#but then Aaron and Katelyn pass them at a Detour and it's like 'Oh fuck that running.' and proceed to have the MOST insane rivalry
jtl-fics · 1 year
i just want you to know that I've started watching The Fantastic Race (I'd never heard of it before) and i too cannot stop imagining Andreil in it.. but also a Foxes/Exy only edition.
like, one is Foxes only, 10 teams, either with some of the freshmen, or while Seth is still alive/in an AU where he survives.
one is Andreil against other Americans where they dominate everything
and one is Andreil, Kevin/jeremy, riko/jean, and some other teams from other American Exy teams
i will eat this thing upppp!! please write it, i beg of you lmao
I do love me some Amazing Race. I think I could give you a Miracle Year of Collegiate Exy version of the Amazing Race.
I think maybe after their initial run through and victory Neil and Andrew are like absolute fan favorites and even though Neil, Andrew, nor the show ever say it there is a general belief that Neil and Andrew got together BECAUSE of the show. Any follow-up publicity on it has Neil and Andrew just staring at the camera like "Are u for fucking real?"
The thing with these shows is that fan favorites get asked to go back ALL the time and Neil gets a lot of very lucrative sponsorships that make the Moriyamas VERY happy after it.
They offer the same deal, a cut on the % that they will take from earnings and this time it's just for competing and this time it's a deal given to. They want the Miracle Generation of the Foxes to come and if every one does then Ichirou will lower Neil, Jean, and Kevin's %s owed to 50% (Maybe the deals are that good, maybe Ichirou is a big fan of the show, maybe he has a finger in it's production. This is mostly just like rationale on why the fuck they'd all do this. Especially Neil and Andrew since like Andrew had a bad time on those planes).
Either way not a single Fox disagrees. Arrangements are made for everyone's kids / pets. Shit is talked.
The Miracle Generation Race is ON.
The Teams are As Follows:
(Fox) Neil Josten & Andrew Minyard (Orange) (Dating)
(Fox) Kevin Day & David Wymack (Green) (Father-Son)
(Fox) Dan Wilds-Boyd & Matt Wilds-Boyd (Yellow) (Married)
(Fox) Allison Reynolds & Renee Johnson (Pink) (BFFs)
(Fox) Aaron Minyard & Katelyn Minyard (Blue) (Engaged)
(Fox) Nicky Klose & Erik Klose (Purple) (Married)
(Trojan) Jean Moreau & Jeremy Knox (Red) (Dating)
(Raven) Johnson & Reacher (Black) (Friends)
(Trojan) Alvarez & Laila (White) (Dating)
(Raven) Thea Muldani & Jenkins (Teal) (Friends)
(Penn) Penn State Coach & Penn State Captain (Grey) (Friends? IDK I ran out of people to be honest and thought well maybe we just have some throwaway team to lose first)
One of the funnier things I could do with that is that this Miracle season is also fan favorite season too and they want the cast to come back but no one can be with their same partner again. So you get shit like Neil and Jean, Jeremy and Andrew, Allison and Kevin, Renee and Aaron, Wymack and Nicky, etc.
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King, Chapter 4 – Andrew Does Shit No One Expects Him To, Pt. 2
In which Orange Sportsball finally starts to form into something resembling teamwork, the Foxes drag Neil for “I’m fine”, I suggest a quality mascot design, and Neil pulls some sweet stunts, only to be dramatically and jaw-droppingly out-stunted by Andrew ‘Extra’ Minyard.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Raven King.
GUESS WHO’S FCKNG BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have risen from the ashes of my shattered laptop, finally ready to once again bring you the foxy shitpost content you love and deserve. I’m writing this from a Dell brick that probably came out while I was still in elementary school and weighs as much as a small child, but I don’t care. It has a keyboard and a screen and Microsoft Word, and that’s all that matters.
Back not with a fizzle, but with a bang: I bring you an event filled with drama, shade and Extra, brimming with excitement and recklessness –
The first actually epic Exy game of this series: Palmetto State vs Belmonte University.
(This is a tad longer to make up for lost time, so strap yourselves in.)
           They were driving back after the game instead of checking into a hotel for the night. (…) They could have just hired a driver like most schools did, but Wymack was almost as leery of dealing with outsiders as his Foxes were. It was apparently better to be uncomfortable but safe than to trust a stranger with his fractured team.
This is ya friendly reminder that Wymack is a badass protective mother hen and deserves everything good in this world. My dude :’)))))))))) #dicksoutforwymack
           They stopped for gas and a bathroom break, stopped again for a quick dinner, and crossed a time zone on their way to Nashville.
And this is ya friendly reminder that American is large as hell. DIFFERENT TIMEZONES. IN THE SAME COUNTRY. How is this a real place.
They arrive at the stadium and Neil is once again faced with his worst enemy (besides new clothes):
Communal showers.
           The only reason the Foxes had private stalls on the men’s room was because Wymack specifically commissioned them. Neil forcibly focused back on the task at hand. First he had to survive the game, then he could worry about the showers.
I initially wanted to make fun of the fact that this is a real sentence, but actually I kind of understand what it’s like to not want to show parts of your body to everyone, so. He gets a pass.
Also, the idea of trans!Neil just does not leave my head. I want a billion pieces of fanart/fanfic now.
It’s almost game time!
           Neil didn’t see the Vixens, the Foxes’ all-girls cheerleading squad, or their mascot Rocky Foxy.
The have a fucking mascot??? Oh my actual God. What is it, an oversized Fox? Complete with a jersey, a black eye and a big FUCK YOU spelled on its forehead to match the team?
Why have we never heard of this before, this is the best thing ever.
           [Belmonte’s Terrapin mascot] stopped a safe distance back from their benches to make a couple crude thrusts at them. Nicky was happy to return it until Wymack swatted him upside his head.
Oh Nicky, never change. <3
           Kevin pulled one of his racquets free, fingered the strings like they might have come loose on the drive, and went over to the court walls. He didn’t spare the crowd a single look; all he cared about was right in front of him.
And if you look to your left, you’ll see Kevin being his usual Exy-obsessed, stoic and mighty self.
Also ahehehehe… Fingered. Hi, I’m 12.
As they are getting ready, Neil gets some sweet advice from Kevin – basically, only do boring ass gameplay until the second half and then go so hard you and I both bust a nut, also Andrew should realistically collapse field from withdrawal but he’ll probably hold up through sheer ego alone.
Sounds legit and like there could be nothing going wrong with it, at all.
We also briefly meet Katelyn, Aaron’s crush and – as I’m guessing – probably his date for the banquet thingy they’ve got coming up soon.
(You think I forgot about that, didn’t you. I never forget about opportunities for Fox banter, dress-up and hilarious social situations.)
However it’s not entirely a fun encounter as it’s time for another episode of our popular show What The Actual Fuck, Andrew?:
           “Oh.” Andrew slapped his fist into his palm as if the answer had just occurred to him. He flashed Matt a wicked grin but answered in German. “Maybe he’s afraid she’ll die on him like the last woman he really loved.”
WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, ANDREW. Also, what the actual fuck, backstory. I need it now.
No time to ponder on it, it’s game time, fuckers!
We’re kicking things off a bit unusual – literally:
           Neil listened for a serve that didn’t come. For a second he was afraid Allison would lock up and refuse to move. He was halfway to Herrera before he heard the distinctive thump of a ball against Andrew’s oversized racquet. Allison had served it back to him, and Andrew smashed it up the court toward the strikers.
Have I mentioned how much I love functioning teamwork amongst my children? Because fuck, yeah.
Have I mentioned what I also love? Some good ass Kevin/Neil Exy action.
           The only bright point was realizing his lessons with Kevin were paying off. (…) Passing wasn’t what Neil wanted to do in this game, but he could already see how he was improving. His shots were harder and more accurate, and it took him less time to figure out where to throw.
My beb :) improving :) being taught by Kevin because Kevin sees the heaps of potential in this boy and wants to make him the best he can :) I’m fine :)
           Wymack (…) send out his substitutes. Neil wasn’t between Kevin and the door, but Kevin detoured past him anyway on his way out.
           “Destroy him”, he said.
           Neil felt like he’d been waiting for this all his life. “Yeah.”
Fuck yEAH :’)))))))))))
(Again, reminding you all that I am passionate multishipper who gets into p much any ship if dynamics present themselves unto her, unless they are super problematic. If I make any comments about ships you don’t like – cool, we all have our own tastes but please don’t send me rude comments about it.)
From that point on, my friends, the game finally catches me and holds my attention way more than the first game did. It’s on, you guys. Passes are flying left and right and our faves are working together, I really cannot stress enough how much I love functioning teamwork.
And then, of course, Neil pulls This Shit™:
           He knew Herrera was right behind him for a body check. If he got crushed between the wall and Herrera, he’d lose the ball in the fight. Neil caught the ball right off the wall but didn’t try to protect it. Instead, he gave the butt of his racquet a hard pop with one fist. It sent the ball flying straight up out of the net. He dropped to his knees in the same breath.
           He almost wasn’t fast enough. Herrera crashed into him at full speed a half-second later, but Neil wasn’t where Herrera was expecting him to be. He tripped over Neil’s body and (…) crashed into the wall head-first. (…)
           Neil scooped the ball up and took off for goal. (…) He looked only at the goalkeeper and knew he was going to score. He put all of his first-half frustration behind his swing. The goalkeeper swatted at it and missed. The wall lit up red to confirm the point.
FFFUCKKK YEAHHH. This is the most badass shit he’s done since The Talk Show Incident™ (although nothing tops that ofc) and I am way proud of my son.
Also, Neil dealt with that backliner how I deal with my responsibilities: Letting them come at me full-speed and then swiftly ducking out of their reach.
Not before long, the first half is over and they’re at an even score! Amazing, wonderful, 100/10 proud mama right here.
           Neil couldn’t feel his feet, but he assumed they were down there somewhere. The shoulder he’d hurt in the first half was still throbbing thanks to the well-aimed blows of his new backliner mark.
What a fucking asshole move. Oh, you’re already injured there? Let me hit you a couple extra times, just for good measure, just to really fuck you up.
Remember that thing about Andrew staying off his meds, and how it’s going totally well? Yeah.
           Andrew stood a silent stone in their midst, looking a thousand miles away from all of this. He was a vacuum his teammates rowdy cheer couldn’t touch.
           “Stop it.” (…)
           Andrew slid a bored look Neil’s way. “I’m not doing anything.”
           “Exactly,” Neil wanted to say, but he knew it was a senseless argument. He didn’t have the right words for that gnawing feeling in his stomach.
Ah yes :)))
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Wymack shows up and scolds them for not pushing harder earlier, yadda yadda, team talk. And then, I present to you the genuinely funniest thing to happen this chapter:
           Abby came to Neil last and stayed with him, feeling the line of his shoulder armour through his jersey. “How are you doing?” (…)
           “I’m fine.”
           Nicky fist-pumped in triumph. “Thank you for being so predictable, Neil. You just scored me ten bucks with two words.”
           Matt look up. “Are you serious? Who the hell bet against you?”
           Nicky jerked a thumb at Kevin. “There’s a sucker born every minute.”
I am hOWLING. I cannot believe they bet on his “I’m fine” oh my god this is the bEST.
The running gag of Neil “I’m fine” Josten will never not make my day. Neither will the Foxes’ obsession with betting on everything. I LOVE IT.
Kevin, never able to be anything but serious, drags him even more, but not in a fun way:
           “You’re an idiot. Do you see this?” he brandished his left hand at Neil. (…) “Injuries are not a joke. They are not something to gloss over. (…) If you ever say ‘I’m fine’ about your health again, I will make you rue the day you were born.”
           Abby eyed Neil. “I’ll ask again, then. Are you okay?”
           “I’m –“ It was too automatic a response. (…) “It’s just sore. So long as I can keep my mark off my right side I’ll be – okay.”
           Matt laughed at the near-miss. “I don’t see this experiment ending well, Neil.”
           “Some people are just hardwired to be stupid,” Wymack said.
I’m literally loving every single thing about this.
Fun times over, they go back on the field for second half, where Neil sits out on the sidelines at first and uses this opportunity to talk about his favourite subject: Andrew.
           “Why does Andrew do this?” Neil asked, unable to stay quiet any longer. “If he doesn’t care about Exy, what’s the point of going through this every Friday?”
           “Would you want to be crazy high every day of your life?” Matt asked.
No, but in my opinion, that still doesn’t add up. He could have probably picked any day to go meds-free, Wymack would have taken him anyways – I don’t know, pick every Sunday or every Monday or every Wednesday after lunch, it doesn’t matter. Why Exy?
The only logical reason to pick Exy days over other days is the possibility that – shocking! – Andrew does care about this dumb sport after all.
Excited for the final explanation of this. I have a hunch there’s still more to it.
In other news – my feelings:
           The Foxes were notorious for their shoddy teamwork, so most people forgot they were a Class I school. (…) If the Foxes could get over their differences and learn to compromise every once in a while, they’d be a formidable force. (…)
           Neil wanted to be part of this evolution. He wanted to feel the team click into perfect synchrony, even if it lasted only a moment.
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Give me all that good teamwork, and give it to me now.
           The Terrapins came as hard as they could, but the Foxes shoved back with a ferocity the home team wasn’t expecting. They were exhausted, but Matt rallied the defense around him and Neil had permission to run himself ragged on the offense. (…) Every minute on the court brought him one minute closer to saying goodbye to Exy forever. He didn’t want to miss a single second.
As always, angst is the best motivator.
They’re all getting fired up and playing their hearts out when we near the most dramatic part of the game – the Foxes in the lead by one point, sixty seconds left on the clock. And then –
           Eight seconds from the end a terrapin striker got the ball. Aaron ran after him, but he was too exhausted to close the gap. The striker’s ten steps took him all the way to the foul line for his shot.
Oh shit.
           The goal was too wide and Andrew too small; there was no way Andrew could stop a shot this close-range. (…) Even if Andrew could get there fast enough, the ball was too low to the ground for him to swing his massive racquet.
Oh. Shit.
           Except Andrew was moving before the striker finished taking his shot, as if he already knew where the striker was going to aim, and he didn’t even try to swing. He threw himself at the ground as far over as he could and slammed his racquet down between the ball and the goals so hard Neil heard wood crack all the way across the court. He was just fast enough; the ball hit the taut strings of his racquet and bounced off.
This is exactly the sort of Extra and Dramatic Shit™ I was missing.
And with that, the game is over, FUCK YEAH.
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Andrew, of course, is now completely done.
           Kevin didn’t have to ask what was going on. He’d lied to cameras for years and knew how to buy Andrew time. (…)
           Andrew let go with one hand and gestured. Kevin gestured back as if having an actual conversation. The only sound either of them made was the desperate gasp of air through clenched teeth as Andrew tried not to get sick in front of the crowd.
Cool move, actually. They seem to have done this before? I continue being beyond intrigued by their dynamic.
           The rest of the team fell in around them, bringing the celebration to their strikers and forming an impromptu barricade around their fallen goalkeeper.
Team <333
Protect that smol sick bastard, he just saved all your asses.
They get Andrew off the court safely, and with that, it’s good things all around.
           Neil had never seen Wymack smile like this. It was small but fierce, as angry as it was proud. “That’s more like it. Draw sticks and figure out who’s helping me fend off the press. The rest of you get your sticky, stinky asses to the showers.”
What a DAD. Love him.
           “Renee and I will handle it,” Dan said as they headed to the locker room. “Neil, you can use the girls’ showers while we’re busy.”
           Neil stared at her. “What?”
           Dan frowned at him, so Matt explained. “There aren’t stalls here.”
LET ME FUCKING LOVE YOU. I cannot get over this move, what the hell, that is so sweet.
Foxes being there for each other :’) I’m fine :’)))))))))))))
           Neil had noticed, but he hadn’t thought his teammates would. That they had, and that they were doing something about it, knocked the wind out of him. He tried to answer, but he didn’t know what to say. The best he managed was, “Is that really okay?”
           “Kid, you’re killing me,” Nicky said. “Why do you always get that deer-in-the-headlights look when someone does something nice for you?”
Yet another installment in our popular series Neil Doesn’t Realize People Actually Care About Him, episode 4 of a billion!
Before we finally leave this long-ass trip of a chapter, Andrew briefly joins Wymack, Andrew, and Andrew’s new best friend Johnnie Walker Blue for a chat:
           “Why did you pay for stalls, Coach?”
           Wymack lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “Maybe I knew you’d need them one day.”
           Andrew smiled around the mouth of his bottle. “Neil is a walking tragedy.”
           “You’re a pretty pathetic sob story yourself,” Wymack said.
Smol beans :’) bonding over how fucked up they are :’) love em.
Also #dicksoutforwymack, all day, every day. Maybe I knew you’d need them one day, holy shit, please have my platonic babies.
           Andrew headed for the door, but Neil put a hand in his path. “How did you do it? How did you know where to go?”
           “Coach said Watts always takes his penalty shots to the bottom corner. With the game riding on him he was bound to do the same.”
           Neil stared at him, startled and disbelieving. (…) It’d been an off-the-cuff remark amidst a lot of other information. Neil hadn’t thought Andrew was even paying attention to Wymack’s spiel.
Well, my dude, seems like someone gives more fucks than we all were starting to think. OF FUCKING COURSE. I’m still grinning my face off writing this.
And with that, they’re off, back on the bus home, and we’re letting this chapter ring out but some good ol’ Neil “Oh shit, what’s this, good feelings, get them away from me” Josten.
           As he listened to them, Neil realized he was happy. It was such an unexpected and unfamiliar feeling that he lost track of the conversation for a minute. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this included or safe. It was nice but dangerous.
           Someone with a past like his, whose very survival depended on secrecy and lies, couldn’t afford to let his guard down. But as Nicky laughed and leaned closer to talk about one of Neil’s goals, Neil thought maybe he’d be okay for just one night.
Nicki out.
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