does it cost extra for shellac on my nails?"
jeongin pouts in thought, "just a kiss."
"i can do that." you say back at him. and that's all it takes, you know you'll talk later about this and how you can communicate better but this... this was enough for now. more than enough.
"actually," jeongin ponders before leaning so damn close to your face, "i think it's about 4 kisses."
DAMN THAT WAS SO LONG I SPENT LIKE AGES DOING THIS MY BAD, i know it's not exactly what u said but oh well i wanted to make them all different!!!! ty for asking!!!!!! <3
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desultory-novice · 6 months
Marionettes' Pavane, Chapter 5 Part 2
"The Sweet Taste of Home" (conclusion, 10 pgs)
"MariPav" is a strangers to friends to......... fan comic about Marx and Magolor's meeting and their zany adventures in the days before Return to Dream Land. It was written before RtDL DX came out, so expect inconsistencies with current game lore!
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...After :cough: over a year of real-world time :cough: Magolor finally got a teeny, ti~ny taste of delicious, homemade cake - and a large taste of what his life of withered dreams was missing all this time.
Could his inescapably annoying jester companion be bringing something more than just chaos into Magolor's world...?
Up Next: Chapter 6 Part 1 "Let Me Play Amongst the Stars" ...Where the two go sphere hunting in earnest!
[Previous] [Main] [Next - coming soon] [Chapter Bonus: "Style Savvy"]
A/N: So, fun story, when I was first drafting the plot of MariPav, for the longest time, this chapter was just the phrase, "Space Boyfriends Cooking Chapter! XD" I was constantly re-arranging story beats to figure out what scenes should even go here. In the end, it turned into a somewhat significant chapter despite starting out as a joke / lighthearted story tucked in between more serious events.
While MariPav isn't (and can't ; _ ;) be canon to the Magolor of DX, I did think it was funny how several aspects of his character actually do mesh pretty well with DX!Magolor, one of them being Magolor's soon-to-be obsession with preparing food! (At least, I saw Helper Magolor bringing Kirby a constant supply of healing treats to be indicative of him actually kind of liking food prep!) MariPav Magolor has definitely caught the fever for baking after this adventure!
By the way, most of the script you're seeing here is completely unchanged from my pre-remake final draft but I did end up adding the line, "...a delicacy favored by the wizard kings of ancient Halcandra" (and "Your monarchy ate rocks?!") after seeing the role the gem apples played in the Magolor Epilogue and their ties to the Master Crown. Gem apples sure seem to be made of / grown with magic, yet we know they can be eaten too! If such a food existed, it would be no surprise that wizards would love to dine on highly sweet, concentrated magic power! (The "concentrated magic" part is why they explode, of course. That stuff is pretty volatile!)
...Oh, and also, this is canonically when Marx first coins the nickname "Mags" for Magolor. I know it's confusing because I've used that nickname a lot in side material already, but it starts here!
Lastly, for the eagle-eyed readers who noticed the cook book uses the New World Font and thus, ought to legible in English, I'll spare you the trouble by copying the text I used here:
So we're finally here. The end of the cooking chapter. Has it really been a whole year? Amazing. Anyway, I'm finally learning how to implement 3d models successfully. Like that cake.  The one in the book is the defeault.  I modified it a bit for the one they make... Uh, what else can I fill this space with? Oh yeah. I was really proud that I wrote about Magolor quickly becoming addicted to sweets before he showed up in DX always dropping cakes and other food on you. There's a few things I felt MariPav predicted despite all that it got wrong.
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lookingfts · 4 months
Hi, I'll preface this by saying that I'm a fan of your writing and this is not a rant at you specifically. It's something that I'm growing more and more frustrated with when navigating content/creations in the fandom (and other fandoms on here too tbh). Your posts just happened to be the ones I came across today and they provide a convenient case study into the matter.
I politely appeal for you to insert gif credit and sources in posts like these: https://www.tumblr.com/lookingfts/752534640842211328?source=share and https://www.tumblr.com/lookingfts/752585046132752384/this-ridiculous-little-man-with-his-stupid-little?source=share
From what I can tell (unsure about the s3e1 bedroom one) but the other two come from: https://www.tumblr.com/chenfordsbee/752307297817165824/kanthony-hands?source=share and https://www.tumblr.com/bakerolivia/750875519674892289/anthony-bridgerton-and-benedict?source=share
I think we all know that the inbuilt tumblr feature to embed existing gifs in posts is very broken (where it automatically credits, and links you back to the full set when you click the text/username under it), and it can be very frustrating to find the exact one you want.
But reposting them yourselves without credit is seen as very bad etiquette amongst creators, and a lot of creators will block people for this reason (to avoid said person collecting and reposting their future content), and warn their fellow creator mutuals to do so too.
Also, it makes the user experience quite annoying for some users. i.e. You see a post with a really cool gif; you swore you've seen that exact one before, you may even recognise the very specific style/coloring, OR you've not seen that scene giffed before but you've wanted to, you now really want to like/reblog the full set if you could find it. Either way; you wish you could see the whole thing from the original post. But there's no link or even an indication as to the original creator/blog it came from, so... yeah this sucks.
From your other posts you seem like a reasonable and well intentioned person, so I don't think you're setting out to be deceptive in any way (some will actually fully repost a mish mash of different sets, and caption and tag it as if it's their own creation), you just want to scream about your faves, as you should. And I'm sorry this got so so long but I think I need to make it really clear, because I assume that some of these reasons/povs/repercussions must be unknown for it to keep happening. I could go into how it affects creators in fandoms in more detail but I'm sure you can imagine and I don't want to extend the lecture (just imagine someone copying and pasting excerpts from your fan fiction, and posting it, without any citation of said fan fiction or even mention of the author).
TLDR - Please link back to the original post if you're sharing stand alone gifs, made by someone else, in your own posts. Or better yet, reblog the original post that you're downloading the images from, with your added commentary (we would actually LOVE to see it, but I do also get if you just want to pluck out one specific moment from the set).
An example:
GIF by @tumblrusername
Blue font to illustrate that this is a hyperlink to the original set. I just based this on the way the aforementioned broken inbuilt one is formatted, but as long as you @ the user (this pops a mention into our activity just like the inbuilt feature does so we can come scream along with you) and link the applicable post in some clear way it's all dandy and helps everyone out.
I really hope that this doesn't come across as hostile, and that you answer so it can be shared to make others more aware too.
Thank you for asking this. You're totally right - I have not been thinking about crediting gif creators, and that's something I need to learn!
I'm still very new to Tumblr and learning the ropes. I didn't really intend to post S3 gifs at all - I was keeping Kanthony photos/gifs I liked on my phone to share with friends, and eventually I realized how many I had saved, so I decided to start making posts with them, and I was simply uploading them from my phone at that point.
You see so many gifs floating around here - I didn't think closely about the time and effort that people are going through to create these gifs, and I will do better in giving them the recognition and attention they deserve. (If one of the gifs I've used is yours, please let me know and I will tag you.)
Thank you to everyone in the fandom for contributing their art, and thank you for standing up for creators.
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You and me, we're endgame.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!rader (no physical descriptions)
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Summary: Steve and Y/N finishing high school, what could go wrong in their relationship?
Word count: 3.7k
Warnings: Season 2-3, Nancy and Steve never dated, reader is 18, controversial mentions of marriage, college, cussing, fluff and angst. Idk if this counts as AU so... beware just in case. English is NOT my first language. Not proof read oops. ngl this writing is chaotic....
A/N: so, if you been following me by now you can tell i love changing canon relationships from other tv shows and making them Steve Harrington and reader. I thought I would re-write finchel which is just hilarious and sad to me. Anyway, i hope you guys like it <3
Steve Harrington and Y/N L/N, Hawkins High 1984 it couple.
They have been dating over a year now, and they have been head over heels in love with each other. Their love was pure, real and above all, epic. There was nothing they couldn't face together which was honestly vomit inducing for some, and for others their clingy nature every other hour was cringe worthy, yet they didn't care. There were a lot of things they didn't care about.
In 1984 when Steve and Y/N were finishing their senior year, college applications were due soon and to say it was messy would be an understatement. Y/N had always wanted to go to New York, she was very font of the place, and she hoped Steve would want to go there too because there was no way they were going their separate ways...right?
Steve on the other hand was not as excited as her probably valedictorian of a girlfriend. He didn't know what he wanted to do if he went to college. Emphasis on if. There was never anything sure in his life, except for Y/N. He loved her more than anything, and he would not fuck that up.
Which brings us to today. May 16, 1984.
Steve was looking at a family photo from when he was 13 years old. The last family photo they would be taking. He couldn't help but feel a void inside, like something wasn't right, or was it just nerves?
"You have his eyes. His mouth a little bit, too." said Y/N while entering the room and watching Steve from behind.
Without turning around just yet, Steve decided to share his thoughts.
"I've always had trouble finding myself in his face. You know, when I was a kid, I used to stare up at the wall, his picture hanging there, and I used to convince myself we were, like, twins." he couldn't help but chuckle, how naive he was.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Y/N knew Steve had major family issues, and she has never pushed him into talking about it, but she was always ready if there would be a time he wanted to.
Steve turned around, instantly remembering why he asked Y/N to come meet him there, at their favorite coffee shop that was now closed; he wanted to ask her something.
"No, no. I, uh, I want to talk about you. About us. I was gonna lay out a picnic, like the one you had for our first date, but I couldn't really figure out where you got those cool airplane cups, so…"
Y/N couldn't help but smile at the memory, she really went for it, not knowing if Steve liked her that way, but she was optimistic. And well, that was enough.
"And I told you, you could kiss me if you wanted to. I never understood why you ran off so quickly, though."
"Yeah, I was just nervous." Steve said, looking down.
"Oh, I could never make you nervous." Y/N giggled out of embarrassment and shock. Till this day, Steve made Y/N nervous every time, in a good way that is, so to think of Steve feeling nervous because of her...
"Kind of nervous right now." he couldn't look at her, he wanted to so bad, but he had it all planned, he couldn't risk it now and also yeah...he was terrified. More terrified than any life or death threats he faced in the past.
"Wait, what's going on?" Y/N was now worried.
"Look, uh, I have something to talk to you about, but I want you to promise me that you won't say a word until I'm done. Okay, and I know that's sort of hard for you, so I need you to promise me."
"Okay, I promise." Well, as if she wasn't nervous already.
"Um, I just feel like, all my life, I've been, you know, wondering if I was gonna be as much of a man as my father is. Now, all of a sudden, I'm up at night worried that I'm gonna become the man who he is."
Y/N was giving him the softest eyes, not in a pityful way, but a compassionate one. So Steve knew it was safe to continue without Y/N interrupting him.
"Let's face it, I've got high school hero, life zero written all over me." he said chuckling but when Y/N just glared at him not finding it very funny, he stopped, going back to the point.
"You. You're like a beacon of light guiding me through the darkness. You're like this big gold star, and for some bizarre reason, you chose to let me love you. And... I feel like if I can just convince you to let me keep doing that, I'm going to be okay. Everything's going to be okay."
This was it. He has been practicing this moment for a while now, yet it was like the words couldn't come out fast enough.
"Uh... I opened up my first personal c-credit card to get this." Steve reached his jeans pocket to take out a small, red velvet box.
"I know it's not a swimming pool full of dancers or a tux or...it's not very big, but it's a promise... a promise to keep loving you for the rest of my life. All you've got to do is say yes. Y/N L/N...will you marry me?"
"Oh Steve-"
Later that week...
Y/N was taking her books out when Steve approached her feeling uneasy. The last few days were stressful as hell and Steve still had some unfinished business.
"Okay, it's been exactly 3 days to the minute since I proposed to you, which is the amount of time you said you needed before you'd give me an answer."
Steve hated being that guy. The one that doesn't give you space or the one that is really impatient. Who could blame him though? it wasn't how he imagined the whole thing going down. He didn't even imagine doing it right now until recently...but that wasn't important...
Y/N closed her locker turning to Steve and gave a good thought to her next answer.
"Look, this isn't the kind of decision you can make on a deadline."
"Y/N/N, I understand, you said you needed some time, but... to be perfectly honest not hearing a decision's kind of bummin' me out."
Y/N got closer and took Steve's hands, gently squeezing them to give him a little reassurance.
"No. Look...I love you, okay? And... I want to marry you someday, and... I'm open to anything. This is all just happening so fast, and I don't understand it. I mean, I... I need you to help me understand."
Steve sighed. He knew Y/N was being fair and she was right, an explanation was in order.
"Okay, well, even if you don't get into NYU, you're still gonna go to New York."
"Yes, and I want you to come with me."
"And I will, but... we're crazy if we think that it's gonna be easier to be a couple there than it is here. My point is that those rings are-are...will always be a reminder of exactly how we feel right now. They're gonna let us take a piece of our little world into the big city."
Y/N eyes soften, she could see Steve was projecting his insecurities. "Look, that's really romantic, but I have to be honest—this all just sounds really crazy to me, okay? I don't need to marry you to keep from straying—you're the only guy for me. Okay, I guess...my answer for now is…"
"No, no, don't...don't say anything. You're right, we shouldn't make this kind of a decision on a deadline. Just, uh...take a couple more days, okay?"
Next day...
Y/N knew it was a crazy idea. Getting married at eighteen? She always pictured herself traveling, getting out of Hawkins, but the more she thought about it, all those things? she pictured Steve by her side. She knew sooner or later they would get married. She couldn't imagine loving anyone else the way she loves Steve Harrington. So... i guess that answered the question.
She asked Steve to meet her at Lover's lake, the place where they first said their i love you's to each other.
Steve saw Y/N playing with her fingers while she waited for him, that made him even more nervous...had he fucked up? Was it too soon? What would happen next if she said no?
"Hey..." Steve said while sitting across from Y/N to see her face properly.
Y/N sighed, preparing herself for the next words that would come out of her mouth.
"You're the love of my life. And...I may not get to have it all, but...I'll have what matters the most if we're together. "
Steve's eyes widen. "Is that a...?"
"Yes." Y/N couldn't help but chuckle. She was truly happy.
"Yes?" Steve couldn't believe it, was his mind playing tricks on him? He needed to hear it again.
"Yes, I will marry you."
"Got to get the ring here." Steve hands were shaking in excitement while he took the ring out of his jacket because of course he would carry it everywhere.
Next week....
Steve talked to Dustin, told him about asking Y/N to marry him and he didn't take the news as he hoped. Don't get me wrong, Dustin loved Y/N like a sister but he thought Steve was taking the easy way out. Following his girlfriend, now fiancé around the world without doing anything for himself.
This made Steve question everything, well almost everything. He knew he still wanted to marry Y/N but New York? Was that actually his dream?
So...with Steve's confusion he started drifting apart to think about it. Y/N noticed of course and she would do anything to make it work.
That's when Y/N was waiting again for Steve to show, she hoped he would.
And of course he did.
"I got your note. Anyone who's engaged to me should come to the gymnasium. You could've just ask for me."
Y/N smiled shyly. "Yeah, but I wasn't sure if we were speaking. I miss you."
"I miss you, too." he said getting closer so he could hold her.
He needed that and so did she. Badly.
"Now I feel like I'm finally reentering my body." Y/N sighed with content.
"I really don't like not talking to you. I mean, nothing feels real unless you're there to tell it to. I never realized how much time we spent talking." Steve said while cupping Y/N's face.
"I've been thinking, and if you don't want to go to New York, then we don't have to." Y/N mentioned without hesitation.
Steve took a step back for a moment. "Wh... Wh... That's crazy. I don't want to stand in the way of your dreams."
Y/N reached for Steve hand. "Look, the only reason why we've been focusing on my dreams is because we haven't taken the time to look into yours. What if your dreams are bigger than mine?"
That made Steve chuckle, he found it really ironic. "I don't think that's going to be a problem. I mean, I did one of those quizzes that was supposed to tell you what job you'd be good at, and my results were competitive eating champion."
Y/N felt sadness, sad that Steve didn't see how special he is. She wished he could see himself in her eyes. So she prepared herself for another speech.
"Okay, sit down. My whole life, I felt like I was in the wrong place. Like I was just some alien, an-and... no one understood me. But all I had to do was just go to New York and then everything would be fine. But I was wrong. My home isn't some place, it's... someone. It's you. Of course, I want us to go to New York, and... maybe we will. But not until we give your dreams an equal shot."
Steve's eyes were becoming cloudy while giving Y/N a tiny smile. "You love me that much?"
"Are you just figuring that out now?"
Y/N and Steve were looking at college and jobs options trying to figure out what would make Steve happy, what he wanted to do with his life.
He smiled and nodded, acting like he was interested but the truth was he didn't imagine himself in any of those places yet he didn't have the heart to tell Y/N, he couldn't bare to disappoint her. Which he could never do but he didn't really believe that.
Steve entered his house to see Robin sitting in the living room. One would think that's weird but she basically lived there by now.
"Come with me." Robin said to Steve.
She took some papers from her bag, the college papers he had thrown away earlier that day.
"What, are you going through the garbage now?"
"Oh, come on. I know you were just humoring us in there. I could see it in your face. So I followed you out."
"What was I supposed to say, Robin? S-Sorry, I'd rather puke than spend a minute in any of those places? Right in front of Y/N, with... a big smile on her face, all proud of me?" Steve got defensive.
"She just wants what's best for you." Robin said as a matter of factly, she hated seeing Steve giving up.
"Yeah, she does. Until she realizes her fiancé is a total loser."
Robin narrowed her eyes in annoyance. How could he be so oblivious? "Is that what you're scared of?"
"It's the truth. Doesn't anybody understand that maybe the reason I don't know what to do with my life is because I'm not qualified to do anything."
"You just don't know what you want yet."
Steve got up, he couldn't have this conversation again, he had it with his parents, his girlfriend, his best friend who happened to be a pre-teen, now from Robin? Fuck no.
"What I want is for time to stop. Okay? I want it to feel like I'm on the basketball court and the crowd's going nuts! Or I-I want it to feel like I'm fighting some fucked up thing and everybody's counting on me."
"So let's find something out there that gives you that feeling." Robin got up as well. She wasn't about to quit this argument.
"Of being young? Where is it? Show me."
Silence. Complete, utter silence.
Robin sighed taking something else out of her bag. It seemed to be a video tape.
"I want you to watch this for me."
"Look, Rob, I don't really feel like doing any movie lessons right now. I just-"
"I think you know what you want for your life. I think you're just scared to say it out loud. I want you to see what it looks like when someone follows their dream, even though everyone else tells them it's impossible. You can do anything you want to, Steve. It's not the broken dreams that break us. It's the ones we didn't dare to dream."
Robin left the tape on the coffee table and exit Steve's house. He should watch this movie alone.
"(Bee Gees' "Stayin' Alive" playing over TV)"
Steve was playing basketball in his backyard, practicing for tonight's game, when Y/N showed from behind.
"That was amazing! You're definitely gonna win."
"I already did. But look, there's more. I figured out what I'm gonna do next year. Can we sit down?"
Shit, thought Y/N. Was he about to break up with her?
"Oh, why am I nervous?"
Steve smiled. "Don't be nervous. Robin made me watch Saturday Night Fever. It was really good, and I realized I'm a lot like Tony Manero. Except for the whole being-able-to-dance thing. When I saw that movie, I realized the way that Tony took on the world... I want to do that, too. I want to move to New York. Like Tony. Like you. I want to live in New York City with you."
Y/N gasped. "Really, are you serious?!"
Steve couldn't help but laugh a little.
"Yeah. Just... there's more. Just wait. Uh, what was that acting show, on Bravo, with the swear words and the cool dude you made me watch?"
"James Lipton."
"Yeah. I applied to his school. I want to go to Inside the Actors' Studio.
"It's... It's just The Actors' Studio, but that's great! It's a perfect, perfect fit for you." Y/N smiled. Steve becoming an actor? She could definitely see that.
But Y/N couldn't help but wonder...
"You just, you know, you can't... do this for me, right? It has to be for you. It's too much pressure for me to handle."
Steve locked his arms with Y/N's. "It is for you, but it's also what I want. It's my dream. I want to be an actor. I guess I was always afraid to admit it because I was scared of failing, but I'm not scared anymore...'cause of you. I want to be a great man for you, Y/N/N. And I want to see myself the way you see me; as though I'm capable of anything. Dreaming big. I love you so much...and you deserve that."
Y/N felt this warm feeling enter her body, something only Steve could do.
"You're my hero; you know that, right?"
"You're mine."
Three weeks later...
Steve wasn't accepted to The Actors' Studio. Which meant Y/N had a lot of thinking to do...
Y/N was getting ready with the help of Nancy, her best friend.
"I can't bring Steve to New York." Y/N said in an almost whisper-like voice.
"What? Why?" Nancy was truly confused.
"He'll be reminded of his rejection every day. So I've decided. I'm deferring my acceptance to NYU for a year and guarantee we'll go there together next year. I'm actually thankful for this whole mess. I'm so glad something has made me come to my senses."
Nancy wasn't convinced but Y/N seemed to have made up her mind already and who was she to judge?
"Come on, you're going to be late to your own wedding."
Y/N got in Steve's car. Their parents weren't really on board with the marriage idea, so they decided to have a ceremony just the two of them and... well the party of course.
"Hi." said Steve with no real emotion in his voice but Y/N let it slide, not thinking much of it.
"Hi. Okay, so you have my dress and my shoes, and I have my makeup and my epic love for you. Let's get married." she said with a genuine smile.
"Okay." that's all Steve could say as he drove away.
"My parents are still being kind of weird about the wedding. I brought it up last night and they were really quiet, but it's fine." said Y/N like it didn't affect her, the fact that her parents didn't support her on this big day.
Steve made a right turn that threw Y/N off... was he taking a short cut?
"Are you sure that we're going the right way?"
"We're here." Steve said after stopping at a train station.
"Are you joking? 'Cause it's not funny. We're gonna be late." said Y/N with a frown on her face.
"You're on the 4:25 to New York. Your parents are gonna meet you there and they're gonna help you look at dorms at the new school. You're gonna spend four years of your life there and you've never even set foot in the place, so…"
Y/N was confused to say the least.
"But I... I have all year to go and look at it."
"You're gonna go there in the fall. All right? You're not deferring. We're not getting married."
"You don't want to marry me?" said Y/N with the saddest expression Steve had ever seen on her.
"I want to marry you so badly I can't go through with it. The thought of you being stuck here for another year because of me, it makes me sick."
"Then come with me. Okay? We can get married in New York and live in a little shoebox apartment together. It'll be romantic." Y/N was trying to make this work. She couldn't lose Steve.
"Do you love me?" Steve asked, plain and simple.
"Of course I do."
"Then tell me the truth and not just something you think I want to hear. Are you 100% sure you want to marry me?" Again, Steve couldn't have said all of this with a more serious expression.
"N-No-no one is 100% sure of anything." Deep down Y/N was still thinking eighteen was too young but... this was Steve, Steve the love of her life.
Steve looked deep into her eyes. "I am. I am that sure you're something special. That this is just the beginning for you. Okay? That you're gonna do amazing things. But to get there, you have to have these experiences on your own…"
"Wait a minute. Wait a minute." Y/N started panicking.
"Listen to me. You've got to have these experiences on your own."
"Wait a minute." Was this really happening?
"I can't to be there with you."
"Wait a minute. Are you breaking up with me?" Y/N voice broke.
"I'm setting you free." and there it was.
"Oh, my God." Y/N couldn't breathe properly, it was like someone was choking the life out of her.
"Look, d-do you know how hard this is for me? How many times have I've cried about this?" Steve face was getting red from all the emotion, tears were forming in too.
"No, I'm not going. I'm not going, not without you." Y/N wouldn't give up. She would never give up on Steve.
"You don't have a choice; I can't come with you."
"Well, then I'll stay here! I'll go wherever it is that you're going!" Y/N felt like begging right now. A life without Steve? That sounded like literal hell.
"Fort Benning, Georgia? Look, I-I need a chance to try and redeem myself, okay?"
That's when something clicked in Y/N's mind.
"I-I... Oh, my God! Oh, my God, wait a minute. You're joining the Army? Are you insane?! I can't believe that this is happening right now."
"It's also one of the places I knew you couldn't follow me. Look, you're-you're gonna get on that train. Okay? And you're gonna go to New York, and you're gonna be a star. Without me. That's how much I love you. You know what we're gonna do? Surrender. I know how hard that is for you because of how hard you hold on to stuff. But-but we're just gonna, we're gonna sit here and we're just gonna let go. Okay, and-and let the universe do it's thing. And if we're meant to be together, then we're gonna be together. Whether it's in a little shoebox apartment in New York or on the other side of the world. Okay? Will you do that with me? Will you surrender?" Steve said while trying to keep the tears out of Y/N's face.
Y/N felt numb by now. "I love you so much."
"I love you."
THE END <3 thinking about pt. 2....?
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silent-raven13 · 5 months
On Wednesdays we wear pink
Pavtri happily showing Gwen his update vlog on his life: Hehehe, look I totally added this cute cat holding a cup of Chai character on the side! I'm loving this new feature for Spdr So-City app! Lyla is a genius. -Lyla heard this went she sent a happy chibi sticker in his Smartphone being pleased by the new update-
Gwen saw his socials being completely customize: Wow, I just put a black background filter with white fonts, the bright white hurts my eyes at night. -Pav's background had a colorful Mandala pattern and his profile picture being updated-
Pavtri: Awe, no cool posters? No Barbie. Dats pretty boring... it's giving basic!
Gwen fake gasps: Not you calling me basic! I got no time to go all web design like you!
Pavtri: But it's so much fun. Lyla made it like Myspace, very old school but better and advanced!
Gwen: Myspace? Wow, that's so crazy! I wasn't even there when dat happen.
Pavtri giggles: Me neither. Anyway, I'm seeing everyone's page and some of them had already updated their page! -Showing Gwen of their close friends' So-City pages- I really like Peni's
Gwen nodded: Yeah, I think her's is pretty sweet. -Her blue eyes spotted Hobie wearing pink along with Miles- Ohh looks like the love birds are here.
Miles holding his boyfriend's hand with a smile on his face: Hey guys, what's up!
Pavtri: OMB, you two look so cute in pink! What's the occasion?
Hobie shrugs: On Wednesdays we were pink! -This made Miles laugh-
Gwen caught the joke and giggle: Ohhh I get you.
Pavtri looks confused: What? Is that a thing?
Miles: You never watched Mean Girls?
Pavtri: No! What is dat? Wait, I don't think my world has that... maybe... ugh, curses multidimensional changes!
Hobie chuckles: Neither my world. Sunflower was joking around with Ganks and I was miffed.
Miles: I had to explain to him about some Mean Girls joke since Danika, Ganke's girl loves that movie. We always watch it when she's in the mood for it. Anyway me and Hobie watched it, and he thought it would be funny to wear pink since today is Wednesday.
Hobie: Movie was okay. Not my cup of tea. Found the jokes tasteless.
Gwen: I never knew she would like Mean Girls then again, she does like Heather.
Hobie arched his eyebrow: What's that one about?
Miles rub his chin: It's an 80s movie and I think you'll like it. Same concept three mean girls name Heather and a girl name Veronica. Veronica like this bad boy and they kill the main Heather, it's focus on toxic love? -He eyes Gwen thinking he got the movie-
Gwen: Kinda. There's a lot going on.
Hobie didn't look pleased: I can't stand Bullies, Sunflower.
Miles: Then maybe you'll like But I'm just a cheerleader. -he knows his boyfriend has a complex taste in movies. Sometimes he criticize the shit out one if he doesn't like it and he rarely watches them. If anything he mostly stick to Horror/thriller or psychological films. Anything that he can dissect. Comedy is always a hit or miss, he did find Hangover assuming.-
Pavtri whines: I wanna see Mean Girls! Can we have a movie night to watch!
Miles: Sure! It's a cult classic!
Gwen: Maybe we should watch Rocky Horror Picture Show, too. I know, you haven't watched it yet.
Hobie gasps at his Sunflower: LUV, you never saw it! -Now that's one of his favorite movies-
Miles: Sorry, bae! I never felt ready to watch it... I dunno doesn't-
Hobie cut him off: No, we're gonna watch it! You'll find it amazing! In my world, we do a full blown show and wreak havoc on the streets all for Anarchy! We'll watch it tonight!
Gwen: Maybe we can do Saturday? I'm free that time.
Pavtri looks at his schedule: Me too!
Miles nodded: Same.
Hobie: Alright, Saturday. At your place, luv?
Miles agreed: Sure, I'll let Danika know. She loves that movie like gurl will make a Mean Girls party. I wouldn't be surprise if we have to dress up.
Pavtri's eyes gleam: I still have my Barbie shirt! We can all wear pink!
Gwen: I totally want to be Janis.
Miles: Hahaha, I'll let ya know.
Hobie kisses his boyfriend's cheek: Luv, you would have to wear the Christmas outfit. -His body turns even more brighter and sparkling hearts appeared-
Pavtri blushes: Opp! I dunno what that means but by the looks of it, it gotta be dirty!
Gwen cracks up seeing Miles' shocking face: Hahaha, Miles have to do the dance and wear knee high boots!
Miles flick his boyfriend's forehead: BONK! Go to Horny Jail! -he huffs-
Hobie whines and begs for his sweet Sunflower to wear the outfit, but Miles ignores him. Gwen had to show a picture to Pavtri about the outfit and dance scene so he understood. Of course, the two were teasing Miles to do it, too.
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oogaboogaspookyman · 5 months
@sapphirethefluffymewtwo huehuehue~
You did great, my love~
Roxo opens his eyes, he finds himself in a void.
"What the hell am i doing here..." He groans, his voice echoes throughout the whole place...
He sits up, then stands on his two feet.
Turning his head around, eyes darting to different spots, looking for an exit or at least a path to follow, he finds nothing but more void...
It's until the 5 minutes– that felt like 5 hours– have ended, that he randomly spots a door. A familiar door in the middle of nowhere?
"The fuck? I know that door... Kinda." Roxo looks down on the floor, waiting for something... "Soooo when's the weird dream spotlight showing the path cliche coming up?"
As he said that, the spotlight did come up and lights the path towards the door. One by one, they turn on.
"I guess i'm a wizard now. Cool..." He spoke in a emotionless tone. He's got no time for jokes. Not anymore. Never again.
Never again.
Roxo walks up to the door, examining it closely due to it's familiarity...
It's the door to her bedroom.
"This is... This is Yutsi's bedroom door... Arceus no."
Roxo has no choice.
He grips onto the handle, and turns it around. Slowly.
"Please don't be what i'm thinking it's gonna be, please..." He repeats himself again and again while turning the handle around.
He closes his eyes and pushes the door open just as quickly, running inside. The door closes behind him the second he ran into the room.
He opens one eye a little, then both at the same time. Surprise surprise.
It's just a lone tv with a VHS tape player.
There's a tape on her bed. It's labeled "YOU MIGHT NEED THIS"
Roxo has no choice.
He grabs the tape and looks at it with disgust. So much disgust.
"I still hate you, y'know that?" Roxo growls to the tape as if it were alive and listening. It's not, but Roxo doesn't care. He stopped caring a long time ago.
He inserts the tape into the tape player and sits on the bed to watch.
It's 5 seconds of static before the screen is filled with blue.
In the middle of the screen, yellow IMPACT font text fades into view. It reads "AZYFORA DIAZEPAM"
It's a annoyingly long slideshow of text and images of the human brain about some medication for trauma disorders and so on, nothing more.
AZYFORA DIAZEPAM is a relaxing sedative pill made by the company of the name Azyfora Medical Services, a medication provided to those who suffer from:
Panic attacks
Trauma-related disorders
Emotional stability issues
AZYFORA DIAZEPAM is capable of causing symptoms such as:
Memory loss (distressing memories are erased)
Drowziness (the patient is relaxed, potentially putting them to sleep depending on the amount of pills taken)
Mild euphoria (the patient is a little happier, relaxed and docile)
Roxo looks down as he chuckles to himself, "i think i might need it, yeah. Can't believe a random tape in my dreams is right heheh..." He looks up to find that the screen has turned black, no more text or images whatsoever, just black...
"What now..." Roxo frowns at the sight, not amused by the occurence.
The screen shows small yet visible text in the Arial font.
"Wha..?" Roxo looks behind himself to find
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Roxo stares horrified at the sight of the sight of his sister, mangled and brutalised, bloody and torn apart, her guts hanging from the gruesome opening in her belly and her heart held up by a mysterious yet familiar entity.
He screams in the horror of what he sees with his own eyes, and runs towards the door, pushing the undead floating body of his sister out of his way.
"WHY DO YOU RUN FROM ME, ROXO?" The body spoke, her voice sounding as if speaking through a phone, and her voice sounding masculine too, "IT'S JUST YOUR SISTER WHO WANTS A BIG WARM HUG~"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Roxo yelled as he ran, only now realizing the void is not a void anymore, but rather a slaughter house, where he finds bodies upon bodies of exact copies of him, his sister and his cousins. Cut open, torn in half, flayed, decapitated, skinned, in pieces, lacking organs, bones in the sinks, hands and feet hung about just like the bodies, it's EVERYWHERE.
One body stood up in front of Roxo, making him jump, one of Sapphire's many bodies, holding a plate of CC limbs and brain on one hand and a fork in the other. "WOULD YOU LIKE A TASTE?" It spoke in a cheery tone, before shoving a limb into his mouth. Roxo spat it out and kicked the body away, "NO THANK YOU", and he continued running through the horrors and away from the floating body of Yutsi.
At the end of the line he finds a door, a white door as if from a mansion. He opens it and slams it shut the second he stepped foot into the other side, Yutsi having gotten dangerously close and thus her arm split from her body upon the impact of the door, falling onto the ground.
Roxo breathed heavily from the adrenaline and horror from it all, leaning on the door... The previously mentioned arm began to crawl and climb up Roxo like a spider, and soon after he screams one more time before it's thrown back down and stomped, killing the last threat.
He leans on the door once more before sitting down, again breathing heavily from everything, his eyes closed...
"I know who you are. I'm not doing that..." He says under his breath.
As he repeated the word, Roxo had reached his limit and opened his eyes to see the freakshow in front of him.
"Fuck do you WANT?!" He yells before realizing what he's looking at, and gasping.
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He sits up awake on his bed, clutching his blanket and chest, breathing heavily as if he couldn't no longer.
He looks at his hands, and finds... Nothing. No blood, no flesh, no viscera, nothing. Nothing.
It was just a nightmare... Fuckin' dammit.
He chuckles, his hands on his face as the chuckling quickly turns into sobbing. Sobbing. Crying.
The sights he's seen will never leave his head, will they?
"Please just leave me alone..."
[good night :)]
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mersei47 · 1 year
Damn I've been using rpg maker mv for a while now and I still don't know what I'm doing. Do you have any recommended tutorials? (Also your progress so far is amazing)
thank you so much! I still didn't know how the whole program works yet but the tutorials I used so far is here
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there is tutorial teach you how to use each program's feature step by step click from Help > Tutorial. I recommend going through this first because thee tutorial will prepare you from the start and it's also a very detailed tutorial
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when I'm stuck at some point I mostly look up this guy's channel "SomeRanDev". The videos are straight to the point and easy to understand
I also used plugins from outer sources too (some original features are just not enough for me)
YEP_CoreEngine: help fix bugs in rpg maker and manage overall feature such as changing screen's resolution, character's parameters, change font stc) YEP_MessageCore: help customize your dialogue more like using text code (similar to CSS) to change text's appearance (size, color, adjust time it takes for words to appear) access parameter to be shown in dialogue) both plugins from above are made by the same person "Yanfly" and there are many more plugins by them too you can check them all out on their download page [download] [Yanfly wiki] GALV_MessageStyles: this one help how you want your message box to look like (you can attach message box to characters or change the color, bg for message box) [download] [tutorial video of this plugin]
these are just main ones I used. There are many more plugins that looks really great but I haven't tried all of them yet
since I'm using aseprite to make sprite and tileset I followed these videos for how to make one
this is my example result for tileset btw
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also be careful because there is many types of tileset (animated tileset, tileset for props and floor) I recommend look up this doc first (RPG Maker MV > Documentation > Asset Standards > Tileset Details) [link to rpg maker mv docs]
I used palettes from this website to draw all the props and tile set. There's ton of cool palette there that made for pixel graphic specially
in case you want to know my resolution set up I set it to 640*480 in YEP_CoreEngine (the original is 816*624) I minimize the size because the original one has window too big and make my character looks too small (you don't have to change it if you ok with original size but I like this one more)
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this channel SigmaSuccour also have plugins showcase video and cool rpg maker MV tips too [link]
there's 90% chance that the question you might have maybe there's already peoples ask about it on forum here [link]
yeah I think that's all for me. I'm vey indulge in this program when I got it and look up TON of references (a few mistake there and there but well it's count as experience) I hope you get used to rpg maker soon!
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blindrapture · 2 months
july 28, again.
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got asked a question about the july 28th log.
here's a transcription:
Dr0Shadow 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 — Today at 3:42 PM
@DJay did you just throw Elon Musk into the rapture and reference those dumb cars tesla made like a decade before they wouldve been invented
DJay — Today at 5:02 PM it was definitely a nod to the real-life present day. there are some of those in the final draft. but elon musk was already CEO of Tesla, he became CEO in 2004.
the log sorta implies that the Judge chose him sorta arbitrarily-- as he puts it, he's not even from San Francisco. I imagine he wasn't in it at the time and was just, like, whisked away to that court scene. so in some ways it's a demonstration of a "greater" logic being used by Xanadu's judgement (with the Judge as the vessel of that) that greater logic being something like… "this is a name more people in the world will know (even in 2011)." but the Attached for that log more overtly draws attention to real-life shit. the Attached makes a pretty obvious allusion in "tweet tweet" and "Now I'm for the birds." though it's still "ambiguous" enough that one can instead read a non-twitter interpretation out of it. poetry, and all. I seem to have landed on the font for that Attached being Georgia (for the website, and "Chat"/courier new for tumblr), which is the Tiresias/Thoth font. though there exist other Attacheds in a specific other font that are exclusively written by real-life author me, and I could have used that for this. I think, if I had used real-life-author-me font for that Attached, then we could just call this a cute anachronism. but I didn't want to do that. and I didn't do that. I elected more for Poetry. what does it really mean??? I dunno. sincerely. it's the kind of thing that, if I sat down and really concentrated, and rambled at you for an hour, I could reason out a convincing interpretation. and if I had to guess, like. the short answer is, like with the Fears themselves, "it's more about this deeper pattern that real-life Elon Musk is just one iteration of." "Elon Musk is one frond on a big hyperdimensional plant. Rapture depicts other fronds of it and shows how they connect to the Elon Musk frond, and Rapture tries to imply the deeper stem."
but. but yeah. the surface intent is "what if elon musk gets trapped in a car and thrown off a cliff. what if the fictional world gives justice for something that happened in a different world." the surface intent is for you to get a good chuckle out of it. rapture actually has a fair few instances of…….. Real-Life Bad People in completely different contexts. like there's Attacheds, including ones we haven't gotten to yet, saying that, like, "comcast really stepped up when the apocalypse came; they provided free internet for everyone and worked overtime, volunteered, to keep the servers running" and "Rupert Murdoch had a change of heart, seeing the planet collapse. he saved a fucking bus of orphans. and gave his newspaper offices to be used by squatters, pro bono." in those cases they're more like really dry black comedy. the joke is they would never do that. and, if they ever read rapture themselves, they'd be struck with a window into a world where they actually did something people liked. elon musk could have gotten something like that. but I elected to not even give him the chance. maybe we can read this as a Dante kinda thing. how Dante wrote real-life people into his Comedy. how he handled the bad people. and rapture has been compared to the Comedy before, by people who are not me!
it has never been my desire to make rapture into the Comedy. even after I read and learned to appreciate the Comedy. I deeply admire the thing, and I take inspiration from it in some broad ways. but I am willing to have moments in rapture that give you, like, a window into a world where rapture was like a different book. that works really well with rapture as a whole. gels well with it. lots of windows into other worlds. in some ways rapture is a hell of a lot like rick and morty. and that wasn't intentional either! but it's honestly one of the closest analogues I can think of. and I've tried.
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Is a thing I'm going to learn this year! (This feels really awkward but I can't think of a smooth introduction, so here we are.)
Here on Tumblr was my first introduction to binding fics. It never occurred to me before that people would. I began following many amazing binders here on Tumblr and over on Instagram. My sweet friend Nina bound a short story collection of some of my fics for my birthday last year. And Lila gave me a copy of one of her fics. There is something so very special about seeing fics in physical form! It gives me all the warm and fuzzies!
...only it seems that if a gal wants her favorite fics on her shelf, she's going to have to bind them herself.
Now, I was tempted to share some progress pictures along the way, but I fear that would hinder my progress. My anxiety and perfectionism are strong. I do not like to be observed making mistakes. Even really minor ones. Even worse if people point them out to me, however well-meaning. I live with a deep and abiding terror of failure and judgment. Which...is it healthy? No. Am I working on it? Yeah. But my therapist and I agree that throwing myself into the deep end is not the right method for me, so alas...baby steps!
(Seriously, my partner and I have been together nearly 7 years and only this past year have I begun to try and test new things where he could see me do it. And there is no person on planet earth more supportive or less judgmental than my Eddie.) (But to be fair, when one is taught to hate themselves and see their only worth as their usefulness and productivity, well...The terror is quite real, and deeply ingrained, I'm afraid.)
I will try to take progress photos along the way and share them all in a photo dump when I'm feeling more comfortable and confident. Which is a long ways away as I've not even bound a book yet. Showing my errors should be easier when I can say "look but I fixed it!" By necessity I've become pretty good at teaching myself things, so with luck (and YouTube videos) I can do this!
And in the meantime I can at least write about my efforts!
Eddie, my partner, has been very enthusiastic since I first broached the subject of bookbinding and when my plans to gather supplies seemed to fall through, he agreed to help me get what I needed. He had me put supplies on an Amazon wishlist so we can purchase items when we can. The first purchase I made was the most necessary one, which was a printer. I got a little table to put it on, built the table!!!! (I am not very handy, okay. When I build anything, however simple, it's a huge accomplishment!) I set up the printer. Aaaand was resigned to wait however long until I could start.
...and then it occurred to me. "Hey, dumb-dumb, maybe you can start practicing parts of it now?"
Oh yeah! There are several parts to putting a book together. And so, I began! I chose a small fic, Orange Blossoms, to get a feel for how it would look printed out. I followed some online instructions. And it wasn't perfect, but it was in booklet form and I could fold the paper and everything was where it needed to be. Small success!
Then I adjusted the font size and reprinted, because the previous font size was teensy in Scrivener and GIANT in Adobe and on paper.
Next, I wanted to test printing multiple signatures. That one took a bit more work for reasons I can't properly explain. Even now I don't know why the original version was printing out the way it was, with a blank last page. In theory, it shouldn't have done that??
Anyway, I chose In My Veins (In My Blood) for this. Orange Blossom is 3k and fit into one signature. In My Veins (In My Blood) is 7k and I figured I could get 2 out of it. I figured starting small would be better so I don't waste paper and ink while trying to sort things out. Or you know...waste as little as I can.
I fiddled with some settings and such until the first signature printed right. Then I had to mess around to figure out where I needed to insert blank pages, and I changed my mind about where to put my mock copyright and title pages. Once I was happy, I then printed the second signature and then proudly waved them in Eddie's face!
Then, I found a gift card from Christmas and decided: hey, why don't I get some more stuff? Today my order came in and I got: an awl, needles, and waxed thread. Time to stitch those suckers together! I stumbled across a bookbinding video some months ago that I saved, so I pulled that up and went step by step. Measuring and marking where to put the holes. (Nightmare, btw, my brain hates numbers.) (Brain sees numbers and runs off scared; needs soothing and cajoling to come back out and get to work.) (The solution was obvious and didn't require actual math like the YouTuber told me but anyway that's not the point, the point is:) Then I threaded my needle and go to work!
Signature 1 was easy enough. But threading the 2 signatures together was not. First YouTube moved too fast and didn't explain things very clearly. Like...not verbally addressing each step in detail, but also with too many jump cuts for me to really tell what she was doing. But she referenced a Sea Lemon video which I found and was much more helpful!
And now I have 2 signatures threaded together! It's very rough and sloppy, but you know what...it's a first attempt, so whatever. (Look, even admitting that my first attempt is pretty "eh" hurts my soul, but here we are.) (At least you can't see it!)
So that's where I am for now! Eddie's going to peruse my list this weekend to see what he can get, and once I have the supplies needed for the next step, onto the next step I'll go! I do want to bind The White Road as my first actual bound fic, so I can work on fiddling with the typesetting a bit while I wait!
ALSO I ate dinner so late because I was so caught up in learning how to stitch those signatures!! I was like "okay this shouldn't take that long." Hey, self, this is a new skill you're learning. Maybe don't make assumptions. And at least double any time you think something should take. I sure scarfed down my food after that!
Anyway, I know it seems very silly that I'm too scared to show pictures, but even talking about it is a big step. It's like...well if this doesn't work out I'm going to look really dumb, huh? Better keep things all to myself so if it doesn't work out no one is disappointed or judging me or whatever. Much better to come out the gate with something to show, right?
But talking about stuff and sharing stuff is really important to me. It's this like deep inner need I've trampled down for so long, out of fear of seeming childish or silly at best, or at worst boring or burdening people. But maybe this is something some people are interested in. And I'll be generous with cuts and tags for easy skimming for those who aren't interested, and those who are, well...You're welcome to bits and pieces of my journey with me!
Speaking of tags, I've been trying to come up with a name for my "bindery." I thought of "Busy Bee Bindery" because I love bees and am quite busy, actually. But maybe it needs my name in it?? Idk I'm still brainstorming that one. Maybe by my next update I'll have one I can use for tagging! And you know...to slap on my bindings! 😄
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anistarrose · 1 year
🌀🌤🌧🌪 :3c
my computer's displaying the emojis weird so hopefully I got the right ones, let me know if not!
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
okay I don't think I had a single proper summary written for a WIP prior to now, so thank you for encouraging me to get off my ass and write a tentative one for the maurcretia divorce fic:
At one point, Maureen never thought she could fall in love with a client of Miller Labs — but that was before Lucretia came into her life, brilliant and witty and mysterious, and Maureen is hooked, drawn as is her nature to Lucretia and her secrets.
At another point, Maureen never thought she could fall out of love with Lucretia — and she doesn't, not exactly — but nevertheless, as the pair's dueling projects near completion, the weight of secrets and stubbornness weighs heavier and heavier.
were they ever married? no one's quite sure. are they divorced? i hope to convince you that they absolutely are, in a fic coming very very soon :)
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
from "untitled barry midlife crisis" fic, which is set shortly pre-starblaster:
“I — I fucking figured you were working on the bond engine, Barry, you’re always working on the bond engine — but for Pete’s sake, for how goddamn long this time? Did you stay the night here?!”
Barry leaps to his feet, immediately the most animated that Davenport’s seen him in days.
“Dropped my fantasy car keys down the fantasy parking lot sewer last night!” he exclaims, holding up his hands as if to add what can you do? “So I came back to my lab, settled down for the night, and had a whole fantasy mid-life crisis!”
I actually rewrote this one recently and it's full of STEM major in-jokes that are funny mainly to me but possibly other people as well, it's basically complete but I'm saving it for when I need to post a breather between angsty fics. speaking of,
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP.
from a "lup lives... until glamour springs" AU:
“Taako, I don’t think she’s going to make it.”
Taako sits bolt upright. The door in front of him is closed, the room is dim — dimmer than he remembers leaving it, even — and Lup is still breathing softly, thank gods, thank more fucking gods than Taako can remember the names of —
And looming over foot of the bed is a human-shaped specter, cloaked in black shadows and a glowing crimson robe. On reflex, Taako throws an arm over Lup, clutching his wand.
I wrote most of this one just yesterday, and it occupies a very specific place on the hurt-comfort spectrum that I honestly don't know how to articulate 😭
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
ooh I got a good one from a basically complete hurloane piece I'm gonna try and polish up for next week:
“Ooh, babe, you’ve gotta see this meme Carey posted,” Sloane says with a chuckle, and shows Hurley her screen. It’s a very, very compressed Fantasy JPEG of a horse that’s captioned, in Fantasy Impact font: “jeffandrew found some of the horses and made them vampire horses.”
“Wow. So deep,” Hurley deadpans. “Is this the rogues group chat again?”
“Yeah. Magnus reacted with a cow emoji, Barry replied with a picture of himself holding up a piece of paper that reads ‘I don’t understand this meme and at this point I’m too afraid to ask,’ and it looks like Angus didn’t see this yet — which he better not have, ‘cause Carey posted it way past his bedtime!”
there's more group chat silliness where that came from in the final wip so stay tuned :)
(send me writing ask emojis!)
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geralts-yenn · 2 years
Writing Questions Tag Game!
I got tagged by @raccoon-eyed-rebel and @peyton-warren! Thank you two! I don't know if it even makes sense for me to answer all this stuff, considering I only started to write in September 22… So please don't judge my boring answers.
What is your absolute all-time favourite idea you’ve ever had? Giving Mikey this whole family of Cavill characters and making them all dorks. It was just a brain fart that appeared when I bing-wrote "pranked" without ever thinking of it before it was written down. And now they all just appear from time to time in my head and I guess we'll see more of them in the future because I'm already font of all of them.
Is there a question you’ve been asked in the past that really stands out to you and you still think about sometimes? No, I don't have written (or maybe published) enough to make people thinking about asking me questions :)
What is your favourite part of being a writer? What parts could you take or leave? I love how characters do things that I hadn't even planned for them. Brains are just amazing. And I love interacting with other writers. Talking about characters and scenes, giving comfort when someone's struggling, praising them when they created something that I enjoyed. I found some wonderful friends here that I don't wanna miss anymore. (@raccoon-eyed-rebel @mayloma @deandoesthingstome @fvckinghenrycavill, thank you so much for that!)
The downside of being an author is that I'm so fucking anxious about my writing skills. I'm questioning every bit I write down and probably read every sentence I type down 30 times. And that doesn't help at all but I just can't stop worrying. Thinking that someone else who is more talented should tell that story. And at the moment I hate that I don't have time to write although there are so many things in my head that need to be told. And then when I finally have time to write my head is just completely empty.
What is your greatest motivation to write/create? I love how stories that live in my head for a long time get so much better when I write them down. Suddenly all these little details appear and things fall into place. Something that never happens when I'm just daydreaming.
What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out writing? That you don't need a full plan for a story before staring to write. Just let it flow
What is your favourite story you’ve written TO COMPLETION? Link it if you’d like and can! Well, sadly I haven't finished a multi chapter story at all until now. (Yeah, I know…) But I wrote a book for my daughter and this is probably the story I'm most proud of. I also did the illustrations for that one. But I won't share that online because it's very personal.
What is your favourite out-of-the-box quote? I have no clue. I actually love everything I have ever written, lol
Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so and how do you personally feel about their ideals? You all don't know him yet. It's Will. He's a CIA agent and he makes some decisions that aren't really professional. And maybe, if I ever find enough time, you're going to meet him and make up your mind about him on your own. Or maybe this whole story will turn out completely different and he's not controversial at all when I'm finished, lol.
If you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think? That girls on tumblr really made you a lot more confident, wow! You are lucky that you found them!
no pressure tags, but I'd love to see your take on these questions: @deandoesthingstome @fvckinghenrycavill @mayloma @just-chirpin @notabronte @thesaucynomad @sillyrabbit81
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canardroublard · 7 months
Fic writer interview
Thank you @takingoffmyshoes for tagging me in the thing!
How many works do you have on AO3?
51 (putting additional text in this line because if I don't tumblr makes the font truly enormous)
What's your total AO3 word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
don't make me spell it out (TMFU. Aka The Pegging Fic)
poco a poco (Rogue One. Aka The Music Student AU)
a million different reasons (TMFU. Aka the one where Napoleon's self-loathing and Gaby's inability to identify or ask for what she wants delay a threesome for an inordinate amount of time)
breathe (Gotham TV. Aka that one Gotham fic I ever wrote)
least the rose alive must three (TMFU. Aka the soulmate AU)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try. If I'm going through a tough moment they often get unanswered, but I generally answer otherwise. Unless it's someone asking me to write more.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Based on the number of times the word "bittersweet" is used in the comments section and the crying emojis, likely don't talk just hold me closer (Star Trek: Discovery). Its sister fic nor made me feel so sweet is also a bit of a downer™
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
I don't tend towards *unhappy *endings in my substantial works, but Dirty Talk (TMFU) is unrepentantly sappy so that I suppose
Do you write crossovers?
I don't believe I ever have
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I'm not sure I'd call it outright "hate", but have received multiple comments on a million different reasons upset at me because I guess Napoleon being an unreliable narrator is not obvious enough for everyone.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Every now and then. And, statistically, the threesome/moresome kind.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Even if I had I have no clue how I'd know.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so. I have translated a few of my own and others' fics as French practice.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Hmm I'm not sure I have an OTP to Rule Them All. The TMFU ot3 seems an obvious answer. That said, I am a chronic multi-shipper within fandoms so I rarely even have an OTP within a fandom. This may not be obvious in my writing but it is my reading habit if nothing else.
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Before anyone says "so give me a line and take me home", it's getting finished. Just not quickly. Stop telling people I'm it's dead
In terms of genuine "yeah I'm probably not gonna finish that", birthright, my Rogue One Pacific Rim fusion.
What are your writing strengths?
I would say writing nuanced/ambiguous/fucked up little guy characters? None of my favourites are free from sin, if you feel me, and I like to explore those sins.
Also @takingoffmyshoes tells me they want to write Gaby/Napoleon the way I write Gaby/Napoleon so that, apparently :D
What are your writing weaknesses?
Structuring conflict and resolution. I often find myself resolving conflicts too quickly/easily in longer fics.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Entirely dependent on the context. I've done it multiple times, in multiple languages, some instances more successfully (imho) than others. For me, the most seamless way to integrate it and have the audience understand is via framing things in the POV character's thoughts (assuming they understand what's being said).
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who. Somewhere in the presumably purged depths of LJ there was an 11/Rose fic I wrote.
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
Too damn many. If I had to pic one, Widows (2018), a film which left me clinically feral in the best way, has a woeful lack of fic (or people who've watched it in general. Go watch Widows. It rocks. It will fuck you up and devastate you emotionally. It's got muscly Viola Davis in a tank top. Range.)
ETA oh and Lower Decks. Because the world will be forced to endure the result of my "Mariner and Ransom have been fucking since season one and neither of them acknowledges it and both of them kinda loathe themselves for it but the sex is so goddamn hot that it keeps happening" conspiracy theory slant on watching the show.
What's your favorite fic you've written?
I'm going to completely sideline the bigger/more popular fics of mine (such that my limited popularity is). They're fine. I like them. "so give me a line" makes me want to eat plaster (Affectionate) every time I return to it. Choosing trompe-l'oreille (Atomic Blonde) because it fucks severely. By which I mean it is both emotionally and literally haunting. That is a form of fucking, right?
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xx-vergil-xx · 2 years
tell me about holy teeth dog god please :)
thank you for this opening my friend <3 rant: unlocked
a fic that has developed from a discord drabble I wrote a bit ago, fueled by my current progress through nightmare country, festering unabashedly in my mind, notes app, and one train wreck of a google doc.  originally it was titled communion, but I recently swapped to sanctus dentes/canem dei (shitty vernacular latin for holy teeth/dog of god) because it’s expanding in premise a bit
effectively, it’s about the corinthian post-rebuild, post-kindly ones –– he didn’t know morpheus long enough to love or hate him, but daniel –– ethereal, gentle, distant daniel –– is a perfect font of potential approval for a newly-resurrected nightmare to fixate on.  I am so curious about him, carrying disjointed sense-memories of his first self, being told from the moment of his creation that he was not to make the same mistakes (one of his first spoken lines is “I won’t disappoint you” which.  well now that’s loaded isn’t it.) and yet being granted the same nature as his first self.  being told he was wrong, he was wrong in construction and design, and still feeling the same violent hungers.  it’s also heavily inspired by jean-luc nancy’s long essay corpus, which I'm reading slowly right now, which is all about bodies, the way that we do and do not occupy them, the way that the body is at once the truest extension of ourselves and some strange alien thing, exaltation of the flesh, etc etc  
what it really is, right now, is a series of disconnected bits (the body horror bit I wrote first, a segment of him recalling his recreation and a broken memory of the cereal convention where he remembers only the feeling of having disciples, a little moment between he and daniel that is.  odd.) and I think it’ll probably shape up as vignettes of the new corinthian convincing himself he is a saint of the dreaming (like gault wishing to be a dream, only the corinthian is angling more for exaltation –– maybe he doesn't realize these are the same urges his first self had, or he convinces himself these ones are righteous and true –– who’s to say!).  I wanna crack open his suave southern boy persona and poke at all the bits of unending starvation and self-denial mixed with an indulgent nature, the strange relation he must have to a creator that died and was reborn, as he died and was reborn (I well and truly believe the corinthian sees himself, deep down, as being built in dream’s image, but that’s another rant).  
so anyway what if the corinthian’s relation to dream-daniel was a violent saint desperate to be exalted? directed to a crusade?  what if he thinks his brutality is love?  I just love the corinthian’s opportunity to examine humanity through the lens of the body and its destruction and I also think its incredibly fucked up to be told that you have been made with a certain nature that you must resist always in order to be saved (yeah okay this is definitely chock full of religious parallels but so bet it)
thanks for indulging me, no clue when it’ll be done enough to post anywhere, but it’s a steady work in progress <3
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youremyonlyhope · 10 months
The Giggle
Final Fourteen episode*. If I've added an asterisk it means that I correctly interpreted the vague spoiler I saw and am not happy. (Edit: Yep added the asterisk.)
Anyway. I'm just glad this means we'll finally get Gatwa!Doctor. We should have had him already.
Also forgot to put this in the last post. But. Pandemonium, the world ending, people going insane, and a Toymaker. My prediction for the plot of this episode: StarKid's Black Friday.
Sorry, all I can hear is Barney Stinson. I'm sure he did a bad German accent at some point in HIMYM. I like dolls but these puppets are creepy even to me. "Sunnier climes" OH, SO HE'S A RACIST. Hey dude. Tell Baird about the human hair before it blows up. "Imagine if it could talk." No no no. Be careful what you wish for.
Something I forgot to say much much earlier. I don't know how I feel about the intense zoom-in on the TARDIS in the opening sequence. It's almost a Torchwood level of dramatic zoom.
Very carefully not showing us Wilf's face. I wouldn't have wanted Bernard present for all this chaos either though. I'm sorry. UNIT has an Avenger's Tower now? I don't like that. I liked the Tower of London. But I guess Kate wanted to make sure they definitely didn't get shut down again. I was chanting "Slap him, slap him, slap him" as Kate walked up and when she hugged him I said "Aww" in disappointment. Oh Mel! I had been vaguely spoiled of her showing up too. RTD2, I would have preferred an Old Who companion showing up in the 60th special episode that was closest to the actual 60th, but oh well I guess I should be happy we got something Old Who at all since this really was getting close to being a purely RTD focused anniversary. "The pilot declared his right to land wherever he wanted." Greaaat. Sounds like an average day here in 'Murica honestly. "Why should I care about you?" I mean look everything I've ever seen of the Tories tells me that's just what they're like anyway. What is a Vlinx and why is it here and why do we trust it? I don't trust it. Ah. Bad idea to deactivate it for even more than a couple words honestly. So is everyone just prejudiced now? Like the racist toymaker?
TRINITY WELLS!!!!! NO WAY. NO. WAY. THEY GOT MY GIRL TRINITY BACK ON MY TV!?!?!?! THAT'S MY GIRL RIGHT THERE. I LOVE HER. Ohhhh Trinity deserves the big font for that.
I've found the one bit of RTD era nostalgia that instantly gets to me. Have Trinity Wells show up. I guess this is how everyone else has felt the last few episodes. Not even Wilf got that reaction out of me. I literally just SCREAMED "Trinity Wells!" Out loud. I can't even be mad she's spewing stupidity and is "anti-Zeedex" I am just happy to see her. That's my girl.
If nothing else comes from this episode, if I don't care about anything else, I got to see Trinity Wells again. Ok that really made me so happy just now. The Trinity Wells Show. Really showing us it's her. Ahhh I love her. Seriously I'm reacting the way I probably would have reacted if they ever acknowledged Frobisher during Twelve's era. Only Martha showing up could get a bigger reaction out of me right now. Truly that was a cameo aimed at me and only me it feels like. So like the Master's network? "It's not like the old Archangel Network." Ok never mind. Oh so Rose only came out as trans 6 months ago. I WAS GONNA SAY THAT THE CHILDREN'S VOICES WE HEARD BEFORE THE TIME-SKIP WAS MY VOCAL WARMUPS. God I need to write things down when I think of them. NOOO. I THINK I KNEW ABOUT THE FIRST TV VIDEO BEING A PUPPET OR SOMETHING. THIS SOUNDS FAMILIAR. I don't mean to be That Person but the whole human race isn't connected by Internet yet. We still got uncontacted/limited contact tribes and groups all over the place. Hundreds if not thousands of people who have never seen a screen. Oh yeah! They're President of the World!
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(I took way too long searching to find that specific gif. But I love that gif so much.)
"120 plus five weeks holiday." "Done." YAS GET THAT MONEY DONNA. Also find Martha to see if she's still freelance or not. "So you talk about no one. Ever." I don't mean to quote Jack Harkness, but not if they're blonde... Doctor. You are. Avoiding. Still so much Thirteen in you. NOPE. LOL at them having to use basically refurbished still images from the lost episodes. BBC, this is only the fault of your own that they're missing. I hope you two have learned from last episode to STAY TOGETHER. Rules of play. Lawless. Hmm. So the Toymaker made everyone act like kids where the world revolves around them and only them? WHAT DID I SAY. STAY. TOGETHER. Oh no he's way too light. That was way too heavy for the Doctor to lift. Who's your mummy? Not an Empty Child reference just me being convinced his mummy is going to be someone. Oh nooooo not the "mama" and the teeth. OH RECAP TIME. Is this because they know a bunch of people skipped Twelve and Thirteen and even Eleven? Oh well. At least some acknowledgement. Still wish it was in the first of the specials but ok. "Oh, well, that's all right then." Ok look Toymaker has got a point for those three "surviving" but dying. Why only reference the Flux and nothing else Thirteen went through? Part of me is upset at no mention of the Fam and Dan, not even at least Yaz since Fourteen would have seen her only days earlier, but Thirteen had a clean track record of companions surviving so it's ok. Ok NPH's using his Barney magic trick skills ok. I see you. What do you mean a jigsaw of the Doctor's history? WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT. PLEASE BE A REFERENCE TO THE ORIGINAL OLD WHO EPISODE. DON'T BE A HINT THAT RTD2 IS GOING TO TRY TO RETCON THE TIMELESS CHILD. JUST LET IT BE. I'm sorry the Master is in your WHAT. "The one who waits." Amy? Rory? They both waited. "That's someone else's game." huh. Sorry, all I see is Barney Stinson even in the mannerisms. I was wondering why if they went back in time that things would still be bad in the future. Since if they fixed it in 1925 it wouldn't happen. The Toymaker wouldn't be there. But no wibbly wobbly timey wimey just a different order. They should take the little toy box. Oh good took it. Don't you dare kill of Mel right here while she's watching the box. Don't you dare. I haven't even seen any of her episodes but I swear if you kill her.... WHAT. IS. THE. VLINX. THOUGH. Hey Doctor, at least tell Kate what you're up against. I was about to say that NPH was pretty perfect casting for a role like this, then the Toymaker threw Kate into a wall and too I'm mad now. DON'T HURT MEL TOO. Oh no. Kateeee I love you I do but listen to him ok? NOW you tell her about the Toymaker. Maybe some warning next time? Eh. He can shoot it. I didn't like this new UNIT building anyway. This is very Christmas Invasion. [thud] [glass shattering] OK that was dark. Wait celestials were a thing in Do You Hear Me? right? "And yet, I have fallen in love with humanity." Really hitting the nail on the "just like the Doctor" head here. OH. WOW. OOOOOOOOOOH. Next Doctor. Oooooooooooh. "It doesn't matter who. Because every single one of you is fantastic" RTD2 that better be a purposeful Nine reference though I know it's not. Don't you dare say "I don't want to go." for the third time. "Allons-y." Ok I'll accept that.
"What?" No. Nope. The spoiler came true and I am not happy about it. Time to add that asterisk. No. Is he not even wearing pants? Oh but I love Gatwa as the Doctor already so much. He's here. Oh Fifteen (fine I will say the number. I think this is the first time) gets to keep the tie. I meant to say I liked the grey knit tie earlier like 2 episodes ago. And the shoes. Oh and Ten's in an undershirt, I thought the shirt multiplied somehow just to not leave Fifteen totally naked. "Someone tell me what the hell is going on here?" I am so happy to see you. Why must your first scene involve you not wearing pants though? The disrespect. "I think you're beautiful." "Do you come in a range of colors?" "Yes." I... do not know how I feel about that line. I really don't like that Fifteen has to LITERALLY share his start with Fourteen. I was saying it when Gatwa was first announced as Fourteen and then not Fourteen because then Tennant got announced. And now it's literally happening. They're sharing the lines, the scene, 1 of 3 specials. Really more like half a special if we're being generous. I really wish we had just not done this Tenthree thing at all. See even Fourteen got to say "I'm the Doctor" first while Fifteen said "And I'm the Doctor." like. Come on. At least let Fifteen have that first line. HEY. THE CAPTIONS SAY [TENTH DOCTOR] NOT FOURTEENTH. SO WHICH IS IT. WHAT IS THE TRUTH. DOES THIS NOT COUNT?
Ok seriously. Give the man some pants. Like come on.
Eeek did he have too many teeth? He looked like he had too many teeth. Flat, 2D, like Flatline? "My legions are coming." Ok and that means... Oooh I did not like that the laugh's arpeggio didn't resolve. "And bind it in salt." SO. IS THIS SALT THING. REALLY A THING NOW? REALLY? Or is it just because the Doctor mentioned the whole salt thing being the leak that let the Toymaker in? And what about mavity? There's 15 minutes. The ball fell but did it hit the ground yet? Gravity? Maybe the game didn't end? The Doctor kissed themself. Not in the way the Master did but still.
Give him some pants please.
NO. NO. NOT ANOTHER LADY WITH RED NAILS PICKING UP SOMETHING THAT HAS THE MASTER INSIDE IT. NO. SERIOUSLY RTD WHY ARE WE DOING THINGS OVER? Unless it's Dhawan!Master. Then I will accept that. I will gladly have Dhawan!Master back. BUT OTHERWISE NO. I REFUSE. Why is Fourteen explaining this to Fifteen, he should remember it since he's him. Like come on. "This is great. I think. Is it?" That was a Thirteenism right there. "One thing you need in this place is a chair." see that's the Doctor channeling Bill judging Twelve not having chairs close enough to the console. "Adric." "Adric." ADRICCCCCC. Seriously that hurts me and like I said I haven't even watched that part of Old Who. God. Stop bringing up Rose come on. OH WAIT. WAIT.
"I loved her. And Rose." OH MY GOD. I hate Tenrose but even I'M freaking out that the Doctor just admitted to loving Rose out loud. OH MY GOD. I mean still fanservice pandering. But FINE. Fine. Tenrose shippers take this one I'm giving it to you. I got so distracted by my annoyance at the still constant bringing up of Rose I almost missed the weight of what that meant. Still mad about the Rose-colored-glasses of the RTD era but good for you guys getting this.
Mavic Chen? Remind me to look that up it sounds really familiar. Ah, wish I didn't look it up, gotta love that 60s racism. Rehab in reverse. So you're saying we're gonna check back in on Fourteen in the future and he'll properly regenerate and/or kind of pop into existence in the moment that Fifteen bi-generated? Maybe? Hopefully? God if I had a nickel for every time RTD had a second Doctor separate from the main Doctor and had Tennant's face stay on Earth with a companion, I'd have two nickels. Don't you dare split the TARDIS too. That's too much. I assume this hammer is an Old Who reference. If so, very cute. They split the TARDIS. And Fifteen gets the second TARDIS. I can't really describe my mood besides -_- "I am so sorry." Yeah you better apologize to her. Ok that's cute the ramp. Why the jukebox though. Traditional Earth ballad? If Billie Piper shows up I'm literally stomping across the pond to RTD's house and killing him because that'll officially be Too Much. I can't even be completely happy at Gatwa's first proper TARDIS flight. "You weren't going to leave without saying goodbye were you?" Of course he was. Ask Sarah Jane. ASK SUSAN. "As if I would ever do that." At least you're self aware. Have these two been the first Doctors to hug? So Fifteen tells people he loves them. Willingly. Openly. Frequently. And a lot. I like that. (Yes Fourteen said he loved Wilf and River but shhh that was over the course of days. Fifteen has said I love you twice in like 3 minutes and was very affectionate to Mel)
Can we PLEASE put this man in some pants though!?
The little 2-finger salute from Fourteen is cute though. "The eyebrow story." TWELVE? Nope an alien species. "Oh, you're family, darling. Sit down." AWWWW. AWWWWWW MEL GETS A FAMILY. Ok. Ok that's really sweet. That's what I care about. Not even Tenthree/Fourteen getting a family. Mel gets one. Empty chair. It's for Wilf yes but let me pretend Martha's just running late to dinner ok? Ok. "I've never been so happy in my life." That's good. Fifteen really split off from Fourteen and was like "Ok you carry all the trauma and deal with it. I'm gonna keep running away."
I knew the Vlinx was voiced by Nicholas Briggs. What IS the Vlinx though? Because I really was waiting for it to be like a plant by the Toymaker.
God I can't believe we're really gonna do the same thing all over again with the Master. Like I said, if it's Dhawan!Master then I'm overjoyed. If it's another, I'm not as happy. I'm hoping that because it was the same way Simm!Master had came back as himself, it means Dhawan!Master will too. We'll see. And who grabbed the tooth this time? At least last time the ring was in a forest. I could believe someone was nearby to take it. But they're on a HELICOPTER LANDING PAD. In the secure UNIT building. Seriously who picked up the tooth?
GIVE. MY MAN. SOME PANTS. I feel so insulted that Gatwa spent all of his moments in his first episode IN HIS UNDERWEAR.
The absolute highlight of the episode was seeing Trinity Wells. Literally the most excited I've been about any of these fanservice moments. That feels like it was fanservice just aimed directly at me. As if RTD2 was like "Hope's not gonna enjoy this. What can we do? No no I'm not bringing back Martha. Oh! Trinity Wells!"
*Asterisk time! I can only hope that Fourteen is just another Tentoo and will live and die a normal human life but that's not what seems to be the case. I don't like that there's just another Doctor floating around. I had been spoiled for it. I hoped I had misunderstood the post since I hadn't properly finished reading it once I realized it was a spoiler. But I interpreted it correctly. If it ends up being that Fourteen does eventually regenerate and kind of hops back into the moment the body splits into Fourteen and Fifteen, then fine. But like. Otherwise, if there's now just a separate branch of Doctors and regenerations and then Fifteen technically has to share the title of Fifteen with whoever regenerates from this Fourteen then I will be so mad. Is this Fourteen really Fourteentoo? Or Tenfour. CAN WE JUST STOP REGENERATING INTO DAVID TENNANT AT THIS POINT. Just have him come back as Ten, he doesn't need to be three maybe FOUR different Doctors!
Oh my god. If RTD2 pulls a "Fugitive!Doctor is actually a Doctor AFTER Fourteen and regenerated and forgot everything and then met Thirteen" instead of being a pre-First Doctor then I'll actually riot. If that's the meaning of the jigsaw of their history, I'm really gonna actually riot.
Of the 3 specials. The Meep was eh. It was fine. Pure nostalgia and a nightmare fuel alien monster of the week. However, I REALLY enjoyed Wild Blue Yonder. That was right up my alley combining aspects of a lot of my favorite past episodes. And the Giggle was fine. Better than the Meep, definitely. I love Fifteen. I'm mad about the bi-generation thing. I would have preferred if after the Toymaster was gone for a bit that Fourteen got sucked back into Fifteen or something as a way of the Universe correcting itself. I'm mad that for most of Fifteen's scenes, it felt more like he was Fourteen's companion. Not the next Doctor. ALSO WHY COULDN'T WE GIVE FIFTEEN SOME PANTS PLEASE. AT LEAST IN THE LATER SCENES.
Also is it still mavity? Did Donna really just ruin all of human history with that one joke?
Oh I just started proofreading and I realize my prediction of Black Friday was wrong. I really thought the Toymaker was gonna make everyone go crazy over a puppet toy.
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