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As Brave As You Are (Newt x Reader) - A Maze Runner Story
As Brave As You Are (Newt x Reader) Reader Insert: she/her pronouns Word Count: 12,051 Warnings: death, bloody wounds, fighting, mental and physical torture, guns, suicidal thoughts and actions Spoilers: no spoilers because the books and films came out ages ago
After helping Newt recover from his ankle injury, Y/N and Newt formed an unbreakable bond that always had them looking out for each other. When they escaped the Maze, then navigated the Scorch, they always had each other’s back. It isn’t until Y/N is captured alongside Minho by WCKD and Newt contracts the Flare that he realises how he truly feels about Y/N.
Problem is, will he rescue her in time to tell her?
Note: I'm back in my dystopian future era thanks to the new Hunger Games film so of course I had to write for my original YA crush. This piece is based on the movie series mainly. Don't get mad at me, I love the books more, but I can appreciate the storylines that came out of the path they took with the films. And if there is one thing the TMR fandom can agree on, it is that the film cast was the best cast ever for the series. So enjoy - not sorry that it's horrendously long, Newt deserves it xx
‘Medjack! Medjack, now!’
Y/N recognised it was Minho was calling for help. Clint and Jeff ran out of the med hut to see what all the commotion was. It wasn’t long before they were hurrying back inside, carrying Newt of all people between them, Minho and Alby in tow.
‘Clear the table,’ Clint ordered, and Y/N quickly followed through, practically throwing off containers, bowls and medical instruments to get Newt on there as quick as possible. Once Newt was up, Y/N finally noticed the unnatural twist in his ankle and it almost sent Frypan’s sloppy sweet potato soup right back up.
She was still pretty new to her job as a Medjack, being the greenie and all. She was the only girl in the Glade of the current twelve residents, so she was intimidated at first as to what role she could play in the place. Medjack seemed the most suitable, and she seemed to have a knack for it, having stitched up some eyebrows and cleaned up knee scrapes with ease and precision.
But even though she’d seen blood, dealt with displaced bones and joints, she still got queasy doing her job. It didn’t help that Newt was hissing through clenched teeth from the intense pain, an occasional sob passing through.
‘What happened?’ Y/N asked.
‘I don’t know,’ Minho said. ‘We split up for only five minutes. I thought we could cover more ground that way. And we’ve run that part of the Maze like a hundred times already. I thought we’d be fine…’
Clint held Newt down as Jeff and Y/N took a look at Newt’s ankle. Jeff only pressed gently with his fingers around the bone, but Newt’s responding howls confirmed the severity of the injury.
‘The bone is completely shattered,’ Jeff said grimly. ‘We’re going to need to reset his foot first though. Y/N?’
‘On it.’ She rushed to a shelf that held bandages, then to a cupboard with flat boards about shin length. She grabbed two of those before heading back to the table.
‘You’re going to have to hold him down,’ Y/N directed at Alby and Minho, gesturing to follow Clint’s efforts. Then she turned to Newt, whose face was slicked with tears and sweat as he continued to writhe in pain. ‘Newt. Newt, can you open your eyes for me? I need you to focus on me.’
To his credit, Newt opened his eyes and he didn’t look away from her.
‘Good. Good, Newt,’ she said. ‘Now, we have to realign your foot. It’s going to hurt a lot. We’ll go on three, okay?’
In the short time Y/N had known Newt – which arguably was no time at all, as he ran every day and she was in the Medjack hut all day. They didn’t interact unless he or another runner got hurt, or at dinner if only to say hello. Even so, she had come to know he liked it plain and straight, no bullshit. So, despite his pain, he took two deep, calming breaths and gave her a nod to say he was ready for what they had to do.
Y/N nodded back, then looked to the others, who had their hands braced on all Newt’s limbs. ‘Ready?’ she asked, to which they nodded in reply. Y/N gently held Newt’s ankle, eliciting a quiet whimper from the boy. ‘Okay, on three. One, two…’ She cut herself off as she slammed her hands either side the ankle bone, causing a loud cracking sound as the ankle snapped back into place.
Newt’s wail of pain must’ve been heard from across the whole Glade it was so loud. He writhed and pulled to sit up, but the boys held him down as Y/N and Jeff bandaged the two splints either side of Newt’s ankle. Jeff then dabbed a small dose of chloroform in a cloth and pressed it to Newt’s nose. Soon enough, the boy was unconscious, finally pain-free.
‘You guys go have dinner,’ Y/N said to Clint and Jeff a little while later as they were cleaning up the hut. Alby and Minho had left soon after Newt fell asleep, but it was almost dinner time now. ‘I’ll stay with Newt tonight.’
‘You sure?’ Clint asked. ‘We can do shifts if you’d prefer.’
Y/N shook her head. ‘I insist. You guys rest up. I can do this. Consider this my final test to becoming a fully-fledged Medjack.’
Jeff chuckled. ‘You have much more to learn, Greenie, but suit yourself.’
‘We’ll bring you back some food, Y/N,’ Clint said as he and Jeff left the hut, leaving Y/N to idly clean up.
Newt woke up from a dull throbbing in his ankle, which turned into a harsh pain, causing him to sit up in alarm.
‘Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay,’ a voice gently said as equally gentle hands pushed him back down.
‘My ankle,’ he said, voice hoarse and dry. ‘It hurts…’
The face of the voice finally came into view: it was the Greenie. Y/N offered him a small smile as he finally recognised her. In one hand, she held a needle with clear serum. Her other she offered to his leg. ‘May I? It’ll help, I promise.’
He hesitated for a moment, but the intense pain in his ankle broke his composure as he eagerly nodded. The painkiller worked immediately, and Newt sighed with relief as the throbbing eased significantly.
’There,’ Y/N said, wiping the needle. ’That should help for a bit. Sadly, we don’t have much left for me to give you more than once a day, but I’m hoping you won’t need it beyond the end of the month.’
Confusion clouded Newt’s mind as he tried to process her words. ‘What… What happened?’ But he answered his own question as images of the Maze flashed through his mind, and he remembered it all. How he bid farewell to Minho. How he climbed as high as he could along the Maze walls. How easy it was to let go.
Then the pain fully encompassed him, and then it was just a blur. How Minho found him. How Clint and Jeff laid him on the table he realised he was still on. How angry and embarrassed he felt having his friends see him broken and miserable.
Newt managed to pull himself into a sitting position, propping a pillow behind him to cushion the hut wall. ‘How bad is it?’ he asked glumly, eyes unable to lift from his injury.
He couldn’t be bothered with pleasantries. He was too tired, and, frankly, saw no point in keeping up appearances anymore.
To her credit, Y/N seemed to pick up on his mood, saying, ‘It will heal to a point you’ll be able to walk again. But it won’t ever heal properly.’
‘You mean I’ll have a limp?’
’So I can’t be a Runner anymore?’ Y/N didn’t reply, finally drawing Newt’s attention away from the source of his pain and to her.
Newt had only interacted with Y/N on a few occasions. Mainly at mealtimes or the odd occasion he passed her by on the way back from a run, only talking as much as greeting and farewelling one another. As the only girl so far, of course he found her intriguing, but he never had time nor a reason to get to know her.
And while he’d come to think of her as the quiet and gentle Medjack in comparison to Clint and Jeff, he didn’t see an ounce of pity on her face as she looked at him. Only quiet contemplation, as if there could be any other answer but no to his question.
‘I guess that’s up to you and Alby,’ she finally said. ‘I mean, I know what I should say is no. I’m sure Clint and Jeff will say no. But it’ll more so come down to if you want to go back in or not.’ Her eyes flickered to his ankle, sadness glazing her eyes briefly before returning to him. ‘But I think I can take a guess as to what your answer will be.’
Newt’s gut twisted with guilt and shame that she’d figured it out, and his face flushed with embarrassment and anger. ‘So, you going to tell everyone?’ he asked, words thick with hopelessness. ‘I mean, that’s your job, right? Diagnose me, then tell Alby, then the whole glade how pathetic I am?’
Y/N shook her head. ‘I think you give me too much credit. I’m not an actual doctor, you know,’ she said, coming to stand beside him. She inspected his ankle for a moment, then turned her gaze to him, and it shocked him to see such intensity in her eyes. It was as if suddenly he was the most interesting person in the world.
‘I can say it was a running accident,’ she finally concluded. ‘You can tell your truth when you’re ready. It’s not my place to take away hope when the others are so full of it right now. That includes me.’
He stared, stunned, as she packed up the last of her things by a spare medical cot at the other end of the hut. It wasn’t until she let out a loud yawn that Newt noticed it was dark outside. The silence of the Glade told him everyone else had gone to bed so it was late. Or early, he couldn’t really tell.
Y/N fluffed a sad excuse of a pillow and put it on the cot. ‘Now that I know you’re alive, are you going to be okay if I get a few minutes shut eye? I can stay up if you’d like.’
Now that the initial shock and embarrassment of the day’s events had subsided, Newt realised how exhausted he was still. ‘No, that’s okay,’ he said. ‘I think I should rest a bit more anyway.’
Y/N nodded and swung her legs up to lie down fully. Newt went to slide himself and his pillow back down to do the same when Y/N spoke again.
‘And Newt?’ she said, her voice soft and almost hesitant.
‘Yeah?’ he called back.
She was silent for so long Newt thought she’d gone to sleep. But then she spoke. ‘For the record, I don’t think you’re pathetic. For wanting it all to end, that is. I actually think what you did was really brave. You might be scared and maybe out of hope, but at least you did something about it. The rest of us can only hope to be as brave as you.’
Newt’s breath caught in his chest as it swelled with a mix of emotions. Brave? What he did was the act of a coward. Tears streamed silently down his face, both from a deep shame, but also a warmth he hadn’t felt in a long time.
The rest of us can only hope to be as brave as you…
Newt had lost all hope after a year of searching for a way out and finding nothing. But she didn’t know that, and neither will the next Greenie, or the Greenie after that. Even some of the boys already in the Glade didn’t know that. That’s why they waited every day for the runners – for him – to come back with news, with a shred of hope that they’d get out of there soon.
Newt twisted himself so he could see Y/N, who was rolled away from him, her body rising and falling with the rhythm of sleep. Even if he thought it would all be hopeless in the end, some truly believed they would get out of here.
And maybe that was something worth fighting for.
Two years on and Newt and Y/N had managed to forge something akin to a friendship.
Y/N had kept her word and said Newt had had a running accident, and he’d agreed with her for the sake of his worried friends. Y/N had also been right about his ankle; it healed to point where he could walk and do a decent jog with a limp. But he would never run again.
He was transferred to work as a Track-Hoe in the gardens with Zart. But it wasn’t all bad. As more boys arrived – never any girls much to their confusion – Newt developed a knack for leading others, for diffusing hard situations, and for wrangling the boys into line. Because of that, he was promoted to Alby’s second-in-command, which gave him more meaningful work to do than just the gardens – stuff that might actually get him and the other Gladers out of the bloody Maze.
It also meant he had more time to talk to Y/N. He would make sure to drop by once a day (and not just at mealtimes) to check in on her. For a time, he convinced himself he did that because it was his job as second-in-command to keep up group morale, and he would visit everyone in the Glade. Eventually, however, he realised it was because he genuinely enjoyed her company.
Since that night, Y/N had come out of her shell more. Still a little shy and apprehensive at times, but she would openly joke and play along with the boys’ antics. She was more confident in her work as a Medjack too, not afraid to boss Clint and Jeff around if she needed something from them.
Newt’s visits became longer, as they talked about any and all things. Aside from Alby and Minho, Newt considered Y/N one of his closest friends. And she must’ve felt the same – or at least in a similar fashion – as she entertained his thoughts about life beyond the Maze, and the rants he would go on thanks to whichever stupid shank put the fertiliser in the wrong place.
It was a friendship built on mutual respect and genuine care for one another, something that helped Newt convince Y/N to come with him and the others when they finally decided to leave the Maze. But he couldn’t help but feel a deep dread and guilt as he waited behind Thomas, knowing that Grievers were right around the corner.
While the others caught up, Newt turned to Y/N – who’d been helping him through the Maze with his limp – and offered her a spare spear he’d been carrying.
Her eyes widened at his offering. ‘I can’t take that. I can’t fight.’
‘Well, you can’t just go in there without something to protect yourself,’ he said, this time forcibly handing the spear over. Y/N clutched the spear awkwardly, and Newt saw the uncertainty in her eyes, in her trembling hands.
Newt felt bad for making her hold such a violent weapon. All her hands had ever done were help people, save them at times. Now he was asking her to kill. It was for the greater good they both knew, but to kill, nonetheless.
Newt placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and locked eyes with her. ‘Hey,’ he said softly, ‘you stay with me the whole time, do you understand? I promise you won’t have to use that unless absolute necessary.’
Y/N bit her lip to stop it trembling too, but she nodded, steeling herself in preparation for the fight ahead. Newt reciprocated the action and gave her shoulder a final squeeze before turning to face Thomas as he explained the plan.
They fought the Grievers, taking down a few while some of them took down Gladers. The Gladers were backed against the door that Teresa and Chuck were trying to open with a code. Minho shouted numbers at them as he, Newt, and the others fended off one last Griever.
Before he could finish, Minho was caught by a Griever, and Clint ran out to save him. But the Griever’s tail caught him, sending him over the edge of the walkway they fought on with one flick.
Before Newt could stop her, Y/N rushed out from behind him, spear drawn back and flying at the Griever in seconds. Not being a fighter to begin with, let alone a good one, the spear bounced off its metal leg without much effect. It did, however, alert the Griever to her presence, turning all its attention to her. Minho leapt to his feet, finally free, and ran back to the group. ‘Y/N!’ he cried as he ran. ‘Run!’
Y/N seemed to finally realise her situation, looking up at the Griever frozen with fear. The horrible creature raised its claw to end her, but Newt moved faster.
He ran as fast as he could, limp be damned, past Y/N and threw his spear at the Griever’s head. It landed true, puncturing one of the creature’s bulbous eyes, drawing a painful screech from it. Newt didn’t wait to see what it would do next, as he grabbed one of Y/N’s arms and Minho grabbed the other and ran back to the group, practically throwing her behind the front line and against the door.
Teresa finally got the door open and the Gladers tumbled in, Thomas throwing one last spear down the Griever’s throat as the doors closed.
Lights flickered on to show they were in some empty room with a door on the wall behind them leading to a corridor.
Thomas looked at the group, taking heavy breaths. ‘Everyone okay?’
‘What’s left of us, that is,’ Winston said, his tone sad and regretful.
As Newt eyed the group, he noted how many they’d lost, how little their group seemed all of a sudden.
Minho stepped ahead with Thomas, pointing towards the door. ‘Well? It’s not going to open itself.’
As Minho and Thomas led the group to the exit, Newt turned to Y/N, whose eyes had a distant look glazed over them. ‘What were you thinking?’ he asked, bringing her attention to him. ‘I told you to stay behind me. You could’ve been killed.’
‘I-I know. I’m sorry,’ she stuttered out, tears teetering in her E/C eyes. ‘I just… Clint… It all happened so fast, and I was just kind of moving before I knew what I was doing.’ She looked down at her hands then, and Newt noticed a slight tremble to them. ‘I thought I could help, but I was too slow. And I put you guys in danger too. I’m just… I’m sorry.’
Newt’s guilt came back full force then. He placed a gentle hand over her trembling one, grasping her fingers to stop their shaking. When she looked up at him confused, he just said, ‘I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pressured you into thinking you had to fight. You won’t ever hold a weapon like that again. I promise.’
Y/N opened her mouth to object no doubt, but Newt cut her off. ‘But you have to promise me something back. Promise me that you’ll let us protect you. You can help by keeping us alive, just like you always have. But you’ve got to listen to me, you got it?’
He used his authoritative voice this time, and it seemed to work as Y/N calmed down, her unshed tears now gone.
‘Okay,’ she said, quiet but strong. ‘I promise.’
Newt nodded. ‘Good that.’ He turned to see the others leaving through the door then turned back to Y/N. ’Do you think we’d be lucky enough not to face anything else beyond those doors.’
‘I think we should consider ourselves lucky for getting this far.’ To her credit, Y/N managed a small smile as she looked up at him. ‘But why should our luck run out now?’
There it was again; the glimmer of hope Newt had felt from her since the night he injured his ankle. Newt couldn’t deny that they’d made it this far – by design or by luck, they’d made it.
And who was he to deny that things might be on the look up for them now?
Together, Y/N and Newt followed the rest of the Gladers to meet their makers.
‘I never thought I’d say this… but I miss the Glade.’
The group around the fire grew silent at the implication Frypan’s words had, the memories they conjured up. Y/N couldn’t help but agree as she looked into the dark sky above her, peaking from behind the crumbling pillars they took refuge under.
The sky was always so clear back in the Glade, she recalled silently. But, just like their current situation, the sky was now obscured.
The people who rescued them from the Maze were actually WCKD – the people who’d put them in the Maze in the first place. The past twelve hours had seen herself, Newt, Thomas, Minho, Frypan, Winston, and a boy named Aris find Teresa, break out of the facility, and enter the deadly Scorch. In their search for supplies, they’d been attacked by crazed, infected people, driving the group to hide where they were.
The Maze was dangerous, but it was familiar and the only home Y/N recalled ever having. Out in the Scorch, safety wasn’t guaranteed.
She looked to Winston, who laid back, his shirt pulled up to expose the bloody bandage she’d wrapped his torso in. Y/N tried not to think about the infected scratch marks underneath, and more specifically what gave them to him. The Grievers were one thing, but the things that attacked them? They used to be people.
Not wanting to sit in her thoughts anymore, Y/N stood up, brushed off her pants, and grabbed knife from their pile of weapons they’d found in the abandoned mall. ‘I’ll take first watch.’
She didn’t wait to hear if anyone objected, already walking around the stone that covered them so she was on top. To her relief, the others let her go without argument, putting out the fire and quickly settling down to sleep.
After half an hour, Y/N decided to get up and patrol around the area, knife tightly gripped in her hand and her footsteps quiet despite the sand.
There was so much of it, the sand. The lady in white – Doctor Ava Paige – had said in her video that the whole world was just desert now. The thought made Y/N yearn for the Glade even more. For the grass, and the woods, and the bonfires they used to have, and the games they played. The boys – Clint, Jeff, Alby, Gally, Chuck.
Y/N wasn’t a hateful person, but she clutched the knife tighter at the thought of all the loss they’d all suffered at the hands of WCKD.
It’s why she didn’t hesitate to follow Newt when he’d found her in her room – for some reason, she hadn’t been allowed to stay with the other girls from the other mazes just yet. It’s why they were now braving the Scorch searching for people that Thomas didn’t know even existed. They wanted a better life out from under WCKD’s thumb.
The crunch of sand had her whirling around, awkwardly poising the knife as if to attack, but she relaxed at the familiar person standing there.
Newt raised his hands in mock surrender. ‘Whoa there,’ he said, the quirk of a smile on his lips telling her he was just joking. ‘You could do some real damage if you’re not careful.’
Y/N blew out in relief, the knife dropping to her side again. ‘Thanks, but we both know that’s not the case, Newt.’
Newt shoved his hands in his jacket pocket, shrugging his shoulders as he did. ‘I don’t know, I’ve seen you with a scalpel. Absolutely terrifyingly precise with that thing.’
Y/N chuckled softly, appreciative of the distraction. But her smile dropped as she looked out into the dark cityscape. The moon hid behind clouds so Y/N couldn’t make out anything. ‘Is it pathetic that I’m scared to see what the world has become?’ she asked, not daring to raise her voice above a soft mumble.
Newt stepped up beside her, his body radiating the last remnants of heat from the fire and it warmed her slightly. ’Someone once told me that I was brave for facing my fear,’ he said after some quiet contemplation.
Y/N looked up at him confused, but he looked down at her with a knowing, smug smile. Much to her chagrin, she couldn’t help but chuckle and shake her head at him. ‘I don’t recall saying that specifically. But if that’s how you saw it, who am I to tell you that wasn’t what I meant?’
Newt hummed in agreement looking back out at the dark expanse, contemplation scrunching his brows together. ‘I’ll be honest with you, I’m scared too.’
That surprised Y/N. Newt, second-in-command, casual, leader Newt was scared? ‘You are?’
Newt nodded. ‘I’m scared that we’ve made a mistake. That Thomas is wrong and there aren’t any mountain people.’ He turned back to Y/N, the most serious she’d ever seen him. ‘I’m scared we’re going to lose more of us, and then what was our escape for? But… it’s not my place to take away hope when the others are so full of it. Including myself.’ Finally, Newt’s smile returned, and it warmed that cold pit of despair Y/N had been falling into ever since they left the WCKD facility. ‘Or, at least, I think that’s what someone very wise once told me.’
Y/N stared at him, awestruck. Hopeful. Newt was hopeful again. And she didn’t want to read into it, but she thought the knowing smile he was giving her told her that she had something to do with it. The thought alone strengthened her resolve, and she looked down at the knife in her hands, less afraid of it all of a sudden.
Y/N held it out to Newt. ’Teach me.’
He raised an eyebrow in a silent question. ‘What?’
’Teach me. How to fight,’ Y/N explained, eyes unwavering from his.
Concern flashed across Newt’s face for a brief moment. ‘Y/N, I told you, you don’t have to fight if you don’t want to.’
‘If there is one thing I’ve come to know about WCKD is that it doesn’t actually matter what I want anymore. What any of us want,’ Y/N said, feeling the most certain she’s felt in a long time. ‘The one thing we have on WCKD is that we are defiant. We escaped, and are taking away the one thing they want most of all: a chance to find a cure. So, if we’re going to have any hopes of making it to the mountains alive, I’m going to have to know how to fight. So please – teach me.’
Newt contemplated her for a moment, and Y/N just prayed he wouldn’t say no. Or even worse, laugh. Instead of doing either, he took the knife from Y/N’s hand, his fingers brushing across her palm as he did.
‘All right,’ he said, moving his feet apart to get into a fighting stance. ‘First of all, you’ve got to have a wide-ish stance, and stay light on your toes so you can control when you back away from your opponent.’
He demonstrated the movement by quickly shuffling away, always keeping his feet a certain distance apart and the knife gripped tight by his hip. ‘…and when you go into attack.’ He moved so fast Y/N didn’t see his footwork, her eyes locked on his as they bored into hers, knife poised at her neck as if he’d strike.
He stepped away and gave her the knife back. ‘You think you can do that?’
Y/N nodded and took the knife, and for the next hour Newt taught Y/N basic blocks and manoeuvres that he’d picked up from Thomas and Minho and just from basic instinct. Just like she’d been with her Medjack skills, Y/N was a quick study, performing move after move when Newt asked her to.
She impressed herself. For a natural pacifist, she wielded the knife quite fluently.
They decided to finish the session on a quick sparring match. Newt took a swipe at Y/N, and she stepped back just like Newt had taught her. She then rushed in for an attack, to which Newt threw up his own knife in time to block. Y/N anticipated the pushback and twisted out of Newt’s way as he stumbled slightly forward. While he was disorientated, Y/N gripped his wrist that controlled his knife and pointed her own into his back.
‘Looks like I win,’ she said, breathless but proud.
Y/N didn’t like the carefree scoff he gave her, followed by, ‘Are you sure?’
She doubted herself for a moment, loosening her grip enough for him to twist out of her reach, knock her knife away and bend to sweep her legs out from underneath her. Y/N landed hard, groaning at the pain in her butt as Newt looked down at her and laughed.
‘I’m glad you find my pain amusing, Newt,’ she grumbled, rubbing her sore behind.
Newt laughed for a moment longer then calmed down. But his radiant smile remained on his face, brightening the darkness surrounding them. ‘I’m sorry, love,’ he said between remaining chuckles. To his credit, he held out his hand in an offer to help her up. ’But the surprise on your face was priceless.’
Y/N contemplated his hand for a moment, whether she should just push it away or take it. Instead, an idea came to mind, and she gripped his hand tightly then pulled him to the ground with her. He landed on his stomach beside her, getting a face full of sand.
Y/N let out a loud laugh before quickly covering her mouth to stifle the relentless laughter that wished to burst from her.
Newt spat and coughed out sand as he made to sit up. ‘Well,’ he started, spitting out more sand as he looked up at Y/N, ‘I should’ve seen that coming.’
That just made Y/N laugh even harder, using now both hands to quieten the giggles. Goodness, when was the last time she’d laughed this freely? When was the last time she’d felt such joy? After everything they’d been through, Y/N was worried she’d forgotten what was like to laugh.
When she’d calmed down, she looked down to see Newt propped up on his arms looking up at her with an odd expression on his face. Like he was in awe, maybe. Whatever it was, it made Y/N acknowledge how handsome Newt had become. His baby features had faded since she’d first met him, being replaced by a lean figure and a toned jawline from working in the gardens every day for two years. And with his big brown eyes, tousled blond hair and funny accent, Y/N wondered how he had changed so much without her realising it. How she hadn’t realised he’d grown up.
The intensity with which he looked at her brought a heated blush to her face, and so she turned away into the cool night breeze, willing the blush to cool down. Newt shuffled to sit up next to her. They didn’t speak for a minute, until Newt suddenly stood up.
‘Well, um,’ he started, and for the first time since Y/N had known him, he sounded uncertain about what to say. ‘I better let you continue with your shift. At least you know how to defend yourself now.’
Y/N hastily stood up as well, making sure there was at least a step between them. ‘Yes!’ she said. ‘Thank you for that. I’ll be sure to practice.’
‘Good that.’
They looked at each other for a moment, and even though Newt said he was leaving, he made no move to leave. Maybe he doesn’t want to, she thought, and the mere possibility of that being true warmed her heart.
But he took a step away, gave her a shy smile and a small wave farewell. ‘Goodnight, Y/N.’
‘Goodnight Newt,’ she said, those two words hanging in the air long after he’d left.
As she finally woke Frypan up for his shift, she clung to the knife and went through all the manoeuvres Newt had taught her until she fell asleep.
Newt was unable to sleep until Y/N woke Frypan up to take the next watch shift, and laid down to sleep herself. Newt opened his eyes to see Y/N laying across the pit they’d dug out for the fire. She faced him on her side, and Newt noticed with curiosity that she held the knife she’d practiced with close to her chest. Her chest rose and fell rhythmically, and paired with her heavy breathing, Newt figured she was completely asleep.
An odd sensation fluttered in his chest and stomach as Newt considered Y/N’s sleeping face. It was the same feeling that had fizzled in his chest when he’d looked up at her as she laughed. He couldn’t remember the last time any of them had laughed as freely as she had.
And he couldn’t help but admire how beautiful she looked doing so – hiding her bright smile behind trembling hands, eyes narrowed but sparkling with joy.
All because of him.
He rolled onto his back then, not wanting to give the thought anymore weight. There’s no point getting your hopes up, he reminded himself. But like a moth drawn to flame, Newt couldn’t help but tilt his head to gaze upon her peacefully sleeping. An ache carved itself deep in his heart. How had he not realised her growing up, changing? Being the only girl for a long time, of course he and the others found her pretty. But now that he looked at her – really looked at her, and wasn’t concerned with his life for just a split second – he realised just how beautiful she was.
It was in her features, but also in her determination to be better for the group. It both hurt and impressed him when she asked for his help. He promised her she would never have to fight again, but things have changed drastically since the Maze.
It was in her ability to still find the joy in things, to still be able to laugh despite their situation.
It was how she believed in Thomas, in Aris, in the mountain people, even if she was scared.
‘The rest of us can only wish to be as brave as you,’ he whispered into the night, a silent promise that he’d tell her that sometime.
And with the fluttering in his chest finally easing into a calm warmth, he finally fell asleep.
Everything exploded with chaos as Y/N, Newt, Thomas, and Minho navigated their way through the Right Arm camp as guns fired and explosions went off.
Teresa had betrayed them. Y/N couldn’t believe it when it was revealed in front of everyone, and she still couldn’t believe it as Minho pushed her head down, sheltering her from another explosion. Teresa truly believed WCKD could find a cure, but still at the expanse of Y/N and her friends’ pain. And just when Thomas was going to blow them all sky high, Jorge and Brenda had come in like a saving grace, and that’s when all hell broke loose.
‘This way!’ Thomas yelled over the din, beckoning them behind a weapons container.
However, Minho stopped suddenly and picked up a launcher. Keep going!’ Minho called over his shoulder as he shot at WCKD soldiers around him. ‘I’m right behind you!’
Thomas and Newt reached the container, but Y/N stopped and turned at the sound of a painful cry. ‘Minho!’ she cried as her friend fell, his body convulsing from a launcher shot.
‘Y/N, no!’ Newt called after her, but she was already running back to Minho, grabbing at his jacket to drag him to safety.
But Y/N was not strong like the boys, and certainly not strong enough to move Minho in any hurry. She looked up just in time to see a launcher fire at her, then her body felt like it was on fire.
She was sure she was screaming, but she couldn’t hear anything as the electricity struck every nerve with a vicious bite. After what felt like an eternity of pain, she was granted a moment of peace as her vision went white, then in a flash was swamped by darkness.
Newt’s heart stopped when he saw Y/N shot. She convulsed as Minho had, then collapsed beside their friend unconscious. The second Y/N hit the ground, Newt found his voice again, feelings of anger and desperation clawing their way through every vein in him.
‘Y/N, no!’ His cry came out broken as he made to run to her, but a strong hand gripped the back of his jacket and pulled him back.
‘No, boys,’ Vince shouted over the din, holding both Newt and Thomas back.
‘Let me go!’ Newt protested, struggling against Vince, eyes darting between him and Y/N. ‘I need to help her! Y/N!’
But WCKD soldiers were already picking up Y/N and Minho’s unconscious bodies, dragging their feet through the red dirt and into a berg.
‘I’m sorry, son,’ Vince said, and Newt thought he sounded genuine. But that didn’t stop icy terror gripping tight on his heart as the doors began to close on Y/N, Minho, and other immunes from the Right Arm.
Thomas called for Minho, and Newt called for Y/N, but neither could do anything to help their friends as they were flown away. Back in WCKD’s clutches once again.
When the sun rose, the remaining survivors came out of hiding and began scrounging up supplies. They were moving on, Vince claiming there was nothing they could do but keep going with who and what they had left.
Newt couldn’t accept that, and neither could Thomas apparently, as he claimed he was going after Minho, Y/N and the others. Without hesitation or any further explanation, Newt was the first to sign up and join him.
And so, they went on a quest to rescuing Minho, Y/N, and as many immunes as possible. The train hijack was a huge success with immune numbers, but no Minho and no Y/N. Even so, Newt refused to accept that he’d never see either of them again. Even when they almost got killed by cranks. Even when he, Thomas, Brenda, Frypan, and Jorge were almost blown up by turret guns.
Even when he found out he was infected with the Flare.
He could feel it, his mind slowly slipping away as the Flare ate away at his sanity. He was usually level-headed and rational – it’s part of the reason he became second-in-command in the first place. Guilt and shame ate away at him as he sat on the rooftop of their hideout in the outskirts of the Last City, explaining to Thomas why he just bit his head off about being in love with Teresa.
Not that I’m one to talk, he thought as he rolled down as his sleeve, silence wrapping around him and Thomas comfortably. Newt could feel Thomas didn’t know what to say, and Newt didn’t like long silences so he broke it.
‘The crazy thing, though is…’ Newt started, a soft but sad scoff escaping him, ‘I’m not scared of dying. I used to be, back in the Maze. Because it felt like my friends were dying for no reason, without purpose. But…’ Newt looked over his shoulder, past Thomas, and to the peaking spires of the Last City. To where Y/N was being held somewhere.
‘I have something to die for now,’ Newt said, eyes never wavering from the spires.
Thomas came to sit beside Newt, a sad realisation drawing his brows and lips down. ‘You’re not just talking about Minho, are you?’ he asked.
It was how gentle and matter-of-fact Thomas spoke that had Newt’s chest tightening with fear and an immense pressure he’d been scared, until now, to acknowledge. His throat threatened to close on him as he spoke, rendering his words tight and uncontrolled. ‘I failed to protect her, Tommy,’ he managed to get out. ‘I promised I’d always protect her, and I didn’t.’
It surprised Newt how simultaneously hard and easy it was to speak about his feelings, and now that he had started, the words just flowed.
’She’s just always been there, so I never saw it coming,’ Newt continued, a melancholic smile adorning his lips as he recalls the day he met you, how you helped him with his ankle. How, since then, you’ve always been by his side, growing with him, changing with him, supporting him and everyone else around you.
’Saw what?’ Thomas asked.
‘I never saw that I could have a future after the Maze, after all of this,’ Newt explained. ‘That I would want a future… with Y/N.’ And with that, his tears finally spilled over, the pressure in his chest bursting into sobs that wracked his whole body. Newt was vaguely aware that Thomas was now holding him, and so he wrapped his arms tight around his friend, around his brother.
‘I love her, Tommy,’ Newt whispered over Thomas’ shoulder, his words obscured somewhat by his tears and holding back sobs. ‘And I’m scared I’ll never be able to tell her before I go.’
‘Hey,’ Thomas said, pushing Newt to arm’s length. He kept one hand on Newt’s shoulder and used his other to grip Newt’s neck, forcing their eyes to lock. ‘We’re going to find her – and Minho, and the other immunes. We’re going to get you that serum that helps with the Flare – as much of it as possible – and you’re going to tell her. You’re not dying. No one is dying. You hear me?’
No one could replace Alby, but the way Thomas was taking control of the situation reminded Newt of his old friend. How kind yet stern he could be. How hopeful yet pragmatic he was. It was something familiar that Newt was thankful for. He quickly calmed down, wiped away his tears and nodded at Thomas.
‘Good that,’ Thomas said, a small proud smile gracing his lips at his use of Newt’s common phrase.
Newt couldn’t help a chuckle as well. ‘Good that, indeed,’ he agreed, and followed Thomas back inside the hideout to finalise their plan to get into the WCKD facility.
…and you’re going to tell her. You’re not dying.
There was a nagging voice in the back of Newt’s head that was telling him not to believe Thomas. That Newt was going to die, or worse, turn into a crank and hurt his loved ones. That voice had followed him from the Maze, to the Scorch, and now the Last City. It was the voice that had driven him over the edge of the Maze walls all those years ago. But not anymore.
Newt had to keep hope, just as Y/N had taught him. He just had to be brave.
Y/N sat in the corner of her white-walled cell, hugging her knees to her chest as she rested her head on top. She’d sat there for hours, perhaps days. Y/N lost track of time after her first month in WCKD’s facility.
There were no windows, and the lights never dimmed. She pressed her eyes into her knees in the hopes of downing out the incessant white light. Her eyes ached with sleep deprivation, but she refused to sleep. The nightmares were much worse to deal with, and they always came whenever she closed her eyes.
Images of her friends dying in the Maze and the Scorch, of Grievers chasing her, of her friends turning into cranks and attacking her. Images fed to her by WCKD.
She knew they weren’t real, but she could never wake herself up in time to escape them. So, she stayed awake, knowing that she’ll have no choice but to face her nightmares when the doctors and scientists come to test on her again.
Y/N shivered at the thought of seeing another needle, of seeing her blood drained from her while WCKD turned her mind against her. When will it be enough? She might’ve lost track of time, but Y/N knew she’d been in the facility for a while now. If they hadn’t found anything by now, something told Y/N that nothing she gave would ever be enough. That included her life.
She knew Thomas and Newt would be dumb enough to come after her and Minho – that’s just the kind of people they were. Her heart ached at the thought that their efforts would be in vain.
Y/N hadn’t seen Minho since they arrived, having been separated from each other and the other immunes. Something about how they were the most promising subjects, she overheard from a scientist one time. Y/N didn’t know if Minho was alive, and if he was, what condition he was in.
But Minho was strong, the strongest of all the Gladers in Y/N’s opinion. If he was being tortured like her, he would be able to hold on. Y/N highly doubted she would last much longer.
The rest of us can only hope to be as brave as you…
Y/N wasn’t sure if Newt knew she was actually awake that first night in the Scorch, but she’d heard him, his words so soft she thought she’d dreamt it at first. But it had been real; Newt thought she was brave.
She was too dehydrated to produce tears, but an ugly sob desperately tried to escape her aching chest. She bit her lips instead, hard enough to draw a little blood, and the sob died out, leaving her body quiet except for her mind.
I’m sorry Newt, but I am not brave.
Even so, Y/N refused to crumble to WCKD anymore. They’d taken everything from her. Her life, her memories, her loved ones, her friends. Even her hope – something she so naively believed no one could take from her. They would not take her dignity.
She raised her head at the sound of her cell door unlocking, blinking a few times as bright light flooded her vision once more. Two WCKD soldiers and two scientists stood by the door, and Y/N spied a gurney just behind them.
One of the scientists – young male, maybe in his early twenties – stepped forward. ‘Time for more testing, Y/N,’ he said in a cold tone. But he had the sense to look sympathetic as his eyes roamed over Y/N as she stood up, showing how pale her S/C skin had become, how dark the circles beneath her eyes were, how the cargo pants and grey t-shirt hung off her in areas where she used to fill.
Y/N knew it was useless, but still she ran for the door, pushing past the scientists with ease despite her weakened state. However, she hit the soldiers like a brick wall, unable to fight against them as they restrained her arms and pressed her against the wall. The male scientist recovered quickly and injected her with a serum that made her drowsy enough that she wasn’t in control of her body. She was conscious as the soldiers strapped her to the gurney and the four of them wheeled her down corridor after corridor, and all she could do was watch fluorescent lights pass her by as she stared at the ceiling.
Soon enough, she was in a familiar room: the test lab.
‘It hasn’t been that long since we last tested her,’ the other scientist – a female, about the same age as her co-worker – said, her words laced with worry. ‘We put her under again, we risk losing her for good this time.’
‘I didn’t make the call,’ the male said as he continued to set up equipment around Y/N. ‘When Janson says he wants a cure, I don’t question him. Do you?’
The female didn’t answer, switching her focus to helping her co-worker. Y/N could slowly feel the serum wearing off – it was obviously only a light dose, the scientists knowing they’d put her under when they began testing.
But just as they unstrapped her to move her to the nightmare simulator, the room shook, sending Y/N rolling to the ground as glass and steel broke around her.
Sounds were muffled briefly and her vision blurred in and out of focus. She couldn’t hear what exactly the soldiers were shouting, but she saw them run out of the room alongside other soldiers. That just left her and the scientists.
Y/N flexed her fingers, the serum completely wearing off. Before she could stand though, two hands roughly grabbed her arms and hauled her to her feet. ‘Come on, Y/N,’ the male scientist said, pushing her towards the machine. ‘Just one more trip under…’
Fear electrified Y/N’s every nerve. No, not again. With a desperate cry, she shoved the male into the utensils table, sending him and the tools scattering across the ground. Before he could get up, Y/N straddled his upper body and slammed his arms into the ground.
‘Get off me!’ he yelled, struggling violently beneath Y/N. He managed to twist them both around until she was the one pinned to the ground. Y/N struggled but to no avail. She was significantly weaker than she was when she was first captured and he knew that.
‘You little brat,’ he spat in her face. ‘Ungrateful, selfish immunes. Your duty is to save us all! You–’
He was cut off when he suddenly went slack, falling unconscious on top of Y/N. She scrambled out from underneath him, then looked up from the floor to find the female scientist with a syringe in her hand. She looked between her unconscious co-worker then Y/N, a scared and disbelieving expression morphing her delicate features.
‘Go,’ the scientist finally said, her voice shaky, but the resolve in her eyes told Y/N that she wouldn’t chase after her. The room – no, the whole building – shook again, and when Y/N looked out the window, she realised why.
The city outside was on fire. Buildings crumbled, and Y/n could hear the screams and cries of civilians through the broken windows. The scientist wouldn’t chase her because there was no point.
This was the end.
‘Go!’ The scientist insisted, and Y/N didn’t think twice. She picked herself up, ignoring the cuts and scraps of glass it caused her, and ran out of the room.
She ran into the corridor, ignoring the cries of soldiers and other scientists who recognised her as a subject. She didn’t know where she was going, but this was the most freedom she’d had in forever.
Then a thought came to her – Minho. She had to find him, he surely had to be alive. She would run through every floor if she had to to find him. So she ran, looking into every test lab, every storage closest, every break room on the floor.
‘Minho!’ she cried, uncaring at this point if someone heard her. She just wanted to find him. She didn’t want to die without a familiar face with her. ‘Minho, where are you?’
She rounded a corner, right into the chest of a WCKD soldier. He was caught by surprise, giving Y/N an opportunity to slam him into the wall. It was like her fear was giving her a boost of strength, as she kneed him in the groin, sending him to the ground. He dropped the pistol he was holding, and she quickly picked it up and smacked the butt over the back of his head. He fell to the floor in one last scuffle and laid unmoving as Y/N sucked in deep breaths.
She whirled around at the familiar call of her name, only to find three other people had entered the corridor. Thomas, Minho, and Newt. Her eyes scanned over them all, heart aching with an intense relief it threatened to crush her chest. ‘Guys?’ Her voice was hoarse with disuse and exhaustion. She was surprised she even had a voice after all her screaming.
Newt stepped forward, a relieved smile gracing his lips. ‘Yeah, love,’ he said, sounding on the verge of tears. ‘It’s us.’
Y/N’s first instinct was to run into his arms, the only place she’d felt since leaving the Maze. But she took a closer look at him. He was paler than when she last saw him, almost sickly with how dark the circles under his eyes were. Crank.
She pointed the pistol at her friends, causing them to raise their hands in shock. ‘Whoa, Y/N, it’s us!’ Thomas exclaimed.
‘No,’ she said, her voice cracking ever so slightly. ‘How do I know I’m not in that simulator again? How do I know this isn’t just another test, another trial?’
‘What are you talking about, Y/N?’ Newt asked, worry crinkling his brow.
’She doesn’t trust her mind,’ Minho said, as if in explanation. ‘Boy, they really did a number on her…’
‘Shut up!’ Y/N unlocked the safety and pointed the gun at Minho. ‘You’re just trying to trick me. Make me think everything is all right. But it’s just a lie. You’re not here. You’re not here…’
Newt stepped into the firing line. ‘We are here, love. I promise, we’re really here.’
‘Newt…’ Thomas warned, but Newt remained, eyes locked on Y/N’s.
Y/N couldn’t look away from Newt. He sounded so genuine, so much more real than previous simulations. But WCKD couldn’t be trusted, and they were wearing soldier uniforms…
Her hands shook but her voice was strong. ‘Prove it,’ she said. ’Tell me something only the real Newt would know.’
Newt swallowed thickly. ‘Okay, um… You cut yourself when you tried out being a Slicer and had to have Clint and Jeff fix you up. That’s when you thought being a Medjack would be a good idea.’
‘WCKD was watching us the whole time. They would’ve seen that,’ she countered, using both hands to grip the gun.
‘Okay, okay,’ Newt said, looking away a moment to think of something else. When he finally looked back at her, he was calm once more, eyes genuine and sincere. ‘How about how I jumped off the walls of the Maze in an attempt to kill myself?’
The world around the four of them seemed to freeze, as if the world wasn’t collapsing outside. To Y/N’s knowledge, Newt had never told anyone the truth of what happened that day. It was the shocked and tragic expressions on both Minho and Thomas’ faces respectively that had Y/N loosening her grip on the gun slightly.
Newt took a small step closer, eyes never straying from her. ‘I had lost all hope of getting out of that bloody maze. So I did the one thing I could do to control the situation. But I failed.’ He stepped closer again. ‘I was embarrassed, ashamed. I was just a coward. But you healed me and told me something I will never forget. I have held onto it like a lifeline through the Maze, through the Scorch, and all the time I was looking for you.’
He took one final step towards her, unfazed at how the gun pressed hard against his chest. Now that he was so close, Y/N saw just how sick he was. He looked like the early stage victims of the Flare they’d seen in the decrepit city they’d lost Brenda and Thomas in temporarily. And while Y/N refused to believe Newt – her beloved, sweet Newt – was infected, his eyes were the same as always. Open, honest, and truthful.
‘The rest of us can only hope to be as brave as you.’
It wasn’t the fact that he knew the exact words – again, WCKD had cameras everywhere in that Maze, they would’ve heard it. It was instead the emotion tied to the words. She felt them, felt the lifeline they’d created for him in his darkest moment. He wasn’t lying, and that meant he was real.
Finally, she allowed the sob to break free as she dropped the gun and threw her arms around Newt’s neck. He breathed out in relief, bringing her closer to his chest, face pressed into her H/C hair.
‘It’s really you,’ she whimpered, grasping tighter to the person she’s always been able to rely on. The person who has always protected her and brought out the best in her. Her closest friend, her safety net, her home.
‘It is, love,’ he said into her hair, breathing her in deeply. ‘I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you before.’
‘It’s okay,’ she said, pulling away to look up at him then to the other two. ‘I can’t believe you came after us.’
‘I know right,’ Minho said, punching Thomas’ arm lightly. ‘Dumb shanks.’
‘You can berate us later,’ Thomas said, rubbing his arm. ‘Right now, we’ve got to get out of here before Lawrence brings down the whole city.’
Y/N went to ask what he meant but gripped onto Newt instead as the building shook again.
‘Come on, let’s go,’ Newt said, grabbing Y/N’s hand with one hand, and holding a launcher in the other. Together, the four of them ran to escape WCKD once and for all.
Y/N didn’t care about the rain of bullets and walls of fire around her as she ran for the berg. After hearing Teresa’s broadcast, she needed to get the cure back to Newt fast. Leaving him was one of the hardest things she has had to do. He wasn’t in great condition, but Thomas insisted that he’d take care of Newt. But the medicine Thomas had given Brenda all those months ago didn’t just buy her time, it had cured her completely. It could do the same for Newt.
If she could make it in time.
‘Brenda!’ Y/N cried as she spotted her friend. ‘The cure! I need the cure!’
Brenda understood, immediately retrieving one of the extra capsules Mary had made from Thomas’ blood before WCKD raided the camp. ‘Here,’ she said, passing over the injector.
‘Thanks!’ Y/N said, already sprinting back into the war zone before anyone could stop her.
She could feel it, the exhaustion, the strain she was putting her body under. Underfed and under trained, she was struggling. But she refused to stop. Newt had come all this way to find her, risked his life to get her out of WCKD’s clutches when he could’ve been administered the temporary cure and been safe on the berg already. No, Y/N refused to let him die without trying.
Minho, Brenda, Frypan, and Gally – Y/N was still shocked about that revelation, but that was for another time to discuss - followed around her, covering her with guns and other weapons as they ran through the war zone.
After an eternity of running, the group rounded a corner to find a sight that made Y/N feel like she was back in the nightmare simulator. Newt was leaning over Thomas with a knife aimed at his chest.
‘Newt, no!’ Y/N cried, running towards the two boys without thought.
Newt faced her at the call of his name, and she froze as she saw his black eyes. Dark veins branched over his skin and black blood dribbled from his chin. He was a full-blown crank now.
He raced at her, snarling as he swung the knife at her throat. She ducked just in time and rolled away as he slammed the knife down where her neck was. She quickly jumped to her feet, and despite her fatigue, muscle memory took over her legs, then her hands. That first night in the Scorch came to mind, how her and Newt sparred. The injector was her knife, and Newt her proper opponent.
‘Newt, it’s me,’ she said, slipping into her Medjack demeanour – calm and steady. ‘It’s Y/N. Please, snap out of it for a moment so I can help you.’
She thought he would run at her again, but his brows crinkled with concern and he looked at the knife in his shaky hands. He looked back at her, and the voice he spoke with broke her heart. It was a mixture of his sweet accent and a gargled croak where blood clogged his throat.
‘Y/N…’ he started. ‘Run away… Before… Before I kill you.’
The scene reminded her of the time he came in with his injured ankle. How desperate he was to fade into nothing because he was scared and ashamed of what he’d done. But just like then, she refused to be scared of him.
Y/N shook her head. ‘I’m not leaving you, Newt,’ she said. ‘None of us will.’
Newt seemed to realise there were more people than just her and Thomas, turning around to see the others. The sight of them seemed to distress him, though, as he snarled angrily and charged at her. She shuffled back as he swung at her again and again, but as she stepped back again, she tripped on something. She fell onto her back, knocking the air out of her lungs. Before she could gather herself up, Newt was on her, straddling her similar to how he had Thomas pinned before. Newt raised the knife to bring down on her but was tackled by Thomas.
They rolled for a little, then scrambled to their feet as they fought once more. This was Y/N’s only chance. She pushed herself up and ran for the boys, injector at the ready. Newt was bringing the knife forward in a wide arc that would gut Thomas when Y/N threw herself in between them, slamming the injector into Newt’s arm.
Right as his drove the knife into her stomach.
She wasn’t sure who called her name, because all she could focus on was Newt as some of the blackness in his eyes cleared and she saw some of his gorgeous brown eyes. She also felt her body finally giving up. As if it knew that this was the end. After all the torture and pain, she had stayed alive so long for one reason. To save Newt – the boy who had been there from the start. So much so she hadn’t realised until he wasn’t there how much he meant to her. How he’d wormed his way into her heart and consumed it without her even knowing.
She gripped his hand that held the knife in her stomach, unfurled his fingers from the handle, and brought them to her chest where her heart was slowly slowing down. Her weak legs gave out, and she brought Newt down to his knees with her. She could’ve been imagining things, but she swore she saw recognition in his half-black eyes which made her smile as tears finally fell from her eyes.
‘It’s okay, Newt,’ she whispered. ‘It’s okay because… I love you.’
Her vision blurred and she finally let go of Newt as the both of them collapsed to the ground. Her breaths were short and sharp as the pain made itself known. A rush of feet thumped around her, and she had the slightest awareness that someone was moving her, but she didn’t care. She was finally at peace as darkness, at last, consumed her.
Y/N woke to the sound of waves rolling over on sand. The first thing she saw was grey canvas, then rolled her head around to see she was lying on a cot in a small tent with tables and medical supplies similar to how her Medjack hut looked. But she wasn’t alone.
‘Oh my God.’ Brenda’s face came into focus as the girl crouched by Y/N’s cot, disbelief and relief morphing her gentle features. ‘You’re awake! You’re finally awake!’
‘Ow,’ Y/N clasped at her head at the sudden loudness. ‘Could you lower your voice please?’
‘Yes, right, sorry,’ Brenda said, but her lips split in a bright smile as she helped Y/N sit up. ‘I’m just so happy you’re okay.’
‘What happened?’ Y/N asked, all she remembered was being stabbed then falling unconscious. She pulled up her fresh linen shirt to see her wound bandaged. ‘I thought I was done for.’
‘So did all of us,’ Brenda admitted, her tone sombre as she pulled up a seat beside the cot. ‘We got you to the berg as quickly as possible and Vince got you stable, but you just weren’t waking up. It’s been a week.’
‘A week?’ Y/N made to get up but sat back down as her wound pulled in an unpleasant way.
‘Whoa, where do you think you’re going?’ Brenda asked stabilising Y/N back in her bed. ‘You’ve just come out of a coma induced by physical and mental torture. Not to mention you were stabbed.’
‘I’m fine. Trust me, I’m trained… somewhat,’ Y/N said, this time able to swing her legs over the side of her cot. Brenda didn’t try and stop her, but she did have to help Y/N when she stood. ‘Now, where is Newt?’ Brenda didn’t answer right away, and tears threatened to pool in Y/N’s eyes at what her silence could mean. ‘Brenda… Is he… Is he alive?’
Brenda, again, didn’t answer, and her face didn’t give anything away either. Instead, she just held back the flap of the tent and motioned for Y/N to exit. Y/N took cautious steps forward as she followed Brenda into a completely new place that had her staring in awe.
It was a bustling camp where sleeping quarters and other spaces were mapped out by canvas strung up on carved wood pillars and posts. Y/N spied a kitchen area where she swore she heard Frypan laughing with some others.
There was a gathering area where a giant stone stood in front of the seats. There were names carved into it, like what they used to do in the Glade. Y/N tried to make out if a certain blonde’s name was on it. She caught familiar names like Alby and Chuck, Clint and Jeff.
She swung around to find Brenda smiling as she was joined by Thomas, Minho, and Jorge. The three of them ran at her, arms wide open to capture her in a hug.
‘You crazy shank, Minho said, laughter on his lips. ‘Look who finally decided to join the living again.’
‘And here I thought I was the lazy slinthead for sleeping for so long,’ Thomas said jokingly, pulling Y/N in for another hug. ’I’m so relieved.’
‘Welcome back, hermana,’ Jorge said, a warm smile gracing his lips as he gave her a comforting pat on the shoulder.
‘Good to be back,’ Y/N replied, smiling at the three males. ‘What happened after I thought I’d died?’
Thomas went to reply, but Minho cut in. ‘We’ll explain later. Right now, I think you should go say hi to someone else.’
Confused, Y/N followed Minho’s gaze to Brenda, who stood atop a hill and was staring over the other side of it. Y/N quickly reached Brenda’s position and followed her gaze to a large garden that people were working on. But her breath caught at the sight of a familiar blond at the edge of the gardens talking and pointing in all directions to people.
‘Hey, Newt!’ Brenda called out, causing the blond to turn around and look up. At first, he saw Brenda, but his gaze soon fell on Y/N and his whole face changed into disbelief.
With the other gardeners forgotten, he started climbing up the hill, and Y/N couldn’t wait another moment so she started walking down the hill.
They met in the middle, with Y/N standing at Newt’s height on the uphill. Neither said anything to begin with, both in disbelief and awe at who stood in front of them. Y/N looked over Newt, noting he still looked pale and somewhat sickly. But the dark veins were gone, as was the black blood and his black eyes. And the sun shone so brightly that his hair looked golden. It was as if he was never infected to begin with.
With a shaky hand, she reached out to rest her hand over his beating heart. ‘You’re alive,’ she whispered, too scared to voice it too loudly in case this was also another nightmare.
But he proved her doubts wrong as he rested his own hand on top of hers. ‘I am,’ he said, and the usual warmth of his voice truly convinced her he was real.
His face pinched suddenly with concern and guilt. ‘I’m so sorry, Y/N,’ he said, his hand tightening slightly over hers. ‘I hurt you. I almost…’
‘It’s okay,’ she interrupted, using her free hand to cradle is cheek and keep his eyes on her. ‘You didn’t. I am here, too. Looks like we both saved each other.’
To her relief Newt smiled. It was a genuine, happy smile, something she hadn’t seen on him in a long time. He nuzzled into her hand briefly, before bringing it down with his free hand so he held her hands between them.
‘Before I passed out,’ he started, ‘I remember you saying something.’
‘Oh.’ A blush heated upon her cheeks, but she refused to look away from him. ‘Right. I did say something.’
She was trying to play it cool, but as soon as his deep brown eyes fixed on her, she knew he could see right through her. But he didn’t smile smugly, he didn’t tease. He actually looked scared as his jaw clenched, fighting to find the next words to speak.
‘You said you love me,’ he finally said, words tight but hopeful. ‘Is that true?’
Y/N’s mouth dried up suddenly, constricted by all the things she wished to say but couldn’t say all at once. It’s not like she was scared, she just never thought she would live long enough to have a future, let alone one with love. One with Newt.
But she had – she had survived WCKD’s cruelty, she had survived the terrors of the old world, she had survived when so many of her friends hadn’t. And it was her duty to live her gift of a life to the fullest.
‘Yes,’ she finally said, and it was like breathing in fresh air after being underground for so long. ‘I love you, Newt. I don’t know when or how it happened, but I do. I love you.’
There was a second of hesitation, but then Newt broke out into a wide smile, and Y/N swore she saw tears brim in his eyes. He suddenly reached one hand up to cradle her neck as he pulled Y/N in for a sweet kiss that simultaneously knocked the air out of her and breathed new life into her. He held her neck and hip, and she pressed her hands against his chest, satisfied to feel his heart thundering beneath her hands. The heart that almost never beat again, the heart that had saved her over and over again.
The kiss was short but was no less breath-taking, and when they pulled apart neither could stop the smiles on their faces.
‘I love you, too,’ Newt said. ‘If that wasn’t already obvious.’
Y/N threw her head back in a hearty laugh. She slung her arms around Newt’s neck, a cheeky grin dancing across her lips. ‘I’m not so sure. Maybe we could try that again to make sure?’
‘Cheeky bugger,’ he murmured as he pressed his lips to hers again. Y/N sighed into the kiss, grasping the baby hairs at the base of his head.
They pulled apart at the sound of their friends whooping and clapping atop the hill. Y/N felt her face erupt with embarrassed heat, to which Newt laughed as she ducked her head into his chest.
‘All right, come on lovebirds!’ Minho called out. ‘Dinner’s almost ready.’
As they walked down out of sight, Y/N went to follow but was stopped by a loose grip on her wrist.
‘What is it?’ she asked as she turned back to Newt.
‘I just…’ Newt turned to the gardens below, then to the water, then to the sunset that bathed the whole camp in beautiful hues of orange, pink and purple. When he finally turned back to Y/N, she thought he couldn’t look any more handsome with that pure sunshine smile and sparkle in his eyes. ‘Thanks.’
‘For what?’ she asked.
‘For teaching me how to be brave,’ he answered.
Y/N gave his hand a squeeze. ‘You were always brave, Newt,’ she said. ‘It’s how I learned how to be brave in the first place.’
Newt squeezed her hand in return, then they walked hand in hand back up the hill and down to dinner to where their friend awaited them.
Where the lives they never imagined they’d get a chance to live awaited them.
#maze runner newt x reader#newt x reader#tmr newt x reader#maze runner imagines#maze runner x reader#the maze runner#minho#tmr frypan#tmr thomas#tmr minho#tmr newt#tmr gally#tmr brenda#tmr jorge#the death cure#the scorch trials#romance#angst#friends to lovers
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merry xmas! some platonic family fluff with johnny for y’all
ch3 the wrong john | masterlist | next
john price x f!reader, reader is johnny’s twin
When you wake, John is gone.
Predictable, really. Isn’t that what you wanted? A simple fuck, something to hold you over before sticking around this unknown city for however long Johnny tolerated you. John’s dirty talk and possessive demeanor had woken something inside you and now it was gone, lost to hotel sheets and your alcohol-drenched brain. For some odd, unimportant reason, you felt a sense of disappointment that he didn’t stay. You scanned your bedtable for a note or something and came up empty. A feeling of abandonment sank low in your stomach and you tried to tune it out by focusing on the fun you’d had with John. One of your hands slithered down your naked stomach, eyes closing as you tried to recreate a scene from a few hours ago when John woke you up with his tongue. “Open those legs f’ me, that’s a good girl.” You squeezed your eyes shut in an effort to imagine John’s deep baritone. “C’mon, one more. Jus’ f’ me, yeah?” You found yourself nodding along to that phantom voice, fingers circling your sore clit harder and harder, orgasm starting to crest and-
Your phone, abandoned in your bag somewhere, was hit with a barrage of texts. You checked the clock and shit, it was already 9:30am. So much for primping before visiting Johnny. With legs like jelly, you slowly walked over and dug through your purse to find your half-dead phone.
Idiot half: We still on for 1000?
Idiot half: Was going to suggest breakfast but training is going over time, fucking rookies. Think the team’s free for lunch if you want.
Idiot half: Let me know when you’re on the way.
Your heart ached with the sincerity Johnny showed over text. He was all jokes in public, but when it was just you two, you could feel your twin’s want for your affection. You two were more similar than you gave credit to. Plugging in your phone, you texted him back a “might be a little late!”, then jumped into the shower and started your day.
45 minutes later, your cab pulled up in front of a stoic-looking military base. “‘Fraid I can’t get ya any closer, miss. This one’s real locked down.” You thanked the driver anyways, paying him then stepping out. Before you could even wonder how to actually get in (should you just walk to the drive up? That seemed undignified), there was a figure with a ridiculous mohawk striding past the front guards, dressed in fully fatigues.
“M'eudail!” The stupid urge to run towards Johnny bubbled up inside you, a remnant of your shared childhood. Instead, you quickened your walking pace until you met him at a guarded entrance, blinking twice at how it looked more like a prison than a place of work. Johnny disregarded the guards and attacked you with a hug, his familiar scent of pine and musk invading your senses. Tears were forming in your eyes for some unknown reason, surely not connected to a reunion with your twin.
“Missed ye, hen.” You nodded against him where your cheek was tucked into the curve of his neck. He’d certainly gotten beefier since the last time you saw him, his shoulder muscles digging into your arms around his upper half. “Missed you too, Johnny.” You pulled back a little and Johnny noticed the tears before you could wipe them away. His thumbs were callused but gentle, swiping at your skin until it was dry. “Knew I was y’r favorite.” You scoffed, not meeting his eyes. “Shut up, Johnny. It’s allergies.” He tugged you back into his arms, his stupid twin telepathy reading you too well. “Aye, I ken. Y’know I love you too.” Johnny held you until your tears dried, being a complete gentleman and not acknowledging how puffy your eyes had become when you pulled back.
“Thought I was here to meet your boyfriend, huh? Or is he conveniently ‘off base’?” You used finger quotes to emphasize your rag. Johnny rolled his eyes, tucking you under his arm and marching you into a scary-looking building. It was so utilitarian it made your eyes burn, all slick concrete and bulletproof windows. Not exactly warm and fuzzy.
“Yer jus’ jealous because yer single, hen. I see right through ye.” He marched you both straight past the guards, then produced a visitor pass out of one of his many pockets and put it around your neck. “Pretty necklace, just for ye.” You rolled your eyes, then elbowed him in the side. No matter what, Johnny could always make you act like a moody teenager.
You bickered back and forth as Johnny showed you around. “An’ here’s the mess.” (“Bet they cook better than you, Johnny.”) “Common room.” (“Do you guys play shooter games or is that too close to home?”) “Finally, ‘eres where we’re goin’. Trainin’ room.”
It was more than a room, it was a building. It seemed at least two basketball gyms wide, filled with training equipment, a track, and tools that seemed more fit to be in a torture chamber. At one corner of the room, there was a massive hunk of a man yelling at scrawny soldiers you figured were recruits. He was built like a tree, legs and arms thick as trunks while his face was covered with a plain black balaclava. He looked like an intruder you’d had nightmares about.
“An’ ‘eres the L.T. Or Ghost if ye think he’s scary lookin’. The boyfriend, but that’s confidential.” Johnny winked as your mouth dropped. This was the “cuddly fucker” your brother was in love with? He seemed more fit to be the Winter Soldier.
Ghost looked up at the sight of you two approaching. He barked something to the recruits and they scattered, sprinting towards the weightlifting equipment like their lives depended on it. With the way Ghost looked, it might be true.
“Alright, love?” Who was he talking to? You glanced around and oh, Johnny was nodding. You couldn’t have even imagined Ghost would call your brother love in a soft-sounding tone. “‘Ere she is, L.T.. My baby sister.” You rolled your eyes unconsciously. He was older by three minutes.
“Nice to, um, meet you. Johnny didn’t mention it was Halloween year-round here.” Stupid, stupid, stupid. The joke just burst out of your mouth, not even checking in with your brain first. All you could do was watch for his reaction in the stunned silence.
“Johnny, ya didn’t say she was funnier tha’ you. Welcome t’ base, bird.” He pulled you in for a one-armed hug that was over before it started, ruffling your hair before pushing you back out. You glanced back at Johnny and he gave you a wink, pride evident in his face. It warmed your belly and spread to your heart, relaxing your shoulders and spine. Everything was fine. In fact, you probably didn’t even need a drink last night. That thought turned to John real fast, and you shut it down before it started something.
Johnny was clearly the talker of the two, ushering you both out of the training room to meet “Gaz and Cap.” It conjured thoughts of an old-time captain, a man with white hair and a big belly. Wait, maybe that was Santa? Your lack of sleep was really impacting your critical thinking skills.
Excitement and nerves were written clear as day on Johnny’s face as you three neared an official-looking door. He stopped outside of it, Simon at his shoulder blocking the name plate you guessed held their captain’s name. They glanced at each other and Simon squeezed his bicep, words of encouragement flowing unspoken between them. For a second, the smallest millisecond, you felt that familiar yearning for an easy bond like theirs. Something private and sacred.
Johnny nodded to no one in particular, then knocked twice on the door. A muffled “come in” followed swiftly, and he opened the door partially. There was a man sitting in a chair near the door with a baseball hat blocking most of his face. “Bonnie, ‘eres Gaz.” You waved shyly, intimidated by the blinding half-smile he sent your way when he tilted his face up. Your mouth opened, about to ask if he was a Lieutenant too, when Johnny opened the door all the way and pushed you towards the man sitting behind the desk.
“An’ ‘eres the Captain, Cap’n Price.” Your mouth, clearly having disconnected from the rest of your brain, stayed open at the sight before you. At the sight you’d seen 12 hours before in a dark bar, 6 hours before tangled in your sheets, murmuring sweet nothings into your ear. He seemed to remember that fact as well, blazing eyes locking onto yours like there was no one else in the room.
“But you can call me John, sweetheart.”
if y’all want updates a bit earlier, subscribe to my ao3 for notifs on this story :)
taglist: @lveegsoi @galactict3a @nova-willow-541 @sirbonesly @starlightkitten19
#price#price call of duty#price is right#captain john price#tornadothoughts#john price x y/n#simon riley x john mactavish#john price x you#john price x f!reader#captain johnathan price#captain price x reader#captain price#john price x reader#price x reader#price x you#price x y/n#cod 141#simon ghost riley#john soap mactavish#kyle gaz garrick#fic: the wrong john
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had a thought about logan taking care of a drunk reader so here ya go
warnings/tags: no use of y/n, fem!reader, reader wears makeup, pet names (princess, sweetheart)
You, Jean, and Ororo stumbled back into the mansion after a night at the club. It usually wasn’t your thing—you preferred staying in bed and watching TV over going out—but you gave in to your friends' demands just this one night.
Laughing, Ororo kicked her shoes off in the hallway, collapsing onto the couch. "See? I told you it would be fun!" she teased, her eyes gleaming from the night’s excitement.
Jean nodded, leaning against the wall. “You’re gonna thank us tomorrow.”
"Maybe," you muttered, feeling the alcohol buzzing in your veins. You swayed slightly and caught yourself on the banister.
Before you could even take another step, Logan’s voice came from the end of the hallway. “What the hell did you get into, princess?”
You turned, squinting at him. “Logan!” you said, a little louder than you intended. A goofy smile tugged at your lips as you wobbled toward him, arms out like you were expecting a hug.
He crossed his arms, trying to suppress the smirk that was threatening to break through. “Jean, Ororo… thanks for getting her home in one piece.”
Ororo raised an eyebrow. “She’s your problem now,” she said, giving you a playful wink before heading up the stairs.
Jean just smiled and waved. “Good luck, Logan,” she said softly before disappearing after Ororo.
Logan took a few steps closer, catching you just as you stumbled again. “Whoa, easy there, sweetheart.”
You giggled, leaning into him, your head resting on his chest. “You’re so warm,” you mumbled, barely keeping your eyes open.
“Yeah, and you’re drunk,” he replied, his voice soft but teasing. He slid an arm around your waist, guiding you carefully toward the stairs. “Let’s get you upstairs.”
“Can’t I just sleep here?” you whined, pointing toward the couch.
“Nope. You’ll thank me for this tomorrow.” He began guiding you up the stairs, keeping a firm hold on you. “Come on, you can make it. Just a few more steps.”
You grumbled, “why are there so many stairs, Lo? Maybe Charles should get an elevator.”
Logan let out a quiet chuckle. “He already has one, princess. You’re just too drunk to notice.”
You rolled your eyes, nearly missing a step, but Logan's grip tightened, steadying you. “No way. You’re lying.”
“Yeah, okay, whatever you say,” he replied, guiding you toward your shared room. You finally reached the top of the stairs, and Logan nudged the door open with his foot.
You flopped onto the bed, face-first into the pillows. “See? I made it. Told ya I didn’t need help.”
Logan shook his head, amusement flickering in his eyes. “Yeah, sure, you’ve really got it all under control.” He knelt by the side of the bed, carefully untying your shoes.
You kicked your legs lazily. “I can do it myself,” you mumbled, though you made no effort to move.
“Uh-huh, I can see that,” he said, pulling off the last shoe and tossing it aside. “Now, let’s get you out of these clothes.”
Your eyes popped open, and you turned your head toward him with a teasing smirk. “Logan, if you wanted to get me naked, you just had to ask.”
He raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. “As tempting as that sounds, sweetheart, I’m trying to keep you comfortable, not have you pass out in your club clothes.”
You pouted, but he ignored it, grabbing one of his old t-shirts from the dresser and tossing it to you. “Come on, get changed.”
With a dramatic sigh, you sat up, tugging your top over your head. Logan turned his back, giving you some privacy. “You’ve seen me naked before, y’know,” you teased.
“Not the point, princess,” he muttered, though you could tell he was biting back a smile.
After struggling to pull the shirt over your head, you collapsed back onto the bed. “Okay, done.”
Logan turned around and shook his head. “Close enough.” He walked to the bathroom with your pack of makeup wipes, pulling one out of the plastic, “c’mon, eyes closed. Atta girl.”
Logan gently wiped the makeup off your face, his touch surprisingly delicate for someone so rugged. You mumbled something incoherent, your eyes fluttering closed as he worked.
“Hold still, princess,” he said, shaking his head but smirking at how peaceful you looked now, compared to the chaotic night you’d had.
You hummed, your voice soft, “You’re too good to me, y’know?”
Logan let out a low chuckle. “You say that now, but wait 'til morning.”
Once he was done, he tossed the wipe in the trash and pulled the blankets up over you. “Alright, you're all set. Get some sleep.”
You grabbed his wrist before he could move away, tugging him toward the bed. “I want your shirt off,” you murmured.
Logan raised an eyebrow, glancing down at your grip on his wrist. “You sure that’s a good idea, princess?” he teased, though there was no real resistance in his voice.
You pouted up at him, eyes half-closed. “Logan… just come here.”
He sighed, shaking his head with a small smirk. “Alright, alright, fine.” He quickly tugged his shirt over his head, tossing it onto a nearby chair. His muscled chest was bathed in the dim light of the room, but he wasn’t making a show of it. “Happy now?”
You smiled sleepily, scooting over to give him room. “Yeah... now come lay with me.”
Logan hesitated for just a second, then slid into bed beside you. You immediately curled up against him, resting your head on his chest again. “You’re so warm,” you mumbled.
He chuckled softly, running a hand through your hair. “You already said that, sweetheart.”
“Mhm… still true.”
Logan's hand traced light circles on your back, his other arm tucked under his head. “You’re gonna regret this tomorrow, you know?”
You let out a quiet laugh, snuggling even closer. “No, I won’t… I have you to take care of me.” Your nails gently scratched along his chest, and his chest hair lightly tickled your face, but you didn’t care—it was comforting, familiar.
Logan’s hand continued its slow, soothing motions on your back. “Yeah, well, we’ll see about that,” he muttered, his voice soft. There was a warmth in it though, an affection he didn’t always show so easily.
You shifted slightly, finding an even cozier spot against him. “You smell good, too,” you mumbled sleepily.
Logan chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re full of compliments tonight, aren’t you?”
“Mhm, just telling the truth,” you replied, your voice muffled against his chest. You could already feel yourself drifting, the alcohol and his presence lulling you into a peaceful haze. “You’re the best, Lo.”
He huffed, but you could hear the faint smile in his voice. “You’re not gonna remember saying all this tomorrow, princess.”
“Will too…” you mumbled, your words slurring slightly as your exhaustion started to take over.
Logan shifted slightly beside you, pulling the blankets up a little higher over your shoulder. “Yeah, sure,” he muttered under his breath. “Just get some sleep.”
You hummed softly, already on the verge of sleep. “Lo?”
“Yeah?” Logan replied, his hand never stopping the gentle motions on your back.
You paused for a second, your eyes half-open now, barely processing your thoughts. “Can I have a kiss goodnight?”
Logan raised an eyebrow, looking down at you with an amused smirk. “You’re really pullin’ out all the stops tonight, huh, princess?”
You giggled, nudging his chest lightly. “Just one... please?”
He sighed, though there was no real resistance behind it. “Alright, one kiss. Then you’re sleepin', got it?”
You nodded eagerly, your eyes already closing again. Logan leaned down, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to your forehead.
“Nooo.” You whined softly, “want one here.” You sleepily tapped his bottom lip, eyes barely open, but that teasing smirk still on your face.
Logan sighed, shaking his head slightly, though his lips twitched with a hint of a smile. “You’re a handful tonight, princess.”
He leaned down, hovering just over your lips for a second, his breath warm against your skin. “One kiss,” he murmured before softly pressing his lips to yours, the kiss gentle and brief but enough to satisfy your sleepy demand.
When he pulled back, you let out a contented sigh, snuggling back into his chest. “Told you… the best,” you mumbled, already starting to drift off again.
Logan chuckled quietly, wrapping his arm around you a little tighter. “Yeah, yeah, go to sleep now.”
You didn’t respond this time, your breathing already slowing, your body relaxed and heavy against his. Logan watched you for a moment, his expression softening as he ran a hand through your hair again, his thumb brushing your cheek.
“Get some rest, sweetheart,” he whispered, pressing one last kiss to the top of your head. Then he settled back, keeping you close as you both finally drifted into sleep.
#logan howlett x reader#logan howlett x you#wolverine x reader#james howlett x reader#james howlett x you#logan howlett fanfiction#logan howlett fic#logan howlett oneshot#logan howlett
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Eddie Munson x fem!Reader
Summary: When you confide in your boyfriend about your difficulty getting wet, his reaction is not what you'd expected.
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI!), fingering, oral (f!receiving), unprotected p in v (wrap it up), reader takes antidepressants
A/N: To all the afab folks who, for whatever reasons, can't get wet--this is for you.
Collaboration with the queen of fluffy smut, @corroded-hellfire 😘
“Feel good, baby?” Eddie growls in your ear, his fingers digging into the skin above the waistband of your panties. His other hand cups your breast, still concealed by your bra, though you venture it won’t be long before it’s uncovered.
You continue grinding on his bare thigh, his boxers pushed up high. The outline of his cock shows through the cotton, and you can’t help but grab it. He inhales sharply at the sudden contact, making you giggle.
“Love seeing you all turned on, Eds,” you murmur, sucking a bruise into his neck that has his eyes rolling back in his head. He moves his hand from your waist to your clit, pressing slow circles to the sensitive bud over the lace. A moan slips past your lips, quickly turning into a whimper of his name. “F-Fuck, Eddie. Right there.”
Despite your words and the drag of your cunt on his leg, Eddie can’t help but question whether or not you’re faking it. “How ya feelin’ baby?” he whispers, tiptoeing around the more direct question in a means of cushioning his ego.
“So good.”
Okay. Good. You feel so good. Everything’s…good. Right?
Eddie pulls back, ducking behind his hair and missing your confused expression. “We can stop if you’re not into it,” he mutters. He’s not angry at you; he’s angry at himself, because he’s clearly doing something wrong if you’re not…
“Wh-Why wouldn’t I be into it?” Your eyebrows pinch together. You’d been together a few months and hadn’t slept together yet, but you’d thought tonight could be the night.
“Because you’re not really…” Eddie struggles to find the right words. “Like, you sound into it, but I don’t feel you getting turned on.”
Embarrassment heats up your body. You slide off of him and onto his carpeted floor, repositioning yourself so you’re facing away from him. You can still see him out of your peripheral vision, but you hope he doesn’t notice the tears welling in your eyes. “M sorry, baby.” Your voice is small, and despite your best efforts, it catches in your throat when you speak.
He rests his hand on your upper arm, gently caressing it with his thumb. “Hey, hey,” he says softly, trying to hide his disappointment at the unreciprocated longing. “We gave it a shot. You can’t help if this doesn’t get you going.” He gives a little shimmy, shoulders swaying back and forth clumsily.
You turn back around towards him, “You think…no, Eds. You’re so sexy, even when you do your weird little dances.”
“I’ll have you know,” Eddie starts, giving you a playful look, “that my weird little dances have gotten me not one, but…yeah, okay, just the one hot girl’s phone number.”
“And it was mine.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He reaches for your hand and holds it tentatively. “But if I’m making you feel good, how come you don’t get…y’know…?”
Instinct has you wanting to turn away from him in shame, but his grip on your hand is enough to keep you where you are. It’s hard to meet his eyes, but once you do and that big doe stare tugs at your heart, you let out a sigh.
“You’re making me feel amazing, Eddie. It’s just…I don’t really get…I mean, I can’t get too…” The right words don’t seem to find you and frustration balls up inside of you. You slap your free hand over your eyes, partially out of frustration, but also to hide the tears that are beginning to well up.
“Hey…” Eddie lightly chides as he rubs his thumb along the back of your hand. “You can talk to me. You know that.”
The hand falls from your face and you take a deep breath. Words jumble through your brain, trying to figure out how to come from another direction. “Y-You know how I have depression and anxiety.”
“Well,” you say, swallowing before continuing, “the meds they give me for them…they, uh…well, they kind of keep me from being able to get…”
“Wet?” Eddie offers.
You nod, a few tears breaking free despite your attempts to keep them in.
“I can…a little…just not a whole lot. I’m sorry.”
Eddie frowns and shakes his head. “Why are you apologizing?”
“Because,” you say, huffing a humorless laugh, “you’re so cute and sweet and I’m worried that when we actually have sex, it won’t feel good for you.”
He pauses for a moment, tongue poking out from his lips in the way that makes you melt as he reaches into his nightstand and pulls out a bottle of lube. He holds the small pink tube up between the two of you.
“Think this’ll work?” he asks.
You raise an eyebrow in amusement. The bottle is the last thing you expected Eddie to pull out of that unorganized mess he calls a nightstand.
“Where did you get that?” you ask.
“Well, uh,” Eddie starts, cheeks tingeing pink. You notice he continues to look at the lube instead of you. “I use it every night when I think of you.”
The words take you by surprise, even though he’s your boyfriend. It’s not like you hadn’t gotten off thinking about him long before the two of you even started dating.
“You…you think of me?”
“Well, yeah,” Eddie shrugs with a grin. “My girl is ridiculously beautiful, you think I’m not going to get off thinking about her every night before I go to bed? And most mornings before school?” He ducks his head and his bashfulness makes him look especially boyish. “Plus, there was all that time before we started dating when we were just friends…”
“So that’s why it’s more than half empty,” you say, a small smile breaking through on your lips.
“I prefer to think of it as half full.” Eddie’s roguish smile has you breaking out into a full blown grin. You let out a chuckle as you pluck the bottle from your boyfriend’s fingers.
“I didn’t peg you for a strawberry kind of guy, Munson.”
Eddie looks down with a shy expression on his face. Every time you make him flustered you take it as a personal victory.
“It’s, uh, it’s ‘cause it smells like your chapstick.” He leans up and presses a kiss to your nose. When he sees the effect that has on you, mischievousness creeps back onto his face. “What do you say…wanna give it a try?”
You exhale, still frustrated. The anxiety at the back of your brain is still saying that Eddie is just being nice about this. That he really thinks it’s weird and doesn’t want to have sex with you now.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this? With being with someone who needs to use lube?” you double check.
Eddie looks at you with an incredulous expression. “Baby, I’d use WD40 if it meant being inside you.”
A snort of laughter escapes you and you lightly slap his chest.
“Eddie, I’m serious!”
“I am, too! Shit, I’ll go grab some Crisco from the cabinet right now—”
“Eddie!” You sigh. “I know you’re going to wanna have, like, spontaneous sex. That might not be something I can do if we don’t have lube.”
Eddie shrugs without missing a beat. “I’ll carry it around with me. Like pocket lube or something.”
“Pocket lube?” you ask, raising an eyebrow.
He laughs, stroking your cheek with his thumb. “We can keep this one here, and I’ll buy another one for the van. How does that sound?”
The offer has your heart melting and you lean into his body. “Sounds like you’re the best boyfriend in the world.”
“Baby, you ain’t seen nothing yet,” he smirks, tugging gently at the waistband of your panties. “May I lube up the fair maiden?”
“As long as you promise never to say that again,” you say, already climbing onto his bed.
“Noted,�� he agrees with a laugh before turning his attention to the panties that block his view of your beautiful pussy. He drags the lacy fabric down your legs and tosses it aside as you unclasp your bra. A goofy grin spreads across his face as he takes one breast in each hand. “Sorry,” he says, though his tone has no ounce of apology, “but you can’t just show off your tits and expect me to focus on anything else.”
You roll your eyes and giggle, a fluttering feeling in your stomach that goes beyond the moment’s lust. The way he can make you laugh in your most vulnerable moments is special, and you want to capture this joy and keep it forever.
“Lay back and open these pretty legs for me, Sweetheart.” Eddie squeezes out some lube onto the tips of his forefinger and middle finger, gently pumping them in and out of you, going a bit deeper each time “‘S good?”
“Mhm. So, so fucking good, fuck.” Your walls clench around his fingers in a silent plea for him to be buried deep inside you.
“Tell me if you need more, okay baby doll?”
You nod, really only able to fixate on the way his fingers feel inside you. The addition of the lubricant removes any unwanted friction, and you moan louder than you intend to.
“Your noises…holy fuckin’ shit.” Eddie muses, palming himself over his boxers.
You squeeze your eyes shut in embarrassment. “‘M sorry.”
He pauses his movements, drawing a whimper from your lips. “Don’t ever apologize for making such beautiful sounds. It’s crazy hot, baby.”
He uses his free hand to grab your wrist, bringing your palm to his tented boxers. The fabric strains against his raging erection.
With that, you let yourself fully indulge in the feeling of his fingers. You barely recognize the noises you’re making; you’ve never felt this good in your whole life.
The way Eddie’s tongue pokes from his mouth gives you another idea, and you press your thighs together to stop his ministrations.
He looks up at you, brows knitted together in confusion. “What is it, baby? More?” He starts to reach for the bottle until he sees you shake your head.
“Do you, uh, w-wanna taste the lube?” It’s as straightforward as you can manage, still overwhelmed by the pleasure washing over your body.
Eddie’s cock twitches, his face contorted in amused disbelief. “Are you seriously asking me if I want to eat you out?” he asks. “Was it not obvious that that would be a yes?”
He throws your legs over his shoulders so quickly that it has you laughing in surprise, but that laughter stops as soon as his mouth is on you. His tongue immediately finds your clit, flicking over it until your toes curl. He wraps his lips around it and sucks gently until he has you on the brink of orgasm. His fingers return to your needy hole, filling you expertly until you cum with a wanton moan.
“So fucking good f’me,” Eddie says, still between your legs. His mouth and chin are covered in a slick sheen. “You wanna taste now, baby? Wanna know just how delicious you are?”
You open your mouth and eagerly accept his fingers. They taste of your arousal and a hint of strawberry; it does bear a striking similarity to your Chapstick. Once Eddie lets his fingers drop from your mouth, you’re whining and writhing below him.
“Need you, Eds.” It sounds more like a whimper than a plea. But your beautiful boyfriend isn’t about to deny you a thing—let alone something that he also wants very badly.
“Fuck, need you too, baby doll.” He launches his boxers across the room and smears some lube on his cock, bucking his hips slightly into his closed palm. He doesn’t break eye contact as he enters you, searching for any inkling of discomfort. The stretch is delicious, and you arch your back once he bottoms out.
“Look at you, taking all of me. My good girl,” Eddie growls, watching his cock disappear into your cunt. “Holy shit; I can’t believe you’ve been hiding this perfect pussy from me.”
You shiver at the praise, blinking away the prickling tears on your lash line.
Eddie gradually picks up the pace, snapping his hips into you. His pubic hair grazes yours and he lets out a groan of his own.
“Could stay like this forever,” he mumbles in your ear, forearms braced on either side of your head.
So could you. Except…
You swallow your timidness. I can trust him. “I think, um…could you use some more lube?” You’re embarrassed and annoyed at yourself for having to interrupt the moment, but Eddie’s unfazed.
“Sure. Can I just put it inside you? Cuz, uh, if I put it on my dick, I’m gonna bust in my hand.” He gives a small laugh, though you both know he’s not joking.
Eddie gingerly fingers you, all-too aware of how oversensitive and overstimulated your pussy is. At some point, he’ll have fun teasing you with his touch, but tonight is about your comfort.
He slides his cock back inside you. “Better?”
“Much,” you manage, re-acclimating your body to him being inside you. “Thank you, baby.”
“‘Course. Let me know if you need more again, ‘kay?”
You nod, relishing in the way he fills you. His cock presses against your walls; you can feel every last inch of him.
Eddie doesn’t stop showering you with praise as he pistons his hips. “Love when my girl tells me what she needs,” he says with a small smirk. “I’d do fuckin’ anything for you, sweet thing.” A few strands of hair cover his eye, and you swipe it away. “Thanks.”
“Any time.” You manage a smile of your own before he catches you off guard, positioning you so he can rub your clit while fucking you. Your jaw drops in surprise; it’s exactly the reaction he wanted. “Just like that, Eds. Holy shit, right there!”
“That’s what you like? Hmm? Like when I’m deep inside your perfect pussy, making you feel good?” The hand not making small figure-eights on your swollen bud grabs your ass, squeezing it possessively. “Like when I claim you? Let me show you who you belong to.”
The combination of Eddie deep within you and being claimed by him pushes you over the edge. The coil snaps and you choke out a sob of relief as pleasure invades your body. You finish on his cock, chanting his name like a prayer.
“Fuck, c-can’t hold out anym-more,” he grunts, and with a cry of your name, he fills you with his own release. He stays inside you for a moment, catching his breath; when he finally pulls out, you can feel his cum dripping down your bare thigh. He hurries to grab the faded blue towel hanging from the back of his door, wiping you off before plopping next to you. He draws tiny circles on your forearm while pressing kisses to your shoulder.
“Was that good? It didn’t hurt or anything, right? Because I kinda lost my mind at the end—”
You silence him with a kiss that only ends because you both start smiling. “That was the best sex I’ve ever had. No one’s ever made me cum before,” you admit.
Eddie scoots back slightly. “You’re shitting me.”
“Nope. You’re the first. So, um, thank you?”
He puffs out his chest, slick with perspiration. “No need to thank us, baby. We’d do anything for you.”
“‘We?’” You cock your eyebrow.
“Yeah, me and the lube,” he states plainly, as if this is an obvious fact. “We make a pretty good team, dontcha think?”
“You’re an idiot, Eddie Munson.”
“I dunno, I thought my ‘pocket lube’ idea was pretty damn brilliant.”
#eddie munson#eddie munson fluff#eddie x reader#eddie x you#eddie stranger things#eddie munson smut#eddie munson x female reader#eddie munson x you#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson fanfic#stranger things fanfic#fanfic#eddie munson stranger things#stranger things#smut
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Doggie Bath | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader

Summary: It was bath time for your daughter. However, she refused to take a bath unless Dog bathed first, and the furry companion refused to comply with Daryl's requests. Luckily, Dog loved you and would easily comply with your wishes.
Genre: Fluff.
Era: Post Bridge (Not mentioned, but Rick doesn't go missing and the Leah plot never happened, hence Daryl being in Alexandria.)
Warnings: Swearing, suggestive themes towards the end.
Word count: 1.2k.
A/n: I don't know what this is. I had an idea pop up and I tried to get it written down, but not very well lol. However, I hope you like this!

“Dog, c'mon. Jus' this once, buddy,” Daryl practically pleaded with his furry companion, desperately trying to lead Dog towards the bathtub and into the water, but to no avail. “I'll cook ya a squirrel if ya do this fer me.”
In your arms, your three year old was happily giggling as she watched her dad struggle due to something she requested. “Go, Doggie, go!” Hazel happily babbled as she clapped her hands for added emphasis. “Pick up, Daddy. Put in water.”
You were seated on the closed lid of the toilet with Hazel in your arms as you watched in amusement as your husband struggled with the big dog. “Yeah, babe, pick him up. Put him in the water.”
Daryl shot a small glare in your direction. “The hell ya think I've been doin'?” Dog suddenly barked loudly, making Daryl flinch and your daughter burst out into laughter. Daryl looked at Hazel with a playful glare, but the smile on his lips betrayed his true emotions. “Oh, s'this funny to ya, Hazelnut? How 'bout I put ya into the bathtub first?”
Hazel gasped and hid her face in your neck. “No! Mama, Daddy mean. He promised. He breaking promise.”
You let out a small chuckle and rubbed her back affectionately. You looked at Daryl and shared a smile with him. “You can't break your promise to our daughter, Dar.” Your eyes moved down to look at Dog, who defiantly laid on the ground with no intention of setting his paws into the water. “The deal was Dog, and then Hazel. You can't go back on your word now.”
Daryl groaned in frustration. “He won't fuckin' listen. He—” Daryl suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, all colour draining from his face. His eyes flickered back to Hazel, praying for the first time in his life; he really prayed that Hazel hadn't heard his little slip up. However, Hazel appeared ignorant to his mistake, making Daryl sigh in relief. “Oh, thank god.”
You laughed and lowered Hazel from your lap and onto the floor, handing her your necklace to play with. “Stay here, baby. Mama needs to help Daddy bathe Dog. Daddy can't do it without Mama's help.”
Hazel giggled and started toying with the arrow on the necklace you gave her to play with—a gift that had been given to you by Daryl many years ago.—and nodded. “Mama gonna get it right. Daddy learn from Mama.”
Daryl smiled fondly down at his daughter and shook his head. “Ya have a lot'a faith in yer dear ol' dad, huh?” He stepped back and allowed you to approach Dog, who excitedly wagged his tail and nudged his nose into your hand. “Good luck with tha', Sunshine. If he ain't gon' listen to me, wha' makes ya think—” With little to no effort, you urged Dog into the bathtub, the puppy in a grown dog's body excitedly splashing around in the water, nearly soaking both you and Daryl . Daryl sighed and shook his head. “I thought ya were on my side, Dog. Fu—Freakin' traitor.”
You laughed and scratched Dog's chin. “Good boy.” Dog barked happily and moved around in the water, luckily making no attempts to jump out of the bathtub. You turned your head and sent your husband a cheeky smile. “What can I say? He's a total ladies' man.”
Daryl hummed, his eyes narrowed at his furry friend. “Would be alrigh' if he wasn't tryna impress my girl with his tactics.” He stepped back and leaned down, picking Hazel up and adjusting her in his arms. “Ain't tha' righ', Hazelnut? Dog's tryna steal Mama from us?” He gently started tickling her on her stomach, eliciting shrieks of laughter from his baby girl. He chuckled and pressed a soft, tender kiss to her temple. “Dun' worry. I won't let Dog steal her from us. He'll have to fight me fer her.”
You smiled at the two people you loved the most in the whole world fondly. You leaned forward to grab the dog shampoo—something Daryl found while on a run and something you were surprised actually still existed in the now messed up world you existed in—and lathered some onto your hands. “You just gonna stand there and look pretty, Dixon, or are you gonna help?”
“Hmm,” Daryl hummed as he pretended to think about your question, gently rocking Hazel in his arms as she lowered her head to rest on his shoulder. “Nah. I think ya got it. 'Sides, yer clearly tha' traitor's favourite. He'll stay still for ya.”
You playfully narrowed your eyes at him. “So you're leaving this all up to me while you, what, watch?”
Daryl took your prior spot on the closed lid of the toilet. “M'holdin' our daughter. Ain't tha' the excuse ya used earlier when I originally asked fer yer help?”
“Touché, Dixon, touché.”
Daryl chuckled again and smoothed his hand over Hazel's back. All fell silent between the two of you after that. Dog was relatively still while you washed all the grime from his coat, only moving whenever you tried to wash his paws. In a little over ten minutes, Dog was completely clean and more than eager to leave the cooling water. Before you could even attempt to towel dry him, Dog was shaking himself off, sending water flying in every direction.
Daryl shielded Hazel from the onslaught of droplets. “Dog, no!” Dog simply barked and made a run out of the door, leaving wet footprints in his wake. Your husband simply rolled his eyes and shook his head, standing up from the toilet and holding Hazel close to his chest. “Fuckin' hell. M'wetter than a drownt rat righ' now.”
You laughed and nodded, standing up and wiping the water from your body. You turned to Daryl and eyed your daughter in his arms, a look of realization dawning on you. “She's asleep, isn't she?”
Daryl nodded. “Yeah. She fell asleep almost fifteen minutes ago.”
You shook your head and allowed a small smile to spread over your face. “Well, at least Dog's clean.” You took a step forward and pressed a soft kiss to Hazel's head. “Let's just put this little Gremlin to bed. We'll bathe her first thing tomorrow morning.”
Daryl nodded and leaned forward, capturing your lips in a quick, loving kiss. He pulled back and gave you a small, fond smile. “I love ya, Peach.”
“I love you too, Dar,” you replied softly, caressing his cheek. Hazel started stirring in the archer's arms, making your breath hitch. Luckily she only adjusted her head on her dad's shoulder, making you sigh in relief. “I think that's a sign that we should get her to bed. And after that, how about we watch a movie in our room?”
“Yeah,” Daryl quickly agreed, nodding eagerly. “Let's go.”
Daryl knew exactly what you meant by that. The television that came with the small house you lived in with Daryl and your daughter was located downstairs in the living room. There wasn't a television in your shared room. However, with a little one running around and needing to speak in codes around her innocent ears, that particular code translated to something else, something much more enjoyable.
And after Hazel was put to bed, Daryl wasted no time in rushing you to your room and gently pushing you onto the bed for some much deserved “movie watching.”
#krys writes .ೃ࿐#daryl dixon#daryl dixon x reader#the walking dead#twd daryl#daryl x reader#daryl dixon x female reader#daryl dixon imagine#daryl dixon the walking dead#the walking dead daryl#daryl#daryl fanfiction#twd daryl x reader#daryl x you#daryl x female reader#daryl x y/n#daryl dixon fanfiction#daryl dixon fanfic#daryl dixon x you#daryl dixon x y/n#dad!daryl dixon#dad!daryl#daddy!daryl#twd daryl dixon#daryl twd#twd dog#dog the walking dead#daryl dixon fluff#daryl dixon fic#daryl fluff
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Ehem* Ehem* carefully slides over a pack of oreos “more cow reader content please:>”
Hmmm more cow reader au?? What else could i write about? Cow reader x multiple bulls? 👀
CW: cow hybrid reader, fem reader (reader has breasts and vagina, referred to as a "girl"), multiple partners, smut, dubcon, orgy (F/M/M/M/M), breeding kink
Imagine your farm hands' surprise when they find out that your owners purchased several bull hybrids.
It was a spur of the moment decision: there was a nearby farm that was shutting down and about four bull hybrids had nowhere to go. Your owners, being the sweet people they were, decided to give them a home. They already had a cow hybrid—i.e. you—so taking care of bull hybrids shouldn't be that different, right?
It was a big adjustment having four bulls added to your barn. They were all so similar and yet so different, and you found your brain fuzzy when you tried to keep track of all of them. They were big and noisy and were already friends with each other, making you feel left out. You often found yourself alone in your pen or out in the field, the four bulls hanging out at the opposite end. Of course, one or two were polite enough to invite you over, but you never stayed long, feeling unwelcome in their tight knit group.
Yes, it would seem that your new roommates just weren't interested in you. You supposed that was fine, you still had your farmhands who gave you plenty of attention, you didn't need to be friends with those bulls.
But then your heat came around, and things quickly changed.
Your heat started in the middle of the day. You were alone in the barn when you felt a tingling sensation run down your spine, your cunt twitching to life, weeping slick down your thighs. You whined for your farmhands, begging them to come take care of you. You couldn't help but present yourself in the empty barn, so hot and sticky, your pussy aching to be filled.
You froze, slowly glancing over your shoulder, eyes meeting one of the bulls. He must have come back from the pasture early today; maybe he forgot something. It didn't matter really: you could already tell where this was going to go.
The bull sniffed the air, his tail twitching, eyes crossing oh so slightly.
"Yer—shit, are ya in heat?"
You whined, trying not to wave your hips back and forth, forcing yourself to stay still. Despite your efforts to not tempt him, the bull was already seduced by your scent, making his way into the barn, his cock beginning to stand at attention.
"Ya need help? Huh? Need to be filled up?"
You hiccuped, biting your lip, pushing down a moan when he kneeled behind you and grabbed your hips.
"I-I'm fine! The farm boys will help me; you don't have to—"
"The farm boys?" He clicked his tongue. "Nah, they won't be able to help ya, sweetcheeks. They can't give ya what ya need. But me—" he began running the head of his cock through your folds, "—I can give it to ya real good."
"W-Wait, I—"
"Shhhh, just relax, pretty baby. Lemme fill ya up nice and good."
And fill you up he did. He pushed his cock in steadily, his thick girth splitting you open, reaching every inch of your gummy walls. You cried out, hands curling in the hay beneath you, back arching. His hips met yours, his cock bumping up against your cervix, leaving you dizzy.
"See? What'd I tell ya? Ya don't need no farm boys—ya got a real bull right here."
With that, he pulled out, slamming back into you. You gasped, bracing yourself for his harsh thrusts, scrambling for purchase on the dirt floor. His thrusts were hard, rough, his balls making pap pap pap noises as they slapped against your soaking cunt. You could feel a fire burning in your belly, toes curling as you felt it rise higher and higher, eyes rolling back as you tumbled over the edge. You came with a wail, cunt spasming around the bull's heavy cock, his hips not stopping as you creamed around his dick.
"What's goin on—"
The bull's voice died out as he saw the two of you before him, his friend's cock stuffed deep inside your pretty little cunt. He watched in amazement as his friend leaned over you, thrusting even faster than before, making you cry out with each slam of his hips against yours. The bull approached the two of you, staring as his friend finished off, pushing his hips flush to yours and cumming inside, filling your womb with his seed, his cum overflowing around the sides.
"Woah," he whispered in awe. "That's a lotta cum."
"Sure is," the first bull exclaimed, pulling out and watching his cum leak out of you. "This'll definitely get her pregnant."
The second bull scoffed, pulling on his friend's shoulder, kneeling behind you. He manhandled you until your hips were presented to him, his now-hard cock rubbing up against your folds.
"Betcha my cum will get 'er pregnant first."
"Yeah right! My sperm is way stronger!"
The second bull pushed into you, filling you up, pushing out the cum from the first bull. Loud squelching filled the room as he began thrusting into you, his hands digging into your plush hips, bound to leave marks behind. You moaned weakly, letting him have his way with you, barely registering that he and the first bull were still arguing over who would get you pregnant.
"What's goin on in here?"
You raised your head as best as you could, making out the silhouette of the other two bulls walking into the barn.
"We're just makin a bet on who can get Y/N pregnant first."
"And I'm gonna win in just a bit."
"Shut up—"
"Psshhh, yall think you can get her pregnant? I'd bet a whole barrel of apples that I can get her pregnant before all of yall."
"Oh, buddy, I'd have a way better chance than you."
The four bulls began arguing above you, the bull inside you still stirring up your insides, soon making you cum on his cock.
"Oh shit, she's tight—"
The second bull came inside you, but you weren't given time to breathe before another bull pulled you towards him and mounted you.
That's how it went the rest of the night: the four large bulls in a circle, passing you around and fucking you until they came inside, fucking the other bulls' cum out of you. They continued making bets, upping the stakes, arguing over who would be strong enough to get you pregnant. By the time your farmhands come by to check on you, you're collapsed on the floor, a gallon of cum spilled down your thighs.
You thought that would be the end of it, that the bulls would lose interest in you and go back to focusing on themselves, but they surprised you. After they fucked you senseless, they started doting on you, following you wherever you went, questioning you about your likes and interests. You thought they were just being polite, being friendly after they fucked you so much, but one day you heard them arguing in the barn.
"No, I'm gonna be her mate."
"No way, I came in her first."
"I came in her the most."
"As if."
"Alright, alright, that's enough. What if we just shared her? Ya know, took turns and stuff?"
"What the fuck?"
"No way in hell."
"Well... maybe it wouldn't be too bad. At least then we'd get to have her and nobody's feelings would get hurt."
"Yeah, and just imagine it: we could take turns looking out for her and we wouldn't get tired out."
"Plus, we know she takes us all like a champ."
"Yer right, I've never seen a heifer take four bulls before."
You tried to lean closer to hear better, but you ended up knocking over a spading fork in the process. It fell with a loud clang, making the bull's jump and turn rapidly.
"What're ya doin, baby?"
"I-I'm sorry!" you stuttered. "I'm sorry for eavesdropping, I just—"
"Awww, you were eavesdropping?? Naughty girl."
The other bulls caught on, smirking as they all began to approach you.
"Y/N, Y/N, shame on you for listening in on us."
"Naughty thing."
"We oughta teach you a lesson, huh?"
"Yeah, gotta teach this bad girl some manners."
You were surrounded with nowhere to go, the four bulls towering over you, their cocks growing with each passing second. And before you could try to defend yourself for listening to their conversation, they were already coaxing you onto your hands and knees, arguing over who got to fuck you first.
Safe to say, you're gonna have to get used to your new farm mates.
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and your daddy don't like me
phillip graves
cw: age-gap, pwp/smut, daddy kink, "brat" taming, semi-public sex, airplane sex, bimbo-appearing!reader, authority kink like the fic? request your own! really like the fic? leave a comment! reblogs are always encouraged!
it was cut and dry, get you from location a, onto the plane and then to location b. graves knew that it was that simple, while he thought it was a little ridiculous that your father was paying this much to get you from point a to b, the pay was nothing to scoff at.
that was the plan, until he laid eyes on you. pouty lips, bratty demeanor, the aura on you that said that you always got your way. it stopped the man dead in his tracks when he saw you. it made something twist in his gut when you started to verbally tear into one of his men.
"excuse me, girlie." he said as he put his hands on his hips, "i don't quite appreciate the way you are talking to my men." he tilted his head to the side, "no need to be a brat, ma'am."
you looked to him and stepped forward, your heels clicked with the floor. you almost stood at eye level, but the dark look on his face made you frown, "are you in charge here?"
"yes ma'am, just as your father instructed."
"i don't need a small army to get to singapore. it's a flight and the old man is paranoid." you replied. you had your hands on your hips and philip was itching to just grab your waist.
"ma'am, we're just doing our job. your father has a big amount of money in his bank account. the last thing he wants is to pay your ransom."
you sighed, "then i guess it should only take one man to get me there." you looked at the other shadows, "right?"
graves smiled, stroke his ego a little harder and see what happens. he gave the signal for his men to shuffle out. they went through all the effort to get to you, but their services won't be needed. he put his gun in the holster on his thigh and held out a gloved hand. he smiled at you, "well then." he said, "i guess we should be heading to the airport."
you placed your hand in his, and he led you to the car with you carrying your belongings in a bag and suitcase. he was even nice enough to put your luggage in the back of the car before he opened the door for you to get in.
once he started to drive, that was when the sexual energy started to form. he could see how your dress hiked up when you moved in the backseat. he could see your lovely thighs and wondered as he pulled onto the highway, what color were your panties?
you looked at him, that innocent look in your eye was masking your devilish nature. you'd be a good girl for him, right? let him do his little task to get you to sinagpore.
"mister..." you said.
"philip graves." he said, he looked at your briefly, "is something the matter?"
"oh, nothing." you blushed and looked away.
he reached out and touched your thigh, "are ya scared of flying?" he asked.
you nodded, "yeah, ever since i was little." you frowned at him.
"well don't worry, it's my job to keep ya safe. you don't have to worry about anything ma'am." he gaze you a charming, boy-next-door grin as he pulled into the parking.
you giggled, "thank you, sir."
you hated your father, you found him to be an obnoxious pig. he thought less of you because you were a woman. like you couldn't make your own choices! but when you were seated in the private plane with grave, you realized you had many choices during this flight.
graves was even nice enough to buckle you in before take off. you fluttered your eyelashes at him and smiled, "thank you, sir. may i hold your hand?"
he chuckled, "of course, ma'am." he held open his hand and you took it. he noted how smaller your hand was to his. he found it cute.
you held on tightly to his hand as the plane too off. your nail dug into the flesh of his hand. when the plane was safely in the air, you cuddled up close to him, "it's a long flight."
"yes it is. but don't worry, it'll go by fast." he wrapped an arm around you. you looked up at him, at least he was getting the memo.
coyly, you leaned in and kissed him gently on the lips. you said, 'i've never met a gentleman like you." then giggled.
he chuckled, "well, i'm not like most men." he reached out for you and combed his fingers through your hair, "i just think a girl like you should get the attention she needs." you kissed once more.
"there's no one but us and the pilots." you remarked.
"that is true." he touched your face, his calloused fingers grazed your soft cheek, "why don't you get a lil more comfortable." he reached over and undid your seat belt, "i have to make sure you get there safely."
you giggled, "if my father found out what you were doing, he'd have you killed!" your face was close to his again, you reached out for him.
"aw, don't worry. your daddy doesn't need to know anythin'. just make sure my cum doesn't spill out when you see him." he laughed and gave you a wink.
you leaned in and kissed him on the lips. once unbuckled, he lifted you onto his lap and pushed up your skirt. he smirked against your kiss when he felt you were wearing no panties.
"were you hopin' to fuck my men today, ma'am?" he asked, "
"no, sir. why would you suggest that?" you looked down at him, your perfectly manicured nails in his hair, you pouted a little, "my daddy says i'm a good girl, so why would i want to fuck your men?"
he looked up at you and smirked, "oh silly girl." he said slyly, "i know you better then your daddy knows ya." he started to undo your blouse, "i was wonderin' on the ride to the airport what colour they were. but, i should've guessed there'd be none." he laughed.
the sight of your thin white bra made him salivate like a dog. his cock stirred in his pants. you gripped his hair and tilted his head back. you made eye contact. you said so sweetly, "i am a good girl."
he patted your ass and chuckled, "of course, doll. the best girl there ever was. i'm just teasin'." then gave you a nice broad smile.
you lifted your skirt to expose your pussy to him, "do you want me, mister graves."
he chuckled, "of course. now be good for me." he reached between your legs and gave it a gentle touch before he undid his pants and got his cock out, "now why don't we get a little more acquainted."
you leaned in once more and kissed him as you slowly sank on his cock. he groaned into your kiss as he felt your tight heat wrapped around his cock. it felt electric.
"promise you won't tell my daddy?" you asked, your lips close to his.
he smiled, "of course, doll. it'll be our little secret. but i have to know, do you do this for all of the men who fly with your overseas?"
you shook your head, "no sir... well, maybe if they're handsome. but mostly they're too rough and hurt me."
"ah well." he chuckled, "i'd never hurt ya. pretty things like you need to be kept safe from big bad men." he then exhaled deeply as you started to move your hips. it almost took the wind out of him.
you held onto his shoulder, the roughness of his shirt contrasted with the softness of your hands. you knew how to work your hips, you didn't make it so far with daddy's money alone.
he held your hips and felt his heart race as you rode him. he prided himself as being a man who protected. he made sure little angels like you were out of harms way. the world was a big scary place and you needed a guiding hand to keep you nice and safe.
you continued to move your hips and felt his cock deep inside of you. you were impressed by his size and it had your heart racing as you gave just the cutest little humps.
he watched your breasts bounce with all of your movements. he leaned in and kissed at your chest, trying his best not to leave marks. he didn't want yer daddy to know.
you fucked like a couple of bunnies in the lavish seat of the plane. you felt your body grow hotter. you could admit that graves was handsome, more handsome than some of the men that your father sent to you.
he was pretty in an all-american way. but if you got too close, he'd devour you whole. your hips bounced on his cock and his dug his fingers deeper into the flesh of your hips. he loved when he was feeling and seeing.
he took in the sight of you, this was the best task he had in a long time. he got paid handsomely by your father and he got a good feel of your sweet sex. maybe he'll get more chances to taste and fuck you.
you yanked on his hair and pouted once more, "i want to do it differently, sir."
"no way, i want to see you orgasm like this. i want to see your 'o' face.' he chuckled as he started to thrust up into you. he continued to watch you move against him as the two of you fucked on the leather seat.
it wasn't long before you felt the heat of orgasm in your gut. your nails dug into his shoulder you watched him with your tongue partially out of your mouth. you felt like such a slut! you were a good girl!
he humped up into you. he grit his teeth before he climaxed inside of you. the thought of pumping you full of his seed made his cock twitch before it grew softer.
you rode it a little bit more until you finished as well. you squeezed your eyes shut and let out a high pitched but sweet noise. you fell into his arms and held onto the front of his shirt.
you rubbed your pussy up against his soft cock. you let out a sweet chuckle as you looked up into his eyes. all he saw was the softest eyes and glossed full lips.
he played with your hair and smiled, "well then. why don't you get comfortable. you'll need your sleep to see your daddy."
you giggled, "well... i only have one daddy now." then rubbed a little harder.
graves believed himself to be a gentleman so who was he to deny such a lovely girl another round of the mile high club.
"he was alright, daddy." you said on the phone in your hotel room. you looked at your nails and sighed, "how much are they paying you? right.. right.."
your father talked on the other end, he asked questions about graves as you looked out onto the port. you sighed and crossed one arm, you tilted your head to the side, "no, daddy. i didn't have sex with him!" you were obviously lying, but it was bad enough you were doing your father's dirty work, "maybe i can get some liquor into him on the flight home. but you better send me to puroland for this!"
the sex was the icing on the cake. your main objective was to milk graves for all the information he was worth. you played dumb for him, make him feel like the big strong man! it wasn't hard, actually it was too easy.
but you learned long ago that most men are stupid. it just happened that graves was also a good fuck too. <3
xoxo, bunny
#bunny writes#call of duty#reader insert#call of duty modern warfare#call of duty smut#phillip graves x reader#phillip graves smut#phillip graves#graves smut#graves x you#cod graves#graves x reader#call of duty fanfic#commander phillip graves#cod modern warfare#cod smut#graves pwp
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uhh. sorta brat tamer!price punishing reader for flirting with ghost? overstim, daddy kink, afab terminology. he calls you his good girl a few times
- 🐰 -
you act like you don't understand why he's doing this to you.
price has you on your elbows and knees — well, knees. your arms gave out after the last orgasm, leaving you to claw at the sheets for any shred of stability. you're still recovering from it, breaths coming out as gasping little things in between the whimpers and whines. the pads of his thick fingers continue to circle your clit, unrelenting even after wringing three orgasms from you so far.
your hips try to jolt away from his touch, his rough callouses just on the wrong side of too much, but price's other hand is firm on your hip. you won't be able to escape him unless he lets you.
"j-john," you keen, voice warbling pathetically, "please, it's - it's too much -!"
your complaint melts into a little squeal as he stops circling your clit, only to pinch it between his thick digits. he coos darkly at your shaking.
"shhshh, darlin', you can take it." he says. his voice is sickly sweet, a condescending comfort. "this is your punishment, sweet'eart. you can be a good girl for me and take it, right?"
you shake your head in an almost frantic manner, absolutely sure that you can't. he murmurs some more sweet nothings at the almost sobbed protests that spill from you. he wouldn't be surprised if you are crying, honestly. 'specially when he starts up again; light and quick, this time.
"no? love, you deserve this, remember?" price reminds you, voice a low rumble. he keeps a careful eye on the trembling of your thighs, ready to support you himself if he's gotta. ready to pull away, if you're really spent enough to call it. "you spent all evening hangin' off Simon, did'ya think I was gonna let that slide? you're mine, love. I'm jus' remindin' you."
"sorry — I'm s-sorry — please, please," you immediately start to gasp. he thinks it's adorable how quickly you start begging for his mercy once you remember what you're being punished for.
"theeeere you go," he groans. your mewling apologies and pleading is like music to his ears. "Sing fo' me, lovie."
hangin' off ghost, honestly. like the man wouldn't notice a pretty young thing like you watching him the whole night at the bar. like he wouldn't be chomping at the bit to get a piece of you, if you got too close.
price expects you to behave around his lads; you know they're ravenous dogs, waiting for his scraps. it's price who decides when to share what's on his plate though, not you. what morsel has a say in who gets to eat them?
"have ya learned your lesson, sweet'eart?" price asks in the same condescending tone as before. you're too far to care about the slightly mean note to his words, other than the fact it makes you clench around nothing. price chuckles when he sees it. "yeah, baby? ready to be a good girl for daddy?"
you nod jerkily, and price clicks his tongue at you. you know better — he needs words outta you, not just empty-headed gestures. in the meantime, his fingers continue to stroke your sensitive clit, making your hips jump in his hand. it is a punishment, after all.
"i'll be good," you sob the promise. even though it stings, you can't help but rock back onto his fingers, desperate for more. for something more filling. "john - ah, daddy, please, i need your cock, please!"
his fingers are off you in a flash. you almost collapse, relief and disappointment at the lack of stimulation mixing into neediness. you don't have to wait more than a moment before price is flipping you around. muscles flexing, clearly not breaking a sweat as he manhandles you onto your back. he parts your legs, not that you make an effort to shut them. you're too worn out to fight, even if you wanted. you don't, though. he can see the want in your eyes.
"there's my good girl," price groans, reaching between your legs again to prod your puffy lips apart. you whine half-heartedly at him, and he pays it no mind. too busy reaching into his trousers to free his aching cock. it looks an angry red after being neglected for your punishment. he groans, low and deep, as he slides the tip through your folds with almost no resistance. "didn't even have'ta tell you to beg for it. you're so wet f'r me, aren't ya, love?"
"please," you whimper. you feel almost like a broken record, but price clearly enjoys it, the way his eyes somehow go a shade darker.
"alrigh', sweet girl, i got you. i know what'cha need."
price could tease you longer, but he's got a soft spot for you. how can he say no to those tears streaking down your cheeks, especially when you don't even seem to notice them. you took his punishment — it'll be another week or two before you start flirting with one of his boys again. for now he'll give you what you want.
he pushes into you in one fluid movement thanks to the slickness of your cunt. it knocks the wind out of your lungs, head craned backwards and eyes fluttering. the both of you moan in unison; his a low timber and yours a high gasp. you rock against him as soon as he's hilted in you — desperate for another release, this time around his cock. as it ought to be.
for a moment price watches you fuck yourself using his cock with half-lidded eyes, reveling in your enthusiasm. depravity, maybe. whichever it is, he enjoys the view.
then he snaps his hips forwards. you choke on a moan, hands flitting between clawing at the sheets and clawing at his arms. price sets a quick pace; he knows you've got to be exhausted by now. as much as he'd love to spend another hour or eight fucking into your wet, warm heat, he can tell you won't last. already you're clenching down around him, chanting ah ah ahs that has him growling back.
"jus' like tha'," he groans, dropping his head to bury against your neck. your arms wrap around his chest, nails pulling at hair just the way he likes. he might not last either at this rate. he can feel the vibrations of your voice as he plants kisses along your neck — you sound gorgeous. broken.
he shifts his hips, fucking up where he knows your sensitive spot is, and listens to you wail. price nips at your jugular and pounds at the spot. your hands scrabble against his back and he lifts his eyes just in time to see yours roll back. he didn't think you could get any tighter but you do — always making daddy proud, the way you surprise him. he groans again as you come around him, his own thrusts stuttering from their previous machine-like pace. it only takes a few more whimpers from you before he's spilling deep inside. he fucks the both of you through it slowly, before he finally relaxes on top of you.
the two of you lay panting for a few minutes, basking in your afterglow. he gathers you close and presses a kiss to your forehead. chuckles when you pull away, whining petulantly at the beard scratching at you.
"tha's my good lass," he murmurs. "go to sleep, love. i'll clean ya up."
#price#rabbittales#john price x reader#john price smut#price x reader#daddy k!nk#ask to tag#passing out again see u guys in like 6 hours#cod smut#divinetexts
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Sequel to Stepping Out- A Happy Lowman Story
As always 18+
It had been a year since you had stepped foot in the Teller-Morrow lot. A year since you watched your husband shove his tongue in another woman’s mouth and then carry her back to his dorm to fuck her. A year since you had been humiliated, hurt, left to heal not just a broken heart but also a broken body. What should have been joy at you being cancer free had been nothing but sorrow.
Parking your car in the full lot you looked around. Maybe you should just turn around and leave. Before you could though a tap at your window had you jumping. Looking over you couldn’t help but smile at the goofy grinning faces of Juice, Half-Sack and Ratboy.
“You came” stated Juice as you stepped out of the car. “Well you asked so nicely and all three of you begged….several times” you laughed as he pulled you in for a hug. “We missed ya. Not the same without you popping in” he murmured before letting you go. You met his eyes and gave him a smile. He was right things hadn’t been the same on your end either.
You had missed them all so much more than you realized. They had made a good effort to visit and call but you had been cold and distant. Not wanting to be shown pity. Be seen as the one who had been cheated on. Seen as weak, unworthy, unlovable. So you had stayed away. Until Jax had called you a couple of months ago. He wanted someone he trusted to keep the books for the new strip club and porn studio the club had opened. He also wanted you to give lessons to the new hires, vet them out. You had said no at first. You didn’t want to see your Old Man. Jax had been quick to assure you that you never would.
The four of you made your way to the clubhouse door chatting like old times. You had missed this more than you realized you would. Stepping into the darkened interior of the clubhouse you couldn’t help but cut your eyes over to where Happy would always be waiting for you. You weren’t sure if you were sad or thrilled when you saw the spot was vacant. “Want a drink?” asked Juice his breath hot on your ear as his hand rested gently on your hip as he guided you through the crowd by the door. “Please” you replied as he maneuvered you two towards the bar where Tig and Chibs sat. The other two disappearing to the pool tables.
“Lassie!” hollered Chibs as he caught sight of you as you slid next to him while Juice hopped behind the bar to grab you drinks. “Good to see you Doll” greeted Tig as his eyes traveled down the corset top and short skirt you had on. “Hey” you greeted both men as you took the drink Juice offered.
“You look good” stated Tig. “That top really makes the girls…pop” he added his blue eyes glued to your chest. Chibs simply sighed and smacked him in the back of the head. You laughed and turned away shaking your head. You couldn’t deny you loved the attention. It had been over a year since anyone paid any to you. “What? Just a fact” grumbled Tig before he slid off his stool and made his way over to a darkened corner.
Your eyes watched him go. Maybe you thought to yourself it wouldn’t hurt to test the waters. The toys in your nightstand hadn’t been getting you where you needed. A tiny part of your mind wandered about Happy, but if he cared he wouldn’t have started this whole thing in the first place. The last year wouldn’t have happened. The two of you were locked in stalemate of him wanting to reconcile and you denying him. It had been a few weeks since you last heard from him so you figured he had finally gotten it through his big bald head.
Happy sat lurking in a dark corner. His eyes on you from the moment you had walked in. All his assets on display for everyone in that damn outfit. The tooth pick he had been chewing on had snapped as he clocked Juices hands on you. Who did that punk think he was? Touching his woman like that? It didn’t matter that it was obviously to help get you through the crowd. Happy was pissed. Then that asshole Tig pretty much drooling all over your tits. Suppose to be brothers.
Happy was fuming and seeing red when he felt someone sit next to him. “Go the fuck away” he barked not even looking to see who it was.
“Its your own fault” stated Gemma as she took a drag of her cigarette. Happy turned to her watching as she nodded towards you. “You had it all. Tossed it away. You only had to wait a bit and you could have been getting your dick wet in your Old Ladies pussy, but no you had to go down the dead end road of pussy.” She continued as she smoked. “You don’t get to be angry with anyone but yourself Happy. Don’t start shit tonight with whichever brother she lets between her legs. And believe me at least one of your brothers she will be letting in.” finished Gemma before standing up as she patted his head. Happy stared in shock as he watched her disappear into the crowd.
A couple hours later
“Hey” you giggled as you collapsed onto Tigs lap dancing and grinding.
“Hey Doll” laughed Tig as his hands went to your hips. “Having fun?” he asked as he felt his jeans start to tent.
“Yeah” you murmured as you turned to face him. Your skirt rising up more as you moved. Tig swallowed hard as he felt your smooth skin under his hands. “These are for you….sorry they got a little wet” you whispered as you shoved your lacy black panties into the pocket of his kutte. Tigss breathing was picking up and he licked his lips as his fingers kneaded your bare ass. “What you playing at doll?” he asked as his your lips found his neck sucking and nipping as you ground your core onto the tent of his jeans. Tig groaned as he looked around. He wasn’t sure if he wanted someone to help or to make sure no one could see.
“I want you to fill me up Tiggy. Make me cum on your cock” you murmured as your fingers found his belt buckle and started working on. “Fuck” muttered Tig as he stood up quickly. Checking to make sure no one was paying any mind he carried you into the hallway to his dorm room.
“Fuck love” muttered Tig as he sat your ass on his dresser as he undid his jeans as his mouth found your neck. Sucking at the pulse point as you used your heels to push his pants and boxers down. Tig moaned as his cock head pressed into your wet slick. “Fucking so wet already” marveled Tig as you whined and bucked your hips to push him in more. “Fuck me Tig” you begged as he kissed down your neck and onto your chest.
Tig chuckled as he grabbed his cock to line it up but before he could thrust into you the door slammed open.
"How could you hurt me like this?' whispered Happy as he stood staring at you and Tig. The latter who was hastily yanking his pants back up as you rolled your eyes and laughed.
"You have no idea what it means to be hurt or feel pain Tacoma Killer" you snarled as you grabbed ahold of Tig and pulled him back to you. Effectively dismissing the man who had barged in. Tig looked between the two of you. “Maybe” he started before you grabbed his jaw turning him to face you. “Fuck me now. If he wants to stay and watch me take your cock that is his choice” you snapped. “Stepping out has consequences sometimes that is watching your wife cum on another man’s cock” you added your eyes boring into Happys.
Tig nodded and shoved his pants down quickly before slamming into you. “Fuck” you moaned as your eyes remained locked on Happys. Tig filled and stretched you in a mix of pain and pleasure. “Shit so tight” groaned Tig through gritted teeth as he started to slam in and out of you. Each snap of his hips the driving you further back onto the dresser.
Happy simply stood watching as you squirmed underneath Tig. Your moans and whines echoing through the room as his friend fucked you.
“Tig” you screamed as his fingers found your sensitive bud and pinched and twisted it sending you over the edge of pleasure. As your orgasm ripped through you your body fluttered and clenched around his cock until finally he was releasing himself deep within you with a feral moan. The two of you sat connected as you caught your breaths.
You moaned once Tig finally pulled out of you. Sitting up slightly you saw that Happys eyes were now locked onto your dripping pussy. Watching as a mix of your and Tigs cum dripped from your hole onto the dresser.
“I’ll leave you two to…talk” murmured Tig as he pulled his pants up before kissing your cheek and leaving the room.
“Seems I know how to pleasure a man” you remarked as you dragged a finger through your folds. Happy watched your finger gather up the mix of cum before moving up to your mouth. You moaned and closed your eyes as you sucked on your cum covered fingers. Happy closed his eyes as he fought to decide what to do or say. He loved you and he couldn’t lose you. He was the one who had started you both down this path, the one who had made you vengeful.
Opening his eyes he walked over and dropped to his knees. You gasped as he yanked you to the edge of the dresser his long tongue licking a strip up your slit before dipping into your hole. “I will lick and suck any man’s cum out of you for as long as it takes for you to finally reconcile with me. If that means forever then so be it” he stated firmly before latching onto your clit as he sucked and nipped gently. Within seconds he had you cuming on his tongue as you screamed his name.
Happy kissed up your body until he reached your lips. “I love you. I am so sorry I did this too us” he whispered before placing a gentle kiss on your lips. Tears sprung to your eyes as you grabbed his kutte and kissed him hard opening your mouth and letting his tongue snake in.
“Make love to me Happy” you whispered as you pulled from him and met his eyes. Happy simply nodded as he picked you up and walked you over to the bed.
#ravennasmasterlist#sons of anarchy#soa fanfiction#happy lowman#happy lowman fanfiction#happy lowman fanfic#happy lowman x reader#tig trager#sons of anarchy smut#tig trager smut#happy lowman smut#fanfiction
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cut it out- r.c & barry 🎀
where barry become unexpected friends
you hated the days where rafe made you go to barry’s trailer with him while he sorted out business and acted as if you weren’t even there. rafe would pay you zero attention, and on top of that you were missing out on a day of doing fun and exciting things by being forced to go with him. it didn’t help that his business partner was scary.
when you first met barry, he gave you a faux smile before asking rafe “was it really necessary you bring her here”. and even though you didn’t care one bit for barry, it still upset you. you felt like a burden whenever you went round there, as rafe would either shove you into a spare room while they dealt or made you wear headphones. and barry would always huff as he opened the door and saw your face.
one day you were left alone with barry as rafe had to go out and deal with something to do with his dad, and he trusted barry to be alone with you. after an awkward half an hour of sitting in silence, barry enquired, “country club treatin’ you good?” not expecting his question also unsure of the intentions behind it you warily answered, “yeah… why?” barry shook his head dismissively, “no reason girl, wanna drink” despite his efforts to get to know you, you were still timid when answering, “yes please, just water please” making sure to be extra polite having heard stories of barry putting people on their place, and you did not want to be one of those people. he filled you up a glass and sat next to you, “here you go princess. got another question” you looked at him with wide eyes, encouraging him to continue, “rafe act like he’s got a stick up his ass all the time with you as well, or are you his sweet spot?” the way barry described rafes grumpy personality made you laugh a little, but before you could answer rafe walked through the door, “what you laughing at kid?” you looked at barry and laughed again while barry smirked. rafe carried on walking, “don’t like this new friendship between you too”
now, days at barrys didn’t seem as daunting, every time you would tag along, barry would greet you with, “long time, princess, missed ya” while side hugging you with a kiss to the forehead. though rafe would be quick to intervene shoving him away, “yo cut it out” while barry took a step back, hands up in defence, “nice to see you too sunshine”. the sarcastic name for rafe making you giggle. you were no exception to his warning, “you too, alright?” you would nod at him suppressing a smile, but laughing again when you catch barry smirking out the corner or your eye. rafe would just storm off into the trailer after that leaving you and barry all alone outside, “i don’t know how you deal with his bratty attitude all day, princess really don’t” and again before you could respond rafe shouted from inside, “can hear you, you know” making you and barry laugh again.
god how rafe regretted ever taking you to barry’s in the first place.
#rafesbunny#i love barry and readers friendship#obx#rafe cameron#rafe cameron prompt#rafe obx#outerbanks rafe#rafe#rafe outer banks#rafe x you#puppy!reader#bunny!reader#rafe fanfiction#rafe x reader#rafe imagine#rafe x reader x barry#barry outer banks#barry obx#obx x reader#obx fanfiction#obx imagine#obx fic#outerbanks#outer banks
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Hey I'm a fag looking for a change could help me become a big dumb alpha?
Noah had always prided himself on his intellect. A self-proclaimed progressive thinker, he spent his days debating politics online, scoffing at traditional masculinity, and burying himself in academic texts. But all that changed when he lost a bet with his more athletic roommate, forcing him to complete a full workout at Herculean Gains, a place he normally would have mocked for its “toxic masculinity.”

As he stepped inside, his small frame seemed even more fragile against the towering racks of weights and muscle-bound titans grunting with effort. He tugged at his oversized hoodie, feeling out of place, but before he could turn and run, a deep, commanding voice stopped him.
“Yo, what’s up, man? You new here?”
Noah turned to see a hulking mass of muscle smirking down at him. Rod was everything Noah wasn’t, tall, broad, radiating confidence with his square jaw, short preppy cut, and gym tank barely containing his chiseled physique. The air around him was thick with sweat and something more primal.

“I, uh, yeah. Just checking the place out,” Noah muttered, his voice small.
Rod chuckled, shaking his head. “Yeah, I could tell". Said the huge man, kind of in a mocking tone. "You look like you’ve never even touched a dumbbell”.
Something about Rod’s presence made Noah’s knees weak, though not in the way he expected. He followed the jock hesitantly, the scent of Rod’s sweat filling his nostrils as they moved toward the free weights. It was overwhelming, intoxicating. His thoughts felt... strange.
“Alright, first thing’s first, bench press. Builds power, makes you a beast.” Rod slapped the bench. “Hop on, bro.”
Noah obeyed, feeling oddly compelled. Rod leaned over him to spot, and as he did, the full force of his scent hit Noah like a wave. Musky, raw, overpowering. It seeped into his skin, into his mind. His fingers twitched around the barbell.
“Oops, sorry man”. Rod said absentmindedly. “This is what real strength smells like.”
Noah groaned softly as something stirred deep within him. A warmth, a pressure, a hunger he didn’t recognize. He lifted the bar, feeling an unfamiliar energy surge through his limbs. His arms looked... different. Slightly thicker, veins subtly more pronounced. His skin, was it darker? A golden hue, like he’d spent hours in the sun, though he never tanned.

Rod grinned. “There we go, bro. See? You got it in you.”
They moved to curls, then squats, then deadlifts. With each set, Noah inhaled more of Rod’s scent, his body growing warmer, tighter, stronger. His hoodie felt stifling, and when he peeled it off, he barely recognized the reflection in the mirror. His pale, skinny arms had taken on a richer bronze hue, a new density to them. His shoulders looked broader, more defined. His jaw felt... sharper. His hair darker, the once soft brown was now deep, almost black, thickening into something wavier, more unruly.
Something was wrong, but it felt so right.
Rod gave a knowing smirk. “Feeling it now, huh?”
Noah nodded slowly, his thoughts clouding. His voice cracked. “Yeah, bro. Feels... good.”
Rod laughed, clapping him on the back. “Told ya, gym life changes a guy.” He flexed absentmindedly, completely unaware of just how literal his words were.
As his muscles grew, so did something else, his instincts, his mindset. His once sharp, overanalyzing brain felt slower, but in a good way, less cluttered, more focused. He wasn’t worrying about nonsense anymore. Just gains. Strength. And... girls. Yeahhh! Hot, tight-bodied chicks who needed a real man to handle them. He could practically see them in his mind, his need for them growing with every breath he took.
He felt a rush of testosterone, a heat in his core that burned away any trace of hesitation. Noé smirked at himself in the mirror. Damn, he looked good. Not just jacked, but powerful. The kind of guy who took what he wanted, who dominated everything he wanted. Who made women weak in the knees just by looking at them.
Rod tossed him a towel. “Shower up, bro. Let it soak in.”
Noé caught his reflection in the mirror again, and his breath hitched. His soft features had hardened into something rugged, masculine. His skin, once pale, now held a deep bronze hue, darkening with every passing moment. His delicate hands had thickened, calloused fingers twitching with an unfamiliar craving. His lean frame had swelled, pecs forming, arms thick with new muscle. His soft voice had deepened, gaining a smooth but confident edge.

Memories blurred and shifted. His family had always been American, sure, but his roots? He could feel them now, deep in his blood. Strong, dominant, latino men. Hard workers who built their legacy with their bare hands. He’d grown up in a traditional household, taught that men provided, protected, and bred. Yeah, that’s what he was meant for. Not wasting time debating politics or worrying about dumb social issues. He was born to lead, to conquer, to make women his.
But it wasn’t just that. He felt disgust at anything weak, anything pathetic. Nerds, soy boys, gays... ugh, even thinking about them made his lip curl. He couldn’t understand why would he ever needed to tolerate that kind of degeneracy. He had always been like this. A strong, dominant alpha, a real man. The idea of ever being anything less, being some weak, scrawny, gay loser? That was unthinkable. Impossible. It wasn’t him. It had never been him.
Rod clapped him on the back, grinning. “Looking great, hermano.”
Noé smirked, flexing in the mirror, rolling his shoulders. He felt powerful, unstoppable. The scent of musk, sweat, and raw testosterone filled his nostrils. And it smelled like home.
He scoffed, getting like a really weak voice telling him he want like that, he was a liberal gay proud man. That nonsense was for beta males, for the spineless. He was a real man now. A true conservative man with conservative values, machismo, strength, family, tradition. Those were the pillars of a real man’s life. Not softness. Not weakness. And thinking too much? That was for losers. Real men followed their instincts. Real men didn’t waste time debating, they acted. He had gains to make and pussies to fuck.
Noé smirked and cracked his knuckles, his thick, muscular frame exuding dominance. He had only one goal now, to claim, conquer, and spread his legacy. He wasn’t just a man, he was the most macho man. The world was his playground, and he was ready to take what was his.

Hope you enjoy your new much better self, see you at the gym or scoring some pussy at a frat party. -Rod
#male tf#muscle tf#jock tf#gay to straight#reality change#jockification#nerd to jock#lib to con#white to latino#latino tf#Herculean Gains
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Dad Katsuki and implied black reader (but open to everyone)
Katsuki Bakugo is good at almost everything he tries. A lot comes naturally but if not, he puts in minimal effort and then ends up exceeding.
But the one thing…… the one thing that he can’t wrap his head around is styling hair. Obvi, you have seen the way he tries to “style” his own hair.
He’d tried to help you with yours before but he couldn’t even figure out how to get the lumps out of a ponytail. He gave up after about 30 minutes of trying and never offered to help you with it again.
But of course you guys had gotten pregnant and had not one but two little girls.
One day you’re sick and there’s no way you’re about to get up and try and get those little gremlins ready for school.
“Don’t worry about it. I got time before I gotta head out. I got em.” He groans after the alarm goes off for you to wake up.
Everything seemed to be going smoothly because no one was screaming or crying. You eventually drift back to sleep.
Until… “ Noooooo!” And it scares you awake. That sounds like your oldest daughter. “ ‘m not going to school like this! Other kids will make fun of me!”
You fumble out of bed and start heading towards the child screaming bloody murder.
“Ya look fine. Anyone picks on you and I’ll kick their ass.” Katsuki says back to her.
Then all you hear from your youngest child is “Ass, Ass, Ass! Daddy said Ass.” And her giggles following after. The child is a menace to any situation.
When you finally get to the door you completely understand the situation.
Your baby girl is sporting “pigtails” that are uneven and crooked, and your oldest has what looks like chunky plats in her hair. They both look a hot ass mess.
“Both of you be quite! Your mom is trying to sleep! And you, stop saying ass. It’s a bad word.” He shouts loudly back at them.
“Daddy look at this! I look awful. Please don’t make me go to school like this.” Then the tears start falling and you finally make your presence known.
“Ok, ok.” It comes out all scratchy. “Everyone calm down.”
The youngest runs up to you and squeezes you leg, “mama, daddy’s gonna kick ass”
You pick her up and further examine the horrific job your husband made to her hair. “Oh yea?” And your brow lifts towards Kats because you’ve told him over and over to stop cussing in front of your kids.
“Mhmm” and she nods her head.
“Mom! Look at what dad did to my hair!?! I can’t go to school like this. Please fix it.” And she runs over to you with pleading eyes.
“Your mom is sick and your hair is fine. Now cut it out and get dressed.
“Da-“ but you cut her off.
“Katsuki this is not fine. It’d be a form of torture to send them to school like this. Come on sweet girls. I’ll fix it really quickly so you’re not late.”, you mumble and start taking them both to the bathroom.
“Are ya serious? It doesn’t look that bad.” At this point you think he’s trying to convince himself more than anyone else.
“They look a mess Kats. Not sending my kids to school lookin like they aren’t loved.” And both your daughters start giggling at that.
“What the hell ever. I’m gonna go pack their lunches.”, and he stomps off toward the kitchen.
It takes you about 15 minutes to get them both done. You have a little extra time so you throw some cute bows and accessories in there just to show him what a cute hairstyle actually looks like.
“Ok whaddya guys think”, you ask them
“I’m cute” the younger one says and she’s playing with her hair.
“It’s a lot better. Thanks mom.”
You help them finish getting ready and then shuffle them in the kitchen.
“Daddy, mommy fixed your hot ass mess” your older daughter says as she sits at the table to eat breakfast.
Katsuki stands there with his mouth agape. “What the hell did you just say?”
And everyone burst out laughing.
“Don’t be mad. Momma said I could say it.” She says with a huge smile on her face.
“Just the one time. Cuz (youngest daughter name) got to cuss cuz of you this morning.”
“Haha…. This whole family is freakin hilarious.”, he grunts and serves them their breakfast.
While their eating Katsuki walks over to you and wraps his arms around your waist. “You think you’re better than me hah?”
“At doing hair… 1000%. At being the strongest, sexiest dad?? Never.”, you say and grin up at him all cheeky.
“You’re so annoying. Take your ass to bed you look exhausted.”
Next thing you hear is “Ass to bed. Take ass to bed” being sung at this top of the little one’s lungs.
You just know you’re gonna get a call from her school today and it’s all Katsuki’s fault.
Katsuki Masterlist
#imagine#bakugou x reader#katsuki x black!reader#mha fanfiction#bakugou drabble#bakugou katsuki x reader#drabble#bakugou katsuki#katsuki bakugo mha#bakugo headcanons#fluff#katsuki fluff#katsuki bakugou x reader#bnha katsuki#bakugo katsuki#katsuki bakugo#dad katsuki fluff
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Hiiii Millie!!!! I literally fell in love with your new teddy bear!reader annnnnddd i was thinking some thoughts about maybe coryo or billy saying something harsh or maybe in a certain tone while they were in a mood and it odvi upset reader!
I know it’s super vague and I’m not really good at this whole request thing, so if for whatever reason you wanna go past this ask I completely understand!! Anywho, lots of love!!!
tysm for the ask lovey you did it perfectly! I'm so glad you love teddybear too <3
౨ৎ꣑ৎteddybear!reader getting snapped at౨ৎ꣑ৎ feat: Billy the Kid and Coriolanus Snow meet teddybear!reader

On a day like today, when teddybear!reader had been waiting so impatiently for her boy to get home, it was hard for her to understand why he was so quiet, his mood undoubtedly sour. She greeted him with a big smile as always, pressing a kiss to his cheek, but he was quiet, only offering a pat to her waist in return.
Her heart began to race as she tried to think of a way to fix it. "I made cookies!" she exclaimed, tugging on his shirt sleeve. Billy only nodded, removing his hat and setting it on the hook by the door. She bit the inside of her cheek, watching him stride into the house, taking a seat at the table and smoothing his fingers over his face.
She was confused, taking cautious steps toward him and setting her soft hands on his shoulders. "Billy are you-?"
"'m fine," he snapped, body tensing under her touch. "Leave it be."
A breath of silence. Her hands lifted from his shoulders, wrapping around her waist instead. She pinched her sides, willing herself not to cry and silently cursing when the familiar feeling of tears biting her lids became present. She didn't want to cry, she knew Billy wasn't mad at her, but the reaction was instant. Before she could suppress it, she sniffled, turning her back to him in case he looked at her.
"Oh, baby-" Footsteps, and then the feeling of his hands on her arms were present. She shook her head, ashamed at her tears, but he smoothed her hair back behind her shoulders, straightening a shoulder of her cute dress, one of her favorites. Billy was always sweet on her, saving up to get her pretty things that she never failed to love.
His touch only caused more tears to fall, and she whimpered, trembling with the effort of holding back. Billy gently wound his arm around her waist, pulling her back into his chest and kissing the top of her head. "'m sorry, sweet girl, 'm sorry." He rubbed her side, touch gentle and light, and she could hear the guilt in his voice.
The way her boy was speaking to her, she couldn't help relaxing, the tossed-away thought she'd had in her head confirmed. He wasn't mad at her. He'd just had a bad day.
"Shh, angel baby, it's okay, I've got you," Billy soothed, rubbing her back gently. "That's my girl." When she gave a particularly loud hiccup, he started to rock her back and forth. "I know. Oh, I know, sweetie."
Sniffling, she reached up for him, and he hoisted her up under her arms, so her legs wrapped around his waist. Knowing she just needed some love, he sat back down, letting her bury herself into his chest as he kept his hand on her back.
"You made cookies, huh?" Billy murmured, kissing her head again, soaking in her vanilla scented hair. "Real sweet of ya."
"Mhm," she sniffled, wiping her eyes. Billy lifted the sleeve of his shirt, wiping her nose.
"'m sorry, sweetie," he repeated, voice soft. "I shouldn't be talkin' that way to my baby."
She took in a shaky breath, nodding and hiding back into him, getting cozy where she knew it was safe.

teddybear!reader loves baking, and she always makes the prettiest cakes with frosting flowers and smoothed edges. The only problem is, sometimes she gets distracted while they're in the oven, and then before she knows it, there's smoke clouding the kitchen and she's blindly trying to make her way to the source of the problem.
This is one of those times, and she's already half crying as she stumbles towards the oven, the fire alarm hurting her ears. It was for Coryo, since he'd been working so hard lately. She wanted to do something nice for him, and he always loved her cakes.
"Darling?" She could hear his voice even over all the noise, and his footsteps quickened suddenly.
Coughing, she stumbled to the window and flung it open, the smoke filtering out as quickly as it had been conjured. She turned around to flee to the oven, but tripped over herself in her rush, knees smacking the ground with a loud crack. When she looked up, Coriolanus was right there, throwing the oven door shut and tossing the blackened cake onto the counter with a clatter.
She'd been crying ever since she realized the smoke, but now, seeing her infuriated boy stalking towards her, sleeves rolled up, hair a mess, she was an utter mess. Coriolanus reached down, yanking her up under her arms to stand in front of him. With her fluffy pink cardigan falling off one shoulder (along with the strap of her dress), her hair messy from the commotion, and the continuous tear tracks on her rosy cheeks, she knew she looked a mess.
"What have we talked about when you're baking?" His voice was sharp, eyes narrow.
Her lower lip trembled. "W-watching the o-oven."
"Watching the oven," he said sternly, eyes still hardened. "You could have hurt yourself. You could have started a fire and burned the house down."
"'m sorry," she blubbered, shivering between his arms. "I w-was trying to be n-nice."
He softened, just a tad. "Honey, you need to pay attention when you put something in the oven. I know you love baking but you can't keep burning things."
Nodding, she tried to stop her wobbling chin, but Coriolanus brought her into his arms, his hold steady. She relaxed, still sniffling, but calming as he began to guide her out of the room. His voice was muffled to her, but she could make out him alerting someone to the mess in the kitchen.
She was still crying when he sat her down on their bed, kneeling in front of her and cupping her wet cheeks, forcing her to meet his eyes. "Hey. It's okay. You're okay."
"I b-burned it," she wailed, fisting the covers. "I w-wanted it to be pretty for youuu."
"I know, sweetheart," he muttered, his demeanor much gentler than before. "I know. I'm sorry I got upset. I just want you to be more careful."
Nodding, she closed her eyes, cuddling into him when he came to sit on the bed with her, positioning her head in his lap. He rang up for one of her favorite sweet drinks, pulling her favorite white fuzzy blanket over both of their legs so she could cuddle close. He knew how much his girl loved being comfy.
"Do you think we can save the cake?" she mumbled after awhile.
Coriolanus kissed the top of her head. "We'll make a new one later. Together."

#teddybear!reader#millie's readers#billy the kid#milliesfishes billy#coriolanus snow#milliesfishes coryo#billy the kid x reader
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heyy I'm really craving for angsty fics these days!!
i feel like leehan's character is more like nerdy one so i request you to please make a heart clenching breaking angst but w happy ending where Leehan gets constantly bullied
Thank you !!!
kim leehan x reader [angst, fluff ending, fem!reader]
warnings - bullying, mentions of sexual assault
a/n - this is probably not what you were expecting anonie but i am notoriously bad at writing angst😭 hope you enjoy still!!!

2009 - “ya! kim donghyun!” the loudest boy in your year yelled across the classroom. primary school had been kind to you so far, but not to some others. lunch time was done, children pouring back into the classroom to chat before the teacher came in.
donghyun, the known weirdo of the class, didn’t even look up as he helped a bug navigate his small hands. the boy calling for him scoffed, obviously provoked by the lack of reaction.
“donghyun-ah,” you whispered, moving your face closer to his, as his big brown eyes suddenly flicked up to study your face, “heebok wants you.”
donghyun nodded, a small smile on his face as he went back to the bug. you sighed, he was always like this. he was quiet, and did nothing to help himself as the kids in the class walked all over him.
heebok started throwing wrappers across the classroom, hitting donghyun’s head as you frowned, getting up and standing in front of him as you glared at the boy.
“y/n, get lost!” heebok’s friend threatened.
“stop picking on him!”
“or what?” they laughed.
you grumbled, turning donghyun’s body away from them and towards your own seat.
2012 - “who even is he?”
“that’s kim donghyun. he’s a serious weirdo.”
“yeah he like, never talks. and he disappears as soon as school ends!”
you rolled your eyes, getting up from the table where all the girls continued to gossip about the boy sat by himself, “i’m going.”
“where?! y/n?!”
you took your lunch, walking over to where the boy sat and taking a seat opposite. donghyun looked up at you wordlessly, continuing to eat his lunch.
“i’m not gonna thank you, y/n,” he said.
you scoffed, “i didn’t ask for thanks, donghyun.”
he nodded. as did you, even though he couldn’t see you, and continued to eat your lunch in silence.
2015 - “donghyun-ah,” you spoke, furrowing your eyebrows as you walked into the classroom, “what are you doing?”
donghyun glanced up at you, straw in his mouth, the bottom half in the cup of ramen. he had no emotion on his face as he went back to it.
“it’s hot.”
you sighed, rolling your eyes as you took your seat at the desk beside him.
“by the way, y/n,” he spoke, folding his arms and laying his head upon them, looking up at you from that position; his eyes looking exactly the same as they did 6 years ago. “i’ve decided i’m going to be an idol.”
“a-an idol?!” you exclaimed, lowering your voice quickly before it drew attention to your friend who, despite your best efforts, was the victim of serial bullying at your school, “can you even sing?”
donghyun chuckled, nodding, “you don’t need to worry about me anymore.”
you gave him a worried look, before turning and looking at haejun walking through the door.
“just… don’t tell anyone else about this idea, okay?” you hummed, grabbing his hand under the desk.
“why?” he asked, looking genuinely confused. he never helped himself, and it drove you mad sometimes, “i can do it.”
“i know,” you nodded, sighing, “i believe in you. it’s just... other people won’t be so kind.”
“believe in what?” haejun asked, before glancing at donghyun up and down, “what the fuck are you doing, freak?”
donghyun just shrugged.
“i asked you what you were doing!” haejun yelled, “you disrespectful bitch!”
“get lost, haejun,” you sighed, haejun scoffing and rolling his eyes as he found his seat, continuing to kick donghyun’s seat from behind, “stand up for yourself kim donghyun, please!”
he just smiled pitifully at you, continuing to drink his ramen.
2018 - “you’re really going?” the boy scoffed, shoving donghyun’s shoulder, “good. i’ve been trying to get rid of you since we fucking started school.”
“i don’t think he’s really going to be a trainee, you know. i think he’s lying and dropping out of school. always were fucking weird, anyway.”
“maybe. even if he was a trainee, he wouldn’t get anywhere anyway. freak.”
“oh?” the other boy said, his gaze shifting behind donghyun, “your girlfriend’s here.”
“she’s not my girlfriend,” donghyun murmured as you reached his body, pulling him back away from the boys and glaring at them, fists clenched at your sides.
“how many times have i told you to leave him alone?!” you yelled, shoving at their chests, “you two have been doing this since the day we started school, for no fucking reason. donghyun has been nothing but kind and patient and he doesn’t even show any reaction! is it fun?! are you having fun?! yeah he’s a little weird, so what?!”
“y/n, please,” donghyun spoke quietly from behind you, you shrugged off his grip on your arm.
“you’re so sweet, always protecting him, you know,” heebok cooed, cupping your cheek with one hand and your waist with the other as you flinched, “so obedient, i like girls like that.”
“get the fuck off her!” donghyun yelled, suddenly grabbing your body and pulling you away, punching heebok square in the face and shoving haejun into the wall. he grabbed your arm, pulling you into a nearby storage cupboard, “y/n, are you okay? i always told you to stop!”
“donghyun,” you laughed weakly, looking at him incredulously, “you could’ve done that the whole time… what– seriously, donghyun-ah. stand up for yourself!”
“are you okay?!”
“i’m fine,” you sighed, “answer me.”
“i didn’t need to stand up for myself,” he cried, more emotion in his voice than you’d ever heard before, “it doesn’t matter, you know?! none of it matters, i always told you.”
“you just let them walk all over you!”
“it’s fine,” donghyun sighed, shaking his head dismissively, “they never caused any harm. but that? what he almost did to you?!”
“he didn’t do anything, donghyun, i’m okay,” you nodded, taking his hand.
your heart started beating fast as you realised the proximity between you in this cupboard.
“so,” you spoke, trying to move as far away from him as possible, “you’re really going to seoul?”
donghyun nodded once, definitively, “i already got into a company. it’s a small one, but i can always move when i’m there.”
you nodded, “are you gonna be okay? in seoul?”
“it’s okay, heebok and haejun aren’t gonna be there,” donghyun chuckled, taking your hand to calm your nerves - though it seemed to have the opposite effect.
“yeah but…” you trailed off, thinking of all the other people throughout your life that you’ve caught laughing at your friend behind his back.
you shook your head, “nothing.” you sighed, ruffling his hair, trying to restart the playful vibe between you, “i’ll miss you, kim donghyun.”
donghyun blinked, nodding, “i’ll miss you too.”
he leaned forward slowly, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek before swiftly leaving the cupboard.
2023 - “leehan-ah!” you called, running over to your boyfriend as he stood outside the café.
donghyun smiled, opening his arms to welcome you with a hug as you reached him.
“okay, okay, love birds, enough,” jaehyun scolded, “we need to go.”
“woonhak’s not even here yet!” leehan laughed, one of the most legitimate smiles across his face that you’d seen in his whole life, “how can y/n be here before woonhak? we live across the road.”
“y/n?” a random voice came from down the street, “wow! y/n!”
you furrowed your eyebrows, approaching the man as he approached you.
“it’s heebok!” he laughed, “woah, it’s been so long!”
you gasped out a laugh, “wow heebok. hmm, i suppose it has.”
“what? you’re still mad about all that donghyun stuff?” he scoffed, “come on, we were so young! i’m sure we’ve all moved past it. come to think of it, he’s in seoul too, right? training? or has he already dropped out.”
you scoffed, “he debuted, heebok.”
“wow, good for him!”
you rolled your eyes, suddenly an arm snaking its way around your waist.
“wow, it really has been a while, hasn’t it, heebok?” leehan smirked, “good to see you!”
“k-kim donghyun?”
he nodded, “although, i’m mostly going by leehan these days, maybe you’ve heard of us, boynextdoor?”
heebok’s eyes widened, “my daughter’s such a big fan! wow, good for you, mate!”
leehan scoffed, before nodding and speaking politely, “hmm, be sure to tell her how much of a fucked up person her dad is. and how horrible he was to me.”
heebok looked at him shocked.
“come on, baby,” donghyun smiled, kissing your head, “the car’s here.”
#this is so shit😭😭😭#but also long#so#boynextdoor#bnd#bnd x reader#boynextdoor blurb#boynextdoor x reader#bnd blurb#bnd fanfic#bnd imagine#boynextdoor fanfic#boynextdoor imagine#bnd angst#boynextdoor angst#kim leehan blurb#kim leehan imagine#kim leehan fanfic#kim leehan x reader#kim leehan#kim leehan fluff#kim leehan angst#leehan🪸🐠#🏠 who’s there?#requested fic!#fem reader
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it was always you | atsumu miya
w/c <1300
It was a crisp autumn evening when Atsumu Miya first confided in you about his crush. The two of you were lounging on your favorite spot- a cozy corner booth at the small cafe just a block away from your high school. The air was filled with the scent of freshly brewed coffee and the sound of quiet conversations and clinking cups. The warm hues of the setting sun filtered through the large windows, casting a golden glow on Atsumu's face.
You sipped your hot coffee, savoring the rich, velvety taste. Atsumu fidgeted with his cup, his usual confident demeanor replaced by a rare nervousness. His eyes darted around the room before finally settling on you.
"I gotta tell ya somethin'," he said, his voice uncharacteristically hesitant.
You raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What is it, 'Tsumu?"
He took a deep breath, his fingers tapping an anxious rhythm on the table. "I... I have a crush on someone."
A grin spread across your face. "Oh really? Who's the lucky girl?"
Atsumu's cheeks flushed a light pink as he mumbled the name. You leaned in closer, barely catching the whispered words. Your eyes widened in surprise. He had a crush on your best friend, Ayumi.
"Seriously? Ayumi?" you asked, your surprise evident.
Atsumu nodded, looking sheepish. "Yeah. She's... different. She ain't like anyone else I've met."
You smiled, your heart warming at his sincerity. "Well, you've got good taste, 'Tsumu. Ayumi is amazing."
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "But I dunno what to do. I don't wanna screw it up."
You chuckled, giving his arm a reassuring squeeze. "Don't worry. You've got me. I'll be your wingman."
Atsumu's eyes lit up with a mixture of hope and gratitude. "Really? You'd do that for me?"
You nodded, a mischievous glint in your eyes. "Of course! What are best friends for?"
And so began your mission to help Atsumu win Ayumi's heart. Over the next few weeks, you found yourself subtly talking Atsumu up around Ayumi. You'd casually mention his impressive volleyball skills, his sense of humor, and his loyalty as a friend. You'd tease Ayumi whenever the two of them were together, making playful comments about how cute they would be as a couple.
"Ayumi, don't you think 'Tsumu looks extra handsome today?" you'd say with a wink, watching as Atsumu's cheeks turned red and Ayumi laughed.
Despite your efforts, Ayumi didn't seem to pick up on the hints. She remained oblivious to Atsumu's feelings, treating him as just another friend. You could see the frustration and disappointment in Atsumu's eyes, but he never blamed you. He appreciated your help, even if it didn't seem to be working.
One evening, as you and Atsumu were walking home from school, he let out a heavy sigh. "I don't think she likes me that way," he said, his voice tinged with sadness.
You frowned, your heart aching for him. "Don't give up, 'Tsumu. Sometimes these things take time."
He gave you a small, grateful smile. "Thanks, yn. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Months passed, and despite your best efforts, Ayumi's feelings for Atsumu remained unchanged. Then, one fateful afternoon, she confided in you, her cheeks flushed with excitement.
"I need to tell you something, yn," she said, her voice bubbling with glee.
You smiled, curious. "What is it?"
Ayumi bit her lip, her eyes shining. "I think I like Osamu."
The world seemed to stop for a moment as you processed her words. Osamu, Atsumu's twin brother. The realization hit you like a ton of bricks. You felt a pang of guilt, knowing how much this would hurt Atsumu.
"Osamu?" you repeated, trying to keep your voice steady.
Ayumi nodded, oblivious to your internal turmoil. "Yeah. We've been spending a lot of time together lately, and I think there's something there."
You forced a smile, hiding your own feelings of guilt and dread. "That's great, Ayumi. I'm happy for you."
Later that evening, you found yourself at Atsumu's door, your heart heavy with the news you had to deliver. He greeted you with his usual smile, but it quickly faded when he saw the look on your face.
"What's wrong, yn?" he asked, concern etched in his features.
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself. "I have something to tell you, 'Tsumu. It's about Ayumi."
His eyes widened, hope flickering in them. "Did she say something about me?"
You shook your head, your heart breaking for him. "No, 'Tsumu. She... she likes Osamu."
The words hung in the air, and you watched as the hope in Atsumu's eyes shattered, replaced by a deep, painful sadness. He sank onto the couch, his head in his hands.
"I'm so sorry, 'Tsumu," you whispered, sitting beside him and placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
He didn't say anything for a long time, the silence heavy with his heartbreak. Finally, he looked up at you, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.
"It's not your fault, yn," he said, his voice raw with emotion. "I appreciate everything you've done for me."
You hugged him tightly, wishing you could take away his pain. "I'm here for you, 'Tsumu. Always."
In the weeks that followed, you did everything you could to lift Atsumu's spirits. You spent more time with him, planning fun outings and surprise treats to cheer him up. You listened to him vent, offered words of encouragement, and simply sat with him in silence when he needed it.
One evening, as the two of you sat on his couch watching a movie, you couldn't help but steal a glance at him. The flickering light from the TV cast shadows on his face, highlighting the sadness that still lingered in his eyes. Your heart ached for him, and you wished more than anything that you could make him smile again.
As the months went by, something began to shift between you and Atsumu. The bond you shared grew stronger, deeper. You found yourself laughing more with him, enjoying his company in a way you hadn't before. And slowly, ever so slowly, Atsumu began to heal.
One night, many months after Ayumi's confession, you found yourself at Atsumu's door once again, a plastic bag filled with your favorite snacks in hand. It was time for your weekly movie night, a tradition that had become a comforting routine for both of you.
Atsumu greeted you with a smile, the sadness in his eyes now a distant memory. "Hey, yn. Ready for our movie night?"
You grinned, holding up the bag. "Always. I brought all our favorites."
As you settled onto the couch, Atsumu draped a blanket over the both of you, and you started the movie. Halfway through, you found yourself leaning against him, your head resting on his shoulder. It felt so natural, so right.
Without warning, Atsumu turned to you, his eyes searching yours. "yn," he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
You looked up at him, your heart pounding in your chest. "What is it, 'Tsumu?"
He hesitated for a moment, then cupped your face in his hands, his touch gentle and warm. "It's always been you, yn. Even if it took me a while to realize."
Before you could process his words, he leaned in and kissed you. It was soft and tentative at first, but as you responded, it deepened, filled with all the emotions you had both been holding back.
When you finally pulled away, you looked into his eyes, seeing the love and sincerity there. "I love you too, 'Tsumu," you whispered, your heart overflowing with happiness.
You spent the rest of the movie in blissful silence, your head resting on his chest, his arms wrapped around you. As the credits rolled, you knew that everything had changed, but it felt right. It felt like it was always meant to be.
#haikyuu#hq#haikyuu x reader#hq x reader#x reader#atsumu x reader#haikyuu atsumu#atsumu miya#miya atsumu#atsumu x y/n#atsumu x you#msby atsumu#atsumu fluff#hq atsumu#miya atsumu x reader#atsumu x female reader#miya x reader#atsumu scenarios#atsumu drabbles#atsumu fanfic#atsumu fic
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Nails on the Chalkboard of My Heart
Wenclair Oneshot
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair
Summary: It’s a dark and stormy night… and Wednesday decides to paint Enid’s nails in an effort to help the werewolf calm down. Fluffy confessions and silly gay girl antics ensue.
A/N: I really did love writing this one, I love blorbos painting each other’s nails. They’re so stinking cute. Enjoy!
Warnings: that good ole lesbian make out sesh don’t ya know
It was storming outside when Wednesday returned back to the dorm to find a shivering Enid tucked away under the covers. The lightning and thunder had been going raucously for about an hour now, and the walls shook from the force of the wind. Wednesday almost smiled at the rain lashing the windows.
Setting her bag on her desk, Wednesday quickly changed into her hoodie and sweats while doing her best to ignore the whimpering coming from the other side of the room. Enid never did well during large thunderstorms. She had told her as such, even explaining that she was used to handling them just fine alone, as none of her family had ever bothered to comfort her. That tidbit has nagged restlessly at Wednesday, but she brushed it off and didn’t press questions.
Now, though, after 30 minutes of sitting silently in front of her typewriter with nothing to show for it, after 30 minutes of Enid crying softly under her thick blankets all alone, after 30 minutes of “my parents had better things to do than trying to get me to stop cowering” ringing through her head in Enid’s gentle diction, something in Wednesday’s chest gave a terrible ache. She ripped the useless paper from the machine in front of her and crumpled it with one hand before tossing it in the trash bin like it had personally offended her.
Thing appeared on her desk, somehow knowing he was about to be summoned. Wednesday nodded, turning to face him. “Enid’s noise canceling headphones broke last week after Xavier’s idiotic little stunt with the lunch trays. Grab my pair from under my bed and take them to her while I clean up,” she ordered quietly, already starting to tidy her desk back to how she liked it.
Morticia and Gomez had gifted them both a set of headphones once they had heard of Enid’s ADHD. They had already been preparing to do so after Wednesday’s official autism diagnosis, but hurried the purchase in order to supply them both before the new school year.
Thing gave a little one-fingered salute and scurried off to do what he was told, jolting at the lightning but giving no protest. The girl sighed and rolled her shoulders. The crick in her neck had grown especially agonizing over the last week, and while she normally enjoyed pain, this was more annoying than anything else.
There was muffled conversation from Enid, but her sounds of distress stopped while she presumably accepted the headphones and put them on. Wednesday closed her eyes, letting out a sigh from her nose. Maybe she could pretend to stall by reorganizing her entire bookshelf for the third time, when in reality all that was happening was a mental preparation for what she was about to do.
A strike of lightning pierced the night and rattled the walls, leaving the dorm room in momentary blackness. Enid lets out a shriek, her tears evident in the warble in her throat. But like a wraith, Wednesday is by her side the moment the lights come back on, unable to stop herself from holding back.
Another yelp from the Werewolf, who jumped and scrambled back on her bed. Wednesday reached forward quickly to cradle the girl’s face and pull her closer, her knees subsequently ending up on the colorful covers.
Enid freezes, tearful eyes wide, the black headphones askew on her head. They both hold their breaths, but Wednesday is the first to move, carefully taking her roommate’s hand to pull her back properly onto her own bed. Enid only obeys, expression dizzy as it darts between the point of contact and the lack of a scowl on the Latina’s face.
Once Enid is resettled, Wednesday busies herself with going through the drawers of her nightstand and desk. Her mind is running unfortunately much quicker than she likes, but her senses sharpen with each whimper from the puppy waiting for her just feet away.
Black and pink nail polish secured in her palm, she sits with her legs crossed in front of Enid and fixes the headphones back into place. The werewolf sat stockstill, only moving to flinch at the thunder.
“I’m going to turn some music on for you, and then I’m going to paint your nails, and we’re not going to talk- understood?” Wednesday says softly, pulling her rarely used phone from her pocket and opening up Spotify. Enid seems only capable of gaping, her wet cheeks glowing pink.
Wednesday presses play on a shared playlist of theirs (which mainly consisted of very limited Kpop, Cigarettes After Sex, Melanie Martinez, and classical cello arrangements) before setting her phone aside and putting her palm out. Enid stared at it for a moment before realizing what she wanted and giving her hand over.
They both jolted once their fingers met, but Wednesday just pulled Enid’s arm closer with a gentle reverence and uncapped one of the polishes to begin painting.
Enid watched her in silent awe, ears blessedly full of something other than the thunderstorm. Wednesday worked in careful precision, stroking one finger at a time to stimulate the claws that hid under the skin so she could coat the polish on. She did it in one full stroke, because she was an Addams and did everything perfectly, her dark eyes almost warm as she waited a moment for the paint to set before moving on to the next.
There was much to be said, of course, about the colors Wednesday had chosen. Pink and black, to symbolize the two of them, in a pattern of every-other.
A crash of thunder hit Nevermore, and Enid jumped at the vibrations as they rattled the wooden boards around them. Wednesday held her hands still, her thumb drawing slow circles into her wrists until she was calm again. When another loud bang had Enid’s claws slipping out involuntarily, the result of which was a red nick in Wednesday’s skin, the goth only pressed a kiss to Enid’s knuckles to steady her (and make her blush like a volcano?? C'mon Enid get it together) instead of lashing out like the werewolf had feared.
A bright flash set the world outside momentarily ablaze. Enid flinched and curled into herself, her hands pulling away from Wednesday to ball together close to her chest. When she came back around with the gentle melody of Apocalypse soothing her sensitive ears, Wednesday was hovering close, hands shaped like she would be cupping Enid’s cheeks if she just moved forward about two inches.
Enid watched her, blinking the tears away as her heart settled, and gave herself no time to think. She leaned forward and nestled her jaw into Wednesday Addams’ palms, the wonderful touch of skin on skin melting the fear away. Dark eyes bore into baby blues, and Wednesday idly wondered what her parents would say if they saw her like this, calm and warm and making a willing effort to provide comfort to someone such as Enid.
“You’re alright,” she whispered, even as she very well knew that Enid couldn’t hear her- though the girl’s eyes darted down to read her lips. “It can’t hurt you. Not while I’m here.”
And Enid watches as she always had, cheeks warm and marveling silently as Wednesday retracted, carefully cleaning any smudged polish before reapplying the color where it was needed. Once Enid’s nails were successfully painted, Wednesday held her fingers gingerly to blow on them until they were dry. Her breath was warm, and soothed the ache in her knuckles.
The two stared at each other, Enid taking the headphones off and setting them aside. The storm had thankfully dimmed to a drizzle. The pitter patter of the raindrops was soothing and much preferred over heavy thunder and lightning.
Wednesday felt her stomach roiling at the entire interaction. Who was she, Wednesday Addams, to be painting the nails of this strange girl? Who was she to calm and to help, when all her life, she had only been a dark thing of madness? Who was she… to Enid?
Wednesday was so caught up in her head that it took her a long moment to realize that Enid’s face had melted into a mask of awed serenity, and the expression was held only for Wednesday. The werewolf watched her so intensely that Wednesday could feel the cool water of her eyes, imagining what her fingers would do if pushed through impossibly soft golden hair.
“Thank you,” Enid suddenly breathed, her heart in her throat. Something was clawing away at her lungs, stealing her breath. Her very bones seemed to ring. “Thank you,” she said again, aching and aching for Wednesday to stay, to keep touching her, to touch her more.
Somehow, Wednesday saw that want, saw right through her as she always did and always would. She cleared her throat, her mouth suddenly very, very dry, the words burning on her tongue.
“Anything you wish of me, Enid, I will do. And if it is not what you desire, then I will leave you in peace, away from my darkness and pain that trails me as if a shadow forever imprinted. But you- I can’t…” She swallowed thickly. Enid’s eyes were wide, a blush rising on her freckled cheeks. Wednesday desperately wanted to touch them. “I believe that I have fallen victim to the Addams Family curse, to love fiercely and everlastingly. I can feel it swelling within me, a heart I didn’t know I had.”
Wednesday didn’t really know what she was doing, why she was saying this. But the words had started and her chest had screamed so desperately for what it truly wanted, what it had been waiting for all this time.
“I think… that you have entranced me, utterly entranced me in every way any wicked woman could think of.” Another swallow, tightening the hold their fingers had on each other. Enid’s face was a furnace, her lips parted and heart beating furiously.
How did she respond to this? How did she explain to Wednesday that she had discovered that her darker counterpart and undying crush was her mate only weeks ago, a revelation that had sent her into a tizzy so bad she had been bedridden for hours? She wasn’t sure she even remembered how to speak.
Wednesday’s pupils were blown wide, her eyes large and dark and swallowing Enid whole. She wanted to be laid to rest in those eyes. But Wednesday heard no response, and her mind faltered. She had been so sure in that moment that her wolf would return the affection, would recognize the confession for what it was. The plea in her voice, the promise to do and be anything Enid asked.
“If you- if you do not feel the same way, Enid, I would understand, and I would not blame you. Turn me away and I would trek to the edges of the Earth if that is where you want me. But if you wish for me to stay… I am devoted to you, to your happiness, your pleasure, your mind and soul. I am caught in your beastly claws and yours to do with what you will.” And she waited, her ribs throbbing as her heart pumped blood harshly through her. Wednesday Addams laid herself out for the first time in her miserable life, completely true and bare for someone else.
How had painting nails turned into this? What could have possibly possessed her today?
Enid, in turn, was still doing her best to wrap her poor little gay head around Wednesday’s words. This was too good to be true, it- it couldn’t possibly be real. And normally if she were called beastly by anyone else, she would claw their face off. But with Wednesday calling her that… Shit. It honest to gods turned her on.
She opened her mouth as if to speak, but closed it again with absolutely no idea what to say. But… did she even really need words? Wednesday was stating this verbally because she knew it was the best way to get through to Enid. The darker girl had always shown her true feelings through actions, but to get through her thick werewolf skull, the words were easiest.
Enid thought she should return the favor. Tell Wednesday that she felt the same, show her she felt the same. That she would push herself to every possible limit for Wednesday, would do anything she ever asked, would rip her own heart out if it meant her mate would give her a rare smile.
And to show her, Enid knew there was only one option. They were in too deep- far too deep, to settle for anything less than razor sharp exactness.
Wednesday watched her with wide eyes, cheeks dark and lips parted almost grimly. There was no more room for waiting. Enid set aside the nail polish bottles, crawled forward to gently nudge her way between Wednesday's knees, and kissed her without a moment to waste.
Wednesday gasped and jolted away as her heart shrieked, lips burning furiously. She stared; Enid stared back. The werewolf looked ready to fling herself off of their balcony. But Wednesday fisted the soft blonde hair at the back of her head and pulled her forward with no small amount of desperation, reconnecting their mouths before she could let herself think.
There was another gasp, then a sigh, followed by a moan as Enid pushed into her closer until Wednesday was pressed on her back, braids messy and thrown over the bed. The wolf’s weight on her smaller body was warm and alluring, fading into the back of her mind as soft lips devoured her whole.
Gods, Wednesday had never seen so much color. It burst into fireworks over her eyelids as Enid kissed her and kissed her, a silver tongue dipping hotly into her mouth to flick over her canines and taste the cruel words Wednesday Addams preferred to so generously wield.
Enid’s heart burst in her chest as the girl beneath her responded ever so eagerly to her lips, tangling their legs together and using her cold, delicate hands to cup the werewolf’s cheeks and pull her closer, always closer, her perfect nails scratching softly at her skin just below the Hyde scars. A purr built up and tumbled out of her throat, startling Wednesday so much that she broke away, cheeks deliciously flushed and chest working hard to keep breathing.
Enid stopped too, unable to squash the mortified look on her face as the purr persisted, rumbling softly in the back of her throat. She knew if her wolf had its way, a golden tail would be wagging furiously. She would’ve died from embarrassment alone.
Wednesday’s mouth had gone slack, her obsidian eyes wide and a bit glazed as she stared so intently at Enid she might as well have been stripping her right then and there.
“I didn’t know that you could- that you would… make that noise,” she muttered, one hand moving to settle on Enid’s waist while the other stayed where it rested on her scarred cheek. Her fingertips were cold, yet left a blazing trail as they flittered like dark little mourning doves over fairer skin.
“Werewolves only purr for their mate,” Wednesday said slowly, cautiously, doing her damn best to gauge the expressions flashing over Enid’s face so quickly she could barely decipher half of them. Most depicted a horrified desire to forget the balcony and just head straight for a window. “Only- their mate.”
Enid could only stare at Wednesday, at her inky hair and adorable bangs, the freckles smattered over dark skin that was normally as pale as death but now shone red, the depthless eyes that threatened to drown her every morning when she awoke. Mate. Her mate, watching her closely as one would a spooked animal.
What was there to say? Wednesday stated the fact, because Enid truly had purred, was still purring, even as she scrambled for the words to save her sorry ass from the rejection of an Addams daughter. She was still hovering over said Addams, such a welcome shadow on her colorful bedspread.
“Am I your mate, Enid Sinclair?” Wednesday whispered, her lips barely moving as she used her hand to tug the blonde fully on top of her by her waist, the purr halted for only a second by a nervous whine. Her eyelashes fluttered, and a smirk- no, a grin- tipped the corners of her mouth up until perfect teeth almost showed through those taunting lips.
Taunting lips that Enid wanted to kiss again very, very much.
Wednesday repeated her question, her words almost slurred as she breathed them. There was something on her face, in the lines of her cheekbones and the dip of her chin, the curve of her jaw, that spoke of something dangerous. Insatiable. Enid couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
But as soon as she came up with it -hunger- she let out a low whimper and somehow pressed impossibly closer until her warmth was Wednesday's warmth, until her breath was Wednesday’s breath. “Yes,” she whispered, begged, might as well have screamed for what that one word did.
Wednesday Addams surged up to capture the wolf’s lips in her own and throw her off balance in order to straddle her waist, the words melting into their mouths.
Words they never really needed to say.
Not that Enid would even know how to speak in the first place, after Wednesday had her way with her.
#Wednesday#Wednesday Addams#Enid#Enid Sinclair#Wenclair#sapphic#queer#lesbian#fanfic#fanfiction#wlw#gxg#Addams family#fluff#angst?#I love them so much
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