#but to be honest i drank palinka once (was told its gonna be really “light” because its only idk 40%) (spoiler it wasn't light)
sunny-honeytears · 1 month
How many shots would it take me to hook up with TDV characters (based on hungarian casting) (shots are measured in jägermeister)
Krolock: Two for confidence
Herbert: Depends on actor but 4 for confidence
Alfred: Two. One for me, one for him
Professor: Zero. Absolutely zero.
Sarah: 1 for human Sarah. 2 for vampire Sarah..nevermind 3
Chagal: Blackout drunk.
Magda: Depends. Pre-bite Magda? Nothing. Post-bite Magda? 3
Rebecca: Respectful no<3 idk we can knit together
Koukol: Another respectful no<3 But we can be besties
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