#but they're always welcome back on my blog anytime if they're giving out such high quality clown shows for free
realasslesbian · 2 years
I had to dedicate a post to this one because it is so fucking hilarious when kids try to use insults😂
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lladyariall · 5 years
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Badgerclops literally falls in love with Mao Mao at this point (officially) because this is probably the most touching moment he has ever had alongside the grumpy hero. The cyborg's intentions are pretty clear that Badgerclops does have a small crush on Mao Mao, since he is bisexual in this series, throughout the entire start of the show, and he deals with quite a bit of neglect and bad tantrums from his boyfriend- I mean, best friend.
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To start off, Badgerclops wants to be physically closer to Mao Mao.
Badgerclops has a new family now that he believes he can try to find new ways in this life to settle down a little more, and according to research, natural ways Badgers show their mates they care by providing a secure den to share kits with or hibernate. Sure, they didn't give birth to Adorabat, but adoption is still as thick as blood, so these two are kicking it in to high gear when it came to welcoming this little girl in their lives. Both heroes already settled to being Mao Mao as a dad figure/hero trainer and Badgerclops has the mom figure/positive role model in their family.
Badgerclops is super ready to have a family, by now. It shows that Badgerclops see's his chance to find someone close to him (besides Adorabat) since after finding Bobo-chan; yet, he catches unto this big maternal instinct to go raise a monster baby.. by himself. He grew waaay too attached to that creature too fast, too soon without thinking of the consequences. He already has a child but he doesn't feel like he has a legit family since Badgerclops and Mao Mao keep faltering their relationship, sometimes. Hell, even when he could have done more to prevent from Bobo letting be adopted by Badgerclops, not even Mao Mao argues any further to ditch off the baby; which, for SOME reason, he just let's Badgerclops be happy as a pretend mother to the point of holding Adorabat back from attacking the two. It's crazy how Mao Mao may not want Badgerclops to touch him all that much, but he's okay with letting his boyfriend- friend go off on his just so he can be happy? I think in the end of every episode, Mao Mao sees more and more how his friend's feelings are, in small and big ways, that only adults can see and Mao Mao is not acting on them, for a reason.
To be fair, I think that Badgerclops has been giving off hints to Mao Mao, and it just goes way past the little guy's comfort zone; it seems like he grew a bad case of needing his personal space every social encounter he has that Badgerclops and Adorabat both try to break, and he will guard his body to prevent from anyone touching him (especially the Sweetie Pies.) Buuut we forget how "persistent" Badgerclops can be when it comes to provoking Mao Mao on purpose VS him laying down a few attempts to be able to, well, touch the sheriff cat. He wants to be physically closer to Mao Mao, which is not working out; but there is a twist to this. I think Mao Mao notices these touches quite often (after all, he is always on duty for action) that he allows it from time to time, and yet he probably never touched Badgerclops unless it was a time or moment that he forgot to keep his emotional guard up. He doesn't cherish Badgerclops as much as he should because he believes that so much could take his reputation away, and even ditches off his boyfriend's feelings from being so high-strung to be beside his abusive dad. Wow. That's.. that's harsh, right there.
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These two are super duper close as best friends go. They just don't know where to truly talk down their feelings for each because the pressure of Mao Mao's actual wants and desires are stronger than having a stable relationship right now. It's crazy how much they cherish each other to the point of interacting as a legit cartoon couple; from the bickering, to the small challenges they engage with each other, giving each pther compliments, trying to make the other jealous, having a lot in common, being each other's ying and yang, small touches, adopting a child, never giving up on their relationship, sharing a home, and I could keep going but I would take up this entire paragraph. So, Badgerclops shoves it all down; the feelings he tries to hide from Mao Mao, and they slip up from time to time, because he thinks he has the emotional stability to let Mao Mao lean on him, like how the black feline sort of leans on their daughter. But the grumpy sheriff can't take Badgerclops that seriously if he has to admit he's wrong, going back on what he believes, and crashing a lot of reality on him at once.
To be fair, I think since they crashed by accident in the Ruby Pure Heart, maybe they are emotionally being more open and Mao Mao is having a small crisis in his mind that he could already be living the life of a full time husband and father; and that freaks him out. Mao Mao doesn't truly adore labels, unless they're heroic ones, and his one goal in life is to hear his dad say the words he wants to hear. And Badgerclops can't fill that hole. I think the deep pain in Mao Mao's heart is too great to let him move on and grow up emotionally for him to find a stable relationship with anyone. Badgerclops can deal with Mao Mao and his hard personality, unless given a reason to, from their recent history; but.. what if Mao Mao actually knows he just isn't capable of working a relationship out with Badgerclops, is because he makes him a better person when he wants the one who HURT HIM to take that pain away until he's ready to mentally find himself inside? I think he hides out from Badgerclops' advice because he doesn't want to hear a dad, he wants to hear a boyfriend/co hero be able to support his childish decisions (since he practically raised himself) but Badgerclops is only trying to be a little hero in Mao Mao's beliefs and save his confusion from getting any worse; which it normally does.
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If Badgerclops knows his friend well enough, becoming a legendary hero is not going to be put aside because of some relationship they love each other in. It probably is on Mao Mao's list of what a hero should and shouldn't do, and sadly, it's probably a "should not date your co hero" priority. I think Mao Mao does have feelings for Badgerclops and I will talk way more about that in my future blog, but he rejects everything Badgerclops physically offers and even advice is from being unable to admit he might be the best fit for his soft-hearted companion.
Final thoughts about Badgerclops having a crush on Mao Mao is that if it comes to not getting off the couch at all, the large mammal will not give up on Mao Mao. To him, Mao Mao is more worthy doing whatever can make him happy (or stop bitching) and he can't push any further to court the cat, until Mao Mao comes around through his past issuses. For his own emotional support, Badgerclops has found a perfectly comfy spot to be in between a good friend as well as letting out a little love when he comforts Mao Mao. He even gets him to listen in the very end, sometimes, and throughout the series, Mao Mao listens to Badgerclops more and more from every experience they share as a family. It's truly touching how much Badgerclops gives a lot of his life to be around Mao Mao. He doesn't have to stay with him or Adorabat, at all. He can leave at ANYTIME and he freaking doesn't!
Like, if you really think about it, Badgerclops is almost a better fit for a legendary hero if he put all his energy into bringing down Mao Mao, and the Pure Heart Valley Kingdom, he could rule the world. He has the smarts, the tools, and the strength to out live this evil idea but he doesn't because being beside Mao Mao.. is what makes him truly happy. (I'm pretty damn sure if you have the cherishable locket to Badgerclops, a photo of him and Mao Mao meeting is what will probably pop up.. just saying. Lol) He doesn't want to live up to Mao Mao, he wants to be by his side throughout of the rest of their lives. Badgerclops made his choice to live forever beside this stranger he once almost got his ass kicked by, and now they're raising a little girl. Huh.
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These two are going to get closer somehow. I hope they become canon as soon as possible. They belong together and if they could be a little more able to talk about their emotional feelings without too much critism than I'm pretty sure they would be making out, by now. Lol. Oh well, we'll have to wait and see :)
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