#but of course facebook doesn't let you mass-unlike things
jcbmcdrmtt · 1 year
is anyone else just so tired of how many things you have to do to make the internet a tolerable place these days? like not even a FUN place, just a place that isn't inherently intolerable to humanity??
Like I have 28 Firefox addons enabled, I have 4 mobile browser extensions and multiple userscripts enabled on my phone, I run my own fricking DNS server to block ads on devices/apps where you can't use adblocking software natively, and I'm just. I'm so tired. I should not have to replace a fundamental building block of the internet in order to avoid constant surveillance and intrusive bids for my money and attention. And the only reason I can keep up with all this is because I'm a techy person who genuinely enjoys playing around with software, but if you DON'T have that particular masochistic tendency then it's almost impossible to protect yourself fully because all of this stuff is just so much work and corporations are constantly shifting strategies to stay ahead of you.
So I watch my brother in law browse a recipe site on his phone that is so covered with ads and autoplay videos that only the middle fifth of the screen has the actual recipe visible, and he just suffers through it because he doesn't want to have to mess around with a new browser and learn how to turn an adblocker off if it breaks stuff, the sad part is I get it, because I am fucking exhausted too.
#cw negativity#enshittification#enshittification of the internet#jake's tag rambles#jake talks#idk I just spent like 45 minutes trying to find a way to block reels on mobile fb using ublock origin#and fb intentionally obfuscates their code to make stuff like that as difficult as possible so you can't just use the element zapper#and then last weekend I finally found a working crack for Amazon's newest Kindle DRM#and I spent like 6 hours backing up all of the 300+ ebooks I bought from them in uni before I realized they were a soulsoucking corporation#trying to do everything before they got a chance to change their drm and break the crack again#and then the weekend before THAT i was trying to clear out all the decade and a half of useless facebook pages i had “liked”#you know back when people actually used their likes to convey interests and information about themselves to friends#instead of fb just using them as an excuse to push thousands of useless posts and ads into your timeline#but of course facebook doesn't let you mass-unlike things#and they sent a cease and desist to the person who made a firefox addon to do it for you#and then made the page listing your likes full of dynamic javascript/shifting page elements aka absolute hell to uncheck everything manuall#i finally just went through and unliked/unfollowed 1054 pages one by one#it took me like 3 or 4 hours including the time i spent researching and trying out automated ways to do it#and by the end i was running on nothing but pure visceral spite and a red haze across my field of vision#i am so tired y'all
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rickssoberjourney · 5 years
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I Have the Capacity to be Just Like the Tasmanian Devil
A whirling mass of anger, wreaking havoc on the people around me. Sometimes, I feel just like that!
I've been doing a lot of thinking about this lately. I truly feel that my Higher Powert is leading me into this conversation with myself. By exposing my character defects, my HP is compelling me to examine my part in feeling unwanted.
I remember standing on the playground in 5th grade. I was looking at the girls playing foursquare and the boys playing softball. My thought? "I don't belong...I don't fit in. I felt like I was on the outside looking in."
That feeling follows me into the AA/CMA rooms. Even though many people do greet me when I walk in, there are those who (for some reasons of their own...I can't presume to know what is going on in their lives!) choose to ignore me. Sometimes, it is a person with whom I have talked, exchanged texts with, or am Facebook friends. When those people ignore me, I go right into Tazmainian Devil mode.
Now, I don't do it outright. That wouldn't do. No, I do it quietly...to myself. I wish I could say that I don't know where these feelings of not fitting in come from. I wish I could feign ignorance as to why I get so upset when people (especially in the rooms) don't greet me in the way that I think they should. I wish I could say those things, but I can't. I know exactly where it comes from...
My father.
At the risk of sounding like Southern California pop-psychology, I have "daddy issues." I'm an only child and I was raised to please my father. When I would do exactly what he wanted (being obedient, getting good grades, etc.), he would shower love and praise upon me. But, woe to me if I disappointed him! Once, I came home with a C on my report card and the didn't talk to me for a week. He would treat my mom the same way. So, I learned a powerful lesson that was reinforced day in and day out until the day I got married and moved out of his house. That was 24 years of "learning" that my happiness was dependent upon sources outside myself. If YOU like me and approvedof me, I feel great; if you don't like me, I'm shit.
Through my involvement with CoDA, I came to understand the dynamics of my daddy issues. Today, when I feel rejected because someone doesn't respond to me the way I want them to (in the rooms, in person at a bar or club, or even online), I immediately feel unlikeable and unworth. I wonder, "What's wrong with me? Why doesn't that person like me?" Then, as a defense, I resent that person.
Case in point. There is a handsome, muscular guy in one of my meetings. We exchanged phone numbers and texted a couple of times. Then, he sort of ignored me at meetings. If I started a conversation with him, seeking him out, he would talk to me but he never initiated contact with me.
One day, he walked across the room, greeted the guy sitting right next to me with a hug and conversation, and totally ignored me. His reasons? I have no idea. But, I jumped to the conclusion that he didn't like me and I started my downward spiral. This went on for meeting after meeting. And, what's worse, I began to feel that way about several other people in the room.
Nevermind the people who DID greet me! I was hurt and pissed that the people that I WANTED to greet me didn't. What a shithole of self-doubt and anger because they didn't give me what I wanted. I knew there was a problem, but I placed the blame mostly on them and not me, even though I knew the genesis of my feelings.
Last night, things came to a head. It's amazing how my HP will smack me in the head to get my attention. That is exactly what happened at the Speaker's Meeting last night.
A Facebook friend whom I had never met face to face was at the meeting. We greeted each other and then he said, "Do you know Greg D.?" I wasn't sure. "Well, he told me that you sent him a friend request and then blocked him a few days later when he didn't respond right away." I was embarrassed and tried to explain, but the meeting was starting and I had to go sit down. That was a long meeting!
My HP was working on me. I knew that I had done Greg wrong. I knew that by sending a "nasty" message and blocking him, I was being hypersensitive and that I was definitely in the wrong. Then, I sat there looking out over the large audience. Unconsciously thinking, "Oh, that person is not nice to me." "He knows me and has talked to me on several occasions and yet he walks right past me unless I say something. Well, fuck that! Why should I HAVE to be the one to reach out all the time?" That kind of thinking went on for a few minutes.
Then God-smacked...
Maybe it is not them. Maybe it's you! Maybe you behave that way to build walls so that no one can hurt you. Maybe you look for reasons to keep people out. Maybe you think, "I'll hurt them before they can hurt me!" All of those choices (although difficult to swallow!) were definite possibilities. I sat there realizing just how fucked up I really am.
Now, I've learned enough from my sponsor to question my thinking. I've learned to be gentle with myself and to not tell myself that I'm "fucked up!" But the thoughts came anyway. And, while I could have been gentler with myself, I had to face the fact that I was running headlong into who I really was.
None of this is THEIR problem; it's MY problem. Thank you HP for giving me that uncomfortable realization.
What do I do with this? At times, I simply don't know. I'm trying to concentrate on those kind people in the rooms that always greet me and ask how I'm doing. I try to get out of myself, making sure that I talk more about them than I do about me. But, there's still a rub.
Today, in the 8:30 meeting, I shared about what happend last night. I confessed that I didn't feel welcome in the rooms but that I realized that it was MY PROBLEM and I wasn't blaming them at all. I told them that by "coming clean" about my issues that maybe I could trust them enough to love me through it. I'm so glad I shared!
The next person to share was that guy that walked right past me, ignoring me in favor to greeting the man next to me. What he shared floored me.
"I do exactly what Rick does!" he said. He related a story about a burgeouning friendship with someone in the rooms. He talked about the interests that they shared...and then, how that guy simply stopped communicating with him.
Just like me, he started in on himself. "Why doesn't he like me anymore? What did I do? Must must be a pretty shitty person for someone to treat me like that!" My thinking pattern EXACTLY! Then, he shared something that his sponsor shared with him. It went something like this: "Expectations are resentments waiting to happen."
He and I have expectations of people and of how we want to be treated. Nevermind that they have lives and struggles of their own. "You need to make me feel good about myself but treating right, damn it! You aren't living up to MY expectations!"
Fuck...what a trap!
The only conclusion I can come to is that I need to take care of my side of the street. I need to be open to those who greet me warmly. I need greet others warmly. And, if they don't, rather than making it "all about me!" I can utter a silent prayer..."Peace be with you!" and move on with my life.
But what about situations where I want to make friend with someone. There is another young man that I have become friends with. He (so far!) has been very welcoming and open to conversation with me, both in the rooms and on Facebook. But, I find myself doing things that will engage him. I find myself playing "come and get me," saying and doing things on purpose that I know will elicit a response.
I do it all the time in almost every aspect of my life, wheher it is baking for people or blocking them on Facebook. In doing those things, I try to elicit a response...responses that will make me feel OK about myself. Doesn't always work, however. There are those expectations setting up resentments.
Ok. I get it!
My dilemma: how do I get to know this guy (and others in the rooms) without playing "come and get me" and without manipulating them to soothe my wounded ego? Is every overture to another person a veiled plea to validate me? How do I know? Do I keep to myself and only interract when someone approaces me? With this man, do I sit back at let him come to me instead of manipulating the situation? How do I navigate this without building walls, while at the same time being able to live with the very real possibility that my expecations might be wrong and that I might get my feelings hurt? I'm not sure I have the answers yet.
For now, sitting back and letting things happen naturally seems the course that I will take. I desperately want this guy to like me (not necessarily in a romantic way!) but I think that my need for approval from him just might drive him away. So, I sit back and wait on my HP. If I'm supposed to get to know him, I will. I don't have to orchestrate it. In fact, I need to get the hell outta the way and let my HP take care of things because when I take the helm, I'm sure to run aground!
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