#but wow this starter ended up. kind of depressing. i'm so sorry kfjkjdsfdskj
moonrecalled · 4 months
It takes a long time for the tears to stop. Ryoji's still sniffing and rubbing his eyes even when he's finally calmed down enough to breathe, though the sorrow he feels still hasn't gone away. It's more like his body ran out of energy, like he's cried all the tears he can and has been left empty, unable to take the feelings plaguing him for even a moment longer. Of course, that emptiness doesn't feel any easier to bear... but maybe it's a blessing he should appreciate.
When he hears a noise behind him, though - Ryoji's stomach drops as he realizes he's been caught.
Not just by anyone, but by a child. It makes him want to burst into tears all over again; and it hurts, because she's so young and has her whole life ahead of her - or at least she should. In reality, she won't live to see spring. Ryoji grieves for each and every person on this planet - the old and the young, those who are suffering and those who are happy... but it's a special kind of cruelty to think about the fate of the children in this world - to know that even the most innocent of humanity won't be spared, when they've barely had the chance to experience what life has to offer.
Just like him. ...He's sure his feelings must be showing on his face from her expression, and desperately, he tries to reign everything in and force a smile, but his lip wobbles and he soon gives up in defeat. Still, though. He can't let her worry like this - he has to say something.
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"I'm- sorry. I mean... I'm okay, really. I'll be fine. So don't make that sad face, okay?"
@autonomousxselves ( starter for maiko! )
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