#but that also doesn't mean they haven't gotten tired and felt unsure
alkaisen · 1 month
OKAY. so you know about me going to my dream uni and major right???? the problem is. in high school, at least in my country, we are all already divided into to specific studies, science math and social studies. so if you’re studying social studies, that’s all you’ll learn for three years, no science whatsoever. the problem is, i was in social studies then i suddenly wanted to be a scientist and change studies to science math which i have zero knowledge of it…
ITS A BOLD MOVE TRUST ME I KNOW but i jst cant see myself going through social studies major and have a career in one… i wanted to be a scientist. i worked hard to get in, and im in my dream major now. that’s what i wanted.
the only problem is that i’m afraid, you know? im the only one who has zero knowledge of science and math among my peers and im just… scared. obv i have already think through of all the risk and sacrifices whilst making this major decision, im fully aware that i have to study harder and basically learn everything from literal ZERO and i don’t mind, in fact, im excited.
despite all of that, still doesnt change the fact that im scared. what if i cant do it? what if it all will end up in vain? what if all of my sacrifices turned out to be useless? :(
thank you so much for listening to my rant, al.
oh chu :(( it's okay to feel that way, your feelings are completely valid and understandable. will it make you feel better if i say i've had somewhat similar experiences? it happened to me when i first chose law as my major, so i can somewhat guess what it must be like.
i didn't change my course of study like you did, of course. which is very, very, VERY impressive and was super courageous of you by the way. being in an unfamiliar environment is scary, it's true. the nervousness or anxiety you're feeling is also absolutely normal chu, given the significant transition you're facing and all. it's a big thing.
also, i want you to understand that you haven't done anything wrong or chosen the wrong major or made the wrong decision or anything like that
it's going to be hard at first, that much is guaranteed with your background being different from the rest, but it's not your fault and i don't want you beating yourself up over that. i guarantee you as someone with similar experiences, it will get better. i once read something that said something along the lines of "not treating yourself as a failure when/if your future is delayed by circumstances that aren't in your hands" and i think it might resonate with you
your peers are there to help you, and so are your professors — the university wants you to succeed. there will be resources you can research, friends that will assist you and professors that will answer any queries you have. you're ready to put in more work and do your research, that's all that counts. you're putting in effort and you're trying, some don't even do that and im very proud of you for taking this leap. i hope you'll try and see you're as brilliant as i see you
trust yourself, you've got this. i believe in you. just take it one step at a time, make sure to take breaks so to not overwork or burn yourself out and don't hesitate to reach out for support ANY time you need it. you'll do wonderfully.
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appleblueberry-pie · 1 year
Yandere! Scarface Gojo x afab! Reader who's ovulating and speaks whatever the hell is on her mind.
You could care less about how you got locked up in this beautiful and very isolated cabin surrounded by hundreds of miles of forest trees. And how many times you tried to save your dignity by escaping your captor from hell.
All you could think about was the man in front of you who got into bed with you, shirtless and only in his boxers, getting comfortable. It was silent, and all you could do was.....stare at his.....[very gorgeous body that caught your eyes. But you'd never say that out loud. Or would you?]body.
.............Satoru will admit. It's silent! And you're never silent. He doesn't look at you, he gives it a second before you start calling him very mean names and how his love logic is the worst kind of logic ever and that he should let you go. But it never comes.
So he gives in and turns, a slight smile on his face. But it falters, very surprised.
You have this look on your face.
....he doesn't know what to think. It's so....raw....?
You're staring at him with this look of unfaltering love and trust and....what? Lust? It's almost creepy.
This is a face you only make in his dreams. He thinks back, unsure if he drugged you with something. But nothing comes up.
You haven't scooted away, you're just sitting there, completely turned to him and admiring him.
"Uh....." For once, he doesn't know what to say. "Is there something on my face?"
You actually, like, smile at his joke. Like full teeth and it's gorgeous. And he can't help but mirror your expression.
"That was funny. And yeah, obviously. You got some cute scars on your face. And body." Unashamed, you trail your eyes down to the rest of his body.
Um, woah? You haven't laughed at his jokes since September 20th. He scrunches his eyebrows, really thinking now.
Either this is a joke, or you're trying to find a way to escape again, or someone's holding you at gunpoint.
But he knows no one would find this location, and he'd find them before they would've found you so that's out of the question.
None of the other options matter anyways, he's too impatient to see what else you'd say to him. You got him riled up.
"Oh, yeah?" He sits up a little more, the blanket falls down his stomach, showing his pelvis and legs, intentionally.
You hum in agreement and take this as an offer to trail your gaze even lower. Satoru cocks his head to the side. "What's gotten into you? Tryna escape again, or???"
You look back at him and slowly shake your head. "No, I just.....you look good." You shrug and give him a look of honesty. He's never seen your face so expressive since June 7th(he has videos from before he met you).
(I got tired of writing in bullet format)
He nods and scans your face once more before a smile slowly makes its way back to his face. "You think I look good?" You nod again. "Tell me how." You look away, thinking about it. "I don't know. You, uhh......even though you didn't have any scars before and looked good then," Oh, did he now?? "Your scars make you seem....wiser and hotter, I guess." Your heart was about to pound out of your chest. But it felt so good finally telling him about these pent-up feelings you've had for a few days now. And it's getting harder to ignore the throbbing in your pussy, anyways.
Satoru nods like he understands exactly what you're talking about, his ego suffocating the room. "Oh, I'm glad you shared that with me, baby." He sighs dramatically. "It must've been so hard for you not to communicate that with me, hm? These past few days, I've been in and out of here." You nod, and he smiles. He looks back at you and points to his side. "Come sit closer to me, I wanna feel you. There's also this new movie I want to watch."
Satoru keeps his eyes on your every move, watching as you slowly crawl your way into his arms and melt into them. He doesn't know what the hell has gotten into you but he fucking loves it. Your left hand on his stomach and your face leaning into his chest. Your legs are starting to tangle with his. This is all he's ever wanted.
He can....feel your heartbeat. Fast and hard to control. He can feel....your relaxed body on his. Your body warmth shared with his. Your soft and squishy skin. He's sure you wouldn't mind his hand going under your shirt, right? He doesn't do it, though. He just listens to your raging heartbeat. But he acts like he's ignoring it as he blindly searches through the streaming channel. Suddenly, he hears your quiet voice. "Hm?" He asks, turning his head down to face you. You look up at him with those large, innocent doe eyes that make his cock twitch. "Can i....I just wanna..." the remote almost cracks in his hand as your soft lips press against his neck. So warm and foreign.
Yeah, you're never seeing your family again. You slowly and surely pepper kisses along his neck. His lips part as your hand trails down his stomach and you lean into him more to reach farther on his face. Behind the ear, on the ear, you're getting to his high cheekbone. Your leg is almost draped over his and his heart beats faster.
You make a sound of happiness as you kiss at his jawline, too. But then you stop and Satoru comes down from his happy place, face red and cock straining his pants. "Wh....why did you stop?" You see his face and look confused. "Huh?" He gives you a dirty glance. Animalistic and unrestrained. "Don't stop kissing me." Before you could act on what he said or even comprehend it, he took matters into his own hands.
He firmly grabs your chin and pulls you into a deep, emotion filled kiss. He shoves his tongue down your throat, emptying your mind in the process. You moan into the kiss, which makes him moan too, and you absentmindedly grind into his side, horny and so needy. Satoru wraps his arm around your side and gropes it like it's the only thing keeping him alive. It actually hurts, and you could care less. It makes you even wetter. You wanna take your shirt off. You wanna feel his skin on yours so bad. Your knee brushes against his hard on. Immediately understanding what it is, your eyes open, and you gasp, separating from the kiss.
You look down at it, sparkles in your eyes. It looks so big! You wonder if it can fit? Or if you can ride it? Would he even let you ride it before creampie-ing you first? "Can I help?" Spills out of your lips faster than you can think. You look back at Satoru, who's a thousand degrees in love. Who is he to disagree? "You can do whatever you want, baby. But first, I gotta taste you." You nod, and Satoru has never been a happier man. Hopefully you won't regret your decision in a few more days.
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mbappesupremacy · 2 years
insecurities | mason mount
pairing - mason x reader
word count - 1k
warnings - none
author's note - this might be shit, idk.
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"can we talk?"
that is the dreadful question you're met with as soon as your boyfriend comes back from his morning jog.
and he's aware that it's probably way too early for this conversation, but he needs to be with the team in a few hours and he just can't leave without telling you what's been heavy on his mind lately.
"um, yeah," you mutter in response. and your voice is so quiet that if mason wasn't solely focused on you, he probably wouldn't have heard you. "yes, we can talk."
"okay," mason returns softly, "i'll see you downstairs then."
watching him leave the guest bedroom you found yourself sleeping in these past few days, you slowly untangle yourself from the sheets before pulling your jumper sleeves over your hands, struggling to ignore the loud thumps inside your chest.
and you drag in a shaky breath in a poor attempt to compose yourself as you slide your feet into your slippers before padding across the tiled floor, making your way downstairs.
your movements are hesitant and awkward as you join the midfielder at the dining table, a silence - unforgiving and dreadful - immediately filling the morning air around you.
mason takes you in as you sit in front of him. you hadn't been looking at him properly, no. you'd been fidgeting, playing with the loose string on the sleeve of your jumper — looking more nervous and shyer than usual.
honestly, he wasn't sure what to do when it came to you. lately, especially. you'd been shutting him out, drifting farther away from him each passing day, and his heart was starting to ache.
"what's wrong?" he starts quietly.
"you've been distant, what's wrong?"
"nothing's wrong, mason. what are you talking about?" your voice is so still. it isn't shaking or raspy or anything at all. it's just so quiet, and still.
"you haven't gotten close to me in days, y/n. like, we live in the same house but i feel like i barely see you anymore." his brows furrow together, his weary eyes remaining on you. "what did i do?"
"i–" you falter, your heart sinking at the look in mason's eyes. and you hate yourself for making him believe that he's at fault, when in reality it's just your insecurities that are making you act the way you are. stupid little things that have been invading your mind constantly lately.
"mason, you didn't do anything wrong. i promise."
"so then what is it? what's bothering you?"
you shake your head, a less than convincing smile on your face. "i promise it's nothing. school's just been exhausting, s'all."
the expression on your boyfriend's face gives you the definite conclusion that he doesn't believe you. he knows you're lying to his face.
and you don't even mean to, really. you see, growing up you were always made to feel like your feelings were invalid, so you learned to keep them in.
you never wanted to be a burden to anyone, which is why you didn't speak much on how you truly felt. you learned to handle things on your own, locking yourself in the bathroom on heavy days and crying to yourself without bothering mason.
"don't give me that." mason replies earnestly, "i'm sitting here now asking what's wrong because i care and i want to figure out how to fix it. meet me halfway. talk to me." he mutters, hands limply falling to his lap as he stares at you desperately.
glancing at him for a brief moment, you quickly look away again. hesitant. unsure.
your mouth opens, and closes, and you swallow your words. "i'm fine, it's nothing–" but then you cut yourself off at the disappointed look on mason's face.
you can tell he's tired of the same old 'i'm just stressed about school' excuse, and honestly, you're also tired of using it.
dragging in a breath, your shoulders loosen, your eyes dropping. "w-well um, i know this is gonna sound stupid but," you swallow the lump in your throat, "i'm insecure about the girls in your phone, even though i'm aware that it's strictly business or friendship..."
the silence is loud and unsettling as mason takes in your words, and you regret even speaking up when you see him pull out his phone from his pocket before gently sliding it across the table to you.
your eyes instantly widen as you immediately feel bad. "n-no mason, i trust you. i was just–"
"baby, please." a quiet sigh falls from mason's lips, "the password is your birthday. day, month, year."
and as you hesitantly grab the phone, typing in the password, you can't help but feel like you're invading your boyfriend's privacy.
going to his messages, you view his chats with the girls you were iffy about, and you let out a breath you weren't even aware you'd been holding when you see no hint of any flirting or infidelity.
"is that alright with you?" mason asks as you slide the phone back to him. "anyone you want me to get rid of can go now, just let me know."
you shake your head no, biting the inside of your cheek as your gaze falls to your slightly trembling hands. "look mason, i'm sorry. you've reassured me countless times, i know. i swear i don't mean to feel this way, i don't mean to doubt you. it's just–"
"hey hey," mason coos, reaching over to grab your hands in his. "it's okay."
honestly, he really understands. he understands that it's nowhere near easy for you to be with somebody like him. he's aware that his fans don't make life particularly easy for you with how they constantly call you 'unpretty' and how they're always so vocal about how they wish he was dating someone else instead, even going as far as making fanpages and edits of him with other women.
he hated that you had to go through that, and he really wished things were more simple.
"i love you," he places a finger under your chin, forcing you to look at him. "more than anything. that's why i'm with you, it's because i love you and only you. please don't ever doubt that."
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levbug · 4 years
𝐂𝐀𝐍'𝐓 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏 — 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐫.
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#pairing ー suna rintaro x gn! reader
#warnings ー nothing i think? best friends older brother! suna, which is a warning in of itself also, he knows.
#wc ー 1.3k
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happy holidays everyone !!!
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wandering the empty hallway of your best friend's insanely large house in the middle of the night was not a good idea. it didn't matter that you used to spend your free time as a child running down these halls, finding every nook and cranny, and squeezing yourself in it just to win another round of hide and seek; the house felt completely different at night. doors creaked as if they hadn't been oiled in centuries, floorboards squeaked beneath your feet, and strange shadows kept creeping up in the corner of your eye.
shuddering, you pull your cardigan tighter around you. despite being dressed in your warmest pajamas and thickest wool socks, the cold winter air still breezed past your garments and settled as an unshakeable chill deep in your bones. you'd think a house as fancy as this would at least have proper heating.
you squint as you navigate your way to the kitchen, your path is illuminated only by the twinkling christmas lights and dull streetlamps outside. one thing you had never gotten used to, even as a kid, was that the lights in the house were to be turned off by 9 o'clock, the only exception being if you were using the room. it was always a little silly in your opinion, but you respected the rule nonetheless. still, that didn't mean you hated it any less.
relief floods your being when you round the corner and see that the kitchen lights are on. good, someone else is awake too. you hurriedly scuttle towards the room, gasping when your sock-clad feet glide against the polished hardwood floors and you slide.
before you can fall, a hand shoots out and catches your wrist. "woah!" a familiar voice exclaims. "you okay there?"
embarrassment crawls through your being. "yes, thank you." you reply timidly, avoiding eye contact with the other person. slowly, you steady yourself with their assistance, shooting them a small, grimace-like smile when they ask you if you're sure you're okay. "i am, really. thank you."
"alright, just checking," he says, letting your wrist go. it isn't until he turns around that you allow yourself to look at him.
suna looks awfully different from the last time you saw him. maybe it was the fact that he recently just came back from college to visit home for the holidays, and he now he exudes an air of maturity that was foreign, yet befitting of him. or maybe it was because his hair is longer now, messy and disheveled and sticking up in different directions like arrowheads that can't decide where they wanna point. or maybe, you realize as suna now turns to face you, he just grew up.
long gone is the suna with cheeks filled with baby fat, the suna with a gummy smile and wobbly teeth. the boy who used to chase you and his sister around with snails and worms in hand and laughed when you would squeal in disgust. the boy who would talk endlessly about dinosaurs and robots, and how he wanted to be an astronaut so that he could take an alien from mars and keep him as a best friend. the boy who cried a river when he skinned his knee during a game of tag, and whose cries would only quieten if his mother bought him a character popsicle from the passing ice cream truck.
long gone is the boy.
instead, a man stood in front of you. a man who looked so familiar yet foreign at the same time. he was taller than you now, tall enough that you'd have to tilt your head up if you wanted to look him in the eye. his smile was more reserved, devoid of that childish glee it used to hold. he seemed to have gained confidence too: he no longer stood slouched, unsure of how to adjust to his sudden growth in height. suna was handsome now, and maybe he always had been, but you had never noticed because he was your best friend's brother.
maybe this change in him was the reason your heart was beating rapidly against your chest.when suna notices you staring, he smirks, the corners of his lips tugging upwards as dimples dig into the soft flesh of his cheeks. fortunately, he says nothing about it. "so," he says instead. "why are you up so late?"
"c-could ask you the same thing." your throat feels unnaturally dry, so you grab a clean glass from the counter and fill it with water. suna chuckles at your reply.
"never lost your wit, have you?" he asks, shooting you an amused smile from over his shoulder. it's then that you notice the twinkle in his eye. it's the same twinkle you used to see every time suna would receive a gift, like candy or toys. it comforts you to see that it hasn't diminished, that not everything about him has changed.
"suppose not," you respond dryly. inwardly cringing, you distract yourself by pouring yourself a cup of ice-cold water, the exact opposite of what you wanted. (you'd go heat some water, but the kettle is beside suna, and you're afraid to get too close to him.) swallowing thickly, you manage to ask, "uh, what about you? why are you awake?"
"me?" he hums, almost as if he wasn't expecting you to ask him. "ah well," he breathes out. "can't sleep. also, i remembered we still had cereal, and well, you know i could never resist." he adds, chuckling softly as he runs a hand through his hair.
you stifle a snort at his response by bringing the glass up to your lips. he seems tired, you realize. his movements are more sluggish and there's a slight drawl to his words. it's attractive on him. silence fills the air as you take a long gulp of water. you wince when the cold surface of the glass comes in contact with your lips, goosebumps rising on your arm when you swallow the cold liquid. from the corner of your eye, you can see suna staring at you with a thoughtful expression.
"you know," he says when you place your cup on the counter. "you haven't answered my question. why are you still awake?"
"uhm," you swallow thickly. "same reason as you, i guess. i couldn't sleep either."
"how come?" suna asks, stepping closer to you. the kitchen feels like it's getting smaller with each step he takes.
suna has never been shy, at least towards you. that fact is made apparent with how he keeps eye contact with you. it's the kind of eye contact that's uncomfortable, but you can't look away either.
"i-i've just had a lot on my mind," comes your breathless reply. he's closer to you now, close enough that if you wanted to, you could lean up and kiss his insanely soft-looking lips. but you don't.
the older boy hums, lips quirking up into a small smirk. "like what?"
warmth spreads across your cheeks. "things. l-like school, and stuff." you mentally curse yourself for your lame reply.
"really?" he leans down slightly, his face hovering just above yours. the warmth that radiates from him is comforting and intoxicating, and you want nothing more than to slam your lips against his.
"are you sure you haven't been thinking about someone?" his smirk widens into a knowing grin. it seems that your misfortune was the cause of his amusement.
before you can reply, suna pulls on the drawer just next to your thigh and pulls out a piece of silverware.
"heh," suna chuckles when he sees your mortified expression. "just needed a spoon." he smiles innocently as if he didn't just try to make your heart combust.
you watch, stunned to silence, as suna navigates his way through the kitchen and picks up his bowl of cereal.
"i'll see you around, (name). goodnight!" the boy waves his spoon at you. he doesn't even wait for you to register his words before he skips away gleefully.
when you come back to your senses, you slap your hand against your forehead. crap, you think to yourself, feeling the erratic beating of your heart against your rib cage.
suna rintaro left you feeling warmer than you've felt since summer that evening.
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joonciaga · 5 years
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a/n : ↱ if ur just seeing this, hi! this is a social media au, this part just doesn’t have a setting online♡. 
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𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐎 ↱ namjoon’s is a famous producer and rapper signed to etc ent. recently, yn signed and is soon gonna debut under etc ent. namjoon is known for being very hardcore and a little rude sometimes. when yn gets put together with namjoon to work on her album they are at each others necks til someone breaks.
mono | part 17 | au masterlist
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You entered Namjoon’s apartment with a gift in one hand, and the other your laptop case, Mia right by your side, soon disappearing somewhere. Right away your eyes meet Namjoon’s and the loud bass music fills your ears. “Hey! Happy Birthday, again.” The awkwardness visible in the tension, due to the last thing that happened when you too were in each others houses. 
“Thanks, again.” He flashes his dimples. You hand him his gift and he smiles even more. “Thanks,... I’ll put it somewhere special… By the way, if you wanna start studying now, my rooms on the last door in the hallway.” He gestures towards the hallway. 
You nod as a thanks. “I think I’ll be social for now, thanks though.” You both walk away out into the crowd. You right away spot Mia talking to Yoongi and Hoseok by the island in the kitchen. 
“Woah, girly I thought you were supposed to be studying.” Hoseok says. 
“What? I can’t say Happy Birthday and be social for a bit?” You sassily say. 
“Okay, Okay, Calm down…” He responds, putting his hands up in defense. 
“Mhm… “ You roll your eyes, shifting your weight to your right leg. 
“Okay, anyways… You need a drink… Let’s go.” Yoongi grabs your arm and leads you to the bar. 
“Nooo, I don’t im 20, it’s not even legal for me to--”
“You know, damn well, you drink, you’re a fucking college student.” He laughs. You laugh along with him. 
“I need to do work, Yoongi.” 
“Yeah, you also need to stop focusing on school, you have a career now.” You let him do whatever he wants and just give in to his orders. He pours you tequila, which you cannot handle, over ice. “Drink it, fast.” He hands you a lime and you already know what to do. 
“That's... “ You feel a little tipsy already. “That.. strong, and that’s enough.” You get out of his grip and head to Namjoon’s room, knocking before going in to finish your essay. 
“Come in!” You hear Joon’s voice answer. 
Gripping your laptop case, and turning the knob you spot Namjoon’s face, seeing him getting his phone from off the charger. “Are you busy, I don’t wanna bother you.” You say to him, getting ready to leave.
“Uh no, I was just getting my phone don’t worry about me.”
“Oh, Okay.” You say he exits the room and slightly close to door. The tension between you too still kind of bothers you. Not sure where to sit at, you kind of look around, exploring with your eyes only. You automatically can see that Namjoon is a plant and plushie lover. There's bright green plant, hanging from the ceiling, and a ryan plushie on one of the shelves. You spot his desk, which you ever saw until and decided to finally take a seat. You put your laptop on the desk and begin working.
On the other hand, it’s only 7 and people are already getting drunk, you can hear Hoseok's loud laugh from Namjoon’s room. You laugh at the thought of him. 
By now, it’s 11:45 and you’re stressed out by now. You moved to Namjoon’s bed to be more comfortable, hoping he won't mind. You’ve deleted your first body paragraph over ten times. And when you decide to keep it how it was from the beginning, Google Docs decides to crash and don’t work. Yoongi was right, you need to stop worrying about school and just stop going in general. 
For the first time in hours, you get up on your feet and decide to social to gain some energy. But at the same time as you open the door and walk out of the room your body collides with Namjoon, you’re guessing.
“I’m sorry, are you o-
“D-do you need help? You look really tired.” He read right through you.
“Yeah, honestly,” You sigh
“Don’t worry I majored not only in Music, but in Literature, what’s the issue.” He walks over to his desk to see your laptop isn't there, but onto his bed.
“Oh I.. um.. Layed there for a while because I was uncomfortable… I hope that wasn't a problem.” You shyly say, playing with your fingernails.
“Oh, no, I have no problem with it, as long as your fine.” He crashes down onto the bed next to your laptop and pats the spot next to him. “Come on,” Since when have you guys gotten this close? You follow his orders and move your hand along the trackpad to get your laptop out of sleep mode. “What’s the issue?” 
“Well…” You explain to him what your report is about, which is basically why Biomolecules are important. Your literature professor and Biology professor decided to do two grades in one, which you thought was really easy until you got around to doing it. 
Namjoon finishes explaining the structure of the body paragraph you should go for and you finally understand what you were missing. You gasp loudly and laugh at your rookie mistake. “Thank you so much.” 
“No problem,” Namjoon smiles. “Go ahead and finish, I’m watching.” That made you shift a little, maybe too much.
“Uh, okay…” By the time you’re finished typing the body, which was ten sentences, you see Namjoon sound asleep. “That was fast, you say to yourself.” You try and get up to go out and socially before hitting submit on your assignment, but Namjoon’s arm pull you back down, which surprised you a ton. 
“Y/n… Can we talk?” His voice was low and raspy. He sits straight up and looks at you, waiting for a response. 
“Um.. about?” You ask, sitting down too.
“You know… “ He sits a little closer to you. "Us?"
"Us?" You repeat.
"Yeah, I mean… you still haven't given me an answer and it kinda sucks waiting weeks, knowing you have an interest in me.. and it's mutual yet, you arent mine." His voice got lighter, and he sounded unsure of himself.
You awed and blushed at his smooth yet shy words. "Namjoon… honestly, I was too afraid to tell you how I felt… you're my first boy-"
"Love?" He completed your sentence. "Oh…" He then says, noticing you were about to say boyfriend. You were about to say something but he just shushes you. "No need to talk, I understand, Yn." He engulfed you into a hug. Proud that he understood you, you smiled and deepen the hug. Making you to jump, Namjoon’s phone alarm goes off and it says 12:00AM. “It’s time to open gifts now, wanna come with?” He says.
You nod and you both stand up onto your feet. He holds his hands out and you both link hands and walk down the hallway until you get to the dining room, where everyone is. 
“There he is, I thought you ran away.” Jungkook says towards Namjoon, but his eyes are shifted towards you, by Namjoon’s side.
“I could’ve but… I had to solve some issues.” He smiles
“Okay, first gift is from….” Jungkook flips the box around to look for the tag, noticing it's your box, you shift your weight to your left leg. “Yn!” He says. “Open it, hyung.” He hands to gift to him and begins to unwrap it slowly. 
Namjoon begins to open the gift and smile creepys upon his face as he sees what it is. 
“What is it?” Hoseok says, as if he doesn't know because he helped you pick it. 
Namjoon begins to laugh as he says, “It’s another Ryan.” Along with everyone. “But it’s mine…” His eyes shifts towards you.
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