#but while he's got the appropriate amount of fear regarding edna he respects and dare he say likes emmett considering he got to know
doctorbrown · 2 months
MCFLY JULY ‘24 ⸺ 「 19 / 31 * PLAYING HOOKY 」
Hill Valley Courthouse
“Good morning, Citizen Wilson,” Edna says curtly, a dangerous look in her eyes as she exchanges the expected pleasantries. Today’s smile is sharper than usual; today she has fangs instead of teeth, Goldie notes quietly—something that kicks his self-preservation drive into high gear because nothing good happens when the viper bears her fangs—and adjusts accordingly, proverbially twisting himself out of reach of that venomous bite of hers.
Mama used to tell him he was too perceptive for his own good. That he had a smile that could charm even the Devil himself and a tongue coated in silver.
It sure served him well back in law school. It would’ve made him a damn fine lawyer. It makes him excellent at his job now and keeps him out of trouble, mostly.
He knows what has put her in a sour mood before the explanation even comes out, which it inevitably does with alarming speed and disgust well before he can return the greeting. “I have urgent business to discuss with my husband, but I see his office has been untouched all morning. Have you heard anything from him?”
Goldie gives her the same bright smile he always does, flashing perfectly white teeth. “Good morning, Citizen. Lovely morning, isn’t it?” Edna’s mouth twitches at the edges but she says nothing, favouring expectant silence as she awaits the answer to her inquiry.
His mama taught him right. Taught him the value of honesty and virtue. That lying should be avoided unless it was the lesser of whatever two evils were placed in his path and then when he used that silver tongue of his, he knew exactly what he was doing.
Right now, he knew exactly what he was doing, lying to the most dangerous person in Hill Valley. And he knew exactly what would happen if he got caught.
But knowing what would happen if he didn’t, well, that left only one conscionable choice of action open to him.
He didn’t know all the details. Emmett had refused to elaborate on that meeting with Citizen Martin McFly, even after the usual prodding that often got him to open up and share some of his woes knowing they would be held in the utmost confidence.
‘It’s too dangerous to get you involved. The less you know, the less Edna will be able to try and force out of you.’
‘You’re planning something, aren’t you?’ Emmett says nothing and Goldie sets down two cups of coffee, sweetened with an additional cube of sugar each from their secret stash to cut the bitterness of the last few days. ‘I’ve been around long enough to know that look in your eyes.’ When Emmett’s brows fly up, he continues, ‘that’s the look of a man having a crisis of conscience.’
For a moment, he thinks a weary sigh is the only answer he’ll receive. ‘Let’s just say he forced something out into the open that I’ve tried to not think about for the past decade or so.’
But he was able to intuit enough of it based on the scraps of knowledge he did have.
Whatever he’s up to, whatever the reason Citizen McFly had for racking up a Demerit count that should have sent him straight to the Citizen Plus ward and whatever the truth was behind that memo that suddenly appeared on his desk overnight, Goldie knows in his heart that his absence today has everything to do with the kid.
He only hopes it's worth it.
So, Goldie lies expertly and efficiently, thankful for his long-time familiarity with Edna and her methods and Emmett’s forethought and preparedness, inasmuch as could be fabricated in an official memo left with him without revealing the true nature of whatever it was that consumed him. Without that, navigating the live minefield littered with Edna’s follow-up questions and scrutinising glares would have been near impossible.
#mcflyjuly#mcfly july 2024#back to the future#bttf#do i take most of the game as canon in the overall timeline? not really tbh. same with the comics - i cherry pick from those#did i like reading them? yes. and do i really enjoy the game and ESPECIALLY the citizen brown arc?#fuck yeah i do.#citizen brown arc is one of my favourites and not just because i'm a sucker for 1984 flavoured dystopias#orwell valley timeline - my beloved (hillwell valley?)#and once again i step very much out of my comfort zone to try and write this from goldie's perspective#who doesn't appear either in the games or the comics i think in this arc BUT in my head and my heart he exists as a fixture of the#courthouse because there's simply no way he wouldn't. and i think he's got some kind of odd friendship with CB due to proximity#and the fact that goldie's sometimes brutally honest which can be refreshing at times and goldie's genuinely a charming and good soul#with a hell of a way with words too (he's a politician in another life what do you expect?)#but while he's got the appropriate amount of fear regarding edna he respects and dare he say likes emmett considering he got to know#him beyond the public image edna forces on the public. and goldie's not a corrupt soul either - he can't be bought or swayed and he's#got his morals and he sticks to them to try and do what's best which also endears CB to him#i think anyway. i like goldie a lot.#the temptation to write this from either marty's or CB's perspective was real#this one's messy but I DON'T CARE
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