#but percival is such a burst of kindness and idealism for me
nekomaidmordred · 11 months
idt there's ever a character that makes me just as happy as percival does .... i pretty much grew up w/ him (alongside mordred) so they both mean the world to me.
but percival hits different because his narrative is one that's deeply human and ground to earth. and also he's just silly and happy i always liked to explore the philosophy of kindness through him because percival to me always felt like such a kind, pure-hearted character. he's very human
and also he's just hilarious sometimes his stuff seriously reads off like medieval spongebob because of how unhinged he is. idk percival appreciation day i just love him
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thalsianiii · 4 years
Has Percy ever gone to Darnassus(before the Burning) to tempt helpless young Night Elves out into the woods for nefarious purposes?
“They way you’ve phrased this makes me sound like some kind of disgustingly predatory pervert. For which you should be punished.” 
“I have never, once ever, met and elf younger than myself. Especially one from Darnassus. They’re all hundreds, if not thousands of years old. None of which are ever helpless. You’d do well to remember that about them.”
“To that end, unlike humanity, I do have some semblance of respect for the Kaldorei. They were accomplished academic and sorcerers thousands of years ago who ruled under the Queen Azshara, the greatest sorceress in known history. Since the sundering, they had cast away such ideals as nobility and aristocracy to follow the path of druidism. The path of nature. Where the law of survival is paramount. Their leaders, Malfurion and Tyrande, don’t rule because of blood lines or heritage. They act as the leading hands of all Kaldorei because they are old, they are powerful, and they are respected. Of all the races in Azeroth, the Kaldorei of Kalimdor are ones I have no desire to conquer. The fact that we end up at odds with each other at all is simply because of a difference of opinion when it comes to the Fel. An understandable difference at that.”
“You on the other hand, shadow, I have no reason to respect what so ever.”
To which, Percival then set the stranger on fire in a burst of cursed fire. Letting it writhe in agony until it was nothing but a pile of ashes.
It’s been a while since he’s murdered an anon.
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Chapter 14 is finally up and ready for you guys to read! Tell me what you think?
Newt took one last look at himself in the mirror and burst into tears.
“I can’t do this,” he cried. For some reason, the air just couldn't find its way into his lungs. He felt like he was going to die, his vision swimming. Suddenly, there was hand on his back rubbing soothing circles. He turned his head and was surprised to see his brother. Theseus kept his hand firm and whispered soft nonsense until Newt’s breathing was semi-normal.
“That’s right. Calm down, Newt. Keep taking deep breaths, okay?” His brother said. Newt closed his eyes and tried hard to listen, tried to keep breathing but his mind was racing.
He felt Theseus’s hand move to his shoulder.
“Look, little brother, I know this isn’t ideal for you but it’s the hand we’ve been dealt. Remember, you're doing this for our family. For our future,” Theseus took a moment to straighten his little brother’s tie, “and you look wonderful .”
A single tear slipped down Newt's cheek. Theseus was the only one who’d ever tried to comfort him. Newt’s parents had no patience for their son’s cold feet. It was his fault their family had fallen so far so it was his duty to fix it.
“Percival is a very kind, man. I've met him before. So have you. You know this. The two of you will get along just fine, I think. And who knows what the future entails? Once you’re married with a couple of children running around? You could be happy, Newt.” Theseus wiped the tears from his cheek with his thumb. “Everyone's out there waiting on us. It'll feel better once it's all over.”
Newt tried to accept the soothing words but his stomach was still in knots. Theseus patted his shoulder one last time before extending his elbow for Newt to take.
“Let’s take it nice and slow, little brother. I’ll be right next to you.”
Newt took a deep breath and placed his hand on his brother’s elbow.
There was no turning back.
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