#but renarin kholin is everything to me and he's barely done anything yet
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takenbtwind · 7 months ago
So, I started reading the Stormlight Archives at my brother’s recommendation months ago, and I stalled out in like Part Two of Way of Kings
But it’s a book series that means a lot to my brother, so I was really looking for motivation to at least finish the first book. So last week I got on Tumblr to look for ships to follow or major events to look forward to 
That’s when I find out that the overshadowed younger brother character who I had already taken a liking to is gay AND autistic and BAM now I’m reading Stormlight Archive with hyperfixated fury just so I can get to the parts with Renarin in them (there are not enough parts with Renarin in them)
So anyway shout out to Renarin Kholin Tumblr for getting me into this series and I can’t wait to meet his crab boyfriend
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nightblink · 7 years ago
Blink Reads Oathbringer - Chapters Two, Three, and Four
Chapter Two – One Problem Solved
Hello Adolin, my sun son, I have also missed you so.
Good man, taking charge and organizing your people just like you've been raised to. Find that purpose in usefulness. Find that distraction. You're going to need it.
Heralds, I'm a terrible person, but I want you to b r e a k.
That's not almost a relief, that is a relief that they found the body, because you are too honest for your own good and The Worst Liar and it's going to tear you apart inside trying to keep this a secret. It's almost a tiny weight off of your shoulders, being discovered and that small step closer to your own Damnation, isn't it?
Oh shit, Dalinar calling out Teft by name-
“Looking for him? You lost your highprince.” Why do I find this so fucking funny. It's such a little thing and yet I'm cackling.
'connoisseur of death' – Dalinar why you gotta be so Extra(tm)
(we all know why, it's a Kholin Genetic Affliction)
I was listening to The Way of Kings not long ago and it sticks out as Dalinar catalogues Sadeas' face and wound that Adolin likes to and is skilled at using his fists while on the battlefield. Also managed the overpowering and stabbing while beat to shit and with at least a broken wrist. If he'd actually managed to get Sadeas in the ring, I'd give the man under a minute, if Adolin didn't drag the 'fight' out for the vicious pleasure of it.
'He didn't trust most of the highprinces farther than the wind could blow them.” Dalinar. Dalinar you do know that you live in the stormlands, where I know that a Highstorm's stormwall has been known to lift boulders and carry large trees at least 640 kilometers. The wind can blow anyone pretty damn far.
…..actually, that explains everything, considering how easily you trust.
(Wisdom was your dump stat, wasn't it. Ten sapphires says you have a negative modifier for Insight.)
Palona says what we're all thinking. Give that woman a medal and a nice spa day.
L o r d I forgot how much I liked Sebarial and his combination of common sense (for a Highprince) and snark.
[whistles] I knew Urithiru was massive, but that description puts my visualization on a wholly different scale. Ten tiers, each of eighteen levels? Is 18 going to be another number to watch out for?
BrandoSando what powers do the squires osmose from their Radiant. I want a list broken down in detail, stat.
Bridge Four, never change.
Dalinar. Dalinar, he would have undermined you at every turn. Forget uniting Roshar, you wouldn't have been able to unite Alethkar with Sadeas sowing dissent and tearing down everything you try to build! Think what you may, but Adolin did what must be done.
Good man, Aladar. Good to know that you can change when faced with new information. Sebarial being Highprince of Commerce was practically guaranteed from the point we heard of him building a proper economy on the Shattered Plains. Adolin as Dalinar's right hand and general was a given.
But what is Renarin to do, other than attempt to figure out his powers? It's a high-priority task, to be sure, but Dalinar, couldn't you entrust a little less personal of a responsibility to him as well? Make him feel like part of the greater whole rather than set aside as he's always been…?
[sighs] I suppose we'll see how this plays out.
Chapter 3 – Momentum
Ohhhhh, and here we get one of the three chapters released way long ago that I did read.
'Rockbuds crunched like skulls beneath Dalinar's boots' What a line what an iconic line-
Almighty Dalinar you were more arrogant than Adolin easy; you can damn well see where he gets it from
This entire visual is glorious and I'm reveling in the descriptive flavour. Who needs a movie when this plays out in the imagination so well?
He can make a line of spearmen waver with just a war cry, Heralds
I said it the first time I read this chapter and it keeps running through my head – the Blackthorn is fucking terrifying
Even now, he's having trouble feeling the Thrill, or at least getting it to catch and hold. I can't imagine he was anything close to proto-Radiant at this point, but perhaps Alethi predisposed towards Radiant-ness have an innate resistance?
(We never read of Kaladin feeling the Thrill.)
I would like to rage.
Bloody as it may be, the thought of young!Dalinar spinning with his poleaxe like a dancer is viscerally satisfying on some deep level.
“I just go where he points me.” Dalinar confirmed for guided tactical missile.
And there's the arrow, and Dalinar is impressed. Nearly gets shot again with just how impressed he is. (Now's not the time for competency-kink to kick in, buddy.)
Dalinar. Dalinar, anyone else would call this a bad idea.
“He's got a hole through his chest. Tough break.” Dalinar please.
….Sadeas had golden Shardplate. Sadeas had golden Shardplate. I suppose this must be before he picked his colours as Highprince, and I am entirely unsurprised that he'd go that showboat-y. Was he forced to give up the gold at some point? Is that why his Plate during the current timeline was painted red as opposed to Elhokar's golden set?
“Oh Dalinar. What would we do without you?” Sadeas, I'm afraid your flirting isn't going to work on this one.
Chapter Analysis: young!Dalinar classed straight Barbarian. WIS for dump stat.
Chapter Four – Oaths
[squints at the pre-chapter quote] Theory that the book Oathbringer in-universe is Dalinar's biography is rapidly declining. Still possible, though.
!!!! He's feeling the Stormfather's emotions? The soulbond can transfer emotions between spren and Radiant and vice versa? Be still my heart.
Stormfather is bascially a cat, ignoring Dalinar just because he doesn't want to come when called, confirmed.
Not only snuggles but bared safehand aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh- I love how that's more a sign of trust and intimate familiarity than anything inherently sexual.
The Everstorm is at least slower than a highstorm, but that's not a whole lot of reassurance. “It wouldn't tear down cities, but it did rain destruction upon them – and the winds would attack in bursts, hostile, even deliberate.” Yeaaaah, definitely not. How powerful can those “deliberate” gusts be, I wonder?
Gavilar was your control back then, wasn't he? External control, rather then the internal discipline you keep now.
You want to- you want to get married before you let yourself 'get seduced'. I mean, that's entirely fitting with the Vorin religion and the Alethi in particular being so focused on oaths, but damn, man. I thought you two were already quietly together.
….shit. You're telling Navani about the lack of memory. Hoooooly shit.
Hostage? Hostage?!
I am abruptly SO MUCH more concerned for Adolin and Renarin, Adolin was only thirteen and Renarin even younger I thought she'd fallen ill or something but a hostage situation can you imagine how that impacted the boys, how that must have scarred them to the core – during their formative years! I- fuck. This is going to get some serious attention on the RP blog after I've finished Oathbringer.
The thought of Elhokar faced with Dalinar and Navani's wedding vows is partly so hilarious that I almost want it to happen, but on the other hand I feel he'd spontaneously combust with sheer embarrassment and I probably would too.
Dalinar you lunatic.
….still stuck on hostage situati-
'silk-covered virgin' – does that mean that the Alethi traditionally get married in silk clothing? I'm imagining the men in a vest-and-takama set, the women in something light and flowing. There's no way that Dalinar isn't in his uniform right now though.
True spren versus subspren? What would constitute a subspren? Is that akin to the difference between honorspren and windspren, or is there a further level of spren that we haven't seen yet?
What do your sons think of this, Dalinar? They who remember their mother? I don't think they're opposed to you remarrying – on the contrary, they'd want you to be happy, but… what do they think?
Red is lucky, making a note of that.
“A lady must be prepared.” Oh hush, you planned for this to happen.
This. Is not going to make Elhokar feel any less like he's being ousted as king. This will undermine his confidence in his position even further, which is not good when King Social Anxiety is already pretty much at rock bottom and recuperating from an assassination attempt.
The face of the storm itself opening up overhead, the world hanging on a suspended breath… I'm getting shivers, no wonder the crowd exploded with awespren!
OH GOOD YOUR BOYS ARE THRILLED. Grinning! And joy! And, despite the Alethi not being big on contact, hugs. Adolin you touch-starved nerd
Oooof. That is pretty heretical, Dalinar, you have to admit that. Even atheists like Jasnah are probably less 'heretical' in the eyes of Vorinism than someone 'faithful' proclaiming that God Is Dead. In this time when your goal is unity, this isn't going to help you in the slightest.
[looks at map of Alethkar at the end of the chapter] [looks up]
Why. The everloving fuck. Is there no scale for distance. THIS IS A BASIC PART OF MAPMAKING. I WILL COME OVER THERE AND BEAT IT INTO YOUR HEADS-
...still stuck on hostage situation and I’m apparently not getting over it anytime soon
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