#but that's to say... jibaro fic is among these-
piease-iove-me · 1 year
tagged by @thiamsxbitch thank you so so much!!!
Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to Ao3. (Sort by date posted.) If you have less than 10 fics posted, post what you have.
I'm gonna post the lastest ten because i think it's fun (and I'm kinda bored) but fair warning: only the first two of the list are thiam :')
1. even if it's a sin i've commited, even if this life is only about paying for my sins
It started without Theo noticing—surprisingly enough—and forced by casualties beyond his control. It was the lack of money at first, the lack of a safe place, a home. It was many things all at once that slowly turned into an unconscious decision. It’s an unspoken retribution, something Theo doesn’t talk—or even think—into existence but that is there, nestled at the back of his mind, weighing heavy on his chest. And it feels right, so it solidifies to become the way things are, the way they have to be.
2. i'd no idea on what ground i was founded, all of that goodness is goin' with you now
"I'm not dying for you." The words echo at the back of your mind for a long time, tasting bitter on the tip of your tongue. Everything's frozen, static.
3. Niveo
Jeongguk sits alone at the edge of his oversized bed. An inescapable silence hangs heavy in the air. Only the tight clenching of the jiangshi's fingers betrays the inner torment that riddles his mind.
4. like ebbing waves (come and break and go)
The water’s cold in the North, gelid enough for it to seep through his skin, reach his bones and curdle his blood. Still, this is where Jimin belongs, the sole place in the North where he can feel somewhat at ease.
5. blood stained lips
There’s a river streaming closeby. Jeongguk can’t hear it, but the men he’s traveling with can. One of them signs it to him, how loud it is. Deafening, he says, as if Jeongguk would understand. He doesn’t.
6. votum: found peace in your violence
He slowly lets himself sink into the bath. Scorching-hot water has a bothered flush paint over his skin. The searing warmth seeps deep to his bones—through skin and flesh—and it’s comforting to think it might wash away all the dirt in its wake.
7. put your lips on mine, make me forget my sins
Jimin’s entire body trembles, limbs weak from the bone-deep shudders that unrelentingly course through him. His brain is foggy from the painful, gnawing feeling that wrenches deep in the pit of his stomach and wrecks through his lithe frame.
8. like a secret
He smirks victoriously, hand reaching for the knife’s hilt.
9. cruel binds
Jimin looks around with wary eyes, checking for phantom threats. He allows himself a moment, then forces his body to move, finally leave the dank alleyway he’s been hiding in for some time.
10. tears
The sky’s a gloomy grey above the fortress. Thick clouds—pregnant with unshed tears—are all he can see when his eyes daringly turn to the world beyond the window.
There’s no sun to be found. There hasn’t been in a long time, and it’s now hard to recall the feeling of its warm kiss on his skin.
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