#but to have all that backstory for Dany's family where some of the most horrific victims of the Targs are their own damn women
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rynnthefangirl Ā· 11 months ago
I love how Fire and Blood shows time and time again how Targaryen women are passed over, usurped, abused, killed, raped, and slandered, all building to Daenerys, a Targaryen woman who rises to great power while seeking justice and salvation for all those crushed beneath the oppressive systems of her world... just to be usurped and killed so that we can place a man on the throne again.
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birdsy-purplefishes Ā· 6 years ago
I have MANY thoughts and feelings about Midsommar.
Okay I saw Midsommar last night and it was an experience. So this post is probably going to be long and rambling and it is definitely 100% for-sure going to contain some spoilers. Iā€™m gonna put a whole lot of it behind a Read More.
First, though, I want to say that while I thought this film was great it is definitely one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen. I went into it knowing almost nothing--and honestly I wouldnā€™t have been prepared even if I had read spoilers--and that was the ideal way to see it for me but there are many triggering things and some very problematic things in this film. Iā€™m gonna try to be vague as possible but you might not not to watch this one if anything from the following list is something you canā€™t handle. That said: I am very easily disturbed by a lot of things and I found that this film was so bizarre that I never really felt like I couldnā€™t finish it. Itā€™s... kind of weirdly selective about which gruesome stuff it shows and what it doesnā€™t. The most terrifying things to me were implied things and I didnā€™t realize them until after it had ended. Somehow... miraculously... this film didnā€™t come across as gore/torture-p*rn to me. So Trigger Warning / Content Warnings for this movie: Violence, blood, gore, horrible suffering. Sex, nudity. Mental illness and stigmatization/perpetuation of harmful myths about mentally ill people. Suicide. Ableism. Racism. A rape scene that I think most people didnā€™t even realize was a rape scene because itā€™s bizarre and left somewhat ambiguous. Emetophobia triggers. Body horror. A whole lot of drugs. Squicky grossout stuff. Emotional, psychological, and religious abuse.Ā 
Thereā€™s probably other stuff I forgot. Basically everything horrible is in this movie. It was definitely worth it but itā€™s a hard watch.
Okay, now for spoilery stuff.
The backstory shown in the first few minutes is incredibly disturbing. Daniā€™s bipolar sister murders their parents and kills herself. Itā€™s graphic. Itā€™s disturbing. It definitely portrays suicide in a negative light, which is pretty much good, but: can horror movies stop perpetuating myths about mentally ill people?! This stuff is damaging! It makes mentally ill people out to be monsters and then ignorant people treat them worse. It makes mentally ill people feel like there isnā€™t any hope for them! This part sucked a lot. The only interpretation of this that isnā€™t awful is the fan theory that there are clues in the background that suggest that the cult may have actually framed Daniā€™s sister but thatā€™s kind of a stretch. None of the other foreshadowing in the film is as subtle as the supposed hints that the cult fabricated the whole thing so I doubt it.
The foreshadowing is actually super obvious. Itā€™s the typical horror film where the characters have no idea whatā€™s going on & youā€™re likeĀ ā€œDUDE GET OUT OF THERE!ā€ the whole time. People on the subreddit are pointing out all kinds of foreshadowing and even the tapestry at the beginning shows you who all of the characters are and like 90% of the story.
Daniā€™s boyfriend, Christian, sucks. His friends suck. Thereā€™s a lot of macho bullshit and theyā€™re just cold and dismissive. And the boyfriendā€™s a manipulative little leech. You hate him so much! I found myself hoping that sheā€™d kill them all except maybe the cute friendly Swede. Basically the entire movie heā€™s gaslighting and dismissing her and his friends talk shit about her constantly. Itā€™s the typicalĀ ā€œoh, women are irrational and over sensitiveā€ macho bullshit. Like to the extent that all of them know about the murder-suicide of her entire family but none of them try to fucking shield her from seeing the suicide ritual. Not even the guys who know damn well what it is going into it!
The fact that theyā€™re all anthropology majors and they go into it with a sense of cold detachment and an insistence on cultural relativism (or utter obliviousness) and it makes them total assholes wasnā€™t lost on me and Iā€™m glad that someone went into detail:Ā https://slate.com/culture/2019/07/midsommar-graduate-students-villains-ari-aster.htmlĀ 
The bros say something about him dumping her and finding somebody whoĀ ā€œactually likes sexā€ and thereā€™s a lot of interpretations to that, none of which are less than horrible. Like does he try to pressure her into doing stuff she doesnā€™t want to? Probably! Like whether she has emotional or physical sexual dysfunction isnā€™t discussed and thatā€™s kind of brilliant because even if she does have issues itā€™s not her fault at all and the dudes are g a r b a g e for even suggesting it.
The cute friendly Swedish dude (Pelle) who was the only one to be kind to Dani at all was actually the worst manipulator of all! Heā€™s totally luring her in! Heā€™s love-bombing and manipulating her! He literally ā€œdrawsā€ her in. He does some forced-teaming shared-trauma bullshit. I gotta say though: I fell for it! I wanted her to dump the guy for him! Iā€™m almost surprised that she didnā€™t fall for it. I think itā€™s more due to the fact that sheā€™s traumatized and grieving than anything.
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The most disturbing thing about the guy, though, is that I canā€™t decide if he does all of this because heā€™s evil or because heā€™s genuinely a true believer and believes with all his heart that heā€™s doing good things. That will haunt me forever tbh. Just... always watch out for guys who want toĀ ā€œsaveā€ you. They are the scariest fucking abusers.
The whole cult is love-bombing her, actually. The whole film is like Cult Tactics 101. They find a vulnerable young woman whoā€™s lost everything. She doesnā€™t feel a sense of love and belonging anywhere. She has no support system unless you count her garbage basically-sociopathic-but-aloof boyfriend who really doesnā€™t count. Pelle hand-selected her because sheā€™s the ideal cult brainwashing candidate. Heā€™s seen firsthand just how much shit she takes from Christian and how sheā€™s constantly falling for his gaslighting and tolerating him mistreating her. I was actually kind of disturbed at how many women I saw online reacting to the cult saying it was empowering or matriarchal. Itā€™s not at all! The first elder we see leading things is female but the ones handling the book and enforcing the rules are men. I can only recall two women elders who do much of anything and theyā€™re both just prominent parts of ceremonies. Theyā€™re announcers/performers. Theyā€™re definitely complicit but the men are behind the scenes controlling it. And look at the sex ritual! Thereā€™s no real emphasis on female pleasure and itā€™s all being a good little brood mare. Itā€™s a performance. And small babies are kept away from their mothers to be raised communally. They send the mothers away from their babies! Even the May Queen role sucks if you think about it for even a second. The wholeĀ ā€œweā€™re a familyā€ thing is just creepy as hell. Thereā€™s even a lot of foreshadowing to it that I missed, like the guy who greets her shaking the mensā€™ hands but sayingĀ ā€œwelcome homeā€ to her. Said guy also calls his traditional garbĀ ā€œgirlyā€ when Dani compliments it, btw! And of course the division of labor is patriarchal. The clothing is patriarchal too.
The mental health ableism stuff is bad but thereā€™s ableism based on physical disability as well. Arguably itā€™s supposed to condemn the cult for fetishizing disabled people and promoting incest to deliberately create disabled people but... it still comes across asĀ ā€œlook at this deformed kidā€ and itā€™s fucked up.
I canā€™t tell if the movie is trying to show us that the cult is racist or if the movie itself is racist. They kill off the three non-white outsiders pretty quick. Was that classic horror movieĀ ā€œthe black guy dies firstā€ bullshit or was that supposed to be likeĀ ā€œlook, these seemingly peaceful and loving people are xenophobic and racist and thereā€™s a reason why all of them are super duper white despite bringing in outsidersā€. Like I came out of the film definitely convinced that itā€™s no coincidence that the blue-eyed blonde chick gets singled out as special by these people.
It made me really uncomfortable to realize that the sex ritual is technically a rape scene. We get clues that Christian goes into it voluntarily to some extent, sure. When he knows that girl (and she does look like a young girl!) is trying to seduce him we donā€™t really see his reaction but he doesnā€™t seem to refuse outright. He seems ambivalent until he's offered the drugs but then he hears that theyā€™ll make him lose his inhibitions, looks at the girl, and gulps the liquid. He saw it as an excuse to get away with cheating and he took it. But that doesnā€™t change the fact that heā€™s drugged when he actually agrees to the sex. Heā€™s tripping the whole time. Heā€™s being pressured and prodded and even literally physically manipulated. Heā€™s out of it. The girl seems kind of out of it too. Itā€™s really fucked up. But like itā€™s so weird and youā€™re so mad at him for everything shitty heā€™s done to Dani that youā€™re just like what?! But when you think about the fact that heā€™s drugged and you see the way heā€™s horrified after he realizes what heā€™s done... itā€™s horrific. He was violated.
I like that we see just how viscerally traumatic it is to be cheated on. Dani vomits, collapses and wails. And our sympathies are with her.
The cultists imitation of their membersā€™ suffering is actually deeply disturbing and a huge aspect of the love-bombing thing, especially for Dani. She goes from being barely held by her expressionless piece-of-shit boyfriend while she wails to having a whole bunch of women replicate and act out her suffering. They do this too at the botched suicide and the final scene. They even kind of do it when she fails to eat the fish. It kind of looks communal and empathetic but itā€™s a feigned empathy. Itā€™s another way that people in the cult lose their own personal identities. Nothing is yours there! Not even your suffering is yours.
To be honest... I went to see this filmĀ ā€˜cause a lot of the reactions to it were women gleefully enjoying seeing a shitty boyfriend suffer a horrible fate. Iā€™m always down for misandry and cinematography! BUT... this was just excessive. The boyfriend is a total bastard. He did kinda need to die tbh. But he basically gets tortured to death. Itā€™s made pretty explicitly clear that itā€™s horrific. They make no effort to mercy kill him like they did to the elderly guy whose jump failed to kill him. And like... the actor even gets it. The guyā€™s a scumbag and he doesnā€™t give a shit about anyone but himself. He even backstabs Chidi From The Good Place! But what happened to him is just awful.
The director and the lead actor actually disagree about the ending! Ari Aster says that Dani knows what sheā€™s doing when she condemns Christian to die. Florence Pugh says sheā€™s out of it.
I say it doesnā€™t actually matter whether Dani chose to kill Christian or not or what her motive was. Honestly it might have been a mercy killing given the state that he was in! Like maybe it was revenge for her and maybe the cult did it to make her feel empowered but it sucks being forced to choose who lives and dies. It sucks that some creepy cultist basically stole her man. Itā€™s the wholeĀ ā€œa pedestal is the same as a cageā€ thing for sure.
Last thing I can think of for now: Iā€™m very surprised and more than a little distressed at all the people--especially women--who see this as a happy ending for Dani. Sure, itā€™s kind of a dark fairy tale revenge fantasy. But sheā€™s objectively worse off than she is at the beginning of the film! Sheā€™s brainwashed and trapped! Like... I forgot where I read this now but basically Aster says that she goes from with one gaslighter to being with an entire cult of gaslighters! What do you think is gonna happen to her in the future?! Sheā€™s gonna have to live with her dead boyfriendā€™s baby that he had with some rando chick if that fertility ritual worked! Sheā€™s gonna have to live in a shitty commune. Sheā€™s gonna have PTSD 5ever from everything that happened. Itā€™s honestly a tragic and horrible ending.
Iā€™m... still processing this. I know Iā€™m gonna end up adding to this. Feel free to chime in and discuss it with me! This movie was just Intense. BONUS LINKSPAM: Good Takes And Shit!
EDIT: Also!!! This film?! Somehow is a comedy! Itā€™s funny as fuck and Iā€™m definitely going to hell for laughing!
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