#but ugh someone let me know if theres better ways to tag this please (⁠ꏿ⁠﹏⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠)
pjsk-headcanons · 2 days
hey, so im not THAT familiar with nightcord lore (i’ve only ever read the main story + farewell my mask), but i had some angsty thoughts, what if mafuyu really had disappeared?
kanade would probably be the most destroyed. she’d stop composing and stay inside her room. hikikimori, basically(i probably spelt that wrong). for months, maybe years, nobody knows. the grief, the guilt, the emptiness she feels without mafuyu, how she wasn’t able to “save” her. it’s all too much. or who knows, she might just go right along with her.
ena would probably react in anger, at first. how dare she? even after all they’ve been through? even though she has the talent, the recognition, the validation that ena so desperately wants, but can never get no matter how much she wrings herself dry? how dare she disappear like that and leave us all behind! then after her anger dissipates, it gives way to that void left behind by mafuyu, and ena none too quickly realises just how much she misses mafuyu.
mizuki tries to stay strong for the others, but even they can’t hide their pain. they’d try to comfort ena and kanade, but deep down inside they’re wondering if they could have done more to save her. they understood- somehow, how she felt, after all. and they’d silently but very quickly spiral into this hole of beating themself up.
miku’s usually deadpan and emotionless face, that would break and give way to tears. because even though she was there for mafuyu and only wanted to best for her, ultimately she failed, and she’s blaming herself for not doing more.
for once, luka doesn’t find drama fun.
meiko wouldn’t know what to say.
rin and len weep along with miku.
kaito stays there until the kagamines and miku finish crying. once all of it is over, he turns, without a word, and walks off into the distance, everyone looking at him as he disappears into the white landscape. and that was the last time anyone ever saw him, for a long, long time
yeah just some thoughts, sorry for the long ask!
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