#but who cares? they have an eternity together for sy to get a clue ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Shen Yuan, who transmigrates into PIWD as himself, finds out he is allergic to basically everything. Thankfully Bingge is ready to dual cultivate with him every time he has an allergic reaction to save his life. What a bro. What an absolutely heroic straight protagonist who fucks even a nerdy, straight guy like him to help a bro out. Well, it is a little strange that his blood mites does not work for this, so they have to dual cultivate every time, but Shen Yuan blames Airplane. It must be his fault. Shen Yuan is just so thankful and blessed to have such a good friend, who spends every minute stuck to him to make sure he is safe! Bingge even moved him to his own room and bed to stay vigilant! What a protagonist, what a bro!
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hopeishappinessff · 7 years
Chapter 35
Rolling over onto my side, I squinted at the beaming neon numbers on my alarm clock and after yawning and stretching wide, I smiled broadly and pushed myself into an upright position… today, was my birthday. I woke up nearly twenty minutes earlier than usual, so I spoiled myself by snuggling in my bed and flipping on the television to pass time. Around seven am., I finally climbed out of bed and moseyed over to my bathroom to complete my morning tasks. Within twenty minutes, I was out of the shower and making my way back into my room with a towel wrapped snuggly around my frame. Before I could reach my closet, a large white bag perched beside a shoe box near the closet entrance caught my eye. A slight rush of panic surged through me as I peeked around my room then slowly approached the randomly placed objects. Hesitantly, I reached down into the bag and I could feel soft material against the tips of my fingers.
Minutes later I’d pulled an entire mystery outfit from the bag and a matching pair of shoes from the shoebox. I grinned at the sight of the adorable getup, though I had no clue where it came from. Rushing back to the bathroom, I quickly released my golden tresses from the holder then fluffed it to make each necessary piece fall perfectly around my face. I only slowed down long enough to paint my face with a thin layer of foundation, followed by a natural contour, a pop of bronzer for a nice glow, 3D fiber mascara, and a neutral pink gloss to accentuate my lips. Moving back into my room, I rid myself of the plush towel and swiftly dressed in the entire outfit from the bag that consisted of khaki skinnies, a black hoodie that read ‘Beauty’ in bold white letters, and a fresh pair of red, black and white Nike Air Jordan IV’s. I completed the look by tying a red bandana neatly in my hair just behind my curly bangs, allowing the ends to remain open at the top to form bunny ears. I faced myself in the mirror and fluffed my loose curly tresses once more and without wasting anymore time, I scooped up my black studded back pack and exited my room.
The moment my foot crossed the threshold into the kitchen, my aunt instantly bombarded me with a spoon she’d been using to stir grits in one hand. “Awww, look at my baby… Happy Birthday sweetheart!” She squealed as she bobbed up and down in front of me to a Charlie Wilson song that played from her iPod dock. I giggled at her overabundance of energy and marched toward the table to claim a seat. “Thanks Auntie.” I muttered bashfully. “You’re welcome baby… oh you just look so adorable!” She gushed, making her way to the kitchen entrance where she stuck her head out into the hall. She swung back around to face me with a beaming grin and soon, a towering frame entered the space just feet behind her.
“Happy Birthday Sy.” Chris greeted as he eased closer to me and pulled me up into a warm bear hug. I shut my eyes as we embraced and inhaled his addictive scent, wishing that he could hold me that close forever. My fantasy was over the moment he stepped back and it was then that I took the opportunity to take in his ensemble. He was dressed in a sagging pair of fitted khaki’s, a black hoodie that looked remarkably similar to my own only his read ‘Beast’ in bold white letters, and his red, black and white Nike Air Jordan IV’s were an exact replica of mine. He complimented the entire look with a red snapback that he wore angled forward and straight in its usual manner.
“I like your outfit.” I smirked. He smiled as he bit into his bottom lip and allowed his eyes to roam freely over my frame “I like yours too.” “I bet you do,” My aunt blurted as she eyed us through curious eyes with a brow raised and a hand jammed against her hip, “He put both of your outfits together. Coming over here begging me to tell him what size clothes and shoes you wear. I swear you two are something else.” Glancing down at my outfit, I quickly realized that we were indeed matching to a T. From his red hat that was obviously meant to be a male’s interpretation of my red bandana, to the identical hoodies that made me the ‘Beauty’ to his ‘Beast’. I could only giggle at the concept… I had no idea he’d be thoughtful enough to put this together.
“Thank you Chris. This is absolutely adorable.” I beamed. “I was hoping you would like it.” He smirked. “Oh you two are just the cutest,” My aunt gushed, clapping her hands together as she bounced in place, “Let Auntie go get her camera and get a few shots before ya’ll go stuntin on them lil haters at your school.” With now matching blank expressions, Chris and I both stared at one another before bursting into a fit of laughter as she darted of the kitchen. She soon rushed back in with her camera on and ready to go, and nearly an entire photoshoot later she finally allowed us to make our way out the door.
“Alright my gorgeous young lady and handsome young man, you two have a good day at school. And Happy Birthday to you again baby… we’ll give you all your gifts and everything as soon as you get home.” My aunt called out behind us as we ventured down the few steps from the porch toward Chris’s truck. “Alright Auntie. You have a good day.” “Ya’ll be careful out here on these roads. Chris…” The hazardous tone in her voice prompted him to turn to face her. “Yes ma’am.” “Drive slow in that big rig boy.” She said with a stern finger pointed out at him. “Yes ma’am… I will.” He chuckled.
“Happy Birthday to you… Happy Birthday to you… Happy Birthday dear Sy’Diyah… Happy Birthday to you!” With cheeks as red a rose and a smile a mile wide, I sat with my hands clamped over my mouth as nearly the entire cafeteria joined in to croon Happy Birthday to me. I shook my head as I watched each of my friends dance about wildly, diving immediately into a lovely ethnic rendition of the tune. “Happy Birthday to ya… Happy Birthday to ya… Happy Birthdaaaaaay…” The boys all twirled around behind me and I cackled aloud as Chris reached over my shoulders and grabbed my hands, throwing them up in the air and waving them from side to side as he continued to sing the song. After enduring the embarrassment for what felt like eternity, the song finally ended with him hitting a high note right in my ear and the cafeteria erupted into applause. Once everyone at the table finally reclaimed their seats, the chatter quickly began.
“This just in, Sy’Diyah Hope Donsen is finally a legally grown ass woman… how does it feel to be a legally grown ass woman Sy?” Rashad asked in a forged reporter’s voice as he playfully stuck his fist out in my face as though he were clutching a microphone. “Well,” I stared, going along with his goofiness, “It feels pretty great sir… it’s like, I feel like I’m finally progressing in life.” He chuckled and pulled his fist back away from me “Well, you heard it here first folks… now back to you at the studio Bob.” The table roared with laughter and Destani playfully punched him in the shoulder “You stupid Shad.”
“Real spill though Sy, your outfit is lit girl,” Tameka said from her seat beside Destani, “Chris yours too… damn, wait… ya’ll niggas match. Ya’ll know that?” Glancing over at Chris, I noticed that he’d already begun to shake his head and he glared at her through squinted eyes as the rest of the table laughed. “No Meka, I personally had no idea.” He said with a hand pressed against his chest. “Well just so you know,” She leaned forward and pointed from me to him, “Your outfits look exactly alike.” He nodded his head and continued to maintain a straight face “Thanks Meeks. I swear, we honestly didn’t know.” “Damn Meka, there you go with that slow shit again.” Destani muttered. “What?” She asked, completely oblivious.
“Anyway… what time does the game start tonight?” Nalay asked. “Seven… and we got that senior recognition thing at half time.” Chris replied. “Aw damn nigga, I forgot all about that. My mama showed me some paper about that shit and I smooth ain’t listen when she tried to explain to me what it was.” Dontay said. “Yeah, well… coach said we all have to attend that shit, so you better call ma dukes and tell her.” Chris stated as he popped a fry in his mouth. Lunch was soon over and as I got up to dispose of my trash, I couldn’t help but laugh as I listened to Dontay, Chris, and Rashad argue over who would walk me to my next class. I could only shake my head as Mike and BJ both slipped into place on either side of me.
“So since dumb, dumber, and dumb ass nigga can’t get it together over there, would you mind if two real gentlemen escort you to class Madam?” BJ asked, hooking his right arm with my left before I could even reply. Mike followed suit on my right and soon they both did indeed begin to walk me toward the main doors of the cafeteria. “Aye, hold the fuck up… where ya’ll going?” Chris yelled from behind us. I glanced back at him, blew him a quick kiss, and continued to walk out of the cafeteria with my newfound escorts.
The final bell of the day rang and I couldn’t have been more ecstatic. I was forced to endure the remainder of the day with sneers and stares from nearly every girl I encountered in the halls and my classes. It didn’t take long for news of my birthday to spread and once the idea of Chris and I sporting matching outfits got around, people quickly began to speculate. I was well on my way out into the student parking lot with Destani, but we were stopped midway by a very demanding Chris.
“Chris how you gonna drive her home when you have practice like, right now?” Destani argued, but with the dominant attitude that Chris possessed, I knew the argument was as good as done the moment he parted his lips to speak. “Dez, why don’t you walk to your car, I’ll walk to mine… and Sy’Diyah will walk with me.” His statement was simple and to the point and he never even turned to face her as he walked ahead of us. “Oooohhhh, this nigga get on my last damn nerve. Your yellow ass don’t run no damn body, come on Sy let’s go.” She said, stomping off toward her car. “Dez, wait,” I shouted as I caught up to her, “You know if you take me home, neither one of us will ever hear the end of it from him. You may as well just let him take me.”
She rolled her eyes and scoffed, throwing her hand down against her hip “Fine, if you wanna ride with him, whatever… I was just tryna do something nice for your ass.” I stared at her for only a few seconds before bursting into a fit of laughter. Her jaw instantly dropped and she glared at me “You would laugh.” “I’m sorry… I really do appreciate that Dez.” I said with a grin. With a smirk and a roll of her eyes, she stepped forward and swooped me into a hug “Well, I guess you should get on over there with your boo before he loses his damn mind.” “I’ll see you later okay.” I giggled. I turned and ambled away, finally reaching Chris and his truck and quickly climbing inside.
“You know you’re gonna be late for practice, right?” I asked as he whipped out of the parking lot. He nodded, never uttering a word as he continued to bob his head to his music. “And you’re okay with that?” I asked. “I’m good with that babe. What can Coach Wes really do to me? I’m the captain of the damn team… he can’t do shit but tell me not to be late again.” Deciding not to argue against him, I remained silent until we arrived at my house a short while later and I nearly choked on air as he parked along the curb outside the house.
Standing there in the driveway, leaning against the back of his truck, was Trey peering through Chris's windshield… directly at me. Panic instantly hit me like a ton of bricks and through the most horrified eyes, I slowly glanced at Chris. With an expression as hard as stone and as cold as ice, he glared at Trey. “Thanks for the ride Chris,” I nearly whispered with a hand situated on the handle of the door, more prepared than ever to bolt, “I’ll see you later okay.”
“Hold up,” He mumbled. I swore I could hear my heart thumping away in my ears and my breath quickly became jagged as I watched him lean across his seat, resting his right elbow on my arm rest, “You told this nigga to come over here?” I shook my head as I twiddled my fingers and attempted to look everywhere but at him. I knew Trey would pop up at some point in the day, I just wasn’t expecting him to be here… now. “I didn’t tell him to come over here. I had no idea…” He raised a finger to silence me and continued to stare out the window almost curiously at Trey. Motioning for me to lean forward, I did so hesitantly and awaited his next move. Diverting his gaze down to my lips, he abruptly meshed his lips against mine and thrust his arm rest up to give himself more leverage to lean in closer.
With my lips now parted to make way for his tongue, I was immediately caught off guard by the sensation of the metal ball in the center of his tongue as he slithered it along the edges of my own. Instinctively, I moaned and clutched onto the front of his matching hoodie as he snaked a hand around to the back of my neck. The sound of our lips smacking was enough to give me the urge to climb over into his lap, but I refrained from doing so as he gripped my neck gently and pulled me deeper into the kiss. Only seconds later did he pull away, tugging at my bottom lip as he slowly leaned back into his seat.
“You gone make me miss practice.” He mumbled, staring avidly at my lips. I could feel my cheeks blushing as I tucked my bottom lip between my teeth and shied away from him. He swiped his tongue over his lips and glanced out of the window behind me with that same stone expression. “Well I’ll um,” I started, pausing only to clear my throat and gather my rambled thoughts, “I guess I’ll see you later today.” He nodded and twisted his lips to one side with furrowed brows and eyed me carefully as I climbed down out of the truck. I moseyed slowly up the driveway toward Trey, refusing to look back as I listened to Chris speed off down the street.
“Hi Trey.” I mumbled once I was within earshot. He nodded only once, yet remained eerily silent. I prayed he wouldn’t speak within the following seconds… my blood pressure had risen so swiftly I was sure the steady thumping in my ears would prevent me from hearing a word he said. “Do you want to come in for a little while?” I asked. “Nah,” He replied quietly, “I actually have to be somewhere. I just wanted to come by and drop off your birthday present.” “Oh… okay.” I stared down at the ground as he walked around to the passenger side of his truck. He reemerged before me with a large bouquet of red, white, and pinks roses and a small, red gift bag.
Not a single word was spoken as he handed me the bag and flowers then slowly began to retreat backwards to the driver’s side of his truck “Happy Birthday Sy’Diyah and um… I’ll try to call you tomorrow to wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day alright.” Before I knew it, he’d climbed into his truck and reversed out of my driveway, leaving me standing and staring like a fool. I released a remorseful sigh and glanced down at the flowers and gift bag he left me. I couldn’t believe what’d just panned out in the span of a few minutes. I felt utterly ashamed at what I’d just done and I wanted nothing more than to race up to my room and curl up in a ball and cry.
Suddenly feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders, I turned and headed up the porch and into the house. I marched directly to my room and situated the roses on my dresser then sat at the edge of the bed with the gift bag still dangling in my hand. As much as I tried, I couldn’t bring myself to wipe the image of Trey’s humiliated and disappointed face from my mind. I gulped nervously as I pulled the bag open and reached in, retrieving a small jewelry box. The moment I cracked the box open, I gasped and slapped a hand over my mouth as I stared through watery eyes at the diamond encrusted heart shaped ring resting in a small velvet indention.
I plucked it from the confines of the box and twirled it between my fingers, becoming so enthralled by it that I nearly overlooked the card in the bottom of the bag. I reached a trembling hand inside and pulled the card out then popped the seal of the envelope open and slid the card out, instantly admiring Trey’s beautifully printed scripture...
A few months ago, God placed a very special girl in my life. She came into my world and flipped the entire classic fairytale of a prince sweeping the princess off her feet into her very own tale. It was she who swept the prince off his feet, so much so that he became permanently stuck not on cloud nine, but a cloud of infinity. This girl, wasn’t in any way equivalent to any girl that the prince had ever come across… she was much, much more. If you haven’t figured it out by now, this girl, the beautiful princess that blew the prince’s mind into complete oblivion, just happens to be you… Sy’Diyah Hope Donsen. I know that what I feel with you isn’t like anything I’ve ever felt with anyone in my life Sy. I know that if any man was as lucky as me to have you in his life, he wouldn’t dare let you go. Let me be that lucky man to hold onto you… let me make you mine. The ring that you’ve probably already seen by now is meant to show you how much I care for you. No, I’m not proposing to you or trying to bribe you with jewelry… it’s merely a promise ring. It’s my depiction of a promise to you that if you allow me to sweep you off your feet, I’ll never put you down again. I hope that you have a wonderful birthday, even though I won’t be there to share it with you.
With much love, From your, hopefully soon to be, man… Trey xoxoxo
The tears streamed freely down my cheeks and I had not a single desire to stop them. What had I done? This wasn't right at all. It was completely wrong. He wasn’t supposed to possess such strong feelings for me. I wasn’t supposed to be torn between him and Chris. What was I supposed to do? I closed the card and slid it back into the confines of the envelope then stuffed it along with the ring box back into the bag. I’d become numb to any feelings of happiness and pleasure and after placing the bag on the floor beside my bed, I moved further up near the headboard and grabbed a pillow to stuff my face into and eventually cried myself to sleep.
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