#but that was just a thought; idk if i'll really put this as thier canon backstory and might just stick to my original thing where ikari just
re-ikrmso · 2 years
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Looking at RPD!Universe again and it’s 4th season. Honestly, for all that Ikari is motivated by, one I don’t talk enough about is...fear. I’ve mentioned a lot of things that’s happened to them that can explain that fear but... wow, they are really, really paranoid and fearful. They’re expecting some kind of retaliation. They fold to having what little control taken away. For all that they can do, they’ve always ben severely outclased in ablilites and control. Almost everything they do is in motivation to SPITE. Because they think they’re always being watched in the remade world.They’d self destruct if it killed Eleven. 
They’d self destruct if it saved them from Eleven.
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redwinterroses · 3 years
Honestly I'm very conflicted on the hermatrix plot because on the one hand I Fucking Love Lore and storytelling and shit but also like. Hermitcraft not having Hard Canon is kinda part of why I love it? Like in a world of dsmps and the like, hermitcraft has always been, for me at least, a kinda turn your brain off nothing matters kinda deal. Like if I was too overwhelmed by Lore Shit I could just flip on something from one of the other hermits that just didn't live in the vicinity of the Hermit doing Plot and I could just vibe with them. Though to be fair I'll still have TFC for that he doesn't strike me as the type to actually. Engage in Lore™ in any kinda meaningful way, similar to Zedaph. Heck Zed literally only acknowledged Moon's Big one time lol
Idk I guess I just needed somewhere to talk through these thoughts?
Valid, I suppose? I'm a storyteller at heart and my absolute favorite genre of anything is "light and silly on the surface but incredibly nuts once you dip below" (Gravity Falls my absolute beloved.) So for me, this is JUST the thing I needed to take me from "I really love Hermitcraft" to "Oh my gosh Hermitcraft is the best freaking thing on the planet."
It's totally fine for people to have different opinions on this stuff. You like what you like and dislike what you don't. That's cool.
My one irritation with this fandom right now -- or at least the tumblr side of it -- is that there's this vibe of "The Hermatrix thing was bad" (either because Hermitcraft Isn't Supposed to Have Lore or because of the unreality aspect of it) "And if you like it, you're wrong."
Like. LOL. Chill out, y'all. This is the Hermits we're talking about -- it's not like this will likely have hugely lasting influences on anyone's series except maybe Ren and Doc, and I say maybe because they act like it's coming back but Stargazer ended on a bit of a cliffhanger too and Ren barely even mentioned any of that this season so... It's no big, ya know?
As for the two criticisms I keep seeing -- Look. The Hermits can do deep storytelling if they want. This is THIER game, their story, their server. We're just privileged to get to enjoy it as an audience. If they want to do Big Story Stuff then that's 100% their prerogative. And at the risk of sounding very callous, which I do not intend: folks who don't enjoy that don't need to force themselves to watch it. Don't choke down content you don't enjoy. Life's too short for that.
And the unreality stuff... Like, I'm very sympathetic to folks who struggle with that. I understand that it's got to be hard and I in no way judge or criticize anyone for curating their media intake to avoid things that will trigger them. That's responsible story consumption. Keep doing that.
But as I said in the notes on another post: someone else's need to avoid something: a) doesn't make it a BAD thing in and of itself, and b) has no bearing on whether or not I'm allowed to enjoy it.
Like, for me personally? I really have to avoid content that has a lot of gore. It makes me physically sick and I can't handle it. But does that mean I should stand over here and say something is bad because it triggers my anxiety? Or criticize the creators of said thing for not having my particular needs in mind? Nah, fam. I just... ya know. Don't consume content with gore.
All of this is a long and hopefully firm-but-polite way of saying: it's great if you dislike something about this last season of Hermitcraft or want to avoid aspects of the story or even just toss it out the window of your particular headcanons.
But maybe don't come into the inbox of people who blatantly and loudly LOVE this content just to criticize or complain about it?
And, anon, please understand that I'm putting this on your ask because of the six or eight asks that were far less measured than yours that I've simply deleted. Because I don't feel like there's any point to me answering asks that are all "I hated this. Thought it was dumb. Refuse to acknowledge it" when I've made no bones about the fact that I LOVE the Hermatrix plotline.
So to all those anons who's asks I deleted... that's nice. Please leave me to enjoy the things I like in peace. And to this anon in particular: thanks for your input, man. I hope you can continue to enjoy Hermitcraft in the future -- especially as I expect that next season will very much go back to the more "normal" flavor of everything. <3 See you in s9!
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