#but tonight. i’ll cry eat icecream and watch youtube
sugirandom · 7 years
365 days of writing: day 225
Day 225: exhausting company
           Good evening, this morning I was watching some videos on youtube and I got a call from mom and stepdad, they asked me if I wanted to go to breakfast and see a movie with them. I ended up agreeing to do it even though they were going to see The Dark Tower and I wasn’t really interested in seeing that. First we went to breakfast and it was fine but my stomach ended up getting upset and mom acted like I did it on purpose since I’ve told her before that almost every time I eat at Bob Evan’s my stomach gets upset. I was pretty upset with her because I would never do something like that and she just went off for a while about how she tries so hard to do something I’ll enjoy or whatever. I told her to stop but she wouldn’t stop until my stepdad told her to stop. The ride to the cinema wasn’t too great because the bumpy road made my stomach feel more nauseous. I didn’t get any popcorn at the movies and just had some water to drink.
           The movie itself was fairly good, I mean coming from someone who hasn’t read the book series it was fine but my parents said they obviously left a lot out since they condensed seven or eight books into an hour and a half movie. I had some issues with certain parts, the kid’s parents couldn’t act worth crap and the pacing seemed odd in parts but I guess the action was fine and visually it was done well but I was left with a feeling of ‘mehh’. It didn’t help that mom kept talking the whole time and well she was talking the whole day anyway. We got lunch at a Korean place after the movie but I was pretty tired out at that point and of course mom and stepdad felt the need to stop for icecream afterwards. I didn’t want any so I waited for them in the car. I was so worn out by mom and she still felt the need to interact with me about stupid stuff like showing me her big cup of ice cream and exclaiming “Look, this is a small!” and then acting like there was something wrong with me when I reacted in a less than enthusiastic way.
             I got home at 3PM and I still feel pretty exhausted. All I’ve really done so far is watch some more youtube videos since I’m pretty behind on them. Poppy and I will probably cook dinner in about a half hour or so but I’m not sure what we’ll do after that. I know she wants us to pack for our trip but I’m not sure if I’m up to it tonight or not. I wish being around my parents wasn’t so draining on me but it really is and they’re just so disrespectful with certain things…like how it’s disrespectful of me to ask them not to talk during a movie because it’s ruining the experience for them. Never mind my experience being ruined because even if you’re whispering I can hear it very clearly because I’ve got hyperacusis for crying out loud! That’s not meant to be a pun… I just…really was fighting using a big curse word that I rarely write…if I’ve ever written it lol. Anyway, I’m tired so that’s all for this today. No DBZ tonight but maybe tomorrow if I have time before my best bro comes over because I think I’m getting close to the episode where Vegeta and Nappa arrive on Earth…. To give you an idea of how tired I am… I wrote Begeta and it took me a minute for it to register.
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