#but that's similar to Dan Radcliffe too... like of course he *is* Harry Potter's actor but in my head I imagine Harry with some differences
firendgold · 1 year
some of y’all may wonder why I don’t talk much about the Fantastic Beasts movies or consider them as part of canon, but still use Jude Law’s Albus Dumbledore in GIFs and such in my posts. the answer could be elaborated on but the simple version is:
the FB movies are mostly canon-stomping garbage with the few good parts/people promptly ruined, often by the very next installment
I’ve only just finished watching all of the third movie as of posting and I am still processing what the hell that was
Jude Law is really, really hot 
Jude Law is the perfect casting for young!Albus Dumbledore... minus the tiny flaw of him not dyeing his hair auburn for accuracy. which I forgive, for the reason listed above.
hope that clears things up for everyone ^^
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