#but yeah also Hebe wasn't even there for her mother's funeral/burial her father wanted her GONE she hasn't even been home in years
Okay hi hi hello I didn't forget about telling you about my Octopath OCs but I wanted to make more and oops! There went 10 hours of my day!
I have IDEAS for all of the characters but names for only some because coming up with characters names that sound nice AND have some sort of meaning AND start with the letters O, C, T, P, A, or H isn't fun.......(also if you have ideas or suggestions for names please for the love of G-D let me know)
Ondrine Rivani - "Merchant", 35, She/her
A pirate captain whose ship is destroyed and is desperate to reform her crew. After getting a new ship, she travels the high seas in search of gold, good times, and the greatest treasure of all, henchmen friends! Manages to fool people into think she's a merchant ship despite having no documentation and piss poor lying skills and has to keep up to ruse lest she get thrown in jail. She just here for a good time lol
Themis - Thief, 24, They/Them
An archetypical gentleman thief but it's fun and novel because they're a dapper butch lesbian. Also you know how the "magical device/knowledge that corrupts/is secretly evil" trope is usually given to scholars or mages or whatever? Yeah well that's ALSO fun and novel now because Themis is searching for a bracelet said to bring back the dead after they lost their younger sister and this plan to bring back the dead TOTALLY isn't going to go colossally wrong.
Priam (Real name: Parsifal Pellerius because he's fancy) - Hunter, 32, He/Him
So rarely do I create a male oc that I like as much as Priam.
Not that's there's anything special about him though.... he's just some guy who leads a hunting party in the woods around the outskirts of cities to make sure nothing bad gets near them. Just a guy who loves his wife a whole lot and wants to keep people safe and is just a genuinely nice guy, just like...incorruptibly good and noble and purehearted. Definitely not a secret noble who ran away from that life because he felt trapped by it but now spends his waking hours wondering if he can help people more as the dashing folk hero Priam or the noble Lord Pellerius. Who's Pellerius? Definitely not the birth family Priam is considering turning back to THAT'S for sure haha.
Helena Drouit - Scholar, 42, She/They
She was a well respected philosopher before she released a treatises that proved to be too controversial for the conservative institute she worked at. After she finds her work being censored and herself being exiled from the academic community, she sets out on a journey to challenge those who would suppress knowledge and find like minded people to share her work with.
The Warrior is a female Sanctum Knight whose town (and by proxy, cathedral) suffers a great tragedy and after seeing such an event has a crisis of faith. But the Reverend Mother (idk if that's the right term...there's so many fantasy church systems I get titles mixed up) left her final orders to her most trusted knight, sending her only a journey that she prays restores her faith in her gods and her church.
The apothecary is a midwife in the worst part of the city, currently facing an influence of immigrants fleeing conflict in other parts of the country. With more and more people flocking to her clinic each day, the city guard is getting closer and closer to discovering her practice, dangerous for both her and the other migrants. Believing she could appeal to the lord of the region to keep her clinic open despite her lack of licensure, she sets out, but quickly realizes that there's more reasons than she suspected for the incessant attacks on Lowtown.
The cleric is an assassin seeking refuge in the church who finds himself loving his new life as a church member. After spending many years in the tranquility of the church, he finds himself called to go help others around the continent, however when he leaves the seclusion of the church, he finds his past catching back up with him but he's determined to lay it to rest once and for all...hopefully.
and...idk about the dancer tbh. All I know if that he's gay and flaming lol. I want to make him a courtesan but I'm worried that's too similar to Prim.
And blah blah their stories are connected through themes of belonging and community and the tragedy of loosing faith the things/people we belief in etc.... ALSO I JUST REALIZED HOW LONG THIS IS SORRY FOR CLOGGING YOUR ASK BOX BYE
DON'T APOLOGIZE I LOVE ALL OF THEM SO MUCH?????? Also if you want help with names, half of the octopath character's names are just like...random. Poked around the wiki so sometimes just going "names that start with [letter]" can be really helpful tbh I just kinda used a plant for mine
Also also a whole cast??? Thats so impressive and cool honestly like I spent 3-4 hours on ONE oc so having around 8 is fucking COOL i love them
Anyway my one (1) little oc info:
Hebe - Scholar, 19, she/her (really quick every scholar is in their 30's i just wanted to make a student-oriented one okay?)
Anywho yeah Hebe, a young student who's stubborn as fuck. Her mother was a researcher who gave her a random key necklace, said "I'll show you what this unlocks when you're older", and then got murdered 2 days later. Her father insisted on sending her to a school across the continent (somewhat against her wishes), and years later she decided Welp I've learned everything I can for now, it's about time I learned what this key is for. So she goes on a journey for answers to A) what her mother was researching B) why she was killed and C) what the key is for (haha these totally aren't all related haha)
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