#but these new ones are male post and female ball so the post doesn't fit around the needle tip so I can't chase it through
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neverendingford · 3 months ago
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lemon-ty · 4 years ago
While I have no time to draw I found that thing from twitter and I don't think it would be bad if I post at least anything till I'll be free to draw?? and let's say that's just one another post before I'll finally add some of It in my blog
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I'll just answer all in one post let's go, guys
(Movies & mini series & book mixed)
1. Favorite female character
I don't think there're a lot of 'em lol. But
Patricia Uris
That's right, not Beverly. Patti has one(!) chapter and somehow I fell in love with her character while reading it. She's got her own story before Stan and she's got a very very very beautiful relationships with him.
(I'm so in love with Uris family I mean whyyyy can't I just have some Stan with his pretty wife and a CHILD THANK U VERY MUCH)
2. Favorite male character
I'm just in love with him he's perfect next
3. Worst character
OK, let's talk about it. I was kinda neutral to everyone in the Loser club except Richie for a year or more. Then while being in fandom I fell in love with these guys like with everyone of 'em concluding Bill. But when I decided to actually read a book... why is he so stupid and careless and fjligvdsvfuklugxseggh
I really tried not to be "of course u let kid go alone what will happen right??" but this.fucking.weather.this.fucking.fact.that.Georgie.told.him.he.was.about.to.go.to.the.closed.area.u.know.closed.bc.it.was.dangerous.to.go.there like BOY, u killed ur brother when he stepped out of the house HAVE U EVEN LOOKED TO THE WINDOW???? Was it ur plan how to get rid of him bc he was clever and better than u and everyone loved him more? Bc if it was, well, congratulations! it worked not like u expected but still worked!
I'm bullying Bill Denbro in my house I wish for the alternative version with George as a main character instead of him-
4. Favorite scene
Richie and Beverly dancing together
I LOVE their friendship they're like BEST BROTP EVER
I love all their interactions and I find it SO ADORABLE they danced together I always think about it ...about 'em
5. Favorite member of the Loser club
Well, again? Fine. RICHIE
6. Original or remake?
I'd say book? But if we're talking only about films when of course remake
I saw mini series some time ago and that was cute and had a lot from the book (and abult Eddie-) but it was so naive and looked kinda stupid (sorry everyone but I'm the new auditory and I can't get that seriously especially after new films) while new films... Weeelll...
Let's be honest, I saw It 2017 only bc of James McAvoy in the second chapter and I found it boring. And then the second part I found more like a comedy than horror. I didn't like films that time but I liked characters (Richie). Some weeks ago I rewathed both It 2017 and It 2019 and second one is still too long and a comedy but first I found interesting
So remake is great at least on the second time watching and that's enough
7. Reddie?
Reddie is always the answer it's never a question cuz the answer is YES all the answers YES
8. Ben of Bill?
Oh that's a question for me and my hate to Bill!
Not only bc I hate Bill, Ben is awesome himself. In films he was more leader for the Losers that Bill and Mike like together?? And have u seen that he did fo Henry in the book? Damn boy u're way too cool slow down
9. Best ship
Look question 7
10. Worst ship
OK it took a lot time to find the one bc I don't think there's any ship I would actually hate or smth but if thiiink Bill × Beverly
First, bc Bill?? Seriously?? Go and find someone better, my girl
Second, bc Ben and Bev have much more chemistry (god, Richie and Bev have more chemistry and this tells the person who would kill for reddie)
11. Book or movie?
(and if u say the book is too big I swear I-)
12. Tim or Bill as Pennywise
Why do u need to ask such difficult questions?? I mean, I love every version of Pennywise no matter if it's book or 1990 or 2017-2019 they all are great in their own ways
So both Tim and Bill have an extreme charisma, different but equal in power
I like Tim's Penny bc he's simple and warm I mean c'mon I would definetly hug him or anything and die happy, I mean, he just got ur trust??? And I like how bad effects make him seams not like an awful monster who will eat u but like a friendly mischief (listen me up: he makes sink dirty right after Bev cleaned it up like phhhhhhhhahaha really u're a moron u know). Yeah, that's not that Pennywise is meant to be but that's adorable
And I love Bill's version bc he does look scary (in a some way, of course). Yeah yeah new effects are doing their work and the costume is less friendly than Tim's but the most important is Bill's acting. His mimic and expressions are perfect he fits this role way too good. And, damn, he's so funny like... Yeah, I'd spend my last minutes with him he's great, that would be the most hilarious death I could ever get
So... can I just say both??
13. Funniest character
Do u really see this as a question??
Richie. The funniest guy ever. I would go to his stand-up. I would buy his merch. I would buy hi- AHEMAHEM
Seriously, I found him irritating watching 1st movie first time but after 2d started I've changed my mind he's a diamond that makes films better like he's the only reason I didn't fall asleep while watching 2d part
14. Worst character fear
OK, let's say we don't count the book here. Bc, u know, the fears in the book was, well, like actually kid's fears. Like someone just saw a horror film great now they've got a deep emotional trauma that's like kids work.
So saying about movies...
Does anyone really got what's wrong with that painting?? I mean???? Just an art what's wrong with u, Stan, do u like... hate art???
I do not get it, plz, if u do, just explain me bc I have no fucking idea why should it be a normal fear that's stupid
15. Favorite actor from the film
James McAvoy
Like I said I went to this fandom ONLY bc of him
16. Favorite adult character
Do u think they grew up and anything changed? Hell no!
Forever Richie
17. Worst encounter with Pennywise
None? I really can't name u anything bc they all are great at leeeeast bc of Pennywise taking part in it. The scene with him can NOT be worst
(but still-
Eddie's such a stupid brave boy like WHY does he always need to go to scary deadly places I mean are u going to die of what????)
(in the book he just decided that was a great idea to actually try to get into the Neibolt house like ????????????????? U FUCKING BRAVE IDIO-)
18. Worst jump scare
I don't pay attention to any jump scares sorry
But I can name my fav! Mrs. Kersh. Not bc she's scary but SO FUNNY OMG
(and in mini series she IS scary, yeah...)
19. Favorite quote
Everything Richie says
20. Least favorite ship
This ship is really great: there're reasons why it's existing and the ship dynamic is good but... I hhhaaaateeee Biiilllllly. And that's the whole problem, yes. Blame me but I can't love otp if I don't like one of the characters
21. Favorite fan account
Don't follow any
22. Favorite Pennywise quote
Is he saying anything??
Alright-alright I know how it looks. "U say u love Penny but don't remember any of the words he's saying". Yes! All I remember is that everything he says is cool but, yeah, sorry, I have nothing in my head
23. Best friendship
24. Richie or Bill?
Who the fuck will choose Bill?????? Richie's the best
I mean, u want me to choose between my fav one and the one I hate most? really?
25. Eddie or Ben?
Not lying to u that's a difficult question. I like both of 'em so I needed a list with +s and -s of each one
+ Jack Dilan Grayser's face
+ the thing with hand
+ u can joke about his mom
+ s.h.o.r.t.s
+ he's mean I like ppl like that (I'm person like that)
+ can kill u with the knife just stuck in his cheek
+ healer
+ brave as hell
- he's SO loud
- non human speed of talking
- most of the time he's a wimp, let's be honest
- has scary tendencies of amputation everything
- not Riche's husband somehow
- mindlessly brave as hell
- OF
in his very first chapter
+ an architect (i concider all of 'em like gods)
+ punctual. If he said he'll be in ur bar on Saturday when he'll be doesn't matter he's in London right now
+ I tell u he's a hidden leader
+ can drink and stay sober
+ HE
- wrote a haiku I don't like haiku
- minuses are ended
So Ben has less +s but less -s if u compare to his +s. So, sorry, Eds, but Ben
26. Funniest scene
Every with Richie
27. Least favorite male characters
I can't just say Bill again, right? Or I caaan???
28. Most underrated character
I see ppl love every character even the once that has really small time (STAN) but I haven't seen so much ppl loving Mike. Everyone kinda... forgot about him?? What an irony
29. Favorite edit
Every with Richie
30. Is fack real?
Plz don't ship real ppl
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sagebodisattva · 6 years ago
MGTOW and Nihilism
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Welcome, followers of MGTOW. Before we begin, just real briefly, for those who are watching this video and are unaware of what MGTOW is, the acronym stands for Men Going Their Own Way, and is the title for a movement by and for men. A few samples of definitions mined from the internet include:
“M.G.T.O.W., Men Going Their Own Way, is a statement of self-ownership, where the modern man preserves and protects his own sovereignty above all else. It is the manifestation of one word: “No”. Ejecting silly preconceptions and cultural definitions of what a “man” is. Looking to no one else for social cues. Refusing to bow, serve and kneel for the opportunity to be treated like a disposable utility. And, living according to his own best interests in a world which would rather he didn’t. MGTOW asserts that only you have the right to decide what your goals in life should be. It is saying that, as a man, I will not surrender my will to the social expectations of women and society, because both have become hostile against masculinity. MGTOW often talk about seeking “independence” from western and/or consumer culture, and a few MGTOW try to live that sort of Zen existence. Most of those who embrace the term have a deep hostility towards and/or profound distrust of feminists and women in general. Many MGTOW refuse to date “western women” and some try to avoid women altogether.”
Well, before we go any further, it should be noted that, just by being a MGTOW, you are a nihilist, plain and simple. And before you get all up in arms, relax, this is a good thing, and I mean this in a good way. After all, you are watching a video by the Meta Sage, and you could say that the Meta Sage channel is the flagship station of nihilism on the internet today. So, this isn't a disparaging title aimed to degrade you, nor is it indicative of a characterization that you are either depressed, violent, lazy, immoral or apathetic, but, meant just as a label that is reflective of a matter of truth and fact. Nihilism is a philosophical doctrine that suggests the negation of one or more reputedly meaningful aspects of life. MGTOW itself is a cornucopia of negations of normative meanings and values that are usually associated with the average life. Tossing out the investments into dating, sexual relations, marriage, child bearing, societal expectations, social and cultural traditions, and the disposal of all aspirations to emulate the role of a specific gender archetype, are all value subtraction equations, no matter how you slice it.
So, you have arrived at this point; so are you gonna live up to the name of MGTOW and really be a man that goes his own way, or are you gonna remain bitter and resentful of women and get stuck on moaning about it. If your aim is to be an activist and spend the rest of your life screaming from a rooftop about the inequities of women, it can't really be said that you have gone your own way. By doing this, you are still giving women power and importance by way of investing value judgements into their behavior, which continually provokes taxing anger and indignation, which, thereof, serves as validation by way of negative attention. Remember, negative attention is still attention. And eventually it gets to the point where, thou dost protest too much.
Are you really ready to move on from these values you have subtracted, or is this all just an elaborate ploy to continually sustain a platform on which to complain about women? If you consider yourself MGTOW, then you identify as such because, either you are a product of the so called “incels”; that is, a group of men who call themselves involuntary celibate, (which is just a round about way of saying, you can't get a girlfriend,) or, you are a man that has had girlfriends or a wife, but has been somehow royally screwed over by one. Either way, it's time to use all that time and energy you would normally waste on trying to jump through hoops for a female, or in complaining about a female, towards your spiritual growth. In other words, it's time to actually go your own way. And when I say "spiritual growth", I don't mean religion, or any other vague supernatural notion concerning a soul, or the divine, but rather, am more referring to what was implied earlier from the definitions of MGTOW, to seek to live, and know, a Zen experience of life.
You are not the first ones to renounce women, only the most recent ones. A man's struggle to find a suitable woman as a companion is nothing new. The inequities of women is not something new either. Granted, the modern western world seems to have gone berserk with many of these courtship issues, but this is mainly due to the explosion of a very shallow materialistic western culture coupled with overpopulation and the subsequent massive influx of mediocrity. Yes, women far outnumber men, and so most of the decent men out there are already taken; coupled up with compatible women and are currently in relationships. Of the small pool of men that are left, some are gay, some are in prison, some are homeless, and what remains are either the cads, that is to say, a few cavalier males, that are usually very confident with themselves and therefor unobtainable and unwilling to be pinned down, which makes them a very desirable albeit unrealistic ideal for a woman, the so called hidden fruit, so to speak, or the common average insecure desperate man that women generally don't want, but usually end up settling for; ie the bulk of what's out there. And of this bulk, the ones with the money or career get the girl, and then usually a subsequent knife in the back, aka, cheated on, divorced, child custody battle, paying alimony and child support, and the rest of the bulk get nothing, aka, Involuntary celibacy.
All of this, and yet somehow, we are still overpopulated. Go figure. And don't tell me that we're not overpopulated because of a fallacy of scarcity, or because we can fit the entire population of the world into the state of Texas... that isn't the point. The point is, the more you have of something, the less valuable it becomes. The significance and importance of the contributions of individuals are undermined by an over flooding of individuals, which drives down the value of individuality. Too much of anything isn't healthy, and humans are not excluded from this truth... of which, is also why I would encourage MGTOW's to dig even deeper into philosophy and to check out anti-natalism, which is not too far of a stones throw from your current positional mindset. You see, I'm waiting to see the fourth wave of feminism, wherein women reject procreation... but honestly, I don't think they have the balls for that.
But anyway, MGTOW man, now that you are not tied up in chasing the meaningless mundane pursuit of conquering a woman; of which, doesn't lead to enlightenment, and will, given enough time, only lead to having babies, which will seriously jeopardize your pursuit of an awakening, because having a child is almost always indicative of passing on the buck; why not use your newly found freedom to investigate the inner connectivity of reality with the mind?
This is what all people should be investigating: the secrets concerning the source of attention, instead of wasting all our time being desire whores and value junkies. Honestly, I enjoy people's disillusionment. I enjoy it, not because I enjoy people's suffering, which is how your average sheeple of righteous indignation would like to portray it as, but because disillusionment is what ultimately leads a sheeple to a place where he or she can finally have an opportunity to possibly discover the truth of awareness. In order to arrive in such a place, often a feeling of disappointment resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be, is required. Whether it be a disillusionment due to let downs associated with school, politics, religion, work, justice, fairness, the opposite sex, or expectations of success in some field of interest, doesn't matter... the seeds for a possible enlightenment could potentially be planted, depending on whether or not this disillusionment leads to nihilism, or to a wounded ego that is gonna play the victim because it still deep down desires what it is disappointed in, and is just bruised from rejection. I root for the former.
Hey, I have an idea. Instead of getting a gun and shooting up a school, a movie theater or a nightclub, drop the value of the investment into that which is facilitating your malcontent disposition, and instead, meditate. Instead of spending all day as a keyboard Rambo, posting diatribes on online message boards, explore the inner connectivity of reality and the mind. Instead of indulging in the poignancy and resentment that comes with the territory of playing the victim, take responsibility for your reality and incorporate a little existential nihilism in your life. Don't swear off women as a means of protest, swear them off and then close that chapter of your life. Truly let go of the value you have placed on the gratification you receive from female companionship, courtship, sexual relations, union and family.
MGTOW is a good thing. It's an excellent beginning, but there is still much more work to be done. There is more conditioning to unlearn, and more attachments to let go of. It doesn't end with women. Welcome to nihilism, where you will deconstruct every attachment, every convention and every expectation. For you MGTOWers that are curious to find out a little more about nihilism, I recommend searching through my video library to find out some more useful information, for this is one of the only places where you will find the subject treated honestly and not demonized or maligned with a negative connotation.
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