#but still fuckin Peter so he can't just let a mystery go unsolved
kordyceps · 6 months
I only just saw ur ask game post and hello gimme the deets on the role reversal au plz and thx
Ohh okay this is a fun one, where a bunch of stuff is swapped around. The Stilinskis, McCalls, Argents, and Martins are all werewolves and part of a pack (with Claudia, Gerard, Kate, Victoria, and Rafael having been killed in a hunter attack six years ago in place of the Hale fire). The Hales, in turn, are all human, and instead of being founders with tons of sway in Beacon Hills, they're just sort of a big, kooky, artsy hippie family lol. Well known cuz there are so many of them, but zero influence.
I don't have the story itself super well outlined yet, but the gist is gonna be: Peter finally returns home after a bunch of years living away in the big city, and immediately starts cluing in to things being… strange around Beacon Hills. Particularly with this nosy, hyperactive boy, who he swears somehow overheard a conversation that should have been humanly impossible to overhear. Cue Peter being sus af, catching on to more and more weird bullshit, and trying to figure it all out (while also feeling increasingly like he's going insane lol). Stiles, meanwhile, is super into this hot older guy who's new to town and has a lot of fun twisting him up, and may or may not go a liiiittle overboard with trying to show off and mess with him.
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