#but the moms pulling mortar off bricks to build a school really are the coolest ones
probablynotcavolo · 2 years
i love teaching
i dont think teaching tumblr is a thing, especially reggio tumblr but damn it, teaching is so amazing, and learning about it is so fun too. the learning brings up a lot of frustrations for me though.
the reggio emilia approach owns my heart, and im constantly frustrated by its inaccessibility to low income american families because rich white ladies would rather make a quick buck than actually live out the curriculum that they claim to so boldly espouse.
i don’t think you should be able to call yourself reggio-inspired if you don’t have a robust and widely accessible tuition-assistance program. Reggio Emilia as a town makes it their mission to provide education for every 0-6 year old in the town, not the ones that can afford $3,000 a month for their infant to attend school every month.
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