#but there's also no point in changing because even if i don't bite people will bite me
lolitadollanganger · 1 year
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blooberrries · 8 months
『consequential』 — satoru
— pairing: satoru x afab!reader — wc: 5k — content: mdni, nsfw; vampire au, college/university au, jealous/possessive satoru, blood drinking, vampire bites (chest, neck and arm), alcohol, mutual pining (a distant relative of idiots to lovers), piv sex, love bites (heh literally), standing/sex against the wall (he holds you up the entire time because he's actually insane), unprotected sex, creampie, cockwarming,he's a bit of a simp really idk if that was planned — notes: got possessed by the Horny Spirit, also not proofread. enjoy? also be gentle with me I haven't written smut in over a year
prompt: ["Oh, don't be cute."] + [“you’re all mine” - “hm…” - “say it” - “i’m all yours”]
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While slightly spiteful, your plan had been simple and had about a 50/50 chance of succeeding, with minimal loss to you if it didn’t.
Two weeks ago Gojo Satoru had— after months of asking for it and being denied by you— finally gotten your permission to drink your blood. So he’d gone ahead and bitten you, you’d loved it and probably fell even more annoyingly head over heels for him as a result of the oddly erotic experience, and the way he had acted during the whole ordeal gave you a decent indication that he most definitely felt the same way you did.
You’d expected things to finally change between you after that, hell you’d actually been excited for it.
But instead of leaning into the shift in the dynamic between you, Satoru had instead decided to pretend you didn’t exist and proceeded to completely avoid you for the last two weeks.
(Which is actually quite the feat considering how much overlap there is between your friend groups. But you’re not impressed. You’re mad.)
To say you were upset would be an understatement. Your pride was wounded along with your ego, and you felt foolish and embarrassed and stupidly angsty. The unfortunate reality is that you’re not very good at processing those feelings, so in your time of need you turned to your most faithful, long-time friend: spite.
You know for a fact that Satoru likes the way you smell and taste– it’s one of the many things he’d let slip when sucking the blood ever so gently from the puncture he’d made in the soft flesh of your inner forearm. So you decided to wait until the prime part of your cycle, where the supernatural consensus said humans smelt their best, and you’d procured a tincture from your witch-in-training friend that would accentuate the natural appeal of your blood for certain creatures of the night (she’d assured you it was safe, but you have your own means of defending yourself anyway so you aren’t too worried.)
Then, you’d waltzed your way into a party that was being held at his shared accommodation and made it a point to have fun. The real goal of your plan, besides sticking it to him in the most subtle-not-subtle way ever, was also just to feel better about yourself. Your expectations being upended regarding how you’d hoped things would develop with Satoru had been a big blow and would take some TLC from yours truly to recover from.
You’ve had fun so far, you’re only a drink or so in and pleasantly buzzed, and you’re getting a lot of compliments on your perfume. You can’t exactly tell them you’re not wearing anything but eau de spite, but it does feel nice nonetheless. Each comment is like a balm to your poor, chafed ego. The only wrench in the works is that as expected, not long after you arrived, Satoru noticed you.
And then proceeded to continue in his efforts to avoid and ignore you. He’d disappeared into the throng of people on the other side of the house before you could even blink.
It takes a strongly mixed cocktail, courtesy of Shoko who you’re not sure isn’t trying to kill you with the alcohol content of these drinks, for you to settle your fuming. This is stupid— no, he’s stupid. Stupid sexy vampire with his stupid pretty eyes and stupid pretty face. How dare he let you make a fool of yourself by thinking there could be anything more between you! You never should have let him bite you. At least then things would still be the same and you wouldn’t be so torn between throttling him and kissing him.
Angrily, you take a hearty gulp of your drink. Despite the superficial fruity flavour it burns on the way down, unsurprisingly, and you have to breathe slowly through your nose so it doesn’t come back up. You’re no longer uncertain; you’re confident this cocktail is an attempt on your life.
It’s as you’re nursing that drink and leaning angstily against a wall in the corner of the room, that you sense someone approach you. Your eyes take a moment to adjust as you look up, surprise filtering through you once you register the figure by your side.
Your brows shoot up, a small grin tugging your lips. “Oh? Long time no see, Mei Mei. What cave have you crawled out of to be here tonight?”
The snow-haired woman rolls her eyes, lips twitching. Her tongue darts to swipe over the tip of a pointed canine.
“Oh, you know, every homebody has to come out to play every once in a while.” Her nose twitches, and she leans forward slightly to inhale. Her eyes flutter wide in pleasant surprise. “Well, don’t you smell absolutely divine tonight. Special occasion?”
Kind of, but you’re not about to tell her that. Mei Mei can be a decent enough acquaintance so long as you keep her at arm’s length.
“I’m trying something new,” you answer simply. She hums, and when her body angles towards you again ever so slightly you become aware of the most odd, prickly sensation. It tickles the hairs at the back of your neck, and you fight the peculiar urge to turn and look around. All you’d see is dancing bodies and stumbling drunks, anyway.
“It suits,” Mei Mei purrs with a smile that makes you a little nervous. Music throbs against your body so strongly that for a moment you’re not sure whether the beat you’re feeling in your chest belongs to your heart or the song. “Though you ought to be careful going on campus smelling like that. You’ll lure in every bloodsucker in a five-mile radius.”
You suppose that means the tincture is doing its job. The way her eyes are appraising your pulse points keeps you feeling nervous, though. Perhaps… it wasn’t the best idea to make yourself smell so scrumptious after all. There are more than a few loose canons in the area.
It’s a little too late for regrets now, though. At this point you just gotta double down and own the decision.
“Noted,” you say, taking a hearty sip of your death-in-a-cup. The burn is now a pleasant distraction. You smile at Mei Mei and feel that prickly, hot feeling increase tenfold. What is that?!
The sensation has your heart rate elevating slightly, and it must make the aroma of your blood a little stronger because the vampire before you lets out a soft groan, her eyes fluttering shut. Almost like it’s instinct, she takes a step closer and leans her head towards the crook of your neck. Your startle is almost imperceptible, and you’re thankful that the top you opted for is one that saved the neck exposure for a well-placed boob window instead. The fabric covering half the expanse of your throat is probably the only reason you don’t freak out at her actions.
Her nose brushes your skin, dragging up the column of your throat until it flirts with the bottom of your earlobe. Your heart skips a beat before tumbling into a full gallop. It’s different to how it felt with Satoru— you don’t like this nearly as much. Your legs tense with the urge to leave.
“Really,” she says, purring your name. “You’ve got me feeling quite peckish. Won’t you let me have a little sn–“
A grip winds around your wrist like a vice, not painful but certainly unforgiving. Startled, you look up and see the person of the hour, the vampire you went to all this effort to torment in the hopes he would want you again. Wow, it doesn’t sound great when you think of it like that. The alcohol is certainly not helping your self-esteem right now.
Satoru’s pretty baby-blues are dark, pupils blown wider than you’ve ever seen before, and his entire body is riddled with tension. He almost looks like the slightest pressure would have him snapping in half. His jaw is locked tightly, and he hisses through clenched teeth and descended fangs.
“Come with me. Now.”
You don’t get the chance to bid Mei Mei farewell, not that you really want to, and the last thing you see as you’re dragged out of the room is her waving a manicured hand your way, mouthing a playful ‘goodbye’. She looks far too amused for your comfort.
Right now, Satoru is nothing like the cheeky, carefree, shit-stirring bastard you’ve come to know and love. That isn’t to say you’re completely opposed to it, because the way he looks like know is a pretty big turn-on. But still – the difference is startling. You’re not sure how to navigate the situation.
Before you know it you’ve been unceremoniously relocated to his bedroom, and he is pressing you against the door the second it closes behind you with a heavy, loud THUD.
For a moment, the only sound that fills the space is that of the music beyond the wooden barrier. The bass is no longer indistinguishable with your heart beat – the stuttering rhythm that echoes against your rib cage is all you.
Satoru inhales deeply as though to calm himself down, only to let out a long, low groan immediately after. The sound affects you more than it probably should, heat winding pleasantly up your spine.
“What was that?” He demands, brows snapping together. It takes you a moment to realise that he’s most likely referring to Mei Mei being horny on main just before. His massive frame boxes you in against the door in such a way that you’re almost embarrassed by how much it makes your tummy flutter.
“I don’t know what you mean,” you breathe, chin tilted up as you hold his gaze. Something feral flickers through his expression.
“Oh, don’t be cute.” The words snap into the air, causing your breath to hitch. Satoru’s eyes flick to your forearm, where the slightest bruise still remains from the last time you were in close quarters like this. He swallows, piercing gaze returning to your own.
“I told you.” Satoru’s words leave in a snarl, his fingers firm against the flesh of your hips. His own body is so close to yours that you can feel the heat of it, the tingle of electricity that arcs between you. “That I would be able to smell it if another vampire so much as breathed near you. Did you think I wouldn’t notice you getting chummy with one in my own home?”
You can easily recall him saying that to you almost a fortnight ago, when he had been commenting that he could tell you hadn’t been bitten before thanks to his sharp senses and all that. You didn’t think he was lying. You are surprised that he cares, though. Something like indignation bubbles beneath your lungs, because how dare the bastard spout that shit when he just spent the last two weeks since your ‘encounter’ pretending you didn’t exist.
“Not sure why you give a shit,” you retort, squashing down a whine that begins to rise in your throat when his hips begin to press into yours. “Seemed like you were done with me after you finally got that taste you wanted so bad.”
His brows scrunch together, appearing confused for a second amongst the agitation on his features. You decide to fill the gap in the conversation on his behalf.
“I really was just a Sip ‘n’ Dip to you, huh,” you scoff, letting your head fall back against the door. His eyes snap to the column of your throat, more of which is now exposed. “At least now I know the only thing you want from me is my blood. Really saved me some grief there, Satoru.”
“Excuse me?”
When your eyes slide back to his face, he looks like you’ve physically struck him. His fingers dig into your hips almost out of habit, just shy of being painful. Anger still bubbles beneath your sternum, and you glare at him.
“By the way, as far as I’m aware, biting me once doesn’t give you any exclusive rights to my blood, so where the hell do you get off getting so shitty because someone else took a whiff–“
Satoru snaps.
“I don’t just want your blood,” he snarls, lips curling away from pin-prick sharp fangs. He has the nerve to look insulted. “I want you, you stupidly oblivious pain in my ass. All of you.”
He then leans in, erasing any foreign scents lingering on you and replacing it with something of his own, whatever pheromone bullshit vampires do. You’re too busy trying to stop your heart from having palpitations to focus on it too much because what the fuck did he just say—
“Do you have any idea how close I am to losing myself to a frenzy, like a fucking fledgling?!” His lips brush over the pulse point at your neck, and then teeth, razor-sharp and full of promise, drag over the skin of your clavicle, leaving gooseflesh in their wake. You shiver, flushing with heat and desire. The threat of another bite is already enough to have your body reacting in memory of how the last one felt. You want him, god you want him so, so badly.
“I haven’t fed since then because I can’t get the taste of you out of my head, and I can’t stomach anything else. I can’t stop thinking about the noises you made when I sank my teeth into you, and the scent of absolute desire that filled the entire fucking room the second the venom kicked in for you.” Satoru’s words are punctuated by a prick just below your collarbone, the brief sting eliciting a gasp. Warmth begins to trickle thinly from the site and is quickly staunched by a press of his tongue, and he moans. You’re so painfully aroused that it nearly makes you dizzy. He groans, long and suffering. “Just like now.”
He moves lower and lower, hauling you off the floor and completely into his hold so his mouth can reach your chest without stooping. Suddenly in the air, you can’t help the way you yelp and wrap your legs tightly around his hips – which, in turn, presses the heat of your core against the very prominent bulge there. You both echo a groan.
“Coward,” you manage to pant, out of sheer spite if nothing else. “Stupid idiot. I clearly want you. I literally could not have been any more obvious, you’re so –“
His teeth sink into the exposed top of your breast, retracting once they puncture deep enough to get a good flow. Then, he latches firmly onto the flesh, sucking it into his mouth. The act startles a moan out of you, the venom from the initial bite already transmuting the pain into heady pleasure and sending heat through your veins, all while kicking your heart into an even faster beat. Perhaps one of the best perks of the venom is that after that first dose settles in, the only part of the process left for you to feel is pleasure.
Even while you’re unable to help the way your hips roll into his own, and unable to ignore the feral, sinful moans vibrating against your chest as he suckles the wound he made and drinks from you, you manage to continue insulting him.
“You’re so stupid, why the hell did you avoid me for two weeks huh?” A moan breaks up your complaint as he swipes his tongue in broad movements over the bite, his hips snapping into yours and pressing you further into the door. The wood creaks, but neither of you pay it any mind. You can barely function around the incredible sensation of his cock grinding against you through layers of clothing. “All you did was send mixed messages and piss me off and, ngh fuck–“
He pulls back enough that you can see the flush in his face, the feral gleam in his eyes and the smear of blood over swollen lips. His brows are furrowed, but he’s too besotted by the taste of you to have as much heat behind his glare as he did previously.
“There are some things you can’t take back,” he grits out, tongue coming to clean the red from his lips. Your heart stutters, pulse thudding in your ears. “Especially for my kind. If I didn’t stay away, I probably would have ended up doing one of those things.”
Your core positively throbs with need, clenching around nothing. The extent to which you want him right now has you more irritable than usual. “Satoru, I wouldn’t have let you drink from me if I wasn’t interested in everything else it would entail—“
“You don’t understand,” Satoru groans, freeing a hand to rip at the material of your shirt. Clawed fingertips slice through with ease, taking out the bra straps underneath as well. He makes quick work of the band beneath your chest and the underwear is then torn from your form and thrown somewhere in the background. The material of your top remains, and he yanks it down below your aching breasts, watching with rapt attention as they bounce free heavily. Barely allowing you time to moan, he lifts you higher in his arms and dives down to drag his teeth over the swollen globes. He nips and nibbles across the sensitive skin, eliciting all sorts of sounds from you and an unbearable amount of desire that shoots straight between your legs. You can feel slick arousal trickling from your aching cunt with each new miniscule bite Satoru delivers, but honestly at this point you’re too horny to be embarrassed.
“I already want everything you can give me, and more.” He bites the inside of your breast and the flesh gives easily beneath the razor-sharp point of his fangs. One of his hands comes to grip the other side of your chest while he laps and sucks at the blood welling in the wound. Your nipples are painfully hard and you feel like you could cry in relief when his long, nimble fingers begin to deliver them some much-needed attention. “I want every single part of you and I don’t want to share. This is the way I am built. I can’t do this with you again and let you go afterwards. I want you to be mine.”
You probably shouldn’t find that as romantic as you do, but aren’t really in a position to psycho-analyse your response right now. It’s not all that surprising, either, since you recall someone mentioning to you before how strongly vampires bond with their partner when they finally make their choice. As it happens, his confession serves to not only make your heart soar but your pussy throb. You’ve been pining for this man for years, so even amongst the haze of lust clouding your mind you don’t have to think about how to respond to it.
This is, after all, the solution you were hoping for two weeks ago.
“I don’t want you to let me go, or take anything back. Please bite me again, mark me up–” You pause to gasp, Satoru having shoved your skirt up to bunch around your hips. Your panties are gone a split-second later, likely discarded in the same manner as your bra, and the hand that was at your breast is now trailing your slit and gathering all the slick that has pooled there. His middle finger dips in, causing a stutter in your breath. You lean forward to whisper in his ear, snowy strands of hair tickling your cheeks as you do so. “And please, please fuck me, Satoru.”
Something snaps in him, and he doesn’t need to be told twice.
A feral snarl escapes him, a gravelly “fuck” the only warning you get before his teeth sink down just above your nipple, fangs retracting once blood wells to the surface, and he pulls both the wound and your stiffened peak into his mouth, sucking hard. There isn’t a single ounce of pain, only the white-hot pleasure that shoots to your clit and has you keening as a result, hands scrabbling for purchase along his broad shoulders. That free hand that was at your slit has made quick work of his pants and is now guiding his scalding member to slap against your clit, and then press against your entrance while you recover from the shock of pleasure.
You expected him to be well-endowed, and you’re not at all disappointed. Satoru’s cock is fat and long, and with one roll of his hips it spears right into you. There is no resistance, you’re far too aroused and wet for there to be any, but the feeling of being split open by such a monster quite literally knocks the breath out of you. You hardly recognise the noise that escapes you as one of your own, hands gripping the vampire’s hair and shoulder so tightly you’d be worried about hurting him if he was human. He isn’t, though, and without even noticing your grip continues drinking from you while latched to your breast, tongue pressing and rolling your aching nipple all the while.
A second is all you get to adjust to the foreign length inside you before Satoru rolls his hips back with a moan, the fat head of his cock dragging against your walls as he does so, and then slams it back in. He builds a rhythm immediately that is almost animalistic in its desperation and fervour, each thrust firm and hitting so deep inside that you honest to god think it has you seeing stars. Whines and moans tumble from your mouth, no longer able to be held back when the only thing your brain can comprehend is the sheer pleasure and ecstasy that burns and sparks along your limbs. He begins to hit a certain spot when he fucks up into your heat that has you clenching around him, slick gushing forth.
“FUCK.” He rips away from your chest to tilt his head back in a rough, stilted moan, his hands gripping and digging into the meat of your thighs where they melt into your ass. In the absence of his mouth, blood begins to dribble down the swell of your breast. His crystalline eyes are hazy and blown out in lust, brows drawn together and expression twisted in pleasure, his breath coming in pants. He is visibly barely holding it together, completely drunk on the taste and feel of you– and it simultaneously is the hottest and sweetest thing you’ve ever seen. “Yes, fuck, squeeze me just like that.”
You oblige, relishing in the full-body shiver that tears through him in response. He bites your name out amidst a tortured groan, hands shifting to your hips. His mouth returns to clean up the mess he left on your breast, lips latching around your nipple to suck and pull once more, and it’s almost enough to distract you from the way he suddenly begins to lift you by the hips and drop you back down on his cock in time with his thrusts. Almost. You have to bite back a scream at how fucking good it feels, the pressure and pace and just how full you feel. You can feel yourself rapidly beginning to come undone.
With the combination of his venom’s aphrodisiac effects and the sheer amount of time you’ve spent longing for this, you don’t imagine you’re going to last much longer. If the unforgiving pace of Satoru’s hips is anything to go by, you estimate the same to be the case for him.
He groans into your chest, releasing your breast to bounce in time with his thrusts, the action accompanied by an almost audible pop, and shifts his hold to free a hand. The pressure of two fingers against your clit has you crying out, body jerking at the sudden rush of pleasure – your head whips down to find him already looking at you, gaze swinging from the juncture of your thighs to your eyes. Evidently pleased by the expression he finds on your face, he continues his circling of your clit and leans his head down to trail kisses from your already-healing chest, up the column of your throat, across the line of your jaw, until he finally arrives at your lips.
“Mine,” he murmurs, lips brushing yours in a feather-light caress. His baby-blue eyes are lidded heavily and almost dazed, coherent thought lost to the throes of pleasure and his most simple instincts. He nicks your lip at the same time as he angles a particularly wonderful thrust, the head of his cock hitting against that spot that makes you see stars and release a loud, wanton cry. “You’re all mine.”
You pull back to nod rapidly, unable to form words when all you can think – all you can feel – is the throbbing pleasure of his cock splitting you open with each heavy thrust. His head follows, lips seeking your own once more. The kiss is hot, and needy, and his oversized canines scrape your bottom lip more than once, and yet all you can do is return the fervour in between moans and whines. His hand is still at work between your legs, and you feel in your bones that you’re really not going to last much longer at this rate.
Satoru releases your mouth with a final nip, and moves his head to nestle it in the juncture of your neck and shoulder. He groans, low and long, and the vibration turns to a shiver as it travels over your skin. His lips begin to move.
“Say it.”
You struggle to think let alone figure out what he wants, lost in the current of your rapidly approaching orgasm. His fingers pick up speed, aided by the generous amount of arousal still gushing from your pussy in between thrusts. It takes everything you have not to scream, your hips bucking.
“Say it,” he says again, an oddly uncertain note infiltrating his rumbling gasp. He utters your name while nosing at your throat and you feel yourself melt. “Please, say it.”
Realisation as to what he is looking for hits you at the same time as your orgasm. “Fuck! I’m– I’m yours, all yours! God, fuck—“
Satoru’s pace stutters, undone by your pussy clenching and throbbing around him in a fight to keep him inside, and it takes him a moment to recover before he begins to fuck into you again in earnest, movements growing sloppy and frantic but no less punishing. It all serves to prolong the wave of absolute bliss you’re riding in the wake of what has to be the strongest orgasm of your life. Those vampiric toxins are no joke.
You wind your arms around his neck, clutching him close and trying not to lose your mind as he fucks up into you, the drag of his cock against your walls somehow even more delicious than before. He mouths at your neck, hips beginning to stutter once more. You clench around him, and he breaks. There is barely enough time for a curse to escape his mouth before its clamping on your neck, teeth digging in deep— deeper than he’s ever bitten you before— and tingling heat spreading out from the puncture sites. He gives one, two, three final, dragging thrusts, body trembling and muscles taut, before his cock throbs and he buries it inside you, spilling into you with a deep, rumbling groan against your throat.
Soft, panting moans escape you as his hips continue to roll into you softly, riding out his orgasm, and you bite back a wanton groan as you feel his cum beginning to trickle out around his softening member. As soon as he comes back to his senses to a degree, he has the presence of mind to navigate the two of you to the bed before he loses strength in his legs, his mouth slipping from your neck after he laves his tongue over the wound to seal it. Unceremoniously, he drops the two of you against the mattress, but surprisingly keeps you snugly in his hold and his length still buried inside you. Ignoring how hot that is, you decide to view the action from a purely romantic light and nearly melt into the mattress.
Vaguely, you register the thumping club beats still booming beyond the confines of the room. Evidently the party was still ongoing.
“This wasn’t how I planned for today to go,” he admits, after a few beats of contented silence. He nuzzles his face to your chest, dragging his nose across your collarbone. “I was going to talk to you tomorrow morning.”
You snort; that’s likely.
“… This is how I planned for today to go, though.”
He huffs a laugh before pressing his lips together, clearly trying not to enable you further. He allows for another few moments to pass, and in that time you let your own eyes flutter closed.
“You can’t change your mind, by the way,” he says suddenly, tone odd. You open your eyes and turn to see his crystalline gaze directed to your neck, where the latest of his bite marks sits proudly. “I may have done one of those things I can’t take back.”
You’re not sure how to tell him it’s not as bad of a thing as he thinks it to be.
likes and reblogs are appreciated <3 lmk what you think!
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k0juki · 5 months
Hi, I’m so glad someone wants to write for Joost cuz it’s dry out here. Can you write a Joost x reader where he the on their first date or first hcs? either one works. hope you have a wonderful day <3
First date with Joost hc.
Joost Klein x fem!reader
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English is not my first language, so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors! More posts here.
A/n: I've never had sushi before so...
Wc: 525
• Okay, so I think he would have wanted the first date to be somehow special, you know? Nothing like coffee in some restaurant or picnic, but if you're into it, then he will do something like that.
• But I meant something like paintball or perhaps a concert, where you guys can express your feelings.
• I imagine it like you wanted to go to your favorite band concert, but unfortunately the tickets were sold out.
• And then he shows up at your door with two tickets in hand and smug on his face.
• "I heard that someone asked for (band name) tickets..." and he would be so cocky about it too.
• "Oh my god, how did you get them!? They were sold out!" You gasped and took them in your hands to see if they were real. They really were and you couldn't believe it.
• "I have my ways." Joost answered and just smiled down at you. "Go get ready, we don't have much time."
• As you arrived at the concert and 'discovered' that you guys were in the first row, you were in heaven, literally.
• With Joost hugging you from behind, his hands on your hips and resting his head on your shoulder, giving light kisses here and there on your neck.
• You two swayed together on the rhythm with a bit of singing, it couldn't be better. Just you and him.
• When the concert ended, you had a so-called "post depression concert" you're so sad it ended, even though it was probably the best night of your life, because you could spend it with him.
• Joost noticed the sadness and took your hand in his. "It's alright, love. They are going to be here next year too. We can go again if you want?"
• "I want nothing more." You answered with a smile.
• And then you guys would go somewhere to eat, just to enjoy the end of the date. Maybe some sushi restaurants that have open basically 24/7.
• "I know a good sushi restaurant that is near. So, what do you say?"
• "I've never had sushi before, you know." You laughed a little, feeling a bit embarrassed.
• "What? You never had sushi before?" Joost asked, all surprised. "We have to change that." He added and started dragging you to that restaurant.
• There weren't many people, some of them were eating and others just scrolling on theirs phones.
• You're greeted by the subtle aroma of seaweed and freshly prepared fish.
• Joost smiles warmly as you exchange glances, excitement evident in both your eyes.
• You're led to a cozy booth tucked away in a corner, where the ambiance is intimate and inviting.
• Soft lighting casts a warm glow over the minimalist decor, creating the perfect setting for your sushi adventure.
• "So, did you enjoy it?" He asked as you started to eat.
• The sushi becomes a delicious backdrop to your burgeoning connection, each bite bringing you closer together.
• "More than you think." You smiled at him.
• "I'm glad."
Don't copy or translate my work! Also the picture is not mine! Credit goes to owner!
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vyglitchcraft · 1 year
Since requests are open, can you write for havik, shao, Scorpion and sub zero with a size kink SFW and NSFW headcanons? ʕʘ‿ʘʔ
YES BITCH I WILL, you have good taste in men hot DAMN also yes putting their canon heights just so you can imagine it (atleast before MK1 assuming they didn't change the height)
Sizing Up (18+)
MK1 Shao, Havik, Bi-Han, Kuai Liang x gen!reader size kink headcanons
Warning: Havik's section has mentions of gore and more extreme fetishes
General Shao (7'2 ft)
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This hunk of muscles love to show off his build, he is VERY proud of it. Like the type of douchebag in the gym that would flex in front of the mirror type of guy. And you love every second of it
He likes to show off, that's just a thing that Shao likes in every timeline. He likes to pick you up and just point out how small and light you are, how you're lucky to have him because someone can just pick you up and run off with you
He's a bit of a jerk but you should expect that when you dated him. He constantly teases you about your height and he'll make sure you will NOT forget that you're short. Jars on the highest shelf, every lid is screwed on a bit TOO tight, you can't seem to find any stools to stand on so that means only one thing, you're forced to ask him for help and he would HAPPILY do it with a shit eating grin on his face
He LOVES it when you do a size comparison between you and him, especially with your hands, he thinks its so precious that he can just hold both of your hands with only one of his
He went FERAL when he saw you in his clothes
When i say this man is huge EVERYWHERE i mean it, you wouldn't be exaggerating when you compare it to your arm.
"Are you sure? I could break you" is something he constantly says. He loves to lay his cock right on top of your stomach, just admiring just how deep he could reach. Heck it scares you sometimes too, i mean who wouldn't?
But all those feelings are gone when you feel that delicious stretch as he slowly pushes his cock into you. He loves to compare you to a sex toy just because he could just hold your torso with one hand and just use you. He is VERY degrading in bed but god does he love you too.
"So pathetic, did it reach your brain too? Look at me while i use you" even when the two of you are doing it sitting down, you only reach his chest.
He loves to see the outline of his cock on your stomach, he's amazed that someone as small as you can take something that big.
You're practically getting tossed around from position to position, you're gonna get manhandled like a sack of potatoes
Havik (6'4 ft)
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Also messes with you but more just because it causes chaos. Although he doesn't care about his height unlike Shao, he is absolutely fixated by the fact that you're so small compared to him. He thinks you're adorable and wants to bite your head off.
Chews on your hair. You're probably the perfect height for him to lay his head on top of yours. Your hair gets into his mouth sometimes and he likes chewing on it.
He likes to hold onto you, he wants you to carry him around because he thinks it's funny that someone THAT small can carry a man his height. So yes you're here giving this man a piggy back ride while he chews on your hair. Look don't expect maturity from HIM of all people.
Also likes to carry you everywhere and put everything (including you) on a really high shelf, why? Because chaos.
"I can throw you" "Havik WHY" "what if i throw you across the arena so you can attack people from behind" "WHY WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT"
He's big but he acts like he's small, he either is NOT aware of his height or just does it to mess with you, could be both.
Cute aggression but kinky. That's all i can say about him.
But anyway he likes to point out certain details that just make you want to cover your face. He appreciates that you're so easily pinned down. Your feet aren't touching the ground if you're getting fucked on a table or some other random surface.
Please be warned, the man has no filter. His dirty talk is explicit and isn't for the faint of heart.
Goes fucking FERAL when he sees your stomach bulging from his cock. How you can barely handle anything yet you do, easily too. He loves it. "I wonder if i pull out fast enough, i could pull your intestines inside out"
"I can feel myself hitting your lungs, do you like it?" he's exaggerating but he loves how you're basically choking from the pleasure. Although if you're genuinely uncomfortable or hurt, he will stop. As chaotic as he is, he doesn't want to see you hurt or at worst die.
Loves it when you're the dominant one though. He's a switch. He likes it when someone weak like you can overpower him (if you can't, he likes to pretend) you can do anything to him, he can regenerate any part of his body.
Bi-Han (6'2 ft)
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Overbearing as fuck. He treats you like you're just this small vulnerable rabbit. He feels the need to always protect you, i mean someone your size surely can't protect themselves right? That's why you have him! If you think he's overprotective, he's even more so when you're small
You're a porcelain doll to him, one wrong move and you'll be hurt. Although he's very gentle, he's also like a predator, almost a yandere. You're spoiled, he's the grandmaster, who's gonna stop him from using the Lin Kuei's money for you. But you ain't gonna do shit without him "protecting" you
Since every ninja is around 6'2 (except Tremor and Reptile i think) so you bet your ass you can't reach shit but don't worry, Bi-Han is there to help you. You won't be lifting a finger when he's around.
Oh but don't think he's all soft, his anger is fucked. He uses his size to intimidate people, standing behind you like a shadow. Or having you on his lap like a pet.
Your size means you're also easily movable. He uses this to his advantage to just carry you around or pick you up if he needs you.
Again, predator/prey. He absolutely takes advantage of the fact that you're so weak compared to him. The way he can make you whine with one of his fingers, gives him an ego boost. "I can't wait to stretch you to the limits"
Everything about him screams possessive and the fact that you look so small and weak compared to him makes it even worse. The fact that he can just wrap his hand around your whole neck. The fact that you cry every time he fucks you, he lives for it.
He'll pin you down, bite you, everything that you'll love today but regret tomorrow. His grip is bruising but no worries, he'll make sure to take care of you after it. His hands would be cold enough to soothe the pain
Seeing you grip onto him, how he overpowers you and you're hugging him as if he's the only person that could keep you safe. God he could go another round just from seeing it.
Kuai Liang (6'2 ft)
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Not as obsessive as his brother, he's respectful. He loves you and he'll make sure you know it. He wants you to feel protected but not scared. Although he discourages you from fighting because he's scared that you'll get overpowered.
He's pretty self aware about his height but he won't make it your problem.
He LOVES it when you wear his clothes or any oversized shirt. He just wants to choke you with his chain and hug you until you can't breathe.
He likes to hold your face with both of his hands and just squish your cheeks. His hands pretty much cover your face. Oh and he doesn't mind carrying you everywhere he goes, it's embarrassing but if you want him to do it, he'll handle the teasing, as long as you're happy.
Does that thing where he just puts his hands on your face, grabbing your head like a basketball. He isn't really thinking about anything, he just does it sometimes. Also accidentally gained the reflex of having to crouch just to go face to face with you. Yes its a bit degrading but he'll snap out of it and go back to his normal position.
The fact that you're so light and small compared to him makes it so easy for him to just pin you against a wall. He loves the sense of power that he has over you. You're so vulnerable and he could just defeat you.
To his dismay, he's pretty similar to his brother but much more merciful and less degrading. "So small, so weak, i could just break you"
He would tie you up with his chains and just let you warm up his cock, his big arms wrapping around your neck while he studies in his room. His hand would wander down, cupping your stomach or thighs. Feeling your head lean back on his chest while you beg for him to move.
In his mind, you're like a pocket pussy, a cute toy but he would never mention it. He has a filter but his mind does not. He would love to see you beg that he's too big, that it hurts, your hole not closing up after he's done with you, he wants to see it but he would never say it to you, its too embarrassing.
Your small frame when you go all limp after a session looks so adorable that he just wants to hold your hips down and use you until you're all loose and open. "I'll mold you into my shape, i need you to be mine" he pants out, biting your shoulder, he really is similar to his brother even if he denies it.
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hai7ani · 21 days
我的心肝宝贝 / i have found you / haitani rindou
losing your memories after a terrible car crash that's left you confused, quiet, and a little clumsy afterwards. all confidence had left your soul just like the past 2 years of your life, and honestly, you didn't think you'd be able to get through not knowing anything. things had changed a lot from when your memories had last stopped at.
you still manage to pick yourself up, however, even though it'd took you quite some time to gain back the confidence to go out in public with the blank and empty feeling in your head, your heart. you still don't remember much from the memories you've lost, and you find yourself constantly searching for something that you don't know.
and now you're in Don Quijote a little after 9 to run some errands for your mother who insists you go alone this time. before you left she had claimed that this may be helpful for you. she'd pointed out that this used to be your favourite place to visit at night when you had nothing to do. at first you didn't understand what she meant by it 一 you couldn't figure out why a place like Don Quijote would be somewhere you like spending time in, considering the loud, overwhelming music constantly playing through the speakers and the crowds of people who were somehow always everywhere in all corners of the store.
until you're queuing up for checkout and you hear a deep voice call for your nickname that you haven't heard in a while. you don't recognise the voice, though, and you think to yourself that this might be someone you had known just before you had lost your memories.
so you turn around, already getting ready to say the words you find yourself repeating quite a lot recently.
"i don't remember you."
the man before you is tall. he towers over you, he's a little tanned, and he's also the same guy you'd made eye contact with a while ago when you were browsing for ramen. you remember he had been staring 一 he seemed very mysterious, but you didn't think of him as creepy nor did he give off any human-trafficker vibes, and he never once broke eye contact too when you were passing him at the aisle.
"hi," you start with a little smile, and he thinks your eyes are bright with so much sun despite it being nighttime and you don't seem to be bringing anything up. he looks at you with an expression you think strangers don't normally give to another stranger, so you figure he must be someone you had known closely before.
"i, um," you blink once, twice 一 suddenly feeling a little out of breath and warm 一 and your chain of thought gets interrupted when he takes a step closer to your body. you can smell the hints of tobacco off his clothing and you resist the urge to pick away a loose thread from the collar of his black coat. the sudden temptation to do that was shocking to you, as you'd never felt anything like this before to anybody you've met recently.
then he lowers down a little to grab the handle of your basket and swiftly places it on the conveyor belt when you don't notice the cashier calling out for you (your back had been turned).
"thank you." you say as you start pulling out your wallet, getting ready to pay.
you turn to look up at the man again while waiting. you had bought quite an amount of items today, so this would give you time to converse with him.
"i'm sorry, have we known each other before?" you begin. you notice from his body movement that he is a little stunned when you'd asked him that, because he had taken a step back and frowned. he seems a bit confused as he curls his fingers inwards and forms his big hands into fists. the Don Quijote song plays softly in the background as you stare at each other like that 一 as he swallows the pit in his mouth, as you dig for just anything at all, right at the core of your brain.
you decide to explain further when he doesn't budge. "i'd just lost my memories recently, from a car accident. i don't remember anything from the past 2 years..." you bite your lip, trailing off.
"so if we had known each other during those times, i'm really sorry, but i don't recognise you at all." your shoulders slump as you say it to him.
during those times.
you feel a little something, probably in your heart, rip apart inside of you when you see the light in his eyes swiftly disappear. you think the purple of his orbs had just turned into a darker shade. from violet to eggplant, his frown disappears, and he opens his mouth to speak-
"cash or card?"
you hurriedly look away from him and he sighs. out of relief, out of disappointment, or out of sadness?
"oh, cash-"
out of nothing but love.
"...we're paying together." he slams his own basket on the conveyor and eyes the cashier in a way that would've made you squirm out of fear because he looks so intimidating. "make it quick." he's stern when he says it, and the poor cashier looks so afraid that she does make absolute quick work of scanning his items together and checking you both out. but surprisingly to you, you don't sense any malice in his voice. you know he didn't mean anything bad by it -- he'd just really wanted it to be quick.
he's a nice guy, just a bit rough. he doesn't know how exactly to be polite. he has good intentions. he speaks up a lot, but he doesn't voice out very often.
you know. you want to tell her that. but he covers your sight by stepping in front of you and hands the lady his card.
(you end up sliding the cashier a piece of sticker you'd randomly found in your purse while mouthing a quick "sorry!" to her on your way out of the store.)
ane now you're standing outside the store, under a dim lamp post and you're searching for something inside your bag of groceries.
and he watches as you fish out a bag of chips, rip an opening easily, and hand it to him with a big smile. "here! my treat for paying for my groceries."
oddly to you this entire interaction feels so normal. usually a stranger would've never let another stranger pay for their things this easily, but with this man, it feels fine. it seemed okay to let him do that. you feel like this has happened before.
"why this snack?" is what he asks when he grabs a chip from the bag and shoves it in his mouth. he chews and chews and grabs another and chews, and your smile grows even wider when he finally takes the entire packet away and starts eating it like it belongs to him.
"dunno. i thought you'd enjoy it." you shrug, "and you do seem to actually enjoy it. i'm glad. i didn't buy it for any reason exactly, just felt right for me to grab it off the shelf."
he cracks a smile at that.
"you really don't remember me?"
"no, gosh, i'm sorry. what's your name?"
he eyes the small purple keychain of a specific initial hanging off your handbag. you hadn't switched it out even after so long, he realises.
...perhaps you did feel the same for him after all.
maybe still some love.
"Rindou. i am Rindou."
you give him a smile. he feels young all over again because you're looking at him the same way you always did.
"hello Rindou, i am y/n." you giggle as you say it, knowing he already knows, but you still want to say it anyway.
"were we friends? where did we meet?"
he sucks the flavouring off his thumb. it starts snowing a little. Don Quijote is no longer lit up and noisy as they start closing up the store.
"here." he looks down to the packaging in his hands and folds it nicely before throwing it in the trash. you tilt your head to the side, obviously extremely confused and a little nervous.
"we met here, two winters ago. i was lost as i was new to tokyo, and you bought me this snack as a cheer up before walking with me to my hotel."
"...and?" you grin, patiently awaiting for the rest of his response. it felt good to know you were nice to him back then 一 that this place was also coincidentally where you'd first met him with him eating the same snack that you bought for him.
a light layer of snow starts covering your head and shoulders, but he is warm when he moves closer to you and pats them away gently.
he then slides his hand down to rest it on the back of your head.
and he kisses your forehead.
you think you want to melt away like the snow on the ground. you think the empty feeling inside of you has been filled and you don't ever want him to leave again.
you think you have found what you have been searching for so feverishly after losing your memories.
"i loved you before."
you don't move in his arms when he snakes them around your figure 一 as he pushes you anymore closer to himself, into his chest.
you hear his heart beat for you before your ears.
"i still do."
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in chinese we have this term of endearment: 心肝宝贝 (xin gan bao bei) which is a very cheesy endearment for a loved one, commonly used by parents for their child, but it can be used between lovers as well.
心 xin (heart) | 肝 gan (liver) | 宝贝 bao bei (baby/sweetie for endearment, commonly used between lovers) = basically saying that you are just as important as my heart and liver
i was picturing rin saying this to her in his heart when he was hugging and pushing her to his chest :(((
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tleeaves · 11 months
Having so many thoughts about how the casting of Tom Blyth as a conventionally attractive man and his changing looks throughout the film actually demonstrate how much the directors intended for him not to be thirsted over -- and what thirsting over him at this point says about the audience.
I mean, if you're given a pretty face, like Coryo is said to have also in the books, you can get away with a lot because not many people are quick to scorn you. It's the fault of Greek philosophy most likely, but it's been thought for so long that physical beauty equates moral and ethical soundness. He has beautiful, absolutely gorgeous curls in the first two parts of the movie (and book), he's explicitly described as lovely and pretty, and many of the women in his life trust him until he reveals his motivations at the end.
The removing of the curls, I think, was not just about the military. It was about removing some of that beautiful mask and costume Coryo moves through the world in, chipping away, so that people began to see just how corrupt he was when they weren't blinded by his charms and he got too caught up after thinking he had their unwavering trust.
Coryo is the games. He makes himself a mystery wrapped in pretty things, surrounded by pretty people, to lure others in and distract from the snake he is underneath. Literally from Shakespeare's Macbeth "serpent 'neath the flower" (paraphrasing, I can't remember the precise wording for underneath and what not). The presence of roses on his character is even more fitting then, not just to disguise the scent of blood, poison, and mouth sores later on, but to give people a false sense of security, to please them, to charm them so they don't notice the snake coiling around them and preparing to bite.
Just like the characters, when the audience thirsts over this younger Snow, they are falling right into a trap. He does not love, he wants the control over people. He enjoys the manipulation. He would sooner kill you to protect himself no matter if you're his lover. The directors, Collins herself too, they're laughing or perhaps just wearily sighing over an audience that does not understand when they are being targeted. Snow wants to be admired. When an audience admires him and overlooks all the bad, it's a commentary about them and the way our society favours beauty over goodness. The way some will roll over and offer their necks to the knife just because it wears a pretty face and it manipulated them into sympathising.
Snow is dangerous. The thirst traps and edits, good as they are for a handsome man like Tom Blyth, are exactly what the Capitol would do for Snow. What he would encourage in theory. He's the snake underneath the flowers. And the audience of both the games and The Hunger Games franchise, is once again ignorant to what their behaviour means. Successful manipulation of a group.
How scary would that be if it happened in real politics with slightly different methods?
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kittyjback · 4 months
enhypen (hyung line) kinks
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don't like it don't read it
manspreading, every time this man does it you have to control and distract yourself away from him to stay focused on the things you're doing or the people you're talking to, but he knows damn well what you think about it and he just can't hold his laugh back watching you close your eyes as if you were trying to meditate or shit
strip tease, i just know he would start a riot inside his head when you start stripping for him, he just loves you and your holy body too much to stay still, biting his lips looking at you up and down spreading his legs still wearing pants (with nothing under it so you can see his perfect cock forming its shape), feeling his heart beating faster to the point he doesn't want to wait anymore, so he lift two fingers telling you to come closer and sit on him so he can get a taste of every part of you
+ overstimulation.... yes
nipple play, what can i even say about it lol he's just way too obsessed with your boobs and he will lick it and suck it as soon as you lay down in bed... he loves how soft you're, but then his ego goes to galaxy when you whine at him grabbing your boobs in his big hands massaging it (he's just pretending it's something new since he also grabs it from behind when you wear nothing under your shirt-)
reverse cowgirl, my man goes feral when you ride him with your ass and hole just for him to see how good you take his big fat cock between the wetness of both of you + the moans that comes with this position???? nahh it's the best way to make you and him cum deliciously
mommy kink, DO I HAVE TO EXPLAIN????? he's a switch and you can't change my mind !!!! he loves abusing you pussy with everything he got but when you start being a dom???? oh girl, prepare to hear lots of "mommy please", "mommy i'm so close" coming out of his pretty lips with pretty face so immersed in pleasure he can't even think properly (poor baby just want to cum)
pussy drunk, self-explanatory... his lips and hands were made for it idc
spanking, my man's sadic (not literally) and will spank your ass, hold it as tight as he can, and even slap your pussy... he loves seeing your skin changing its color because yk he's marking the territory (everytime he sees you lying down with your ass up just know he will kiss it but then-), you're not complaining though
all fours, have i said before that he loves your ass??? probably gonna put some of those lubes that have a fruit taste in your hole so he has the perfect excuse to eat you out from behind but when it comes to sex he loves seeing his balls disappear in your cunt while he abuses your hole at the same time
+ overstimulation cause his happiness is seeing you cry (in pleasure ofc)
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erose-this-name · 7 months
humans are not the default race
In every scifi and fantasy setting with """races""", humans are the default.
If you're lucky, we're the short-lived, fast-reproducing pests that are all white Europeans for some mysterious reason, and also have disproportionate rates of being raised as undead because we can't be bothered to make zombie dwarf minis or animate a vampire gnome that has to jump up to bite a tall person's neck.
(We've got BOTH human AND elf skeleton warriors! Oh, hey, I just changed the scale, now it's a hobbit skeleton OR a giant skeleton! Such skeleton diversity! No, Khajiits can't be bone boys, a skeleton with a tail and a cat skull is just TOO SPOOKY)
I feel like a lot of people don't realize that we (Homo sapiens) have the longest running endurance of any land animal. Being able to run a marathon is not normal.
(It's because we evolved the very unusual hunting strategy of Slowly Chasing Gazelles While Throwing Sticks At Them Until The Gazelle Collapses From Exhaustion Then Casually Walking Up And Bashing Their Head In With A Rock™).
Even Neanderthals probably couldn't match our tenacity (they were considerably stronger and tougher though, but by no means dumber judging from the size of their brain cavities{which was bigger than ours actually})
(the evolutionary Neanderthal hunting strategy was probably something like Jumping Out And Stabbing A Wooly Rhinoceros With A Pointed Stick, Then Getting Punted 12 Feet Into a Tree But Getting Right Back Up And Doing It Again Until It Dies Because You Have Superhuman Bone And Muscle Density. And If You Do Break One Of Your Unbreakable Bones Your Homies Will Take Care Of You Until It Heals™
[Neanderthal skeletons are found with healed fractures surprisingly often despite said bones being much stronger and denser than ours, they just kept evolving denser bones until they couldn't even swim without sinking like a rock, but they still got broken all the time])
So given that we, Homo sapiens, actually literally used to be the "species that specializes in sheer endurance, determination, and unbreakable fucking will", I want more fantasy and scifi settings where we are that way! I think the only setting where that's even remotely the case is Undertale. We're not just the "default" intelligent species!
The only reason we're good at everything is because we can make complex tools and can learn and aren't bound by instinct. Which, by definition, all fantasy races would also be able to do. Otherwise, they'd just be considered animals. Like trolls or Redditers.
The "default" species should just be really good at making tools and quickly adapting, but kinda suck in every other category. So I guess gnomes or goblins are the default d&d race.
And Humans are certainly not the Tolkien "that one race that lives short lives and reproduces faster than everyone else and is good at farming" because:
A) we actually do already live relatively long lives for mammals of our size and also GIVING BIRTH CAN KILL US, AND IF OUR PARENTS DON'T RAISE US JUST RIGHT THAT CAN ALSO KILL US, WE ARE SPECIFICALLY VERY BAD AT REPRODUCING
B) we are in no way adapted to farming, and most of our modern health and societal issues stem from the fact that we aren't meant to farm or be civilized, but do it anyways.
We only farm because it helped us survive the ecological collapse at the end of the ice age, now we're in too deep to go back.
When the ice age ended (quite abruptly) the ecosystem couldn't provide for hunters and gathers anymore, a bunch of things were getting heat stroke, sea levels rose, hibernation and bloom cycles and reptile gender ratios were out of wack, predators died out because herbivores died out because plants weren't doing well. Decomposers like vultures and worms had a field day (Until they didn't [RIP condor population]). It would take a while for a new ecological equilibrium to emerge and for evolution to fix things.
But farming doesn't need any healthy ecosystems except for the soil and pollinators, mostly, so that still works. And farming makes more food meaning you can have more people. So now there's more people.
But that also means you can't ever go back to foraging without all those extra people dying of starvation. So, anarcho-primitivism would technically be the most deadly ideology if implemented, and therefore is not based, unfortunately. Here's hoping for an apocalypse to do that for us! (I would not survive it)
Fun Fact: those isolated tribal societies like the Sentinelese that still do hunting and gathering only spend 15-20 hours a week doing that and another 20 doing camp chores, and the rest of their time forming meaningful relationships and not being depressed.
Notice how most of what they do as "work" (hunting, fighting, hiking, berry/mushroom/etc picking, cooking, camping, arts and crafts, oral history/story telling) are things that we need to do during our limited free time as "hobbies" just so that our "work" doesn't drive us insane. Thus leaving less time for relationships, etc.
If we were actually good at farming or industry or civilization, then things like math and repetitive manual labor wouldn't be work. They'd be the most fun activities.
Sure, these foragers die young, but so did medieval peasant farmers who were even less healthy since they had much less diverse diets (a lot of carbs) and got plague more often thanks to cities and their close proximity to livestock. Our modern sedentary lifestyle is bad too.
Hobbits are suited to farming (also Entwives I guess). Hobbits are quite good at it, at the cost of not being as good at much else (besides going unnoticed and throwing for some reason), they inherently enjoy farming life quite a bit and most* aren't haunted by the sense they should be anything else, like we are. *(The Took family got that Call To Adventure 'tism)
We only think that we're not special or can't be anything other than what we currently are because we no longer have anything else to compare ourselves to. The Neanderthals and Denisovans died out tens of thousands of years ago and the fucking aliens are somewhere, presumably
We are special, only we survived.
But at the cost of becoming the species equivalent of an abandoned child raised by wolves. We fantasize about these things because we all know that we shouldn't be alone. But our perceptions of ourselves are twisted by our trauma and lack of socialization.
Personally, the realization that having lost our family was probably our fault makes that hurt so much worse.
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tkwrites · 25 days
It might be a tad depraved of me. But would you consider writing a blurb or something of Sarah reacting to Quinn shaving his playoff beard? Poor girl wasn't warned that her last time being pleasured and stimulated by it was her last. Huggy bear betta make it up to her 😉 (if you are willing to do a blurb, you don't have to actually include the smut even though you have a gift at writing that girl! I just think it could be a fun little scene of her seeing him clean shaven, maybe even a cute domestic vibe idk, this ask is too long 😂)
Also ohhh not long until you post Nicos next part and I am very excited 😝
Hi my Lovely, inspiration struck for your ask in the middle of the night about a week ago, and I've been finessing it ever since. I hope you enjoy what I came up with!
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Photo from Pinterest
Blurb (664 words) below the cut. Allusions to smut, but nothing is described.
“Oh,” Sarah said when Quinn walked out of the bathroom. 
“What?” he asked, a hand going to his cheek. He didn’t think he’d cut himself.
“I just…I didn’t realize you were shaving.” 
“Was I not supposed to?”
A blush rose high on her cheeks. “No,” she said hesitantly, as if she was saying it because it was something he wanted to hear. 
“What?” Quinn asked. He saw right through her acting. The more he got to know Sarah, the more he realized what a terrible liar she was. 
“I just think you look really handsome with a beard,” she said. 
“I thought you didn’t like the facial hair.”
“I don’t like stubble. That hurts, but once it’s grown out, I like it.” 
“I can grow it out again.” 
“I know. I’d just kind of hoped you’d keep it until you moved home.”
“It feels nice.” 
“It feels nice?” he repeated. “What are you talking about?” 
Sarah sighed, deciding she needed to just come out and say it. She’d talked herself into this corner. “Your beard feels nice…when you go down on me,” she confessed, feeling a flush flair down her neck and onto her chest. 
“It does, does it?”'
Biting her lip, she nodded. 
Moving closer, he slipped a hand around her waist and pulled her body flush to his own. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“I didn’t think I would have to. Isn’t it tradition to keep the beard until the final? I thought you’d have it until you went back to Michigan.” 
He winced, reminding himself Sarah just started watching hockey and didn’t know the traditions like most people he knew did. “That’s only if you’re playing in the final,” he explained, “most guys shave once they’re eliminated or after they’ve won.”
“Oh.” Great. Now, after dancing around it for the last 36 hours, she’d brought up the loss. “Shit, Quinn, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize.”
He shook his head, “how would you know?” 
“Still, I’m sorry.”
He needed to change the subject. Brushing his smooth cheek against hers, he brought his mouth close to her ear and asked, “so you don’t think I’ll be as good now that I’ve shaved?” 
“I don’t…” she coughed. “I didn’t say that.” 
“But it’s what you were thinking, right?” His other hand snuck under one of her straps. 
“No.” Her heart was racing with the nearness of him. 
“Do I need to prove you wrong?”
Her voice squeaked, “no?” 
“You don’t sound too sure about that.” 
She made a small noise that sounded like a halted whine.
His mouth drifted to her pulse point, kissing and sucking the tender skin. 
“Quinn,” she breathed. 
“Hmm?” Sarah so rarely got this flustered, Quinn reveled in riling her up like this.
Desire pooled between her legs - hot and heavy. She needed him. Now.
They had to take advantage of the time they had now. His family was finally gone, though his mom would be back soon. He’d be having surgery in two days, then heading home four days after that.
"Prove me wrong.” 
He smiled against her skin and gathered a fistful of her skirt. She was wearing that damned green dress again, and he was finally going to strip it off her. Or maybe he’d push it up and eat her out just like that. 
He liked the mental image of that — of her writhing on the bed, skirt shoved up around her hips, hands tangled in his hair as he buried his face between her thighs. 
Yes, that was exactly what he was going to do. Then he’d strip it off her and make love to her as many times as his body would allow.
“On the bed," he said, nodding toward it.
She backed up until the backs of her thighs hit the mattress, then reached for the hem of her dress. 
“Leave it on,” he said, voice gruff. “I’ll take care of it.”
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hanniebaeee · 4 months
This man
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Best friend Jeonghan x fem!reader
Warnings: maybe a little swearing, kissing
Genre: idiots to lovers, fluff/suggestive MDNI
Summary: You've loved your best friend, Jeonghan, since forever. You're so obvious, but he's an idiot. The question is, are you an idiot too?
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You spot Jeonghan as soon as you step into the cafe. This was one of your most favorite cafes, so many good memories here. He was with Joshua (as usual). You and Jeonghan were best friends since primary school, and he found Joshua during his University years. Two best friends from two different times.
You wave hi and take off your coat, hanging it on the back of your chair before sitting down. Jeonghan looked at what you were wearing and smiled. Somehow you two had managed to dress similarly on one too many occasions. Today he wore a pastel green and white chequered shirt with light blue jeans, while you were dressed in a pastel green dress with little white daisies sprinkled on it.
'So, what was so important that I had to get here asap?' You ask.
'Were you busy?' Joshua asked. 'We could have met later.'
'I was working on something with Ver-' You were cut off by Jeonghan who was placing your order all of a sudden, very loudly.
He knew your regular order from here, so he ordered without even asking you. And you just stare at him (a little starstruck every time, but also with a stab of annoyance this time). Communication wasn't one of Jeonghan's strongest points and miscommunication, on the other hand, his natural self. You knew he was mad about something.
'So you were saying?' Joshua said, taking a sip of his coffee.
'Right. I was with VERNON.' You said, emphasising on your friend's name because you knew this made Jeonghan very jealous.
You didn't even know what it was about Vernon that got to Jeonghan so much. Vernon was one of the coolest people you've ever met. You felt lucky to be working with him since he always had the most creative ideas (and best snacks and the bestest cats!).
'Oh right, how's that new project going?' Joshua asked, ignoring Jeonghan's annoyed sighs.
'Really well!' You reply with a smile and you could sense Jeonghan's eyes bore holes into your head.
'What's the matter Jeonghan?' You ask, giving him an irritated look. 'What are you looking at me like that for?!'
'I'm waiting for you to stop gushing over Vernon for a minute' Jeonghan retorted.
'Yah! I wasn't gushing!' You snap, kicking him under the table.
'Oh real mature, Y/N' he grumbled kicking you back. But his shoe landed on your bare calf, making you gasp.
'That's my leg you idiot!' You say, glaring at him.
He looked to the side as you lift your leg from under the table. His expression changed immediately.
'I'm sorry, I'm sorry' he cooed suddenly, bending down to run his hand over the skin. You feel butterflies in your tummy as his fingers touch your skin.
'It's alright.' You said, feeling the heat creep up your neck.
You sit up straight, only to see Joshua giving you a look.
'What?!' I mouthed to him and he just shook his head with a grin.
Jeonghan straightened as well and said 'You obviously enjoy spending time with him more than with me now.'
'Like you enjoy spending time with Joshua more than with me?' You tease back.
'I don't!' Jeonghan whined.
'Yah!' Joshua had a funny frown on his face.
'Stop bullying me now!' Jeonghan said, taking a bite of his cake.
'Ok ok, so what's the 'thing' you had to tell me?' You ask, digging your fork into Jeonghan's cake.
'So we're having a party at ours this weekend to celebrate the release of my first single album!' Joshua said with a big grin. 'It's doing really well, so we thought we should celebrate. Just some close friends.'
'Oh great!' You said with a smile. 'It's all I see every time I open social media!'
Joshua blushed and said, 'You should bring Vernon too.'
'Of course I will.' You said and you could see Jeonghan rolling his eyes at that.
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Jeonghan was mad at you all day. He ignored you and backed out of any conversation you were part of. It made you so mad!.
'Whats the matter babe?' Vernon asked.
'Hannie's being a bitch and I don't even know why!' You muttered, taking his cup from him and sipping his drink.
'Go talk to him' Vernon said with a shrug.
'Right, he runs away every time I try.' You said sadly, sitting next to him, and placing you head on his shoulder. He rested his head on yours and said, 'You two are the biggest idiots I know.'
'What? Why?!' You asked sitting up and looking at him.
'Because, Jeonghan is whipped for you. And you are for him. Two idiots.'
'He's my best friend.' You said with a pout.
'So? Can't best friends love each other? Can't they be a couple?' Vernon asked.
'Yah, don't be loud!' You whispered, touching his hand.
'Well?' He asked. 'I know you love him. Not as a best friend, but as something more.'
'I can't risk it, Vernon. He's not just my friend, he's literally my whole life.' You said sadly. 'I would rather be his friend than going and ruining it all for more.'
'Darling, he feels the same way' he said. 'You should see the way he looks at you and the way he's glaring at me right now' Vernon laughed.
'Stop it!' You said, slapping his hand. 'Oh God, help me!'
'Go for it!' Vernon hyped you up. 'Please, so that he would stop giving me those death stares'.
'He does not!' You said, not believing your own words since you knew how he felt about your friendship with Vernon.
'Please turn around' Vernon said, and you did slowly.
Jeonghan had a drink in hand and he leaned against the door to the kitchen. He WAS actually glaring at you both. You have never seen such a look on Jeonghan. He wasn't a hot head. He actually never got that mad - he was more into solving his problems strategically than with his fists.
'You should go.' Vernon said again, nudging you with his elbow.
'I think I should' You agree and stand up. Taking a deep breath, you walk towards Jeonghan. Seeing you, he pushed himself off the door and started walking away. You run, blocking his way.
'Hey!' You said, 'I want to talk.'
'I don't' he said, trying to step away. He was way taller than you, so it wasn't that hard for him to escape.
'Hannie please!', You said in a small voice, head hung. The only voice you knew would get him. You were right because he froze and turned to look at you. Taking your chin between his index finger and thumb, he raised your face up.
'What's wrong?' He asked, his voice laced with worry.
'We have to talk' You said, and he nodded, taking your hand and leading you to his bedroom. He shut the door behind you. Folding his hands against his chest, he said 'Go on'
You squirmed under his gaze. He was just looking and you were falling apart.
'Um' Your voice and vocabulary decided to say goodbye at the very moment and you stood gaping at the gorgeous man in front of you. His beautiful brown eyes set on you and his dark hair falling over his forehead, almost over his eyes. His black round neck T-shirt and light blue jeans looked perfect on him. You thought he was way too beautiful for someone like you.
You felt the soft material of your navy blue dress crumble under your tight grip.
'What's it sweetheart?' He asked softly. 'Since when do you need all this time and formality to tell me anything, hm?
'Since I'm an idiot and a little bit greedy at this point.' You said, blushing.
'What do you mean?' He asked.
You couldn't look at him. You were embarrassed of yourself, and your pathetic attempt to tell this gorgeous human being that you have been in love with him for a good 10 years. You wanted to cry and you wanted him to just understand already. But Hannie's a tease. Even if he knew he wouldn't say anything.
You sigh and said, 'Sorry I wasted your time, Hannie. You should get back to your party.'
He looked way too shocked to even move. And the look on his face scared you to death.
'You've gotta be kidding me!' He said, his eyes wide.
'Whaat?!' You whine.
'You should try not to tease a man like that!' He growled. 'I just want to spank you for all the times you bring it this far and brush me off!'
'Oh woah woah woah!' You say, holding your hands up. 'Me?! I AM THE TEASE NOW?!'
'Of course you are!! Every single time I think that it's about to happen you pull away! You FUCKING pull away and leave me hanging!'
'I've NEVER brushed you off!' You said, your body shaking. 'Why would I ?!'
'Why don't you tell me that?' Jeonghan snapped.
'Why don't you?'
'You first'
'Jeonghan!' You let out a frustrated sigh.
'I won't let you out of this room until you give me an honest answer.' Jeonghan said, shaking his head.
'Oh right, we'll see about that!' You snap and walk towards the door.
He was there first with his bloody long legs. He blocked your way, locked the door and pressed his back to it.
'Move.' You said as seriously as youbcould. 'Now.'
'I'm sorry, can't do that'
'Why Jeonghan, pray tell!' You said, trying to pry him off the door.
'You know why sweetheart' he said, his voice low and menacing.
'I don't! I can't think why, ok?' You lied, even though could see it now. Vernon was right. THIS MAN!
'Oh you know.' jeonghan teased. 'I can see it on your face.'
'I could just kill you right now!' You mutter, taking your hands off him.
'You naughty girl. Brining Vernon here even though you know that it makes me so mad.' He said, taking a step towards you.
'Hannie. Stop.' You said, putting your hands against his chest to hold him back. 'Vernon is my friend. You know that.'
'Really? Just a friend?' Jeonghan asked, his voice anything but innocent.
'Yes' You said.
'Doesn't feel like it'
'Wow, sounds like a you problem!'
He took another step forward, you took one back. The back of your legs hit his bed and you lost balance. You plopped down at the edge of the bed, looking up at him. Your heart raced and the butterflies in your tummy did you no good. He just looked at you and he looked absolutely ravishing.
'Jeonghan, stop looking at me like that!' You whine, covering your warm face with your cold hands.
You hear a chuckle before he kneels down in front of you.
'What's wrong baby?' He teased, his hands on your wrists, pulling your hands off your face. 'Don't hide from me.'
'Oh my God!' You were absolutely melting under his gaze.
He laughed, not his usual gremlin laugh, but a more sweeter one.
'Are you shy?' He asked. 'Really? For me?'
'I won't shy away from slapping you if you don't stop teasing me!' You warn him.
'Go on then.' He said, turning his face a bit, showing you his right cheek. 'I don't think I can ever stop.'
And you shocked yourself by pressing a kiss on his soft cheek. And before you could pull back, you felt his hand at the nape of your neck. And his lips against yours. You think you died for a moment there, before he pulled you back to life.
Biting his lip, he watched you. Then he kissed you again. And again. And again.
'Baby why are you crying?' He asked, his forehead pressed to yours.
You didn't even realize that you were crying until he asked that question. Wiping your face quickly with the back of your hands, you said 'I've wanted to do that for so long, Hannie'
'How long?' He asked, tilting his head.
'Um... 10 years?' You said, shy and embarrassed.
'What?!' That incredulous look came back to his face. 'You kept this from me for 10 years?!'
'I was scared!' You said. 'I didn't want to lose you!'
'Did you ever stop to think that maybe I felt it too? Why do you think I never had a girlfriend? Why did I put you first all the time?'
'I thought you had a secret girlfriend because you used to giggle into your phone all the time after you started uni!' You said with a shrug.
'What?! I don't giggle!' He said, squeezing your thigh.
'That's not the point. The point is that I thought you met someone at uni. Until I knew that it was just Joshua. Then I thought you were with Joshua!'
'You DID NOT!' he said, turning beet red.
'I'm sorry, Hannie. I knew that when you brought him home' I said giving him a sheepish smile. 'He wouldn't stop flirting with me, haha'
'Mhm' he said with a smile. 'And?'
'You wanted to say something?' He asked, his hand still on your thigh.
'Maybe' you muttered. 'Since you're being a big baby and you won't say it first.'
He didn't say anything, just grinned.
'I love you, Hannie. I'm so in love with you.' You said, your insides feeling warm and fuzzy. 'So so much.'
'Yeah?' He asked, cupping your face with his hands. 'That's good, because I'm in love with you too.'
You squeal like a little girl and throw your arms around him, giggling and kissing his cheek.
'Say it again' you say, holding him close.
'I love you. I love you. I love you.' He said, hugging you tight. He kissed you again, long and deep. His lips are wet and warm on yours. This is simply the bestest kiss ever. Then with one arm around you, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his cellphone.
'Shua's looking for us' he said, putting it back.
'Come on, let's get back to the party. Poor Shua.' You said, standing up.
On your way to the door, you stopped still as you felt his hand land a slap on your butt. Face red and voice shaky, you asked, 'What was that for?!'
'For cuddling up to Vernon before' Jeonghan replied simply.
'I thought we were over that'
'You deserve it for teasing me all day!'
'Says the tease!' You retort and move back quickly as he took big steps towards you, caging you between his body and the door, his arms on either side of you. You grin even though this made your legs go all wobbly.
'You are so hot, oh my god!' You said, hands covering your face again.
He laughed and said 'I'm trying to look intimidating here!'
'Ok, hot and intimidating' You said, as he pulled your hands off your face. Again.
He just leaned forward and delivered another mind blowing kiss. 'And, just so you know, you're hot as fuck too'
You laughed and said, 'I love you Hannie'
'I love more, baby.' he said with a wink.
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Joshua and Vernon grinned like idiots as they saw you, but were kind enough to keep the teasing for later. But you knew that you wouldn't hear the end of it for a very long time.
When Jeonghan drove you back home, you asked him if he wanted to go up to your apartment with you.
'And do what?' He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
'Shut up!' You said, turning away to hide your burning cheeks.
He laughed, parking the car and coming up with you. Your roommate was spending the weekend with her boyfriend so you had the house to yourself. Keeping your shoes on the rack near the door, you walked in, for the first time as a couple.
Jeonghan followed you into your bedroom and climbed into your bed. He patted the spot next to him and held out his hand for you. Heart fluttering and legs shaking, you were way too nervous.
Though you have had way too many naughty dreams and fantasies about Jeonghan, seeing him on your bed was a bit scary. You've slept on the same bed so many times over the years, but things are so different and easy when you're just friends.
You put your hand in his, letting him pull you into his arms. Placing your head in his chest and listening to his heartbeats felt surreal. He may have noticed how tense your body was because he kissed your forehead and said 'We don't have to do anything today, ok? I just want to cuddle with you and kiss you for now. We can take it slow.'
'Thank you Hannie' You said, feeling relieved.
You place a soft kiss on his chest. Jeonghan smiled and pulled you closer, if that was even possible. Flush against his toned body, you were trembling a bit.
'I've only ever dreamed of this...I can't believe you're really here, like this-' You didn't even know what you were saying.
'Yeah? What other dreams do you have? We'll make them all true!' Jeonghan whispered, pressing a kiss on your forehead.
'Don't be so cute!' You said, burying your face in his chest again.
His breathy laughs were the best. Everything about him was just more beautiful now. He's your boyfriend after all.
a/n: I'm in love with these cute dividers by @saradika ❤
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fire-lizard-ro · 1 year
Dragon Dan Heng
warning: mention of COCK ovi, knotting, other non-human anatomy things????, biting and marking, rut/heat cycles, dacryphilia, egregious amounts of cum (I think that's how you use that word), dumbification, oral, tongue in throat (a lil choking), belly bulge, breeding, top character, rambling author
Reader's gender is not specified and I dodged around mention of genitalia I think.
SFW: So so so- As I said before, this man activates my fucking neurons. The two braincells I have bouncing around in my head suddenly rub together to create a single thought. That single thought is about how hot he is??? Literally he doesn't have to do anything and he already has rizz 100. Would. Very much would.
But like real talk this danger noodle doesn't really change much when finally unlocks his new skin (lmfao don't pitchfork me I was kiDDING-)
Still seemingly calm (almost) all the time. Still mostly silent (at least when compared with people like March 7th). But if you're with him, then I think that there are subtle changes. When you're together, he doesn't just hover within your space. He'll be sitting next to you and that pretty tail of his will curl around you- maybe around your waist or just laid behind you and curled to lay across your lap. Doesn't admit it but he likes it when you pet his tail. :D
Scent marking!!! Any time you come back from somewhere after being gone for a bit or he does, he needs to scent mark you. Rubbing his neck along yours and purring (in my head dragons can purr fight me) while he smells the way your scent mingles with his (and the way that he covers up others' scents with his but he won't admit it). When you two are napping together and he cuddles with you, his tail will also wrap around you. Makes trying to get up to pee or even to start your day a bit hard. If you try to, he'll grumble and growl at you groggily without any real annoyance. Nips at your ear for waking him up before pulling you closer. His face gets a little hot when you laugh at his behavior.
So,,,, There are so many ways this can go. I oscillate between different head canons about his cock just on its own- Like does he have two? Is it/are they ribbed??? Is there knotting involved? E G G S ? All of the above???????? Honestly I'd take any and all of it or whatever combo it might be. I also believe in internal cock pouch thing supremacy. No I don't know what it's called but it is my reliGION PLEASE- Like y'all can't tell me it's not enticing. I am 100% a degenerate, but imagine him getting aroused and like you can see the way the slit of his pouch is a bit slick. The way he'd moan and grip the bedding with a white knuckled grip when you make your way down his body to mouth at it, tongue darting out to lick at it. Imagine licking into it to feel the tip of his cock (cocks??????) before gently sliding a finger in to feel around it/them. At some point you add more fingers to help your tongue coax your prize out of the sheath (thank god I remembered that word) and you get to feel the way his slick cock slowly fills your mouth even as your fingers work around it in the slit of said sheath. You'd have him choking on his own breath and twitching with his tail laying across your shoulders to wrap around your waist. Please bring his legs up on your shoulders and wrap your arms around them and hold down his hips. Something about it gets to him. :)))
I could always talk about bottom dragon Dan Heng if y'all want, but I will be sharing my brainrot about top Dan Heng today. (No it's totally not because of my preferences what are you talking about-)
Just like with Gepard, I stand by my idea that slipping a pretty plug in these men is a need not a want. Just that extra stimulation that will make him cum even more when he gets there.
I can see him being soft with you unless he's in rut. Yes I'm basic I like rut cycles fhisejo- When he's in rut, his nails are more like claws and his teeth are sharper. Maybe longer, too. Bet he has a big dick already but it's only bigger in rut. Really got that breeder cock, lol. Still has enough coherency to prep you by sliding his long tongue inside you. He can't use those fingers of his when they're tipped with claws, after all. Doesn't wanna hurt his baby. :((
He'll kiss around your hole before licking around the entrance to tease you, rubbing at your erogenous spots while he does so. Then he'll lick into you, thrusting his tongue in like it's a cock. Little by little he'll pry you open with his tongue until you're all sloppy and you swear his tongue is in your belly. All the while, he's been humping himself into the bed beneath him, desperately wishing it was you he was rocking into instead.
Once it's finally time to take you, I like to think that he'd flip you onto your stomach with your hips in the air and a hand pressing between your shoulderblades to keep your chest pinned to the bed. Slides his slick cock over your twitching hole before notching it on the rim of your entrance and slowly rutting into you. The fullness has you rolling your eyes back and whining while he coos at you how you're doing so well for him and you only have a little bit more you can take it-
Once he's fully seated, hips flush with your ass and cock twitching inside you, he'll bring a hand around to your belly to feel the bulge he made there. Presses on it a little to hear you squeak and watch you squirm beneath him. Starts a slow pace to make sure you're used to his stretching you open. But be warned- The moment he's sure that you are adjusted, he's pounding into you with panting breaths and barely contained drool. His teeth ache with the need to mark you up- Bite into your flesh to leave marks that would claim you as his. His hands are anchored to your hips in a tight grip that you're sure will be leaving bruises along with the claw marks. His girth and ribbed texture to his cock have you moaning and clawing at the bed. Loves watching the way his dick just disappears inside you; the stretch of your hole around him.
Once he finally spills his cum inside of you after several orgasms from you, it's hot and thick and there's just so much of it. He's moaning and growling behind you while he thrusts a few more times as it starts spurting out of him, all of them rough and hard thrusts. But then his hips are pressed so hard to yours that you wonder if you'll ever be able to remove them. He just needs to empty himself as deep into you as possible. We're going with the knotting idea today so the swelling knot you've slowly felt beginning to stretch you out and then knocking against your entrance has now been shoved inside of you, locking you two together and pressing relentlessly against sensitive spots inside of you. The pulsing you feel through the knot and his whole cock is not helping and it's making you squeeze around him so hard so your body can milk all of his cum from him. You swear all the cum is making the bump in your belly bigger after he's done pouring it all inside of you.
When he's in rut he just doesn't stop going. So maybe hours later, you have cum all over your thighs and there's so much dripping out of your well used hole that you're questioning where the hell it all came from. You smell so much like him and his cum and there's so much inside you that it sates some possessive part of his rut brain. Regardless of whether he can or can't breed you due to your or his biology (I'm not actually sure what goes on with Vidyadhara procreation or if they can even do that anymore iofsj-), the rut brain is telling him that he can and seeing your belly distended a bit with how much cum he fucked into you is soothing his dragon hind brain, lmfao. You're likely unable to form any thoughts at all when you two are done. You feel like you can't possibly cum anymore and even small amounts of stimulation have you whimpering and writhing. You have bite marks all over your neck and hips- Maybe even a few on your ass, lol. Inner thighs for sure, too. He might lick away your tears before kissing you. :'''''''''))
Both out and in rut, he's always sure to give aftercare. Cuddles is a big part of this. Purring and other rumbling sounds as he envelopes you in an embrace that once again includes his tail curling around you protectively. Likes to sleep with his knot still in you, cock still pulsing as his cum continues to fill you. Maybe he likes to rub at your belly where that bulge is. Tells you about how good you did- Such a good mate for him. His precious mate.
P.S. I like the idea so I think he'd maybe also shove his tongue down your throat while fucking you. And I mean that more literally than you think. I mean it is long- The way you choke on it while kissing him with tears welling in your eyes does something to him. The filthy slide of it as if fucking your throat with it and all the drool swapping from his mouth to yours and vice versa.
If there are any typos then my apologies big dawg LMFAO.
There's so much space in my brain taken up by this man alone.
Considering starting to do requests and asks. I guess lemme know if people want that?????
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poppy-metal · 3 months
thinking of catching art and patricks porn history to distract me from how depressed birdie getting called out has made me 😭 except this time, it's your history that is caught out. you're playing a game of truth of dare with stanford! era patrick and art. going back and fourth with each other with invasive question and silly dares. taking sips of whatever cheap beer patrick managed to get in between all of it when it's your turn to be asked. patrick thinks for a minute before that stupid smirk is forming on his lips and you just know then that whatever comes out of his mouth isn't going to be good. 
"i dare you... to show us what porn you watch. if you watch it, of course, know how innocent you can be." 
you're unsure if the nervousness bubbling up in your stomach is more prominent than the annoyed look on your face. probably not with the way patrick starts laughing. art would probably stutter out how you don't have to do that - come on, patrick! be respectful - but he's still excitedly leaning forward at the door. even more so when you decide to bite the bullet and grab your phone. to be honest, patrick probably wasn't expecting you to do it. he probably thought you'd throw something at him and then he'd tell you the other dare he'd come up with. by the time you're tapping away at your phone, both him and art are looking at each other anxiousness. art was surprised to see patrick as flustered and timid as he usually is for once. when you smack your phone down on the floor in between all three you, they just look at it for a minute. 
patrick reaches for it first. art doesn't shuffle over, still wanting to seem respectful, but patrick eventually pulls him over. their reactions would change depending on what kind of porn you watch. maybe it's something slow and sweet. videos of couples together gently kissing, hands together and stretched out in missionary position, the guy slowly grinding into the girl with care. its easier for patrick to recover from his tense nature. eventually able to clear his throat and start softly teasing you about how vanilla you are. how you really are so innocent, just wanna watch people make love not fuck. art thinks that it makes sense. that's exactly what you would deserve (and how he would act if you ever let him have sex with you), something romantic and loving. 
art wouldn't know how to take it if it was something rough. though, to be fair, patrick would struggle with that too. their eyes would bulge out of their head as patrick scrolls and scrolls down your favorite videos. first off, there's so fucking many. who knew you were such a nympho. then the videos were like stuff he would watch, rough fucking with people in full nelsons or their throats bulging from the guys' cock. videos of bondage and double penetration, which really makes their head spins. because both of their first thoughts is if you would enjoy them doing that to you together. it almost worries art that you watch this stuff. even if he still feels his cock twitch inside his shorts. patrick doesn't manage to choke out a comment about it until you rip the phone from his hand. clearly flustered but still scolding the guys over their shocked face - "can't judge me for something you asked for!" - as they move back to their previous positions. patrick finally manages to talk after taking a swig of his beer, "who knew you were a freak..." he sound kind of stunned. it's definitely an awkward point until you all manage to chug the rest of your beers. liquid courage could fix anything though. 
- ☕
i love the thought of us just being into the most deplorable shit - like stuff that they haven't even thought to look up.
you may be a little tipsy - and that's why you allow recklessness to guide your phone into patricks extended hand. part of it is also, deep down, that you're tired of them treating you like a little sister. you're all adults now - you've filled out, gotten curves and shapes and you know they've noticed even if they refuse to treat you differently. you wish they would.
you were patricks friend first. your parents both disgustingly rich - became close friends, and you'd kind of been forced into patricks orbit whether you wanted it or not. and you had fought it at first - he was fucking obnoxious at 10. but he was funny as fuck and it wasn't long before he had you following him around his mansion, getting into all kinds of shit you shouldn't. you had a kind of reluctant admiration for him - that grew into deeper feelings you couldn't fight if you tried.
art had come later. he and patrick were attached at the hip suddenly, and patrick brought him home much like a stray puppy and suddenly you weren't a duo anymore but a trio. it was funny, because at first you and art detested eachother. fought for patricks attention. art through it in your face he was alone with patrick during boarding school all day and you rubbed it in that you were at his house basically every weekend. somehow the lines blurred - somehow art became just as important. your feelings had come shortly after.
it wasn't like you expected to fuck them both - you didn't even know who you wanted more - what you wanted in reality, to happen. you just knew you needed something to change. you couldn’t handle how patrick still manhandled you and gave you noogies and wet willies like you were still ten years old and you weren't a woman with tits and a cunt he could fuck. you were tired of art acting like you were just another boy and making obscene sex jokes in front of you but the second another girl came around he was blushing and acting all proper.
so when you handed your phone over with your porn history on display a part of you tingled with anticipation to see their reactions. leaned back on both your hands as you watched them process what they were seeing.
patricks lip parted in shock - his cheeks flushing. art almost choked and glanced up at you before darting his eyes back to the screen like he couldn't help but keep looking. he tapped the screen, scrolled down in a kind of fascination he couldn't shake out of.
patrick cursed under his breath - just slipped out. sounded wonderstruck and you bit your lip, knowing what they were seeing.
videos and videos of hardcore porn - things like extreme throatfucking, bdsm, intense dp, watersports, and noncon fantasy - abject degradation with titles like "tiny pussy gets brutalized by a thick cock" and "she takes two dicks in her ass and pisses herself."
"can you pass me the beer?" you ask after a few minutes of tense silence. you make your voice casual even though your blood is rushing. you reach to take the can from patricks hand, his grip on it lax enough it was almost about to fall anyway.
your fingers skimmed the can when patrick seemed to come back to reality - fastening his grip and jerking the beer away so fast some of it splashed over his wrist.
"no you can't have some fucking beer." he snaps, incredulous. he plucks your phone from arts hand and brandishes it at you. "what the fuck is all this? hello?" he waves it in front of your eyes like you dont know whats on it - "you can't seriously be into this shit."
he sounds accusatory. upset. you'd be humiliatied if you hadn't seen them both adjust their hardons a few minutes ago.
art sits up straighter. crosses his legs to hide the tent in his sweats that you've already clocked. he laughs and it sounds high and broken - unhinged. "yeah, like. you're fucking with us, right? this is a joke."
his tone is almost pleading like please tell me its a joke, please, please, please.
you take your phone back from patrick.
"its not a joke." you tell them simply. shrug. "its what I'm into."
patrick shakes his head - his curls bouncing. he can't believe it. its like his view of you is warped now, changing in front of his eyes. he cant even look at you without seeing a pussy stretched on two dicks. he's never been outplayed like this. never been so flushed around you, so out of his depth. you say it so casually and then you go back to turning on music and relaxing and your shorts pull up your thighs and he's thinking how you spread those thighs to touch yourself - touch yourself thinking about things like that.
he glances at art who's looking at your legs like he's having the same thoughts, his cheeks getting pinker and pinker and now they're both just looking at you a little stunned and alot turned on and with a whole new slew of thoughts about you that dont verge on friendly at all.
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thinkingotherwise · 4 months
Requested by: misticbullet Please do more fanfics with bad girl vibe with suo and the rest, or preppy girl from all girls school in sailor uniforme like one from akebi's sailor uniforme, i'm a total sucker for good girl bad boy situation relesh
Not sure if I got the preppy girl vibes correctly.
Also, I'd surely add some other stories with this dynamics and the bad girl/boy reader, because it's really fun and on point with the series.
Choji Tomiyama x fem! Preppy Girl! reader
He's such a deadly cinnamon bun
TW: blood
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Even with his funny shirts and a big smile, Choji inspired fear in your friends but not in you. You got along really well since the day he complimented your keychains attached to your bag. Seemingly the only "strange" thing about your elegant and stylish appearance. At the same time, his T-shirt brought a smile to your face, leaving both of you grinning and richer by a new friend.
You got more attached to each other, the more time you met. He brought you so much joy so easily and, you could say, stupidly. You really did appreciate the different and more relaxed way he was compared to your classmates.
All the rumours your friends told you about him being the leader of Shishitoren, the fights he got in, and the race for the strength he constantly found himself in, didn't have that much effect on you. Of course, the first time you saw his bloody fists and dark eyes was very shocking, you even took a step back trying to calm yourself before you could run away from him. And so after talking and him sharing in excitement that his fists were finally heavier and more powerful you only grinned at him and congratulated him. He reminded you of a cute puppy, a cute but feral puppy.
As mentioned it wasn't strange for you to see him covered in blood but to see him at your school gate with blood over his T-shirt was new. He just got too excited to share something with you and had to do so right after the fight.
You came out of school with your friends and immediately you heard all sorts of mutters from around you.
"Why is he here?" Someone behind you whispered.
"Oh my God!"
"Is that blood?" A couple of voices echoed.
Then your eyes meet the figure that caused all this disturbance. His eyes searched the crowd constantly moving from one leg to another and swinging side to side. When he finally found you he smiled brightly and waved in your direction.
"Oh, (Y/n)! I was waiting for you." Choji said and eagerly bounced toward you.
Seeing that your friends hid behind you grabbing at your arms and using you as their shield. You knowing such a delinquent made them question if you had some trouble or got into some unwanted company.
"Hi Choji, what happened to you?" You asked when he stopped before you.
Your friends and people around gasped at the friendly attitude you shared with some thug, covered in blood and with bruises lining his body.
"Oh, that? Just some weak guys that went out of line. Had to set them straight." He replied cheerfully and you could see the people around shivering in fear at the temporary change in his voice.
"I see, then good job keeping them in their place." Your monotone voice made him very happy.
When you felt your friends' grips tightening around your arms and shoulders once again you sighed and shook them off. You reached into your fancy bag and took out a pack of wet tissues. Taking one you stepped closer to him and your hand reached toward his face.
"Here, let me help you with the blood." You proposed and your friends gasped dramatically making you roll your eyes.
"(Y/n), don't come so close to him." One of them said trying to come to you and bring you away from the boy but you just raised your brows at them.
"Oh, come on, it's not like he'll bite you." You said sarcastically, but you knew that he could if he was provoked, you wouldn't put it behind him.
"Eeek." At yet another sound from your classmates, you had enough.
You grabbed Choji's hand leading him out of the school grounds and on the way to some quiet place.
"I'll see you guys later." You told your friends not even sparing them a look.
"Are you sure?"
"Will you be alright?" They asked worried about you.
"Yes, don't worry." You turned briefly toward them and sent them a small reassuring smile before continuing with Choji by your side.
He was unusually docile, but you blamed it on his after-fight excitement and need to share the whole story with you.
When you were far enough, you sat on the benches near some playground. You gave him the tissue and he finished cleaning his face up as best as he could without seeing where the dry blood was. Then he searched his jacket's pockets before grabbing something and showing it to you. From his finger dangled a cute little charm and you tilted your head.
"What's that?"
He grinned at your question.
"Ah, yes! Here you can have it. I got it from the kid I helped." He said before shoving it in your lap.
He then started telling the story in much more detail, talking about how heavy his fists were when he saw the kid in trouble, and when he beat up the guys. And you, you listened to him going on and on while playing with the fuzzy charm.
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sweet-as-an-angel · 2 years
Niragi Headcanons
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Warnings: 18+, Heavy BDSM, Edging, Overstimulation, Aftercare, Ownership Kink, Marking, Biting, Petnames, Consensual Dub-Con, Consensual Abuse of Physical Strength, Knife Play, Mentions of Blood, Spit Kink, Cum Play, Rough Sex, Dominant Niragi, Submissive Reader, Profanity, No Pronouns used for Reader except ‘You’, etc.
A/N: If you don't like this kind of content, please don't flag it ! It really hurts us authors and our engagement ! Instead, please consider blocking my account or changing your account viewing preferences so you aren't exposed to unwanted/NSFW content in the future :-). Here is a wonderful post which details how you can do just that <3
You’re his. Simple as.
And he makes sure to remind you - and anyone who crosses your path - on a near-daily basis.
Whenever he sees fit, he’ll just corner you and pin you down, telling you to “Calm down, Angel – you’re makin’ me hard,” – his way of warning you that whatever he has planned for you will only worsen the more you struggle.
And his bulge against your back is a very visceral promise of that.
Loves forcing your hands beside or above your head; it reminds you both of how much stronger than you he is – how weak and dependent you are compared to him.
How he owns you.
Bites your throat and shoulders, sucking marks, crafting you a necklace of bruises fashioned by him – his own branded jewels of love.
He’ll make sure they’re visible, too.
He needs to ward off other people from you by leaving his mark, his signature.
If he thinks you’re being bratty or uncooperative, he’ll go to any lengths to break you down until you submit to him entirely.
“You’re not making this any easier for yourself, Love,” he says. “Just tell me why you’re being so infuriating and I won’t bleed you this time.”
Massively into knife play.
Loves hearing you squeak and moan whenever he holds a knife to your throat or drags the blunted edge up your thighs, pressing it to your throbbing, aching core and cutting your underwear open, ravaging you.
He’s so rough when he’s in this kind of mood.
Will pound you until you bleed. Or give out and admit your feelings to him. Either will suffice; yet Niragi knows which he can draw from you first.
And his stamina and endurance are no joke.
He will outlast you in every faculty.
That’s the territory that comes with being a trained killer.
And he will remind you of that constantly.
“How does it feel–” he rasps, pants, as he pounds you from behind, the bed jutting with each thrust, “–to know you’re being fucked by a killer,”
The question is always rhetorical. He just revels in the feeling of you clenching around him when he recalls just how easily he could end you right here, right now.
But he doesn’t. And he never would.
He loves you far, far too much.
But that doesn’t stop him from being straight-up disrespectful.
Orders you to open your mouth, only for him to spit into it whenever he knows or suspects you’re being untruthful.
Also loves covering you in his cum.
His favourite thing is to cum inside you and watch it ooze from whichever holes he’s chosen to abuse that day, but something about covering you in it makes him feral.
Edges you constantly.
Uses your release as a bartering chip.
“Tell me why you’re being such a brat and I’ll let you cum.”
It’s a trap. Your honesty is punished, too.
Once he tears a satisfactory answer from you, he’ll let you - make you - cum.
And as your orgasm is still rolling through you, he’ll keep going. And going. And going.
At first you could assume it’s his bid to fulfill his own needs, but even after he finishes inside you and he simply doesn’t relent, realisation dawns on you.
Your insides are aching, pleading for a moment’s respite. But Niragi doesn’t stop, battering your hole and keeping it stretched over his bulging cock.
There comes a point where you’re banging your fists against his chest, begging him to stop because you’re so sensitive and it hurts, but he ignores you.
“If I were to let up that easily, I wouldn’t get to have any fun. Quite unfair after I let you cum, isn’t it?”
Looks into your eyes as he does it, too.
Will tie you up if he finds your cries and flails to be too bothersome.
Binds you to the bedposts so there’s nothing you can do but watch and feel as he slams into you at such a harsh, killing rhythm that has you thinking whatever’s leaking out of you right now is blood.
Very much into BDSM.
Will use his strength to bend you into whatever shape your body will allow and bind your limbs together, making it entirely impossible for you to break free as he has his way with you.
“You’re mine,” he’d say, grinding the shape of his cock into your walls; and all the while you’re moaning, crying, tears streaming down your face as euphoria tightens in your centre. “Nobody else can have you - please you - the way I can.”
Big fan of punishment, btw.
There are times where he puts you in a cage and just cums on you, making you stay there until his semen is crusting on your skin, makeshift scales on the creature he has reduced you to.
Also gets a kick out of spanking you, either with a belt or his hand.
When he’s feeling particularly cruel, he makes you count them until you reach the limit he has set for you.
And Heaven forbid you lose count, or you both start all over again.
Niragi likes to make sure that every time you try to sit down, you remember him – what he did to you.
When all is said and done, even when you’re used and stuffed and Niragi is milked dry, he is always up for more.
If you insist you can “go another round,” he’ll push you back down onto the bed.
“Oh, is that so, Sweetheart?” he says, looking down at you with mischief. “I might just break you if we go again.”
He’s joking, ofc.
When you're actually spent for the night, he just collapses next to you and looks upon you as if you are god, eyes dark and round.
Though he'd attribute that longing look in his eye to you being too emotional or clutching at straws - simply projecting that which you wanted to see.
Though, he will admit (only to himself), that it does feel nice to be so seen on occasion, but only by you.
Secretly loves to snuggle. All the time.
And he holds you as you’re drifting off to sleep, keeping you flush against his chest, wondering how he got so lucky to have met you.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously :-) Masterlist
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galene-gothic · 1 year
𝖧𝗈𝗐 𝗍𝗈 𝖻𝖾𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖻𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝗌𝖾𝗅𝖿?
୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅* ‧₊ I hope this reading found you in good health, every reblog is appreciated and thank you for everything :) ˖♡ ˎˊ˗ ꒰ 🐇 ꒱
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˗ˏˋ༻ʚ♡︎ɞ༺ˎˊ˗             PAID SERVICES
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⸼ ۫ ︎︎⊹ ! 🪡︎ Pile 1 ꒱
Let's look at what your best self looks like first, your best self is selectively honest. They don't tell others what they want next. They evaluate themself and are self critical to a certain extent. They are sort of self absorbed. They understand that ignorance is bliss and know how to ignore things or people when need be. They are especially really good at ignoring people that they can't have or people from the past. They are still quite fearless though. They understand that it's better to be attacked than ignored. They meditate often and know how to relax. They need and prioritise peace, and their actions align with that. They never bite more than they can chew, they know how to step away from situations that they cannot handle. They try to stay away from conflict and choose themself first no matter what. They know how to become the bigger person. They take care of themself, self reflect and know how to heal properly. They know how to not make rash decisions. They're wise and detached. They've surrendered, they know that if they cannot control it, there's no use worrying and if they can control it, it's better to do so rather than worry. They've released old beliefs and patterns. They have a faith that things will work out, be it faith in themself, faith in god, faith in life or faith in the universe. They're mindful, intentional and know how to let go. They know how to grow, they're also successful. They believe that the pain of discipline is better than the pain of regret. They're quite passive and know how to let life happen for them, they're still someone who takes necessary action though. So, how do you become them? You need a rest, not gonna lie.
Some of you might be drained out to the point where you cannot focus in school or on work. You need to address your self esteem issues. Supposing, you are really self conscious when it comes to performing, you always feel like your body won't look good if you put too much energy so you end up putting less energy in but when you do so, you feel disappointed at yourself for not doing well. In that case, you should try to improve your dance skills. You're someone who has an understanding that being pretty doesn't do enough for you, it's the same with being rich, and the way you are as a person and the way you present yourself are all very important to you. I think it's important for you to build certain skills to a point where you can be really proud, it'll significantly boost your self esteem which will in turn help you for the better. It requires consistency though, don't be lazy !! You need to release negative thoughts, feelings, habits and patterns. You might have gotten really comfortable with your pain, it's important to heal. Your deepest traumas are either already surfacing/resurfacing or will soon, that's when it'll be the easiest to change. You need to stop stressing like just know that "what happens, happens." You need to face life and have a total break down first. You should withdraw from stuff. You'll go through something very humbling, you'll be left feeling really put down. You'll not even have it in yourself to look strong anymore, you'll be exposing weakness because you'll just not have the strength to conceal it. You'll have to accept defeat first and things will get better soon. You'll have to have a lot of anger, pain, shame, guilt and regrets in order to completely change your life, all the best, it'll probably come in soon.
⸼ ۫ ︎︎⊹ ! 🪡︎ Pile 2 ꒱
Let's look at what your best self looks like, your best self has unlimited potential and sees it. Your best self has freedom in some sense, be it financial or something else. Your best self is someone who had to let go of who they were in order to become who they're meant to be. Your best self has a carefree attitude. I just heard 'be yourself'. When I say this, some of you might think that you're doing it already but if you think about it properly you'll notice that you tend to either act childlike even though you're very mature, dumb even though you're very smart, don't express your values as articulately as you think about them, etc. Some of you could be really good at written expression of your thoughts, ideas and feelings but when it comes to talking, you're not the best. Your best self is not scared of being unique. Your best self takes risks because they understand that most of the times not taking a risk is the biggest risk. Your best self has a thirst for life and is passionate. You might be really passionate as a person (most of you seem to have that side of you diminished though). Your best self has fun regardless of what others say. One quality that you already have is your ability to analyse yourself, you are not the type to avoid accountability and blaming external factors for every little thing. You have some sort of an inner guidance, your mindset gives you the capacity to be completely alone if necessary. I feel like a deep part of you desires or used to desire solitude, peace and spiritual enlightenment. Most of you have started your spiritual journey already, some of you haven't though. It doesn't have to be something too deep like 'light candles every full moon, meditate every morning, light sage and incenses often' but instead that you feel like everything that happened was for a reason or even if it feels like it wasn't.
You learn and make something out of it, you know how to live life and try to grow as a person, and have faith (be it in the universe or in yourself). You might be quite philosophical too. You have a lot of wisdom, people who are slightly older than you and see you for who you are might say things like "you're so mature for your age". Ofcourse, there are some things that you'll have to get rid of in order to become your best self, I feel like most of you have mostly/only had short term unstable relationship/s which have caused you to have a lot of baggage. You could have poor health (I heard a poor immune system, bad sleep schedule and poor gut health). You might also be financially dependent on someone else or just not be financially stable, it's causing you to not be able to gain certain skills or knowledge, etc. Even if you do not notice it, you have a tendency of getting stuck in your head often. You lack spontaneity and need mental stimulation/challenges/someone who seems to be equally as intelligent as you so you could have been stuck in toxic friendships/relationships with people who think that and act like they know everything. You're a very fair person, so being with people who don't share the same values or reasoning as you will be frustrating, I'd advise you to not interact with such people to the point of forming am emotional attachment. You'll have to find a source of motivation or something that just reignites the passion in you. Stop being lazy, simply just planning isn't going to get you anywhere. You need to find a new purpose basically. Focus on a purpose, money, drive and having fun. It's important to learn how to be true to yourself and not get easily influenced. You should go out and have some fun too. All the best, I'm rooting for you but you need to be rooting for yourself ten times harder.
⸼ ۫ ︎︎⊹ ! 🪡︎ Pile 3 ꒱
Your best self holds pure intentions towards others and has a good nature. Your best self is also very attractive and follows their heart. They're driven and have a great imagination. They romanticise life and are in love with love. They listen to their intuition and take action towards their goals with a hope in their heart. They have a creative hobby that they might have suppressed that they choose to enhance. They're charming and friendly with people. One thing that I'm getting is that they're someone who everyone has a crush on to a certain extent. They receive a lot of jealousy and envy from others. They don't let anger get the best of them. They think calmly and orderly. They accept different beliefs and paths. They could be someone who's tired though, like really tired physically (they could do a lot). They're accepting of other people's differences. They find solutions to issues instead of going around blaming others. They prioritise peace and don't lose sight of the path. You need to face yourself instead of quick fixing issues that lead to long term detriment. If you're having fights, etc. the moment you forgive them (whether it is at their face or by yourself, without letting them know, that's up to you) and resolve conflicts (including your inner conflicts), you'll start developing into your best self. You have convinced yourself that you have certain beliefs that don't align with you and you need to get rid of them. You're not seeing the brighter side of life and that's hindering you from becoming your best self too.
I feel like what's led to this mild-extreme pessimism is your over optimism in the past. A happy and exciting event seems to have turned wrong. It's going to take you a lot of work to become your best self. You'll have to take up a lot of responsibilities and be really loaded with things to do if you want to become your best self. You'll have to be serious about life and will be stressed quite often. I just heard 'too busy to even eat'. There are excessive requirements and conditions for you to become the best version of yourself. You'll have to put yourself through intense pressure. You'll have to take up a lot of responsibilities too though, try to improve your own character alongside working on building something for yourself. It'll be really easy to burn out though because of how much you'll be doing. You need to mean how to not commit easily to others. You need to challenge others instead of just letting them into your life. Your best self follows their heart but is not easy to get. You need to become hard to get and easy to lose. You need to learn how to make quick decisions and take quick actions. It's important for you to be on a dedicated mission to succeed. Discipline yourself and build confidence. Build so much confidence that when someone you love does you wrong, you know that you can just let go, and find better people and treatment. Become self assured. It's important for you to just go for the things that you want. If you try, you'll get there little by little, all the best.
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silverynight · 3 months
Welcome home
Chapter 1 (of 5)
It's been a year since Izuku reconnected with his childhood friend, now pro hero, Bakugo Katsuki.
He has changed a lot... in a good way. When he found out Izuku got a job at the same agency he works for, he went straight to the analytics department to see him and talk to him.
Izuku had to ask for a break and meet Katsuki outside; he was nervous then, but he realized quickly he didn't have to. All the pro hero wanted was to apologize for his past behavior.
They started over after that and now they're really good friends and Izuku is very happy because of it.
There's a lot of things in his life that have improved since he got that job, actually.
He gets to meet a lot of pro heroes, yes, most of them are kind enough to go to his department and see him in person rather than only communicate with him via text or earpiece.
Aizawa promoted him after a couple of months and now Izuku handles most to the mission and investigations; he chooses quickly which pro hero (based on their quirk, availability and experience) is the best to deal with the situation at hand.
He really likes his job because even though he doesn't do the hero work directly, he gets to help the pro heroes in a way.
He also hangs out with Katsuki a lot; he met his friends the first week after the apology and went to his apartment for the first time fifteen days after that.
Ashido says that it's weird for "Blasty" (as she calls Katsuki) to spend so much time with him right after meeting him again, although she has this smirk on her face whenever she says it that makes Izuku flustered for some reason.
However, Izuku thinks it's perfectly normal; whenever they're together, it feels right, like they never stopped seeing each other and have been good friends for years, ever since they were kids.
"It's still weird," Kaminari says when Katsuki goes to the cafeteria counter to get Izuku a coffee and a bagel. "It took us a year to get invited to his apartment."
The way his friends (because Izuku considers them his friends now) look at him make him feel flustered, but he doesn't do anything to hide the blush on his cheeks like he used to do in high-school whenever he was embarrassed.
Now he just hopes it goes away quickly.
"Well, that was years ago," Izuku says, trying to dismiss it. Katsuki told him he bought his fancy apartment two years after he started working as a professional hero. "Kacchan has changed."
Izuku got really shocked when he found out he owned that apartment, but he knows the pro heroes get very well paid, especially when they get brand deals. It also helps that Katsuki is the number one hero currently, although pro hero Shoto is right behind him.
"He doesn't trust most people," Kirishima points out, like he's trying to tell him something. Then his expression turns into an amused one as he sees Katsuki approaching them again. "And he's certainly not the type to bring anyone food."
"Kacchan's just being nice!" Izuku says as the three pro heroes look back at him like he's crazy. Yes, Katsuki is not that nice on a regular basis, but that doesn't mean he hasn't improved. "I told him my ankle hurts a bit because I rescued a cat and fell right after I managed to get him down from a tree."
Fortunately, the mention of the cat makes them focus on that instead, and suddenly Izuku finds himself showing them pictures of it.
Katsuki sits right next to him, and Izuku sighs in delight after taking the first bite of his bagel.
"How much?" He asks after a while.
"I don't know," Katsuki makes a dismissive gesture with his hand. "I paid for your stuff and mine together."
"But surely they gave you a receipt–"
"No. Just drink your damn coffee, nerd!"
"Thank you, Kacchan," Izuku says, trying not to roll his eyes; sometimes Katsuki does stuff like that, he seems determined to pay for every little thing Izuku wants when they go out together.
"Also, I'm going to drive you to your apartment..."
"There's no need–"
"You're hurt," Katsuki argues and the green haired man knows that expression really well; there's nothing that can change his mind now, no matter what Izuku says, the pro hero will take him home no matter what.
Izuku realizes right then that it's the first time Katsuki sees the place where he lives; they always go to Dynamight's apartment or to a coffee shop, a restaurant or somewhere else when they hang out.
"Please, tell me you're joking," Katsuki hisses as he parks his expensive car right outside Izuku's building, the one that looks like it's been sitting there for hundreds of years and is about to collapse under its own weight.
Or maybe that's not why the pro hero is frowning that much; his red eyes are scanning the area like the worst kind of villain is about to pop up from the dark alley next to Izuku's building.
"It's not that bad," he assures his friend. They have tried to rob him only once, maybe twice... but he survived!
Well, maybe he shouldn't say that out loud.
"Shit!" Katsuki hisses. "I thought they paid you well! What the hell?"
"They do!" Izuku assures him. "But, uhh... you see... I'm kinda tired of paying rent so I've been saving some money to buy my own place somewhere else. However, if I want it to happen soon, I need to stay here for a while."
"I'll buy you a new apartment."
Izuku chuckles, but his smile falls when he realizes Katsuki is not joking at all.
"I appreciate the offer, but there's no need, Kacchan," he smiles.
Katsuki is still grabbing the steering wheel like he's very tempted to drive away from there. His knuckles are slightly white, perhaps because the grip of the wheel has tightened considerably.
"Izuku, this is not a safe place." He's deadly serious, and by the tone in his voice, it seems like he's about to snap, but he's trying to control himself.
"I can take care of myself," he hears himself saying, slightly irritated. Katsuki is not the only stubborn person in that car.
"Alright..." Katsuki doesn't deny it, but Izuku can tell that he doesn't like the situation at all. "If you want to save for your new apartment, perhaps you can live with me in the meantime. You'll save even more money because you won't have to pay rent anymore."
Izuku's face turns slightly pink at the thought of living with Katsuki. A memory returns to him in that moment; when they were kids, they had promised each other they would live together and work in the same agency as a hero duo.
But that was before Izuku found out he was quirkless.
A long time ago.
"Kacchan, I really appreciate what you're trying to do, but I can't accept–"
He's sure the pro hero has seen a lot of awful things during all those years working as Dynamight; Izuku has access to a lot of cases, and even though the information is sometimes haunting, he knows there's nothing compared to seeing it happening or arriving at the crime scene.
However, this time Katsuki is overreacting. Sure, the place is not the safest one, but it's not like there's a murder every single day.
Besides, his neighbors are very good people.
"I'll think about it," he finally says, mostly to reassure him.
However, it doesn't work. Katsuki keeps looking around, growing tense.
"You should stay with me tonight. I'll make katsudon if you do."
The offer is really tempting, but Izuku knows it's because Katsuki is imagining horrible things happening to him in that place. Things that are not real.
"I'll be fine."
"Then I'll stay with you."
The fact that he's almost begging makes Izuku's heart beat in a funny way inside his chest. Surely, they are friends now, but it seems Izuku really had no idea how much Katsuki cared about him.
Until now.
"My apartment is tiny and I don't have an extra futon–"
"I can sleep on the floor."
"Kacchan..." Izuku leans closer, placing a hand on his broad shoulder. "Listen, take a deep breath. Nothing is going to happen to me, I promise. I have lived here for over two years now. I know this place, and I know how to take care of myself."
Katsuki nods as he relaxes... a bit.
"Alright, but I won't go until you enter that building... no, I won't leave until you text me you're inside your apartment."
Fine. He can agree to that.
"Okay, Kacchan."
Two days. It's been two days since Katsuki found out where Izuku lived and whenever he's not with him, he calls him. A couple of times a day.
It's okay, at least he hasn't "kidnapped" Izuku and taken him to his apartment, even though he clearly wants to.
"Hi, Kacchan. Yes, I'm in the office and nothing has happened to me," he mumbles joyfully as he keeps filling a couple of reports for Endeavor's agency.
"I call because I somehow got used to your nerdy voice, and now I miss it constantly," Katsuki grumbles. There's a weird noise coming from his side that makes Izuku frown for a moment.
"Sure, Kacchan," he rolls his eyes because he knows the pro hero can't see him. Maybe he just imagined it. "I suppose you're on patrol so before you–what was that?"
There's an explosion on his side. This time Izuku is sure of it.
At first, he gets worried as he immediately goes to the database, and then the status section until he finds Dynamight's profile.
"Are you okay?"
"I got everything under control," Katsuki assures him and even though he's clearly using his quirk, Izuku can tell he's being honest.
Then, he gets irritated. Especially when he reads the status and remembers the important mission Izuku assigned to him started today.
"Did you call me during a mission?"
"Izuku, I'm clearly busy here..."
"Alright, I'll end the call."
"No, wait! Is Hatsume there yet?"
Just as Katsuki says it, the head of the support department rushes into Izuku's cubicle.
"Hello, pretty!"
"Hi, Hatsume!" Izuku perks up, smiling at her; she's always a mess, but it suits her somehow.
"Great," Katsuki sounds relived.
"Wait, how did you know–"
"I'm sorry, Izuku, I have to go. I'll pick you up in a couple of hours, alright? Don't get out of the office!"
Katsuki ends the call before Izuku has the opportunity to say anything at all.
He's so distracted arranging everything for the pro hero from Endeavor's agency who'll be coming to work on a case with them and, at the same time, thinking about what he's going to say to Katsuki when he sees him again that he doesn't realize Hatsume is in his personal space until he hears a click.
Suddenly, there's a very beautiful golden chain around his neck, it's not exactly tight, but not as loose as other necklaces he's seen.
It's honestly beautiful, especially with that black X in the middle covered in orange and green gemstones.
Izuku is sure Hatsume made a mistake; if he had to guess, he'd say it looks like a fancy necklace that's probably part of Dynamight's new merch collection or something.
"Uhh... Hatsume?"
She has a tablet in her hands and is typing something so fast it makes Izuku feel a little envious; his job would be slightly easier if he could type that fast.
"I sent an email," she says, without looking up.
A little bit confused, but intrigued nonetheless, Izuku takes out his phone again and opens his mailbox.
It has the agency logo, so Izuku supposes that's something official and relaxes a bit.
He starts reading and then...
"A tracker?"
She chuckles.
"Don't worry, it doesn't activate unless you're in danger. This is for your safety. The standard ones send an alarm to the agency so one of our pro heroes can go and rescue you or help you in case you need it."
Izuku has read about these in a couple of files, although he doesn't know much about them. The ones he looked at seemed completely different from his.
Besides, they were just for very important people... politicians, idols, all kinds of celebrities and scientists if their lives were considered to be in imminent danger.
Also, for obvious reasons, pro heroes' families.
But Izuku was neither of those. He decides to ask Hatsume, but something else makes him worry.
"This looks really expensive."
"You bet!"
"It's already paid for, obviously," she says, typing something before the necklace makes a noise and a green light appears in the middle of the X, although it vanishes quickly.
So it's from the agency? Maybe. Although Izuku knows he's not that important to be given something like that. Sure, he handles a lot of information, but it stays in the computer he uses to work on in the office. Besides, neither he nor his coworkers wear uniforms... they aren't given anything that can be linked to the agency for the same reason.
They're not usually the villains' targets. Izuku has never seen a report that mentions an office worker being in danger.
But he admits he's not an expert in that area, perhaps they give something like this to everyone who works there.
"Why Dynamight's logo?"
Hatsume looks at him before chuckling.
"You're funny, Midoriya."
Getting slightly frustrated, Izuku tries again with another question.
"How can I take it off?"
Even though she's the one with crooked goggles on her head and stains of grease all over her face, she looks at him like he's crazy.
"You're not supposed to take it off, ever. It'd defeat its purpose."
"I mean... to take a shower?"
"Oh! Don't worry, it's waterproof!"
At least he finally got a little bit more information about the necklace.
"Sorry, I'd love to stay and chat with you, but I have a lot of work to do and I'm sure you do too!" Hatsume says, already waving him goodbye, and looking down at her tablet at the same time.
Izuku sighs and looks down at the device around his neck. He likes the Dynamight symbol, even though he has no idea why she picked that one specifically.
He knows these have to be a secret; the general public can't know about them, so perhaps making it look like expensive merch was her goal?
Yeah, that's probably it.
And she chose Katsuki because it's not a secret Izuku is good friends with him so him wearing his merch makes sense.
He nods to himself, mostly because he doesn't have time to look for more information on that.
He still has to tell Aizawa that Endeavor's office hasn't sent the name of the pro hero who's coming in a few days.
They have to work with them in that particular case because even though they started the investigation, the villain has moved to the zone assigned to the pro heroes who work at Endeavor's.
It'll probably be fine.
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