#but she's still just as good (I'm paraphrasing it sounds better in the fic lol)
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how do you think dean feels about aging? obviously we know he never expected to live very long, so when he does i’m sure he’s thankful as hell!! but things like wrinkles, hearing loss, bad eyes, other disabilities that come with age — how do you think he takes it? especially when he was such a physical POWERHOUSE in his prime.
In general, yeah, every day is a gift because he never would've thought he'd live this long, especially not to see retirement. It wouldn't hit him until his birthday, when he's now in his forties, mid-forties, his fifties, mid-fifties, and so on. Watching his kids get older too would really make him feel old.
But looks-wise, Dean is largely in denial, as we see here
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(courtesy of arcanespillo)
I don't think that would change lmao. I think it would take someone else pointing something out to make him feel conscious about it. Like the "What's a dad bod?" moment that one episode (it's escaping me rn I can picture it clear as day). But I think generally he's confident enough in his looks that it doesn't bother him. Especially since he's in a loving, committed relationship.
His body degrading would be much more disheartening (as you've seen in my ficlet about his bad knees) Like, he loves his new quiet retirement life. He still works out regularly and stays in shape in case he does need to fight, so he definitely could be worse-off if he wasn't exercising, but he still lived a really hardcore lifestyle and that did some damage. I think losing his hearing and eyesight would be difficult but losing his mobility would hit him like a truck. At first, he just powers through (to his own detriment later on when he's sore for the next day or two) and he learns the hard way he's better off taking it easier in the first place. But that takes a mental toll as well. It's hard, adjusting to this new normal and letting go of things he used to do, letting go of how his body used to be. He really beats himself up for it. But he has a good support system in his partner who accommodates his needs and they figure everything out together 💖
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tabithahallows · 5 years ago
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I'm bored so imma rant about my hp o.c and no one can stop me :)
Meet my salty snake child Val (aka, Valentine Lestrange) (aka Valentine Elladora Druella Lestrange) (aka that %100 that bitch) She is the star of an ongoing fic of mine beware of spoilers (TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of abuse and violence)
If the name didn't give it away, she's only child of them crazy mofos Bellatrix and Rodolphus
Yes I am aware that it's kind of an overdone trope but it's overdone cause it's awesome (also I made her when I was like 13 so shut up)
Lives with the Malfoy's cause her rents are rotting in a cell duh
When she was 8 Dumbledore randomly appeared in her garden and was like to wanna buy some drugs join my evil snake man killing and Chosen One protection team cause you're such a badass and she was like lol ye okay and it shapes the entire plot
It's a secret so Val has to act like a crazy sadistic blood purist but sike it's all an act. She just keeps up the appearance so one can guess she's actually just tryna protect Harry all the time cause plot and she's actually rlly good at it btw (all the fun of a villain while still being a good person)
Her besties are her shitty cus Draco, life long irritation Leah Lovat (o.c), sweetie angel child whom they all love and protect Olivia Benson (o.c), basic but charming ass kid Liam Highcourt (o.c) and Blaze Zambini yea you read that right I don't spell his name correctly it's a long story (cannon honestly written so ooc that it doesn't matter at this point)
They are all basically nuts. Just overdramatic twats with questionable upbringing's. They are all trash but you will love them. You have no choice
Val is a genius, like a for real prodigy type deal in both academics, magically ability and wit. Legit %89 percent of the stuff that comes out of her mouth is just sarcasm
She only wears black cause she's a melodramatic dumbass but would never admit it
She's also scary af. Has half the school traumatized within a week
Sinnamon roll™
What's shorter? Her or her patience? We will never know
Actually has morals and doesn't agree with her fams purist views
Has the best dynamic with Snapey Kins from a writers point of view. He knows that she's involved with Dumbledores Plan™ and before you freak there is NO romantic/sexual relationship between Val and Snape (it's legit just a slow burn friendship that neither of them wants to admit to)
Val and Snape openly hate each other's guts and can't be in the same immediate area without screaming at each other. He's petty and she's vindictive so shit hits the fan often and quickly. They're basically just as bad as each other when you really get down to it. Val pretty much tells Snape that he's a useless bitch (paraphrasing) on the first day of class and the rest is history
Everyone gets used to it super quick and just lets them go for it because it's not worth getting caught in the crossfire. Dumbledore finds it amusing but only for the first couple of years cause come one guys can you stop screaming we got shit to do
It's her job to protect Harry so can you imagine can you fucking fathom how stressful that shit is? cause the boy is always in trouble or some kind of danger and Val is just like BOI STAPH standing in the Quidditch stands hoping he don't die
Val and Snape slowly very slowly develop into having a seriously convoluted and overprotective friendship while still managing to hate each other so they would kill for one another but would also still kill each other. They do end up genuinely caring about one another an it's h e a r t b r e a k i n g
Yo I never said it was a healthy friendship we are dealing with two very fucked up individuals here in a high stress high stakes situation, my lads. I'm not trying to write the kind of friendship ppl should actually have (Val and Snape need so much therapy tbh)
Val's a badass that can handle anything and more but like she's also human so after while things get a lil you know
t r a m a t i c
She didn't have a fantastic childhood btw cause Lucius Malfoy is an abusive prick and Narcissa means well but needs to do so much better.
She will fight you anywhere anytime and she will win because she's kinda overpowered for a literal child but it fits my aesthetic so whatever
She's aroace (so no romantic plot involving her in sight) she just doesn't know for a while cause her life is a constant shit show
Has a proper upper-class aristocratic lady upbringing but still turned out to be a feral child
She is super short by the way literally doesn't hit 5'0 until she's like 14 (Blaze is in the same boat). Cause Snape is like 6'0 or something he can just pick her up and throw her if he wants but she starts fighting like a feral cat the second he touches her
She's really protective of her friends and her cousin and will kill you if you so much as look at them wrong. She knows they are trash but they are Her Trash™
She's actually a super lovable character and you will want to adopt her because she's amazing and no I will not accept hate because she is MY CHILD OKAY
There is so much angst going on oh my god Val never gets a fucking break cause life be like that sometimes
Okay that's it folks I swear it's so much better than it actually sounds or maybe it's not meh
@fandomssaremysoul @incorrect-pretending-to-hate
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