#but there have been many times I've seen artists get into trouble with the lu fandom because someone mistagged something
Curious question. I noticed that your blog tag is labeled "Do not Tag as Linked Universe'. May I ask why?
Sure! I personally am not interested in LU so I don't reblog anything that is LU related, however I do reblog art from artists who create their own designs of the Links. There's a bit of a problem in the fandom with people tagging anything multi-Link LU (anything Zelda, really) which 1. Is disrespectful to the artist who created their own designs and stories not based on the most popular comic of the time (it's not a new concept as well, though some newer fans seem to think every Links AU is based off LU) and 2. In my experience, LU fans can be a bit rude when it comes to headcanons that don't agree with the comic (especially when it comes to shipping). Tumblr user media literacy is... Low. And a lot of users don't have good faith in mind when they see something that angers them, they jump immediately to the conclusion that everything is an intentional insult. Tagging something that is NOT LU with LU has caused unrelated artists to get attacked for doing things that go against the comic (biggest example I can think of is Link/Link though I don't reblog that). Instead of apologizing, they double down, get defensive, and all this could be avoided by preventing the misunderstanding in the first place.
After adding the note, I have noticed a decrease in these incidents coming from my blog. I know not everyone clicks on profiles before reblogging something, I know this could be unrelated and the fandom has fixed this issue, but it's a good reminder
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ainchase · 5 years
Velder Academy Commercial
Elsword: Next up, it's the commercial we made. Can you believe we were cast to be models for academy commercials? Amazing, right?
Aisha: But there's a slight hitch. The first generation El Stars - Masters Team was supposed to plan the commercials for us, but the leader of that team - Denif senpai was unavailable, so the concept for the commercial couldn't be decided in time.
Rena: And by Masters Team, you mean Denif senpai, Ventus senpai, Rosso senpai, and Solace senpai? Whoa, does that mean the commercials we filmed that day was all planned by our senpai?
Raven: It is a rather awkward situation we're in. How about we ask our fans here to vote on it?
Elsword: Oh, that's a good idea! Watch them carefully and cast your vote for us!
Aisha: The first one's Ventus senpai was idea apparently. Ready, action!
A time that everyone dreams of - school days of passion and love
Aisha: Aw darn it, I'm going to be late again. What do I do?
Elsword: What's with you? Look where you're going!
Aisha: Wh-what's with YOU?
A time when the pieces of fate come together
Rose: I'm Rose, I transferred here today. I'll do my best to get used to the new environment!
Rose: But... Have I seen you somewhere before?
You're the main character of this place!
Ain: I've thoroughly read the letter you wrote.
Ain: Unfortunately, I'm a sponge.
T/N: Insert joke about Ain's VA singing that one spongebob squarepants song that one time here
Ain: Due to personal circumstances, I stayed here until now, but I have to return to the ocean soon.
Add: Why do you always sleep in a place like this?
Add: You sure are high-maintenance...
Add: I-I'm not here because I was worried about you or anything, so don't get the wrong idea...!
Come to Velder Academy, where romance blooms!
Aisha: It was soooo romantic!
Ain: It was soooo... beyond words.
Add: Don't you think they added too many filters?!
Rose: Do we really need those flowery texts for every scene?
Elsword: Uh... Let's take a look at the next one, shall we? Who's next?
Rose: It's Rosso senpai's idea. Ready, action!
Only the strongest may survive here
Lu: So this is it, eh? The ultimate school where the strongest gather.
Raven: Hmph, a new challenger, is it?
Raven: Looks like things are finally going to get interesting... for once.
Lu: Interesting. Are you the one who took over the school? I'll be sure to take that position from you.
Raven: Ha, the Black Flame Dragon is about to go rampant.
T/N: See MAZE fan meeting video for reference...
Raven: I'll gladly accept your challenge.
Powerful minds can only be found in powerful bodies!
Laby: I'm bored...
Laby: You! Become my ally!
Who will be the one to claim
the title of being the strongest?
Ciel: Ranked no. 1 in the country? It's been a while since I last heard of that title.
Ciel: Are you ready?
This is the Ultimate Velder Academy!
Raven: So does... anyone know what this Black Flame Dragon is...? Can someone explain to m--
Lu: It was fun! It reminded me of my old days!
Laby: I look sorta cool back there! It was so fun!
Ciel: Next is... Gaia senpai's idea. Ready, action!
T/N: So Gaia's idea is full of puns using hanja (chinese characters, same as kanji for japanese) and make up weird pseudo Four Character Chinese Proverb bullshit and they spell out some-what similar keywords pertaining to each character.
This is absolutely terrible to translate and I'll be adding a ton of translator's notes for each character. This is also reason why I didn't want to translate this video HAHA okay back to business
Velder Academy is a distinguished school where diligent students gather
Ara: I'm Ara, training to achieve an enlightenment. Come train together with me here in Velder Academy.
T/N: Ara's is "奧義阿羅" which spells out "Oi Ara"?? 奧義 is the different arts that Ara classes use (you know the 2 different versions each class has), and 阿羅 is just a gibberish trying to phonetically spell out Ara's name. 奧義 is "Ougi" in Japanese, usually written out before some cool sounding skill name [like Samurai Shodown Haohmaru's skill Ougi Senpuu Retsu Zan (Secret Skill Whirlwind Rending Slash)] and they're usually translated as Secret Technique/Skill or Ultimate Technique/Skill. The character (hanja/kanji) themselves mean "deep understanding" - so these martial artists lingo use it as a way to describe a skill/technique that you only get to learn when you've fully mastered the arts.
Rena: I'm Rena. I guide people to the right way by being generous. Siege mode is my specialty. As Student President, I will help out to make sure you become a diligent student of Velder Academy.
T/N: the four characters spell out "shizumodo" = siege mode
Chung: I'm Seiker Chung, named so because I [...]. Would you care to join me in doing good deeds?
T/N: I'm not translating that crap - the four characters vaguely spell out "seiger" = seiker
Eve: I'm Nasod Queen Eve, who is a necessary leader, shining brightly regardless... so, basically a queen. As a queen, I'm training to bring about a bright future.
T/N: The four characters spell out - "nasodugin" = nasod queen... fuck you gaia I hate you
Elesis: I'm Elesis, who tries to guide you to the right path with love. If you would join us in the Velder Academy, I'll guide you to the right path, strictly yet kindly!
T/N: "eresisu" = elesis
This is prestigious and historical Velder Academy!
Ara: I saw so many hanja I've never seen before... It was a good learning experience!
Rena: Uh, yeah... Apparently Gaia senpai himself had some trouble searching through the hanja dictionary...
Elesis: Thanks to that, I got to learn the meaning behind my name!
Eve: Next is Solace senpai's idea. Hmm? It has a note on it.
Chung: "Cuteness warning? Your heart may stop?" He recommends that you watch it in a wide and open space, in case your ceiling or wall may be destroyed.
*Cuteness Warning
There is a lethal dosage of cuteness int he following video. Nearby wall may collapse or street lamps might be dismantled without reason or warning during viewing of the video. Please try not to watch it near a wall.
Happy Velder Academy is full of hope, love and softness!
What do you need when you're tired of school work?
Extreme cuteness!
Even when you are having difficulty with your friends?
Extreme cuteness!
Come to Velder Academy, a place full of cuteness!
Elsword: What WAS that? Why did they hire us for that...?
Aisha: Besides, the suit was really hot inside...
Rena: But it's the only one that has all of us in it.
Raven: Yeah, although it's hard to tell who's who...
Aisha: By the way, I had no idea Solace senpai was into cute things like this.
Elsword: You're right. It's different from his usual image.
Raven: From what I heard, it seems he has wholeheartedly taken a certain someone's suggestions.
Rena: I see, that's how it is.
The voting will now begin
Shout out to let us know your favorite commercial!
Ain: If you think the video where I showed up with a sponge is the best, everyone shout out please!
Lu: If you think the video where I take over the entire school is the best, shout out now!
Ara: If you think the video where you saw in-depth explanation of each of our names, then please shout out!
Elesis: Lastly, if you like the video where we all came out in a hedgehog suit, shout out!
Elesis: Wow! They're all close! The voting is also on the El Stars website, so remember to vote after the concert!
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